Can You Beat Cyberpunk 2077 WITHOUT Guns?

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i like to compare the cyberpunk 2077 experience  to that of masturbating with sandpaper   the optimization and the bugs truly are painful  but once it starts to hit the spot damn does it   feel good i in no way think this game is  terrible and although cd projekt red is   getting [ __ ] on like a truck stop bathroom i  think it's time we taint this bad boy with my   shitpost vernacular and verbose commentary can  you beat cyberpunk 2077 with only your fists   after hearing the self-imposed challenge most  mortals will be scared pissing in their gym   shorts reaching to suck on their mother's teeth  for comfort especially since in cyberpunk guns   and hacking are an essential part to the  game's ecosystem but that is why i am here   i will generously teach you the intricacies of  the delicate art known as fisting and its forceful   methodical and blunt way of telling others  that they are wrong as for the rules this   run i could only damage enemies with my fists  unless forced into other methods by the game   itself no cybernetic implants can be used and  melee weapons will be avoided the entire run   it's time to pour ourselves a glass of hawaiian  punch and sit back will we be able to as the   young men say nowadays throw dem hands without  getting served a full course meal of lead salad   will cd project red in this game's melee system  provide to us the foreign yet satisfying sensation   that is destroying our enemies and their rectums  let's find out the questions to these answers   together in the year 2077 k-pop stands and furries  have become extinct twitter is still a cesspool of   shitty opinions and horny teenagers and plastic  surgery is now a household norm thanks to a   breakthrough discovery and genital enhancement  in a poetic jester i modeled v after a well-known   legend and the only viable option for this run  i have once said that the doom slayer was molded   sculpted and tempered in the great fires of  the mount clap-ass smithy and this current   iteration of v was crafted right beside him  v aka setama aka richard price was put on   this planet to bring dehumanizing deaths to any  enemy that opposed him also for those curious   yes i did give him a massive p none of these  intros truly mattered and most of it is just   fluff so i'll give you the spark notes of what  happened here black ops cold war man and his   bodyguard that i'm sure only peaked as a high  school bully gave me the opportunity of a lifetime   and that opportunity was to become dummy rich  with them v bucks unfortunately celestial police   officers that teleport through walls ruined our  parade and caught us young thugs breaking the law   i was let loose because those officers knew of  the great things that i would accomplish and the   prostates i was bound to tickle with my two fists  fast forward to present day we are now homeless   and starving jackie and i were willing to do  anything and everything to make a quick buck   that brings us to our first gig jackie wanted to  take these men on quietly but as you can see i am   i'm neurologically impaired once my first punch  connected it was over taken on a roller coaster   through the craziest of wet dreams the sensation  was infallible and i won't beat around the bush   anymore i committed genocide with these babies  and it felt [ __ ] great sandra was rescued and   then immediately thereafter unrescued as i wanted  to see if suicide was possible during the first   mission which by the way it is and after she was  evact it was time for jackie and i to celebrate   a job well done despite night city's surrealistic  and inviting appearance this place [ __ ] sucked   cyberpunk's world and i'm talking about cyberpunk  2077 of course not to be confused with the other   game of the same title cyberpunk naughty girls  xxx is absolutely unforgiving a whole four minutes   after finishing the first mission scavengers  had come to make my life difficult thankfully   not a single bullet has to be fired during this  sequence because these tumors did an excellent job   of getting rid of themselves jackie dropped me  off i realized that v had serial killer tendencies   sleeping the way he did and then learned of a  heist that would not only have us bathing in v   bucks for life but was mandatory to continue the  story let's ease off the gas a bit and discuss   how we are going to get through this festival  we'll be attending unarmed combat in this game is   incredibly jank and running a fist-only build when  there is a sea of other weapons to choose from   is equivalent to willingly wiping your ass with  a nail filer should you take on this challenge   you are pretty much forfeiting any fun you'll ever  have with this game if we open up our textbooks to   page 41 of ninja's get good the ultimate guide  to gaming you will see here that it is common   practice to map out components that would make us  better players armor and the brawler skill tree   will be the catalyst to our victory and thanks  