Can You Beat DARK SOULS 1 With Only Immolation?

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hey it's lemon welcome to the backlogs back in January I made a video about one of the worst spells in Dark Souls 2 emulation and it works exactly like it says on the 10 you set yourself on fire and then invade everyone else's personal space hoping that the Flames are hot enough to do damage to everyone around you it's terrible it was the hardest run I've ever done and I don't recommend it which is why today I'm doing it all over again but this time in Dark Souls 1 how you ask why with the power of Jesus of course meaty Jesus that is if you haven't given his channel a peak you definitely should he's done some pretty wild challenge runs up to and including the one-hot challenge I held earlier this year yes I'm still working on it shut up there's 5 terab of footage to look through but in any case today the day we find out can you beat Dark Souls 1 with only emulation so let's talk about what it is we're doing here the emulation mod works very similarly to how it does in Dark Souls 2 cast the spell set self on fire hug enemies to death before you burn to a crisp yourself behold imulation the bane of my existence rather than a spell emulation is an item this go around since unlike Dark Souls I we can't just pop consumables to give ourselves unlimited casts so this was about as good a workaround as we could think of when cast we take a consistent amount of damage every second there's no way to turn it off no way to diminish the damage and no way to increase the damage given to enemies just the way Miyazaki intended so yeah that's the damage we're working with today I crave death speaking of death today's video is oh my God are you okay huh oh yeah no I'm fine should should I call someone nah this is just my life now I'll get used to it uh all right anyway today's video is sponsored by wanted Dead wanted Dead is a cyber Punk hacking slash action game that might as well be a love letter to the cult classic games of the PS3 and Xbox 360 era you'll play as detective Stone the detective with a heart of gold and and a katana of Steel dice your way through enemies while simultaneously unleashing your inner gunata with pistols machine guns grenade launchers and uh karaoke uh customize your experience by modding out your favorite weapons changing up your character with new abilities from several skill trees and ooh time out is that a claw game you what stupid piece of junk blow off steam by murdering your way through countless enemies and take on Larger than Life bosses that'll make you wonder why are there so many cats in the police station no seriously why are there more than zero cats in here what is all this so if that sounds like a good time to you you can use my link below to play wanted Dead the most bizarre game of 2023 by the way now is the best time to play wanted dead as the game is currently not 30% not 40% but up to 60% off the biggest discount yet you can find it on Steam epic game store PS4 and 5 as well as Xbox One series X and Series S the sale will be available until November 28th on Steam November 30th on Xbox and December 20th on PlayStation you uh you're still on fire yeah I know do do you want some water I mean I wouldn't say no oh wait that was gasoline wait why do I have gasoline in a bucket so let's get this run started shall we I've picked the night class because it has the most HP and after a short talk with Oscar we now have the one and only thing keeping me from dying every time I cast this spell cheers Chief don't you dare go Hollow all right let's see what we're dealing with here well it's not great damage but it's certainly not punching things to death with your fist levels are bad either of course you aren't constantly on fire when you try to do a fist only build so who really can say we arrive at Firelink Shrine where I pump all my points into Vitality for obvious reasons then make a corpse run down into Nando to get the fire keeper Soul because if there's one thing I've learned from doing this run in Dark Souls I is that we need two things a large health bar and ways to regain that health bar quickly and with an Estus plus one in our pocket maybe we'll have a chance I do a little grinding on the undead Berg Hollows mostly to get a few more more levels and vitality but also to test out the Spell's Effectiveness against different enemy types as expected the damage isn't good but it does ignore Shields so that's something at least I make my way to the tus demon where we instantly have another problem hello boys you guys going to be a pain in my kidneys today boy howdy can't wait I drag the tourist demon over to say hello and immediately take two crossbow bolts to the face for my efforts a strong start looks like the damage is about the same as the Asylum Demon which means I'm going to need at least three Estus FL to finish the job but more importantly I'm going to have to relearn the timing of imulation namely how long it lasts how much damage it does to me and how long it takes to chug an est's flask round two starts a lot better with tus demon killing the crossbow men with ease and uh than me I mean at least he's consistent all right third times a charm emulation on Shields up EST is chugged at the appropriate times and