Can You Beat Ratchet and Clank 3 Without Jumping?

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first we beat Ratchet and Clank 1 without buying  any packs then we beat Ratchet and Clank 2 without   ever rescuing Clank this time in the third game  we are forced to have Clank on our backs with all   packs available right from the start so we'll just  have to be careful not to use those packs as we   once again tried to find out can you beat Ratchet  and Clank 3 without packs yes yes you can it's not   even that hard there's so little platforming in  this game compared to the first two we even used   a debug code built into the PS3 HD version  of the game to manually remove the helipack   and the Thruster pack from our gadgets menu and  it was still too easy for some reason ratchet's   double jump height has received a buff in the  third game just in case it wasn't already easy   enough we can even get all the titanium bolts and  in-game trophy Collectibles so we had to take this   a step further what about can you beat Ratchet  and Clank 3 without jumping let's find out let's   look at the rules but first I need to tell you  that this video is brought to you in partnership   with nordvpn it's important to stay safe online  nowadays and hackers are as common as ever Wi-Fi   networks especially free public Wi-Fi networks  can be compromised by criminals after your data   the solution is nordvpn software it allows you  to encrypt your online traffic and change your   device's IP address which secures your privacy and  makes you harder to track online it's so easy to   use it's just one click to turn on or you can even  set it to turn on automatically nordvpn doesn't   mess around either it's confirmed by speed tests  that this is the fastest VPN there is what's more   the same account can be used across six devices  and they range from Android iOS Mac OS and Linux   even your Android TV supports nordvpn they go  the extra mile too with something called threat   protection which prevents malware and even blocks  ads the cherry on top is that you can use nordvpn   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number four Once We defeat  nefarious at the end of the game we win   so just so we're clear on what counts as a jump  there will be no regular jumps high jumps long   jumps side flips or back flips this also means  no wall jumping but since you can't do a normal   jump anyway you likely won't ever be able to wall  jump this should be interesting in fact we live   streamed this whole challenge run with the Ratchet  and Clank goat himself Zen angle Clank a little   bit more yeah like a little bit more to the left  like you were before like this yeah am I moving   forward at the same time yes yes yeah definitely  move forward so I knew we were in good hands if   ever there's an insane strap that literally took  years to learn and perfect I will be showing   footage of ZEM performing those fairy strats we  start the game on planet veldin and right away we   need to follow our robot friends up these Ledges  since we have a full inventory of all the game's   weapons we have a couple of options here but we  can use this opportunity to show an example of a   proxy the game remembers the last three things we  equipped in the top left corner of the screen and   tapping triangle toggles between them for this  proxy we need the shock Cannon and the turret   glove back to back in this list we also need to  use our charge boots for this now with our shock   cannon in hand we face towards this plant at about  this distance we charge into the plant with a   double R1 as soon as we are about to hit the plant  we press both triangle and circle at the same time   this will both fire our shock Cannon and swap to  our turret glove at the same time firing the shock   Cannon during a charge will cancel the charge but  ratchet will still carry some forward momentum   into a slide as soon as we have both canceled  the charge and swapped weapons we Mash Circle   immediately after to spam the turrets ratchet will  perform the animation of throwing a turret during   the slide into the plant and since the plant is  sort of sloped shaped we will slide right up it   with the stored momentum with the height that we  gain off this we can move in mid-air and land on   the upper ledge nearby the very next small Gap  can just be charged over then to get up here we   could just strafe walk up the circular plant to  the right and get straight up there the rest of   this area can be beaten just fine without jumping  until we get to the drop ship when we enter the   drop ship ratchet will run automatically and jump  out of the opening to fall to the next area even   though this jump occurs automatically we still  want to find a way to skip this it turns out if   you have the suck Cannon equipped you can hold  the strafe button and the circle Button as you   enter the Dropship to retain some control in the  Dropship this allows you to do certain things like   enter first person or Swap and fire weapons but  ratchet will still run and jump out automatically   there was the idea that we could use turrets or  the Agents of Doom to try and block ratchet's   walk cycle but the game wouldn't take no for an  answer however a method was found recently by the   Strat Hunter Joe Alf the initial setup is the same  equip the suck Cannon hold strafe and circle but   we also need to hold the left analog stick down  right we keep these Herald as ratchet enters the   drop ship as soon as ratchet is standing inside  we Mash Circle and R1 together several times and   right as ratchet is about to jump we Mash Circle  and R1 again there seems to be some Randomness   to it but when it works it looks like this now we  can just walk over the edge of the ship manually   to continue the level as normal there is now  one final battle on this planet with a bit of   platforming at the end when the first few wave of  enemies are defeated some more enemies will break   down a big metal gate this is the path we need to  head down but we need to get on a high up ledge it   seemed to be far trickier than the last time but  we can once again perform the same proxy that we   used at the very start we have the shock Cannon  and the turret glove ready to go we charge into   the water at a slight angle press triangle and  cycle together at the same time and then