Using ONLY SLAYERS to save Athel Loren from the Elves.

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the Slayers have been a bit bored recently so I took a little browse through the book of grudges to see if there was anything for them to do that's when I came across the forest elky Grudge destroy two elf factions and take their homes the boys could not contain themselves so tighten your axe chains have a good stretch and get ready as I attempt to take this angry band of Gingers to the vile Forest of AOL Len to liberate it from the tyranny of elf rule we'll be using nothing but Slayers and if it were up to me killing nothing but elves but we've got to get to aaren First stepping up to the task of Elf genocide is Malachi makon a Slayer himself but also an inventor his campaign starts up in the Frozen wastelands of Nora where he drops one of my new favorite threats watch it I'll make you into a snowman now first things first as this is a Slayer only playthrough we must get rid of everything that is not Slayer now Malachi does start with gotrek and Felix in his army and while gotrek is a perfect fit Felix is a human man but there's no gotrek without Felix so we'll allow it we'll roll into our first battle here against the maggot kin with the only unit that we actually have being the Doom Seekers these are a very strong anti-infantry Slayer but we do have our heroes there goes one of them cheers for ruining the shop Felix your present also is of course Malachi mcken himself who's actually a ranged Slayer he wants to stay out of the melee which may be difficult given that we're quite outnumbered in this fight but that doesn't bother gotrek as he charged es in along with all the Slayer boys who should be pretty good at taking down these nurgle units with their lack of armor but nurgle units are fairly tough and do take a fair pounding down so we're going to need a little secret weapon courtesy of old Malachi who's currently sniping away at the big old Lord he's really good for that but you'll notice an ominous Shadow appears and that is the shadow of the great Thunder barge that Malachi is able to call to his Aid during a battle for a short space of time this thing is basically a damag Powerhouse that just constantly does damage to anything near it you don't really need to give it orders you just fly it over and it drops bombs and shoots everything it's pretty damn horrible with the help of this flying behemoth we're able to wear down the enemies much faster and that gets our first battle in the bag setting us up to take their settlement which is our first step towards building that massive Slayer Army to go and ruin elves with now Malachi does have his own kind of horde mechanic with the Airship that allows you to be a self- sustaining settlement yourself and at tier two of the Airship we will be able to unlock normal Slayers Slayer Pirates and the dragon slayer hero and then at tier three we can get giant Slayers and doom Seekers so it shouldn't take us long to fill out our Slayer Army once we get to tier two I'm going to push around to that last maggotkin settlement and then B Bing that's ours as well and we've got our first province in the bag but what do you know we've now got our tier two settlement available so roll on the Slayers although the recruitment is a little slow on the spirit of grungy that's the Airship but we're well on our way we're putting the skill points into the right places buffing up the Slayers with Grim's airs gotrex preparing himself for the absolute Mass Massacre of elves by taking the elf Slayer skill and I decided my Slayer boys needed to put all this into practice and have a little warm-up of Elf killing so I Look to Malachi's Adventures one of his mechanics that can reward you with all sorts of stuff to buff up your army or particular units with but we don't care about that as we all know the best part about fighting elves is getting to kill the elves we don't care about the loot we're just here to slowly watch them die that's all we really want but in order to access the battle to kill all the elves we have to do these sub objectives to get there so this one fight an enemy Army with a unit of Cavalry this one fight two battles in a region with mountain climate complete this dwarf Refugee dilemma so we just need to do a few of these and then we can finally kill yes now this little dilemma one is pretty easy it's just a little Waypoint we have to go to so I'm on my way to that when local Mana zazil declares war on me so now we've got an actual enemy to worry about but we're going to just ignore that for now and crack on getting this dilemma done where we find some of our dwarf Bros have been burned out of their Mountain hold by a dragon sound familiar Hobbit ultimately I help those boys out and find them a new home for some campaign Buffs for myself now I've completed two of these Malachi Adventure missions the other one being to construct a certain building and I'm going to try and go for this one to defeat Cavalry next because it should be pretty quick and easy to help me out with this task throg has very kindly declared war on me and is now bringing two armies to come and get me my Army is growing nicely though I can get these Grudge settler Slayers that have armor sundering alongside my massive normal and pirate Slayers now I have positioned myself in a bit of a ballsy position between two armies but luckily only thr comes after me with his full stack so it looks like troll is back on the menu boys now in this battle we do happen to have a nice bit of high ground to take advantage of allowing us to fight downhill and forcing the enemy to fight uphill which does give us some slight advantages we also have the slight advantage of having the spirit of grungy Airship which does have this ability which is basically a massive anti-large ballista I'm going to use that on throg taking his health from 7,000 down to 4,500 now the beauty of dwarfs being so short not is that they're easy to shoot over if the enemy is much taller than them which in the case of trolls is a problem for them so my Slayer Pirates are able to lay their shots into the