Can You Beat Fallout 4 As Andre The Giant?

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There are a lot of people who’ve lived in the history of people. Some of them were astonishingly small. Benjamin Button, that was a.. a small little guy. And I’ve already beaten Fallout 3 as him, so I need some way to take that idea to the next level. Can You Beat Fallout 4 As Andre The Giant? You’re probably wondering what I mean when I say “as Andre The Giant”. The general idea here, the core concept, is the opposite of my “Can You Beat Fallout 3 As Benjamin Button” video. In that video, every 15 minutes I shrunk my character size by like 5%. In this video, as I said, I’m doing the opposite. Every 15 minutes I increase my size by 10%. If you’re wondering why I put “Andre the Giant” in the title, it’s because he had gigantism, the condition that basically means you never stop growing. Seemed… appropriate. Unlike the Fallout 3 video I’ve already mentioned, the timer starts immediately, it doesn’t matter when or where I am when the timer ends, after 15 minutes is up, ya boi grows up a bit. I tried a little to make myself look like Andre the Giant but I couldn’t be bothered to pull up a picture of him and to be honest I didn’t care if I looked anything like a giant. I breezed through Vault Tec’s interview, named me, and spread out SPECIAL Points. Without putting too much thought into it, this felt like a fairly fair distribution of points for the 8th wonder of the world. War happened, I left my wife and my life behind, fled to the Vault, rode down into Hell, got my blue and yellow attire, this dumb cutscene ate up a lot of my time, I emerged, and began making my way through the Vault. For once in my life, I can actually play through the tutorial section of Fallout 4 like a normal person. I can pick up the Security Baton, I can step on puny bug, take damage, use the gun, open the door, pick up the PipBoy, and escape the Vault as if this was a normal playthrough. It isn’t, trust me. Before escaping, I’d used the player.setscale command to increase my size by 5%, right after I got to the surface I fixed that problem by setting it up to 10% like I was supposed to. By this point, there’s a chance you’re curious about where the challenge comes from. You’re bigger. So what? You wanna know what? I’ll tell you what. As I get bigger, a serious of metaphysical and sociological changes will begin to unfurl like a fruit by the meter stick candy fruit roll. As I take my place as an absolute unit, I’ll be taller, I’ll run faster, I’ll jump higher, I might do more damage with melee weapons I’m not entirely sure about that, and most importantly, I’ll take up more space. You might not think much of that now, but at a certain point, if left to grow unchecked by imaginary chains, you would become so big that even when crouching you can’t open doors or you’ll clip through the ceiling whenever you’re indoors and won’t be able to see where you’re going. Probably. Those are probably problems that may or may not possibly arise. After doing stuff in Sanctuary to fill time while I explain stuff, I meandered over to the Red Rock Filling Station, ignored the dog, and arrived in Concord. Time was of the essence, this was almost like an inverse speed run. If I’m not fast enough, I will slowly reach a point where the game doesn’t function properly. Also, most of the time the only time the timer stops is when the game crashes or if I pause the game to do something involving substances that are legal in Michigan now. Clearing out the Museum of Freedom was simple as simple can be, I’d already begun noticing my increased movement speed and you can clearly see how much bigger I am than Preston. The goal here is to be able to look down on Preston the way he looks down on our universe. It’s cute that you think Preston isn’t real and isn’t watching you right now. Outside, I entered the Power Armor, made sure I was still slightly larger than the game wanted me to be, ripped open a few backs, if you cut off someone’s back does that back then have a front and back (?), I showed my power in the most delightful way possible when I eradicated a Deathclaw, returned to Preston, hit puberty, and set off for Diamond City. Quickly and with the precision of the guy I overheard at a liquor store a few weeks ago who once thought about becoming a doctor, I navigated Trashcan Carla’s sea of inventory items and fun time trinkets. I bought a bat from her. With that bat I killed Wolfgang and his pups, bartered with Trudy, briefly, broke her skull, turned off her son’s life, and continued on my way. The bat seemed to be gooder than I expected it was be, which was why I stopped by Mega Mart for incredible prices on everyday household objects like phone cords and replacement bristles for the toothbrush you picked up at an estate sale a few years ago. In the battle between almost death and barely alive was where it hit me what was happening, I became very lucid and aware of how my size was impacting my ability to make my way through buildings. And this was only at 20%, or I guess 120% depending on how you look at it. I had no concept of what potential problems would arise if I got to 2 or 3 times normal height. That’s a lie, I fucked around with New Vegas’s console commands