Why RobTop HATES These Geometry Dash Levels...

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crazy updates game crashing bugs hidden secrets these are the insane things level creators have done to be despised by the creator of Geometry Dash some of these maps are so controversial that robtop has personally deleted them to find out why Rob has taken such drastic measures against the players of his own game we need to talk about the first map that tricked him this is BP Knight which was Infamous for its difficulty at first players respected ra7 for being able to complete such a difficult level but what they didn't realize is that he was trolling everyone he built a secret way that allowed him to skip all of BP Knight's hard timings which made beating his own map a piece of cake this is an issue because it was star rated by robtop every Creator wants their level to be rated so it can be seen by thousands by the time this map was derated many players had already completed it for stars over time secret ways became far more common and to this day even hundreds of rated levels have them check out heaven and hell's main path of course it has a secret way there is no way Road boss was this good back in the day with his own 10 FPS phone even the former leader of geometry Dash's most famous Clan used this frowned upon tactic when we owe Tio's friend was getting into GD he wanted to beat a demon so we always like I got you covered and briefly built a secret way in Lake of Fire the inner Community instantly found out about this and it would take Lake of Fire years to get its stars back ironically wio himself helped unraid a demon he created one of gd's first viral videos ever called worst demon level ever sochi's ski jump and he's right I'm surprised this was even rated come on this isn't a secret way we're in the Olympics it's clearly a silver medal while the levels Creator zeriku ended up deleting the level at least most of his levels stayed rated after Wiz tick FX put his secret way in some of his levels robtop would deem his entire account untrustworthy and most of his levels were derated although at least they still exist there is a mysterious old level called element 111rg nearly everyone who played it wasn't even able to pass 41 in practice mode due to its difficulties while it was considered to be the hardest demon beating RG is actually very simple most footage of the map is people using the secret way to beat this level with ease there's some theories that robtop might have modified the level himself which is pretty much unheard of people also don't actually know who deleted RG after its d-ray but someone did and now the level has been lost to time while most secret ways found in maps nowadays are unintentional there are some people who found crazy exploits in Geometry Dash yeah this video is only going to get more and more insane a player called son0924 built and somehow verified four levels in the hell series these were the first extreme demons to ever be raided but do you notice anything strange about them well they have weirdly primitive architecture the levels were released from update 1.4 to 1.6 but despite that all of the objects are from 1.2 or before there's even weird cases in the hell origin where instead of using Black Blocks Sone decided to place a basic block multiple times over to replicate how they would have looked by investigating screenshots of his level editor the community found out why he did these seemingly pointless actions you see Stone had been playing on a 1.2 client the entire time he used it because this version allowed players to upload levels to the servers without having to verify it themselves after being notified of this rata made it impossible for anyone without the most recent update of GD to upload levels to his game although this is far from the last exploit he would have to patch you see for 107 minutes a hacker called h-man had control over the GD servers he not only rated his own levels but even made them worth 127 Stars while telling robtop to fix his game if these demons weren't empty they probably had some interesting imagery the level's descriptions had a link which would effectively teach anyone how to hack like he did after robtop reset the GD servers he would take back control and quickly patch this exploit even this wasn't as crazy as what I'm going to be talking about at least these levels didn't straight up crash your game in 2021 one of the hardest extreme Demons of all time was verified it was called sonic wave Infinity and quickly received a rate along with hundreds of thousands of downloads one issue if the player clicked here instead of dying a normal death their game would crash so I remember opening up Twitter and I saw a ton of split opinions on the crash review because game crashing could potentially affect the save file at the time I was going around crashing level question moves it was super funny to me and that's when I entered a stream on Twitch and I saw someone playing Sonic with unfortunately for this streamer he was using an alternate route that zany didn't like so this is where my plan came together I was gonna ruin this person's route and anyone who potentially tried to go a different way in this last Cube so I put a crash trigger and the rest is history then there's ocular Miracle an extreme demon that's development was hyped up for years just one issue it had over 400 000 objects and the thousands who played it noticed a ton of issues with their game I remember the video clear miracle was rated and durated I wasn't surprised that the level ended up unrated even after everything the athlete team did to optimize the level it still wasn't playable for most people the real Miracle is that their computers didn't spontaneously combust after loading this level even I experienced this glitch where a ton of Sprites in the game got erased soon robtop d-rated it and the creators eventually decided to split it into three different extreme demons now you can probably guess what happened when a 1 million object level called corn was raided by mistake though at least these levels were possible for some people to play version 1.4 was an update that caused to many levels to be glitched in the case of confused some of the map was deleted and the block was moved to zero zero this pretty much turned a level into an inescapable death track and you can probably guess why it was disliked to Oblivion before being derated while confused was disliked it's nowhere near as hated as a certain group of creators you see Geometry Dash players have been trying to find the best way to steal levels without getting caught for years the art of level stealing was invented by a menace called pakucho 789 unlike today you couldn't even copy online levels from the server so this guy literally poorly rebuilt hundreds of online levels just to attempt to get a raid due to this he constantly received hey Commons and several of his levels have been derated his behavior becomes weird when he realized he was a skilled Creator who got millions of downloads from original work and it's not like great standards were that high back in the day eventually update 1.7 was released and now it was easy for anyone to copy each other's levels many rated Maps just became slightly altered versions of already existing levels the entire Nine Circles Trend consists of a stolen effect and you've probably seen these gems from Atlas in a ton of levels even the most liked level in the game retrace stole several designs from gigabyte so as you can tell Rob didn't care as much back in the day but over the years