Can You Beat Pokémon Shining Pearl Without Taking Damage?

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brilliant diamond and shining pearl are the newest games in the pokemon franchise though they have had their fair share of issues they improved upon several of the problems or missing elements from their 14 year old predecessors diamond and pearl for example the remakes run faster possess better type diversity due to the new pokemon available in the underground and have trainer customization options my favorite improvement by far is the drastically increased trainer difficulty several trainers now have pokemon with ivs and evs which basically just means that their stats will be higher some even teach their pokemon tms or egg moves which were rare occurrences in previous games you can check out everything about these trainers in this document that i'll link below so with a game this difficult what better challenge is there for me to attempt than to try to beat it without taking a single point of damage i know that smallant made a video on playing through another sinnoh game without taking damage pokemon platinum however my run is going to heavily vary from that one due to the aforementioned differences between trainers changes to wild pokemon and new mechanics such as sturdy actually working now for the rules the first is that my pokemon's hp must be 100 at all times that means getting hit and regaining the lost hp through moves like gekko drain isn't allowed the second rule is that if i do take damage i have to reset to the point i last saved i can save whenever i want to though this combination of rules saves me from spending a ridiculous amount of time on this challenge especially since i can't speed up the game on a nintendo switch i'll try my best however to complete this game without resetting more than 10 times excluding the resets needed for the starter with all that said it's time to begin the run i named my character kelen and my rival keith these names and the nicknames of my pokemon will be following a theme so if you get the reference feel free to comment below i start my journey in twin leaf town waddle my way up to another house and run into keith literally being the great friend that he is he pure pressures me into walking through tall grass without any pokemon which as expected ends up being a fantastic idea and i mean that sincerely keith's irresponsibility netted me the best available pokemon for this challenge chimchar though i can't run away from this battle the opposing starly has a move that can't damage chimchar growl its other move is tackle which does deal damage so i'm going to need to click growl two or three times to win depending on chimchar's randomized attack stat assuming starley's choice of moves is completely random i have a little under 25 chance of winning this battle including the possibility of chimchar landing a critical hit however this starly sucks and uses growl three times that's all i need to win on this first attempt gymtar has a mild nature which boosts special attack and lowers defense hp defense and special defense stats don't matter if you're not taking damage anyways so this is a fantastic nature for this run i learned i have the power to phase through people then head over to sangem town where i nicknamed chimchar barlow following don's catching tutorial i received 20 pokeballs and it's time to start leveling up chimchar in the original games in platinum the best way to do this would have been to solely battle crookeds which only had the moves abide and growl however krikatots now have pound instead of bide meaning they can deal immediate damage so is there actually a guaranteed way to level up chimchar the answer is no but there's still something that's pretty close from generation 6 onwards catching a wild pokemon also awards experience not just knocking it out nothing on this route is guaranteed to be caught by a pokeball but level 2 starlys and bedups have about a 95 chance of being caught while level 3 versions of these have about a 90 chance of being caught don't forget that each of these pokemon also have a 50 chance of using growl if they break out of the pokeball i catch two level 2 starlys and one level two be dupe allowing chimchar to get to level six and learn ember their names are noviki partner and janus respectively nabiki the first starly has an atom in nature which raises attack its most important stat for future reference the only starly i will be using in this run is nabiki the other one partner is just there for emotional support chimchar now has a 93.75 percent chance of one hit ko and level three krykats with ember once it hits level seven though this becomes a hundred percent chance meaning i'm temporarily free from the shackles of being forced to choose non-guaranteed options the first trainer on route 202 has a starlight with quick attack a priority move so i'm going to have to level up chimchar until it evolves and learns mock punch another priority move priority moves work exactly how they sound they go before regular moves so quick attack would move before tackle regardless of the speed stats grinding is really painful in this game since wild pokemon are worth less and less exp the higher the level difference between it and your pokemon is other games have ways to combat this after about 5 hours chimchar hits level 14 evolves into monferno and learns mock punch i battle the first trainer youngster tristan and knock out a starly with monferno's mock punch no one else on the route is threatening so i arrive at jubilee city soon after i play hide and seek with some clowns to obtain the poke and start training up starly in preparation for the upcoming rival battle route 204 is the best place to train though i can't battle shanks or starlys above level 4. eventually my starly hits level 14 and evolves into starravia once it hits level 15 it's strong enough to take on keith his first pokemon is starlit which gets knocked out by quick attack next up is piplup which gets knocked out by wing attack after clearing out the rest of route 103 i enter orber gate and shortly after reach orberg city a youngster warns that i will be looked down upon as a noob there are a couple useful buildings present in this city the first is the rightmost building in which i can receive a great ball the second is the leftmost building in which i can receive a dust ball once i have these two items i go back