Can You BEAT Geometry Dash Without Jumping?

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today i'm playing hundreds of interesting levels in geometry dash to try to get to 1 000 stars without jumping once if i jump i have to reset the account and if i can't reach 1 000 stars i have to give 1 thousand dollars to this guy how do you play geometry.left jumping good question i just have to somehow find a ton of levels that don't require me to click on jump orbs or click in the icon robot and ball mode this challenge will be insane eventually i made some progress i was able to do this by searching up ship since you know ships can't jump i beat two ship mixes where i had to make sure to not click anything as an icon after a few fails i was able to beat a demon level known as after beating ship level i know these are very creative names i searched up ufo where i completed ufo mix i then beat the six level series known as flight of space in these levels you advance using the ship and in this series the only thing more threatening than these missiles to me are these jump orbs some of them literally being a core part of the gameplay luckily for me i was able to skip all the orb clicks and i traveled into altar game a level which may look weird but it's just well disguised ship gameplay no need to worry until the end yeah i am not getting that coin i then played a few more altar games this one where you control a cube that has one of the worst control schemes this level is tail ting i also control the color machine for minimum star wage and beat gd snake eventually i reached alter game 15 where this happened wait wait what why does it have a black orb there i could have sworn i play test edition and it didn't wait [Music] i didn't need to click that dude that can lose me the challenge man we have to reset the account because i jumped yeah i died i'm back at zero so in the next run i took out all the levels that i thought would be risky and there were some early fails some of them were unexpected like this one normally potal is a level which only uses the wave game mode but if you get into let's say a robot portal and buffer a click you gotta reset the entire run so going into my next run i would start with flip flap one of the hardest flappy bird levels on the gd server now there's a ton of these and it may be extremely boring and tedious but as long as i don't click in the auto icon parts i should be completely fine after beating flappy bird colors i would finally reach 101 stars i took a bit of a break from flappy levels as i re-beat levels that i had already conquered in previous runs with a few new additions like ufo madness and ufo on track can't beat ufo guys because you know by now i actually had reached 10 user coins so i decided to go to the vault and figure out every single code legitimately with absolutely no help from the genie wiki did rob expect us to figure this out without data mining i then unlocked some chests and finally my icon set is packing some heat while playing rush 2 i made a realization even if i beat every remaining flappy level i would still be like 500 stars short of the goal and i can't say i had any new ideas for what levels to play so i decided to contact the dog he's a guy known for coding stuff relating to gd so i asked him if he could code something that shows me a list of every rated level that doesn't use the icon portal robot portal or jump orbs after i beat flip adopt sent me the list and i checked the first few levels to make sure that there wouldn't be any run killers that somehow got past the program the first level adopts sent me was d33p and boom a ballpark i played it on my phone and i was wondering why a jump appeared you see when i sent adopt a list i had no idea that ball clicks were actually jumps does this look like a jump to you the only reason i avoided levels like ball madness were because of the orbs not because of the gravity ball clicks i had been narrowly avoiding a reset the entire run and i didn't even know it walladoff's list was a major help there was still dangers both the ball portal and square orbs could still add jumps to my counter the first listed level that i played would be boss fight and it was bad it took me over 100 attempts to memorize mr overbite's attacks and still this happened eventually i was able to win and the next level i played would be boss fights yeah again this one was terrible boring for the first half of the level until choppy goes super saiyan and you just pray you don't get kamehameha and then there's this last part with badly functioning move triggers that kill you with the weirdest angles i somehow pull the win over this level please please die please die please die please die please die yes yes next one is galactic boss okay i'm not doing this one another choppy two it's too difficult i also had to skip other somewhat difficult levels like the devil game and watch and the pressure i was able to complete some other levels but then i hit another roadblock tetris by samsara is the first ever geometry dash minigame and it is not well made you can't spin these blocks so much of the outsmarting and point of the original game is just gone i realized the only way i could outsmart this level was by looking at a video of someone else doing it then i played pong i went for the most difficult cpu and i got home then i played a match versus the easier cpu initially i had a major lead but i slept on this guy and started losing things got way too intense as i try to hold on to my score no no no please 10 seconds no what does that mean holy sh what the f is that level dude after clearing fire versus water vietnam wonders and these two copy pasted optical fox levels i found a flappy level unintentionally it's called hologram flappy super annoying level we skipped those i then completed sacred sunset 1000 optimes and lemons after the ball revelation this spider gameplay may look scary but trust me i checked i won't get an extra jump inputted for spider clicks this is swift the game may look simple but it is hiding multiple tricks after a while my brain cells fell too