Can You Beat Pizza Tower with ONLY D-Ranks?

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Do you know what people love to see on YouTube when it comes to Pizza Tower videos? P-Ranks. And for good reason. It’s a tight challenge that really tests the abilities of the player to play at their absolute limits and exceed them. Which it’s why it’s safe to say that Pizza Tower videos on P-Ranks are EVERYWHERE on YouTube. But not so much on D-Ranking levels or the bosses. So why don’t I sneak into this seemingly untapped market and employ some strategic sucking so that there’s no pressure to succeed like all these other people who go for P-Ranks? Actually, this challenge may be harder than most would think… To prevent making this challenge just be me getting hit over a hundred times per stage to end each level with the absolute lowest score possible, since after all I want this challenge to at least have some actual stakes, I decided to make there be an actual point in calling this a challenge run. So to compromise, Peppino can take a max of only 9 damage per attempt at a stage or a boss. If we take 10 or more… well we can go to hell. Let us now sashay down the list of levels. John Gutter being the first level of Pizza Tower is not too difficult to D-Rank while hunting for Toppins. You do have to be crafty in avoiding a lot of the points though as you aren’t given a lot of room to navigate and there are a lot of enemies for how short this level typically is. Often, I’m grabbing cheese slimes just to put them down so that I don’t hurt them which can rack up points very quickly, especially if you accidentally start big combos. And it happens more than you may expect. Just wait for Bloodsauce Dungeon. As far as Toppins, the first and fifth ones can easily be skipped by jumping over them, and the second and fourth Toppins are not even really in your path at all. The only Toppin you really need effort to avoid is the third one. Peppino will climb walls when you grab them so you need to time your grab to be just under the wall so he’ll dodge the cage with the tomato. Later in the game, Toppins generally will need to be searched for while the first floor makes them pretty much impossible to miss so I’ll discuss methods of dodging Toppins less as the video continues. Before too long, we’re in Pizza Time and some slick maneuvering allows us to reach the goal without much of a sweat. The cutoff for a D-Rank is 2,000 points and we did so well at being bad at the game, we were even able to score 2 Toppins per run. Why not 5 all at once? Well I’ll explain why as we make our way through the… Compared to John Gutter, completing this stage is a rather huge difficulty spike. The D-Rank cutoff here is quite a bit higher at 2,500 points, but Pizzascape has a lot more points you need to worry about, and most of them are unskippable. See, to beat the game, we need to collect Toppins that allow us to challenge bosses and make our way up the tower. But each time we collect a Toppin, our score is credited with 1,000 points. That’s already 40% of the way to a C-Rank, which is already pretty hefty, but Pizzascape and a handful of later levels in this game features transformations that power up Peppino. In this level’s case, a suit of armor. This armor protects Peppino from any and all sources of damage, but it also heavily restricts our movement options. We can double jump, but no longer slide and run. Well… not without a slope. This is necessary to pass the rats that block our way forward, but being in this heavy suit of armor also means avoiding making enemies like forknights and cheese slimes collateral damage is rather difficult. But the worst part is the fact that you can only lose the armor by interacting with a priest. And the first time you do interact with a priest, you’re hit with 500 bonus points. There are 5 priests total in Pizzascape, and you’re always required to use at least 3 of them per run. That’s 1,500 points in addition to the 1,000 points Toppins give you. And all of a sudden, the 2,500 point limit is already hit. It doesn’t help either that there are a fairly large number of unskippable points as well as gaps which make it a real hassle avoiding accidentally knocking enemies to their death and into your score. At least before too long, Pizza Time will activate. And so after we escort the one Toppin we can collect, it’s just a matter of dodging what we can, taking whatever damage we’re allotted, and letting our timer decay our points-- wait a second, my points stopped going down?? So uh… food for thoughts. Pizza Time isn’t exactly accurate to how long your points will drop. Most levels, your points will continue to drop for a while after your time is up, but Pizzascape is special. Because your points stop going down quite a while before your time is up. At least most of the Toppins provide us a lot of leniency still to collect them. But… then there’s the matter of the tomato, once again. Unlike John Gutter where the tomato was tricky because you had to dash just over it, the tomato is rather out of the way this time around. In fact, rescuing it means needing to pick up an additional suit of armor and interacting with a FOURTH priest meaning an additional 500 points! So you need to be significantly more careful not to go over your point limit. It’s still doable though which honestly surprised me a lot, but yeah. Pizzascape really sucks. Since I want to cover this challenge in the order I did stuff, let’s talk about Pepperman real quick and bosses in general. Bosses in this game are simple in how scoring works. Your rank depends on how many hats you have left + the extra hats if you have any, not the damage you’ve taken. Pepperman just required that I take 9 damage throughout the