to jupiler city and up to route 204 where i find a zubat i throw a great ball at it which is guaranteed to catch it and then name it altru while i don't need it for now it doesn't hurt to get a few levels on it beforehand because of the automatic exp share there is one pokemon i do need to train up though be doof so i trade it up until level 15 where it evolves and learns water gun an important move for rorke's gym i retrieve rework from the oreberg mines and then battle the trainers in the mines and the gym surprisingly none of their combined six pokemon with the chance to have the ability sturdy actually have it sturdy is an ability that prevents a pokemon from being chaoed in one hit which is exactly what i'm trying to do anyways those pokemon not having sturdy means bibarel can just ko all of them with water gun after a little bit more grinding i'm ready to battle roark remember how i said that none of the other trainer pokemon is sturdy well that's not the case for rourke while his geodude's ability is rockhead onyxes is sturdy which means that it will always survive a hit and get a move off of its own believe it or not there's not a single guaranteed way to get around this i can level up on the chop from route 207 to level 32 where it learns jewel chop however this is a 90 accurate move and it would take forever to level up a pokemon to 32 this early in the game here's my plan i watched portions of several walkthroughs of this game on youtube including ones from munching orange pdwinall pokemd and sirloin in all of those runs they used pokemon to ko geodude in one hit however the onyx that came out afterwards press stealth rock every single time this leads me to believe that onix will always use stealth rock if it can't hit the player's pokemon super effectively assuming no stealth rocks were set up by geodude as you will see later in the run the ai is extremely weird in this game so this may have not been a safe assumption rorkspur's pokemon is a rockhead geodude and mine is baberel the barrel chaos it with a water gun next up is onyx to which i send out monferno powerup punch deals about 70 to onix which uses stealth rock as expected monferno knocks it out with another power-up punch a plus 2 attack mock punch knocks out rorke's last pokemon cranidos and i get my first batch of the game 5 hours and 6 minutes in the next step in the run is to prepare for a double battle in jubalife city against two team galactic grunts unfortunately i'm forced to team up with dawn meaning to maximize my chances of not taking damage i need to be able to ko both opposing pokemon on the same turn with just my one pokemon very few attacks that can do this also known as spread attacks are available this early in the game one of them is air cutter which zubat learns at level 25 which is only 95 accurate on each pokemon yet again it's time to do a ton of grinding as you can see zubat does not have a move strong enough to ko any pokemon on route 203 and doesn't get any for a long time meaning it has to sit at the back of the party passively gaining only half the potential experience it could get from being used in battle fortunately for me there's a new area that has opened up the lower floor of the oroberg gate level 8 through 10 zubats and psyducks reside here which is much better than any other area once ubat hits level 20 it learns quickguard which blocks priority moves for the turn it is used i stop zubat from evolving onto level 25 where it learns air cutter and then evolves into golbat that entire process took 10 hours back at jubalife city i battled the galactic duo air cutter chaos both pokemon with that over i run through ravaged path reaching north route 204 where aroma lady taylor resides for the record in diamond pearl and platinum her name was just the common spelling of taylor so i have absolutely no idea what happened here there's a double battle coming up against a pair of twins who each have a pachurisu with quick attack although monferno and starravia shouldn't have a problem due to possessing priority moves of their own i decide not to risk it and box four of my five pokemon to avoid the double battle entirely after picking up the tm for bullet seed i reach flo aromatown there are two really concerning battles coming up the first is against the grunt blocking the valley when works building and the second is against the commander inside the building mars the grunt has a glamio with fake out while mars has upper ugly with fake out fake out is a priority move that only works on the first turn it even goes before moves like mock punch and quick attack while i do have the tools to deal with fake out specifically i also don't know if the trainer's ais will force them to use it on the first turn or not it's likely that the grunts purse move will be randomized while mars's will be fake out due to having a higher trainer class there's actually one really awesome honey tree pokemon that can bypass all of these problems burme specifically when it evolves into mother it's the only pokemon available this early in the game that learns protect by level up the only problem is that it has an 11 chance to be encountered on honey trees and those encounters only reset every 24 hours at minimum with only two honey trees available it would likely be a three to seven day hunt to find burme i can't manually change the time of the switch to make this faster because for some reason this game locks you out of time-based events for 24 hours if you do that i really didn't want to wait that long so i just went into the battle leading golbat by watching playthroughs i learned that the grunt's choice of moves was indeed randomized so i just use quickguard which can block fake out if used if glamio uses growl instead that's also fine i can just ko it the next turn however it chooses the one move i can't deal with scratch i only had a 1 3 chance to lose that but given all the chances that i've taken in the run and gotten out of unscathed this was bound to happen before attempting it again i head back to flor aromatown inside one of the houses a girl gives me the tm for pluck a good move for goldback to learn since it can't miss unlike air cutter now for attempt 2 golbat uses quickguard and glamio uses fake out which does nothing golbat wins with pluck the next turn i'm gonna need golbat to be strong enough to one hit ko marse's per ugly so i head back outside to level it up due to all the