Can You Beat Elden Ring's Convergence Mod ONLY Using a BOW?

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all right today we're going to be playing through Elden Rings convergence mod but we are going to be choosing the Marksman class I did say I would attempt a bow class so we will be doing just that choosing the enchanted Remnant as always and let's hop into it it has been snowing recently in Canada land and I am not ready for the winter it gets too cold all right so we spawn in limb grave uh bottom lower limb grave so the sets for the Marksman are the page set which is in the Shaded castle and the high page set in Lindell as for weapons there's Commander standards gizz's wheel gargoyle great ax black blades O's great swword ravers zachi pomx twin blades composite bow pulley bow and great bow now we have showcased a majority of these weapons in our other videos so we're going to be leaning more towards the bow side of things composite bow is in the tower of return the pulley bow is west of f melt gmir campsite and the great bow is in the Highway lookout tower in Altus all right we do spawn with 90 arrows 50 fire arrows with a short sword and a shield our armor gives us strength and decks and increases bow range by a percentage which is huge we we'll gladly take that and we will have to see how Boe is cuz I I haven't really played around with Boeing in Elden ring as it just seemed inferior to every other method of attacking so we will give it a shot and find out today so we are going to go collect all of our golden seed sacred teers and not and then we'll be back to continue our journey and I just realized that our composite bow is our starting bow so we won't have to uh worry about picking that one up so just the pulley bow and the great bow and we'll get to play around with different AR different arot types that'll be cool all right considering we have to head over to Altus for the other two bows we are going to take out this Earth tree Avatar and test out our bow let's see how this bow does so I think it's this one for the fire arrow yep fire okay 220 Is Not Great not horrible though and then how about our uh regular arrows okay so 127 oh we're getting backstabbed all right let's test out this thing yeah get get ruined test out this ash of War here 216 for a r shot uh we'll try out another uh fire I didn't realize that you could just like you shoot through your Ash of War so you can make every shot a mighty shot which is really nice we're definitely going to have to play into the elements throughout this we'll have to play Pander towards the enemy's weaknesses but uh surprisingly decent cuz I'm assuming you can upgrade these for base damage is actually really good I'm just not sure how many arrows we can hold they assume that's going to be a limited resource of like 99 so that'll make this a little interesting bpop shot him shot him shot him shot him I like the Running Animation cuz you uh get a quick shot off sure it's not a huge amount of damage but it's really nice to have that option shot him not like this yep shoot him there we go got him all right that used quite a bit of our arrows I'm assuming we can just get them at any sort of shop but uh let's go grab the other bows and compare them statistically as well as uh see what Ash Wars they got excuse me sir I need uh into this there's a great bow it has the ash of War through and through and just does way more damage but it requires 20 strength all right let's go grab that other bow there it is Boom the pulley bow which is just a regular bow so there great bow bow and light bow we can wield it it is more damage we'll throw it on and it also just has Mighty shot all right uh we'll go cheese kns calve and then we'll start just fighting bosses I think there we go nice and easy all right we'll level up our strength twice more cuz that'll give us 20 strength which means we could wield the great bow all right let's stop into Cal which does have regular arrows so we'll buy we'll buy 99 regular arrows and we're going to give this guy a visit because he has serpent bone arrows which give the deadly poison effect so we'll buy 99 of these this guy has fire arrows so we'll we'll stock up on these as well I think we'll just buy 50 of these we're basically just going on an arrow hunt and then I think after we get our arrows we go grab one of the armor sets and then take on bosses I think that is the game plan all right we are going to grab the page set from the Shaded Castle I am not 100% sure where this armor set is going to be cuz I don't think in base game it has a dedicated spot I'm pretty sure it's just like a a grindable armor set from uh the page enemies oh there we go the page set all right that was nice and easy all right so the armor is actually a little worse defensively on the physical side side but it's better in the elemental side and it brings strength and deck up by two increases bow range by 5% and it increases bow damage all right so the bow damage is where it stands out I actually want to test to see if I can give gra poison through arrows I'm assuming I can because those runes would be really good for uh Vigor so we don't just instantly die so I'll sit here and find out okay ra now has poison after about like 11 12 shots we'll see how much damage this does and then do some mental math and see if we can actually slay Grail here all right so it did around 22,000 damage it's going to be close I might as well try it and see how it goes there we go Dragon down this deadly poison is uh really good so it'll definitely be carrying us for a little bit here all right so we want our bigger up to 30 um what does our weapon scale off of strength and decks both all right so we'll get these up to 1919 all right uh and we will want physical damage negation we'll take strength and decks by three and we'll throw on the classic Green Turtle Talisman and just get a nice heal there as well as a strength deck here and I