more and more levels have been getting derated for stealing so much so that recently it's taken over as the most common reason why a level was derated I played a lot of these Maps myself and they're usually not even bad since there are dozens of mods looking out for this stuff good luck smuggling even a slight amount of stolen decoration to the rated Tab while robtop takes immediate action on Maps he barely uses the d-ray hammer on levels with a hack to verification for example even though the creator of necropolis was exposed for hacking his video completions by the time the exposal happened his level had already been beaten by many legitimate players so in most cases like this robtop just leaves the map alone however if a map is unbeaten or seemingly impossible then he'll take action silent Club affects the theory of darkness and Phobos where all the hardest Demons of their time before being b-rated in a lot of cases a level was initially rate worthy but then the Creator decides to backstab robtop and change the level entirely I don't know why maybe just a troll this is the first version of flappy lightsaber and you'd think the version that got this level d-rated was terrible but no it becomes one of the most awesome Flappy levels I've ever seen the issue is that this level was updated to a 26 second map if your level is less than 30 seconds it has to be rated either easy or Auto because otherwise laptop's anti-cheat will detect whoever beats the map as a hacker and then ban them now I can guess why Flappy fantasy was d-rated now the guy guy who made figurative decided to start his villain Arc overnight his hard demon was turned into a message directed at robtop now you can't ignore me robtop now you can listen to me I was so happy when this level got raided I was really excited when my friend posted toxic circles but now it's been two months and it's not rated are you serious right now bro I'll re-verify this when he gets rated but for now three stars and now none of these guys have Creator points but hey he fought for his friends no matter what and that's what counts I hope they stay friends for life all of these levels are examples of easy updates but occasionally you get that one Psychopathic creator that decides to make their level way harder than it should be there are two former three stars that have gone down and infamy the first is beautiful eyes this level was barely rate worthy in the first place so if I was the creator I'd be thanking my lucky stars but no they had to update it to their new level fire circles which obviously shouldn't be a three star then there's i-99i which was apparently a normal 3 star but then buffed to an unread recognizable insane demon if you think this was crazy though several levels have been updated to extreme demons there is one level with an update history so crazy that I literally have a 12 minute documentary just to explain its history but I'll make a long story short here's Battle of the shades after being raided and receiving some negative comments it was updated to phase 2 which is way different while it at least starts off Pleasant it quickly descends into hell and of course the Creator puts emoji text then it was updated again to phase 3 which made Battle of the shades one of the hardest demons the version that finally got it unrated was phase 4. the level was close to Impossible at this point but what finally got it unrated was the fact that there was a secret way in this new phase shortly after this the Creator GD virus replaced everything with a long a poem I ain't reading all that surprisingly even though it's been unrated for years Battle of the shades has recently entered phase 5. while this is definitely the best decorated update there is no way this was verified legit so don't hope for a re-raid unlike these levels that were derated due to players updating there are some levels that have been derated because of Geometry Dash itself updating very easy is a demon that pretty much everyone made fun of because in the past updates you were able to skip most of it with specific timings but the real reason why it was derated was because in 2.0 it became impossible to go farther than 68 because of changes in GD physics sometimes robtop has some very controversial rating decisions like 8-bit Ryan comp which got so much backlash after its rate that Rob had to reverse his decision this is katabat very original name and design as you can tell it obviously doesn't copy anything alright let's be real not only did this level look bad but it was obviously hacked the community quickly exposed boy of the cones and got this map derated now that boy of the cones was controversial much of his future levels went under heavy scrutiny but they were never derated because boy of the codes verified them legitimately then there's the mirror night which obviously takes uh some inspiration from gd's most popular demon but alright robtop I'll just forget this happened what I can't forget is Monster in my room this level might just prove that robtop only looks at the first few seconds of a map before raiding it after a reasonable 20 seconds of gameplay this happens and you have to enter a staring contest with this guy for the next 40 seconds I wouldn't recommend blinking absolute destruction X may have been unrated because of its secret way okay but looking at the decoration makes you wonder what potential Rob saw in this level in the first place my only good theory is that robtop was forced to rate this level at Chomper points some levels are so short it's surprising they were ever rated currently Xmas challenge is the shortest rated map but it wasn't always this way despite looking cool ball challenge and total challenge were d-rated this is Mech which surprisingly wasn't the result of the Creator doing a stupid update robtop just straight upgraded a 10 second level that the Creator merely called a test but by far the most questionable rate of all time is Nightmare level 1. this map is not even 5 Seconds long to this day we don't have any answers as to why this map was ever rated was there possibly a past version that was far better or was robtop on the special sugar while this is one of many maps that are d-rated rarely does robtop ever personally delete a level this is sakupin hell a level made sheerly out of spite after being exposed for cheating his verifications the Creator nubas decided to openly hack the verification his reasoning was pretty much well Rob since you've rated all these other obviously hacked demons you have to rate this level people even theorized he made a fake persona called L Legend who claimed to beat zakub in Hell In A Day robtop hated everything this map stood for and destroyed it eventually over a year later truster would legitimately verify it and it got featured today sakup and hell is most known for inspiring kinos which is arguably the most famous level verification of all time while nubas initially made sakupan hell to spite Geometry Dash ironically he would indirectly help increase gd's popularity far more than he could have ever imagined and yes while robtop deletes levels with certain names or imagery I can't mention those for obvious reasons anyways YouTube thinks you'll like this video subscribe
Channel: MatMart
Views: 111,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Geometry Dash, 2.11, GD, GD 2.11, MatMart, History, Documentary, GD 2.2, Geometry Dash 2.2, All Levels, Mod, Hack, Hacked, Cheated, Extreme, Demons, Demon
Id: 2Li2XZ37PRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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