friendship gained from walking around grinding it up the first time around golbat is friendly enough to evolve into crobat at level 26. upon evolution it learns cross poison a 70 base power physical poison type move at level 27 krobat is strong enough to battle mars pluck chaos are zubat and now it's time for the problem pokemon the four playthroughs i mentioned earlier all showed for ugly using fake out on the first turn so i think it's a safe bet for perogli to use it sure enough quick guard blocks per ugly spake out the next turn cross poison knocks it out i speed throughout 205 making sure to avoid one trainer who has a sturdy onyx and reach the next obstacle of the run he turn a forest i switch sarivia to the front of the party and then enter there is actually only one mandatory double battle inside to turn a forest but unfortunately just like how i teamed up with dawn back in jupiter city i have to team up with cheryl here in the first battle a bug catcher has three pokemon starting with wormpole while alas only has pachirisu i have to take a chance that wormpole won't attack my staravia saryvi's attack is actually higher than monferno's which is why it's in battle instead quick attack chaos pachirisu and then chansey confuses wormpull with sweet kiss but wormpole breaks out and uses poison sting against staravia annoying sequence of events but it goes my way the next time around i switch krobat to the front of the party before the next battle but i make a mistake of entering a double battle when i could have just split it into two single battles without cheryl hopefully this doesn't bite me in the back of course air cutter misses one of the two apra that abra targets chancy though to my relief there aren't any mandatory trainers left so i exit the forest run through north route 205 and arrive at eterna city by far the messiest portion of the run is finally over at this point crobat is strong enough to ko the entirety of the eterna gin gardenia is no exception cherubian turtwig both faint across poison and then rosered gets kayode by pluck gardenia rewards me with several tms of grass knot the heavier the target is the more damage grassnot deals with the gym completed i gain access to the underground a great help to this run for two reasons the first is that it increases the variety of pokemon i can capture and the second is that the high levels of pokemon there make grinding a lot quicker than before the downside of these higher levels is that there are much fewer pokemon that can actually be knocked out in one hit anyways my team is nowhere near strong enough to take on commander jupiter and her skun tank in the upcoming team galactic building so i start to train underground intending to evolve monferno into infernape where it learns close combat i take a break from that process to head over to the old chateau north of eterna forest where i find a gas leak i throw a dust ball and it breaks out apparently creepy haunted houses don't boost the catch rate of a dust ball fortunately for me ghastly has a 75 chance to not do any damage so i get lucky as it uses hypnosis the next turn i throw a great ball with a 70 chance to catch and succeed a better solution would have been to complete several tasks for the underground guy until you get 5 quick balls which would have caught gasly 100 percent of the time i name it kinkade and it's back to grinding around midway through monferno being level 33 i realized that skuntank has the ability aftermath which deals damage to any pokemon that chaos it with a contact move this means my original plan of close combat is not a viable option i decide to just continue since getting an infernape this early will at least make future battles and grinding a lot easier after eliminating a population of crookeds and badoos monferno forgets powerup punch to learn close combat and evolves gastly also evolved into hunter along the way with that over i plan out a new strategy for battling skuntank my first thought is to find a pokemon that can knock it out with a super effective special move since almost no special moves actually make contact one pokemon that can do this is gastrodon with earth power i take a pretty big detour to oregon city and buy a few netballs which increase the chances of capturing a water or bug type by 3.5 times on route 205 i find a shellos use one of the netballs and name it boyle for the record while there are shallows underground they are too high of a level to be guaranteed captures it's time for grinding again but this time it'll be easier i teach infernape grassnote using one of the tms i got from gardenia because of how strong infernape is now it can even ko the gastrodons in fountain spring cave which are exp gold mines i mean look at that that's about a quarter of a level for most of my pokemon starvia evolves into star after and learns close combat at level 34 while shell loss earns earth power and evolves into gastrodon at level 35 after one more level gastrodon is fast enough to outspeed skuntank so i'm ready to battle jupiter infernape's flame wheel chaos zubat and then gastrodon at speeds and ko's gun tank with earth power i grab the bike ride down cycling road receive the vs seeker from dawn and then enter mount coronet for the first time where i meet cyrus there's no character in the franchise that encompasses the word tired more than this guy maybe caitlyn from black and white i don't know hard home city and the second battle with keith are next mock punch cave of starly close combat chaos prim plup mock bunch chaos ponyta and flamewheel chaos resilia here's an interesting fact if your rival chooses piplup rosalia has the ability natural cure but if he chooses chimtar it has poison point next stop is valestone city and i have two ways of getting there the first is by going east of hardhome through route 209 salacion town and route 215 while the second is by going south of hart home through route 212 pastoria city route 213 and route 214. i originally started by going east because from what i remembered of the original games the bug was not fun on route 215 i find a fist plate which makes fighting type moves stronger by 20 and give it to infernae while there though i realize none of my pokemon are strong enough to defeat the final mandatory trainer's gyarados rather than trying to drain up a whole other electric type pokemon i decided to just go with the other route the bog sure was annoying but i arrived