One Of These Chests Is Lying, Figure It Out - Mimic Logic

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it's mimic Logic the puzzle Rog likee game where it's to gather loot from chests however some of the chests are mimics opening a mimic will make you dead so have to solve logic puzzles to figure out which chests are and are not mimics and I'm on random mode five star difficulty which means there are one to two mimics I do not know and the idea is we have to figure out which chest is lying only mimics can lie the top row has at least one mimic and the top row contains no mimics these two are in contradiction but there could be another mimic the rightmost column contains no mimics and the right most column contains no mimics now both of these cannot be lying cuz then I would have three mimics which is not okay and that means this is not a mimic and he's saying the leftmost Comm contains no mimics that means this is the truth this is a mimic the top row has at least one mimic that is true so you're not a mimic so now I open all the non- mimics gather my Loot and I do need the loot cuz it's going to come in handy for combat later but also uh make myself a little bit more powerful in the meantime there's no mimic among the black boxes one of these boxes contains a mimic that is true by default uh you're also telling the truth that makes the no mimic among the black boxes true one of these boxes contain a mimic one of these boxes contain a mimic two of these boxes the contained mic must be false that is a funny ass puzzle uh so I'm getting a lot of different loot besides gold although I am mostly getting gold I'm getting weapons I'm getting defense and oh okay the money actually matters here cuz it's a shop what do I want to buy I can buy something help break up 50/50s or I could buy some stuff to increase my gut what is gut gut is kind of The Hunger solving puzzles makes you hungry so you got to have food to replenish your gut if you die of hunger you die in real life but I'm also going to get myself some attack candy and you know what even more to replenish my Hunger you know I don't use this though you know what I'll save my money rest of this is nice though candy makes me stronger and I can't really do much else in this shop and hopefully we'll get to see a combat uh however more puzzles three chests are saying zero mimics are hiding in Black boxes that has to be true cuz they're not three mimics which means this is not a mimic and exactly one of these boxes contain a mimic which means two boxes containing a mimic is a lie and then that's the only mimic cuz we know it's one I got a weird Med I'm going to drink it what could possibly go wrong no telling what'll happen gut healed by 70 oh wow that's nice hey combat okay so this dude's got 28 HP I got my best gear and I got Max HP so let's fight him a little bit hits me back for 12 he's actually going to get a lot of hits on me unless my trusty partner deals this last bit of damage Nessa comes and clutch not useless and according to people she is actually the reason we can talk to the boxes at all she's like a box Whisperer so the rightmost column contains no mimics the bottom row has at least one mimic there is a mimic among the blue boxes the right most Kong contains no mimics oh three people are saying the right most Kong contains no mimics she have looked at that it means you're also clean obviously there is a mimic among the blue boxes uh these two are also in direct contradiction not only that but there's nothing else pointing at one or the other this is actually a 50/50 and unfortunately I did not buy the thing that disputes 50/50s so you don't take the risk you just leave it be knowing that I did leave some items on the table left some Loot on the table however it would have cost 10 30 to buy the thing that kind of makes it not a 50/50 so don't know if it actually would have paid off oh you got to kill what's this chest attack candy here make me more powerful you definitely want to keep leveling up attack so I can just one-hot enemies two of these boxes contain a mimic there is a mimic among the red boxes the top row has at least one mimic one of these boxes contain a mimic that whoops is a contradiction the bottom row has at least one mimic the Box above me is not a mimic now because one of these two is a box that means this bottom right box cannot be lying cuz think about what would happen if it were lying we know at most there's one other mimic so if this was a mimic that would also mean the above box would be a mimic so I'd have two mimics which would equal three mimics which is more than the allowed number of mimics you are not a mimic which means you are not a mimic and the top row has at least one mimic okay I think I can start to do something interesting here is it possible for one box to contain a mimic yes it would would be the top left box however is it possible for two boxes to contain a mimic then the two of these boxes would contain a mimic would be true the Black Box would be false this one would be true and the mimic among the red boxes would be the other mimic so this one is always a non mimic and it's saying the bottom row has at least one mimic so you are a mimic which is in direct contradiction with this one and then the second mimic is here logic's out and I'm going to need a bit more gut soon but I can afford to keep it going two enemies 25 HP can I level myself up oh I got 21 attack cuz I got a bow get him smack him oh do I have any items help me out here throwing knife enemy in front he's basically