Can You Beat Pokemon X/Y WITHOUT EXP & NO ITEMS? - ChaoticMeatball

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how's it going everybody chaotic meatball here and welcome back to yet another pokemon challenge video this time i'm actually doing something new for the channel my buddy demo made a patch for pokemon x and y to allow me to play the game without gaining any exp oh sort of you see pokemon x and y have to have the game register at least one exp gained per battle in order for it not to crash based on the tools he had so this is basically the closest to no exp we can really get to with our current technology either way let's get into the rules of the challenge rule 1 no items in battle rule 2 no glitches rule 3 battles are all on set which means i can't shift in between every trainer pokemon which makes it a bit more difficult and rule number four we can catch anything we want to but we can't excessively grind to take advantage of the one exp yielded per battle but we are allowed to use super training to ev train without the need of levels lastly we can also use the limited rare candies laid out by the developers but we cannot use pickup for them or else that would make the challenge obsolete anyway let's get into it so i started with fennekin because i knew it wasn't going to be useful very long and i figured a fire type was going to help me get through the santelene forest and so that it can possibly be used to resist the first gym and get a burn off on one of viola's pokemon but i don't know also i did this challenge live here on youtube which i'll be probably doing a little bit more often in fact while we're here i also have a patch for omega ruby and ultra sun no exp so if you go into the description you can vote on the straw poll for which one i do next anyway i didn't catch any new pokemon until route 3 as i figured it'd be a waste of pokeballs to grab anything before then i needed to grab a b doof a zurill and pikachu so that i'd be able to take out the single trainer that was blocking off the grass on route 22 the best place for me to grab pokemon right now since they're the highest level before the first gym i grabbed myself a level seven done sparse a level six lit leo a level six bundle b and a level six b doof now i'm sure you're thinking man that's gonna be hard to take down a level 10 and a level 12 but actually it's not bad at all right here in santalune city i'm able to trade my bundle b for a level 10 far-fetched that has aerial ace basically making it the key to winning this battle after taking out vlas trainers it's already time to take her down within less than an hour of in-game time gotta say that's kind of crazy how you can literally get to the first gym within that similar reasonable amount of time compared to a game that came out in 1996 on the game boy feel these with a cersket as i lead with farfetch'd going for aerial lace but she goes for quick attack doing minimal damage before i one shot it leading to vivillon it uses harden meaning aerial ace is now a 4 shot i decided to use lyrs just so i could make it a 3 shot again defeating her without needing to use any other pokemon with the bug badge in tow it's time for the least interesting paced part of a pokemon game seriously why is there such a long gap between gyms 1 and 2 but not between every other gym in this game i would have liked the longer pacing since it would have given us a longer game and more small pieces of story like the parfum ballas don't get me wrong i don't want a dog on this game but i do wish it was better since it really had the potential to be as good if not better than black to invite to but i digress i was actually able to lean on far fetch for route 4 since there weren't many required trainers and there really wasn't anything worth catching here that was strong though i did grab a badoo for a battle coming up pretty soon this led me to lumio city and that means i have to fight professor sycamore so that i can get myself a kanto starter luckily he leads with bulbasaur so that's an easy one shot with aerial ace on farfetch leading to squirtle i wanted to have a safe switch over to badu so i swapped strafeenican allowed it to get ko just so i could send it out i just spammed absorb basically undoing most of his damage as i kept whittling down his health eventually taking him out before he sent out charmander i don't really have a response to fire types right now so i kept in with badoo and attempted to use watersport to lower the power fire type moves but he outsped and ko'd leading me to send out the doof it only has tackle and growl so i just spammed tackle for a few turns before he took me down barely doing under half health next i sent out dunspars who i realized had rollout allowing me to finish it in two more shots winning the battle not bad i wish i kinda realized that dunsparce had that though but having a diverse team even if it's under leveled really helps also for some reason the citra emulator doesn't like some of the textures in x and y so it's just a black screen squirtle are you guys okay in there that's a that's a pretty big void there anyway i replaced fennekin since it's the lowest level pokemon on my team meaning that our original starter is no longer useful for the rest of the run so after getting a pep talk from sycamore himself it's time to head out on route 5. there's no required trainers before the grass so i took the liberty to capture a fur fruit for a decent tank before continuing after a required