at pastoria relatively quickly the great marsh is a pretty awesome location for catching pokemon since neither party ever takes damage you can just chuck balls to your heart's content i don't need any pokemon from here though so i grab the team's rear defog and leave i buy a bunch of quick balls from the mart then head out after going through a couple more routes i finally reach bailstone city the first thing i do is visit the department store where i can buy a bunch of powerful tms at a bargain i get tms of u-turn protect flamethrower thunderbolt ice beam psychic and dazzling glean infernape forgets flame wheel in favor of flamethrower while a haunter forgets shadow punch in favor of thunderbolt in front of the veilstone gym there's a trainer who gives me a wide lens which boosts the accuracy of all moves by 10 and will be useful very shortly the entire gym can be defeated with just two total moves one of them is hunter's hex to take out a black belt meditate possessing faint a normal type move that has higher priority than quick attack but lower priority than fake out the other move is infernape's flamethrower melee is no exception to this as flamethrower chaos are metatite the choke and lucario i'm about to have another team battle with dawn and a couple of team galactic grunts but i don't want to have to rely on krobot's 95 accurate air cutter so i give it the recently obtained wide lens making air cutter 100 accurate the first air cutter k is the grunts dust stocks and beautify while the second chaos krogunk and stunky i grabbed the tm for fly from the galactic warehouse and immediately realized there's a silver lining to all the missteps i took on the way to vale stone city i can just fly to pastoria city instead of having to run through a bunch of routes and trainer battles since i've already done that i clear at the gym pretty easily but don't have the tools to be crash or wake yet i fly back to veil stone and pick up a hidden silk scarf near the galactic headquarters the silk scarf boosts the power of normal type moves by 20 i give star after the silk scarf switch hunter to the front of the party and challenge wake gyarados is his first pokemon but hunter's thunderbolt easily chaos it his next pokemon is quagsire so i switch to infernape grassnote takes it out floatzel is last so i send out star raptor this pokemon is the reason i needed the silk scarf because it has aqua jet a priority move infernape isn't strong enough to kill it with mock punch even with a fist plate however because of the silk scarf star raptor is quick attack knocks out float sole and that's four gym leaders down i eavesdrop on this galactic grunt who's planning to deliver a bomb to lake valor and have to chase him down and then keith interrupts me i am literally trying to stop a guy from delivering a bomb but rival battles come first i guess he still hasn't evolved his level 26 starly for some reason it goes down to mockpunch printflip faints to close combat ponyta gets knocked out by mockpunch and rosalia gets obliterated by flamethrower i successfully catch up to the ground at the valor lakefront and defeat him which effectively does nothing but postpone the detonation cynthia assigns a mission to deliver an old charm to her grandmother in celestic town on the way there i find the tm for shadowball i can teach it to haunter but it learns shadowbulb i level up pretty soon anyways when i reach celestic town i hand over the old charm there's another team galactic grunt my bad there's a spaceman in front of the celestic ruins who has two pokemon infernapes playing thrower knocks out his first pokemon beautify but i need to send out star after for a second krogunk grosgunk has sucker punch a priority move that works if the opposing pokemon is about to use an attacking move it's in the same priority bracket as quick attack though meaning as long as siraptor is faster i'm going to move first quick attack picks up the ko cynthia's grandma gives several tions for surf and i proceed to get jump scared by cyrus who smiles for the first time all game but only when introducing himself imagine being like i hate the world this world is disgusting i must create a new one yo what is going on youtube it's your boy cyrus anyways completing this mission unlocks a fifth gym back in hard home i don't need to do a lot of preparation though i give infernape charcoal i found underground teach star after fly and switch crobat's wide lines to star after time to battle fantina her first pokemon drift lim gets ko'd by flamethrower her next pokemon is gengar which has the ability curse body this means it has a 30 chance to disable any move that it gets hit by i keep infernape in and go for the knockout with another flamethrower which of course gets disabled her final pokemon is miss maggias because her pokemon of speed evs miss maggias actually outspeeds every one of my pokemon except for infernape and staraptor given that inferniv can't use its only move that can knock it out i have to switch into star after fly is only 95 accurate but that chance becomes 100 with the wide lens once it lands i win the battle route 218 connects jupiter city to my next destination cantalave city i haven't caught a pokemon in a while and i'm gonna need a few new ones to take on the cantileve gym two of them are on this route the first is a wingle which i catch and name puel i'll get the second one in a bit but for now i enter cantaloupe city to battle keith enters thunderbolt chaostaravia i blundered here since darivia was actually holding a quick claw which allows it to move first in its priority bracket 20 of the time this means i should have had star after use quick attack instead i switch in for an apan to deal with his next pokemon hair across flamethrower knocks it out close combat chaos primple up in ponyta and then flamethrower takes out roselia to win the battle i accidentally let wingle evolve in developer after this battle meaning i need to catch another one i'll explain why this evolution was bad during the next gym battle i leave cantalouve to catch a second route 218 pokemon glamio which i named vienne believe it or not not a single pokemon available during the main story of this game gets fake out by level up other than glamio or perrugli anyways there's only one pokemon left to capture before i can take on the gym the two main problematic members in the gym are black belt ricky and the leader himself byron