Mash   Circle so the proxy sends ratchet upwards after  we defeat the flying ship here the bridge will   extend to our ship but if we wanted to clear this  Gap without defeating the ship we can just do a   precise charge cancel we mentioned that firing  the shock Cannon during a charge will cancel the   charge but retain a bit of forward momentum the  timing is tricky but if we charge over the edge   here and cancel the charge with the cannon in  mid-air at the perfect time ratchet will lose   less height and have just enough momentum to land  on this metal platform now to get up here all we   have to do is strafe over the edge to the left  ratchet will fall and grab on we can then pull   ourselves up here since this is using ratchet's  arms and not considered a jump we have beaten the   tutorial now we arrive at Planet florana and there  is a considerable amount of platforming on this   level things like jumping across gaps over deadly  swamps wall jumping to reach high up ladders Etc   but what if we could skip all of it turns out this  level's end is right next to the beginning of the   level this drawbridge would normally lower once  we reach the other side to create a shortcut to   the end and we want to get around that drawbridge  right from the Star all we have to do is charge   over the swamp and towards the grass on the right  side of the bridge as soon as we hit the grass we   hold down the x button and since we were charging  ratchet won't jump instead he will walk over the   grass and into the tree if we walk at a precise  angle towards the tree ratchet will start to gain   height due to the tree being slightly sloped with  enough height we can get over the invisible wall   blocking our way and hover down to the ground on  the other side this Skips a decent portion of this   planet and Begins the second half of the level  the path of death but did you know that there is   a trick in this game that makes the game skip us  all the way to the final boss of Planet florana   which also skips the path of death we didn't use  it in this run due to not wanting to skip all   most an entire level without at least trying it  but just for fun let's show it off the trick is   called Quark war or Corp for short firstly would  you believe the setup for this skip is done on   the previous level planet velden in the final  part of veldin here's what we need to do save   the game and then quit to the main menu here we  must change the game's language to German I know   it sounds crazy but it's important for the skip  then we load back into the last phase of Planet   velvet again next ratchet needs to die either  have the enemies shoot him to death or jump   off the nearby Cliff Edge as long as ratchet has  died at least once and respawns that is enough   to make this setup work now we need to get to our  ship before the enemies break down the metal door   we can get over the metal door by performing the  tried and true proxy method on this part of the   war once we're up here we can charge over this  rock and drop down to the upper ledge beyond the   metal door the flying ship won't spawn here this  means the bridge won't trigger either so it's a   good thing we already have a method of getting  over there with a charge cancel if we perform   all of this and all before the enemies can break  down that metal door then as soon as we fly to the   planet florana the game will warp us directly  to the boss fight against cork at the very end   of the level hence the name cork warp no one even  knows a hundred percent why this trick even works   but the fact that only certain language settings  allows this skip to work is crazy I think Spanish   works too but German definitely works since we're  not using this skip in our run we have to play the   path of death the falling Ledges are a pain but we  can use charge canceling to Traverse over them we   can even grab the edges of them without falling  too soon we come to a wall that is very vertical   the charge proxy we've been using up to this point  is very situational as it requires sloped walls   so we need another method of gaining height if  we walk right up to the wall enter first person   turn around 180 degrees aim right down at our feet  Notch the left stick up about five times and then   throw a turret down and then after that we turn  to the left about 45 degrees and throw a second   turret down if they are both positioned right  ratchet will now be wedged between them and now   all we have to do is aim directly at our feet and  throw down the Agents of Doom when the agent spawn   in they can push ratchet upwards slightly and  with the turrets already pinning ratchet against   the wall we will now be hovering above the turrets  this gives us just enough height to grab the ledge   and pull ourselves up the next ledge isn't quite  as high up so we can use the same method here too   the final stretch is the most difficult several  tricky charge cancels over falling platforms and   flaming platforms we can make this easier by using  the shield charger to protect us from the Flames   as we don't want ratchet to get knocked into the  lava the last hurdle is the tallest vertical wall   the exact same method won't work here as it's just  too high but we don't necessarily need to get up   there all we need to do is trigger the cut scene  before the boss and the trigger for the cut scene   extends all the way down beneath the arena itself  so just like in our Ratchet and Clank one and two   videos we are about to use decoy clipping only  this time it's called turret clipping we throw   the turrets down at our feet like before but  we must ensure that they are slightly closer   to ratchet this time this can then clip ratchet  through the wall and normally this would drop us   to our deaths but if we can get a precise clip  part way through the wall we can then charge   through the wall and directly underneath the Boss  Arena this can trigger the boss's cut scene before   we hit the lava now we simply defeat the boss  and that's florana beaten the Starship Phoenix   poses no challenge casually and even jumpless  there isn't really any challenge here but did   you know there is a method that we can use right  here just skip two entire planets that's right   but of course I won't be using it in this run I'll  still show you how to do it though it's called VR   skip