double battle tierno wants to challenge me only with a level 12 core fish which i used farfetch to take down pretty easily gotta try harder tiarno it's not that hard to be a trainer i can do it without even training before heading to the next area i also grabbed a level 10 goal pin as well as a skitto since it's about time i replace my single digit level things like b doof after arriving in camp rear i'm halted by a big old snorlax meaning i have to go get the pokeflute so i do so grabbing a few new pokemon including audino on edge esper kekleon and oddish before getting the pokeflute and moving on to capture snorlax since it's level 15 stronger than anything else i have on my team and a better tank than furfu or audino i guess i'm catching way too many pokemon for my own good oh well after two short double battles against tyronno and trevor as well as some painters i'm able to pass through route 7 and move into the connecting cave where i'm able to swap out some more party members for a level 14 meta type and a level 14 axu who has access to dragon rage an amazing move for this part of the game for sure i believe it'll be useful until we get to the second gym in which case by that point it'll be under leveled after emerging i caught an absol here on route 8 but i got swept with a trainer with a level 19 axio i guess dragon rage came back to bite me i gotta be more prepared luckily it was an optional trainer so i was able to walk by him allowing me to capture an nk before arriving in ambret town i can't really go on from here so i had to take the detour over to route 9 and yeah i hate this route anyway i made sure to capture a hippopotamus potentially something useful against the next gym leader who uses rock types glittering cave also has quite a few interesting things for me to capture such as machop lunatone and kangaskhan in the back of the cave there's a few team flare grounds i took out allowing me to grab the sail fossil i know if i didn't say what i took you'd all ask actually ask anyway comments are good for the youtube algorithm ah it feels so good to be the first person to pull that off in a gen 6 challenge video i'm able to spend some time using rock smash so that i can get an old amber as well which i'm able to revive in ambrett town for a level 20 aerodactyl before leaving i made sure to grab the leaf stone on route 8 for later as well as trading a love disc which i fished up on lower route 8 for a stelix yeah that's definitely going to be useful since that's almost on par for the next gym and we haven't even gotten to selah city yet that's literally the biggest strat of the run just get stuff that can hit consistently and take hits just as consistently admittedly i could have revived the sail fossil that i grabbed in the cave but i figured it wouldn't be very useful for grant himself instead i got to sellage city grabbed the bicycle and went up to route 10 since it's available before you fight grant so i made sure to grab a halucha and golitt so that i could do some massive damage so after taking out his required trainers it's time to take him down he leads with amarra which is a rock ice type but then i realized once i went into battle that hallucia doesn't have any fighting type moves and amora's refrigerate makes take down an ice type move so i just swapped in the chop taking it down with a low sweep defer it missed a takedown next out is tie run and it outsped with stomp doing about 75 before i hit it with low sweep getting taken down next turn lunatone did a number on it as well since i made sure to use hypnosis and i got a few confusions off before sending out golet using a shadow punch before going down unfortunately he has a hyper potion at the second gym i said that's overkill just use a super potion oh well this caused me to lose the battle but the next battle was much better since i gave a few things rock smash before taking him on again almost one shotting amara with halucha before he used takedown barely not ko'ing before i sent out aerodactyl he used the hyper potion so i went for rock smash chaoing after out speeding good that weighs his hyper potion and gets tyront out next i used another rock smash but got ko'd by rock tomb before sending out the chop stomp does around the same amount that it did last time but i got off a low sweep before sending in lunatone using hypnosis before using confusion chaoing after two of them winning me the cliff badge sweet two badges down six and the league to go i grabbed myself a houndour on route 10 before running through the team flare grunts leaving the geocenge town i dealt with a few story beats before running into karina and fighting her she leads with the first lucario which doesn't do too much damage to my hot lucha so i used rock smash and used encore to lock it into metal sound before ko'ing leading to the second lucario i got a critical rock smash and then i encored into faint using ruse twice to get my hp back before using rock smash twice more to ko sweet can i have the rumble badge no why not i beat you a gym leader either way i ran into an optional trainer by accident on route 11 having to take down a level 28 mian fu with things that were barely over level 20 or below managing the ko with halucha lunatone and go lit before going back to heal and getting into reflection cave there's a few required trainers in here so i need to capture some new stuff so that i have some higher levels after teaching cut i made sure to grab a sock as well as grabbing a thunderstone before