battle, and then I win. If I play correctly, I’ll have 3 hits left. Let the fact I pulled this off first try distract from the fact I actually forgot to keep count. Okay? Thanks. Where John Gutter had 1 Toppin that was tricky to avoid, Ancient Cheese has 2. And the ones not as tricky may demand a bit more foresight than I was willing to invest in. The main draw here are the bombs which are used to move rats out of the way. There also is the introduction of pencers which are kinda like forknights, but worse. They often don’t seem to actually lose their hitbox when you scare them, and they can lead to a lot of accidental points. But more on that in the next level. The escape sequence took a good bit of time to get used to since the ground often breaks under my feet. But once I got the hang of it, we were able to pull 2 Toppins per run. I did fail once due to being knocked into a large source of points and bad routing in how I got the cheese Toppin, but otherwise it wasn’t too much to handle. The tricky Toppins this time around were once again the tomato (go figure) and the pineapple. The tomato was a bit annoying as it was in the way in the room with bomb goblins as you need to take a bomb to blow the rat up. You need to be quick to avoid missing your shot, and it seemed like a good practice to take the bomb goblin with me by grabbing him from underneath the ground so I didn’t have to rush as much with just picking up a stray bomb. As for the pineapple, there’s a very tight gap you need to jump and grab at to avoid picking it up. It taking place during Pizza Time also meant you don’t have much time to brace yourself. Just get a feel and push ahead. The fact that this is the last Toppin you can pick up in the level was my reason for picking it up last before bidding the Ancient Cheese adieu. See, this is why no one likes pineapple on their pizza. They're like cacti; bound to hold water in them if you're desperate, but they're prickly. And would you want to touch one? No. Of course not. At least unless you enjoy getting pricked. While the other Toppins weren’t as problematic, I do want to mention the cheese Toppin. You’re going to want to grab it before Pizza Time starts as otherwise, the only way to it will be littered with clocks that add to your score. All in all, not a bad time. Unlike the torture chamber that was… There is not a more appropriate word for this hellscape than claustrophobic. Points in this level are borderline criminally placed, and a lot of them are unavoidable. The worst offender has to be near the end of the level where there is a forced Toppin to collect. That would be the sausage, and you must ALWAYS grab it whenever you want to progress. So you need to play extremely carefully to make any progress at all. You have to find two Toppins, not just one in order to benefit from one extra Toppin per run. What I'm trying to say is that the sausage is a real weiner. That already is bad enough, but then you have the rest of Bloodsauce Dungeon to subtract more cubits from your lifespan. One of the biggest annoyances this level has to offer is that it’s very possible that just trying to play the level normally, you’re likely going to take a lot of stray hits that result in you being launched to places you really don’t want to end up in. Not just from the pizza cutters either, but the lava, the pepperoni goblins, and get this: The freaking pencers. This level just loves to spam them on top of you and you often have to babysit them because unlike cheeseslimes and forknights, they don’t know when to stop running. And if enemies fall to their deaths, even if you’re not the one who beat them, it still adds to your combo meter. Often, I have to grab the pencers and anchovies that seem bent on sending themselves to oblivion just so I can properly fail like I planned to. Also since there are so many hazards, it’s not unheard of that on my way back up, I end up exceeding my damage limit and have to retry the level. A lot of points here need Peppino to use his super jump and shoulder bash to squeeze between all the toppings. The extra height upper cuts can get you in mid air also help a lot, too since it repeatedly gives just enough air time to react to what’s below me so I can avoid unnecessary gains to my score. Often, it feels like there isn’t enough time to go around though. And so in order to actually have my score fall low enough, I need to stall. And there aren’t any doors so I end up resorting to climbing the wall near the entrance and falling back down like I’m Tom from Tom & Jerry. (Tom & Jerry: That’s My Pup) And funny enough… as I’m doing this, the freaking Lap 2 theme starts playing. Anyways, the order I collected the Toppins was I started with the tomato and proceeded to complete the level 4 different times with the cheese, pineapple, and mushroom soon afterwards being collected. And since every single time, I needed my points to decay enough to fall into a D-Rank, we had some pretty dang close calls. Maybe there was a reason The Death That I Deservioli started playing beyond wonky programming… and that’s the first world. Looks like my report card in the 11th grade. Actually looks slightly better… wait! I need to get the right outfit going forward: Perfect! Oregano Desert is a level I struggle a lot with to P-Rank, but a rather easygoing level for this challenge. So long as you avoid the bulk of big collectibles and lose the Kentucky Kenny’s powerups through damage or cows kicking you, it will be a breeze to stay at a D-Rank. You can dodge most of the priests in the level just fine, too. In fact, only one is outright required, and you can still handily score 2 Toppins per run within the 2,430 point limit. It also helps that the Toppins are no sweat to avoid as you