first we start at the bridge then we turret  clip through the wall to the side so we can get by   the moving platform we are out in space now but  ratchet defies the laws of science we can clip   back inside the ship's Center we want to get up a  ledge and it is here that we will be introducing   another trick called turret bounce very useful  these turrets we can use certain in-level assets   to get a turret to bounce Us in the air these  control panels are a perfect example of an asset   that allows this if we enter first person view  whilst standing parallel to this control panel and   throw a turret straight down at our feet ratchet  will bounce upwards quite a bit with this height   we can hover down to the ledge we want it to reach  we can use this same method to get on top of this   engine looking thing and then turret clip through  the wall I will be showing M's footage from here   as the next step is insane we start by equipping  the shock Cannon and then we charge out into space   but the angle needs to be perfect right at the end  of the charge as ratchet would normally lose speed   we very quickly press R1 Circle and R1 in that  order this needs to be very fast the timing to   begin these inputs is frame perfect if you get  it right ratchet will fire the cannon and then   he will immediately start charging again at full  speed this Frame perfect set of inputs needs to   be performed like this a total of three times in  a single charge this is extremely difficult but   as we already mentioned ZEM is the goat and he  nailed it this allows ratchet to get in range of   a hypershock Target and pull himself inside the  VR training area that we wouldn't normally have   access to even if we don't have the hypershot this  still works as the game puts it in our inventory   automatically when we get close to the training  completing this VR training is exactly what allows   us to skip two specific planets we won't show how  to get through the VR training just yet though   as we still need to do that later anyway for now  let's start the next planet marcadia most of this   planet is centered around combat so it's fairly  easy early on any gaps we come across can be   cleared with charge cancels there was a small wall  that we tried to strafe walk over and we ended   up on the very edge stuck behind a small fence  fortunately we were able to walk along the edge   and to the drop ship at the end the next part is  just a gunfight against a wave of enemies with no   platforming whatsoever just try not to fall inside  the small pools of water though because you can't   just step back out again I was forced to win this  fight from here upon winning the last fight we   gain access to the facility this area is largely  just a series of laser puzzles but there are some   high Ledges that we need to get onto before we  can beat this section if only there was a way   for us to use the turret bounce wherever we wanted  oh wait there is we mentioned that only certain   assets will allow the turret bounce to work but  it also works with the Agents of Doom as soon as   we throw down the agents as long as they land on  a flat surface they will be standing in a certain   formation they will remain in that formation for a  few seconds before moving during those few seconds   we need to stand parallel to the agent and throw  down a turret at our feet this is all much easier   if performed in the game's full first person mode  as this allows us to move into position faster the   agents will also jump on the spot too and if an  agent that we're parallel with jumps at the same   time we throw the turret down we will gain even  more height this is a much more convenient way   of reaching the upper platforms without jumping  something to be aware of turret ammo cannot be   purchased from the PDA we believe this is due  to it being a megacorp weapon but then why can   you find its ammo in gatotron crates I don't know  the point is you have limited turret ammo between   vendors so conserve them well we also need to  be careful that we don't accidentally clip our   ourselves out of bounds this happened to me when  trying to Turret bounce up some steps I ended up   falling through the void until I saw my ship in  the distance and it was now in a unloaded part   of the level I thought I could just land on it  and then get inside to save myself but the game   wouldn't let me in the ship I tried to charge over  into the drop ship but I choked it and I ended up   hitting an auto save in mid-air I was then trapped  in a never-ending Loop of constant death so yeah   make sure you don't fall out of bounds in the  facility this would normally be when we would   play our first cork vid comic and this would  also require a lot of jumping but thankfully   we're playing a new game plus so the game gives  us an option to completely skip playing all the   Quark vid Comics so that's what we'll do it's a  good thing too because I could even get past the   first gap on the floor without jumping now we must  get to the end of a perilous platforming section   in Annihilation Nation the charge cancel and the  turret bounces get us by just about everything   here so with a bit of patience this wasn't too  bad moving on to aquatos and this is the first   of two planets that we could have skipped with the  VR skip but we must play every planet so here we   are the level is mostly an escort Mission with  skip MC Marx the usual turret bounces can get   us on any High platform that we want to reach as  long as it's not too high up but what would we do   if we ever did run out of turret ammo we can't  buy it from the PDA after all and we don't want   to backtrack to a vendor either we aim to tackle  that very question with yet another trick called   box proxy or boxy for sure all we need for this  trick is the suck Cannon and a nearby crate if   we activate the suck Cannon whilst facing a  crate if we're close enough we will suck it   up so it can then be used as ammo later however  if we start to suck up a crate and then quickly   swap weapons before the crate can get to us the  game just stops the crate in mid-air from there   the crate cannot be broken and it is treated as a  solid object as soon as we equip the suck Cannon   again the crate zips right into us as normal but  after suspending a crate in place if the crate is   low down and slanted enough