to see if I could beat the game as a 1 inch tall man and a couple other odd ideas. One involved being gigantic. Let’s just say it didn’t end well or begin well or be well at any point in the experience. Back to Fallout 4 though, helped the Brotherhood of Steel with their Ghoul problem as I pressed farther south towards Diamond City. I still wasn’t sure which group would be best to work with. There are a lot of different quests and scenarios to consider before siding with anyone, especially now. Because I was in the area, I decided to discover a couple locations early to save myself some time later: Greentech and Bunker Hill, common places human males and females gather to interact with each other. A Raider politely ran up to me with a Bladed Tire Iron, it was real good at removing body parts, I was at 30% now, there will be little thing on-screen showing my size at all times so if I don’t mention an increase just look at the thing. Another crash happened. Those happened more than usual. I doubt it had anything to do with what I was doing to the game, making it hurt like this. Because God couldn’t possibly be annoyed at my messing with his creations, I thought to kill all the missionaries at the half circle dome stage festival. I can pack a punch and hit people real hard with a bullet fired from gun, but they can also do big damage to my oversized frame. Despite the armor I had throughout this run and the difficulty setting, I often found that I was taking more damage than I thought I should be, never figured out why. Goodneighbor was briefly graced with my presence, I bonked Finn real good, got weirdly close up shots of KLEO and myself, bartered a little, left, and entered Park Street Station. I began to notice these almost empty loading screens were happening more frequently and were lasting longer, sometimes they were as long as two minutes. You know why that’s bad. The Triggermen gave me slightly less resistance when I forced them to the next world than I thought they would. Same old story, some of them die in one hit, others take multiple, they did more damage than I’d have liked, but there were beds to sleep in after all the fighting stopped. Kneeing someone’s fucking head into nothing was pretty satisfying. Getting into the Vault didn’t go off without a hitch, there was a small error in communication. The Triggermen soon to be rotting corpses were the same as the others, no reason for them to be anything special. Something looked weird as I encroached on Dino’s land and there was the terminal. Turns out that when you’re bigger than you’re supposed to be, certain things in Fallout 4 don’t work properly, terminals being arguably the most significant. You can still use them, you just can’t navigate with the mouse or see the screen. Thankfully, there aren’t many terminals that must be used. Another benefit to my wide girth is how long my arms are and how far away I can be when I take off someone’s bodily fluid holder. Skinny Malone died as he lived, covered in blood, Valentine rambled, we escaped out into the Commonwealth, and my game crashed. At least I think it did. Around the 3 minute mark I assumed this loading screen would slowly envelop the the entire screen if I didn’t take a stand against it and call in Uncle Task Manager to back over that weird little Fallout kid with his truck. Back in the game, I immediately got to work killing Skinny Malone and dying. Twice. I didn’t reset the timer even thought I had to do this again, that would’ve been lame. I checked to make sure I was still at 40% as I should be since the game crashed, fled for the vertical metal hills with Nick, and was outside just in time to go up to 50%. I now move breathtakingly quickly and, because I didn’t go to Diamond City until after I rescued Nick, I didn’t have to deal with Piper’s bullshit. Time being the valuable resource it is, I swiftly navigated my way through a barter or two, I was mostly interested in Stimpaks, was now so tall that I can see the 2nd floor of a building when standing up, took my place among the stars of Fallout 4, ran through the charade of caring about my son, and had to find a way into Kellogg’s house. I kinda wanted to talk to Mama Murphy about this as she can tell you the location of a key to Kellogg’s house… or she unlocks the door with her mind… uh… I’m not entirely sure of the details. Regardless, I stole the key off the Mayor, tripped over a mailbox as I plummeted towards the Earth, found what Kellogg had been hiding, met Dogmeat, and ran towards Fort Hagen at breakneck speeds. On this bridge, as I beat Feral Ghouls to death with my oven mitt sized hands, I considered actually trying to be Andre the Giant and punching things until they die. I didn’t. That would’ve been hard. It’s hard to decapitate someone with a karate chop. My plan for dealing with the Synths inside Fort Hagen was, as always, to not deal with them as best I can, reality is beginning to malfunction a bit, elevators can barely handle my frame, I fought through the Synths as best I could, mowed them down real good, could look the ceiling mounted turrets right in the eye, was up to 70% bigger than you’re supposed to be, and I finally found Kellogg. The fight was always meant to be fair, no drugs or reality altering mechanics at