have to enter these marts to get one. And though some are more elaborate than others, they’re by no means difficult as even the mart with a priest has cows to knock the spice out of Peppino’s mouth. Not a lot of tricky jumps, and you’re also given a lot more room to dodge points. Get those 5 Toppins and head on out. Of all of the levels in the game, this has to be one of the most bleak. And I’m not talking about the theme either. Wasteyard has a lot of points that are hard to dodge, no thanks to the many corpses Peppino tries to surf on if he makes contact. The bandito chickens chucking candles everywhere doesn’t help matters either since that can kill enemies for you that you’re still given credit for. But the worst part of this level has got to be the transformation that Peppino undergoes when he touches a ghost mushroom. Much like the knight in Pizzascape, you’re invincible in this form. But where Pizzascape has only 3 forced interactions with priests or 4 if you’re getting all 5 Toppins, Wasteyard has 5 that you’re always interacting with. 3 before Pizza Time, and 2 after it starts. That already sounds considerably worse than Pizzascape even given that your D-Rank cutoff here is 2,560 points which is 60 more than the previously mentioned level, but the only priest you can skip, the third one, can only be skipped by backtracking after opening the way forward while you’re a ghost and entering the secret in the same room. And this secret forces you to collect 2 big toppings and a bunch of smaller ones amounting to at least 350, almost 400 points total. So instead of skipping 500 points, it’s closer to only 150. Unfortunately, it’s not very effective. May as well say you’re still forced to interact with 5 priests at that point. And overall, you’re worse for wear than in Pizzascape. We can D-Rank this, but that’s without picking up any Toppins. At least the points decay lasts longer than in Pizzascape, but not nearly long enough to compensate for the forced 1,000 points Toppins award you. Now I’d love to call this level impossible and ignore it entirely for the rest of the video before inevitably coming back to then say “actually, maybe there’s something we can do”... but that feels dishonest. The truth is I do know of a way this level can be done, but it will require taking advantage of a glitch I saw some speedrunners like TheRealYoshi and Uncle Joel pull off. I’m not really experienced enough to pull this trick off consistently, but I can at least explain how it works. You need the bandito chicken to launch a candle that hits you as you’re under the tunnel entrance that leads to the pillar John. Every now and then on a fixed cycle, the chicken will jump and attack. And both of these behaviors on the same enemy make skipping John possible. Often what may happen is I accidently crush the chicken trying to squeeze into the tunnel, but once I at least was able to demonstrate the trick being successfully pulled off. From here, I’ll leave it to past me to explain exactly what we do from here until after we start pizza time. That allows us to skip a priest entirely as well as a bunch of points we really can’t avoid as a ghost. And we’re able to make our way back out without much difficulty. Just beware of the pineapple Toppin. It’s a bit in the way, but you can just jump over it. Similar story with the cheese Toppin near the beginning, but so long as you’re not too hasty, dodging it should never be a real issue. Like that, we have collected a whole 1 Toppin from this level. If we really need more, we can come back, but I’d rather not if we can help it. Not even going to try and crack any puns here, Fun Farm is fun. There are lots of instances where you can interact with priests as the gimmick here is you being puppeted by Mort the Chicken like you’re in a good Pixar movie, but all 4 of them can be rather easily avoided thanks to the many ways this level allows you to drop Mort. Falling down pits, taking damage, letting myself get burned… all viable ways to choke the chicken off my head. There’s really only one real downside to this level that makes it take more runs through to complete and it’s that the pineapple Toppin is forced to interact with. So you have to grab two Toppins per trip to benefit from rescuing just one. It’s not nearly as stressful as Bloodsauce Dungeon though as the toppings here are significantly easier to dodge in general, the level is shorter, and there are less hazards that can make navigating more forgiving with less risk of taking too much damage by accident. Also the rank requirements for Fun Farm factor in the priests so all of them being skippable makes staying under the 2,375 point limit to maintain a D-Rank much more manageable compared to the level that has zero priests to consider at all. Two by two, we got each and every one Toppin out of here and Mort is left wishing he never left the PS1. But if it’s any consolation, we got the Mort cube. One of the harder levels of World 2 due to all of the points literally littered around the level, but about an average cutoff for a D-Rank at 2,500 points. The gimmicks in this level involve either riding on sausages to break through the rats blocking your path or racing horseys for the prize that is a whole Toppin. Personally, I’d rather let them win the Toppin if I don’t intend on actually picking it up yet, but winning the race is normally not a big deal… normally. Preferably, you should aim to win the races on your earlier runs through this area and focus on the Toppins you can’t be locked out of later. At least that made the most sense to me. Another concern in this level though are the cards that you can interact with that give you a point bonus if you touch all that match each other. For obvious reasons, avoid