Can You Beat RESIDENT EVIL 4 With Only Explosives?

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foreign hey it's lemon welcome to the backlogs today we're going to visit one of the spookiest Resident Evil games on the market that's right it's time for some Resident Evil 4. get excited now I haven't played this game since I last owned it on the Wii I swear I still have it here somewhere but I couldn't find it so I had to buy the HD version on Steam instead should be interesting and we're in huh all right definitely looks HD in any case let's get started shall we forget your makeup or something oh you're right I forgot to talk about the rules and you forgot to thank the sponsor of today's video Marvel snap why would you throw your phone at me Marvel's snap is a collectible card game that can be played on both Steam and mobile created by the same game designer as Hearthstone but unlike earthstone Marvel snap is all about quick gameplay and takes only six turns to complete a game build your energy play your cards and have more power on two of the three contested locations than your opponent to win sounds simple right wrong almost every card does something unique from Gaining power when played at a specific location or by having special effects that give you a better chance at winning future hands so you'll have to be strategic as well as quick thinking while playing or if you're feeling tricky you can snap the cube at the top doubling the winnings and losses of the game are you feeling confident in your success or are you bluffing maybe it'll be enough to make your opponent tap out and Retreat giving you an early Victory either way every game will be a little bit different with the locations of each match being randomly Chosen and gradually revealed throughout the six turns but stay on your toes and you'll be able to make those locations work in your favor and I know what everyone's wondering how much money do I have to pay to win and the answer is zero this game is free to play and has no pay to win features the only thing that can be bought in the store is cosmetic upgrades to your cards which don't influence their in-game power in any way Global launch was October 18th so you can download the game right now using my link in the description and whether you decide to play on steam or mobile your account will carry over to either device so you can try both to see which feels better to you now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna need that phone back now Carl go ahead and call my phone why what's that gonna do it's set to vibrate anyway the rules are simple and in line with all my other firebomb Academy videos today we're going to find out can you beat Resident Evil 4 with only explosives for those of you familiar with the game I'm sure you're already typing in the word yes in the comments in all caps but hold off on that for a second Resident Evil 4 gets pretty wild and ridiculous and these kinds of games tend to throw all sorts of unexpected problems my way way so with that in mind let's go over the rules for those who are unfamiliar with how we do things around here first when it comes to damaging enemies you can only use explosive damage what that entails will become more obvious as the Run goes on second if we get stuck we can use our knife as a last resort to progress the Run melee damage is also allowed but only in the context of if an enemy grabs me I won't be drop kicking anyone unless they force me to excuse me sir people these days am I right why did you spin like that hey whoa this is hypocrite if you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen in any case looking for a way out looking looking and just some bullets cool hey bud do you have a way out of your ow nothing really to use around the house but at least it left the door open okay then okay fine didn't think I'd have to enact the knife roll so early but what can you do self-defense you all saw it now to do the only thing that makes sense all right sassy Spanish police man let's go where'd they go oh there they are that might be a problem well we've got no way of attacking unless we enjoy being choked and personally that's not really my thing so how about we run hope you all like speed runs because that's what a majority of this run is going to look like sprinting between and around enemies and smacking open boxes hoping for grenades oh no the dog don't worry doggy I got you hopefully this makes up for the few times that have killed Sif now I did find a single grenade but one grenade does not a challenge run complete so while I Sprint past all these gonados let's talk about how the drop system and Resident Evil 4 Works basically the game is randomly placing loot in all the boxes it's not set in stone what will appear and players swear that the game is essentially analyzing how well you're doing and giving you ammo accordingly so if that's true we'll be getting grenades for days awesome in actuality however the game just loves to drown me in handgun ammo and other useless ammunition