we can walk on top of  it if we then equip the sock Cannon whilst we're   purchased on top of a crate as soon as the crate  tries to zip towards our Cannon it lifts us up   with it the results from this vary greatly but  it can give ratchet some decent height halfway   through the level we needed to submerge underwater  and swim through a tunnel this isn't an issue but   when it comes to exiting the pool of water the  only way to do so seems to be jumping out it   could be debated that this isn't a jump as it's  from water but if we can find a way to get around   this then we will so here's how we did it before  the pool of water there is a raised platform if   we look to the left we can actually clip through  this pipe with a charge be careful not to go too   far here though as we can fall out of bounds and  die after clipping through the pipes if we then   charge forward it's possible to clip inside the  underwater section but without having to swim   we can freely walk around down here but we are  essentially stuck here neither the Box proxy or   a turret bounce will get as the height we need to  escape plus after being down here for 20 seconds   the game checks if ratchet is swimming if he's in  a swimmable area and if he's not swimming he will   automatically start swimming we can use this  to our advantage though if we stand facing a   slope and hold R1 to crouch before ratchet starts  swimming as soon as the 20 seconds are up ratchet   will start swimming and clip through the slope at  the same time now we can swim out of bounds we can   use this to swim up through the floor and onto the  elevator that leads to the upcoming plank section   this skips the need to jump out of the water  completely the Clank section can be played more   or less casually as there aren't any required  jumps but the ratchet section where we must   disguise ourselves as a teranoid that's not so  easy if our identity is discovered we are gunned   down by sentry guns but we need to platform  over some acid and we can't use our weapons   or charge boots whilst in Disguise either we can  pull this off but we need to be quick we need to   deactivate our disguise charge over the first Gap  and then quickly put the disguise back on before   the sentry guns have time to activate we were able  to do the same for each Gap except these were even   easier since the platforms were so close to each  other we could just run over the edge and grab on   we did have to do one last charge cancel for the  final Gap though the last hurdle is right at the   end we fall down into the sewage water and the  current pushes us along a tunnel but to get out   of the water at the end we would need to jump  again no chance of getting out of bounds here   and we can't swim back against the current either  but there is a way all we have to do is pause the   game save the game quit the game and reload  the game ratchet will start standing next to   the plumber one last charge and one last turret  and we're home free that's a cuatos beaten this   brings us to the second level that we could have  skipped with the VR skip Terra gnosis the star is   pretty much all combat but the latter part of the  level splits into multiple packs a decent amount   of platforming is required on these few paths we  can use our vehicle as a ramp to get up this ledge   and we can charge cancel to this High platform  here the rest of the platforming can all be done   with just turret bounces to make this planet a lot  less tedious however we can just use a couple of   turret Clips to get through the large door and  straight to the boss fight at the end the clip   can be awkward but if you're on the far left side  of the door then it only takes two clips in total   there's plenty of room to throw turrets down here  once the boss is dead terranosis is beaten now is   the time that we actually need to complete the VR  training only we won't need to skip our way into   it from out of bounds we can start the training  course from the beginning as normal as usual   it requires a lot of charge cancels and turret  bounces there is one new trick that we need to   perform here however the hyper swing hover we need  to use this trick to get by a wall jump section   and it will allow us to hover right by it we  start here and we need to charge Council right   over the edge and then immediately latch onto  the hypershop target during the momentum that   we gained from the charge cancel during the  swing we need to ensure that the left stick   remains in the neutral position at the very Apex  of ratchet's Swing we need to let go of the swing   and immediately hold X to hover if we let go at  the very Apex and if the left stick is neutral the   momentum we stored is carried over into our hover  speed we can then quickly flick the left stick to   the right to hover around the corner we must keep  it neutral throughout otherwise this allows us to   reach a swing shot target further on that we were  not meant to reach here once we get to the end of   these swing shots we need to make sure to hover  to the ledge on our left and pull ourselves off   the rest of VR training is all turret bounces and  charge boots into swing shots there are hacker   sections too of course but they don't require  jumping with all that beaten we can now go to   Planet Dax there are three paths on this planet  but one of them leads to the charge boots and   since we're on new game plus we already have them  so we swing to the other side of the water and go   for the elevator we need to use more turrets  again to get onto the elevator and even more   turret bounces are needed throughout this whole  path until the very end conserving turret ammo   can be a challenge if we use too many but it's  still very doable right away there are two high   Ledges but we can use the charge boots from the  top of this elevator to get down to those Ledges a   couple of charges later and we come to a wall jump  section it seems too high for a turret bounce and   we tried to use a box proxy as well but with such  little room to work with it was very difficult we   need to approach this from a different angle if  we head back down the first path again there is   a wall on our right before we reach the swing shot  target we can use a turret bounce to get on top of   this wall we can then charge down from here to a  later part of the