activating all cards of a given suit. You don’t want to get any more points than you can discard to keep your D-Rank up. Only one is really tricky to dodge, but you can avoid the straight shot up by either Super Jumping and shoulder bashing to the side and just holding run to dodge the last card, or do what I do and run up the walls on the side and jump for it. I recommend the former. Also, be careful to pace yourself on how many enemies you do kill because the chicken banditos and bad rats both have a tendency to get in your way. And unlike the cheese slimes of John Gutter, they’re harmful. So definitely be wary of the dangers up ahead. All the same, you can get 2 Toppins at a time if you employ some good ol’ strategic sucking so go in and try not to down too many points as you make your way through. Despite Wasteyard looking to be a chore to clean out, we have enough money to challenge the Vigilante at least. I actually remembered to count the damage I dealt for him unlike with Pepperman, and this boss proved to be pretty simple. A good rule of thumb is to make sure you periodically keep taking damage so you can’t get any bonus hats, and prepare for the draw with 2 hats remaining. You’ll know you’ve taken 9 damage and when the Vigilante is finished off, you’ll get a bonus hat confirming you successfully sucked at this fight. D-Rank, 9 damage, and we don’t go to hell! So long, World 2. To D-Rank Crust Cove has the most generous cutoff to keep a D-Rank at 2,875 points. But to keep a low score here is brutally difficult. There are points littered all over the level, and this level also has to my knowledge, the most priests to stand in your way. The good news is of the 6 that stand in your way, only one of them is outright impossible to avoid. The bad news is that you’re going to be in for a rough time avoiding most of them. The transformation you’re subjected to here is rolling in a barrel. Your mobility is much worse as you can’t jump high and you have to roll everywhere. Not only that, but it can be difficult to make Peppino stop rolling which can often lead to you making contact with priests when you really don’t want to. As far as how you’d be able to avoid the priests, the first one is impossible. The second one would need you to clear the way with the 8 rats leading to the way forward, which by the way is almost 100 points doing that alone. But then you’d have to head back out and land on top of a pineacool to take damage and escape. Safe to say, staying under the damage limit would prove to be challenging, too. Not just because we’re constantly getting hurt to minimize the points we get from priests, but Crust Cove has always been a level where you’re prone to getting hit. And the cannon pizza goblins will often prove to be the biggest annoyance when trying to not to hurt Peppino too much. You don’t want to go through all of that effort to get your toppins and dodge the priests just to then take too much damage on your way back and void your whole attempt. Trust me. And for that reason, the third priest is especially problematic. If you don’t want to score a bunch of points, you’ll have to get hit twice here. Which would mean taking damage from the spit cheese in the beginning of the room and then grabbing each one and placing them in spots where you’re unlikely to hit them and ideally where the goblins won’t be able to blow them into shredded mozzarella. It was difficult to even find a viable solution here before deciding to just put all the goblins on one side so I can just hurry and hop between where their cannons would fire. And that would have been the end of it… but then this happened. (play the clip) So instead of struggling to take a minimum of 2 damage, you can rather reliably take only 1. A bit anticlimactic, but I’m really happy to find an easier way through this warzone of a room. As far as the other 3 priests go, one of them can be easily avoided. The other 2 takes some precise spacing and some caution not to kill the one spawned goblin here during Pizza Time. You can just barely roll under with the rat staying in tact, but it isn’t consistent and you’re more likely to hit the priest than not. At least if you do, you can just backtrack to him so the second priest isn’t an issue. And if you avoid both, the goblin should still be alive to let you break free. As far as the last one goes, I have no idea how to reliably avoid him. It just feels like you need to just roll towards him, but somehow stop yourself before making contact. And even if you do, there’s a Toppin you may not even want yet or already got. And 500 points ain’t nearly as bad as 1,000. Trust me. This level is surprisingly doable, but I’m getting only one Toppin for now. That really was not fun at all. As opposed to dealing with a transformation, we’re tasked with learning a character entirely separate from Peppino in the duo of Gustavo and Brick. They’re not as fast as Peppino, they don’t have as much freedom with vertical movement, and they can defeat enemies just by jumping on them. As opposed to playing as Wario, we’re essentially playing as Mario now. At first, I found these two to be rather uncomfortable to control as your tools really don’t give much room to avoid points as their attacks travel ridiculously far and Brick can collect points while rolling if kicked. However, one of my fans told me how you can crouch while spinning as Gustavo to travel less distance which is a very handy tip if I find it difficult to space myself while on the ground. And speaking of spinning, Gustavo’s lariat is rather effective for squeezing in small spaces to avoid the many 100 point granting toppings that stand in our way. And a lot of his moves much like Peppino can cancel out others while in use… sorry