to our all-seeing and merciful gaming overlord   we were able to recognize that without a hassle  the brawler tree brings skills that allow us to   provide our enemies with that one two five  finger death punch samsung spin cycle 4000   which is a vital technique to our success if you  enjoy living life dangerously armor may not be   your cup of septic water but since i am playing  through this game on hard difficulty i will be   using it from time to time if you follow these  steps correctly and read through the entirety of   our divine being's book in a candlelit room under  a poster specifically in a corner that is already   riddled with autism i can assure you that you will  return victorious now that we're all settled in   let's get back to the run to begin the heist we  first had to deal with not one but two nuisances   except one of them isn't so much a nuisance as  it is a philosophical discussion with my fists   maelstrom the gang of micro dick energy goons had  a drone that was imperative to the success of our   heist there was probably a non-violent solution  here but after having a quick chat i decided that   these men were insults to humanity and needed to  be exterminated immediately i was able to throw   dem hands at an exceptional level and clear the  entire building in about 15 minutes with our first   objective down it was time to tackle the second  and get this heist running we needed to get a bit   of information on the item we would be stealing  this specific part of the story has a whole lot   of talking so i'll be skipping over a majority of  what happened important character evelyn informed   me that she would be assisting us with a job and  that she was the one who originally had intel on   the item we were going to be stealing i used a  vr headset to watch a man taste the sweet taste   of not being able to taste anymore and then used  said headset to find the location of the bad boy   that was going to make us dummy rich important  character evelyn also told me that she wanted to   [ __ ] over the man orchestrating the heist like a  fleshlight and truthfully this bit isn't important   i just wanted to use that line in the script for  the funsies after this heist i'll be going from   [ __ ] rags to come riches the plan was simple  we walk into a major corporation's headquarters   sneak our way to the master suite steal a  drive that contains a carbon copy of big   man keanu reeves consciousness the man known  for destroying every man and woman's panties   by just uttering a single phrase and then while  escaping hide in a cubby hole as the chairmen of   the said corporation have a friendly chat there  was no way that things could possibly go wrong   okay i lied things are going wrong it turns  out that there was mutiny aboard this floating   septic tank the two men we just watched were  father and son your nobu killed his father so   he could take over leadership of the corporation  known as arasaka this was all bad timing because   once it was discovered that we had snuck into the  headquarters that titty sucking [ __ ] saints row   johnny gat looking [ __ ] blamed us for the  murder of his father and now the entirety of   arasaka's security forces were coming for my [ __  ] i thought i was invincible up until this point   eight deaths a mini boss stuck in the matrix and  getting about as high as a giraffe's genitals 57   times later i was able to get out of that greasy  place without losing too much of my sanity but   escaping was only the beginning during the getaway  scene we are unfortunately forced into shooting   the drones that are chasing us my tolerance [ __ ]  was stretched once again another game that forces   you into combat in order to proceed with the story  even though some of you may think that this isn't   very cash money of me we are going to ignore these  four sequences and carry on even though shooting   these enemies brought me undeniable guilt and  pain if you close your eyes hard enough you could   see the disappointment in my parents eyes and the  tent that was pitched in my trousers now starting   to fall over from now on anytime i am forced to  kill an enemy without my tenderizers i will throw   a counter up on the screen jackie decided it was  his time to log off and entrusted me with the chip   that we just stole i placed it inside my brain  hole and then immediately failed the tuning exam   after deciding to trust someone i shouldn't have  with that bullet saitama passed over into the void   and in that void we experienced valhalla i know we  all wish one day that when we inevitably pass we   can enter a sandbox and live out our lives rping  as the divine being keanu reeves unfortunately   we won't be playing him to his fullest extent as  his signature weapon a revolver that is ribbed for   his and her pleasure is out of the question due to  my devotion to fisting the bomb had been planted   terrorists win and johnny sins had been captured  his consciousness removed and put inside of a chip   this all leads back full circle that chip  of course was in