I can't even use so that's cool but with a little bit of running we make it to the iconic Village that everyone knows let's see what we've got going on yes I see and it looks like the culprits aren't far off either yep just as I thought chickens did this no doubt about it but if we're sneaky we can probably make our way around the village and collect all the grenades we can fight [ __ ] never mind grab the stuff break the things oh hey an actual grenade time to go in all honesty so long as you don't panic dodging the regular villagers attacks isn't all that difficult they're weirdly precise whatever I'll take it all right still haven't found any more grenades oh hi hello man sure is getting a bit crowded in here don't worry you can stay I needed to head on out anyway uh acapado oh God is this the part where they use it oh no oh my stained glass well time to batten down the hatches got to give myself some time to pretend there's actually a grenade in this house what the oh my God there's actually a grenade I can't believe it the game actually gave me a oh right yeah time to go I see you trying to get in but I'm just trying to get out well with a little clever planning and placement we can make these grenades count here catch damn that worked better than I expected and that was all for nothing crap nothing but gold in the bodies either might as well collect everything and hit oh uh okay cool that works for me basically the requirements for beating the village section is to survive for a specific amount of time or kill a specific number of enemies I guess the timer started back when I was running around the village stealing all the items so yeah stunning success where's everyone going bingo classic onto the farm area where these glowing blue medallions just call to me ah [ __ ] a few more medallions a few more enemies I straight up ignore and a whole boatload of looting boxes none of which have grenades I'm starting to get the feeling that this game doesn't like giving grenades out on to the next area well that wasn't suspicious at all oops almost ran into that tripwire I guess I could use some ammo to clear the is that Dynamite okay that works too I guess so not a whole lot I can do about the dynamite throwers themselves but so long as I keep moving they are more likely to help me with traps and enemies than hurt me good to keep in mind gentlemen how we doing today also worth noting meleeing a grappling Dynamite Granado will result in them exploding themselves and everyone in the nearby vicinity they'll take a bit of damage from the grapple or the explosion but worth noting nonetheless grenader 2 found in random boxes later and we've got a spooky cabinet to deal with foreign okay I have only one very important question do you got a smoke got gum I love this game so much and look who's here to appreciate it the big cheese himself [Music] blah blah blah bad things happen to me while I'm unconscious and before you know it we're injected with the plot hey look the effects are kicking in what's up big guy here to get this story moving ah plot armor never fails does it I mean it does if you fail the QuickTime events but anyway you know maybe HQ knows where the heck I'm supposed to go Leon sorry I couldn't get in touch sooner but I was a bit tied up Leon no I make the dead jokes here we can't both do that the audience can't handle that many puns ah The Gorge this ought to be fun to navigate but first let's say hello to our boy got something that might interest sure do buddy the trader allows you to sell your unused items and treasures buy new weapons and tune up your current ones I'll take as many grenades as you can sell me my man ooh a rocket launcher yeah better hold off on that grenades grenades grenades where are the grenades you don't sell grenades so yeah Merchant doesn't sell grenades not sure why my brain thought he did that is going to cause some problems but at least we can sell the ammo I'm not using as well as this weapon that I definitely won't need anytime soon and a few Treasures I've found along the way and because I don't need to spend money on literally anything let's just go ahead and buy a rocket launcher it has a very special skill but I won't ruin that for you now can I buy two nope no of course not well might as well buy a larger case too while I'm at it that way I can bring back more loot to sell all right then time to get to work I spring my way around the map stealing everything in sight doing a less than Stellar job of dodging enemies yeah I'll figure it out eventually the day is Young I also found out that using yellow herbs actually increases your health bar completely forgot about that but with a little more screaming and sprinting around the map I find one more puzzle piece and okay that's it you guys have been a pain in my neck torso and back for too long worth it oh not worth it there's more not worth it and after an upsetting amount of herbs used I finally got both pieces of the door combine the pieces and used the key moving on Duck and weave past