think I think we're chilling and uh we'll take on marget all right let's stock back up on our serpent arrows quick little pit stop to upgrade this bad boy plus two but it's not seeming like they added anything new for the bows in particular seems like everything that is in convergence is in the base game but I've always wanted to do a bow only anyways so this this uh this works out I think lock on is infinitely better than the this aiming stuff Dodge and weave all right 263 not bad oh we actually clipped him there all right let's gain some distance so we can go for the ash which just does some nice damage all right he has the poison on so now that he has poison we're just going to be shooting with the regular arrows go for the ash Bop good damage shot him shot him shot him and I realized that uh that like run quick shot is only a part of the the light bows which does make sense but disappointing that's fine we'll uh we'll take him out either way shot him his Poison's putting in the work maybe I add a rule to where I can't use the same element twice so I feel like I feel like Poison's kind of too good a that would have been a sick shot to hit Poison's about to run out we'll try to reapply it here but I think he'll die before we get the proc off if I had to guess and rip marget lik in the pulley bow all right so serpent arrows are gone so now we'll use fire arrows and I think regular arrows will always be a fallback just because I feel like later in the game we're just going to run out of stack of arrows like we might end up having to pull out crossbows just so we can get all four slots I'm not 100% sure on how many aot types there are that could be a possibility although highly unlikely that we would need four stacks of arrows to to kill a boss yoink and we're immediately crafting that into into the arrow sting Talisman which increases effect range of bows and the Damage so now be doing some big boy damage and let's head over to God of Ricks all right hello godrick all right fire is actually doing some good damage 300 per and he deflects With the Wind n that's crazy they thought of it all all right let's try the ash 600 damage we we double it we just can't get caught in the freaking the wind what if it deflects back and just shoots me I ain't trying to get shot by this oh great camera angle shot him who shot him okay he's going for this attack oh he's moving too much come on we got to get more accurate than that how are we supposed to kill all them guys if we can't hit a shot shot him one thing we are going to need to invest in is endurance cuz these shots take up so much that almost hit me okay we got a little facee shift so now we're going to be doing no types of damage but we'll get our get our chip in all right I think we just run backwards here usually I'm running forwards but not worth oh okay I'll fire fire back nice we're catching him on everything right now he's not moving a lot uh-oh okay oh God okay just run oh we're going to get caught oh yeah we're faster than the than the Flames shot him shot him oh we're doing doing so much damage I honestly thought that was close thought this would be harder but these fire arrows are putting in the work shot him yeah you can't roll away from me the oh oh we connected that I swear I missed shot him shot him we're getting low on arrows but we definitely have enough as long as we don't like whiff horribly and start shooting in the void I think we uh we got this in the bag and it is over RP this stuff surprisingly strong and there we go the first Keystone of the forge we take those all right now we got to figure out what the next arot type is going to be I think we're going to end up crafting the next one so we will go grind out some Thin Beast bones what are fletched arrows do they just do more damage the Fletching adds distance oh okay but I don't think we need flut I think we can go for rot bone arrows blood bone arrows seem fine as well cold bone all these arrows seem pretty easy enough to craft all right so we're going to take out these uh we're going to take out these little goats cuz they do drop our thin Beast bones so we'll need we'll be here a lot cuz we're going to need so many of these thin Beast bones so yeah we'll go grind a bunch and uh and we'll be back whenever I decide what Arrow type we are going to use next all right I think we just craft some lightning bone arrows and use those next that was convenient already having the the stuff for it let's head over to Ron all right so for Doc we're going to try out this massive bow which is the Golem great bow I'm assuming this thing takes forever to fire off we're to try it out oh hello charge it up B now you really have to be posted up to let off a shot so I don't think it's great for this guy we're still going to give it a attempt let's try out the ash of War NOP he canel me yeah these these take too long to fire for this guy I mean that did sound pretty strong we'll try this on Ron when he's running at us cuz I feel like that'll be better for that so we're going to go back to the pulley bow and the lightning bone arrows I realize they were that slow to shoot 200 nothing nothing crazy but uh some good good Chip Shot him shot him shot him all right let's charge up one of these Oh shot him oh that's not uh what I intended there shot him I'll charge one up shot him okay 500 on a charge 500 per Ash of War shot isn't crazy good just cuz regular shots are doing pretty well over half of that shot him shot him shot him it's actually working out a lot better than I expected especially in this like Close Quarters fight like the opportunities to get a full shot off is plentiful I would I expect it to be a lot more pressured and have a lot less opportunities to uh to get some shots off he can't even touch us yeah get out of here fraud all right we'll throw the uh the great bow back on all right let's try out this uh great bow on Ron all right Ron let's do this all right you you