going into the cave the cave also has some good pokemon for me to grab such as carbink and wobba fett before fighting the first required trainer he only has a lion though so halucha managed to take care of it grabbing a mr mine before taking on the rest of the required trainers emerging on the other side and into shallow city i actually grabbed the soothe belly here so that i could make return a decent move for just about everything i picked up shallower is also home to mega evolution so i'm gonna have to fight serena first to see who gets the mega ring she leaves with meow stick as i lead with golitt going for shadow punch as she does minimal damage with disarming voice sai beam does a lot barely not ko as i use one more before going down i sent out aerodactyl next so that i could use bite to hopefully ko but meowstic outspeeds my fastest pokemon unfortunately for her i survive with barely over half chaoing with two bites next out is frogadier and it uses quick attack to finish off aerodactyl making me send in mr mime who's completely useless it literally has sidewave dual screens and return with no friendship yikes it goes down quickly leading to me going into carbink going for smackdown since he decides quick attack is a good attack to use against a rock type she goes for water pulse but then goes for quick attack again and again i really don't understand the logic here she literally uses it so much that i'm able to ko with plus one attack thanks to sharpen even absol is going for quick attack allowing me to get two smackdowns before she ko's with bite out speeding why go for quick attack if you're gonna out speed and have a move that's neutral rather than not very effective come on x and y ai next out of mine is hallucia where i get a crit with rock smash as she finishes it leaving just my steelix luckily it has nothing to counter me so i ko with gyroball winning me the match i didn't expect to see a level 30 on her team this early so maybe this challenge is gonna start ramping up soon the next step in mastery is defeating karina for the rumble badge so after beating her trainers to clear a path to her i skate my way over after healing ready to begin she leaves with me and foo as i go for golet for that nice ghost typing going for three iron defenses in case of any of her pokemon having physical dark or ghost moves allowing me to just wail on mien fu with shadow punch unable to attack and wasting a hyper potion i go for roll out allowing all five attacks to connect ko and miyanfu and leading the machoke it goes for leer as i just keep going for shadowpunch taking down my iron defenses so i just kept alternating since she can only lower my defense by one stage per turn effectively negating two of her turns with one of my own she wastes another hyper potion allowing me to just keep using the strategy until she goes down since it literally has nothing it can touch me with it's a shame that goleth doesn't have an attack boosting move or else this fight would have been over much quicker last out is halucha so i just went for roll out hoping to take advantage of that neutrality for the ko she wastes all of her turns with hoenn claws setting up five of them as iko literally what why why would you do that oh well the rumble badge is mine i don't care also where are your lucarios oh they're up up here that's where and one of them wants to go with me with a mega stone oh well how could i ever pass that up after the tutorial battle with mega evolution we receive a completely free level 32 lucario as well as the tm for low sweep on my way out and on the next route we receive a completely free level 30 lapras yeah two gift pokemon back to back i guess i know what we'll be relying on for a little while now route 12 also has a few neat pokemon for me to sub into my team such as chadot getting those before taking on the trainers of the sprout and arriving in kumari and city serena wants a battle in front of the gym so i take the tram over running into diantha and sycamore and getting fly before doing so that was a really short gap between gyms three and four see what i'm talking about with pacing either way it's time for another major battle serena leads with meow stick again in fact she has the same team except with a few more levels luckily this time i have both lapras and lucario so it's a bit more even i also got the leftovers on the last route so i put them on lapras so that it can tank even more ko'ing after a rain dance boosted surf as well as a crit next out is absol who uses slash but it doesn't stand a chance against my lapras since i then get a crit with water pulse before the rain goes away leaving just her frogadier luckily i have body slams so i just sit outer quick attacks ko'ing after three of them i am so happy we got these gifts they are so good i don't see myself swapping them out for a little while i don't think before taking on the gym though i made sure to go capture a few things on route 13. specifically a doug trio and slugma from rocksmash since the next gym leader is a grass type user he's already available so after taking out his required trainers i went ahead and challenged ramos i will say i lost the first time to his go-go thinking he was part normal type since i could have sworn that line was normal grass but i guess i was proved wrong i guess the mandela effect gets all of us since i seriously remember when i saw it announced i called it deerling 2.0 anyway ramos leads with the lucario as i lead with chad chad got sing