oh that's not good well good news bad news the good news is that we have unlimited cast of imulation so we can just turn our Flames back back on which means tus demon goes down and we can move on the bad news is that we don't have enough Estus to stay alive until emulation stops so yeah can't wait for that to be a problem throughout the Run only one way to solve that issue more Health god it feels weird being this healthy I scur my way to the undead Parish steal myself another fir keeper Soul then immediately use it to give myself an Estus plus two solutions we got them and with 10 Estus and a dream I figure we might as well push ahead time for the Gargoyles well the damage is certainly decent but there's that looming problem of there being you know two of them I try my best to Scurry over to the second one and take care of the problem early but the first gargoyle didn't like being ignored and felt like he had to join the fun turns out adding more fire to fire is absolutely a thing who knew all right let's try this again we start by whittling down the first gargoyle and when the second gargoyle makes his appearance we make a beine for him and give him some love as well while both gargoyles can breathe fire the second one is much more likely to use it and considering my shield can't really withstand Fire coming from both sides he's got to go it's a bit closer than I'd like but the second G goes down with a little convincing after that this fight is essentially over another boss down so far so good back at Firelink Shrine our favorite pal lotrek seems to have escaped his cell unfortunately for him I really need my fire keeper not to be dead so he's got to go huh well this is awkward I guess the NPCs have no idea how to handle damage overtime effects interesting I wonder if they're like that for other spells like poison Mist well in any case after seven Estus Flats worth of imulation damage lric finally realizes that he's on fire and is kind enough to give me his ring and a few Humanities before kicking the bucket oh baby that's a lot of health and stamina look at this beef cake who is he well might as well put all that new Vitality to work time for the caer demon weirdly emulation actually trivializes the hardest part of this fight since it takes the one strength that dogs have and turns it against them they can pin me up against the wall they like but they can't do it for long after that it's just a matter of hugging the CA and uh cut the camera Carl cut the camera all right first try let's go such an easy game what no no I was always human what are you talking about with my health sitting at a whopping 32 points it's time we found ourselves something a bit more challenging bring on the baby shark all right you beasty time to meet your what uh what AM we looking at here is is that damage no seriously I can't tell is that damage all right so maybe the ging Dragon was a bit ambitious I don't care how you slice it there's no way that 10 Estus was going to cut it it looked like one cast of emulation was doing one Health segment of damage and considering most bosses have about 14 segments in their health bar and healing from imulation takes about two Estus yeah no that math doesn't add up now we could start popping Humanity to heal ourselves but considering we're only at the gaping dragon I have a feeling we're going to need those later besides mey Jesus actually added ways we could improve our build into the game if we can reach it looks like now's as good a time as any I get my Estus flask up to plus three then head in into the forest to go fight the butterfly the beginning of the fight is easy enough since we just have to treat it like any other fight but when it's coming in for its nibbles it's time to light up let's see how well you burn you uh-oh so yeah while the damage is technically more than the gaping dragon the butterfly can play keep away for about 75% of my Spell's duration which means we're right back to where we started right desperate times call for desperate measures I think it's time we paid Tony a visit well speak of the devil and he shall appear hey Tony any idea where pin wheel's hiding these days [ __ ] you all right good talk I take the shortcut through the catacombs to avoid dealing with any other miscreant then begin what will probably be the hardest pin wheel fight anyone has ever done why you ask well aside from the absolutely abysmal damage we're doing it turns out that ulation does not in fact injure pin Wheels clones so that's fun look at this what am I supposed to do with this I don't even know which one is the real one anymore well at least we know what we're getting into now let's try that again I've got 10 Estus this time and at plus three that should be enough to [Music] all right once more with feeling this time I make sure to keep the real pin wheel in my sights and despite the arena filling up with more pin wheels and Fireballs than I ever wanted to see the fight itself isn't too bad so long as we aren't caught off guard by a random Fireball or flamethrower attack it's just a matter of keeping my health high and slowly burning pin wheel down it got a little hairy towards the end when pin wheel decided he wanted to bounce around the arena and avoid a good chunk of my damage to the point where I ran out of esus