Can You Beat Spyro Enter The Dragonfly Without Gliding?

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Isn’t it just clip through the floor to Ripto and beat the final boss?

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/16thompsonh 📅︎︎ May 16 2023 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Hero-In-Theory 📅︎︎ May 16 2023 🗫︎ replies

1 minuto glitch xd

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/El_BurritoPatadaSoft 📅︎︎ May 16 2023 🗫︎ replies

Thanks again, Snow :)

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/NGPlusLive 📅︎︎ May 19 2023 🗫︎ replies
[Music] foreign Spyro enter the dragonfly is one of the most  disappointing games I have ever played even   as a kid I knew something wasn't right in fact  this game depressed me so much I never played any   Spyro game after this one it's a challenge all on  its own to play this game and not experience any   bugs we've already made Challenge videos on the  Original Trilogy Where We clipped Spyro's wings   and this time it's no different our reasoning has  always been that the games have become too easy as   the years went on and whereas it's still the case  here we have the added incentive to show off just   how broken this game is can you beat Spyro enter  the dragonfly without gliding let's find out here   are the rules but first I just want to say that  if you enjoyed Challenge videos like this then   please subscribe after all more than 80 of people  watching our videos aren't subscribed yet I'll   love you forever back to the rules rule number one  no gliding or flying after all we're treating this   challenge as if Spyro's Wings have been clipped  Rule Number Two glitches within the game are   allowed we just can't hack and rule number three  once we defeat ripto the final boss of the game   we win the only other thing to mention is that we  are playing the GameCube version of this game for   this challenge we start the game in the one and  only home World Dragon Realms if we run on over   to the left near some shallow water we can see a  portal on the ground this is the portal that leads   to the final boss but it's currently sealed shut  however if we perform a well-placed head bash we   clip right through the ground and into the final  Boss Arena defeating ripto does not require any   gliding whatsoever we simply chase him down and  Flame him over and over until we win the run is   over can we beat Spyro Enter the Dragon yeah all  right we can't end it like that just like with   our other glideless Spyro videos we're gonna be  attempting 100 completion let's start again Dragon   Realms may be the only Homeworld in the game but  it's fairly big and sections of it are blocked   off by Gates until we make enough progress well  they're supposed to be blocked off at least the   main gimmick of this game is that Spyro can learn  different types of breath Powers other than just   fire these are learned by handing Dragon runes  over to the dragon statue and the first one is   right in front of us this teaches Spyro bubble  breath and this is used to capture dragonflies   if we want 100 completion we need to rescue all  90 dragonflies in the game there are 10 in each   level the Homeworld included this means there  are eight other levels for us to enter from the   home World throughout all of these levels there's  plenty of gems for us to collect as well and the   whole game has 7 000 gems in total this means our  goal is to collect 7 000 out of 7 000 gems and 90   out of 90 dragonflies for 100 completion first of  all we will collect all the gems in the opening   area of dragon Realms it's not long before  we see Hunter who wants to give us a gliding   tutorial after speaking with him he jumps across  a gap and he waits for us there to follow him it   is possible to jump down down and then back up  to this ledge but if we fall down first Hunter   will return to his previous position so unless we  can clear these gaps without gliding or falling   down we can't beat this tutorial so it's time to  introduce a couple of glitches early on there's   a glitch that can be used a lot throughout the  game and it's ridiculous how easy it is to do if   you hold down the look button whilst an NPC is  talking to Spyro you can prevent the game from   loading the next part the look button is triangle  on PlayStation and why on GameCube if we hold the   look button down as Hunter is speaking to us as  soon as he's finished he won't jump over the Gap   if we let go of Y then this delay is removed  and Hunter will then jump over immediately   whilst we're holding y we can fall down and jump  to the ledge and now we let go of why and Hunter   jumps over to meters it's kind of like we're  giving him the tutorial instead Hunter wants   us to Glide over one more Gap and this time we  can't jump there from the bottom awesome there is   another glitch we can use to get up there though  and it's called the walk in air to activate this   glitch we need some altitude first we jump up a  few Ledges on the other side of the area there   is one very awkward jump but it is doable with  a precise charge jump once we're up here we need   to charge into a wall to make Spyro Bonk his head  but it needs to be done a certain amount of height   above Solid Ground we need to jump over the edge  here and bonk into the wall but as Spyro falls   down to the lower floor we need to make sure the  left analog stick is kept in the neutral position   this causes the game to think that spyra has made  contact with the ground sooner than it actually   does as long as there is Solid Ground beneath us  spyra will be walking in the air if Spyro Falls   all the way to the ground instead it either means  we were too high up from the ground or we were too   close to the ground when we bonked when we get the  walk in air to work Spyro is now able to walk all   run anywhere at that same altitude we can still  jump too but as soon as we do we deactivate the   glitch bonking into a wall also deactivates the  glitch we can use this to walk over to the last   platform that Hunter jumps to but we need to talk  to him first to get him to jump over so we simply   need to combine these two glitches together we  talked to Hunter after the first Gap we hold down   the look button and then run over to the platforms  on the other side of the area we climb up for some   altitude make the awkward charge jump jump over  the edge and bonk into the wall to activate the   walking air glitch all whilst holding the look  button of course and then we just run over to   the last platform that Hunter jumps to when we  get close to the ground during a walk in air   the game pulls Spyro down to his feet once we're  over here we can finally let go of the look button   Hunter will jump over to us and then reward us  with a dragonfly also since we're up here we can   start the time challenge by walking through these  two spiers it just gives is a time limit to Flame   all the scarecrows for another dragonfly but you  don't need to Glide to reach them at all keep the   lock button glitch and the walk in air glitch  in mind though we're going to be relying on   those a fair bit each of the game's 8 levels has a  minimum number of dragonflies that we need to have   collected before we can enter them the first level  is dragonfly Dojo which can be accessed after only   one dragonfly is rescued as we mentioned there  are 10 dragonflies to rescue per level and this   level also has 700 gems each level also has its  own unique main task that we need to finish as we   progress in this case we need a free five Frozen  Dragon Masters from being trapped in ice the first   half of this level can be explored casually we  even find a rune for Spyro's electric breath part   way through we do see some Ledges we can't reach  and we also see a kite stuck in a tree above a   rock but we'll come back to those soon as we get  close to the end of the level we see money bags   for the first and only time in the entire game he  wants 200 gems to create a bridge over this huge   gap but the annoying thing about this is that we  will never be able to get those 200 gems back like   we could in Spyro Year of the Dragon if you played  this whole game casually and you've got all 7   000 gems but you paid 200 gems to money bags your  total gems at the end would be stuck on 6800 we're   not having that in this run so we won't be paying  money bags for that bridge we'll find our own way   across right at the start of the level there  are some raised Ledges that we can jump up to   gain some altitude I don't know why they're here  but thank goodness they are if we jump over the   edge and bonk into the wall here we can now walk  in air the plan is to progress through the level   like this and see if we can use this altitude  to reach the end of the level as we follow the   level's main path we are high up enough to just  be able to walk through the walls since they're   not solid up here but this also means that we're  too high up to hit the loading triggers for the   next areas and we get this unsettling site despite  the fact we can't see the ground here it is still   there if we were to jump right now then Spyro  would fall and stand on the ground even though   it's invisible if that floor is near a loading  trigger though then the area will suddenly load in   we found ourselves at a portal that leads to