ricky has a sturdy stelix with four attacking moves while byron has both the sturdy steelix and a sturdy bastardon while i currently have the tools for dealing with boat stelix i can't be bastard on yet the primary reason this challenge is easier with brilliant diamond than with shining pearl is because of the existence of one version exclusive pokemon rempardos rampardos has the ability mold breaker which ignores opposing abilities like sturdy this means it can potentially kill a pokemon with that ability in one hit from pardos also has an insanely high attack stat along with relatively good coverage moves it's a bit annoying to find due to the random chance of fossils appearing underground but you don't have to risk taking damage when obtaining it fortunately for me ilko was kind enough to add a virgin exclusive mold breaker man to shining pearl as well pincer yes it's weaker than rompardos has worse coverage and is riskier to catch but it is faster so i head underground and repeatedly enter an exit spacious cave until i find one before throwing a quick ball i find out that there's only about a 40 to catch it so i run and try to think of a better solution i was extremely disorganized for this next part of the run so sit tight i fly to ravage path back near floroma town to get a luck incense this doubles the amount of money trainers give you for winning assuming the pokemon you gave it to appears in battle i give this item to infernape and repeatedly battle a group of 4 rich trainers on route 212 below heart home city once i have a good pile of cash i purchased 10 calciums from the veilstone department store and 4 speed them to glamio giving it 100 special attack evs back underground i catch a teddy ursa and name it murph this is the pokemon that will hopefully beat bastard on in pastoria city i pick up a mystic water after beating up the rich trainers again and maxing out glenya's special attack i go underground to train both glamio and teddy ursa once both pokemon are evolved and sufficiently leveled i pick up the team for water pulse and ravaged path and the tm for brick break in the lower level of oreberg gate on rats 212 and 214 i find two hard scales which i'd then give to the move relearner back in pastoria pursuing relearns fling and per ugly relearns fake out i think you can guess what i'm planning fling is a move that lets a pokemon toss its held item at a target to deal damage depending on the held item there may also be secondary effects flinking either the king's rock or the razer fan causes the opposing pokemon to flinch just like fake out i intend for ursuring to flinch byron's bastardon with fling breaking sturdy and then to finish it with brick break now all that's left to do is to find the king's rock which should be found in celestic town right over here over here maybe here turns out this was only in platinum in brilliant diamond and shining pearl both of the aforementioned items cannot be obtained until the post game meaning my planes have fallen through fling is useless pursuing is useless most of the previous four hours were useless with my hopes dash and brain running on fumes i catch another wingle like i said i would before and go back to my original plan of using a mold breaker pincer to ignore bastardon's sturdy i re-encounter one relatively quickly with haunter at the front of my party pincer has only around a 25 chance to damage haunter if it breaks out since three of the four level up moves that it's expected to have do not affect haunter if the 40 chance quickball fails i have numerous nut balls that each have a 30 chance to capture pincer all in all this means i have just about a two-thirds chance to catch it before it deals damage my luck is still awesome so i catch it on the first turn with a quick ball i name it peril invoking the power of jeffrey bezos i purchased several proteins to buff up pincer after what feels like an eternity i'm about to start progressing through the game again i give corruptly the mystic water teach it water pulse and switch it to the front of the party black belt ricky is the first trainer inside cantalave gym and has a sturdy stelix perugli has been training its entire life for this battle fakeout breaks dirty and then perogly lands a headshot with waterpoles to win the battle before the gym leader i add gastrodon and wingle to the team subbing out per ugly and haunter i teach u-turn to wingle and brick-break defensor i briefly go underground to level up pincer to 41 and use one of my rare candies to get it to level 42. it's time to take on byron he sends out a bronzer while i send out infernape its ability is levitate and not heat proof so flamethrower knocks it out his next pokemon is stelix two which i send out wingle so i should probably tell you why it didn't evolve it steelix has the moves thunderfang earthquake gyroball and sandstorm my plan is to have wingle u-turn and switch into gastrodon raking sturdy in the process i wanted a way to guarantee that steelix would use thunderfang instead of the other 3 moves while a level 30 pelipper has a shot to lift thunderfang wingle absolutely does not this is why i didn't want it to evolve wingle uses u-turn i switch into gastrodon and stelix uses thunderfang plan's successful earth power finishes stelix off byron's last pokemon is the dreaded bastardon so i send out pincer i'm just one brick break away from this whole saga being over pincer uses brick break and to my dismay it doesn't do enough bastardon uses stone edge which hits forcing me to reset i forgot to give pincer a fist plate which i did when running the damage calculation to think i went through all that trouble just to have to reset anyways brick break ko's bastard on the mind badges mine immediately after professor rowan assigns each of keith don and aya lake to investigate an explosion occurs in my assignment lake valor i'm honestly pretty surprised that they kept this in the game but the game corner is a no-no the galactic commander responsible for this explosion is saturn his pokemon are cadabra bronzor and toxicroak which doesn't have sucker punch for some reason not one of them can take a flamethrower because don and rhone can't do their own jobs i'm forced to go to lake verity mars is even easier than last time since sir perugli doesn't have fake out anymore flamethrower doesn't have to go bat close combat takes up her ugly and a misclick close combat chaos bronzor to win the battle