flasks but I had already come this far and I wasn't about to die to pin wheel a third time so I did what I promised I wouldn't do and popped to humanity desperate times indeed but sometimes desperation breeds Victory hectic and messy but Victory all the same and with that we not only gained the right of kindling which lets me carry up to 20 est's flasks into battle now but pin wheel was also kind enough to drop the mask of the mother which if we're being honest was probably the best mask he could have dropped for this run because if there's one thing this build will always need more of it's Health speaking of time for more Vitality I get a little encouragement from patches thank you then get to work killing Vince and Nico it uh it goes well hey uh you might want to watch out for the yeah that well I mean I did try to warn them not my fault they didn't listen but with them dead rehea gives me replenishment a miracle that slowly regenerates HP who needs life gems am I right now I don't exactly have the faith to cast it yet but I'm sure petus here would be happy to teach me how it works so do I have to die to cast it or after a little bit of grinding we make it to 16 faith and after grabbing a free talsman from below the elevator we should be good to go all right cast ulation Then cast uh I said then we cast uh-oh oh come on are you kidding me all that just for it not to work okay um how about if we reverse the process oh oh hello all right now we're cooking with butter so yeah work around obtained if you cast replenishment before you cast ulation you not only gain slow HP regen but it removes the damage emulation would do to you so long as the miracle is active oh hey I got the doll this means that that each cast of replenishment gives me a full 60 seconds of free damage which almost sounds broken when you consider what we've been working with up to this point but let me remind you that in Dark Souls 2 you can carry over 900 healing consumables with almost every single one of them healing more HP than replenishment and all of them healing you faster so that's a bit depressing combine that with our damage our our damage our damage God it's teeth there now I can see it and yeah things are looking a bit Bleak for the run but fear not dear Scholars for where there's a will there's a way and I have a way because not only do we have a free 2 minutes of damage with the butterfly now but I accidentally found out that we can hit it throughout the fight see that that's progress It's a bit finicky but it turns out that every now and again the butterfly's Wings get a little too close to me and when they do emulation triggers and causes it to take damage it's only chip damage and it's not much but after using all of our cast of replenishment and nine of our 10 Estus flasks we've finally done it Moonlight Butterfly destroyed and for my troubles a little gift from mey Jesus Eternal suffering now in yellow flavor when I initially presented the idea of modding in ulation to Dark Souls 1 MJ and I both realized that unlike Dark Souls 2 some bosses in this game are immune to fire damage and because we didn't want me to get off the suffer bus too quickly Jesus was kind enough to create another version of ulation which works exactly the same way but this time instead of doing fire damage it does electric and after a little bit of testing I've learned a few things first off I can stack both emulations at the same time which Stacks their damage but does not stack their self damage rather it just resets the timer and the fun doesn't stop there with only one HP in a dream I make my way to the cat Covenant Forest cast some casual insults at the Mushroom Men to get them away from their treasure then quickly ninjal loot the chest before sprinting off into the distance with my prize magic emulation the third and final form of my material suffering and with their powers combined we dive back into The Fray with the gaping dragon this this I can work with now while it is beautiful this does does add a few levels of complexity to our situation first we have to cast replenishment Then cast each individual emulation all while avoiding the boss's attacks and then we also have to keep a mental timer in our heads on top of it all making sure not to accidentally reset one of my ulations when replenishment isn't active because if we do we can no longer cast replenishment until the imulation timer is over meaning we take several Estus worth of unavoidable damage all of that Mental Math just so we can do enough damage to kill the gaping dragon this is fun I'm having fun and with our new imulation flavors and strategies in hand we can finally move forward on the main path who's ready for some progress please God let there be progress being that quag is immune to fire I can only use two of my three flavors but while the damage isn't much there is damage and even better news I created a new strategy to push that terrible terrible damage even further if I reset all my emulations right before replenishment runs out the nullifying effect that replenishment has on imulation lasts for the entire duration of the spell even though the health regen effect is stopped which is just a confusing way of saying that I found a way to get an extra minute of self-damage free imulation and after almost 10 