Can You Beat Ratchet and Clank Without Jumping?

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I'm playing Ratchet and Clank 3 but I have to beat the entire game without jumping which is something that no one has ever done before since jumping is so important to the game I have to use extremely creative strategies and although I've been speedrunning this game for almost a decade even I'm not sure if this is possible to help me with this challenge I've brought Nathan from NG plus he's an expert in Crazy challenge runs for games such as Dark Souls Spyro the Dragon and Metal Gear Solid so I knew he'd be the perfect man for the job coincidentally we're also playing the game in New Game Plus since we need weapons and gadgets unlocked from the beginning this is the first area of the game and we already have a problem how the hell do we get up here we need to get over it somehow without jumping but first we need to answer an incredibly important question what counts as a jump to help us answer this question is today's sponsor surfsharkvpn single jumps and high jumps are obviously not allowed but using surfsharkvpn to jump across country IPS and access geoblocked websites is always encouraged long jumps are right out but long jumping over to Netflix in the UK to watch season six of Better Call Saul using surf shark is always in style pulling yourself up from a ledge using ratchet's arms is actually allowed just like how I personally use surf shark when I book flights to hide my cookies and pull the best deals possible using weapons to launch ratchet super high in the air amazing fantastic no notes downloading surfsharkvpn using promo code ZEM to get 83 off your first 24 months while also getting three additional free months 24 7 customer support for any device and a 30-day money-back guarantee even better so what are you waiting for gamers take the jump and try surf shark VPN today scan the QR code or click the link in the description below thank you surfshark for sponsoring this video and let's dive into the challenge I use my charge boost to get over these first two bumps but getting up here is the challenge I try to make ratchet grab the ledge here but it's not working I even try moving some boxes around using this weapon called the suck Cannon but that's not working either Nathan and I spend nearly an hour on this with no success and this is supposed to be the first five seconds of the game just as I'm about to lose hope I come up with a crazy idea [Music] oh I got up no way what did you do did you charge forward so what I did was I came to this rock I go perpendicular to the wall and I go like up three Taps like one two three throw a turret down and then you go to the left at like a 45 degree angle and throw that down as well that should clip you through and if not you can always charge into the turrets and it bounce you backwards out of bounds so now here's the tricky part because it's hard to see where you are but what I did I stood where you can see ratchet's ears coming through the floor oh yeah and then I charge and then like immediately cancel how do you cancel a child you basically fire a weapon oh yo okay so what you do is there's actually a texture oh that you want to charge into yeah and then the rock pushes you up that is so crazy oh that's so nuts I climbed the second ledge by strafe walking up this Cactus oh yeah oh I just did it and then I proceeded to destroy these enemies easy peasy lemon squeezy however you may have noticed something yes I'm using infinite ammo no you should not talk about it well yes I'm gonna talk about it for a second I'm using cheats that give me infinite ammo and let me save and load positions on the map however this does not make the Run invalid because it's not like it lets me beat things without jumping any easier it just allows me to try certain stuff faster and it makes dying a lot less annoying just like how this shiny black subscribe button makes finding my videos less annoying something to think about please please do it please I I have to put food on the table for little Timmy do it for him we was through the rest of this section smoothly since it's mostly flat and get into this spaceship which takes us to the next section jumping out of the spaceship we go into yeah so this is a problem I'm not in control of Ratchet and this jump happens automatically Nathan and I tried getting around this but everything we tried failed miserably but then a hero appeared joao a member of the ratchet Spirit Community came to us with this footage apparently all you have to do is hold back right spam buttons and pray it's random but it only needs to work once and with that our run is saved after the free fall we have to kill all the enemies in this area which triggers this drawbridge that leads us to the next planet but we won't go the usual route because that requires a lot of jumping instead we do this this is called a proxy a practical redistribution of x-axis movement to y-axis movement when charging at a wall sloped at an 85 degree angle or less which in this case would be this plant you can cancel your charge by firing the shot cannon with the circle button while pressing triangle at the same time to swap to the turrets the animation of ratchet's swinging arm is what launches him upwards so even though it looks like a super Mega Jump ratchet never uses those little leg muscles we chained this big proxy here into another proxy over here where we Glide gently onto these rocks charged to the end and pull ourselves upward with the ledge grab to beat velden and I want to remind you this is only the first planet of the game welcome to florana featuring River Monsters boomerang throwing aliens zip lines and much more and now we're going to skip all of it and the best part is this strategy was found 10 years ago now how does this work exactly well after landing I charge at these rocks and as I cancel my charge I hold X this allows me to go between light animation and a walk animation on these textures then you just keep walking ratchet upwards until he pops around the invisible wall most people don't even know about this strategy but I was actually around back in 2012 when it was found this skips the entire Overworld of florana and lets us go directly to the death you trespass on sacred ground now you walk out of death now avoiding the bouncy rocks I stand near this corner I use my turrets here and then spawn the Agents of Doom this pushes me up so I can grab this ledge I do the exact same for the next ledge we can charge cancel to get over these platforms this next part is gonna be a bit tricky we have to turn clip just right and barely stick