so i landed it allowing me to switch out into lucario which lets me mega evolve and get two swords dances off without it even waking up i decided to go for power up punch to get my last two stages chaoing with two hits and maxing out my attack for the rest of the battle next out is go goat and it's a one shot with power up punch leading to his last pokemon weepinbell i went for bone rush since it's part poison type chaoing in one shot with a two hit combo and with that i obtained the plant badge and as well as the tm for grass knot which i'm sure will be useful at some point i went back over to route 13 to take care of the team flare power plant takeover grabbing a gibble before going in the crazy thing though is that they're starting to get over the level of my lucario already meaning i'm gonna have to do some more team revamp soon so that i could have some stuff to tank some hits chad is great for helping by putting stuff to sleep with sing and allowing me to sleep with ducario i just wish that i had something higher level that had the same purpose even one of the admins has a level 36 hound doom which luckily was easy enough to take down with two water pulses with lapras leaving just a scientist she only has a mighty anna but it's seriously level 38 so i just used body slam getting her paralyzed before she used roar literally leading into lucario so that i could make it evolve and do insane damage with power-up punch sadly she decided that scary face was the right move through the situation thinking it would out speed even though she's paralyzed but i ko'd with another power-up punch whoops and with that i'm able to get back to the lumio city and take care of the gym now that the power is back on again pacing is kinda bad either way i ran through his chin trainers somehow getting stumped on what silhouette was a panpour and fighting some accidental trainers but it wasn't that big of a deal allowing me to get to clement without too many difficulties i will say though that lapras just isn't cutting it in this battle thanks to weakness so i'm gonna have to go with lucario before going in though i made sure to capture myself a graveler on route 13 since that ground typing is going to be super necessary for immunity to electric types and that rock typing will help against resisting normal type moves and there's a rare candy here so why not i came into the battle with a pretty good strategy so i managed to win on my second attempt which seems to be a pattern with most major battles in this run clement leads with a mulga as i go with chad for an attempt to sing but voltwich managed his to ko leading him to switch for magnaton so i went into dug trio and used bulldoze twice to ko after he set up electric terrain next out is heliolisk and he used quick attack nailing it twice after i used bulldoze getting three off and nullifying the electric train due to him using a hyper potion i figured that sending out lucario was my best bet from here so i may get evolved and used a sword stance figuring i'd survive anything it throws at me including a thunderbolt he's minus three in speed so i finish off with power up punch leaving just a mulga it did half with power-up punch but it was ko'd so i went to goal it due to it being part round type sadly she got off a critical aerial ace so i went into lapras using surf as a last-ditch effort to ko managing to do so after he landed a volt switch that was kind of close i probably should have brought graveler rather than chat up because it was so under leveled for this fight but hey i still won after getting a hollow clip and meeting lysander it's time to go out to route 14 and another rival battle against serena she leads again with meow stick still without a new pokemon on her team i lead with chad to get off a sing managing to get one because she used light screen allowing me to switch into lucario mega evolve and use sword stance before going for bone rush on the next turn she woke up using disarming voice so i figured i'd go for another swords dance because i needed more power living a psychic and ko'ing after another bone rush next up is absol which is a one shot with power up punch as is greninja due to being part dark type now easy and very helpful now that she has two dark types luckily i have some very good pokemon i can catch here and match up level wise with lapras and lucario such as weepinbell which i use my leaf stone on to get a victory bell as well as a quagsire who has yawn so i can replace chadot as well as a stun fisk after that i ran through it and got to leverage city as fast as possible avoiding basically every trainer i could so i can get to the sixth gym no one in the gym is actually required since it's basically a 3d version of sabrina's gym from kanto i didn't realize how much they actually lifted from kanto in x and y i'm kind of surprised that i haven't noticed it until now funnily enough i managed to win this battle on the second attempt i guess this is really what we're looking at for this challenge also is it just me or does valerie look really creepy comment down below if you think she looks extremely creepy those eyes there they scare me anyway she leads with ma wild who outspeeds my quagsire but i managed to put it to sleep with yon using mud bomb before switching out to lucario mega evolving and using sword stance using another one before ma wild woke up i maxed out going for power up punch for the ko i probably should have used two so that i could get the power up punch plus one