second path which bypasses the   wall jobs the platforming sequence ahead of us  is very challenging we can charge into a swing   but the floating platforms get shot down whenever  we land near them we would have to fall and grab   each ledge and charge cancel from one hypershot  platform to the next over and over also ratchet   won't grab the edge of the hypershot targets and  what's more we have to do all of this very quickly   a better way is to use the hyper swing hover again  from the first Swing Shot Target and then use it   to carry momentum to the left over these rocks  once we clear the Rocks we can grab a further   swing shot target the rest of this path is more  charge cancels right to the boss fight at the end   fun fact did you know that if you fully charge the  shocked Cannon and then weave it left and right as   you fire it deals a lot more damage than normal  now we're on a level with a difference oh Bonnie   Gemini and because this is a moon and not a planet  we're able to fully Traverse it like a giant   sphere there isn't a map of this level instead  the camera zooms out and we can look at the whole   the big problem we Face here though is that we  need to use a lot of these jump pads to get to   all the high platforms we need to be on the jump  pads are pretty much completely relied on here   and we can't use them at all the word jump is in  the name after all the idea is to get to the top   of these high Ledges and complete a laser puzzle  to free our ship and then fly to a second moon   but what if we can get to the second moon without  our ship okay first things first we need to find a   crate there are a few around here on the moon's  surface if we ever fall down to a lower level   the lava can damage boosters back to the upper  level once we find a crate we need to set up a   box proxy again due to the unique way that these  Moon levels are coded performing a box proxy here   gives us ridiculous height so much height in fact  that the moon itself deloads due to being so far   away once we have this height we can now hover  back down slowly our goal is to land on one of   the asteroids in the Astro belt landing on one  of these is actually intended by the developers   since a couple of the asteroids have flat surfaces  normally you would need to use a jump pad to get   onto these the timing is tricky but when we have  finally landed on one of these asteroids from a   box proxy we now need to perform a very strange  glitch we must charge off the asteroid at about   this angle it doesn't look like it but the hit  detection of the asteroid belt stretches very far   outward far further than you would ever assume  as we charge we can aim towards this invisible   hit detection and it acts kind of like a slope  since it slowly pushes ratchet upwards we found   that it's best to weave left and right against the  invisible slope as we charge and this helps us to   gain height faster it's very easy to mess this up  and lose height but with some practice we can gain   so much height that it's actually possible to see  the second moon in the distance oh bunny Pollux   you can also see the third Moon of Bonnie Draco  but it has no hit detect the oh Bonnie Pollux   does we just need to get close enough to it so  now that we can see it we change our direction   towards it be sure to never let go of charge and  never let go of any direction during this entire   process dropping our Direction even for a second  will see us falling back down to a Bonnie Gemini   it also helps not to take tight turns whilst  charging it takes a fair while but as soon as   we are in range of a Bonnie Pollux we are subtly  affected by its gravity this causes a sudden flip   of the game's camera now it's a matter of quickly  getting our bearings so we can try to land at the   end of a Bonnie Pollocks and as look would have  it we were very close for extra safety we quickly   switched to hovering for a more precise Landing  that was a lot more difficult than it looked but   with that the first two ebony moons are complete  the next planet is rilgar which is purely combat   so we'll just move on a revisit to Annihilation  nation is up next and it's largely the same same   as last time we just need to get to the end of  a gauntlet there is one section with a lot of   floating platforms but we can get around this by  charging straight forward into the molten rock and   damage boosting back out again on the other side  this doesn't work on all the Rocks but it does on   this one the rest is all combat so not much else  to say here I did have to do an awkward strafe   walk to get back to our ship though this brings  us to hollow star Studios and we start this level   playing as Clank right away we see that we need  to jump across the roofs of these prop ships since   they float up and down it is possible to run over  the edge and hover down to the first chip when   it's low enough but no matter how hard we tried we  could not do this across all four ships there is   another way we can actually more or less skip this  whole Clank section with a very strange glitch   called level stacking it's a glitch that allows  us to partly load two levels at the same time and   they end up overlapping each other they this can  have some very odd effects and the combinations   of planets that can be stacked makes for some  interesting looking environments here is how to   perform level stacking start on one of the levels  that we want in the stack in our case this would   have to be a level before Hollow star in that  level We Stand close enough to our ship so that   we can enter it anytime we then make a manual save  in a separate save file now for the tricky part we   need to unlock a PlayStation trophy whilst being  close to our ship speedrunners would normally   get the trophy for shooting down the blimp in  Metropolis but we've not unlocked that level yet   an example of a trophy that can theoretically be  unlocked anywhere is either the one for obtaining   1 million volts or the one for obtaining 10  million volts bolts can be found near the ship on   many levels this will likely require a lot of Bolt  farming just make sure you're not already trying   this glitch on an account that already has all the  PlayStation Drovers as soon as we obtain that last   bolt that would unlock the trophy we immediately  paused the game and enter