trolls which allows us to break them pretty easily and then it's just up to my axe infantry to mash their axe infantry and obviously they lose although I somehow did manage to lose my grudge Slayers sh but we've got Throgs Army beaten down and we gained this Slayer Ward auxiliary reducing Slayer upkeep by 20% Which could not be more perfect for us and actually saves us about 500 gold from here I go and bonk throg on the head to get rid of him and his army and then push into their territory to take their settlements but atas there's two armies there to try and put a stop to me but with a pic Victory on my side and only small losses from it I'm just going to take the auto resolve on this one I then get a mission to unlock the legendary Slayer hero who would be perfect for our army and all I need to do is recruit eight units of Slayers now with term I infest who is the son of our army would grow even stronger I then proceeded to take the two of thog settlements nearby and removed him mostly from existence we can now get one of Malachi's unique skills as well to give 15% missile resistance to all Slayer units perfect for taking on those cowardly elf bows frightened of my unrelenting manly Slayer power astrogo iron knob declares war on us but we're not afraid because we just got the Airship to tier three which means giant Slayers and doom Seekers so this is where our army is about to get particularly disgusting we'll have normal Slayers and giant Slayers for any anti-large we might need and then the Doom Seekers for any anti-infantry cuz they're pretty Savage at that and then the pirates for some ranged and a little bit of melee power as well it doesn't take long for a chaos wolf Army to arrive but luckily we've got our Slayer Lord Phil Granite hand ready to defend and it's mostly against goblins so it's no bother at all and with this being a total war Warhammer game the fun never starts so here comes wolfi to declare war on me as well because I need more enemies I decide to try and push the chaos dwarves back a little bit taking one of their settlements before I need to go and deal with Nosa who's inevitably going to come for me which of course they do with two full Stacks coming in my way so I Rush on back there to take them on and I actually decide just to charge into them to see what my Slayer Army can really do and apparently it can defeat two full noran armies with a peric victory so I'll take it and Malachi can now get less upkeep for Slayers and more weapon strength for them so our army is getting Juiced up by the turn I now recruit the final unit into my Army the goblin Huer which is an artillery of sorts but it's run by Slayer so it's still a Slayer unit as zil's faction shows his face by sending an army after my settlement but we're able to defend it with the Garrison now with a little bit of peace and quiet I can finish off this adventure I fought a unit with Cavalry by now obviously so now we're able to go and smash some El faces directly off their stupid heads so our Slayer boys are ready and raring to go especially for the chance to slay some filthy elves they come at us with their chariots first and foremost pretty much suiciding them in so they don't really last long we move up as quick as possible though getting into the melee our Goblin Huer firing many an ax in you see them flying in this thing is pretty disgusting our Doom Seekers absolutely perfect for mashing their way through all the Elven infantry and then it was just a case of trying to get around the back getting after the missil stopping them from shooting us up too much because with no armor as Slayers we are a little bit vulnerable to that despite our missile resistance there was also a couple of dragons that arrived that were part of the objective to defeat we had to kill off both of those the goblin Huer made short work of one of them the missiles from the Slayer Pirates also help out but overall it was an absolute Massacre although they put up a fair old fight and we took a little pounding ourselves we then finished the adventure off which meant we got some Buffs to our cannons which was obviously completely useless but we didn't care we got to kill elves we're happy and Malachi got another skill point to increase the replenishment of Slayers and more upkeep reduction for them God damn I continued to improve my Army where possible by taking the grudge settler Slayers or the Regiment of renown units so there was always room to improve along the way here as zazil came at us at the layer of the troll King again but luckily old Phil Granite hand was there to defend but this one we had to fight there was three lots of boys coming from three different directions at me so I decided to stiffen up on the choke points and try to beat them off and those are the gayest tactical sentences I've ever said I think that's what fighting a zazil does to you isn't it thankfully we were able to repel these two lots of forces and we had enough left in the tank to be able to finish the zazel off when he came at us from behind yep that's that's enough of this battle now in a bid to make it harder for the chaos dwarfes to get to me I took one more of their settlement and then gifted it to kiss Lev in the hope that they wouldn't dare trespass on Kissle just to get to me over this time I was still being attacked by noran armies and a zazil armies and for the most part I was able to fend them off I decided I was never going to get anywhere with these two constantly attacking me so I decided to push on a zazil because he only has a settlement or two and when he saw my Slayer Army coming he went running with a lot of his boys so it was a pretty easy and then we just bonked his army on the head and that was him mostly dealt with so this was good progress on getting rid of an enemy that had been bothering me now I just had Nora and the chaos dwarves but no of course it's not that simple as local chaos waste Hardman Aron the ever chosen decides to declare war on me bringing his vassel so for every one faction I take out another two come after me it seems at this rate we were never going to get to AAL laen on the plus side I'd