but that's fine i didn't really take that much damage because of it anyway next out is mr mime and since i taught lucario's strength before this fight i managed to ko in one shot leaving test sylveon i barely didn't one shot leading to be going out to quagsire and using yawn since i knew she would go for a hyper potion i went for three amnesia so i could wall it then started going from mud bomb so i could lower its accuracy using yawn again and putting it back to sleep before i go down getting another accuracy drop but it busts out swift which makes me a little bit worried next i sent out stun fisk going for discharge and getting the paralysis then going from mud bomb to lower more accuracy getting her to use yet another hyper potion so i just started going for discharge getting a bunch of misses and paralysis activations allowing me to nearly ko before stun fist went down leading me to send out lapras to clean up the ko with surf and level 42 that's pretty high and pretty worrisome for what i have so far i really need to get to xernea so i could just run through the rest of the game since eevee training it and special attack and speed is going to be key to winning this challenge next up is getting to anastar city and to do that we first need to clear out the pokeball factory of a bunch of nerds yeah team flair are just a bunch of nerds who don't know what they're doing or serving at least that's what i figured out there's nothing really interesting here other than a double battle with the two team flare scientists who are here who use a lyperd and monetric both of which are at level 41. lappers paralyzes the light bird with a body slam before it went down so at least it did something useful so i sent out stun fisk to finish off the monetric as serena's absol attempted to finish off lypard but because serena is incompetent she needs her greninja to do so i tended to make her white out with discharge but she somehow outsmarted me with the one brain cell that she had and used quick attack to kayo leipert anyway i got the master ball and since there's only one legendary before the post game i know for sure what i'm using it on anyway after that little distraction i got my bum over to route 15 where there's a few things i want those being klefki ponyard watchog and mighty anna i figured the steel type should help me a bit with the next gym and my deanna is a solid evolved pokemon that i can at least find some sort of use for watchog really wasn't that good of a choice due to having an underwhelming moveset so i basically cast it aside after arriving in dendobill town i moved up to the frost cavern which is an area full of really good pokemon such as bergamite beartic and jinx sadly i got swept by a trainer in here i accidentally ran into using a sock geez i'm literally trying my best here can we please not run into stupid trainers like this well the next time i came through i used the power of diagonal movement avoiding the trainer and getting to the back of the chamber to help out the obama snow in distress taking out a team flare ground as well as a scientist she only has a hound doom but it's able to kill my bear tick before i send out quagsire type advantage can only go so far though since 16 levels is a very considerable jump but i managed to put it to sleep before barely not taking it out with lucario allowing it to ko my cleft key before i finally chao'd it with my diana and with that i get the abomasite which i will say right now will be immensely useful you'll see why since it's almost time i get rid of lucario since it's starting to get way too under leveled to be worth keeping around even as a mega but on route 17 i can actually capture some great new pokemon such as sneasel and more importantly anaboma snow yeah level 40 mega is gonna be a lot more helpful for these last two gym leaders rather than a level 32 mega especially since the icicle plate is right here on this route as well most of the plates have been scattered throughout as well as other type specific items like the magnet and poison barb and i've been taking advantage of them but not necessarily a whole bunch usually i'll just equip them when it's time for a battle that i'm struggling on after getting those i arrived in anastar city in order to get my party assembled i decided to go through my tms and just taught a whole bunch of new stuff and sold a little bit of stuff but nothing substantial to get me enough money for the tms in this town which are pretty powerful like blizzard fire blast and thunder either way this was in preparation not for just the gym leader but yet another battle against serena she's finally added a new team member to her team which is quite nice she leads with meowstic as i go with bear tick since i taught it shadow claw in preparation for this and the next gym i go for it as she hits fake out in a shadow ball where i did barely under half i went for icicle crash afterwards doing about the same before getting ko'd with psychic so i just went out into sneasel so i could k it with shadowclaw next out is flareon and i really don't have anything to take care of fire types at the current time so i just switched for jinx so that i could have a safe switch over to quagsire i needed to put the thing to sleep so i don't die immediately and since she doesn't want to use a special move i put the rocky helmet on so that her flareon would damage itself if it used quick attack which came in handy since it killed as quagsire went down leading to her going into i