the options menu and   manually load that new save file we created due to  the game trying to load a trophy the manual load   that we did will be delayed during that slight  delay we can very quickly enter our ship and fly   to the second level we want in our stack in our  case that would be Hollow star Studios if we were   quick enough we could perform all of that before  the trophy has time to display on screen the   trophy will now pop on screen during the loading  scene of the ship flying through space Also we   can now see a list of the game's files to load if  we load our latest save during this loading scene   then this will cause the two levels to load at the  same time and they will be overlapping each other   with the right combination of levels this ends  up loading ratchet in as a playable character   instead of Clank we also fall straight through  the floor as soon as we spawn in this is due   to only search certain parts of both levels being  solid however our ship is stored far below Planck   section in this level we need to fall down for  what seems like forever and slightly to the left   of this structure that we see below it takes a  very long time but our ship is down here as soon   as we land on it we get inside and select Hollow  star once again this will actually load ratchet   section of the level now thus bypassing plank  section completely as interesting as all this   is it's far from being ideal it requires a PS3 or  a PS Vita version of the game and it requires us   to obtain a trophy just to execute it too what if  we get the timing wrong on the trophy then we've   lost our chance Travis can only be obtained once  per account after all let's look into a slightly   more realistic method instead we can use a glitch  that is quite similar to the Clank clips that can   be seen in our Ratchet and Clank 2 video basically  if you have planks back against certain assets   then press L1 square and the direction towards  the asset at the same time clank's hitbox will   clip through it for about a frame if we do this  against the legs of this light stand the game   tries to push Clank back out again and it happens  to push him upwards we can use this to get on top   of the light if we wanted to but where we really  want to be is on top of the pictures on the wall   nearby so if we perform this Clank clip to gain  height and then quickly move towards the wall   and hover at the Apex we can just grab onto the  picture now we need to use Clank Clips again to   clip through this wall at this spot the angle is  quite important too so we enter first person view   and aim around about here now we perform the Clank  clip as before only I found that you want to delay   the square and Direction input slightly after the  L1 input the way this works is that tapping L1   sent us the camera behind Clank but with clanks  back to the wall the camera just zooms into   Clank and back out again because as the in-game  camera is treated like a solid object it has hit   detection if we time a punch towards the wall at  the very moment the camera Zooms in to Clank the   camera itself can push Clank through the wall the  timing is very precise but with a lot of practice   we were able to get a clip through the wall  however this just drops us to our death we need   to try and get beyond the death plane that extends  Beyond this wall and we can do this by immediately   hovering as soon as we clip through the wall this  also requires very good timing there is a more   consistent method though if we aim our punch more  towards the top left then it's possible to only   partially clip through the wall and stay on top of  the picture now it's much easier to time the hover   as we run over the edge we want to hover straight  in this direction as that allows us to clear   the death plane once we're here we can now walk  through the wall in front of us as it's not solid   we will fall out of bounds as soon as we do so now  we want to land on our ship again exactly the same   as we did with the level stacking we need to aim  for that specific spot as we fall as we said it   is a very long way down but after a few minutes  we spot our ship in the distance for extra safety   we can begin to hover to ensure that we land on  the ship and when we're close enough we can press   triangle to get inside just like before we select  Hollow star from the ship's menu and we are taken   directly to ratchet's section of the level both  this and level stacking have the same end result   which allows us to completely skip Clank section  we could travel through ratchet section as normal   from here but it would just be more of the same  so it bounces charge cancels Etc so why not just   use a turret clip on this wall to the left instead  if we don't quite get the clip we can charge into   the turret and bounce backwards through the wall  now we can get onto this metal Tower and use the   teleporter at the top to take us back to our ship  as far as the game is concerned this is considered   enough to complete this level it's also quite  funny to see the enemies before you're supposed   to the next level oh Bonnie Draco is a nice  breather after Hollow star there's a bridge we   need to get onto right at the start but if we just  die we respawn onto the bridge already from there   it's more charge cancels and then a boss fight at  the end most of this level can be played casually   moving on to the zeldrin star port and there's  only one of two paths we actually need to take on   this level that would be the path towards quark  and scrunch as they're waiting for us to enter   Cork's ship with them Quark flies us to a separate  part of the level the only real obstacle here is a   ladder but we've seen turret bounces enough by  now let's try something more interesting right   from the start of the level we can turret clip out  of bounds from here we want to hover down until we   can see some robot enemies below us this of course  means that the other part of the level that Quark   flies us to is located directly beneath us if we  can land above the single robot and across from   the two robots it's possible to hit the cut scene  trigger to the end of the level it was all worth   it just to see this cutscene happening in space  instead of the ship although as soon as we need   to flee the ship before it explodes since it's not  loaded in