play, just a giant and a cyborg fighting it out in the future. I noticed, as I looted Kellogg’s very dead body, that it was becoming slightly difficult to get low enough to reach his many holes where he stuffed his goodies. Oh and using Kellogg’s terminal to both open the doors and download information wasn’t fun. Audio cues are your friend, if you use your ears to listen you can hear when you hit the bottom-most option in the terminal and sorta work your way to the right option from there. Elevators are really unhappy with me inside them now. Outside, I discovered that I’m now at the point in this challenge where jumping can realistically cause death. And these vertibirds were being weird. Not sure what that was about. I could also jump gaps that you normally can’t and explore portions of the highway systems that have long since been abandoned. Engaging in the normal human act of conversation is becoming more difficult as well. I’m so big that in order to start talking to someone, I have to crouch and Press E to Talk in the small window of time where it appears as I’m standing up so I don’t accidentally pickpocket the person I’m trying to talk to. Doctor Amari in Goodneighbor was the one to get me into Kellogg’s brain. Nothing too interesting. I moved faster than the memory platforms could appear, that was neat. I learned about teleportation, woke up from the fever dream, talked to Amari, ignored Nick, and was off to one of the most volatile locations in Fallout history. The speed at which I ran through the jungle was astonishing, but all that size wouldn’t save me from someone else’s suicide. I think his death hurt me more than it hurt him. After dying a few times, I led the Suicider to Duke, a power armor wearing nearby person. Duke survived the blast. He was clearly more than a match for me, so I left him be, ran through the Glowing Sea, died multiple times to the childish atomatons worshipping the flu, and entered Virgil’s Cave. He told me to track down a Courser, and that’s exactly what I did. Shortly after entering Greentech, I hit puberty for the 9th time. This is where things really start getting fun. One of the problems of my size is that my head and body clip through the ceiling in some buildings and when that happens, because the weapon and crosshair are above an object you can’t shoot through, my attacks miss and do nothing unless I somehow get below the ceiling above me. That can be done by crouching or the problem can be avoided by luring an enemy into an area with a higher ceiling or even no ceiling at all. Z2-47 had a spook skull next to his name. In a matter of seconds I removed that skull as well as his own, took the chip from the head that exploded all over the wall, and took it to Doctor Amari to see what could be done. What could be done? Nothing could be done. It was a waste of time. On the plus side, I’m big enough to jump over the fence to get out of Goodneighbor the cool way. I was after the Railroad located beneath the Old North Church. Tracking them down was child’s cake, easy as easy can be. The ghouls inside never stood a chance, I tried to jump over the underground wall but it didn’t work, entered the super secret code, spoke to Desdemona, had the chip analyzed, ascended yet again, this time to the coveted 2.0 setscale, and returned to Virgil for the last time to get the transponder plans. Then came the difficult decision: who to side with. I decided to go with the Minutemen. Some guides consider them to be the faction to side with if you’re looking for speed. I figured with my insane speed and power, traveling to settlements and clearing out areas would be easy. Before I could build the teleporter, I had to help the settlers at Tenpines Bluff. The only thing of note that happened on my way out there was when I encountered a mole rat wearing a suicide vest. Talking to the Settler was annoying, he was sleeping so I had to carefully crouch and press E at the right time to not stick my giant hand down his pants looking for hidden treats. He sent me to kill the Raiders at Corvega Assembly Plant. Rather than use brute force, I sat somewhere where I shouldn’t have been able to reach and blasted the raiders with a Laser Musket. That was a waste of time, these Raiders didn’t matter. Inside, I had to remain crouched almost the entire time to not clip through the ceiling. But even now, when I’m crouched, I’m still far bigger than everyone else. That size doesn’t make melee combat any more fun though. Something threw me off and I wasted several valuable minutes trying to get to the Raider on my compass. Jared died, I left, set my size up to 2.1, the Settler was pleasured after what I did for him, I returned to Preston, gave the plans to Sturges, and got the first part of the interceptor built. Building the rest of the components went of almost without a hitch, I lacked the Biometric Scanner necessary to build the console. I wasn’t about the visit a hospital just to maybe find one. I bought one from Myrna in Diamond City, finished the Teleporter, got it all wired up, and teleported into the Institute. Loading the network scanner into the terminal, running the program, and ejecting it took some thought. The pneumatic traveling container barely functioned with my head sticking through the top