sent out obama snow since i figured now would be a good time for a mega evolution going for wood hammer to barely not ko as i get hit with quick attack i figured i would go for it again so i just used ice shard out speeding to ko last out is greninja which barely doesn't ko thanks to dark pulse allowing me to kill with woodhammer knocking myself out with recoil in the process but i still won so i don't care that's literally my catchphrase i still won i don't care i need to put that on a shirt and with a few trainers in the gym out of the way it's time to fight the second to last gym leader olympia crazily enough i actually won on my first try this time probably because she only has three pokemon which is very abysmal for a seventh gym leader she starts with sigilif as i start with quagsire getting off a yawn before switching into sneasel to take a psychic since it's immune to it due to being dark type allowing for it to go to sleep and allowing me to power up my attack with power up punch doing minimal damage but that's fine since i just went for beat up ko in one attack next out is slow king which also received the beat up treatment going down in one shot leaving just meow stick it too even though it's level 48 couldn't flinch me with fake out due to having inner focus and went down with one beat up i didn't think beat up was gonna be that good but i'll take it as well as taking the psychic badge seven down one to go and now it's time for the story to grab us by the scruff of our neck as most pokemon games do after flying back to lumio city i was able to take out two team flare grunts leading to a battle with lysander we'll actually be fighting him three times here each harder than the last so this first battle isn't too bad even with the massive level difference we have i lost the first time mostly due to pyroar but the next battle was much better he leads with mien fu which sadly is a one shot on quagsire before i could get eon off so i just went into klefki to use thunder wave since it has prankster and allows it to go first with a status move leaving to miyanfu using sword stance that's a bit worrisome for me but i switch over to bear tick and luckily he misses with high jump kick allowing me to finish it off with icicle crash next out is pyroar so i went for swagger barely surviving a fire blast and allowing me to confuse it and whittle it down somehow pyroar hits itself three times in a row allowing me to hit it with slash two times before it ko'd itself leading to gyarados i switched out to chad to get a safe switch over to klefki in order to hit thunderwave going down to earthquake before i sent out beartic again i wanted to get some parafusion off so after sending out beartic i used swagger out speeding and nailing it and on the same turn it hit itself allowing me to hit an icicle crash for the flinch twice actually allowing me to finish it with a third high school crash last out is murkrow which sadly out speeds and ko's bear tick so i sent out obama snow mega evolving and going for ice shards so that i could out speed barely not ko'ing but murkrow doesn't ko so i hit another one for the win that was a good battle i can only hope my next battle with him goes just as well however there's a few scientist battles in the way but none of them really have a team of more than two pokemon so none of them are really worth talking about so let's just get to the second lysandre fight after getting to geocenge town and getting to the hideout the fight begins and oh my god i cannot begin to tell you how many attempts this took i think i must have spent like almost two hours on this fight while i was streaming since i streamed this whole thing here on youtube the stream ended up being 11 hours two of them were on this fight it was bad but ice made me go back and grab a haunter floatzel and poliwhirl from the frost cavern since i could use a water stone and get myself a polyrath in order to keep up with flysanders pyroar and hauntzer has the handy destiny bond and when matched with haunter's really good speed it can usually just use it get one shot and take down an opponent with it to be fair i could just do this for the rest of the battles grab zernius and continue doing it until the victory road where they're available again and use higher level ones for the elite four but i'm not petty i'd rather at least have some semblance of a challenge in the end game anyway i eevy trained hauntzer and poliwrath since i figured they would be the most useful in the battle and they managed to win pretty easily with them lysandre leads with myan xiao having evolved since our last encounter i led with klefki so i could bait it into using high jump kick sending in hauntzer to hurt itself i then went for shadow ball ko and with a quick claw activation next out is gyarados and since i taught thunderbolt to haunter i barely missed the ko with it but i paralyzed with it before going down i hesitated for a bit deciding to go out into beretic to finish it off with slash leading to i figured i could bait this out if i sent in an ice type so i went for a tract but it one shots me so i go to plan b that involves paralyzing it with klefki and going into polywrath with rock tomb in order to lower its speed and get enough paralysis activations off the ko sadly it goes down just before pyro is down so i send in float soul to go for aquajet for the ko last out is haunch crow and i have rock tomb on floatzel as well just for this i miss with the first one but the second one