the  game's first of three Speedways I will use this   time to quickly go over all three Speedways now  because we can't complete any of them Spyro will   always start the Speedway's flying automatically  we did discover that sometimes the Speedways will   load Spyro already standing on the ground for some  reason but we'd still need to fly to be able to   hit all the Rings in the air something else that's  amusing if we head bash but then quickly pause   the game and give up whilst Spyro's upside down  and then we retry spyra will suddenly assume the   position he was when we gave up we could even fly  around upside down like this and we can still use   our flame breath but unfortunately it doesn't seem  to last long before the game fixes itself shame   with that in mind we will be skipping all three  Speedways in this game each Speedway would have   rewarded us with two dragonflies each so that's  already six out of the total 90 that we can't   get we exit the portal back to the dragonfly  Dojo since we're already up here we grab the   gems on these high ledges by charge jumping from  one to the other sometimes we get strange things   like this happen though we just have to cross  our fingers and hope the game holds together   long enough for us so we want to make sure we're  high up enough to maintain some altitude but low   enough to hit the loading triggers as we progress  through the corridors well once we have the walk   in air we make our way to the first Corridor  we can now Bonk into a solid wall to lower our   altitude on the walk-in air this now ensures that  we're low enough to hit the loading triggers and   the next area loads in no problem now that we can  see we can grab the kite stuck on the Rock nothing   happens right away but as long as we stand on  Top of the Rock and then talk to the baby dragon   the kite will be lowered in a cut scene although  now the following area is deloaded even though we   approached it on the ground this time thankfully  it loads in as soon as we walk forwards we will   want to walk in there to skip paying money bags  though so we get the same walk in there at the   start of the level lower our altitude in the  corridor again and then when we get to the next   building we can't get through the roof so we need  to use the wall nearby to lower altitude once more   and now we can just squeeze under the roof the  next Corridor loads in as we enter but when we   get to the next area we see the other side of the  bridge is still not loaded we must approach the   ferry to load it in but this also pulls Spyro  to the ground after grabbing everything here   we find a portal to a tank minigame which we  complete casually for a dragonfly at the end   of the corridor we find a gap that we cannot get  over with no higher platforms above Solid Ground   we can't get a walk in air here either this means  that we are now stranded here and the only way out   is to either kill ourselves but if we want to save  their lives we can just pause the game and exit   the level this keeps our progress and we simply  just re-enter the level to carry on we can repeat   the same sequence that we used in the first place  to get the walk in air and use it to get back to   the other distant ledge once we've freed the kite  here and have all the Collectibles we're stranded   once more the intended way off this island was  to use a whirlwind to glide back in our Spyro 2   and three videos we banned whirlwinds since  even if we hold the charge Button as we exit the   Whirlwind Sparrow still Glides for a single frame  so for that reason we'll be banning whirlwinds in   this run as well we exit the level from the pause  menu again and re-enter once more we get the same   walk in there in the same place as usual but this  time we want to walk around the level backwards   by going out of bounds since most spiral levels  are made to loop around back to the start again   the levels ending is actually right behind a big  door at the beginning of the level so we're hoping   to walk around the level out of bounds to get  to the other side of that door however we need   to be careful not to clip back in bounds as there  are big gaps that we cannot get across without a   walk in air the problem is it's quite difficult  to get this area to load in without losing the   walking air the best way we found to load this  area in but stay walking in the air is to walk   all the way around it quite far out and then  get inside the corridor where the tank portal   was this loads in the whole area and now we can  walk to the central island shaped like a spiral   travel to the top of the Spiral to rescue another  Frozen Dragon Master we can use the altitude and   the shape of this island to our advantage and get  another walk in air with this we walk to the last   part of the level and free the last kite with  that we have been to every part of this level   which means we have all 700 gems and 8 out of 10  dragonflies since we can't get the two from the   speedway we exit the level from the pause menu  again and hand in the rune for the lightning   breath power we use it to open the lightning gate  which gives us access to three more NPCs one of   them only requires six dragonflies to be rescued  before they take you to their level so we'll head   there this is crop circle country the beginning of  the level isn't bad at all this Gap can be cleared   with a charge jump we do see some gems out of our  reach on a couple of high up Ledges though shortly   after that we come to to a gap that a charge jump  just won't clear this Barn that we're standing in   is the highest altitude we can reach so far  and we still can't get a walk in air from it   whenever we try to Bonk the side of the barn this  happened instead we found that this just happens   when bonking into some of the walls in this game  so we'll need a different plan as we mentioned in   dragonfly Dojo most Spyro levels loop back to the  beginning again and this one is no different there   is a big barn door that blocks us from getting to  the very end of the level from the start and if   you charge into walls or doors that are intended  to move then Spyro won't Bonk this means that we   can keep charging into the door like this the  intention here is to clip through the door   and get straight to the end of the level this is  where the game's poor frame rate actually comes in   useful we need to lag the game enough as we charge  into this door a high number of enemies on screen   usually causes this to happen but all we need to  do is flame breath the door and then charge into   it right after the smoke effect as the flame hits  the door lacks the game quite a lot and eventually   after spamming flame and charge enough Spyro can  clip straight through since we're here we can open   the barn door from this side by setting off the  explosives now we can make our way through the   rest of the level backwards this allows us to make  more progress and get more Collectibles there is   a portal to a mini game that seems difficult to  reach but close by is a ladder that gives us our   highest point of altitude in the level so far  we can easily get a walk in air from here and   then jump straight into the portal the mini game  in here is actually a heavy platforming section   where we need to head bash buttons and zap these  metal rods on moving platforms but thankfully as   tedious as this is it's fully possible without  gliding now we continue going backwards through   the level until we see a silo with a ladder on  it naturally we can use this for another walk   in air we use this to reach another portal with a  flying saucer minigame no gliding needed for this   mini game but it's still incredibly frustrating  and it's full of lag we get two dragonflies here   and then we get out as soon as we can the super  flame that we find in this level doesn't help the   lag situation either the walking air from The Silo  is also high enough to help us reach some higher   Ledges in the area for some more gems we are also  just high enough to travel all the way through the   levels beginning again without being pulled to  the ground the starting area isn't loaded in as   a result but the gems can still be seen seemingly  floating in mid-air we make sure to start walking   instead of running to prevent bonking in any  invisible walls and once we reach the high up   ledge with the gems on the area loads in around  us we can just reach the next ledge with a charge   jump and this Nets us the last of the levels 800  gems the remaining dragonflies can be earned by   finishing off the level's remaining missions like  powering up the machines with lightning breath or   herding cows except Spyro gets stuck on the cow  first classic that's 100 percent completion in   crop circle country the next level luau Island  only requires 15 dragonflies to enter so we'll   head there next early on we find a rune for the  wing Shield ability then we open a gate with a   button and move on to the following area where  you see some high up platforms a couple of gates   one with a dragonfly track behind it and a body  of water with a couple of platforms floating on   it fun fact the dinosaur enemy next to the gate  can actually push Spyro right through the gate   door this allows us to get the dragonfly in here  but now the issue is we're trapped inside with no   way out