of it. And at long last, I was reunited with my boy. Here’s the thing about that, I couldn’t reach him. He was sitting on the floor and was low enough that even when crouching, I couldn’t talk to him. Father won’t come in unless I talk to Shaun, you can’t progress in the Institute unless you talk to Shaun and then Father. In theory, at least. As I’ve said many times, things break when you get big. Walls, for instance, are now a suggestion. My size and reach allows me to VATS attack Father through the wall and kill him from the other side of the wall. But that doesn’t solve the problem, the elevator back up doesn’t function. What I had to do was what I like to think of as the Slinky Technique, simple to do, easy to break. Kill Father through the wall. Stand up and sit on the couch on the floor above you, get off the couch and you’re now on that level. Do it again and you’re up another level. For some reason, despite Father being dead, nobody hated me, maybe because it was a sneak attack. I don’t care why. All that mattered to me was that I could ride the central tube back up to the entrance, if you could call it that, of the Institute, use the teleporter to get back outside, and be done with the Institute for the time being. I gave the tape back to Sturges, spoke to Preston about a settlement, and got to work. This Settler was nice, for a moment, anyway. I almost had the rare opportunity to look up at someone while I spoke. She went back to bed, forcing me to fit myself into the elevated living box. To give you an idea of how quickly I move, it took me about 35 seconds to get from Oberland Station to the Coast Guard Pier. Or, put another way, I move 2.2x faster than normal since I’m 2.2x bigger than I should be. The average Super Mutant can go down in a single swing from my axe. The blade itself does most of the damage and the bleeding effect will finish them off. Preston was informed, and then he blinked out of existence. He was gone… to the other side of Sanctuary. The next settlement I helped had me traveling to the Iron Plant building, the fortress of the Forged. They were tough, which might surprise you given my status as a god of the wasteland. Getting through the inside of the building was fine, nothing awful. Killing Slag took some trial and error. A Missile Launcher wasn’t enough to kill him in one shot, logic dictates that a Fat Man was the only viable solution. Even that didn’t kill him instantly, though. From his body I retrieved the flaming sword that, in my hands, is probably the size of an adolescent boy. Pops let me keep the sword, Preston was happy, and the time had come to take back the Castle. Obviously when you’re nearly 20 feet tall and you have a flaming sword, tactics mean nothing, you dive in headfirst like a bulldozer, slicing open chest cavities and searing the wound shut the instant its open. I’m pretty much a doctor. I don’t care if you’re Richard Simmons himself, melee weapons are never the ideal weapon to use against Mirelurks. The Flamer though, that’s an effective weapon. Stomping on all the little eggs to kill the babies before they’re born was unpleasant, uninteresting, and unrelentingly boring. But after enough silent screams, the Mama Mirelurk woke up and tried her hardest to defend her children. She killed me. And now things get weird. I don’t know why, but my death now crashes the game. My corpse shatters inter-dimensional barriers and everything collapses in on itself. Killing the Queen longer than I think it ever has, which was weird considering everything going on. I’m talking several minutes here, several more than I would’ve liked. Every second matters. But the day was won in the name of me, I powered up the radio transmitter, spoke to Preston, and got back to work helping Settlements. Someone’s wife had been kidnapped by a bunch of amateurs. I legitimately felt like a God running through The Fens. It was great. The Raiders inside Back Street Apparel were butchered with care, I accidentally stole someone from the kidnapped woman, she got mad, stood up, freed herself, and tried to kill me. I went there to free her and she is now free of her Earthly shackles. I’m a good person, trust me. On my way back to Preston I found and battled a Legendary Enemy for the first time, got nothing worth while from it, and Preston had settled himself at this place. Then I accidentally asked him to come along with me and had a hell of a time getting him to leave me alone. My objective was now to help settlements. Preston wouldn’t give me a new mission after I failed the last one. Luckily, I still had one in the backlog. Fun fact: I now tower above Drumlin Diner. Mole rats died, I barely managed to set up the beacon, Preston gave me a new mission, and I went to help the Settlers at Greentop Nursery. I couldn’t talk to the guy in the house, he was too puny and tiny. Once I did talk to him, he sent me to Dunwich Borers to clear out the Raiders there. And goodness me, did those Raiders fuck me up. I died, crashing the game, a couple times. Looting the corpses of fallen foes is now mostly off the menu, reaching dead bodies from way up here is difficult. Eventually I realized that I did’t have time to kill all the Raiders outside, they weren’t my target anyway, so I ran inside and began