connects as he hits two night slashes for the ko however floatzel had the rocky helmet on so i got some residual damage off before going into obama snow so i mega evolved and went for ice shard hoping for the ko and i got it that wins me the fight and there's only a few grunts in the way between me and xerneas they're easy to take down so i make sure to stock up on healing items before heading over here and since i can use them outside of battle that means i have a pretty easy time and with that it's time for the secret weapon to become mine xerneas awakens from the ultimate weapon allowing me to catch it with the master ball and now it's time for round three with lysander admittedly he did kick my butt in round two so i think this will be an appropriate tiebreaker he leads with me and shao again as i go for moon blast killing in one shot next out of tantro which does the same leading to pyroar pyro's resisted a fairy type attack so i switch into bear tick with him missing fire blast sadly though he out speeds as i go down so i go into cleft key for the thunder wave fortunately he's paralyzed so i'm able to get off a foul play before i go down switching in a haunter and yes his name is ass i thought that would be funny it goes down immediately so i just go into polywrath and go for low sweep in an attempt for ko doing it within two attacks last out is gyarados and this time he actually uses the mega evolution sadly for him though he locked himself into outrage a dragon type move that xerneas is immune to and now it's part dark type whoopsie i ko'd with two moon blasts winning me the fight on the first try yeah gotta say that xerneas is definitely the key to winning this challenge the weapon fires upon itself killing lysander and eliminating the literally the worst team on the planet well at least i wish it did also the craziest part of this is actually apparently kalos is a super big region if you look at the globe that the weapon fires up and back onto itself it's weird because the routes feel super short but in the context of the game they're long i don't know i don't care well there isn't any important battles between here and the last gym leader so i may as well skip over to snowbell city and talk about that i haven't grabbed a few new pokemon on the way so i would have a team of xerneas garbodor haunter trevenant bisharp which oddly you can get through a trade with a jigglypuff of all things and knock towel i figured most of them won't be useful against an ice type leader but chances are all i'll need is xerneas so why did i even bother catching them fodder i always like me some high level fodder wolf rick starts off with obama snow which for some reason doesn't mega evolve seriously lysander just did it you'd think the last gym leader would but i digress i went for geomancy but got frozen by icebeam after pulling it off i just kept getting hit over and over again but i had leftovers on xerneas until i thought out but i was in the red luckily the hail subsided by that point allowing me to slowly but surely gain back my hp ako obama snow and he goes into cryogenial which doesn't go down to a moon blast having massive special defense and using confused ray luckily i didn't hit myself for two turns in a row getting him to waste two of his hyper potions before finally hitting myself allowing wolf rick to set up hail i snapped out and ko'd that turn but the hail is undoing my leftovers with barely any hp left last out is avalog which is a whopping level 59 but it's a one shot with moonblast winning me the iceberg badge yup cernius is good let's just say that and with that there's nothing left but a single route and victory road before the elite four when i got there i made sure to assemble a new party for taking on the league getting a final team of xerneas lick a tongue which i evolved into licky licky by using a heart scale to get back roll out and using a rare candy on it poliwhirl firo hydragon since yes you can catch those in the victory road if you remember mack and my x and y professor oaks challenge and haunter this answer is a new one but it'll be quite useful i made sure to evie train both hauntzer and xerneas leaving the rest of them since i won't really be needing anything else other than a few fringe tasks so i went in and it's time for the last five trainers of the game i started off with sea bold since he's a water type user and i put horn leech on xerneas after getting into level 55 with rare candies so that i'd be able to have something physical just in case i needed it he leads with clawitzer as i leave with xerneas going immediately for geomancy as he tries water pulse hitting two of them before i'm able to follow up at the horn leech for a half so i could get some of my hp back allowing him to get a third one before getting a little greedy and going for a second geomancy he gets a crit and gets me down to literally nine hp which was way too close for comfort so i just swept his entire team with moon blast gyarados is a one shot babarico's a one shot even though it's 10 levels above me and starmie's a one shot and i will question though why do these elite four members only have four pokemon they're the elite four because there's four trainers they're not the elite four because they have four pokemon oh well next up is drazna and i figured she'd be a good target since i know she's weak to fairy sadly though she leaves with dr dolg which is a part poison type and a great counter to hernias so i lead with hauntzer and just destiny