morganados and escape the only way I know how dynamite in the Trap room huh I think all my animations have iframes a few door puzzles later and I find some lore I'll summarize it for you though bad guys are bad the president's daughter is hidden in this Village somewhere and that guy I was tied up to earlier is trying to steal some sort of sample from the bad guys awfully gracious of the bad guy's Chief to write all that down for me speak of the devil I just wanted to say thank you you have such firm hands you should moisturize anyway moving right along excuse me pardon me coming through make my way through some caves I found under the village and what the how did you get here and how'd you get here before me ooh updated stock dude do you have grenades damn it nah well you know the drill sell the goods or the gold I head through the old Cemetery convincing a few gennados to try their own explosives only challenge play with some glowing rocks then find more lore and oh God snake hmmos but I'm pretty sure Del Lago means of the lake not uh not the most creative types are they right okay where the hell am I supposed to go this is as far as I usually got on a casual playthrough whenever I picked this game back up so I'm a little rusty oh yeah the game has a map oh wow it's a good one too well I was not expecting that this helps this helps a lot ah there we go this looks right yes hello there good to see you too now then let's see what's up with this Lake uh-huh nothing suspicious yet looks like a normal Lake to me all right well maybe not entirely normal yeah I'm sure it's fine time for a leisurely stroll across [Music] Jesus what unfortunately this boss fight absolutely requires that we use the harpoons provided to us you can't open your inventory to equip anything else so please pardon the slight bending of the rules just pretend it's a melee weapon the boss has two parts first you get yanked around the lake dodging trees and Del Lago itself and then you eventually get unhooked and have to throw harpoons at Del Lago before it eats you in your boat which would be fine if the mouse control wasn't so sensitive come on come on this shouldn't be this hard oh God oh God I hate Dark Water and anything that hides in the Deep why would you do this to me foreign about it let's try that again this time with the controller oh wow that's much better too slow for regular Gameplay at least for someone who's used to the Wii version but perfectly fine for this section at least and after a much more successful couple of trips around the lake we finally get the Lago to kindly [ __ ] off all right well that was a good time time to uh huh that's weird this usually doesn't happen until after breakfast in any case after a light nap which as we all know is the doctor recommended cure for internal bleeding I have a nice little nightmare that I'll have varicose veins in the very near future oh good it's dark and rainy now that always bodes well solve some box puzzles pull some levers and Dodge past the locals you know same old song and dance huh a giant cage like Arena huh I've played Dark Souls enough to know a boss room when I see one and right on cue I don't know what you guys are thinking it's gonna take way more than two ropes to defeat me oh good they brought a cave troll man the one day I leave my me thrill at home I swear I Sprint around the arena grabbing as many items as I can find and right as things are looking dire Karma decides to give me a hand thanks doggy I need all the help I can get alright doggo has him distracted so let's see what we can use here hmm no um no yeah that'll do it say ah well damn that worked better than expected so yeah for those of you unaware the rocket launcher is a one hit kill on literally anything so long as you aim for the weak spot but you can only buy one at a time and it only gets one shot so we're gonna have to make them count which means a quick trip back to the nearest Merchant anytime I use it because that is one ace I'd love to keep in my pocket during this run it's not like I get to use my money on anything else might as well use my capitalism to my advantage oh hey more doggies I just got back from an adventure with your cousin can you tell him oh God not the face well into the church where I put on a light show for the local congregation and would you look at that free access to all the holy water and Mana I can eat now if only we could find the president's daughter and solve all my problems yeah watch it with the throwing why is everyone always throwing things at me come on Ashley I'm here to rescue I'm what no I'm Leon and with that we've got Ashley and the escort mission of all escrow missions can finally begin for those of you who don't know a majority of this game is carting Ashley around keeping her safe and helping her around the map because you know she's not a trained operative Ashley it's taking so long up there you coming down ah [ __ ] sorry that was an accident Carl cut the camera cut the camera anyway wardrobe malfunctions aside we can