if this happens to you the only option is  to exit the level from the pause menu and re-enter   again the only way to continue from this area is  to submerge underwater and swim through a tunnel   on the other side we climb a ladder to see another  gate blocking our way there is a ledge behind us   that has a couple of enemies and a button for  the locked gate but we can't quite get over there   without gliding what we can do however if we go  back down to the water we emerged from and head   bash right on the very edge of the water we can  achieve a swimming air glitch sometimes when using   the swimming air Spyro is forced to be constantly  swimming forward at charging speed but we can hold   the jump button to swim at normal speed to counter  this though using this swim in air we can get to   that ledge and collect the gems on it but we can't  kill the enemies up here since these particular   enemies need to be hit with breath attacks and  Sparrow can't use breath attacks while swimming   this also means we can't use our bubble breath  while swimming to rescue any dragonflies either we   can't even charge into the button while swimming  but we don't need to we can swim anywhere we want   now even if we wanted to ensure that we hit the  loading triggers we can just swim through the   Gap to continue the level this leads out to the  higher Platforms in the previous area but since we   can still swim everywhere we use this opportunity  to collect as many gems as we can throughout the   whole level we can swim over the top of any gate  in our way we can even charge in into the wooden   enemies to kill them but we have to leave all the  dinosaurs since they need to be breath attacked   eventually the game starts to reject the idea of  us swimming wherever we want and the following   area isn't loaded everything is still solid here  we just can't see it so we decided to swim back   to the area with the floating platforms we can  take advantage of the fairy checkpoint on one   of the high platforms here if we get zapped to  update our checkpoint and then get ourselves   killed we will respawn at the ferry but we will  no longer be swimming in the air now we can head   bash the button to open the gate and we can even  use our new altitude to achieve a walk in air we   walk over to the other side to get on the other  high ledge climb a ladder and then activate the   power of this gives us super flame for a limited  time we're supposed to use this to shoot four   targets around the walls in this area in order to  raise the two floating platforms out of the water   it's then intended that we would Glide from one  to the next to reach another dragonfly however   if we raise the platforms they will be too far  apart and then we will have permanently prevented   ourselves from ever rescuing that dragonfly  we also can't get a walk in air high enough to   reach the dragonfly either so instead of hitting  all four targets we shoot three of them and then   we jump down and stand on the furthest floating  platform now we shoot the fourth Target from here   and the platform raises up lifting us along with  it which makes it easier to rescue the dragonfly   we can also make further use of the superflame  power up we make our way back to the power up   in the same way as before as soon as we get the  power up we quickly dive into the water and swim   through the tunnel like we did before we quickly  climb a ladder on the other side and then quickly   shoot the super flame at the two dinosaurs that  we couldn't reach before we only just had enough   time before the power went away to pull this  off now we can get another swimming air with   that head bash again on the water's edge and then  swim up to collect the gems the dinosaurs dropped   we can manually end the swimming air by touching  actual water again and from there we will carry   on to the next part of the level since we opened  this gate earlier this area has more water and a   couple of ladders to reach higher platforms this  ladder looks like it's just far enough away that   a Glide might be required but Spyro can just  reach it with a normal jump this is where you   would normally perform a long Glide to a distant  Island but we can get a walk in air and just run   over there we also got the gems here with  a swimming air earlier but we needed to get   here on foot to kill the dinosaur and rescue the  dragonfly there is also a portal here that leads   to a mini game that's done underwater so it can be  played casually when Sparrow exits the minigame he   just starts doing this on the water's surface for  some reason there is another underwater tunnel for   us to swim through also make sure to swim through  these arches when you see them as this will spawn   a yellow gem and sometimes that yellow gem will  just stay on the surface of the water from here   we can climb a ladder and head bash the last  button to rescue the last Pig only the gate   doesn't open it just disappear sure I've learned  to stop questioning these things before leaving   here we can get a walk in air nearby to reach the  further platforms and this boat this allows us to   kill the enemies up here grab the gems and fire  this cannon to free another dragonfly now you want   to head through the tunnel behind the last Pig  it leads back to the very start of the level only   now we can reach some gems that we couldn't reach  before however there is a gap in our way down here   and falling down would mean going back to the  very beginning of the level again we can't get   back up here from the bottom either not without  using a whirlwind unfortunately we couldn't clear   the Gap so we had to run through the whole level  again just to get back up here this time we will   use our initial height to get a walk in air that  way we can reach the other side of the Gap grab   some gems and enter the portal this just leads to  a Simon Says Mini-Game so once again we play it   casually most of the portals in this game tend to  lead to minigames that don't require any gliding   with that we have completed luau Island 100 we  can now hand over the wing Shield Rune before   entering the next level although the entrance  to that level is on a raised platform at the   start of dragon Realms so we need to use that same  walking air from the beginning in order to be able   to reach it this brings us to Cloud9 and this one  was a difficult level in a glideless run the very   beginning of the level has a rune for ice breath  and also right away we can see several platforms   all spaced down from each other these platforms  were very much intended to be glided to but there   is still One path we can take this way leads us  to a pool of water and steps that lead to the top   of this tall room we can just climb these stairs  to the top without gliding but what we actually   want is a swimming air head bashing next to the  water isn't quite as reliable this time but we   have another way just like with The Walking air we  Bonk into the wall above the water as we fall down   we hold the charge button Spyro would normally  stop in mid-air to begin a walk-in air this works   due to the game thinking you hit the ground sooner  than he does but if we're of water the game thinks   we hit the water sooner than we actually do so  holding the charge button after the Bonk on the   wall will cause Spyro to dive under the water  before he touches the water now we can go on a   lengthy swim all over the entire level collecting  as many gems as we possibly can entering swimming   air with this method causes Spyro to constantly be  moving forward at high speed but as we mentioned   before holding down the swim button slows him  down to ensure the different areas of the level   load in properly we swim through the corridors to  hit each load trigger there are so many distant   and high up Platforms in this level so it's very  fortunate that we can swim in the air like this   but whereas we can charge into the smaller enemies  whilst swimming there is one single Cupid rip top   that we need to keep alive you'll see why soon  of course we still can't rescue any dragonflies   like this and we can't kill any of the bigger  rip talks either not to mention there are some   machines in this level that we need to power up  with our electric brick and we can't use that   while swimming either also the level has a maximum  swimming height so if we tried to swim to the top   of this clock tower right at the end of the level  the game does not let us basically we can't get   everything with just a swimming air alone so we  need to start exploring areas on foot towards the   end of the level there is a large electrified pool  of water we don't want to touch that but there is   a smaller pool of water on the ledge above it  these two pools connect to each other but it   is safe to touch the one on the top this will end  the swimming air now we can jump down kill the big   riptop and use the superflame to get rid of the  storm clouds above the pool of water this means   we can get the underwater gems and even swim back  up to the upper platform again the gaps we need to   get over are a bit too wide here which is annoying  because there's a machine on one of them that we   need to zap we can get a walk in air by bonking  into one of these pillars but unfortunately we   lose too much altitude to be able to jump onto the  