Can you Beat Terraria with Crimson Loot Only?

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today we're going to see if I can be Terraria using only Crimson loot or to be more precise only loot that can be found while inside the biome that I decide on Crimson well I spun a wheel and it just so happened to land on arguably the most difficult option why is the Crimson so bad well for starters the world Evils are the only biomes where NPCs will refuse to live so they're off the table additionally it's full of crimstone blocks that can only be destroyed with a wh eval pick or bombs and this is all just scratching the surface of the s we'll face here I was pretty convinced this biome wouldn't be possible but just for fun I gave it a go as I'm sure you're all aware the Crimson is not a fun place to be in the early game so while I was attempting to search for bombs for the first 10 minutes I was really just farming deaths I'm wondering when when the time is to pull the plug cuz there's like obviously no way this works but I really want to get at least close what if we killed brain super early with like rotted Fork we don't have to really kill it we could technically just hit it enough to get like a pickaxe to where we can at least mine this stuff so after finding a few bombs we made a pivot to focusing on the brain of cthulu for the pickaxe give me huge that's actually so big there's not a lot of life we can work with I don't even think about that oh yeah I forgot to mention this is a completely vanilla expert world no special seeds and besides changing our world spawn no teit Shenanigans so we are very limited when it comes to how much loot is available to obtain here and while this biome does spread it spreads incred incredibly slowly and can't infect Stone until hard mode so Life Crystals and chests are a very precious commodity to save on bombs I HED through the crimstone to destroy the orbs although we just need to kill a few creepers for the pickaxe I'm not crazy enough to attempt that with our current gear so I decided to gear up just a bit beforehand this whole process was very tedious but I managed to obtain a life Crystal and more importantly gemstones no way we got a hook no way wait that's so big we got so lucky not only is this great for general movement and boss fights but I can also use it to hoik through small gaps in the crimstone that I otherwise could not have reached oh this is just scary as hell can you attack while I'm hitting you good okay never mind we're fine since we looted the drop in the Crimson it's fair game there's not a lot of drops that are exclusive to the Crimson especially in terms of accessories so for this challenge as long as we are in the Crimson biome any loot dropped is fair game though to keep this rule fair I won't allow artificial spread of this biome so no I can't just go find a Boomstick in the jungle dump a ton of crimstone around it and then call it a day nor will I purposely lure enemies across the world into the Crimson for the loot because we can't get Moonglow in the Crimson biome splunkers will be few and far between so I was super relieved when I stumbled across the nymph with the help of the metal detector I continued hunting down a couple more Life Crystals before we finally took a stab at the brain now again our goal isn't necessarily to kill this boss yet we just need to take out a few creepers and after getting a rather lucky drop I figured we could do just that okay where are you I'm scared I'm scared we haven't killed any yet okay we killed [Laughter] one no how much should we get I mean hey that's something oh yeah what did we get oh red fork nice okay that's what we wanted so okay there we go we're in I wish I could heal right out I'm so close to killing so many of them I forgot that I forgot that Nimbus too get out we're not trying to win we're trying to get as many as we can pick up the weak ones get the hearts okay much better much better damn it okay that's enough though yeah we could get both we could meatball it I've never tried that but I'm so down okay oh run run away I'm choking I'm choking okay okay that was way better so I know I said that NPCs will refuse to live in the crimson and that's still true but for the ones that can spawn here on their own oh Tavern key I just won't be giving them the choice however I should mention that if at any point the NPC dies we will have absolutely no way of getting them back we haven't quite exhausted our Crimson biome the loot was definitely getting sparse luckily there's still one more so I traveled over and made a bedw warp to Grant easy access between them with no NPCs we will never get teleporters or pylons so this is the best we can do we are desperately hoping for hermes's boots because otherwise I don't think we can contend with the wall I ended up getting the Panic necklace some of the Life Crystals there's always a life Crystal just outside the range and then finally our second gold chest here we go please oh that's good too I forgot about clim a bottle I will take that I will take that I would have rather had boots for sure but cloud is really nice oh my God oh my God look who's here look who's here okay wait this is huge I need to not kill him we're going to make a little little house for you buddy we're going to make a little nice humble abod there we go no way dude no way oh that's so clutch that's so huge I feel like this is actually doable now I had no idea how we would ever get things done before but now with that I mean up until now I had my doubts in this run but with the boot secured I was able to start looking ahead after Gathering a few more Life Crystals I started farming the Old One's Army until I had enough medals for the tier 2 Sentry though we still had a few concerns for the future of this run Wings you allowed to use that's the thing I don't know if we can use Wings cuz how do we get myth or landville I don't even know if I can use the pone Hammer right like unless wall flesh dies in The Crimson but we'll figure that out when we get there for now I was on the