now got the honored by grimnir skill point for Malachi giving melee attack weapon strength and a physical resistance to all my Slayers alongside G GM getting his Slayer oath skill giving 10% speed to the Army and then I had a technology of the same name which did pretty much the same thing giving 20% speed to all our Slayers so we were quickly becoming very fast for a dwarf so with everyone seemingly coming after us in this area I decided just to get on with it and go to AOL Len with my main Army not really worrying too much about my settlements just whatever happens to them happens I'll try and defend them but as long as we get to aen and kill elves we're happy so we ran ourselves across the Empire trespassing on everyone in the way fesus Carl anyone who was there all the while trying desperately to defend my home territory which was being attacked by Aron and by his vassel Nora was still a problem as well we were able to fend off some of these fights and win some of these battles but we did lose some did lose settlements here and there I did have to cheat a little bit recruiting some regiments of renown that weren't Slayers but just trying to keep their settlements alive long enough for us to get to a laen we did have our boy Phil grenet hand he was still the ending with a small Slayer Army and it turned out my whole chaos dwarf not trespassing on Kissle thing didn't really work out so well but as I say we were able to fend off a lot of these armies so we did okay although money was getting pretty tight as you can see we kept moving across the Empire and finally arrived at a len and this was it this was our moment to finally Massacre The Elves and free AOL Len now of course there was many an Elf Army around so we did need to be careful so i s Felix in to spy for us cuz he's much better at that with those human legs little toar Flex don't work well in forests but in taking this on we were taking on both Talon and aralon so two big factions to worry about we'd have to take care not to end up surrounded by like five armies but attacking this first settlement that shouldn't be a problem so we're going to declare our war here on aruon and attack waterfall Palace does have two armies there and a Garrison as well so not the easiest take but of course we were going to fight this so we could watch all the elves die so I sent the boys in a lot of them on one side I put only one unit of pirate Slayers on the other side to attract a lot of attention which it did and then just sent everything else through the other side so just hitting this left side with massive overwhelming Force sending in the heroes sending in the Doom Seekers the giant Slayers everything whilst trying to get good matchups as well like the anti-large giant Slayers going after the tree the anti-infantry doomseekers Smashing the Infantry in the face it was important to try and do as well as possible in this battle so that we weren't too beaten up to continue on for the next battle which honestly wasn't easy because of the amount of missiles and our lack of armor and weakness to missiles but we were doing okay gotrek was having a whale of a time trying to topple trees by chopping at their ankles he obviously succeeded we also had help from malakai's Thunder barge which did a good bit of damage but there was no real clumped up troops so it wasn't amazing most of the killing was done by the hardworking Slayer boys themselves and overall we did Come Away with a pretty nice Victory not losing too much in the process and with that this stinking tree was now ours to hopefully chop up later to make some money on speaking of money gag Grim just saved us some with dutiful leader reducing upkeep for Slayers by 15% very nice from here I pushed on to the undefended vs Anvil settlement there was only one large agon army nearby so we weren't too worried about them but we might need to keep an eye out for any of Orion's armies wanting to keep the momentum going though I decided to push on the C Halles of final even though I could have sat there and replenished a little longer but this fight didn't look too bad I could take a pic Victory Auto resolve but I'd lose my giant Slayers I decided though that I don't want to fight in this stupid settlement again I actually just want to fight them in the open field so I besieged them and tried to get them to come out to fight me but I was aware that Orion had an army right there in the oak of Ages although I didn't see this little army hidden down here so I thought if Orion comes after me and I need to retreat I might have to fight two full Stacks cuz I can get away from the Garrison and I can handle that but three full Stacks uh not sure and of course those two armies came to assist agalon which meant I'd be fighting three and a half full stacks and well I don't necessarily think it was impossible I think it would be a little too Hefty on our losses so I retreat but we're still attacked by 2 and 1/2 full Stacks but that sounds much more manageable we've got a nice open field let's go for this battle I made use of Vanguard deployment putting the Doom Seekers and some other units up there to try and get on top of this first Army as quickly as possible because if we can take them out before the other two or three arrive we might just have a shot at pulling this off so we beine for that first Army getting all over them as quickly as possible our boys absolutely Massacre the Infantry so quickly they're so buffed up it's insane now naturally the key here is keeping these two armies from being able to do too much so as they arrived in I would greet them with doom Seekers this would allow me to pin them in and stop the missile units at least from being able to use their missiles which were of great threat to us now as their other Army started to pour in we were pretty much done with the first Army the doomseekers especially were absolutely racking up the kills and damage which is obviously very nice to see against elves and that was really needed given how outnumbered we were in this one but the boys fought hard they didn't care whether it was Elf or tree they needed to kill they just kept killing