about the tangent. But in reality, there isn’t a lot to talk about in Gnome Forest. Most of the level is spent delivering pizzas to houses in exchange for Toppins. Because of this, we’re forced to just wait the 90 seconds out so the pizzas can get cold and we’re then free to continue through the level as normal. The point cutoff for a D-Rank here is 2,375. Which is high enough for us to reliably pull 2 Toppins out of this level at a time. And though the cutoff is a little lower than we’re used to, it’s interesting to note that we can actually take twice as much damage in Gnome Forest than any previous level. Both Peppino and Gustavo can be hurt, but the damage they take only counts for damage THEY take. So if Gustavo takes 9 damage and Peppino takes only 5, the message for hurting them too much doesn’t appear and you’re home free to end the level with well over 10 despite losing a total of 700 points from enemies. I could be a stickler about taking 10 damage overall, but… no. This just gives more flavor to these levels, and I’ll allow it. Ah, space. The one thing I feel like I don’t have, being subjected to a bunch of difficult to dodge chunks of massive cheese asteroids and the 100 points each they dump on me. Shame that 5 of them are unavoidable, too. Gimmick here is rockets and needing to smash through obstacles with them. Also olives that send us barreling upwards, but those aren’t as responsible for boosting my score and can even be avoided altogether if you’re crafty enough. The pain points here largely involve the cheese Toppin and the rocket that leads you to the second section of the level. The Toppin has 2 asteroids you have to smash through alongside about 150 more points worth of toppings while the rocket has a bunch of toppings and asteroids that can be pretty hard to avoid. It’s doable, but you have to give yourself ample room to dodge them all. Now I have nothing against cheese in general, but... I'd totally cut out the asteroids if I could. They just gas up the place. Like Uranus... what? You expected me to say "Uranus"? It shaves off an easy 300 points minimum though. Honestly, it’s more likely you’ll take this chute downwards and forget there’s a big topping if you don’t tilt to the side. The mushroom Toppin also needs you to smash through a meteor, but only one. So odds are you can collect 2 Toppins at a time, but you’ll want to collect the cheese on its own. The only other Toppin that demands a lot more points is the pineapple which has one more asteroid you’d have to smash through. Just keep in mind that the D-Rank cutoff here is 2,500 and be careful not to break too much stuff while visiting here, you’ll be fine. I should mention also I did lose once here though for an all around really stupid reason. I wasn’t losing enough points and Pizza Time was up. It didn’t help either that I was collecting more points while trying to build up space to run from Pizza Face, though I realized soon it really wouldn’t help matters so… yeah that was unfortunate. This level is boring and half the time makes me feel like an idiot. And at the same time, it’s tied with Crust Cove for the highest cutoff for a D-Rank at 2,875 points. Keeping a low score is as simple as bouncing on the grease ball like a pogo stick and then sinking it to get a nothing bonus. The Toppins are also mostly out of the way with the one exception being the mushroom. You have to jump over it to not collect it in the ball form during Pizza Time, but it’s a tricky jump to make as you have to jump over the Toppin to avoid it. And often I jump too late and my points are now too high to finish the level. Alternatively, you can hit the ceiling just before it appears, but I unfortunately didn’t know that at the time so… heck me I guess. The one attempt I manage to jump over it though, I rush back to the start and the golf demon actually sends me like 50 feet into the air and I’m caught by Pizza Face, ending my first attempt in failure. As far as the other 4 Toppins are concerned, you have to complete the courses they’re all locked behind. They’re not particularly difficult to do and though it can be less than forgiving to strike the greaseball in a way that you don’t score more points, the bulk of points normally comes from just not getting a nothing bonus anyway. And it’s generally a lot easier to keep a low score in Golf when scoring low is the goal of the game. Just be mindful of your combo counter as it freezes while Peppino is teeing off a shot. And the tenacious golf demons throwing themselves into your greaseball won’t help matters either. It’s also worth mentioning that the points decay during Pizza Time lasts an insanely long time here. I accidentally grabbed 3 Toppins when I meant to get only 2 and reset out of frustration, (BY THE WAY, SEIZURE WARNING. I REALLY HOPE THIS GETS SEEN.) When I made the mistake a second time, I acquiesced and found that I was able to get the points to decline for a long while as the Lap 2 theme once again started to play. And sure enough, my points did drop below the threshold of a C allowing us to preserve our D-Rank with 3 Toppins now, not just 2. Pretty crazy, but… hey, we take those! So at minimum, you really need only 2 trips to Golf to clean the level out of all of its Toppins. You can also use the burgers to help you skip the Pineapple and two other golf courses altogether which is just very handy as even though I still accidentally collected 3 Toppins, we were rather reliably under the limit and didn’t even need to wait out Pizza Time. Despite this level generally not being very enjoyable, it was at least surprisingly easy. Guess I should be thankful. Since we have plenty of money, we may as well silence The Noise. You’re given less health than with either