finally oh hello who are you if you must know my name is Osman Sadler the master of this fine is I don't like you see ya yeah great exit but we're gonna have to work on your Landing all right so now that we're safe let's talk about Ashley she's basically a walking Target for every enemy in the game enemies will occasionally take swings at her so she runs out of Health that's a game over they also tend to try and carry her off if you're not paying enough attention and if they carry her out of the current map you're on that's a game over accidentally stab or shoot Ashley yourself you guessed it game over however there are a few things we can tell Ashley to do that might help she can wait or hi but don't get too excited about that last one if she's not with you by the time you reach the exit to the current map you can't leave you can tell Ashley to come to your location but I'll tell you right now it never ends well yep there she goes getting carried off to God knows where honestly you can have her I'd rather fail and restart the current map than waste a grenade if I don't have to oh my God why oh my God why so yeah not gonna lie there were some Growing Pains took me a few tries to figure out exactly how close Ashley would follow me and how quickly I had to go to keep gennados from grabbing her out from behind me took a little longer than I'd like to admit but we got there eventually wait where did oh God come on Ashley don't stay up there whoo too close but yeah definitely a different game when Ashley's around I almost have to play like I'm acting as a sherpa for an entirely new player but hey all's well that ah [ __ ] uh okay new plan hide hide fast there nothing a little breaking and entering can't fix oh hey Louis oh boy here we go all right Louis I'm gonna block everything I can you just stand there and look Charming yeah just like that doing great champ well the good news is that this house comes fully stocked with three more grenades I can use the bad news is that the only way to progress from this section is to either survive for an unspecific amount of time or kill a certain number of enemies Lewis will actually help with the total enemies killed which is great when they start to actually get in but he probably won't be able to do it alone before the number of enemies gets a bit too dense inside the house getting a little crowded in here better now than later in the second phase of the fight the Canadas overwhelm the first floor and we have to retreat upstairs unless I do that ow okay that's it you get a fire bomb and you get a fire bomb and oh that's it okay that wasn't so bad I guess only cost me like five grenades and my friendship with Lewis bye Lewis sorry I let them Chow on you the entire fight in any case another conveniently placed note of the bad guy's plans tell us that we have two paths One path takes us into an encampment where there's a boatload of enemies which sounds like a bad time or we can take a shortcut that is guarded by a single El Gigante I think we both know which one I took hey there big boy how's it going oh look there's a trap of some sort I wonder if I could trigger that to save the rocket launch right sorry never mind rocket launcher it is onto the tram ride sounds peaceful in comparison right nope not even close not only are there gonados constantly throwing things at me but without the ability to shoot at enemies there's two gennados that'll jump up onto my tram hecking away at the cable let them attack the cable long enough and yeah so first things first learn to dodge the incoming axes and sides so far so good now to deal with Tim the Tool Man up there how about a flash grenade well that's gonna be a problem so apparently the floor of the tram doesn't actually count as a floor for some reason which means no explosions at our feet and even if I did want to waste a rocket launcher there's two ganadas along the tram path which means we wouldn't have enough to deal with them both but you know what does work and Cindy area grenade [ __ ] incendiary grenades good old fire bombs coming in clutch one more platform cleansed and fire later and we eventually make it off the tram ride got a bit worried there for a second blah blah blah Segway Segway Segway and before you know it we're at the barn time for a boss fight huh no one's home for a minute there I thought I was gonna run into that greasy bearded bald man again you know the one who's hideous pictures are plastered all over the village how much you want to bet he forces the villagers to keep those up he's right behind me isn't he hey what is it with you and joking well I guess I can't talk I have my own obsessions that I have to battle with every day have any guesses as to which one I mean okay easy boss who would have guessed that a quick explosive Barrel to the Torso would be um oh ew ew yo what is this the hell is this okay so spooky boss time there's a few grenades and herbs around the arena but not enough to really help me out I also found another explosive Barrel which as Leon so accurately