get you get to take a shot all right now it's my turn no no weon I I said it's it's my turn I'm supposed to take the shot now no we're Dawn all right let me uh hold on I need to hold on I need to set this up Let it off that almost reached him that's crazy the range all right we're done let me uh attempt to get this shot off 500 isn't bad and it hit him from here like we can just have a bow off I mean I think I'd lose in the long run but we could have a bow all right well that's cool um good to know how these work they put you stationary for a bit as you have to sit here and charge it up but they're they're not bad but I think we're just going to Suicide to redon and then uh go grab another aot type cuz I feel like in the long run of things like this isn't super viable so we just allow Ron to take us out here thank you sir give me these butterflies now we will craft some raw arrows and let's go finish off Ron can we shoot on horse hold on this might become a lot easier oh my God we can just shoot on horse so I can just like run and then just let off a shot and just keep moving oh this fight's already over how can Ron fight against against horse horse and rot give me that rot proc oh there we go ask and you shall receive all right I'm just going to go check out your Arena Ron you can sort of chill wherever you're you're staying I'm just going to go do some uh some exploring like look at that uh that pirate ship over there at about half we just been uh taking our dog for a walk around the ginormous Arena okay that didn't reach me and the rot has ran out so that means he's going to turn into Meteor Man all right and then we'll just immediately start bow spamming oh he still has rot okay oh no it it was gone instantly all right we're going to Bow spam him here try to give him rot here uh yeah do the no do the attack where you're picking up your meteors yeah this one so I can get some shots in nice ah oh gosh oh we just got murdered cuz I now I now realized my mistake I was getting way too close don't need to get close to him you can just sit here it's all about positioning and stamina management so we take a shot here keep moving pop this take another one make sure to to dodge these let off another shot oh okay and another one that could have gone a lot worse take off another shot and just keep moving oh he's firing the meteors here so we got to be very careful okay that one missed um ow no we got to go no oh gosh we got out of there on one HP I I expected to just die honestly again get a couple shots off here oh he has ra oh it's over it's so over oh we just got to move oh get out of there oh no oh gosh spare me okay he missed good night R Dawn it was nice knowing you boom got him and there is the second Keystone of the forge let's strengthen up our bow to plus plus seven it's pretty good and we'll head over to morgot and hopefully we can find the high page set somewhere in Lindell that would be very nice to upgrade our armor there's also a bow that I know is in here that I want to grab it's the the UR tree great bow I believe give me this there's the Earth tree bow that I wanted to check out it needs 14 faith and does holy damage that's definitely something we can spec towards now where would they be hiding the armor set that's what I'm trying to figure out oh there it is there's the hide page stuff all right we'll check it out once I'm somewhere safe okay so it's very much the same like statistically oh it's is it the exact same here as well okay so they both give this the same stuff and I guess this one looks cooler all right let's go grab some materials for arrows and then take on sigure yeah give me some of these blood roses so then I can craft the blood bone arrows which we will be using in our next fight so we'll see how this is doing against sigure all right sigure let's give you some bleed my friend it's doing some solid Dam uhoh okay I just got dominated yeah leave me alone boom boom be very careful for his freaking swing around stuff hopefully we can get some bleed procs though I think that would be huge in this fight oh immediately got the bleed proc I did a solid 1,500 shot him uh risky shot him we went for it and it paid off shot him shot got him all right let's use the wall to our advantage oh gosh oh no oh yeah I knew I shouldn't have uh no sir uh-oh oh that connect oh that does so much damage if we can get Mighty shots off holy shot him into a bleed he didn't know what to do he sort of stood there dumbfounded that he's really getting bow spammed out here shot him oh gosh this is risky okay he's one shot uh we're good we're all good got them bow seems kind of kind of good they can't stop me especially with these Elemental arrows they're so good next we'll go for the cold bone arrows I kind of need this give it to me give it to me give it to me hey no give it to me you freaking there we go rimmed Crystal buds it's all I needed all right now let's give morgot a try Okay so the damage seems to be consistent with the elemental arrows the only thing changing is you know the the element part of the arrows but they generally seem to have the same base damage shot him he's a little bit harder to shoot just because he moves so much dude he's moving so much oh we get a frost proc there now we're doing you know a light 470 like close to 5 100 gladly take that really got to work on my timings for these shots okay we're doing uh oh oh that was so good oh I made such a mistake so I'm so glad that worked all right let's get some light shots and out all right let's attempt one of these ooh 675 those will probably go so hard when uh frostbite REO okay wow we actually get out of that hey he just just jumped it what a je nope shot him oh I couldn't get it off I got chop sticked hopefully we can get another dude at this point like what every crit or every uh proc I have called dude this is crazy all right let's try to go for a never mind my fault I want to try to go for a Charged