Pepperman or the Vigilante so instead of making sure you end the fight with 3 hats, you need to have only 2. So long as you keep that in mind, there shouldn’t be any issues at all here. Another D-Rank for us. Getting deep into the tower, it’s to be expected that the later levels will prove to be problematic. Pig City meanwhile is not one of those levels. Like Oregano Desert, none of the Toppins are in the way at all. The only real exception is maybe the third one, the tomato, but even that can easily be jumped over. The other 4 however need you to take taxis to their location. And with how short this level is and how spread apart a lot of the big toppings are, it’s really easy to D-Rank here. If not for that, there’s also Grandpa Pepper who though it takes 40 points to reach him, he can lower your score super quickly as Peppino if you need to lower your rank. So staying under 2,500 points is generally a breeze. This is also a level where Gustavo and Brick are forced on you, but they’re not as bad as in Gnome Forest because you use them for only about half the level and there’s much more room to dodge enemies with not as many toppings being in your way. And since you’re given effectively 2 characters, that’s once again up to 900 points you’re allowed to lose to damage alone. I needed only 2 trips to clean the Pig City out getting 3 Toppins my first trip, and 2 on my second. If that doesn’t say something as to how much you’re allowed to suck, I don’t know what will. Ah, the Peppibot Factory. Back to a more cramped, but all the same decently doable level. We have priests to deal with again, but just about all of them are skippable I’m happy to say. The only real annoyance is the last one, but… well I’ve got something fun to show for him. There’s a few areas here where you can just stumble into points despite aiming anywhere but their general direction. So the big cheese blocks, I recommend that you keep your distance from them. Be sure to use your super jump a lot as you’re going to want it for some more precise movement on the conveyor belts. And also, walls are your friend as you can often skip a lot of points just by scaling them. Surrounding the priests, often they can be avoided merely by taking damage before encountering them. For the first one, take damage before you ascend where the priest is as you’ll be stuck up there. The second and third go hand in hand. Once you clear the way for the second, take damage and then both are easy to avoid. The really tricky one is the fourth priest as the stamper that boxes Peppino is in your way and that means it’s generally forced on you. However, I learned that you can actually dodge being stamped if you’re quick to get out of the way. Of course, I didn’t know that my first time through and it looked like I was going to have to suck up 500 points and burn them after the fact as there are no enemies before the fourth priest… and then this happened. (Show Gustavo helping) That is so awesome, y’all don’t even know. I did not want to have to wait to fall back below 2,500 points. We can net ourselves 2 Toppins per trip, 3 trips through the factory, and we’re good to go. And good thing because we REALLY gotta go. Listen, I may be a 26 year old man who knows all sorts of curse words, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to use them. I just thought the weenie was made from donkey meat. So Oh Shoot! This level can bite me. It’s possible to pull multiple Toppins out at a time, but this level is much harder to achieve that in compared to Peppibot Factory. Once again, there’s a bunch of points we really can’t hope to avoid. Of our 2,500 point limit, 20% of that is eaten up by the priest at the beginning of the stage as there are no enemies or water to free Peppino from the sticky cheese he is slathered in. The other issue is that a lot of this level forces us to ride in the cheese balls just piloting us every now and then which can also lead to uncomfortably higher combos than I’d like. In fact, a lot of points in Oh Shoot are impossible to avoid. Even ignoring the skippable priests, often your way forward is just blocked otherwise and the points are placed in areas where you simply can’t avoid them. So you can just quite literally fall right into a higher score giving you no other choice but to reassess other ways to lower your score. The Toppins all can at least be gotten one at a time, though the cheese is in a rather annoying location... one where I end up slipping right into it, and more than I care to admit. It also sucks because despite being given a generous amount of time in Pizza Time, it’s generous for a reason. You have a lot of ground to make up if you want to get even one Toppin out of here. Once, the timer even ran out on me which just goes to say how little time you really do have. At least the priests after the first one are rather easy to avoid so it isn’t like Bloodsauce Dungeon where you have to really fight to make any progress at all in collecting Toppins despite feeling similarly cramped and often being at risk of going over my limit of 9 damage. If I had any immediate advice for those of you looking to try this challenge and needing to avoid one of the more pesky priest spots as Pizza Time starts, it’d be to open the way by taking the rat out while sticky and switching the John blocks so that you can leave the little chamber and land in the sewer water to lose your transformation. Beyond that, just be careful and you’ll get at least one Toppin per trip. Before going to Refrigerator, Refrigerador, Freezerator, I want to look at Fake Peppino. This fight gives you less health throughout compared to all the other bosses, but you’re also given a hat after the boss’ HP reaches 0 twice and he starts chasing you. So keep