in front of me oh that works okay I just got to be facing him a little finicky but it does let me hit him without getting hit again and we're at the town almost said the store there's two stores come on it's a respectable town and here it's a little bit more efficient to just get two mushroom lunch lunches rather than a fancy lunch sure it doesn't fully heal my gut but it it basically does that I get to save 20 gold yeah that's good enough also a full-on shop here which by the way how am I doing on stuff going to sell you the stuff that I don't like for a little bit extra money and then buy up the rest of your shop how about buy one blue crystal since we came across that definitely something to also heal me some HP otherwise we're on the attack spending out my money 24 attacks pretty nice bring me more puzzles seven boxes which means they going be one to three mimics now there is a mimic among the blue boxes there is a mimic among the red boxes there is no mimic among the blue boxes direct contradiction including you actually uh there are four people saying there's a mimic among the boxes oh a mimic oh no is that still true if there's two red mimics I know it says a but this game has been translated I think from another language so that's why it's a little tricky we can find out actually because there's no mimic among the blue boxes already so you are not a mimic which means both of you are mimics and now I guess that does mean there can be multiple red mimics good to know and some good stuff right there moving on more mimics there are no mimics among the blue boxes no mimics among the black boxes diagonal down right for me is not a mimic the top row has at least one mimic uh three people are saying that they could all be mimics and the bottom row contains no mimics top row has at least one mimic oh man wait let's say that all three of these actually were mimics so I would have three mimics already which would mean mean that both of the top rows would be telling the truth then and one of them is saying there's no mimic among the blue boxes which is false so we have a contradiction meaning that these three are all not mimics they're all in fact telling the truth so one of these two is a mimic possibly both well if there is no mimic among the blue boxes if that is true then you would also be a non- mimic so they kind of back each other up which means that they both have to be mimics not because of the backing each other up but because the previous logic so because there's two mimics there's at most one more mimic and because this guy saying diagonal downright isn't a mimic if you were a mimic then both of these would need to be mimics therefore neither is a mimic open [Music] it damn this is very satisfying at you with the variety and mimics puzzles just get better and better oh you're the massage person I'll take some Max HP too bad I can't repeatedly buy this but you know Max HP is nice and I have a lot to restore my gut anyway diagonal down left for me is a mimic that is a direct accusation diagonal down left for me is not a mimic the Box on the right is a mimic another direct accusation I don't even know how to mark this actually diagonal up left from me is a mimic two people pointing at one oh they're all pointing at each other I'm not even going to read all these out loud how do you begin here I think I have to approach this a different way huh I think once you know one you can deduce all of them so I have to find a way that I would accidentally get more than three mimics and then that way would be wrong for example let's say that both of these are mimics they're accusing this guy cuz they're both mimics you would be a non- mimic and then he's saying the Box on the right is a mimic so you would Al be a mimic but then diagonal down right for me is not a mimic he's lying which would make him a mimic that's four mimics that's not okay which means it must be the inverse so you two are in fact telling the truth this guy is a mimic that means he's lying about the Box on the right diagonal down right is not a mimic that's the truth box on the left is not a mimic that's true diagonal down left from me isn't a mimic that's true diagonal up left for me Isn't a mimic that's also true and that's how it's done very nice my gut's dipping a little go to items eat a little bun and it's right back in there that's why you have items how am I doing equipment this is the best I got so I can three shot this guy unless if Nessa does the attack magic oh and heals well now at least I can two shot slap you let's listen to some boxes box on the right is not a mimic box on the left is not a mimic backing each other up little suspicious there's a mimic among the red boxes two of these boxes contain a mimic diagonal up left from me is a mimic now you are directly accusing this one too so it's 2V1 the Box on the right is a mimic another accusation now this guy saying there is a mimic among the red boxes I guess that's been proven true cuz it's either this box or the these two always including a red that means there is no mimic among the red boxes is a lie therefore you are fine now two of these boxes contain a mimic it could be this red box being a mimic and then these three not being a mimic or I think the alternative is being four mimics cuz then I would have otherwise I would have mimic mimic so that's three mimics which would also make you lying that's four mimics so we can't say four mimics must be two this is the only way to get two yeah it's not a situation of two versus three anymore it's four versus