bonded so it's out of the way i sent in xerneas afterwards sweeping with moon blast only setting up one geomancy drudogon alteria and neuvern all come crashing down allowing me to move on to wickstrom the steel type user fairy is weak against steel though geomancy can kind of help blast through it if i use two of them since i only do half health of damage to klefki with one geomancy setup oh this is the reason i grabbed the tm for flamethrower so i put it on hydragon and i've replaced horn leech with thunderbolt on xerneas i probably went a wee bit overboard but i also gave focus blast a licky licky in place of screech just in case wickstrom leads with a cleft key as i leave with haunter destiny bonding it as it takes me down with two flash cannons haunter's really not all that useful aside from doing that so at least it works next out is scizor so i send an hydrogen and go for flame thrower to one shot thanks to a quad weakness allowing him to send in asia slash he's in defense mode so i go for flamethrower only doing a hair over a third before he does massive damage to me in attack mode allowing me to finish it off in the next attack thanks to this dance change last night is provo pass which ko's hydragon i went out into poliwhirl and went for wake up slap since provo passes quad weak to fighting types but i only hit one before going down i sent out licky licky landing a focus blast for the victory i guess focus blast wasn't going overboard that's good and with that we only have one more league member before the champion i give surf to hydragon before our next fight since it's against malva a fire type user finally a former team flare member that uses a full team of fire types it's about time she leads with pyroar as i go for haunter using destiny bond to take it down instantly i sent out zernius as she sent out torquel so i could set up a geomancy without taking any damage so i figured i'd set up another one since why not especially when fire types resist fairy type attacks taking down torquel in one moon blast next out is talonflame so i went for thunderbolt and ko'd in one shot leaving just chandelure i went for moonblast one shotting and winning the battle one more left and that's diantha she's got pokemon in the mid to late level 60s so i'm gonna have a heck of a battle ahead of me she leaves with halucha as i lead with firo going for drill peck to nearly one shot it allowing for her to waste a full restore before i go down i sent in haunter to kia with hex living a critical poison jab next up is tyrantrum and i figured i'd kill it immediately using destiny bond as it hit crunch it sends out xerneas as she sent out auroras so i went for geomancy to allow her to set up reflect and hit a massive blizzard i used another one allowing her to set up a light screen but she missed a blizzard so i went for a third one to max out my special attack special defense and speed blizzard barely did anything anymore but even with light spring i still couldn't ko it in one shot allowing her to nail a critical blizzard nearly ko'ing me before she healed and allowing the light screen to fade off so i was able to ko with one shot of moon blast after that and with that it's honestly already over gudra is a one shot gorgeys is a one shot and even gardevoir even though it's a mega evolution was also a one shot with moon blast and with that we've beaten diantha and proved that you can beat pokemon x and y without gaining any exp honestly i was surprised that it was as easy as it was only being walled by lysander's second battle right before xerneas and blasting through the entire game even if i didn't use xerneas like in an extra sub rule i would have just grabbed six haunters and just destiny bond spammed my way through the rest of the game leaving one to be eevee trains and given all the rare candies in order to ko something on dianthus team since you can't just destiny bond everything or else it would be considered a tie and a loss for the player either way this was a fun challenge and you can actually try it yourself the patch for the challenge is located in my discord server along with a tutorial on how to patch your own legal version of the rom with the x delta patcher next challenge though is probably going to be my hardest date that's right i'm taking on pokemon emerald kaizo however i'll leave the specifics for you to find out next week see you guys then thank you guys so much for watching this video it was a really fun one to put together and i hope you enjoyed it if you did make sure to join the discord server follow me on twitter and consider becoming a member of the channel for five dollars a month to get access to videos a day early as well as access to a specific channel on discord where i talk about my schedule of uploads and other behind the scenes stuff stay safe stay healthy and i'll see you next time
Channel: ChaoticMeatball
Views: 103,869
Rating: 4.9044418 out of 5
Keywords: no exp, Pokemon no exp, no experience challenge, playthrough, zero exp, pokemon gen 6, pokemon xy, expless challenge, games, pokemon x, pokemon y, no exp pokemon, Pokemon, ChaoticMeatball, SmallAnt, 0 exp, no experience pokemon, pokemon challenge, randomizer, chaoticmeatball, chaotic meatball, gen 6 pokemon challenge, gen 6 no exp, smallant, can you beat pokemon, impossible challenge
Id: cbhqRTRBTiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 21sec (2481 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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