snowpoint city is the next destination and unfortunately for me i need to go through two routes of hail to get there not to mention multiple trainers in the gym with snover or obama snow which have snow warning an ability that sets hail i set out to fix this problem immediately after exiting mount coronet to enter route 216. underground i find a female snow run and name it palmer i realize that this pokemon won't be enough to deal with all the 7th gym leader's pokemon so i head back to the lower level of oreberg gate and surfer a bit i eventually find a psyduck with the ability cloud9 catch it and name it brook cloud9 is an ability that ignores the effects of weather meaning it won't take damage from hail or sandstorm i found a dawn stone underground a little earlier so i use it to evolve snowrun into frostless unlike most stone evolutions process has a great level up learn set so there's not really a point to holding off and evolving after leveling both pokemon up evie training them in special attack and speed and revamping their move sets i can trek through the snow routes in the middle of route 217 i pick up the tm for rock climb and show it to a hiker in a nearby house to receive the icicle plate i then reach snowpoint city and enter the gym after giving infernape the fistplate and switching it to the front of my party i can actually lead it into all six regular trainer battles which is pretty nice the only trainers here with snover have only one pokemon each meaning infernape won't be buffeted by hail as long as it wins in one turn one specific trainer in here poses a problem though ace trainer savannah she has a pelipper golduck and sturdy steelix but i have the tools to deal with this just not all in my party infor napkins pelipper with close combat and then gets hit by aquajet before it can attack golduck i actually made not one but two mistakes here first of course i didn't read golduck's moveset correctly i would have used mock punch instead which is a guaranteed ko second i forgot to take perogli out of the box to deal with celix just like how it did in byron's gym round two in for nipko's pelipper with close combat and golduck with mock punch then perugca breaks deluxe's sturdy with fake out and knocks it out with a rain boosted water pulse thanks pelipper i switch frostless to the front of the party before fighting candace frost is holding the icicle plate and golduck is holding the mystic water it's worth noting that none of candace's pokemon of any priority moves her first pokemon is snover but the halo it set serves as its demise since it makes processes blizzard 100 accurate metacham is next but it's no match for a shadow ball third is sneasel which frostless can't touch so i send out golduck the speed it gained from ingesting so many vitamins allows it to add speed sneasel which gets chao'ed by surf last is a bomb snow to which i send out infernape flamethrower wins the battle if a bomb of snow had been sent out any earlier i would have used frostless instead since i made sure its special attack was high enough to pick up the ko with a blizzard i head to lake acuity where jupiter is giving keith a reality check then flight of veilstone to face off against team galactic and their leader boss cyrus's mercure and golbat each go down to charcoal boosted flamethrowers while sneezel gets kayode by mock punch next up is a second battle with commander saturn but it goes exactly like the first battle with all three of his pokemon getting ko'd by flamethrower the next morning i fly to celestic town and talk to the glasses guy to get the choice specs i would have done this earlier but you have to wake up before 10 am and remember to play the game as you may have noticed most of this run takes place during the night time on the lowest floor of the jubilee condominiums i receive a quick claw before my final showdown against team galactic i need to level up gold duck a bit underground when it's holding the lucky egg and at the front of the party it actually gains exp at a ridiculous rate in comparison to the rest of the team once it hits level 67 i can move on to mount coronet after brushing aside about 12 weenies i get to spear pillar where there are two more weenies there's a double battle coming up against mars and jupiter that's fine by itself but what makes it a problem is that i have to team up with keith that means i need a move that can hit both opposing targets on the field fortunately golduck knows surf which attacks all three pokemon on the field to power golduck up i give it the choice specs which boosts its damage output by 1.5 times at the cost of only allowing it to choose one move it doesn't matter since that move is surf i also give the quick plot of frost last though that's only relevant in the battle after cyrus summons palkia which uses the sky as a coloring book and then i start the double battle mars and jupiter each send out bronzer while keith sends out a munchlax surf knocks out both bronzors skuntank and perugli and both goalbats to win including keats munchlax and starraptor that's 8 kos in just 3 turns the lake trio saves the world cyrus gets mad well he's always mad and he takes out his anger on me there's no time to edit the team in between this battle and the previous one so i'm forced to lead golduck cyrus sends out hauntcrow icebeam knocks it out next up is gyarados which is holding a walk on berry an item that halves the damage of a super effective electric type attack that doesn't save it from my mild-natured haunter which chaos it with thunderbolt through the berry third is weavile which gets knocked out by infernape's mock punch i had planned to use flamethrower against weevil when preparing for cyrus but my instinct ended up acting before my brain could during the battle cyrus's final pokemon is crovat crobat is holding a quickclaw this makes no sense since crobat literally has the highest base speed out of any pokemon available during the main story why does it need an item that lets it move first 20 of the time when it's already moving first during 99 of people's playthroughs either way this set is disadvantageous to this specific challenge i don't have any pokemon with a priority move strong enough and would have had to level up star after an obscene amount to get quick attack to pick up the ko if you remember i gave ross less a quick claw before the double battle this way if both pokemon's quick claws activate at the