my slaughter anew. This being an excavation site played to my favor, ceiling tiles were temporarily relieved of their duty of being my mortal enemy. Bedlam took his fair share of whacks to dead, I upped my size to 2.6, left, told the Settler of my job well done, got a new job from Preston, and went to clear Hangman’s Alley. Easy peasy. I could practically hit everyone without moving. And I was almost as tall as the Beacon when I was crouching. Preston was delighted. That bothered me. I led a Super Mutant Sucider to Preston and let them embrace. Now I’m almost flying across the map. Scutter in Hyde Park put up a fair fight, I tried in vain to get a cool shot of me leaping towards one of the vertibirds to showcase my height, had more size related problems trying to tell the settlers of a job well done, Preston was unfortunately still alive, and I was off to clear the Taffington Boathouse. At 2.7x normal size, I was able to take out the bloodbugs on the 2nd floor without even going inside the house. Another beacon, who gives a shit, more Preston, lame, Nordhagen Beach was next. Things are starting to get interesting now. I died again at the race tracks. Size don’t matter to an Assaultron. My target was ripped from this world, quest complete, back to Preston, on to County Crossing. They sent me across the world to secure Sunshine Tidings Co-op. I had to clear out all the radroaches, ghouls, and stuff. Not a problem by any stretch of the imagination. What was a problem was constructing the Beacon. I lacked the supplies and scrapping everything in sight didn’t give me what I needed. Then the quest completed, I didn’t have to build the beacon, I just had to secure the area. I’m up to 2.8 now. Happy peasants, great. The Finch Farm Folk sent me to the National Guard Training Yard to clear out ghouls. I took out the roof-mounted turrets with my feet firmly planted on the ground. Inside… yeah… I was inside alright. The ghouls died, I had the key, and had to get passed this locked door. But, I could not reach the terminal to open the door, even when crouched. This was the beginning of the end. I temporarily reduced my size just to make sure that it was a height issue and not an issue of the game being weird. I was right, I was too big, and there was nothing I could do about it. For a moment I thought about using Power Armor to glitch myself through the fence. Once I got the power armor, though, I discovered that with the height added by the power armor, I couldn’t get low enough to open the door to the National Guard Building. This quest was done. I immediately went to the Cambridge Police Station to see if I could go down the Brotherhood quest-line instead. Halfway to Arcjet it hit me that I could just kill the Finch’s, fail the quest, and get a new one. I did exactly that, I killed Father Finch with Father Finch’s Father’s flaming sword, got a new quest, went to Revere Beach Station to kill some raiders, killed them, and couldn’t reach the door to get inside the subway station where the remaining Raiders were. Another failure. I tried one more Minutemen quest: clear out Outpost Zimonja. I did it. The Raiders were 100% dead and I couldn’t reach the workbench to build the beacon. I’d reached an impasse in the Minutemen quest-line. I reloaded a save to get back to Paladin Danse, still the same size, 2.8 or 2.9 maybe. The two of us got into Arcjet, I blindly recovered a password and hacked open a locked door. Danse took care of the turrets in our way, and we went down into the engine core. Almost. Again, I could not reach the door. This quest was another bust. As I stood there, staring into the infinite void, it hit me that I could not proceed. The Institute is hates me, the Minutemen quests can’t be completed, I can’t get up to the Prydwen without first getting the Deep Range Transmitter within Arcjet, which I can’t do because I can’t get into the Engine Core. To get back to the Railroad and continue their story I’d have to enter the door in the basement of the Old North Church, which I also couldn’t do. My scale was set to 3.0, I was 3 times bigger than you’re supposed to be, and it is at this point that the game breaks, and progress is stopped in its tracks. This challenge was a one-shot sorta deal. Constantly going back to older saves and setting my size to whatever it should be at that instance would defeat the purpose of this challenge. So. I cannot beat Fallout 4 as Andre the Giant. Can it be done? Sure. You’d have to go about as quickly as you can, doing nothing on the side, only main quests that contributed towards getting you closer to the end of the game.
Channel: Mitten Squad
Views: 3,075,339
Rating: 4.9051995 out of 5
Keywords: Can You Beat Fallout 4 As Andre The Giant, Can You Beat Fallout 4 As A Giant, can you, can you beat, can you beat fallout, can you beat fallout 4, can you beat fallout 4 with, can you beat fallout 4 without, can you beat fallout 4 as, fallout, fallout 4, andre the giant, fallout as a giant, fallout 4 gameplay, mittensquad, mitten squad, can you beat mitten squad, can, you, beat, as, andre, the, giant
Id: lbVoPZBYucc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 50sec (1550 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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