taking damage throughout the fight, but make absolutely certain that both your health is NOT maxed out as you drop the boss’ HP to zero and that the number of hats you have left is an even number. It’ll become odd as you’re chased and making contact with Fake Peppino will deal 2 hats worth of damage over one. Fortunately, the game judges your rank by your hats and +1s, not by total damage taken. So with one hat left, you can then reach the end and get yet another D-Rank for your troubles. This leaves us with only about $20 left leading into world 5, but we have access to every level in the game now. And we still have 4 levels we have yet to explore, too. If we can clean them all out, that’ll save us the trouble of revisiting the more tedious levels in worlds 2 and 3. Let’s see how it goes. Of all the levels in the game, I think this one has the most difficult Toppin to dodge. The mushroom is right in the most awkward possible spot being on a tiny bit of floor with barely enough room to squeeze above it. I call this the poison mushroom since if you get it early, you'd want to throw it up. On the bright side, it's early in the level so it's easy to discard. The other 4 Toppins can be placed in some awkward spots, particularly the tomato and pineapple, but the tomato just demands you take it slow so you don’t slide into it while the pineapple just needs a good jump and you’re home free. There’s a fair number of points to dodge, but you’re given a good amount of room to avoid most of them. And though the ice cubes often can’t be avoided, even the few times one is broken, they’re only 10 points so you won’t be hurting too much breaking a few. Super Jumps will help you a ton through here. So long as you make a conscious effort to avoid points, you can definitely get out of here with 2 Toppins at a time. Just a heads up though, try to count off exactly 9 damage before grabbing the Satan’s Choice pizza. Once you get that, everything you touch dies and you’re invincible. And losing the power-up will cost you a forced 1,000 points at the cow leading to Lap 2 so yeah. You don’t want that. It’s also a lot harder to not kill enemies when contact with you is instant death and that means you can’t grab them and put them out of the way. Though grabbing does cancel Peppino’s screw attack so if ever you need to squeeze through a tight space, that’s an option to consider. Otherwise, there’s no forced Toppins, no priests, you should be fine. Just a heads up though, don’t trust the rank you see in the top left corner, the way this level judges your rank is inaccurate. The D-Rank cutoff isn’t 2,315, it’s actually somewhere around 1,900. If you go in and trust the score before you finish the level, you can expect a very rude awakening as you may just have been bamboozled into a C-Rank you were never warned about. This also is to say that this level actually has a lower cutoff than even John Gutter. That’s just evil, but I knew I should have expected deception from a level that has a pizza named after Satan himself. It’s likely you know this already, but Pizza Scare is annoying for a variety of reasons. Here, there are a ton of mechanics that can cause you trouble from the ghosts that exorcists enable you to kill to the ghost that haunts you throughout the level and leads to more than my preferred admission of resets due to too much damage. Pizzards also were in my way a lot. They tend to just snipe me as I make my way through the level and lead to my damage going up a lot more quickly than I’d like. Really it feels like this is a level that really wants you to rush it to avoid contact with the ghosts, but if you go too fast, you’ll hit traps that just send you flying. And it’s hard to say which option is preferable. I’ll tell you what I often did though, I opted to avoid ramps as much as possible given how many points they generally force you to take. So this level often feels like one where you’ll want to wall jump a lot. Annoyances aside, this level is pretty standard fare. Most points can still be avoided just fine, you can pull 2 Toppins per attempt, and the cut-off here at 2,250 isn’t too unreasonable. Just try not to get too flustered. Though the Toppins themselves aren’t really hard to avoid, they tend to sneak up on you. And the last thing you want after enduring a level this chaotic is getting jumpscared by the pineapple during Pizza Time because you got impatient like I tend to be… actually speaking of jumpscares… Here’s my advice: Just focus on avoiding damage from the electrical hazards. In fact, just try to avoid taking damage in general. You don’t need to lose points through damage, you don’t even really need to rely on the point decay through Pizza Time to get to a low enough score for a D-Rank. All you need to do is collect all of the Toppins and do it on your first attempt. After that, just let Peppino mingle with the funny Toppin monsters. You’ll get jumpscared… a lot… but there’s also the occasional October Fest which sure as heck will be a hoot and a half. And… yeah that’s the funny thing about Don’t Make a Sound. Jumpscares don’t actually count as damage. You can just be going for a P-Rank the whole time and you’ll still be able to easily D-Rank while staying under the damage requirement so long as you haven’t gotten to where the shotgun is. I’ll say the cap still as a formality, but you really shouldn’t be worried about a cutoff as high as 2,750. That’s pretty dang high. Having $170 after this level is proving to be a very promising sign. All we need now is at least 4 Toppins from the last level and we’re good to go. So what’s War like? It’s the hardest level in the entire challenge, bar none. And it’s also the absolute worst for saving Toppins. Not probably, definitely. You