minutes of running in circles while spewing streams of blue and yellow quag finally gives up victory is mine but with two bells down it's finally time to get into the second half of the game oh hey are you quag sister oh my god I've heard so much about you I mean I I would have if I took the witch ring at the beginning of the game but yeah no she's probably always trying to tell me about you uhoh uh snatch and grab so with our Estus FL boost to plus4 and with my Powers combined doing a whopping 34 damage every second things are looking good it just me is it a little loud in here right time for Sun's fun house judging by all the enemies we've fought so far I have a sneaking suspicion that we aren't going to be able to knock the Golem off the cliff this go around call it an educated guess but with the firebomb giant removed from the equation all this fight is going to take is time and timing and with what we now know about the way these spells work I'm actually able to get the Golem down to less than 25% Health on replenishment alone which means the five esss I brought with me are almost almost enough to survive the fight I guess I could have let myself die and just reclaim the souls later but sometimes you just need a victory you know just short of hitting the Vitality soft cap and there is another firekeeper just standing here eh better not she knows where I sleep I make my way across the scaffolding helping the painting Guardians understand how gravity works as I go then reveal gwindel and's hiding spot for later by using the Dark Moon Seance ring and now that I've got a bonfire somewhere in an Orlando I go back to cat and pass the time with a nice conversation I think sleeping on the couch tonight sleeping Arrangements aside I make my way into an Orlando proper to face off against the next big hurdle of the Run hello boys I'd ask you to be gentle but we both know that's not going to happen orstein and SM present several problems for this particular run the first and foremost is that they leave very little room for casting my spells the second is that even with all three spells active the damage is not great and with so much going on in this fight I'm losing track of my timing and forgetting to look at my health which means I get to die from embarrassment today neat after a little testing I decided that going after orein first is a Fool's errand since this fight is incredibly hard when you're facing off against both o and S and SM has the Lesser defense of the two and once SM goes down it just becomes a matter of hugging or Ste huh I didn't know you could die from embarrassment twice you know while I'm here I might as well grab all of H's gear we definitely can't use it now but with Vitality soft capped already you never know might come in handy later you know I'm starting to think this run was a bad idea eventually I decided that wearing Stone armor is the way to go not because of the defense though that is helpful but because of the Poise it's not perfect by any stretch of the imagination but every now and again it lets me keep my positioning or get a cast off despite getting hit and that could make all the difference when it comes to phase two things are much more relaxed super orsteen isn't exactly hard to predict now that he can't hide behind SM so as long as I keep my eyes on him and see what it is he's doing will'll probably be okay the real struggle is the health Ornstein is very resistant to our damage and because we have to whittle down two health bars in this fight I'm completely spent on replenishment and have to rely on my Estus to carry me through thankfully I knew this fight was going to be difficult so I made sure to use the right of kindling to give myself 20 Estus but orstein is only down to 25% and I'm already down to my last five or6 Estus it's extremely close but on my very last heel Ornstein finally buckles under the pressure and does me the service of dying where he stands and would you look at that didn't even need to pop a Humanity to stay alive at the end of the fight well what is it I pump my newly earned levels into faith for reasons that will be revealed later then make peace with gwy you may be Lord R's biggest catfish but I'll need your help this go around you get to live for now using my new found ability to warp anywhere and everywhere I upgrade my sess to plus 5 which is as high as it's going to go then say hi to gwindel what foolishness yeah I know that now where were you when I started the run now we could cast all of our spells and just try to hug gindin to death while slowly chasing them down the hallway or we could do something I've never actually done before instead of trying to fight gwindel my actual goal is to beat them to the end of this endless hallway because believe it or not this auser hallway will eventually end and I know that because the archway in the distance is starting to get bigger and sure enough there it is the end with nowhere else to go gelin only has about three moves to work with and because they aren't able to move anymore this becomes one of the easiest fights in the entire game look you can even Dodge their attacks if you time using imulation right I don't even have to roll well that was easy a single cast of replenishment later and gwindel is dead and to think all it took was