one while he's frosted okay that's fine 810 that's sick I did not not mean to get caught by that but it doesn't do nearly enough damage to matter oh okay I almost capped there and just got almost got dropped charge one up here oh he almost dodged it shot him chill all right we can finish him here yep there we go nice nice nice and easy Bow's going crazy maybe next fight I'll I'll try to just like aim myself ooh nice all right we are going to craft poyson poison bone arrows I don't know what you're thinking didn't we already do poison those were serpent bone arrows which is deadly poison and this is normal poison technically they're different we are going to use these bad boys on the fire giant all right Mr fire giant be nice to me I uh I know I'm here to poison you how about you don't burn me to death that would be uh ideal 650 for a nice little shot let's go for for the mighty shot 1,00 per shot is pretty sick okay we break the ankle rather quickly shot him 2K now wow wait do we have do we have reach like that oh yeah we do although it's doing significantly less damage does it is that how it works like less damage the farther it goes oh I didn't even see that coming oh he does have poison it's just so bad that it's slowly ticking him all right let's uh let's go for some shots oh my gosh gotot him oh God I can't see anything all right uh freck that scrap that idea okay we just reapplied poison okay he's doing with this this attack so I can get some regular shots off preserve my poison arrows until his poison Runs Out get some good damage in on the ankles shot him dude this does so much shot him shot him oh base shift charge it up and we don't have to get near them hands oh we got to reapply poison and I think we just stick nice and close get oh my gosh that did so much damage um get some nice shots in here just trying to proc poison again oh let's trigger both of these okay I didn't want to get caught there all right I need to make make my way over this phase will be a little bit harder as he does love to move and our damage gets lower the more he moves away oh we just flopped over we'll take it three shots oh gosh okay back up not getting cooked not today it came back you haven't got any luck with reing poison here so it's been it's been painful and he's he's moving dude he's he's finessing all my shots okay chill some nice light shots in here just Bonk them on the forehead oh right in the eye oh we take those extra damage okay we got poison again so we don't have to be as aggressive as we are running out of our poison arrows down to 15 now realistically we just have to play distance uh make sure we trigger this so it can't sneak up on us I wanted to trigger the other one as well nice and now we can just play distance get some nice shots off whenever he does anything we just back up cuz as long as we're doing a little bit of damage it's all that matters cuz poison got me and we finish him off there nice all right we can get our Viger up and I think now we have enough faith for the UR Tre bow cuz I want to use that one when we use the holy arrows just having the holy damage stacked up all right we have gathered a bunch of fire fireflies because the next Arrow we're going to be using is the magic bone arrow all right let's head up to faram aula to head over to Malik and most likely Puda AXS as well give me this allowing us to head over to this portal here and head over to faram we'll go down the plutax route so we'll take on fortox with the magic arrows there she is and we can just aim right oh okay we got to be hitting those oh no her movement's too nice oh gosh we've hit nothing so far maybe I need to get under her directly yeah cuz we need those head shot 400 a hit is oh 800 there that was a direct head shot okay you got to be careful oh yeah look at the 800 damage oh eat it up it's just risky because there's no guarantee that we're going to hit her face when she moves so much I mean body shots aren't bad either still like 400 a hit it's not that 800 you know it's not hitting the same nice good 1K there oh come on oh connect oh we shot too low wait maybe maybe I'm better than the AI hold on come on I'm yeah aim forward into the the Walkin uhoh that was actually working hold on oh no I don't like this okay we're fine okay maybe I am no better than an AI uh-oh that's fire I got this okay nice no no come on I'm trying to oh hello there got a nice little chin shot I'm trying to accommodate for her sway nice oh the neck counts for crits oh it's over oh no ah just shoot up just shoot up and got her okay oh that was a fun fight that one was the most challenging so far which which made it enjoyable it it felt like this has been too easy all right we're going to be using the holy Arrows with the Holy bow next we just got to go grab some flowers give me sunflower yeah there we go craft our Arrow and then we're going to try to upgrade the her tree bow boom boom all right we need to head over to EG boom boom all right plus four not amazing but we'll make it work and let's head over to placa saac and see how this one goes I I'm kind of worried this one seems like it's going to be bad I wonder if I can just sit here and okay it does connect but it does no damage no types of damage so we can not rely on that oh gosh this isn't doing any types of damage period got to get even closer 300 this is uh this is looking like the first boss where I'm going to run out of my Elemental arrows on especially because we have to sort of play distance on attacks like these forcing a damage drop off that we necessarily don't want yeah it's better to uh have the damage drop off than get absolutely owned at least it's consistent 342 how's uh mighty shots looking 500 that's pretty good shot him okay it's nuke and time we're just going to we're going to get out of here yeah we're definitely running out of our Elemental arrows we're already down 30 arrows and his HP bar barely moved does heads do bonus