next platform however if we walk around the back   of the platform we can see there is a small bridge  above us a lot of Ledges like this are solid when   standing on them but they're not solid from  underneath after all the developers would never   expect anyone to get under these platforms if we  stand under the bridge jump and then head bash   we will clip right through the bridge and on top  of it we still can't reach the machine from here   but we can continue to the clock tower that we  couldn't swim up before thankfully it's just easy   platforming and ladders to get to the top there is  a portal up here but it just leads to a dogfight   minigame the lag was real during this one too once  we're done here we leave the Clock Tower and we   can see the start of the level in the distance  we're not going to get very far normally though   but thankfully we have enough hype to get a walk  in air to reach the ledge above the starting point   there is another portal up here but this leads  to the game's second Speedway so we can't make   any progress in there so instead of using the walk  in air to get to that portal instead we can use it   to reach one of the other areas of the level on  foot we walk all the way around the the outskirts   of this level to reach places we've not been able  to stand yet but this usually means we don't go   through the loading triggers gems tend to Stay  Loaded in but not much else does we can't even   activate the machines without hitting the loading  triggers first so when we get that walking air we   need to time the bunk just right so that Spyro is  just low enough to get through the tunnel with the   loading trigger in it but still just high enough  that Spyro doesn't get pulled to the ground now we   can walk through to the other side in the previous  area the machine here can now be Zapped we can   also use that same spot to get a walk in air over  to the machine that is currently loaded in in that   area we will have to lose the walk in air to reach  it though but from here we can get another walk in   air which is fairly precise if you want to avoid  touching the Whirlwind and then we walk back to   the first pool of water to get another swim in air  now we swim to the next area get a checkpoint here   from the ferry and then we use the nearby rip  talks to Killers their aim was was terrible so   this took longer than it should have in hindsight  I probably could have just swam far down to hit   the death plane but the rip Talk's last hit was so  hard it forced Spyro through the floor anyway now   we will respawn in this same area but without the  swimming air this also means we can kill those rip   tops for their gems there is a dragonfly flying  around on the platforms above us normally we would   chase down the thief to recover a wand and then  give that wand to a bare MPC and he would create   a whirlwind for us to get up there but if we jump  up near the dragonfly from the floor we can still   make him fly around to the next platform if we  do this enough then eventually we can get the   dragonfly to fly over to the floating rainbow this  is exactly where we wanted him to go because just   like the bridge from earlier the rainbow isn't  solid from underneath and it's just low enough   that we can jump and head bash to go right through  it and on top of it we then need to quickly rescue   the dragonfly before it has a chance to fly away  the reason we had to chase the dragonfly to the   rainbow is because we can't reach any of the  other high platforms around here however we can   still reach the third machine from the rainbow  so we power that up as well now we carry on to   the next area and we've not been here on foot yet  so we make sure to kill all the Big Rip talks for   their gems as we go the same goes for these storm  cloud enemies too however right after the first   storm cloud we come to a wide Gap so we have no  choice but to turn back the game struggles to load   some areas if we backtrack but whose surprise at  this point if we use the swimming air again to get   to the bigger pool of water and then from there  we backtrack through the level on foot to find a   dragonfly by the way the superflame power-up  has no effect on the rip talks here for some   reason don't ask after that dragonfly we continue  to backtrack to the other end of the area that we   couldn't reach on foot earlier getting across the  moving platforms is a bit tricky without gliding   but it's still very doable this allows us to reach  and power up the fourth and final machine if we   look down from here we can see at dragonfly on  top of a tall pillar we can jump down and reach   the closest pillar clear that you are supposed to  Glide to the others as they are very far apart so   we need another way if we ride the moving platform  back we can use this hole in the ground to get a   very tricky walk in air it's very precise but as  long as we Bonk not too high and not too low we   can get the walk in air now we can walk towards  the dragonfly on the pillar but as you can see   we're too low down even if we jump or head bash  our bubble breath simply won't reach it from here   however do you remember when I said we need to  keep one of the Cupid rip talks alive it was the   rip talk on the ledge just over from us and these  Cupid rip talks can use their bow and arrows for   ranged attacks this is going to help us get a  glitch that we haven't tried yet it's basically   a damage boost but it's a major one if we perform  Spyro's head bash and take damage on the exact   same frame then Spyro will be sent upwards for the  duration of the damage animation the height we get   is increased the longer the damage animation is  but to head bash and get hit by the Cupid's arrow   on the same frame can be very difficult we need  to walk just close enough to aggro the riptop and   we need to make sure that we are between the rip  talk and the pillar we want to reach as soon as   the rip talk fires an arrow we need to walk away  so the arrow goes over our head but then we jump   up into the arrow and hit the head bash button on  the very frame the arrow damages spyra if Spire   performs the head bash as normal then we pressed  it too early if we take damage from the arrow then   we head bash too late we also need to ensure that  we have enough Health to survive a hit if we're to   take advantage of the damage Boost after very many  attempts we finally pulled off this damage boost no was more surprised than me if you still need  to talk to the final NPC to reach the dragonfly   after activating all four machines we can use  the usual swimming air then walk in air and   then head bash through the bridge again to reach  that last NPC that is Cloud9 finished with just   the two Speedway dragonflies remaining we hand  over our final Rune to get the ice breath power   we use the ice breath to open the final gate  in Dragon Realms or if you want you can just   charge right through the gate because no one  actually tested this game apparently from here   we can reach more gems dragonflies and two more  level entrances there is a third level entrance   here too but that's a lot trickier to reach it's  beyond these two platforms but unfortunately the   gap between them seem far too wide and despite  numerous tries we can't even get over the first   one there is a bridge after the first two gaps and  we thought of using a head bash to clip through   from underneath but the bridge is just too high  up we even tried to freeze the Sheep fodder in   the area and stand on top of them but the game  just doesn't letters the Sheep either end up   floating in the air somehow or they just push us  through the wall to our death I should have seen   it coming by now we can't even get a walk in air  from this area either since the highest platform   we can reach is still too low down plus this part  of dragon Realms is the highest point of altitude   that we can reach in the entire home world so it's  not like we can get a walk in air somewhere else   and then travel here what we can do is backtrack  to the water near luau Island entrance submerge   under the water swim through the netting in this  spot to just clip right through and now we can   swim in the air and make our way to the area we  couldn't reach we can use this to gather all the   remaining gems in Dragon Realms but we still  can't rescue the dragonfly up here even worse   we can't use the level entrance up here whilst  we're swimming and there's no way around that   all we do is clip right through the transport and  there's no water up here to end the swimming air   either this level would have been the next one in  a casual run as it only requires 32 dragonflies to   enter the other two levels require 55 and 65 but  we only have 45 so far however 45 dragonflies is   exactly enough to enter a level that we bypassed  earlier honey Marsh the first part of the level   is nice and easy the platforming over the honey  proves to be no issue at all the same goes for   the tank minigame soon we're making our way over  some trees and we see a key on a far away flower   we can get a walk in air from the tree and walk  over to the flower and even though it looks like   we're too low down we can just clip through with  a head bash and get the key there is also a single   red gem on a high platform that we can't reach we  use the same