lookout for the Shimmer biome because we're not really looting anything rather just transmuting our pre-existing items using the Shimmer as a aboveboard after Shimmer reforging a few times I made my way down to Hell and began building a hellbridge in most of my runs this would be quite early for the wall but since I can't exactly get loot from the rest of the bosses like Queen be and Skeletron for this run we we'll just stick to the mandatory ones while building the bridge a view of mine raised a really good question what happens if the hollowed biome spawns over top of our Crimson well it wouldn't necessarily kill a run on the spot because the other side of the V of course gives us a new Crimson however we would lose access to our NPCs so in addition to us hoping that the wall dies below the Crimson we also have to hope our hollow biome doesn't overtake the NPCs we've managed to find with the bridge done it was time to look for boss and our options are in incredibly limited we can craft swiftness potions thorns and find fruit and burgers for wellfed I did have a singular regen lying around from chest loot but we had no way of getting more of these we also could only use lesser healing potions because of how dismal the buff situation looks I decided to check one last time to see if there was an herb bag lying around that I had missed unfortunately we saw no such luck we have like no Buffs we have a regen and a burger that's it no swiftness no iron skin can't you get D from that small normal patch of to the left of your main base oh wait you might be right oh I didn't think we'd get lucky enough for one to spawn there hold up is this fair game oh that's so fair game dude there was a singular day Bloom oh my God okay with a supply of day blooms we could now get iron skins and archery potions unfortunately it's still quite limited because most of the Buffs require fish and with no Merchant we can't get the bug net so no bait for us earlier in the run I was hoping we could find a can of worms to get us started but now that we finished looting both of our Crimson biomes fishing is off the table and so we started the wall fight with what little we had I made use of the tendon bow with chester arrows and archery potions as well as the ballista we just had to pray I happen to take this thing down underneath Crimson because if not I can't touch the loose no emblem no demon heart no pone Hammer oh yeah we're good we're chilling yes okay nice now we can't loot it we did it we did it though we did it nice okay we still still had not much runway but a little bit so that was a good call wow okay that went really well we saved some J arrows too no way no way I was a soul of night can we mine can we get this close up I feel like it is oh there oh and we just got another one no it's good it's good yeah it's for sure good with the help of the hard mode V I could also gather healthstone now for the molden pick officially unlocking the hard mode orus but we do have much more Crimson to work with now it's still not a lot compared to normal so I decided against going for the better rare hard mode ORS and settled for bladium next it was time to look towards a weapon that was capable of taking down the mechs I had already obtained the life train from a random mimic I killed earlier but I mainly wanted the dart pistol so I started grinding some mimics I decided not to make a huge Farm like I normally do to farm Souls because without bombs it didn't feel worth the time and effort especially considering it's just a 20% drop I would deeply regret this nice we're getting hey I mean better reforge I guess we go and oh my God you are joking okay uh it's a lot of extra defense which I guess is fine we find the Strat oh maybe not oh my every failed attempt sends me back all the way down to the other side of the world to get to the Crimson underground to farm 15 more souls and to make matters worse with our current gear fight wasn't exactly easy either with just two or three mistakes we'd waste the whole attempt no GG's GG's stay with me damn it we got the other weapon that's awesome what was it oh my God another life drain in the midst of this ruling grind I found the wizard maxed out my life obtained a crimson key and thanks to some incredible luck I found some Moonglow near the Crimson V that just so happened to border the jungle while lots of buff recipes are still locked behind fishing finding Moonglow here was huge anyway back to more mimics how many life dude I swear life Trin is like it's it's 80% chance dude why 100% life train Apparently after 3 hours of grinding and 13 mimic kills we got it yes got it let's go okay and we got Godly on it too which is kind of insane but before tackling some more bosses I wanted to take another stab at acquiring bait if I could somehow fish it would open up a plethora of options to Us weapons bars accessories Buffs you get the idea though you're probably thinking hey didn't you say before that fishing was off the table well at that point in time I thought it was however thanks to the Shimmer there is still a chance although it's quite slim well there doesn't seem to be any interaction with CR statues in the shimmers page if you instead go to the Statue page on the wiki we see that the statue produces fireflies when decra into the Shimmer oddly enough this only seems to work with very specific bait statues according to the wiki the wor and grasshopper statues don't be craft into anything at all only the Scorpion Firefly butterfly dragonfly and buggy statues would produce Bas I didn't like our odds because again we can only obtain loot while inside the crimson and there's a wide variety of statues available while I could technically wait a really long time for the Crimson to spread everywhere I had no interest in waiting so much time before progressing but it turns out I had nothing to worry about because after about 30 minutes of searching with splunkers we found our statue wait that's a that's a critter I think I don't even really know what that is but that's a critter right Firefly yo CH