pointed out is perfectly legal and within the rule set an explosive is an explosive now I could use grenades or I could just use the rocket launcher yeah rocket launcher let's just do that oh come on well it was bound to stop working eventually I guess when it comes to two phase bosses the rocket launcher is only a shortcut through one of them good to know thankfully I should have enough grenades to get us the rest of the way through the fight yep only two grenades to spare but with some careful tosses big cheese goes down could have been worse we're just gonna have to play carefully from this point all right sure a truck why not well at least he's doing my job for me how's the flashbang work for you oh wow that actually worked out right thought that divot looked a little suspicious let's try that again there we go much better let me just make sure everyone inside the truck is actually dead and are you [ __ ] serious okay third time's the charm kill the driver keep Ashley close there finally but with so many ganadas behind us it only makes sense to lock ourselves inside a spooky Castle yep totally logical decision don't ask questions what the how the hell do you keep getting ahead of me I mean I'm not complaining I'm just confused rare things on sale stranger oh yeah like what another gun I can't use yep there it is just taunting me from the sidelines do you know what I would do to own an actual gun what is that that exists you can even upgrade it well there goes my money let me just uh let me no no don't help me I can do it oh and I'll take any and all upgrades for what you've got we're well overdue oh there's a scope too okay sure all the bells and whistles why not now I've never used this weapon before didn't even know it existed if I'm being honest so it'll take some playing around with before I can figure out how it works but the scope is nice at least uh oh looks like we've got cultists and catapults is that a game I should make that a game thankfully all the catapults are next to explosive barrels which means easy takedowns on my end I do my best to get rid of all the catapults while Ashley stays behind but we've got cultist behind us so I can't take too long what's more there's one catapult that doesn't have an explosive Barrel which means means I'm gonna have to rocket launcher it unless I mean hashley's already been picked up might as well check okay so does that explode now or not quite what I meant let's try that again there now we run away again okay close enough and with no more catapults blasting me around I can summon an even bigger explosive this game just gets me you know anyway we're inside the castle now a few sword puzzles later and a single explosive Dart to help Grease the wheels a little bit and we can get to everyone's favorite bad guy of the game hahaha me amor Ramon Salazar I've been expecting you my brethrens no thanks bro Leon that what that's not how you word good English lessons aside I grabbed the prison key use it on the prison door and oh oh yeah I remember you well only one solution here pull the lever and run okay I think we got away oops never mind all right new solution shoot the Bell to distract him then give him a taste of Old Faithful everybody likes Old Faithful now for one of the harder rooms we're going to come across this room is chock full of enemies which makes getting around a bit difficult there's a pressure plate puzzle that's easy enough to solve but that just creates a new problem there's too many enemies to just navigate around they'd be grabbing Ashley before we even had a chance so a quick grenade ought to help or make things immediately worse cool alright guess it's time to give the Mind thrower another try yeah not terrible not the biggest boom in the industry but I can get the job done if we're careful about it and careful is my middle Nick ooh my face but after thinning the herd a bit and letting Ashley handle cranking while I handle the choking we finally opened the second area which leads to two more cranks that only Ashley can reach this won't go well I don't have much in the way of protecting her my grenade count is pretty much depleted but the Mind throw works pretty well so long as you time it in such a way that Ashley has some iframes and although it takes pretty much every mine I have Ashley eventually gets the platforms raised so we can move on Gesundheit you know in today's day and age you should really cough into your elbow instead of your hands see this is what happens when you don't follow protocol well while Ashley gets re-educated on healthy habits we get to finally head off on our own for a bit into the sewers where we wait why is that water just floating there why is my laser hitting something before the wall oh God invisible bugs invisible bugs well it's a good thing they're weak to speed runs not sure I'd want to face them otherwise and there we go sewers completed without a single bullet fired moving on oh this looks fun good thing I have a lot of experience with swinging extras from Dark Souls 