walking air once again and head bash   to just be in range so that Sparks grabs the gem  this works better the more Health we have since   having full health maximizes Spark's range when  collecting gems we now need to make it over the   honey onto these floating honeycomb platforms but  they're also quite far apart Landing in the honey   causes damage which knocks us back too so it's  not like we can use damage boosting here to our   advantage either what we did notice is that if we  mash the charge button rapidly as we damage boost   out of the honey we're able to move forward just  enough to land on the second honeycomb in the next   area we descended down the giant flowers grabbing  all the gems on the way one of the flowers is   quite far but a big charge jump still reaches  it we now find ourselves faced with a lot more   floating Honeycombs to get over the gaps seem to  be even wider than before and the same spam charge   method could only get us so far before he ran out  of Health we're actually stuck down here too since   the only way back is a whirlwind and we can't  just kill ourselves because we got a checkpoint   down here we have no choice but to exit the level  from the pause menu and re-enter but not before   the game shows us this poor excuse for a cut scene  we make it back to the flowers again but instead   of falling to the lowest flowers we Bonk into the  side of the flower's petals from a higher flower   to get a walk in air that is just low enough to  get through the corridor now we can walk over   the honey in the next area and we can even still  Flame the machine from here where whereas there's   still plenty of platforming left in this level  it's fairly simple we can even get to the chest   that the key opens up for a dragonfly we can even  destroy all the beehives from a distance without   any problems beyond the last machine there is a  portal that we can just reach if we stutter our   charge whilst in the air like before this portal  just leads to a slide minigame this might actually   be one of the better mini game ideas in enter the  dragonfly the final platform of the level is Out   Of Reach though getting a walking air around  here seems impossible since it's all floating   Honeycombs with no ground underneath however if  we restart the level and then get that first walk   in air again we can use this to backtrack to  the very beginning of the level we can't hit   the usual loading triggers when doing this so  the area is invisible but if we Bonk into a   tree above ground we can lower our altitude enough  to hit those loading triggers which means we can   reach the final ledge from the other side we can  see the gems on this ledge but the area itself   hasn't loaded in thanks thankfully this is just a  tunnel so there's nowhere to fall anyway it loads   in as we travel through and after getting all the  gems here that's 100 in Honey Marsh this now puts   our total dragonflies on 55 which also happens to  be exactly the amount we need to access the next   level thieves den and this is the most difficult  level in the entire rung there is a very specific   order that we must do things here otherwise we  risk soft locking ourselves in a glideless run   the reason for this is that the enemies in this  level do not respawn even if we exit and re-enter   the level they will never respawn and we need  certain enemies alive so we can use them otherwise   we can't progress we still need to kill all the  enemies in the level though for a dragonfly reward   at the end I'll explain there are 10 big rip talk  enemies throughout this level and they are the   only enemies in this level we will try to keep  them numbered as we go straight away with three   kill the first rip talk that we see the only  way to kill these rip talks is to use the wing   Shield to deflect their magic spells back at them  for some reason we actually get better accuracy   with this if we have our back to the riptop whilst  we're using the windshield don't ask me why after   making our way over some pits with swinging axes  we see the second ripped off and we want to keep   this rip talk alive just beyond this second rip  talk is a room with only a whirlwind that would   normally take us to the Upper Floor there  doesn't seem to be any other way of getting   up there however do you remember the damage boost  method we got in Cloud9 we're gonna use that again   right here if we can bait the rip talk to cast a  projectile spell towards us as we're jumping and   then head bash on the same frame that it hits us  we can get quite a big damage boost we need to use   that to get to the Upper Floor without using the  Whirlwind we need to aim for the left side of the   archway as we both move forward and get the frame  perfect head bash as we get hit after many and   many many attempts we finally managed to pull off  this damage boost and this clipped us right into   the room above up here is the third rip talk but  we can safely kill this one shortly afterwards we   find the fourth rip top near another Whirlwind  we need to do the exact same damage boost with   this rip talk we get the frame perfect head bash  and we float up to the floor above us here we find   the fifth rip talk behind a destructible wall  but we want to keep this one alive for later   behind that rip talk is a portal to a platforming  minigame but like the one in crop Cycle Country   this can be beaten without gliding despite it  being quite difficult when we exit the portal   once again we ignore the fifth rip talk and there  is a dragonfly on a Ledge above us in this room   but this can be reached with regular jumps just  fine as we exit the room we see the sixth rip talk   guarding a dragonfly we can kill this one with no  consequence we rescue the dragonfly behind him and   then do some perilous plaque forming across these  gaps whilst avoiding more swinging axes we can   ignore the portal to our left as it leads to the  game's third and final Speedway which is just as   well because it's Out Of Reach anyway there are a  couple of gems next to the portal but we'll come   back for those later at the end of these platforms  we see the seventh rip top but we leave him alive   just beyond that we find the eighth rip talk and  we can safely kill this one the next area has a   pool of water with a machine inside firstly we  grab the chest key from this room we can then   use the ladder to get high above the water but we  can't Advance here without gliding the gaps are   simply too wide there is a locked gate over there  and we can open it by submerging under the water   and charging into each of these giant buttons we  still can't get over to that gate from here though   however first things first just as we did in Cloud  9 if we Bonk into the wall above the water and   then hold the charge button we will submerge  before hitting the water and now we can swim   in air fun fact by default this level has a very  low maximum height when swimming in the air and we   can't even swim high enough to reach the platform  with the gate we just opened however for whatever   reason if we have already entered a portal in this  level like the platforming minigame portal from   earlier then this removes that height limitation  now we can swim wherever we want we want to swim   all over the entire level collecting all gems  remaining this is why we ignore the two gems next   to the speedway portal since we can just swim and  get them we will need to return to the water once   we're done to get back on foot so we can rescue  the dragonflies but we can at the very least make   sure there are no more difficult to reach gems you  might want to leave some of the gems alone though   specifically the gems found just beyond the gate  we opened you'll see why soon unfortunately there   is only one body of water in this entire level so  we must return to the same pool of water to remove   the swimming air now we want to get up to the gate  we opened on foot and to do that we backtrack to   rip Talk number seven that we spared earlier we  you need another frame perfect damage boost and   this time we want to Bonk into the wall on the  way down for a walk in air we return to the room   with the pool and this altitude is good enough  to just reach the platform with the open gate   it is safe to kill the ninth rip top up here but  we Face another problem the following area isn't   loaded we must have skipped the loading trigger  with our walk in air but this is why we skip some   of the gems right here the gems Stay Loaded in and  we can use them to determine where the ground is   it's a bit difficult but we only need to clear  a couple of the gaps in the area before it loads   in properly this reveals the 10th and final rip  Talk of the level but we don't want to kill this   one yet firstly we jump down to the lower ledge  to rescue a dragonfly we are now stuck down here   since the Whirlwind is the only way back up we  must jump off the ledge to respawn at the most   recent checkpoint which was the room with the pool  of water we want to get back up there again though   so we repeat the steps that we took to get up  there the last time which means damage boosting of   the seventh rip talk again bonking to get the walk  in air again and then doing the blind platforming   again maybe try leaving at least one gem here now  that we have to return now we must