we done it I would have loved something better but that's not the worst thing to find how much bait do we get from the statue five just five also I'm curious what's in this one oh my God there's bait in that there is bait in that of course it's the one I can't get right now we do have bait though so it's fine we found our statue oh watch this one have it too just watch it's going to have either herb bag which could be shimmered into it or another can of worms yep yep of course mhm of course it would that makes so much sense this one's a little closer though and by little I mean a lot closer CL you can loot that as Crimson wait really was it how the rain's still red oh my God I feel dumb now I feel so dumb it was there the whole time okay well now we got a lot of bait that's huge so we started fishing and luck was very much so on my side that day we got a stupid amount of titanium crates giving us plenty of Master bait at that point bait was no longer the scarce resource so I fished up the blade tongue and also some buff fish for the Destroyer fight uh where's my thing it's there damn dude that's crazy damage okay huge buff I should have buffed I'm so silly we got some good damage in chat I started with Destroyer because I figured it would be the easiest to tackle thanks to the life train additionally it's the only Mech summon I can craft for the next two I'll have to wait until they decide to spawn naturally or for an enemy to drop the summon now you may have noticed I did this fight without wings and that's because we can't really get any yet all the wings available at this point requires to use Souls a flight to craft them so our only hope at obtaining Wings this early into the game is through the dev set drops but after a few more Destroyer kills I ran out of summon materials so we'll just have to hope we get a set to drop moving forward I made the switch to a squire hbd set for the extra regen and defense and took on the twins this fight can be pretty tricky without wings or Mounds but with a spare featherfall potion it wasn't anything I couldn't handle while waiting for a random Prime summon I grinded out some old On's Army for the tier three armor that will eventually unlock fortunately we were interrupted by a Blood Moon spawn the sanguini staff is certainly not great without summoning armor or accessories but the extra bit of damage will still be nice and after several more nights of afking in the bed we had our Prime summon initially I was really worried about this fight because of our lack of wings and especially knockback immunity however to my surprise it wasn't that bad just by keeping my distance from the head to avoid a potential stun lock I beat the boss with EAS now because I was lucky enough to have some Crimson bordering the jungle if I waited long enough I could get plenty of chlorop FY and life FR but that's boring and would take ages so we won't be doing that in this run instead we started on the plan Arena which was much more annoying to build than usual because of course no bombs so naturally I got interrupted by an event the solar eclipse could not have come at a better time though because the death CLE will helped immensely with this boss it did four damage okay I think we're fine sometimes we're going to be fine okay the hard part okay there we go now we drop whoa whoa whoa whoa oh that was really dude I perfectly timed that that was the perfect distance okay that was so free uh we just have to leave that there which is really sad but there we go planter is dead with that the postplant dungeon opens up according to our rule set it would be completely off limits for looting but I decided to make an exception for the biome chest because it would feel weird to make a crimson only video and then not use the Crimson biome weapon because of all the restrictions in this run there wasn't much left to do naturally with the knives we took out G these but I've been playing without wings for far too long and Dev options are quite a bit outdated for cus Moon Lord so instead I farmed a bunch more olden's army for the Betsy wings as a nice bonus I also was getting more medals for tier three armor as well as Betsy weapons to Aid with the lunar vent boom and we get the wings despite just having 400 life the new weapons and armor carried us all the way through ctist and the pillars while a pillar did spawn in our Crimson we can't really do anything with the fragments because we need the ancient manipulator and again I felt that luring the cus to the Crimson wouldn't have been as interesting so we already have our gear for moonight oh I I did that's where I put my R Discord I like muscle mem swap to that spot whenever I see bad positioning in this fight I just Spam my bind for I think it's nine and then I'm like oh yeah I don't have that okay this is going to not be as free as I thought actually partially because I'm playing I mean entirely CU Som how I'm playing but oh no okay I need more Health before I get to this next phase going I really need more Health okay we'll heal there we go all right one more yikes actually we might not be good actually might not be good that sucks ow go I need some distance I need some distance God okay I don't know why this was so close I think we're good now though cuz yeah I have a potion at already let me know if you guys would like to see more of these runs but NE biomes I'll probably change the real set a bit by increasing limitations on what we can use because many of the other biomes will be quite easy by comparison with the addition of the NPCs and of course easier early games but yeah thanks for watching see you guys next time
Channel: Gungnir
Views: 275,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gungnir, terraria, Can you beat Terraria with crimson loot only, challenge run, Terraria challenge, Terraria with only crimson loot, Terraria crimson, Can you Beat Terraria with Crimson Loot Only?, Terraria but I can only loot the crimson biome
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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