same time frost will win including the chance for crowbar to use tailwind this increases my chances of winning from around 90 to a whopping 92 percent no quick claws end up activating so frostus uses icebeam to send cyrus back to legoland believe it or not cyrus is only 27 years old pretty impressive i catch palkio with a master ball and name it henry professor rowan has an anime protagonist moment i don't have to fight any more blue haired bozos for the rest of the game so i can finally try to get the 8th gym badge i head west of valor lakefront onto route 222 where i only battle a single trainer before reaching sunnyshore city i can take on the gym basically right away before fighting the leader i switch rossless to the front of the party and give it the choice specs if you're wondering why perruggly is paralyzed static activated as a ko to write you earlier speaking of raichu that's welcome spurs pokemon icebeam knocks it out volkner then sends out an empty poem with fake out but that doesn't matter to a ghost type like frost lass ice beam picks up another ko third is artillery but it gets knocked out by a close combat from infernape wolkner's ace is luxray but it becomes a third victim of icebeam in this battle jasmine is still in this game so maybe that's a hint for let's go jojo games might be a stretch anyways i surf on route 223 until i reach the victory road entrance the final five battles of the game are against the elite four and the champion these battles are a new level of difficult in comparison to any of the previous ones older pokemon have maxed out ivs and close to maxed out evs in targeted stats considering that i can't even control my pokemon's ivs and most of them haven't had to do any targeted ev training i'll need to grind a lot in fact more than ever before it's here i decide to do something that might be kind of controversial since all my pokemon have maxed out evs battling affects experience but doesn't award any evs like it usually would which means that it's not really any different from using a bunch of rare candies in versions of the game before 1.1.3 which in my case is 1.1.2 there is something called the menu glitch which allows you to access the menu while still moving this glitch lets you do a lot of things including cloning pokemon and the items that they're holding this video made by blaine's should cover what i did once i have a ton of rare candies i level up all my pokemon to around 75 for now and then take on victory road on the way i teach haunter's sludge bomb it looks like the cloning glitch made the hm barrels dysfunctional around 20 minutes later i reached the pokemon league prior to challenging the elite four i'm gonna need to battle my rival one last time before battling keith i fly to valestone and buy several more u-turn tms once i've leveled up infernape and process the necessary amount i use one of them on for ugly lastly i pick up the team for giga drain lying at the bottom of route 209 i switch correctly to the front of my party and i'm ready to battle keith's first pokemon is a star raptor holding a focus sash to break it i have peroglius fake out because of a critical hit it deals about 60 percent i expect staropter to use either close combat or raindance since close combat is a super effective move and raindance is a status move for ugly u turns out into frostlast which takes nothing from close combat body slam or water pulse were probably safer moves there given the damage from the crit next is roserade which falls to a flamethrower from infernape third is snorlax so i keep infernape in close combat takes it out next up is empoleon the reason i needed infernape to be such a high level was because of empoleon's held item a quickclaw the quickclaw activates but infernape still goes first and knocks out empoleon with a priority fistplate boosted mock punch it makes quick work of keith's last two months as well koing rapidash with close combat and heracross with flamethrower before challenging the elite four i switch infernape to the front of the party and give it the choice specs the first elite four member is aaron who only has bug types except for his ace drapeon either way he's the easiest elite four member to defeat as is dustox heracross beautifly vespa quinn and drapeon all fall to one choice specs boosted flamethrower each the next member is bertha but she's not much of a step up from aaron i give infernate the fist plate and gold deck the choice specs golduck isn't necessary unless she sends out her sandstorm setting he pout on early though in all the playthroughs i've watched i never saw it come out any earlier than last she starts the battle off with quagsire while i lead infernape again one grass knot knocks it out next up is whiskash which is holding a rindoberry an item that halves the damage of a grass type move even though grass knot is four times super effective wiscash is deceptively light and small did you know that this mod is not even three feet long anyways its low weight makes grass not a 40 base power move that's not gonna cut it one fistplate boosted close combat will though bertha's third pokemon is golem with the ability sturdy i send perruglia out in response fake out breaks dirty and then bertha switches out into pseudo-wudo which faints to a water pulse without a critical hit i have so many questions what likely happened is that bertha noticed one of her pokemon could hit perogly super effectively so she switched it in the move being low kick she sends golem back in but it goes down to water pulse last is a pout on so i send out golduck surf wins the battle flint is significantly tougher than the previous two elite four members before fighting him i used a tm for psychic on frostlast having it forget blizzard i also moved the choice specs from golduck to frostlast flinspur's pokemon is rapidash and i lead infernape close combat knocks out rapidash next up is labuni lopani has the move quick attack which is its strongest stab move so i don't want to risk keeping an infernape i also unfortunately did not level up haunter or frostless enough to guarantee a ko in one hit instead i stand up for ugly because lopini has a super effective move against it high jump kick this should allow me to beta into using high jump kick on haunter an immune ghost type which would cause it to lose 50 percent of its total hp since lopini can also use mirror coat i need to deal some amount of chip to it before