and we were undoubtedly helped of course by the Thunder barge that came and assisted especially as everything had come into the map and was all in one big Clump it just had an absolute Field Day although it was targeted by a lot of the missiles and didn't last too long honestly most of the work did come from the Slayer units themselves and it's pretty crazy how much they can do they just kept on churning their way through the elves routing a lot of them off the map getting rid of duu but it's pretty crazy as we came into this battle with 1,000 troops and left with about half they came in with 3,500 and left with about the same as us and like I mentioned most of that was in the Doom seers racking up hundreds of kills thousands of damage and still having three quarters of their health left I did lose one unit of doomseekers though and a few other units but we beat up most of the armies in the area now so it's kind of clearing the way for us to push on and finish off the rest of AOL Loren back in the Homeland Phil Granit hand was doing Grim's work fending up the various stinking chaos armies now at this point in aen we had to retreat back unable to take the C holes of FAL for now but we're going to recruit replenish and try to get back there as quickly as possible before they can build up any more defenses while we're doing this though Orion does come after V's Anvil with a full Army although we do have a reasonable Garrison there it could do some damage so I decide to fight this rather than taking a decisive defeat and the enemy Army very kindly puts all of their missile units in Vanguard deployment and charges them straight at us which allows us to actually get a hold of them and beat them up a little bit all while their melee units are nowhere to be seen so we were able to actually beat up their missile units a fair bit which is definitely going to help us out if we have to fight them in a minute now I've been recruiting I've got some new Slayers I've got the Regiment of renowned Doom Seekers to replace those normal ones that died and luckily for me these dummy elves have left the crack holes of fin down now undefended so I decide to go for it and I can get a decisive Victory Auto resolve my Army not quite fully healed but I'll take it so that we can just get rid of this big tree and its big Garrison nice and easy at this point I expected Orion to retaliate with his full stack here but he just went back to his tree and AR disappeared as well so it started to feel like the elves were giving up sadly though Aron wasn't giving up as he kept coming at us with armies the chaos dwarfs as well things weren't looking so good at home despite Phil's Valiant defending and this got considerably worse as Aron came after sok Tren which didn't have a bad Garrison and did have Phil on all his Slayers but sadly even though I did fight this to try and win it I couldn't do it and that me the end of Phil let's get some f comments for Phil thanks Phil on the upside I managed to get an accidental Ambush on a small band of elves so killing them cheered me up and along the way here Orion had come and taken Ball's Anvil off me it only had a beaten up Garrison so he took that easy but now I had him where I wanted him in a straight up 1 V one with my godamn Slayer murderous Army so we got rid of him reclaimed V's Anvil went to the Oak of Ages bonked all the elves on the head we found there and we'd nearly done it now we were at the last settlement of AOL Len then it would all be ours Orion and his clowns would then be gone and deru only had a settlement or two left around so I made my play and pushed on the king's Glade where they had a pretty pathetic Army there to be honest it was all missiles and of course I fought this battle just for the pleasure of wiping out Orion's faction it went pretty much the same as the last time I fought on this map we just ran them through all over the place killing them down to every single last little elf glorious and with that after Loren was now ours Telson was gone aril on though still hanging on just about with this little settlement so I sent Malachi and his army over there to get rid of it someone else had beaten me to it and in that time those cheeky agalon had snuck in and retaken King's Glade with but a Lord and aiel now I had a second Lord with a unit just running around in that area too and they decided to come after them setting up an epic final battle to this story now these were the anti-large grudge settling Slayers with armor sundering so they were nothing to scoff at and we had a Demon Slayer Lord as well and these two units were honestly perfect for taking down their targets the Slayers got all over Ariel who is large and had no armor with their armor thundering and the Demon Slayer lord well let's be honest when was a dwarf ever going to lose to an elf in single combat come on now so we absolutely chopped them down and had Aron's final Army fully defeated with that they were erased from the history books and that had completed our Grudge striking it from the book and granting us a special building at the Oak of Ages which was just perfect it's a lumber Camp so now we can commit some serious deforestation and turn aaren into profit yes and if you're wondering what happened back home we just about managed to fend things off and managed to keep maybe half of our kingdom that we left with although it was looking a little Bleak but who cares we've got a laen now so overall a Slayer Army is incredibly viable and ridiculously strong look at the stats on these Doom Seekers 91 weapon strength 86 melee attack disgusting but there we go I hope you've enjoyed this thanks for watching thanks to all the patrons who support this Channel and hey you want some more sweet stuff check these bad boys out I'll see you in the future
Channel: Zerkovich
Views: 198,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer 3, total war, guide, tutorial, how to, tips and tricks, pro, malakai, slayer only, slayers, athel loren, kill elves, elf, dead, campaign
Id: x-0ukmbSsvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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