ratchet between the turrets and the wall so now we swivel ratchet in a circle to clip and charge forward into the cutscene trigger and now are you ready for this monstrously difficult boss fight we go to the Starship Phoenix afterwards and pick up some coordinates and then head straight to Arcadia Arcadia doesn't require jumps for the most part the Overworld is easy to clear and so are all these missions however at the laser defense facility you usually have to use this device called the refractor to solve a laser puzzle that involves lots of jumps so instead I jump into the mud as the last mission ends and it's not just for swag the game runs a cutscene that pulls ratchet out of the mud as he's dying so the game registers him as dead but still loads the next area of the game this is called ghost ratchet and it lets us walk through walls for the next 10 000 frames which is roughly three minutes so while in this area I walk through walls until I get over to here then I wait the remainder of the 10 000 frames so ghost ratchet can run out and Ratchet can get his Collision back now to get over here we use a new trick called turret bouncing when in first person mode you can line ratchet up so that a sloped surface is parallel to his left then throw a turret at his feet and it pops you into the air well that's fine and all but there's no sloped surfaces here so what do we do we use this weapon the Agents of Doom we can throw these little guys at ratchet's feet then we can carefully line up ratchet against the sloped head of the agent and throw a turret down this launches us into the air and allows us to Glide to the end and just so you all know turret bouncing is a trick that can one be used everywhere and two makes this challenge way easier so for the purpose of making things harder and more fun I'll be avoiding using this whenever possible like here on the next planet Annihilation Nation a death Gauntlet with lava and enemies everywhere I could just turret bounds over this and clear the area but I wanted to ball out a little bit oh yeah you already know dude I'm going for it I don't know if I'm gonna have enough distance though that's the thing oh yes oh my god that actually worked after clearing the lava bounds we can proxy up this wall and finish the rest of the level onto aquatos but we're gonna go back to the old archives for another Strat first we turret bounce up this platform after we get into this room I turret clip into this wall and charge down into this room that you're normally supposed to be swimming in by going over here and holding R1 to crouch the game eventually pushes me under the map and I swim all the way to the elevator at the end of the level the next section is pretty simple since the only small gaps can be easily cleared with some charge cancels then finally after ratchet Falls 18 000 feet we have a problem oh how am I supposed to get out of this yeah what are we supposed to do here I have an idea we could just save and then load really I think this should work now little Marie oh yeah it literally just puts me right next to the plumber jumping straight into tyrannosis we clear the base then we take the swag car to this door and turret clip through finally we beat the mama tyrannoid and go straight back to the Starship Phoenix it's time to do VR training so we can unlock coordinates to the next planet now I could just enter from here but I decided to make my life about 18 times harder for funsies Welcome to the wonderful world of jumpless VR skip first we have to do a couple of cute turret bounces foreign [Music] clip out of bounds VR training is already loaded way out there so now we do this these are mid-air charges when you charge forward you lose speed after 60 frames or one full second now normally on the ground you can just Spam R1 to charge at Max Speed over and over but in the air that doesn't work at all instead during that one second Max Speed Charge window you can press R1 to buffer a charge then press Circle to fire your held weapon and R1 exactly one frame after Circle to complete the charge this is frame perfect meaning you have a 1 60th of a second timing window to hit the buttons correctly we have to do this three times in a row with no mistakes sag oh I'm gonna get this I got it oh my God after the third charge the game gives you a gadget called the hypershot you normally get this as you enter the teleporter to VR but the game's like yeah close enough so we use it to latch to safety we only just made it to VR so we're nowhere near done yet next I'm going to do something called the hyper swing hover I charge forward then I hold Circle and let go of the left analog stick at the exact same time the game automatically pulls out my hypershot because I'm close to one of these nodes then I latch onto the node and swing as ratchet hits the top of the swing I let go of circle and hold X this launches ratchet forward and lets us clear the first section this turret bounce is really difficult but I managed to nail it first try finally with the hardest parts out of the way I swing to the end and clip through the wall on Dax we have two paths we have to clear so we start with the left side okay let's do left side first though I guess I'm just gonna use all reliable here [Music] after clearing left side I come up with a Nifty little idea to get to the right side oh this is actually really cool oh I see where you are okay and yeah so you just go back to where I was in this section our new hyper swing hover technique really gets a chance to shine [Music] oh yeah I've got a route now check out what I do here on this warship boss fight this is called Rhino bombing we start by equipping the Rhino then the Nitro launcher we fire a Nitro grenade at the ship and swap to the Rhino then we fire the Rhino as the grenade explodes to deal huge damage observant viewers may have noticed that the Rhino is only at V4 when it normally maxes out at V5 Rhino bombing doesn't work if the Rhino is fully upgraded so V4 is actually optimal now we head to a Bonnie Gemini and if you thought any of the previous planets were insane this is gonna blow your mind the obani moon system is broken into two parts Gemini and Pollux Gemini has a long Annoying laser puzzle that unlocks this teleporter once on Pollux you have to kill a bunch of enemies and make it to the end both moons require heavy use of these jump pads which Nathan and I obviously can't use so how are we gonna beat this with the suck Cannon of course by sucking up a crate and switching weapons mid suck you can freeze a crate in place make the crate small enough and you can stand on it then from there you can do this