an endless amount of patience speaking of patience it's time to play games with SE don't get too excited I let him win I kill the prison guard and get the key accidentally proving that emulation is better than crossbows then try to Scurry my happy ass past all the squites it goes well little known fact if you angle yourself just right you can take a shortcut to the bottom and yes puncturing your lung is necessary for the skip to work I'm just as popular at the bottom of the stairs as I am at the top but at least here my emulation damage can hit multiple targets at once and more importantly once I've cleared out all of my adoring fans I can grab the only reason I came to this specific level of Hell in the first place Bountiful sunlight essentially the same thing as replenishment this miracle gradually restores HP after casting at the exact same rate and for the exact same duration the only difference is that it can heal your friends as well if I had any there's just one problem though you need 36 Faith to cast it and two atunement slots what's my faith at these days oh well it was a nice thought we might not be able to heal ourselves repeatedly but that's no reason to be upset turn that frown upside down hey wait a minute that's not an upside down frown that's a smile let's give see a go turns out imulation doesn't work against his Crystal but that doesn't really matter when he's more than happy to destroy it for us however we've got a bigger problem while our damage is about as good as it ever is the damage we're taking is dangerously strong the only way to hurt SE is to stand near him but he's constantly making the area around him a danger zone which means that I'm not only racing the clock with immolation but I also have to find a way to stay close to se without taking Crystal damage this might take some planning oh God please no woo you know what maybe we should max out our build a bit before we push forward we're at the point of the game where things get rough even for a normal run and I'm over here trying to touch everything to death I think it's time for a training montage woo man what a ride I was worried that things were starting to get a little slow after killing the Royal Sentinels for the 58th time but then that batwing demon almost killed me on run 247 and it was nothing but high octane Thrills after that please God make it stop mental distress aside I've got my levels where I need them Vitality at 50 Attunement at 14 Faith at 36 the bare minimum requirements oh I also got H's ring and can medium roll now so that's something but with our build pretty much complete it's time to try and push forward again might as well start with something easy though oh hey ceaseless didn't see you there funnily enough while ceaseless literally can't fight back because of the way emulation works we can't just hit him the usual seven times to knock him down we have to stand here waiting for several real life minutes it's fine this is fine it takes every single one of my four regen Miracles but eventually my pleas for death were answered I mean the target was wrong but at least someone died after that I decided to keep things fresh by bouncing over to the painted world because why the hell not where Jeremiah decided he would rather die than deal with my Tom Foolery which you know fair but that means that Jeremiah left as a little gift in the Boss Arena scoot on pass M lady over here and we can pick up Jeremiah's armor with B Joy of Joys has some really good curse resistance in the headpiece anyway but with that taken care of we might as well finish the area properly much like the other NPCs in the game Priscilla doesn't seem to recognize that she's being attacked which means we can do what we've always been unable to do in every other run and just play with her fluffy tail what I'm being productive and there we go one more boss on the pile who's next how about Neato yeah sure why not bring on the bone father so uh a few notes on this one first off [ __ ] you Tony you know what you did second man does neo sure love to use special attacks no seriously this man must have forgotten he has a sword because he is doing his AOE blast five or six times in a row which can be a bit of a problem when you're low on health and I have a shield that doesn't block Magic damage very well what's with all the Lords being a pain in my spleen today well might as well clean up the only other Loose Ends I've got hey stray what do you say for reasons that should be abundantly clear right about now I've been holding off on fighting the stray demon for as long as I can because while our emulation can do fire lightning and Magic damage stray is weak To None of of them which means it takes all four casts of my regen Miracles and all but two of my Estus to finish the fight 10 full minutes of alternating between standing still and running away screaming all while simultaneously counting to 60 out loud and I wonder why my parents don't understand my job well hey if we can kill the stray demon then we can probably kill the demon fire Sage right and the answer is yes yes we can in fact the fight is eerily similar all of my regen Miracle spent with only two s's remaining by the end it's almost as if they copied and pasted the Stray de hey wait a minute but with the third and final