1. otherwise I'd be a bit more nerve a little more strategic murder a few more calculated explosions helping me progress through each room and a few more puzzles that are ridiculous if you think about the context of where they are the solution for this one is one two three four by the way what kind of idiot puts one two three four as a code completely unrelated I need to pick a new code for my phone time for the next brick wall the cage fight Bonsai is ready nope nah let me out let me out there we go two clips later hey Paul ow okay not looking good we're gonna need okay new plan Old Faithful Old Faithful would ever betray me I'll be fine yep works every time oh man that blew off all the locks broke all the boxes and killed everyone in the room I could launcher op Segway Segway Segway and oh my Lord what have we here two grenades and a free rocket launcher don't mind if I do oh hey it's Lewis again finally a companion that's actually useful and he's dead cool cool [Music] damn it Leon he's dead not death but hey when one NPC dies another takes its place oh God the game lets me to shoot off the locks all right but I'm warning you my hands are a bit shaky from all the head trauma I've been taking this run of course as soon as I save Ashley from the trap she's now stuck in a room full of cultists so now I have to pay a grenade tax just to get her moving it takes two grenades to kill off two singular enemies come complete waste of resources and an additional two to clear the room once again when she realizes the door is locked she took a little damage but she's fine oh hey we're Ashley now that should go well thankfully this is basically how I play as Leon anyway so speed running through all the traps and puzzles shouldn't be too bad besides we have the most powerful weapon of all on our side crawling Go Speed Racer Go Go Speed Racer Go Speed Racer okay almost through now we just oh what fresh hell is this ugh an actual puzzle all right there took me two minutes but I figured it out eventually oh good and now the armor pieces want to kill me well at least dodging quick times is super easy no thank God Leon I missed you so much never make me play as anyone else ever again a few cart rides later again this entire Castle makes no sense if you try to contextualize it and I'm riding along On some connects looking Contraption on my way to a lava room what is this game whatever shoot the chains kill the enemies with lava and when it's all said and done I've collected the arbitrary three stature pieces to move forward yup definitely a Resident Evil game oh and I did find the shooting galleries which was a fun distraction for a bit and I got the only bottle cap I actually wanted nice oh hey ceiling Spike trap a classic oh calm down the bad guys in this game can't help but include weak points on everything they make we're fine honestly woman if you can't keep up with my speed running we need to work out some sort of fireman's carry or some oh that's gonna be a problem uh let's see flash grenade okay nope not this time torches nope not that either mine launcher yeah mine launcher my launcher works just fine alright move right along we what the hell is that oh no Ashley don't worry I'll save you man hopefully she's all the way on the other side of the castle by oh God damn it you're just right here when it's time to throw in the towel thank you base God just remember you need to feed her three times a day and take her for walks fish so yeah sales are sentences right hand to kill us but with a little quick thinking we can freeze him somewhat in place and then let Old Faithful do the rest of the work well if this room doesn't scream boss battle I don't know what does no hey right on cue now normally two gigantes would be a problem but this handy dandy lever over here solves that one kind of wish I'd been able to get them both though especially considering I can't use it more than once ah well you know the drill by now I get drop kicked by a few bugs then use the power of Sunny D to melt a metal door look if you're still asking questions at this stage in the game we've got bigger problems better to just run four with complete abandon see no more questions anyway time to ride the roller coaster the roller coaster consists of three carts you can jump between them but every few seconds more and more gonados jump in with you thankfully I've gotten pretty good at dodging gennado attacks and the iframes from jumping into different carts helps a lot but when you've got this many people on One coaster it gets a little hard to navigate oh good Charles the chainsaw is back this is fine what do you think Charles do you like the coaster all right good talk you know it's getting a little crowded up here I'm gonna come back there with you okay all right fair enough my second go around I decided to just skip the foreplay and use the mine launcher worked wonders Charles doesn't like it very much but he also wasn't paying much attention to the ride all right everyone here it comes hands up we're running more running