can rescue only 1 Toppin: The tomato. Why only the tomato? Because it’s forced to be collected. Yep. You cannot pass it up, and you cannot collect any other because then you’re eating 2,000 points from Toppins alone and you have a cut-off of only 2,687 points to be at a D-Rank. Why do I say only? Well let me explain something vital about War. It’s unlike any other level in the game. Here, the points do not decay at all. Ordinarily, you can lose about 1,000 points if not more to point decay alone if you’re willing to wait long enough. But here, the ONLY resource you have to lose points is taking damage. And since damage is rampant here, you need VERY precise play to take less than 10 damage. Now this sounds like a miserable combination already. Damage is everywhere here, you’re dodging points basically wherever you can, and your only source of losing points needs to be managed carefully. This is also without saying that you have a combo counter which you don’t want to let rise too quickly so you need to be wary of that, too lest your score goes up higher because heaven forbid you go too fast. But the worst part is you’re not even allowed to take your time. In other levels, if your time hits zero, you’re still alive until Pizza Face catches you. In War? The timer hits zero and stays zero for like 2 seconds, you’re dead. There’s no way around it. So you have to be fast AND careful to have the potential to score even 1 Toppin. And points here are laid out in a rather sadistic way for this challenge because they’re put directly in your path. So you have to react or memorize where the points are as you blitz through or past them. The fact you’re forced to use a shotgun here also leads to issues because you’re stripped of one of your key tools for gaining quick speed and halting momentum as Peppino can’t grab. Which has led to me grabbing the cheese Toppin more than I’d care to admit. It also often means that while trying to open your way forward, you’re prone to scoring more points you really don’t want to pick up. It demands a lot of trial and error just to shave off tens of points and keep your D-Rank alive. And man do they all add up. I did D-Rank War however after 17 attempts at this one level, and it will likely remain the hardest part of this challenge. All the same, I encourage you to try this while also staying under a limit for damage. You’ll soon realize this is not a challenge for the faint of heart. Unfortunately, the fact that only 1 Toppin can be gotten out of War means we don’t have enough money to challenge the final boss. We’re 3 Toppins short still. On the flip side, we can always go back to either Wasteyard or Crust Cove and get more. On one hand, Wasteyard is shorter and generally easier to avoid taking damage in. On the other hand, Wasteyard also has a glitch required to successfully pull Toppins out of and I don’t fully understand how it even works. Often, this level can feel like luck as despite knowing this glitch is 100% consistent if you know the proper execution, I don’t know the proper execution. I ended up pulling it off once, but died before leaving the level while trying to outmaneuver Pizza Face since I wasn’t at a D-Rank quite yet. And it was indeed very close. And after that attempt, no matter what, I just couldn’t get the glitch to work. And I really had only so much patience before I was ready to give up. After all, Crust Cove is still an option, and I’m happy to say that despite being more difficult, I at least can consistently avoid 3 of the otherwise 6 required priests here, which means albeit with a lot of frustration due to points I really don’t want, I’m able to collect the last few Toppins I need from here, all the while D-Ranking every time. Having now collected a total of 86 Toppins and currently holding $210, I’m now allowed to finally challenge Pizza Face. This boss, unlike others, doesn't have a rank to award the player, but the Crumbling Tower of Pizza does so for the sake of the video, I’ll just tell you I beat Pizza Face first try. And so you know I did it with under 10 damage, I’ll show you this extended clip of my first attempt through the Crumbling Tower of Pizza where the first time I take damage, the 10 damage message appears cueing me in that I failed and must restart. There’s a fun fact for you, this game carries your total damage over from the final boss to here. There are no priests, no Toppins, nothing really but enemies and points that are in your way and you need to try and minimize collecting. I was ready for this to take me many, many, MANY tries, but after resetting once, I was able to D-Rank this pretty much right away. I had only about 2 seconds left, but a win is a win. The Pizza Tower crumbles as we all escaped, Papa John is left to weather away, and Peppino tells us exactly what we’ve wanted to hear since we first started. “You suck.” And I’m sure as heck proud to. So to answer the question: Can you beat Pizza Tower with only D-Ranks? Turns out… yes. Yes you can. In fact, you can even beat Pizza Tower before it was patched where you’d need $250 to challenge Pizza Face. Just barely, and it means WAR could have just been avoided entirely. So there’s some food for thought. So if you’re interested in other Low % challenges I’ve done, I’ve got videos of me doing similar runs in Paper Mario and games similar to Paper Mario as that’s more of my bread and butter. Just click here on the screen and you can help yourself to some more of my content. See you later!
Channel: Phantom A
Views: 174,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: q6AJsWKS_eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 58sec (2758 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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