use the 10th   rip talk for a damage boost to reach a higher  platform there is another dragonfly up here a   lot of gliding is intended to advance from here  but we can get a walk in Air instead with this we   can run to the end of the level and the platforms  above the end portal there is a timed challenge   here that requires us to use our ice breath to  put out all the bonfires the time limit on this   challenge is very generous and we can reach most  of the bonfires just fine but two of them are on   their own platforms and they're Out Of Reach we  tried using a walk-in air when activating the time   challenge but unfortunately we need to be on the  ground when going through these spiers otherwise   it just won't register we tried reaching the  bonfires from out of bounds too but nothing seemed   to work but we made a discovery if you die during  the challenge when you respawn challenge timer is   still going this means that we could respawn at  a checkpoint somewhere else in the level as long   as it's a checkpoint we can reach and then still  get back here so here's what we need to do first   we kill ourselves to return to our most recent  checkpoint near the pool of water now we backtrack   through the level until we get back to the portal  behind the fifth riptop we enter that portal and   then leave again immediately this now counts as  a checkpoint and we want to keep this checkpoint   we've progressed to the seventh rip talk again  and we repeat the process as before the damage   boost on the walk-in air being this high up means  that the ferry in the room below us can't zap us   and thus our latest checkpoint isn't updated we  platform blind once more damage boost off the 10th   rip talk again use the walk in air again to get  back to the timed Challenge and now this is the   hard part we need to be very fast we activate the  challenge and then run to each bonfire that we can   reach and extinguish them one by one we then need  to quickly run off the edge to kill ourselves we   will respawn at the portal right next to the fifth  riptop we turn our back to the rip talk quickly   and then we nail a frame perfect damage boost on  our first try and bonk into the wall on the way   down this gives us just enough height on a walk  in air to run over the top of the portal and clip   out of bounds we steer left as we run and we can  see the two remaining bonfires in the distance in   an unloaded area we're able to charge all the way  to them and we need to aim for the bonfire on the   right first we charge jump to fall down when we  get close enough and then put it out immediately   we now need to make a very tight blind charge jump  to the last bonfire the technique to maximize jump   distance is to charge jump right away and land  on the edge of our platform if we keep the charge   button and the jump button held down Spira will  jump again again immediately upon Landing we can   then match the charge button in mid-air to stutter  charge for a little bit of extra distance this   allows us to just reach the last bonfire right as  the time limit expires that is easily the hardest   dragonfly in the entire game now from here we  need to kill ourselves again to respawn back   at the portal checkpoint we progress through the  level again to the seventh rip talk get the damage   boost again and get the walk in air again One Last  Time walk to the upper platform above the water   platform blind through this area one last time  then kill the 10th rip talk we can death abuse   again from here to go back to the portal yet again  now from here we can progress through the level   and kill the seventh rip talk and the fifth riptop  we then backtrack through the level from here by   jumping down this hole and killing the fourth rip  talk we fall down another hole and kill the second   rip talk we have now killed all 10 rip talks we  just need to get to the end of the level to be   rewarded with a dragonfly we death abuse one more  time to go back to the portal checkpoint we then   backtrack through the level again and fall down  the first hole we now need to get a walk in air   as we fall down the second hole there's really  only one part where this is possible as one of   the statues down here on the wall is just close  enough to Bonk into on the way down the altitude   is very specific though we need to be just  low enough to squeeze under the archway down   here otherwise we'll be pulled down to the ground  further on we can then backtrack through the very   start of the level from here it looks like we're  too high to get out of the Cave's entrance but the   upper left side of the Cave's opening isn't very  solid and we can clip straight through from here   there are two high platforms behind the starting  platform one with a chest on it and one that leads   to the level's end if we approach the chest we are  just high enough to open it whilst maintaining the   walk in air which is important we can now walk to  the other platform but it too high for us to jump   onto however a head bash from underneath will  clip us right through the following Gap is very   difficult to clear without gliding but a precise  stutter charge is just enough to get us over there   this now leads us to the final MPC of the level  who will reward us with a dragonfly for killing   all 10 rip talks that was easily the hardest  level in the entire run we were able to get   all 700 gems and 8 out of 10 dragonflies since two  of them require playing the speedway we now have a   total of 63 dragonflies and there are still two  more levels remaining the level entrance we can   access easily requires 65 dragonflies to open and  the level entrance we can't reach requires only   32 however thanks to our efforts in thieves Den  we now know about a method of maximizing our jump   distance we charge jump and land on the very edge  with both the charge and jump buttons held down   we jump again upon Landing this isn't enough on  its own though something else we can do is ensure   that we land on the very left of the very edge if  Spyro's side touches the rock wall on his left the   game forces Spyro away from it by steering him to  the right automatically this proxy seems to boost   spire's momentum slightly and even then we still  need to stutter charge in the air halfway through   the jump if we want to reach the other platform  this is extremely difficult I used the built-in   slow motion cheat code to practice this jump to  make this game Run in slow motion pause the game   and press left left right left a or X if you're  on Playstation that's just the first Gap there's   still two more we're still not quite high enough  for a walk in air or at least it doesn't seem like   we are after bonking spyra will fall a certain  distance and then the walking air will occur   if we're a certain distance away from the ground  not too far not too close however if we stand here   and then jump and bonk into the wall at a certain  height as Spider-Man bounces back he lands on the   same platform but he falls back just far enough  that he falls over the edge the time spent falling   backwards whilst we're on the starting platform is  taken into account before the game decides whether   or not we get the walk in air this means that  we don't need to fall quite as far to the ground   before the walking air is achieved and we're just  high enough to not be pulled to the ground using   this method from here we can head bash under the  bridge to clip through as we suspected all along   and this skips the second Gap the third Gap is the  biggest by far we'll need an even higher walk in   air to reach that one we can walk up the sloped  edges of the bridge but the game doesn't like   it when we do Spyro gets pushed off the bridge  if we're not careful but if we take it slow and   precise we can walk up a decent amount if we stay  on the right side from here we can jump and bonk   into the very highest point of the bridge for a  walk-in air with an even higher out chewed them   before now jumping to the final Ledges easy and we  can finally reach the entrance to the next level   on foot there is also a dragonfly up here which is  the 10th and final dragonfly in Dragon Realms we   finally enter the next level the monkey Monastery  only we start this level on a small isolated   platform with a massive Gap separating us from the  rest of the level there's no chance of getting a   walk-in air here either as there are no low Ledges  and there's nothing to stand on we can't even   stand on the NPC after we freeze in there are just  three gems on this starting platform and that's   all we can get in this whole level this leaves us  on 64 dragonflies out of 90 and 5503 gems out of 7   000. we can't make any more progress in the  monkey Monastery and we need 65 dragonflies to   enter the game's final level unfortunately this is  where we hit a dead end in our run or do we there   is one other glitch we haven't used yet and the  reason for it is that it's completely broken it's   called the dragonfly duplication glitch and it's  exactly what it sounds like if there's a dragonfly   that requires bubble breath to capture then we can  duplicate that dragonfly infinitely all we need is   access to at least one other level from the home  world with dragonfly Dojo being the earliest first   we breathe the bubble breath at the dragonfly  but then we open the atlas before the bubbles   touch the dragonfly we can use the atlas to fast  travel to any level that we've already accessed   which is why you have to have unlocked at least  one level first we fast travel to another level   and during the loading screen we can see the  text at the bottom of the screen that says we   caught the dragonfly however if we return to that  same dragonfly we can see that it's still there   waiting to be captured you can simply repeat this  duplication glitch add nauseum if you do it more   than 10 times the atlas shows that you've gained  more dragonflies than there are in the level you   can even do this until you have 90 out of 10  if you wanted the game's completion percentage   will still increase as if you've got an all 90  dragonflies in the game although it can have some   odd visual effects when I was capturing footage  for this the atlas freaked out a bit the biggest   reason I didn't want to use this glitch is that  even though we can trick the game into thinking   that we had rescued all 90 dragonflies every other  level in the game would still read 0 out of 10 but   of course that means that we could just use the  duper glitch in every level where we can find a   dragonfly and get them all to show 10 out of 10.  