switching to haunter i can't use fake out because of the thirty percent chance for lapane's q-charm ability to activate q-charm is effectively an ability version of attract inflicting infatuation this status effect has a fifty percent chance of preventing a pokemon from moving all this means is that my only option is u-turn for ugly u turns out huge arm activates in vain i switch to haunter and la bunny uses fire punch what no way it chose to use fire punch instead of high jump kick against the peruggli a peruggli with the ability thick fat which halves the power of fire and ice type moves unbelievable my theory for why this happened is that the way the ai reads thick fat is fundamentally incorrect i actually have a way of testing this so i just attempt it again if i need to reset this time it's in the name of science the errand battle goes the exact same way as before but the bertha one does not she doesn't switch out golem this time so it just faints the water pulse the turn after being faked out i send an infernape to face sudoludo and grassnot kyozid back to flint i make one change giving the choice specs to frostless instead of haunter i keep infernape in against lophany this time around i don't think i've ever seen the pokemon of a high ai trainer attack with a weak priority move unless it's attacking a pokemon with low hp or the move is super effective given that neither is the case here i think it's safe to say that laphany won't be using quick attack this holds true and close combat chaos lopany flint's next pokemon is stelix without sturdy so i keep infernape in flamethrower takes it out i switch in frostlast to fight flint's driftblim drifblim which apparently doesn't have any attacking moves is no match for an icebeam flint's last pokemon is infernape which is holding a focus sash this is where the experiment kicks in i switch into per ugly and fake out renders the focus sash useless infrared has the moves close combat mock punch fire punch and thunder punch the first two are fighting type moves let's see what happens i manually switch into frost lass and infrared infernape's fire punch this in my eyes proves my theory that the way the ai reads thick fat is broken i think that maybe the ai believes that the ability doubles rather than halves the amount of damage fire and ice type moves deal though that still doesn't explain why flint's infant abused fire punch instead of close combat since close combat would have been stronger round three this time i teach infernape u-turn and have it forget mock punch each of flint's first four pokemon fall in the same way that they did last time against flint's infernape instead of switching to for ugly i switch in my own infernape one of flint's infernape's moves close combat is significantly stronger against my infernape than any of its other three moves there's no thick fat anymore to mess with the ai so i have my infernape u-turn out into frostless and as expected flint's infernape uses close combat for us less he's psychic and flint is finally down there's not much to change up before lucian i give in for nate the charcoal and switch frostlast which is still holding the choice specs to the front of the party lucian's first pokemon is mr mime which gets ko'd by shadowball lucian's alikazam actually outspeeds every single one of my pokemon except infernape so i'm required to send it out it gets chaored by flamethrower giraffe rig is next so i keep infernape in close combat picks up the knockout metacham is fourth and just like mr mime it falls to a shadow ball lucian's ace is bronzong but it can't take the heat and i've defeated all 4 elite 4 members if you're still watching i hope that means you've enjoyed the video so far i'd really appreciate it if you could like the video leave a comment for the algorithm and subscribe if you haven't already i'm so close to hitting ten thousand and it would mean a lot to me before fighting cynthia i remove infernape's fistplate and give it the choice specs that frostless was holding i give frost less the icicle plate and star after the fist plate i teach hunter gigadrain and switch infinite to the front of the party it's time to find out if the strongest trainer in any pokemon game can deal a single point of damage to me cynthia's first pokemon is spirit tomb it gets incinerated by one choice max boosted flamethrower next up is gastrodon and since infernape is locked into flamethrower i switch into haunter gekko drain sucks the entirety of gastrodon's life force for the record i knew that cynthia would switch into gastrodon and not melodic because i watched collector togami's champion battle in which they also led with infernape third is roserade so i switched to frostlast when ice beam later rose raid ceases to exist next up is lucario so i switch into star raptor unlike in platinum lucario doesn't have any priority moves so i can safely have star after he's close combat turning a black and blue face even more black and blue i send infernape back out in response to cynthia's melodic its reputation of being a tank can't save it from one grass knot the final opponent is garchomp holding a yachty berry which halves the damage of an ice type move i send frostless out one final time ice beam forces gartron to eat its berry but it doesn't matter i'm the champion now i beat the most difficult mainline pokemon game without taking any damage like pokemon enter the hall of fame and it looks like i finished the game in less than 40 hours of in-game time though things got a bit hairy around the end i'm still really proud of this run remember to like comment and subscribe and check out some of my other pokemon challenges thanks for watching you
Channel: flyingfalcons7
Views: 259,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shining pearl, bdsp, brilliant diamond, pokemon shining pearl, pokemon bdsp no damage, pokemon no damage, bdsp without taking damage, pokemon without taking damage, no damage, flyingfalcons7, can you beat pokemon without taking damage, can you beat, no damage pokemon, damageless pokemon, no damage run, pokemon bdsp, pokemon challenge, diamond and pearl, pokemon pearl, sinnoh, platinum, gen 8 pokemon, pokemon brilliant diamond and shining pearl, hardest pokemon game
Id: e5Ui3pFLc20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 47sec (2567 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 18 2022
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