we just fall to our death but the ship   spawns in after we respawn so it's not a soft lock  this time the Escape is easy with charge cancels   too so no issues there Metropolis is up next and  despite it being a sizable level there's not much   to talk about as far as jumpless is concerned  the beaten path doesn't really require anything   too crazy we can't suspend a crate with the suck  Cannon to make the explosive crate above it float   too so that's fun also did you know the explosive  crates bounce like this when they're fired out of   the suck Cannon because I didn't other than  that it's more classic turret bouncing and   charge canceling even after taking down the boss  at the end we still need to use turret bounces to   get on top of the taxi that takes us back to  our ship the crash site isn't much different   it's the same tricks for the most part just more  challenging than before however it was here that   we realized just how how much distance we can get  with a box proxy as long as we get the positioning   perfect it's insane usually to gain more height  and distance with box proxies you would suspend   a crate in mid-air then jump over the crate as you  switch to the sock camera this boosts the launch   height significantly but since we can't jump we  assumed our height and distance would always be   really limited well it turns out we just weren't  trying hard enough because Zen got an insane box   proxy on this level it turns out you can launch  ratchet from the very start of the level all the   way to the ending cutscene trigger in a matter of  seconds getting back to the start of the level is   easy too just save and reload the game aridia is  another level that is purely combat focused there   are some enemies on higher Ledges but you can just  shoot them all From Below anyway so we'll move on   quickly now we're looking for corks Hideout and  whereas it's a lot of the tricks we've already   seen it's all more difficult now due to things  like ice physics and the numerous enemies the   end of the level is another Clank section but  getting through this was hard enough packless   let alone jumpless fortunately we can use turret  Clips to bypass Clank section completely although   if we do that the taxi that takes us back to our  ship never turns up no matter how long we wait   even if we die and respawn it still never shows up  so we'll have to save and reload again to be taken   back to our ship we must now get to the bridge of  the Phoenix whilst it's under attack and often the   flipping enemies will forget which way is up and  stand on their sides since the moving platform   has been destroyed it is intended that we travel  through the ship manually to get to the other side   but it's actually possible to charge over the acid  on the right side and hover against this sloped   wall to slowly gain height eventually you can get  high enough to grab the far ledge koros is another   generic level for the Jump Plus challenge it was a  bit awkward getting up some of these Ledges due to   the tight spaces but we got up there eventually  did you know you could just walk through this   broken door from the back and clip right through  I sure didn't tell you all let's look at a more   interesting method of getting through this level  do you remember the charge proxy we used way back   on planet velden well until now the turret bounce  had rendered the charge proxy obsolete but we're   bringing it back for this level right near the  start we can stand at the end of a broken bridge   this is where we want to charge from just like  before we have the shock Cannon and the turrets   lined up we aim for this part of the wall and  charge towards it be careful though as sometimes   a ship will fly right by here and Ratchet can  sometimes Bonk right into it and fall to his   death however if we have 25 skill points unlocked  we can turn on an in-game cheat that turns ships   into ducks and would you believe this actually  reduces the hitbox size as well this ensures that   we don't Bonk into a [ __ ] slash duck mid-charge  as soon as we charge to the wall we press triangle   and circle together and then Mash Circle to be  proxied upward to a part of the roof we can now   charge down to a a much further part of the level  to cut out a lot of turret bounces okay one more   weird glitch sometimes the enemies get stuck  in the ground and they can't move and they just   accept their fate now for the final level of the  game the command sensor the first major obstacle   we run into here are the burning pipes part way  up a metal wall touching it makes us fall down to   the bottom again the way we can get by these is to  wrench swing into the pipes Let Them Burn you and   as ratchet damage boosts above the pipes quickly  wrench swing again ratchet will stick back to the   wall as he swings and now we've gotten over the  pipes the next challenge is during the Terra guys   section we need to awkwardly turret bounce our way  up these small steps and the turrets just don't   cooperate in small spaces the problem is when  we finally get up these steps the alarm triggers   because we're not in Disguise once the sentry guns  start firing it's too late to put the disguise on   after a few failed attempts we resorted to Turret  clipping through the force field and with our last   turret ammo too but now we're stuck before a large  gap it's much too far to charge cancel over we   could do something incredibly skillful like turret  bouncing above the section and then charging over   the small beams of the roof but zem's been doing  this a lot longer than I have instead we managed   to charge cancel to the left side and then get  a hyper strike in mid-air to maintain forward   momentum with that we just landed on this pipe on  the other side turrets 4 then once again help us   get up to the main ledge now we're home free to  enter the final boss fight against nefarious by   now we have all the Firepower we need to take down  nefarious but there is one very large problem his   AOE attacks it's by far his most dangerous attack  in a jumpless run everything else can be dodged   fairly easily without jumping once you get his  pattern down but once he starts rapidly throwing   those bombs we can't jump over the energy waves  and our health drains very quickly even our Shield   charger gets destroyed by these bombs after