and yes more running stick around nah sorry couldn't resist the next section is an elevator segment and it won't go up if there's too much weight so this whole section becomes a bit of a grenade tax which always sucks by the time it's all said and done I'm running low on grenades again which is a real shame since I spent so much time running around enemies to conserve them but in the end it lets me get to the next big boss all right cool big flower boss time we've got Salazar and his left hand to deal with my first go with this boss I kind of goofed up turns out it can one hit kill you if you forget to dodge so that's neat but if he forgets the Dodge you can blast that big old eyeball of his which gets it out of the way for Old Faithful and once Old Faithful comes out well you know how it goes that's another boss down few more to go Skip Skip Skip Skip Skip Skip Skip Skip oh hey it's Ashley and she's got a friend well I guess we better find her before she does anything stupid oh sweet Jesus no no no no no no no no no no no no no these things give me [ __ ] nightmares we need to oh wait stop oh good an infrared scope thanks game I'll just attach this to one of my grenades that should help well I know they've gotten like five weak points you have to break but maybe an explosion hits them all okay got it we'll be doing that again thank you Game yes thank you Game all right my friend you've never let me down before don't you start disappointing me now oh okay generate that just son of a [ __ ] oh good Ashley's okay ready to finish the game good me too time for more speed running I flash large groups to get past easier then jump down the garbage chute then we just need to get through the garbage dump and we can uh no not again why why are they all so Twitchy it's a good thing they have eyes otherwise this whole section would be a real problem just make sure you flash bang them before you actually approach them if Ashley gets hit you're probably gonna get a game over because somebody thinks it's a good idea to just Duck and Cover next to the regenerator hot tip it's not everybody ready for the biggest brick wall I got stuck on that's right it's the bulldozer section leave it to me Leon no words have ever stricken greater Terror into my heart once you're on board you can't get off which means killing enemies before they jump on with you results in being unable to collect their Loot and despite Ashley's screams for help every now and again I don't think the gennados have any interest in hurting her no so long as we play Ring Around the Rosie we should be is that a truck so yeah that's a problem I discovered that if you hang out on the edge of the Dozer the enemies group up a bit better which means you can make sure there's no stragglers when you eventually use a grenade but if you left anyone alive when the truck starts coming you're gonna have a bad time trying to get a clear shot at it and if you do have a clear line of sight good luck flashbangs don't work on the truck anymore so you'll have to time a really well placed mine to take it out properly after that it's pretty much smooth sailing you just need to clear out the gennados giving you trouble and what oh come on the hell are you the Terminator this part was weirdly hard leaving just one too many enemies on the Dozer essentially meant an immediate game over and anything short of the mine launcher seemed like it had no effect on the truck itself so yeah hope you're ready to second write some grenades and ammo eventually due to some very dumb luck in the fact that I've upgraded the mine launcher as high as it'll go I got lucky one of the mobs I shot was just close enough to the edge that when he exploded the explosion actually took out the truck too but I've been here for over an hour listening to Ashley screaming so I'll take anything I can get but we're not done yet after a few more minutes of this nonsense there's another truck took me a bit too long to realize that this one's coming from the front not the back so got it on the second try though thank God can we be honest oh look it's Sadler we must be getting close to the end huh oh no he's a Sith Lord but he is taking over watching Ashley so I mean he can't be all that bad right what the QuickTime event where the hell is this bozo been a long time comrade all right then I get into a knife fight because Resident Evil which finally ends when someone remembers that guns exist then get flashbacks for the Resident Evil movie laser hallway yeah laser hallway okay simple enough I'm just using tank controls how hard could this be foreign man it's a good thing Leon watched The Matrix otherwise all these QuickTime events would have been a real problem Segway Segway Segway and it's time for the box of death where our lovely contestant has to run through multiple puzzle rooms all while evading the one the only Mr Magoo basically it's just a lot of really tight corridors oh while you try to avoid getting strangled shoot the green lights press the red buttons and make it out of the current