Asylum Demon copy destroyed it's time for something completely different y'all like bugs this fight is bad not because it's hard mind you but because the AI refuses to play properly I have been literally dodging back and forth for almost a minute now he just refuses to do a different attack eventually I decided enough was enough and ran to the right side of the Arena where there's actually a pretty decent chunk of land I don't think I've ever used this before I always stay at the entrance like a goofball or Worse try to fight him out in the middle of the lava on that tin Little Island this is way safer and with this new found strategy safely stored in my brain the centipede demon goes down you know what worries me I'll never forget this strategy now like ever ask me how to do long division and I'll stare at you uncomfortably but ask me what armor and weapons you should use for a particular build and I can write you an entire thesis slowly deteriorating brain functions aside I make my way through the mac and cheese down the slip and slide and right into the Bed of Chaos I have a sneaking suspicion that emulation won't actually be able to damage the bed's Roots but as we learned in an earlier challenge run you can always just roll into them and get the job done that way little hop skipping a jump across this Gap here and my flailing legs are enough to knock out the second route after that it's just a matter of rolling my way down into the center of the bed and after a single tick of electric ulation the Bed of Chaos takes its lumps one Lord down three to go back to Neato this time with a new plan with hav armor fully equipped I have enough Poise to tank through all of the minion attacks and get off my three ulations then it's just a matter of sitting as close to Neato as possible and hoping that he does a few less AOE attacks this time around what I didn't say it was a good new plan the good news is that with Bountiful sunlight now in hand I have more than enough cast to keep the emulation damage at Bay throughout the entire fight the bad news is that getting toxic is just a fact of life for this fight and we're just going to have to deal with it but despite the odds and several angles of annoyance our build is tanky enough to push through letting us claim another Lord's Soul I'm still not quite sure what to do for SE yet so I'm going to pretend I have a plan for the Four Kings and push forward in that direction Direction instead which means we first have to fight cth there's not much to see here C's attacks aren't strong enough to break my poise and once I've gotten all three emulations up and running the only problem left is that c likes to keep jumping away from me but with one cast of sunlight still remaining That's All She Wrote CIF goes to the farm and I'm one step closer to finishing the run you know I'm actually really worried about the Four Kings maybe it's worth trying SE one more time let's go around rather than trying to tank seat's attacks I've opted for a more hit and run approach I hug se's body as tightly as I can whenever he's attacking around the arena and always keep an eye on his hands to double check if he's about to burst with an AOE or not in an attempt to keep him from doing said AOE blasts I started running across his body over and over just moving left to right and back again as many times as necessary and while it didn't always work it did seem to reduce the amount of times that he used the attack which meant I spent a lot more time doing damage and a lot less time running away and while it took every miracle I had and a good chunk of my Estus as well see the betrayer eventually goes down and then there was one well there's nothing else for it now only one more boss to go before we head to even harder pastures I plunge into the abyss and prepare myself for the worst and so it begins but saving the Four Kings for last had its benefits because all those Souls I've been collecting up to this point have not been in vain and I have just enough strength to two-and H's great shield with Incredible defenses against every damage type this Shield will help keep me in the fight longer and safer than anything else in the game combine that with my liquid Humanities which give me an additional boost to my defenses and we're about as tanky as we can possibly get except there's a slight problem the Four Kings have a grab attack that ignores my shield what's worse every time they grab me they suck out my Humanity lowering my defenses even further I hate to say it but this boss is essentially the perfect counter to my build they're tanky can hit me from multiple sides have attacks that ignore my defenses and have other attacks that can lower my defenses even further combine that with the fact that there's absolutely no way in hell that I can kill each King in less time than it takes for a new one to spawn and you've got to fight that that's gone from bad to worse but all is not lost despite a few hiccups and failed attempts there just might be a chance there has to be because if I can't make my current build work no amount of grinding will make this any easier outside of pushing past soft caps we're essentially at the top of this build's potential it all comes down to skill from here I not only have to keep calm and stick as close to a