I actually got a first try oh my God these are box proxies or boxies for short we use this height to land on one of the flat asteroids now to add the missing piece of the puzzle another wild 2012 strategy you see Gemini and Pollock share the same map they're just really far apart but if we fly upwards through space long enough we leave Gemini's orbit and eventually get sucked into pollux's orbit from there it's only a matter of landing on the end platform I actually just want to give a shout out to Nathan really quickly he didn't know a single speedrun Strat for this game going to this challenge but that didn't stop him from learning and trying tons of new things at some point after you're done watching this video you need to go watch his video on the challenge because we're tackling this from two totally different perspectives the next planet is realgar where all you do is kill enemies after that as Annihilation Nation revisit we just use all the same strategies as the first time we were here so just trust that Nathan and I did this jumpless this next planet however is a gigantic problem Hollister Studios is the one planet that we can't use any of our strategies we play as Clank who can literally only punch jump and shoot bananas and as awesome as it is to shoot bananas it doesn't help this planet had been unsolved before we started this challenge because there's no way to get over these platforms at the end without jumping but we had some new ideas all right let's see if I can get this proxy oh it's just a proxy up there I see this is a camera proxy the camera that looks at Ratchet and Clank is actually a physical object in the game you can use it to launch Clank upwards by punching into a sloped spot on the mount it's just like the proxy all the way back on velden when we launched ratchet upwards that's not all we can do with the camera though now that we're up here we can use the camera to clip through walls and now comes the crazy part it turns out there's a ship stored way below the level all we have to do now is fall several hundreds of meters enter the ship and select Hollow star again here all we have to do is turn clip through the wall walk up this giant spire and teleport back to the ship and so the unbeatable section was beaten by skipping it all together jumpless obani Draco is super easy if you do the Casual route but you want to do your multi-frame perfect charge boot thing yeah I do on this first Bend we dive into the goop then this dude hits us out of the goop this triggers ghost ratchet because we technically died the second we touched goop and this means we can go right through this wall and now I'd like to show you all why it's better to work smarter in life rather than harder on the left we have me a stubborn who is going to try to get eight frame perfect mid-air charges in a row on the right we have Nathan who elected to play through the level normally he uh it kind of smokes me not a great look for the supposed best runner of this game for Courtney gears I used the shock Cannon together to have health and end it with a rhino bomb here on zeldrin starport the speedrunning strategy is actually the easiest One turns out the cutscene that happens at the end of zeldrin starport is just stored underneath the level kind of clutch honestly at Metropolis I proxy over this wall take the Casual path turret bounce up here charger over the Gap kill clunk and use the turrets to bounce up on this taxi which takes us back to the ship on crash site we use boxes again but slightly differently whoa oh my God I store a box then throw ratchet off a cliff to reset the box then I turret bounds to get on top of the box we launch ratchet through the goop and into the cutscene oh when the next videos then I reload to get back to the ship Cork's Hideout is cleared with some really creative out of bounds I clipped through the wall bounce over this tree proxy up this wall charge off the building and hit the end of the level from behind on Phoenix Rescue I skip a huge chunk of this level by charging over these pipes and grabbing the let whatever he's fine don't worry about it on koros it's more Insanity I go off to the side here and proxy up this wall then I clip into the wall and now this oh nice this is the one Technique we haven't gone over yet we know you can proxy by firing the shot cannon swapping the turrets and spamming Circle if you instead replace the turret with the whip you can do what's called an insta whip hyper strike I know it's hard to see but that's how we keep enough height to land inside now we proxy up the slope and finish the level Command Center is an amazing final level I do another hyper swing hover to go around the building this little lava patch on the wall presents a problem but Nathan finds a very clutch solution now we could talk with this tyrannoid using the tear guys but that's boring so here's a silly Strat we used to do in 2015. I'm going to start by clipping through this wall here then I'm gonna charge into this guy's room and I'm going to physically push him onto the button the last little bit this next spot is tricky but it's nothing a boxy can't handle on baby let's grab yes yes I finally got it then we clear the rest of Command Center casually and now for the final fights it probably won't surprise you to learn that you can beat Dr nefarious in less than 10 seconds with Rhino bombing but how easy is this Strat to pull off I'm going to let Nathan take this one sure I actually want to watch you do this was that time grown that was a little on the early side I recommend yeah okay standing a bit further back I did to run it too early you are so close to just like having it slightly over so you can see the entirety of the health bar that's a good idea yeah what's the closest year that was so close my teachings and his diligence has all led to this oh yes you you got it we now only have the bio obliterator left I proxy up this huge wall and absolutely demolish him with the Rhino and there you have it the answer to can you beat ratchet without jumping is yes and all it takes is knowing way too much about this game now that this is over you should jump over to this next video massive thanks to my patrons for making all of this possible to my amazing community over on Twitch and finally to Nathan for being a part of this incredible journey
Channel: Xem
Views: 38,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xem, xem92, xemmypoo, ratchet and clank, playstation, speedrun, up your arsenal, uya, ngplus, jumpless, no jumping, world record
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2023
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