damage for these guys for this guy okay uh well whenever Lightning's done we'll we'll test it out all right uh hit him in the face let's hit him in the face okay no there was like barely any extra damage it seemed like like it is extra damage but it's not worth it for how many arrows I had to miss to connect that because you can't lock onto his head you got to manual aim it and uh your boy is not a not a bow aimer I mean I like this when he's just going to sit here I don't like lightning but when you just sort of looks at me kind of kind of nice okay he going up for the first time I wonder if arrows can oh my gosh can Poise break if you had to see that happen I imagine it would take a lot of shots oh gosh all right let's not get nuked oh he's taking off again is this lasers yeah it is cuz there lightning he's so high for to to be doing this like his HP is so high am I am I just wrong no I am just wrong all right I was going to say it he seems to be at that way too high health for that but uh yeah I guess he can do his fly on lightning and it not be lasers oh oh no okay we we make those okay he misses this is huge he's on around half now yeah we're definitely running out of holy arrows we only have 30 left but they are putting in the work oh my God he he doesn't stop just keeps lunging at us only 10 holy arrows left so we're we're definitely running out here but it will get them nice and low oh I shouldn't have went for that shot oh gosh okay we're fine yeah I'm going to assume we can't Poise break with arrows cuz I feel like this would be the fight where we we we would see it unless we need like so many arrows all right we are out of holy arrows we'll have to uh use our regular arrows oh they're doing nothing gosh we have to do the mighty shots for every single shot for it to get our for us to get the value out of the arrows all right this time it's it's lasers right this yeah there it is just just keep sprinting just keep running yeah we'll definitely have to uh mighty shot every single shot which is kind of unfortunate but it is what it is I think because we're done using holy arrows we'll switch off of our holy bow yeah holy as expected underwhelming but still did some good damage ooh 1K we got a head shot there oh give me more of those yeah oh oh two back to back that's huge okay 600 on just the fully charged all right yeah this bow is definitely just just carrying us compared to the other one let's just do a a light shot yeah 400 I think ours were only doing like 200 we're going for it we're going for the head shot oh he's too move he he's too smooth with it he's moving too much shot him oh big head shot, 1300 shot him oh this ain't good okay we're fine we're chilling nice little TAPS in there cuz he's going to keep lunging at us might as well take the advantage get these hits in okay he's doing it seems like he's setting up lasers again yep there it is hopefully we don't choke this one nice got the roll now just keep running we have enough stamina all right this is good this is fine he's taking off again holy dude we're so close oh yeah we had to get out of there just shoot through the paint oh it's 600 there oh we can finish him right here oh no I need stamina please uh-oh shoot oh we missed okay it's over ow it is over okay we connected the shot as we got hit another one bites the dust and there is the third Keystone of the forge this whole Arrow experience like this bow stuff has been fun I'm not sure if they've buffed bows or this is how they always are if this is how they always are the bows are just really good we've been doing some crazy damage I think the next type of arrows we're going to try is the storm wi arrows they seem to do more physical damage so we just need to kill some Storm Hawks all right so we just got to take out a couple of these guys which shouldn't be too bad oh yeah they die in one okay so we have to farm them until we get some feathers oh we finally have our first one there it is we need quite a few more so this is going to take a minute all right we got our arrows and let's head over to SRA all right before we take on the boss we are going to level up our bow to maximize damage boom all right I can go purchase the other smithing stone that I need to get to plus 9 there we go all right let's hop into it hello SRA so let's see how these bad boys are doing 580 for regular hits is pretty dang good although I don't see us being able to get Mighty shot off dude I love the freaking wind around it yeah I don't think we'll be in a position to get off Mighty shot just because she's so aggressive even some of our regular shots are missing just cuz our movement's so good okay I think this would be the only time we could get this off okay we connects 1400 right to the face too getting them head shot in for 700o shot him this is how this fight's going to go we're just going to be king the whole time oh the bow is so nice shot him shot him oh a Poise break oh so we can get him but uh that doesn't really help us as we can't uh capitalize on a on a repost or anything of the nature if we get another Poise break we can use it to get in Mighty shot oh speaking of get one in 900 uh-oh nice oh he double down okay we're we're chill oh wow we actually just like went under their legs there that was kind of sick oh come on finish her shot her and oh [ __ ] dodged no no uh-oh hit the shot got her okay I was risking it there storm wing bone arrows pretty good let us grab this so we can maximize our bow although I think we might have to switch bows at this point we're running out of Arrow type besides like sleep arrows we've done use them all basically like we can get these but the base damage on them is the same as a regular Arrow so I'm thinking we might have to pick up like a crossbow yeah actually I like the sound sound of that let's uh go grab the pulley crossbow and it should be right here there is the pulley crossbow now what does this require okay we already