this would get around having to do the Speedways   too like I said the glitch is broken so for this  run I'm only going to use it once also whilst   capturing footage for this glitch Spyro decided to  start walking into the wall by himself whoa whoa what was that he's off please I come sick of this I'm going we were  suddenly soft locked thanks game anyway if we load   an older save we can go back to the point before  we rescue the 10th dragonfly in Dragon Realms   which also happened to be our 64th dragonfly in  total so far we can now duplicate this dragonfly   to put our total on 65 instead since we only  use the dupe glitch to increase our total to   11 out of 10 and not to avoid actually reaching  any of the dragonflies in the game I don't feel   like this breaks the spirit of the challenge  with that though the game allows us to access   the final level that requires 65 dragonflies to  enter and that level is Jurassic jungle there   is a bit of platforming early on but it's very  easy we come to our tunnel entrance there's a   lock chest to the right so we'll have to come  back to that later there's a lava pit in front   of the tunnel which makes getting in awkward but  you can just walk around the edge the tunnel has   some more platforming over lava but it's not too  difficult this leads to a room with a big statue   in the center there's a ladder in here that helps  us to reach some gems on the Statue and it helps   us to reach a key to the chest there is a puzzle  in this room that requires us to Flame the colored   jewels in the correct order but after that this is  where we run into a dead end to continue the level   now we would need to get to the very top of this  room but the gaps between each part of the statue   are too wide and we can't reach the head before  we try to work out how to progress we backtrack   to the chest and rescue the dragonfly inside now  we return to the room with the Statue as we need   this room to help us get a walk in air it's the  same deal as before we need to make sure we're   low enough to travel back through the tunnel again  but not too low that we get pulled to the ground   we can use this to walk over the top of the start  of the level and as usual the levels ending Loops   to the start now we are essentially playing the  level backwards just like in crop Cycle Country   we find invulnerability power-ups that allow us  to walk on the lava temporarily this is the main   gimmick of the level which works for us as that  doesn't involve gliding we can use this to kill   all the dinos on the lava and to get to a portal  for a tower climbing minigame The Climb can be   done casually but if you ever wanted to make this  easier just hold down the look button whilst the   mouse is talking and as long as we keep it held  when the minigame starts none of the traps on the   tower activate so we just get a nice and safe  climb to the top after we exit the portal we   continue to progress backwards through the level  eventually we come to two platforms that are much   too far apart to get over without gliding we  can see that the platform at the end of this   area is quite high up too so no amount of charge  stuttering was going to get us up there we need a   high platform somewhere else in the level that we  can reach to help us walk in air but unfortunately   that platform doesn't exist in theory we could use  a damage boost to gain height and then Bonk into   the wall as we fall back down just like we did  in feeds Den but in this level there's a better   way back in the area where we first saw the power  ups there is an electric fence of course the fence   down damages spiral if we touch it however if we  use the invulnerability power up first the fence   won't damage us but it still knocks Spyro into  the air if we keep bonking the fence we'll just   keep getting boosted higher and higher the goal  is to Bunk into a wall at the highest point for   a walk in air not all walls this high up are  solid though of course but when we do find a   solid wall next to the fence we can get a walking  air just low enough to go back through the tunnel   unfortunately the path to the platforms over The  Lava is too high up and we're forced down to the   ground we need to find a way out of bounds instead  after we get the walk in air if we follow the path   to the portal that we entered earlier we can clip  out of bounds above it from here we can walk all   the way around the lava and to the other side we  can grab the Collectibles over here and complete   a volcano slide minigame getting to the next area  is our next challenge the gaps over The Lava are   pretty wide but they look doable although though  I tried many times and died over and over even the   charge stutter wasn't getting us over there it's  only this first Gap that's the major challenge   so we just need to find a way over this so check  this out if you Bonk into a wall before landing   in the lava we won't take damage if we can move  along this wall and bonk into it over and over   whilst moving towards the platform we're trying  to reach we can slowly make our way there this was   very tricky and required a fair few attempts the  hardest part is arguably getting on the platform   itself when trying to Bonk we missed the wall a  few times so we took a bit of damage on the way   but thankfully we had just enough hell to make it  to the platform the next two gaps can be charged   jumped over with no problem this path leads us  to the top of the puzzle room that we were in   early at the start of the level this means that  we have gone backwards through the level all the   way to the other side of the giant statue that  we couldn't get over before the gem on top of   the statue's head still looks like it's going to  be just out of our reach though but get a load   of this did you know that the developers put too  many gems in this level the total number of gems   for this level in the atlas is 600 but there's  actually just over 600. as soon as our total hits   600 all other gems in the level disappear right  in front of our eyes so there's no need to get   the gem on the statue's head after all all that's  left to do now is travel back to the start of the   level use the shortcut at the end of the level  which is now open and get the last dragonfly from   the NPC that's 100 in Jurassic jungle we have  now collected 74 dragonflies out of 90 and 6103   gems out of 7 000. this is the maximum possible  completion without flying or without a single   Glide this is excluding the dragonflies you could  get via the dupe glitch of course this is where a   glideless run ends however if we want to turn this  challenge into a minimum Glide challenge we can   use one one single Glide to clear the Gap at the  start of monkey Monastery the jumps following this   Glide are quite tricky and we can't quite make it  over to the chest but what we can do is lag the   game to clip through the door that leads to the  end of the level just like we did in crop circle   country so once again we'll be playing this level  backwards too we want to make sure that we get   the checkpoint right behind this door otherwise  dying would send us back to the very start of   the level again and then we'd be forced to use  another Glide at the top of the stairs we find a   portal to another slide minigame and this one has  a time limit sliding through the flags shaves off   a couple of seconds each but if we want to make  this really easy we can use the same trick we used   in Jurassic jungles tower climbing minigame we  hold the lock button during the monkey's dialogue   and the time limit won't start until we let go as  long as we let go of the look button just before   hitting the bottom this works fine as soon as we  return to the level Spyro's legs stopped working   for we can use the steps here to get a walk in  air but it needs to be just precise enough that we   can squeeze under the door that we clipped through  earlier this allows us to reach a high ledge where   we can for a Yeti and grab some gems the door we  clip through has opened now we take the other path   