fried with the annoying panels and new rules that would randomly be added so we skipped those after rolling balls in a 3d environment i played minecraft holy new mob just dropped i played some dash fighters just like street fighter i don't really know what i'm doing here i just spam hope it works easy money after aphorism i played simple game a level which was easy until the last puzzle i got extremely frustrated but after half an hour i just decided that we skipped we do not skip those memoir guys if you subscribe right now matlar will not skip the level and boom after using the power of the viewers i mustered up the determination to pass simple game yeah now it's gonna be really awkward if you didn't subscribe this is a pleasant game of mini golf except i struggled with the controls this is just me trying to get the ball into the hole anyway after passing by kira and moved this block through the underground factory and celebrated christmas yeah some christmas spirit right there fun video to record as you can tell i would go on to beat several levels one of them was tomb of the dash where after choosing rabbit i would quickly escape the temple apparently i'm playing rhythm heaven now clicked on these monsters with some nice precision then there's up an extremely slow ufo level after dodging all the lasers i got enrolled in hogwarts and graduated or something i don't know i did not read the books i would then face a true adversary in the form of bomberman 2d i understood the controls but this level was so annoying i mean sometimes in gd there's just stuff that you shouldn't do we skipped those sadly after slaying splendora quiet and golden palace i would skip treading for treasure this level was just too buggy and over time it felt like my hitbox just kept being slightly out of place especially as you move further into the level eventually i decided to start grinding flappy levels again after flapping a ton i beat flappy illuminati and reached 400 stars yay we're already 40 there i'm having so much fun it's unparalleled eventually the levels i played would become more difficult some would be impossible to pass due to one or two icon clicks others would just be annoying when i passed flappy dynamics i may have hit 500 stars but i was running out of flappies flappy ufo demon the 8 star would be the last flappy level i was able to complete this flappy bird had realistic physics and i am not good enough to pass it now up to this point i have not had the best opinion of flappy levels but flappy pencil especially look at this this is at 98 and i died there at least five times it just added his death trap and no matter what i am not beating this this one's the button you just gotta make sure to not spam and see all these comedic uh phrases like uh please oh whoa and go outside like i'm not gonna do that and i have stars to grind i'm just chilling collecting diamonds in this bootleg minecraft world here's mega man 2d it was actually a really good recreation and i have no idea how i didn't die to cut man similarly to master game neon spheres forces you to control this four directional cube the thing is if your block isn't pixel perfect it just won't go through the walls and you'll be killed really annoying level wasteland 582 and up to five are pretty easy levels now going into rhythm doctor i thought it would be pretty easy but i had to develop a strategy by counting i was able to time most of my clicks at least that's what i thought until this happened two three four five six seven ah yeah next level that being tabby it a pretty easy monochromatic level in this level you gotta be smart and read through the lines to get to the other room or just look at a youtube video like me i get it fraud error fails would start to become more constant as i ran out of levels to play from adopts list i would fail in vvvv and fail in pico i even failed at the final part in super mario bros i was able to complete a few levels sure but as i opted out of gem setter i only had one level left that i felt like completing in dere exe after you move around some boxes you take a marathon across islands finally i had hit 601 stars but the challenge required me to hit 1000 stars all of the remaining levels were difficult and even if i had completed adopts entire list i'd likely fall short of 1000 anyway i was able to get 600 stars but i'm not sure how i'm gonna be able to get to a thousands i think you win let's go bruh that's what you get for fighting too much of what you can chew that's when i realized the solution to all my problems had been staring me in the face the entire time there are 574 auto levels each rewarding one star aside from a few exceptions you don't have to click in an auto level meaning all i had to do was just wait and wait and wait after spending hours and hours grinding auto levels i would go from 600 stars to 700 800 900 to eventually 986 stars after claiming my 987th star from gd legends finale i would move on to the two final levels of this run yeah i got really bored of waiting so when i found these two opportunities to play the game you can bet we take those the first of these two levels would be spaceman it's just like a flappy level it just wasn't called that this is quite similar to the final level of the no jump run the real flappy bird despite the 5 star rating this was possibly one of the hardest challenges in the run yet after going through the same pipes dozens of times i would finally reach the 99th pipe yes gg's more shiny and that means we got 1 000 stars without jumping once let's get this achievement as well my god guys this is insane when i gave my friend the news regarding the new achievement he did not react positively you played this game too much i know and that's why you should subscribe anyway i hope you enjoyed the video and see ya
Channel: MatMart
Views: 1,633,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Geometry Dash, 2.11, GD, MatMart, GMD, Can you BEAT Geometry Dash without Jumping?
Id: xR3IyAKGd6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 23 2022
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