have everything so we'll go upgrade this and see how crossbows do let's see how far okay I need the Bell bearing number two Let Us max out this crossbow there we go black keyable causes rot and then we have perfumers okay how do we get these all right so we picked up a couple bolts we'll throw them on as well as crafting just regular bolts for our backup and we'll see how this goes we'll just go directly into malath curious to see how the black key bolt and the perfumer bolt do as they are both pickup only bolts they cannot be purchased at a shop they cannot be crafted you can only find them or grind for them and because we've already found some might as well test them out and get a feel for the crossbow so how does this shoot is it the same oh it shoots three at a time I mean that makes sense because they the enemies be doing that I just walked off W I'm surprised I hit the bottle so based off of that I'm going to assume we're going to need to craft some bolts ourselves and these don't be doing a lot of damage I like that it's nice and quick I think that's the the tradeoff it's very fast oh he has raw okay let's hit him with the perfumer stuff nice it does maybe damage but it's very quick to fire off and rapid fire all right we want to throw on our regular bolts now and we're just sort of going to be annoying to him this thing's so fast I can reload it in between Dodges and be fine this is this is kind of funny I don't know how long the this rot will last on the the black key bolts but it's looking like quite a bit I just don't think we have enough arrows to do this even with the rot this will be the part where we need multiple aot types to uh take him out okay we got a phase shift does the rot transfer over it does not that's not great for us oh and we miss all those oh we're so doomed oh and he moves so much oh this is so bad for me yeah we lost just based off of that I know we lost DOD by him or not my fault I shoot we're a tank but it do not matter we dead got to go grab some materials and craft some more bolts so I'm leaning towards rot bolts they just seem good rot is always good so I think we're going to just go grab some Butterflies from this cave and uh craft those oh there's a serpent bow I totally forgot about that look at all these butterflies all right so we will craft rot bone arrows let's go give malath another try all right we are back to malath and we got to reive him rots okay he does damage and we got to make sure we're close so all the shots connect cuz we are limited on our arrows as the first go around didn't go so well get nice and close paow now we just have to play the dodging game which shouldn't be too bad uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh yeah I'm just going to just going to start running away and use the pillars to our advantage here okay get some I missed all those shots rots putting in the work head empty no think just let the rot do everything ah that was really bad I couldn't lock on oh no that's going to cost me okay we're chill I think the Rod's going to run out soon and it just ran out okay so now we have to try to reapply it with our last 30 bolts and then hope it's enough get these shots in oh how' you miss you're Point Blank oh no oh no okay he didn't get the follow up right away oh I'm so dead ah all right we just need to give him RW one more time to finish him off but he's not going to make this easy for us we just got to hope that all of our shots connect and that we can give him rot rather quickly oh nice oh we'll take those Oh's actually playing Super passive right now yeah allowing me to get a lot of shots in that worked out super well for us oh we're going to get hit here yep oh only once we'll take it oh the pillar huge wow I think it's over I don't think malakith can come back after throwing like that if he just played aggressive he won I don't know why I'm cheering for him to be clear I wanted to win he made it so much easier this time PE it's over good night malth yeah regular bows infinitely better than the crossbow damage wise all right now we can head through the portal I think we go for the blood arrows for this guy we'll buy blood arrows we'll also get we'll also put some firebone arrows on cuz I have a feeling that this guy is going to need more than one stack oh this is going to be so hard I forgot about his dang Shield a this is going to stink let's get our shots in while we can boys I missed all of them oh he's already teleporting oh and there's that shield and he blocks all three I was hoping maybe uh it would just be like a one and done all right we found our first opportunity to get some shots off yeah he's not going to make this one easy for me nice PE Pew so we have to be close bait out attacks uh not choke our dodging and then once we get the opportunity to just lay into them we just had to hope that the procs are enough ow nice dude this is we're going to run out of arrows I already know cuz we have to bait out we we can just go for shots whenever okay we got some there give me an opening thank you dude he he's too quick with it okay nice can we get another one in yes we can oh sweet we'll take the damage we're already at 40 arrows no procs he's looking like a little bit of a porcupine though boom boom boom no procs is crazy okay so we ran out of the blood Arrows with zero procs these ones do some more damage but I don't think it's enough it's definitely not enough all right I think we got to pull out the other bow again so we're just going to not give him the satisfaction of murdering us and jumping off cuz there's one aerot type we haven't used yet for the pulley bow and that is the Sleep arrows which we will be using and we're just going to hope that it works but regardless I feel like these arrows will just be doing more damage and won't be consuming as much cuz three arrows for 200 damage is is pitiful so we'll go out here grab some grab the resources we need and then uh then we'll