only  a few hits we fight nefarious across two phases   once he's taken enough damage in the first phase  he flies off to the next arena for the second half   of the fight he has plenty of friends to get  in our way too we were able to get past phase   one many times but in Phase 2 those AOE attacks  are a lot more frequent and we died every single   time it was then that ZEM taught us about a strat  for dealing extra damage that speedrunners use on   bosses and it's called Rhino bombing we need both  the Nitro erupter and the Rhino for this trick   also it's important that our Rhino is either  version 2 3 or 4 version 1 or 5 will not work   anywhere near as well basically if you hit the  boss with a Nitro bomb and fire the Rhino at the   boss right as the Nitro bomb is exploding then the  Rhino will deal far more damage than it normally   seems to be caused by stacking different kinds  of damage at the exact same time and if it's time   just right we can take off just over a third of  Nefarious Health every time we do it this Strat   is so powerful that if we nail this trick three  times in a row in quick succession it's actually   possible to kill nefarious before he ever has a  chance to fly to the second Arena this is called   the nefarious one cycle here's how we did it we  make sure that the last three weapons we equipped   are the turrets the Nitro erupter and the rhino in  that order also we will want the shield charger in   our quick select right as the fight starts we use  our Shield charger from the quick select and then   begin throwing four turrets in front of Nefarious  whilst dodging his clone attacks then we switch to   the Nitro erupter and then we stand on this line  on the floor this will ensure the perfect distance   so we don't need to focus too much on timing but  don't shoot a bomb at him straight away we you   need to wait until he is using his fourth and  final clone attack only then do we fire a bomb   otherwise he will take too much damage too early  and he'll fly off sooner right after firing the   first bomb we switch to the Rhino and then fire  its at nefarious immediately the distance between   us should ensure that the timing is perfect and  it hits at the same time as the bomb connects   plus the shield charger will protect us from  any damage too we have to act fast though as   we need to nail this perfectly two more times so  we double tap triangle to get back to the bomb   and the input sequence repeats itself once again  nailing the timing for this three times in a row   was very difficult and it took us many attempts  we would very often get so close to killing him   but he would fly off in time to save himself we  could have just chased him down to the second   Arena and then finished him off there quickly  since he was now very weak but I really wanted   to get this one cycle here's the straw right  we used in the end once we were in position   and ready to fire our first bomb we focused only  on the weapons in the top left corner this helped   with the button sequence a lot and it was by using  this it we were finally able to pull off the one   cycle that might have been the happiest moment of  my entire streaming life oh you got it [Laughter]   oh this game I'm done this nugget is done  yes dude all that was left now was to defeat   the bio obliterator we can do this in a  ship we can use the sniper rifle to kill   it from the ground or we can charge around  to the other side of the arena and use the   Rhino from the floor which apparently ZEM  didn't realize you could do it'll be funny where did you get it I'll throw it from the  floor you're doing it for the floor I think   if I got wait I gotta see this this is funny you  could just do this with the floor we have done   it can you beat Ratchet and Clank 3 without  jumping yes you can a big thank you to them   without him I wouldn't even have thought to do a  jumpless challenge not to mention all the tricks   and glitches he taught me throughout the whole  run if you want to see ZEM performing this same   challenge then check out the jumpless video on  his channel I will link it in the description   another thank you to all of those on the Ratchet  and Clank Speed Run Discord server that helped me   out with information and footage check them out  as well and if you liked this video then please   do subscribe we live stream all of these challenge  runs so please follow our twitch too all the links   are in the description speaking of twitch we have  a lot of twitch Subs to thank so let's speed run   their names they are a lazy Dragon Alex gaming  Alison Inc alvifo big wolf Chris boardplay con   Tran crawling real sadino Dr mantis toboggan games  D stutt Duncan FM 3D evil pixel fin living with a   ghost gato gatter golfing game haki Joey henna man  ewu James indu Jax pratti John fitz49 Joshi Judy   pudi Kami griffos lazardian L Hoffman Lockheed  Mackenzie Mad King Cryptid Miss Barb's Nath D   nurse bobber platonic penguin Ruby Dew Scotto  Bozo Spectrum z90 static joke sunbro supersonic   blur tame Hunter 10 divided by 6 that Chloe is  of the bloody screen Tim zero today odingo torzi   h true dk0 and zem92 and also a massive thank you  to the patrons they are a lazy dragon and Anthony   kermak You Beautiful People you if you want to see  challenge runs on Ratchet and Clank 1 and 2 then   here is the perfect playlist for you or maybe  you want to see challenge runs on the original   Spyro Trilogy we have you covered there too also  subscribe to zem2 please he has killer Ratchet and   Clank content and he's got multiple speedrun World  Records on these very games you won't regret it
Channel: NGPlus
Views: 155,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ratchet and clank without, ratchet and clank jumpless, can you beat ratchet and clank, can you beat, ratchet and clank any%, ratchet and clank any% jumpless, jumpless, any%, ratchet and clank speedrun, ratchet and clank, rac any% jumpless, rac speedrun, ratchet and clank 3, ratchet and clank without clank, can you beat rac3, rac3, rac3 without, up your arsenal, can you beat ratchet and clank 3, ratchet and clank without jumping, without jumping, rac without jumping
Id: bE13JxEdF8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 12sec (2952 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2023
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