two so what did I get from the weird Med First you know what no I'll just take it attack up nice moving on okay I just want to make sure I got my Best Equipment ooh gut got increased I can onshot these fools not going to touch me at all any chests here yes a chest attack candy nice okay I'm almost at durability my weapon uh hopefully I get a chance to bring that up but for now there is a mimic among the black boxes there is no mimic among the blue boxes as a blue box I find that hard to believe one of these boxes contains a mimic it could be more there is no mimic among the red boxes there is a mimic among the blue boxes direct contradiction and you are roped into this contradiction as well there is a mimic among the black boxes that has to be true because it is you versus you even though this is also included uh you are also telling you the truth there's a mimic among the black boxes and there is in fact no mimic among the red boxes okay so him saying one of these boxes contains a mimic also puts them on the side of these so it's a 3 versus one right now and actually that is a tossup cuz nothing else is referring to it this is a good time on let me just open this stuff first oh blue crystal even if I didn't have bought a blue crystal I would have gotten a blue crystal now was a great time for a blue crystal cuz I get a lot of info left middle box is not a mimic so you are not a mimic which means that the other two are not mimic so I got three items from one blue crystal definitely worth it excellent moving on ah more combat well time to lose my weapon very sad I actually straight up have no weapon right now that's horrifying okay hold on use yes use your attack magic at least I can twoot you now do I have anything else I can help wake up Bell awakens a sleeping chest I have no idea what that means actually so even though I have physically no weapon I can still fight I'm just hoping I kind of come across a shop right now so I don't have to do anything oh I got it it's beautiful I figured it was about time I would gladly fully heal and that's also why I didn't eat any gut stuff I need a weapon of any type here's a weapon I might just buy it it's not good though so I see plus four is that literally just increase my attack by four no it increases it by uh a lot more than four okay I'm very glad I bought that then uh buy some more attack candy yeah sure there we go so I got SE level attack I'm not going to sell my other gear just because now I realize I might need something one mimic is in a red box and I see other people saying there's zero mimics in a red box so there's a contradiction and then on top of that we got three more saying that zero mimics are in blue boxes so we can't all be lying but then this one is saying that one mimic is hiding in a black box because we know he's not a mimic now so that means you the remaining Black Box are a mimic and same with anyone who agrees with you but actually nobody agrees with you so it's just you you're alone you're alone and the rest of this okay nice got another weapon got some other cool stuff I see a flare gun very exciting three of these boxes contain a mimic terrifying there's a mimic among the blue box maybe diagonal upright from me is a mimic so direct accusation no M among the red boxes says two of them one of these boxes contain a mimic that is also a direct accusation so it's 2V1 um I think that does mean then the no mimic among the red boxes has to be true cuz let's say hypothetically these were mimics that would then mean you are lying and then you are telling the truth and then all of a sudden we got four mimics so obviously uh these two would have to be telling the the truth no mimics among the red boxes so you are both good and that would make you the mimic there is a mimic among the blue boxes this is already true and the Box on the left is not a mimic already true open it up enjoy The Spoils of War I love this higher difficulty let's see what I got for attack 37 do I have any items to bring me over the hump a boring Rock no come on Nessa come on just use your a funny attack right now I'm giving you as many chances as possible to save me okay I mean I am only taking six damage but still super attack candy well I would have Lov that before the fight more boxes uh oh this is a sleeping chest okay new mechanic huh he has something to say but he's asleep diagonal downright for me is a mimic that's a direct accusation the top row contains no mimics and direct diagonal upright from me isn't a mimic this is some sort of weird love triangle if this was a mimic then you would also be a mimic and diagonal downright from me is a mimic is a lie so that would make it not a mimic but then there's a contradiction so therefore this must be telling the truth diagonal downright for me is a mimic diagonal ight for me Isn't a mimic is a lie which makes this a mimic uh diagonal up left for me is a mimic that's the truth top row has at least one mimic that's the truth no mimic among the blue boxes shoot exactly one of these is a mimic wait what wait that's not how it works it's the other way around no mimic among the blue boxes either they're both or neither and it can't be both cuz that would be four so we're going to go with neither at two do not need to wake the sleeping one but you know oh weird Med definitely taking that all right what do you got for me got healed by 9999 I swear what are those weird meds is just going to kill me huh hey how's it going 88 HP huh what do you got for me 28 damage um yes finish him yes woo saves me a lot of HP