room before the timer runs out succeed and you get to do it two more times oh and don't worry Mr Magoo files you into each room when one is getting lonely now would we thankfully pretty much every one of Mr Magoo's attacks can be dodged or crouched under so it's more of a stressful maze than anything else and by the time you reach the third room Magoo is kinda had enough of our [ __ ] and starts to take things a bit more seriously too bad I'm a speedrunner too slow Magoo too slow yeah right it couldn't be that easy could it all right have a little bit of this and that and just to confirm there's no way out of this without killing Magoo is there nope fight or die got it see you later Magoo you had a good run there we are now we just need to um oh this uh this might be a problem so by the look of it the head is dead but the spiky tail portion is still alive less than ideal and nothing a few mines can't fix and with that Magoo goes down and to krauser who's fully admitted that he's a video game Boss at this point by hiding three keys around his Arena pocket sand oh god oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] the first part of the fight just requires that I survived for a certain amount of time against krauser I think it's like two minutes I don't know I was too busy dancing around knife blades to really keep count eventually I just kind of went up and down this ladder to utilize the iframes and eventually the door unlocked the second phase is a bit trickier first you have to deal a certain amount of damage to krauser and considering this is obviously a multiple step fight Old Faithful is out so considering minds are worth more to me than grenades at this point I took a few hits for the team to make sure that the grenades hit their Mark and when I ran out of those I switched over to the mines thankfully I only needed about two after all those grenades I throw push the newly appeared statues onto the pressure plates and on to phase three where you have to make your way past all of Krauser's roombas and Amazon delivery drones and once you're past all of that Cruiser decides it's finally time to go full umbrella witness the power ew I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to hey wait I wasn't ready oh and there's explosives and we've officially gone completely cliche if only there was something I could do to stop you yeah that'll do it not even close on to the next area which is swarming with gonados but we've got a hidden weapon on our side a stealth helicopter because that's how stealth helicopters work quiet until they decide to go loud [Music] foreign [Music] oh no American symbolism Mike he was so young guess we'll just have to keep the teaching of the firebomb Academy going it's what Mike would have wanted find Ashley use Sadler's tickle machine to get out a parasite that's been hiding inside my solar plexus apparently then arrive at the final Arena of the game time to fight Sadler and finish this once and for all the American prevailing is a cliche that only happens in your Hollywood movies and video games oh oh no okay [ __ ] uh what do we do I don't remember this fight at all well I can hit him with metal beams that seems to do something and I can use the mine thrower to knock him down which is good but when I shoot him in the weak point with the Mind thrower afterwards it looks like the mind just kind of disappears I'm not sure what that's about I don't know gang this could be it for the run I guess this run is up oh yeah well time for one last speed run skip skip after you take me back to my place how about we do some overtime Skip and with that that's Resident Evil 4 beaten with just explosives not bad I'm surprised how much of the game you can actually Sprint past if I felt like I was going a little fast towards the end there it's because well nothing of no really happened just rooms full of enemies who you actually don't have to fight but in any case hope you enjoyed the run if you made it this far maybe consider doing the YouTube things if you're feeling up to it and a quick thank you again to Marvel snap for sponsoring this video but other than that that's all I've got take care of yourselves be good to one another and I'll see you all again soon [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: The Backlogs
Views: 560,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the backlogs, challenge run, the backlogs challenge run, resident evil 4, resident evil 4 challenge run, resident evil challenge run, resident evil, resident evil 2, resident evil 3, resident evil 4 remake, resident evil 5, resident evil 6, resident evil 7, resident evil 8, resident evil bombs only, resident evil explosives only, resident evil grenades, resident evil grenades only, resident evil rocket launcher, resident evil how to, resident evil speedrun, re4, re4 remake
Id: 6Va68HMEzls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 42sec (2382 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 26 2022
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