give it another go and maybe we'll have to use some of those funky arrows like the rainbow arrows Etc all right we have the Sleep bone arrows what do we need for these Rune fragments yeah we'll craft them all right we got to Hope sleep is enough all right we're back ah 400 for a light shot that's better than what that's already better for the cost of three arrows on the crossbow just the opportunities to shoot are a lot less actually I think it'll be about the same how long can we hold this for can we wait for him to do that I mean we're going to be taking damage but honestly might be worth it just depends what he what he wants to do cuz we can have this standoff shot him all right I think we have to I think we just have to bait out his uh sword shot attack that's the most consistent damage or one of those like yeah we Dodge this go through that and then we can get a hit off I wonder if we can oh wow that timing was so lucky I'll take it cuz I was forced to let go there it wasn't like a a me being good moment oh he's sleep he's sleep let's get the big shot in oh you got to be kidding oh 300 through Shield hold on hold on did I read that right oh I mean I'll take this 500 yeah feels good real damage shot him oh we got the sleep we can get a big shot off here boom knock him over get the heal off we'll charge up another one cuz even if Shield oh we missed I I was going to say even if he Shields it he still takes a decent chunk who's going to give up first oh nice shot him he's giving me all this free damage ah good block shot him this phase is actually much easier to deal with like these attacks are much more punishable with this bow all right charge it up oh we get that off oh I mean that's fine shot him oh he sleep charge it up knock him down oh he lived it knock him down he's getting sturdy now the past two times he just got knocked over shot him oh uhoh not like this okay we're getting these lucky Dodges shot him oh we missed shot him we're so close I think we I think we can solo sleep arrows here six more shots uh never mind not if we keep shooting like that four more shots H three uh-oh shot him I have one bow shot I want to preserve the the damage types okay okay we got this we got this hit him okay let's go we can still use the uh the rain rainbow Stone arrows because I didn't use them in that fight which is huge cuz the other bow type stinks that crossbow horrible I think I use the crossbow for this fight though and preserve uh the rest of our Arrow damage types for the final boss first stop for arrows is this guy we are going to buy out his explosive bolts get a nice little h then we will be collecting poison Bloom to get some poison bone bolts give me these poison blooms all right we should have enough poison arrows and we're going to hope that this is enough all right so first we're going to attempt to give poison oh wow this is doing a lot more damage already oh and I missed everything immediately after saying that okay he has poison so now we start hitting him with the explosions uh it looks so much cooler than uh like the small amount of damage it's doing and yeah yeah I think that's their Strat is just uh wither him down with poison get my shots in when I can and pray it's enough especially cuz we still have hu and that guy uh that's not going to go as smoothly and maybe we can poison hu it won't be horrible it's actually going surprisingly well okay he's going to do this so we can pot up getting our shots in wow poison lasted for quite a bit oh that's not good oh wow okay yeah we might be fine then if poison did that much if it Crocs as easily as it did the first time oh I a Poise break to get that damage in yeah I just got a hope poison carries me cuz we're already about to be running out of these explosive bolts and we're not even at half oh I overestimated the power of these I we're getting some nice damage in we got the poison right away poison seems to proc super quickly which is really good we just can't be missing like that and we can't get GPT I mean this makes this fight really easy is it a kite a okay we eat those for breakfast hold on all right and we're about to be out of the explosive bolts yep it's down to the poison arrows so I'm just going to hold on until uh poison runs out okay he is uh poison free so now we got to get that re I think I'll need two more poison procs to to finish him off so hopefully we don't miss right now it's not looking good this is good though yeah that's the problem with this like your three shots can just miss and you're down so much ammo okay we're good it procs super quick like I only connected like maybe seven eight arrows and he has poison all right it did around 7K so yeah we just need another poison proc and it's over got to get oh don't choke hold on Curtis no no no no nice good damage we might just kill him straight out and I think it's highly unlikely as Poison's probably going to prop before then oh there it is but we were doing some some good damage to his tiny HP bar oh he's dead nice now we have to freaking gather up every single type of arrow that I haven't used cuz I'd rather be overprepared than struggle for regular arrows I think the only one is would be shatter Shard and rainbow so we'll grab these all right first stop into this tunnel to grab all this cracked Crystal that will allow us to craft the shatter Shard arrows all right that's the last of these aot types all right let's finish this okay let's hope this D damage is good glose oh he deflects oh but I am enjoying that he is super visible right now shot him oh they all have different colors I'm like RGB him looking like my computer all right we just have to do what we did with Scar and just really learn what opportunities will allow us to get a full shot off without getting punished for it like that probably shouldn't ever do I just got really lucky this we can get a shot off I think rainbow arrows alone will be able to kill him hard to tell