single King as I can to maximize my DPS but I also have to remember to keep count so that I can maximize every tool at my disposal getting as much free damage as I can and then after several attempts a realization I've gone too far sure it took several tries to get the formula correct but once I figured it out there's no stopping me the Four Kings destroyed with four Miracles five Estus and one or two Humanities tossed in during emergencies is that it is it really so simple I I guess it is not much left to see now not much further to go I grabbed the last few bits and pieces left in the game and prepare myself for the final challenge If Ever I was going to be beaten by Dark Souls it'll be here let's do this first up the sanctuary Guardian with all of my poise the guardian has very few attacks that can disrupt my channeling and so long as I keep it close to the entrance the wonky angle of the ground makes it so that a good number of its attacks miss me entirely unfortunately the one defense hav equipment doesn't have is poison so I can't completely shut off my brain but after using up all my Estus all of my regeneration and several Humanities the fight is won that uh that doesn't bode well time for artorius Knight of the Abyss weirdly this fight is actually easier than most of the more recent fights we've had our poison defense are enough to keep him at Bay and the Damage isn't terrible the only real problem is his buff phase when he gets that increase in damage his attacks are much harder to tank through I still have enough Poise to get the casts off but who baby does that damage make me nervous however I very quickly learn the right strategy just wait it may feel wrong because I'm not doing constant damage but it's just not worth the trade better to hold on to my regeneration miracles than and pop all my ulations when his attacks don't hurt so much and so I do and so it ends two down two more to go I make sure that my bonfire is giving me all 20 Estus flas because Lord knows we're going to need them then make my way to what is sure to be the hardest boss of the entire run the father of the Abyss himself phase one is simple enough just give Manus hugs and keep that internal timer going in your head so you know when to replenish imulation recasting regen Miracles and imulation is less about finding an opening and more about finding which attacks will do the least amount of damage to you Manis is a bit too aggressive and when your method of attacking is so time sensitive we just have to accept that we're going to be taking damage this fight unfortunately I made the crucial mistake of thinking that I would have enough Health to survive like this and failed to move my Humanities to the top of my item list for easy access so that first try was a bust but that was not a mistake I would make again I had to Forfeit using the silver Medallion since I don't have any more room in my hot bar but havl Shield is able to withstand mana' magic attacks so long as I'm facing the right direction and with each Humanity I use my defenses get even stronger making me more resilient as the fight goes on it's only a matter of time and after several hard-fought minutes and after using every tool in my Arsenal and then some it's over the darkness is lifted by the light of my flames and our work here is done so that's a mood honestly after that there's not much to be said about calam sure he's got a grapple that lowers my defense but it's easily avoided once you can read the tells if anything the hardest part of fighting calam is that he won't stand still he's always flying around and his legs have a weirdly specific hit boox that imulation seems to struggle with but then I found his weakness turns out calam has a bit of a Zoolander problem his only option if you position yourself correctly is to just keep turning right hoping to keep up with you and you can do this pretty much forever what a dumb way to win I'm not even proud of this but with Cal meat embarrassed there's only one boss left to go the Lord of Cinder himself time to put that name to the test for you were only able to burn yourself once and that almost destroyed you but I am able to burn myself Eternal over and over and Rise stronger for it go ahead do your worst the flames you wield are nothing in comparison to what I've endured I've seen your kind time and time again every fleeing man must be caught every secret must be Unearthed such is the conceit of the self-proclaimed seeker of truth but in the end you lack the stomach for the agony which you've brought upon yourself [Music]
Channel: The Backlogs
Views: 628,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the backlogs, challenge run, the backlogs challenge run, the backlogs dark souls, dark souls, dark souls 2, dark souls 3, elden ring, bloodborne, demon's souls, dark souls 2 immolation, dark souls immolation, ymfah immolation, immolation only, immolation challenge run, dark souls challenge run, dark souls 2 challenge run, dark souls 3 challenge run, elden ring challenge run, bloodborne challenge run, immolation all bosses, ymfah dark souls 2, immolation mod, ds1 immolation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 26sec (1946 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2023
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