thank you okay she's coming in clutch today I think she heard my complaints last time the bottom row contains no mimics bottom row contains no mimics the Box on the right isn't a mimic diagonal downright for me Isn't a mimic the Box on the left is a mimic direct accusation uh which means that actually if there are three people now saying the same thing uh mimics sorry boxes whatever they are not mimics uh so that means the bottom row contains no mimics and the diagonal up left from me is not a mimic and the Box on the right isn't a mimic which means you are the soul mimic got him Sapphire Rod nice oh I'm feeling powerful all right let's see I can onot these nerds I think I'm actually not even going to equipped my best just because like if I am already equipping my best then nothing will change otherwise I will just get to use the these weaker ones and hopefully as it gets destroyed gets replaced with something better like that 43 attack yeah so I didn't really waste too much on my best super attack candy give me that 45 looking strong diagonal down right from me isn't a mimic there is a mimic among the blue boxes there is no mimic among the blue boxes there're at odds diagonal up left for me Isn't a mimic these two are backing each other up so either both or neither the Box on the left isn't a mimic well if this guy were lying he would be a mimic and these two would be a mimic and a fourth one would be a mimic which is not okay so you are in fact telling the truth which means you are both non- mimics uh zero mimics are hiding in Black boxes that is true the bottom row has at least one mimic oh wait no I missed the Black Box there's a black box here I'm like that doesn't really make sense with the bottom row having at least one mimic well it's impossible for him to be a mimic because if he were a mimic he would also be telling the truth which is impossible for mimics he's figured out the cheat code to clear himself so he must be telling the truth which means this must be a mimic and then you are then a mimic as he is lying and we already know there's no mimic among the blue boxes double backing it up dudes figure out the secret to clearing himself beaten the game way to go and let's carry on oh so many Treasures good job 78 Treasures more than 71 I get five more attack candies look at this a level attack can I get S tier possibly hypothetically dude I might just send it yeah that makes me kind of weak but it's so funny how about this before I do it how about I equip my best cuz this always comes right before the boss what do I have for other Gear Well I don't need this blue crystal anymore I don't need a wakeup Bell I don't need anything for my gut or this axe or this axe so now with 2400 gold I could buy all the attack candy and have stuff left over yes I'll buy out your shop uh gear durability might come in clutch right now actually I'll take that get some HP healing I think I like that more than defense even but I even can get some defense candy that's nuts I just bought the hell out of this shop s level attack got my best gear equipped let's take on this boss 179 HP what a jerk do I have any items actually I will do my mag thread just in case he ones shot it for some reason I don't know how much he does to it just want to get up cuz we know we're getting rid of this guy 33 damage he's done for yeah use your attack M for 11 dude gets another hit I don't care I was almost dead you gave him another hit and almost killed me I think we're good good times all right so I've heard there something that comes after this difficulty nice an aqua Stone woo all the Three Stones what do they do the other one was for easy mode which I played recently in my own time was it you are you the one who summoned me yes I see then speak your wish and I shall Grant it harder difficulty modes I wish for you to break the curse on nairo must be me and let him speak very well it work did it ah H it worked sis I can finally talk again ah now I got to keep all my thoughts about you being useless in my head I can't believe it's been 3 months not being able to talk is such a pain and it was really lonely too I couldn't order pizza but thanks your ability I talk boxes you've been I never been voice back just remember the rest my life seriously than so much sis you're certainly talkative now where you always this chatty don't forget you have to help me out next now we have to break the curse point on you it's got the circlet stuck to your head yeah it's been almost 2 years since I could take this circlet off they are taking the piss so hard uh don't worry we can conquer any dungeon as long as we're together you're absolutely right let's have a nice big Meal yay oh mini credits hold up a new dungeon has been unlocked four new d dungeons have been unlocked new game modes with six star difficulty wow all right well I will be doing all these coming at you next time thank you for watching hope you guys enjoyed see you in the next video have a wonderful day and peace
Channel: Aliensrock
Views: 169,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aliensrock, strategy, video game, gaming, aliens rock, aliensrock50, gameplay, walkthrough, strategy game, puzzle, puzzle game, puzzle solve, Puzzling, Puzzle video game, Brain teaser, Puzzle master, mimic logic, logic puzzle, logic puzzle game, roguelike, roguelike game, mimic, mimic chest, chest
Id: V0FJuhj3Dy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 43sec (1363 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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