I mean we're doing great damage though got to be careful about those deflects shot him shot him dude he just Waits For It shot him shot him oh wow we can shoot him up in the air like that very nice oh this TP stuff's going to be annoying he's going to totally Juke us out oh we're going for a big shot here oh 670 honestly I think two regular shots would have been just better Mighty shot doesn't seem to do the same him I think it might be doing piercing damage and because he's like not wearing armor maybe I don't know shot him he's playing so passively right now he's just deflecting my arrows there we go oh we got some green looking like the Hulk I wonder what decides what color comes out is it just like a Time thing it's super cool nonetheless okay nice shot him shot him oh we get quick shots if we jump shot shot himz that shoots a lot quicker doing a little bit less damage but look how fast that's firing learning new bow Tech at final boss shot him we got to do trick shots ow this isn't the Run by the way just cuz we have four pots and we still got a whole freaking Elden beast but I am learning jot him okay we're getting there I this is like attempt five or six something like that been at it for a little bit oh that hurts so much but I've sort of learned how to deal with it so you want to hold onto your shot until he goes to attack and then punish it so I just sit here and I wait till he moves and then I can let that off oh that didn't work out well but he used a punishable attack dude he's done that three times now oh I got caught this time okay we got a shot off at least we're so low on healing dude this this final fight oh we're so close but then we still got big boy with all this freaking Tom foery oh he's not giving me the the time of day allow me to shoot yes oh we got the crit to finish him off right in the face ah now it's it's onto the Elden Beast we got four healing pots oh that's that doesn't feel great 469 not horrible shot him shot him shot him I mean this is doing pretty good damage if I get nice and close already is crazy but if I get nice and close the damage is actually decent I actually feel like this fight's going to be a lot easier mainly cuz I can't be deflected but I I don't have to get close if I don't want to I can just play The Distance game so you can miss me all you want but I'm getting my shots off uhoh and we might not even need to use the the crossbow for this last fight which thankfully gosh okay we've already exhausted a heal not fantastic ow how much are how much more are these doing I don't think it's worth ow I got to I got to play slower I'm trying to get too many shots in I got to focus on dodging damage is secondary to surviveability and thankfully he's being really nice to us right now uh-oh did I get scooped up ah okay we got out of it thank gosh on a little bit of a he's on a little bit of a cool down uh oh that did nothing okay he's going to drop his nuke nice uh let's just get away from that doesn't seem very safe dude thank gosh for the wait we could just no horse is dangerous I was like hold on we can shoot on horse um unfortunately this guy will just kill you if you go on your horse he'll shoot out his uh his swords and you'll die got to watch my stamina can we reach him from like back here no so if we're far back we got to go for these dude that did no types of damage yeah here it is the swords of Doom nice we're actually doing so well for the first attempt of this guy it's just so easy in compar nagon right and right beside him okay one shot I'll take it don't love this attack but I can get a shot off shot him there it is you saw me on Horseback and you knew what to do oh we totally got this dude this fight's so so refreshing oh yes just sit there and take him uh-oh uh-oh up Zoom don't dude I got flattened okay we still have heals I thought it was over okay okay I can't see what's going on calm down shot him shot him oh come on oh we got this this yes no you're dead yes okay nice dude all right we have beat the convergence mod with bows that's not something I thought I would ever do is beat Elden ring with with bows what I have learned today is they're really good and I will see you guys in the next video it's been courage Cactus guys if you're new around here be sure to subscribe and uh think next video we're going to be doing the meteor class because I read the patch notes actually I can pull them up for you hold on as it says for right now enemies that are being added the new boss which I knew about the shab's chosen which will be the the boss I assume correlated with the frenzied class all right and then we got got our MPC but because the one that they showcased first was this one which I assume is going to be a part of the star caller class so that's why I was like you know what I'm going to hold off but it seems like this one's being developed first so if they're in the same update I think I'll just redo the class just to showcase the boss but if it's not coming in the next update and it's taking a while to come out then then I might as well just do it now so that's sort of my uh thought towards that so I think I I'm fine with doing the star CER class but yeah I'll uh I'll see you guys in the next video it's been Curtis to Cactus guys and I'll see you later
Channel: CurtisTheCactus
Views: 53,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elden ring, Convergence mod, Curtisthecactus, blood initiate class, elden ring mods, elden ring bleed, elden ring convergence mod, souls, modded, elden ring play through, elden ring challenge run, dark souls, souls likes, dark souls 2, dark souls 3, fromsoftware, blood flame, bloodflame, elden ring bow only, elden ring marksman, convergence mod marksman, convergence mod bow only, convergence mod
Id: Z7cmvKM4uQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 42sec (3462 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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