at the top of those stairs until we get to an area  that you wouldn't normally reach until the end of   the level right away we light a rocket that breaks  a lump of ice far away this is where things get   tricky there are many Platforms in this area but  they're all very far apart from each other we can   get to a high ledge on the platform that we're on  and for the second Yeti we want to reach another   platform from here with a walk in air but there  are several platforms to choose from all around   the area the order we go to each platform is  quite important specifically we need to visit   the far left platform last close to this platform  we can find a key that was stuck in the ice that   we blowed earlier although after traveling to  any platform around here with the walk in air we   get stuck on that platform as soon as we become  grounded we could exit the level from the pause   menu and then re-enter it but that would mean  doing that Glide at the beginning of the level   again instead we can jump off the edge to respawn  at the latest checkpoint this is the checkpoint   that we made sure we got after clipping through  the door all collectibles will remain with us even   if we die I hope you've got enough lives because  we're gonna need them now we can repeat the walk   in air and go to the small Center platform this  time the Canon here can be used to both break the   ice wall in front of us and shoot down the birds  flying around for a dragonfly we jump off the edge   again respawn at the same checkpoint and then get  the walk in air again we Thor the yeti behind the   ice wall the routine continues we die respawn walk  in air but this time we want to get on top of the   biggest Central platform we don't quite have the  height needed to reach it though and the ceiling   above the Frozen Yeti is solid after a while  we did find a way up there if we walk into the   right side of the Cave opening it's just about  possible to clip inside the platform the game   tries to push us back out but if we quickly jump  and head bash as we clip inside we can then click   through the ceiling and get on top however it is  very important that we do not go near the ferry on   this platform we cannot let our checkpoint get  updated to this platform otherwise we will be   forced to perform at least one more Glide to make  any further progress the issue is there's a cannon   on this platform that we want to use and it's  right next to the fairy there is a way to avoid   getting Zapped by the theory though you'll notice  that the fairy starts as a Sparkle and only turns   into a fairy when we get close if we walk just far  enough away from the ferry to make her turn into a   sparkle but then quickly Circle back towards  the ferry again we can get just close enough   before the sparkle animation have time to finish  this results in the fairy remaining as a sparkle   until we walk away and return again so when we  get this as long as we stay close to the sparkle   she will not zap us now we can get in the cannon  and break another ice wall since our checkpoint   didn't get updated we can now jump off the edge  and respawn at the previous checkpoint another   walk in air later and we get behind the ice wall  that we just destroyed to thaw another Yeti who   death abuse again respawn and walk in the air to  the right this time for some more gems we death   abuse and respawn yet again to walk in air to the  far right platform to get onto a path that leads   to the next area however eventually this path is  blocked by another ice wall That's supposed to be   destroyed from the other side we are going through  the level backwards after all instead we want to   get another walk in air at the usual spot and then  backtrack the way that we first got to this area   we can't walk Beyond this roof as it's solid but  we can use it to get another walk in air with a   bit less altitude now we can clear the gaps that  we couldn't get over at the start of the level   not much Beyond here requires any gliding most of  the platforms can be reached with various jumps   there is one high ledge behind an ice wall that a  whirlwind usually takes us to but we were able to   use a frame perfect damage boost using a mammoth  enemy below that's the last Yeti thawed out once   we have all the gems and the dragonflies in this  area the path ahead just leads us to the other   side of the ice wall that was in our way earlier  so there's no need to go that way instead we get   a walking air here above the ice which actually  makes this a skate in air I suppose and we skate   back over the ledges that we walked over jump  down and opened the chest it's a luau Island   themed chest by its design for some reason but  oh well there is now one final thing left to   do we mentioned that there was one platform that  we must visit last so we must get one final walk   in air in that area and walk over there here  is a portal to a plane flying Mini game that   we finish with ease the reason we had to do that  part last is that the portal to these mini games   also counters checkpoints which we learned from  feed's Den so if we'd come to this portal earlier   before finishing everything else in this level we  wouldn't have been able to death abuse to get off   this island since we would have just respawned the  portal again if this were any other level we would   have just used the pause menu to leave and then  re-enter but then that would have put us back at   the very start of the level and we would have had  to have performed a Glide again anyway with that   we've managed to get 100 in Monkey Monastery  now we can challenge the final boss for real   rip so for some reason ripto has more forms if we  have more completion percentage he has a second   form if we have 85 completion and a third form  if we have 100 completion our final completion   was above 85 percent but below 100 since there  are six dragonflies that we can never get due to   the Speedways unless we duplicate them so in this  run we only see ripto's first and second forms not   much else changes though we just need to switch  off the breath that we use the routine is still   the same once ripto is defeated we are rewarded  with the worst static background image for credit   I have ever seen in a video game we have done it  can you beat Spyro enter the dragonfly without   gliding well the answer isn't very clear it all  depends on your own criteria we prove the final   boss can be beaten without gliding right at  the start of the video but if you're looking   for 100 completion like I was you will always be  six dragonfly short due to the Speedways unless   you use the duplication glitch but even then you  still need one single Glide at the start of monkey   Monastery so I suppose this means that if you  allow the duplication glitch then the entire game   is possible to 100 complete in one single Glide  regardless despite all the technical issues and   glitches I still really enjoyed this challenge  I wasn't expecting it to be as difficult as it   was I need to give a big thank you to everyone on  the Spyro speed running Discord server especially   groink who taught me so much about the game  and to snuggles Who provided me with footage   here and there give them a follow if you want to  learn more about enter the dragonfly speedrunning   if you enjoyed this video then you're on the  right channel there's plenty more to come so   please subscribe and follow our twitch Channel  too speaking of twitch though I need to thank   both our twitch subs and our patrons they are  a lazy Dragon Amber Sky ancient swords argosius   Audi biscuit 93 big wolf Chris crawling ralphser  Dino 1303 D stutt Duncan f93 Luigi evolve pixel   Finn living with a ghost hiki Joey 14 henna  man Juan ewu James individu Jesus Christ   zero zeroad gin 0505 John fitz49 keja 4213 Cami  7yt kid Vermin number three Phyllis Mel Phyllis   Miss Barb's Nath hd123 nerd Paladin nurse bobber  plague sloth Spectrum z90 static joke sunbro 77   tame Hunter 10 divided by 6 Terry endur TG side  effects that Chloe is odd the bloody screen the   Jammy Emperor the lumient gamer the player 96  Tim zero tall zh talster triceratopsicle and   true dk0 and of course the patrons as well they  are a lazy Dragon Anthony Carmack Courtney LED   23 Oscar Olson and skirts thank you all  so very much if Spyro challenges is what   you're after then we've already made no gliding  videos on the original trilogy the playlist is   linked on screen now or if you want to see some  Ratchet and Clank Challenge videos we have some   of those too like beating Ratchet and Clank 3  without jumping that kind of stuff check it out
Channel: NGPlus
Views: 103,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: can you beat, spyro, spyro the dragon, spyro glideless, spyro without gliding, spyro the dragon without gliding, without gliding, spyro the dragon glideless, spyro no gliding, spyro the dragon no gliding, can you beat spyro, spyro speedrun, vg myths spyro, vg myths, gamechamp4000 spyro, can you beat spyro the dragon, can you beat spyro the dragon 2, can you beat spyro 4, spyro the dragon 2, spyro 4, spyro 4 without, spyro 4 without gliding, enter the dragonfly
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 27sec (4167 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2023
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