our head hence the reason   we were able to briefly transform into  god himself after taking a dip into what   seemed to be the visually opposite of a deep  fried meme i regained consciousness and found   myself in a youtuber apology yard you guys get it  because you know all youtuber apologies are trash   okay now let's cut this out edgy fat albert was  dead johnny gat's other bodyguard kidnapped me and   this game proved once again to not appeal to the  video game challenge minority but after i killed   them all off takamora the guy that was being  hunted got us both out of there and to the nearest   doctor the good news was keanu reeves and i were  metaphysically performing a fusion dance and are   soon to become one and the cause of this scenario  was the bullet i took to the dome or because i   forgot to blow on the chip like a nintendo 64  cartridge before inserting it the bad news is   the main character thought that this was a problem  so much of a problem that the entire plot of this   game is based around finding out how to remove  the chip i inserted 10 minutes ago if it were   me i would gladly give up my consciousness and  cadaver to keanu reeves any day of the week but it   looks like v and i didn't see brown eye to brown  eye important character woman evelyn was first on   our list of leads there was a lot of talking  but i didn't care too much story for my fist   her best friend pointed me in the direction of her  location and that location so happened to be the   walt disney owned favor parlor clouds trademarked  and patented upon arriving and choosing my   compatible match i was greeted by security guards  that i assume knew what was bound to happen   these neanderthals opened fire for absolutely  no reason once i entered clouds whether it was   a glitch or not it was here that i made the vital  decision to not back down and reload a save brute   forcing my way through clouds wasn't too difficult  especially with the surplus of healing i had on   standby eventually i got to our second technical  boss fight of the run and and that [ __ ] was an   absolute joke to those that are visually impaired  and or listening while they drive to work i'll   explain what happened thanks to skills i had  unlocked in the brawler tree my heavy punches were   pretty much rendering this man a vegetable every  swing put him into a state of prolonged dormancy i   tossed this man's salad so hard i may as well call  him romaine it was blatant that evelyn wasn't here   but on romaine's pc i found leads that could lead  us straight to her your boy went in fist blazing   to the next area and had a little chat with the  man who was built like a botched pit job he let   me know that his hairline wasn't the only thing  that needed saving here evelyn was in danger   and i needed to save her inside the compound where  evelyn was being held i began my pillage it was up   to me your least favorite challenge youtuber judy  evelyn's best friend and me to save this woman   from her torture after taking a few too many hits  to my pride aka having the hide and heal this area   didn't turn out too bad to make things exciting  this is where we were hit with a little curveball   progressively the challenge was increasing and  the ai was beginning to target explosive tanks   because they detected me getting too close this  was clearly implemented to make this a little more   difficult than usual but when you're the mahatma  gandhi of gaming there's not much that could   evelyn was rescued and although she needed rest  judy was able to scour her behavioral chip for   the information that i needed here in the world of  cyberpunk privacy laws clearly don't apply during   the vr session it was made apparent that evelyn  had a second agenda from the start and we all fell   for the oldest trick in the book that she just  wrote she was actually working with a conglomerate   full of prolific internet gangsters and they were  going to use the keanu chip to hopefully get into   contact with an entity named alt i contacted a man  on potential leads to this group of netrunners but   of course this part of the quest was time  gated so i took keanu's advice and met with   an old friend of his she followed the philosophy  of most people and wouldn't do anything for free   now normally this would be a problem but thanks to  my endowed meatsicles and top of the line fighting   technique i was able to make a quick few thousand  v bucks without any hiccups with admission paid   she informed me of a kang tao transport that was  doing its job transporting a high value target   that target just so happened to work on the  chip that was slowly allowing johnny reeves   to [ __ ] my body this abduction wasn't going  to be easy that is why rogue entrusted me with   the help of pan am cyberpunk's equivalent to  ellie from the borderlands series as per usual   fashion the only way pan am would assist me  in my endeavors is if i agreed to help her hey guys editor senza here to fill you in on  a little naughty that happened just recently   i edited around 12 minutes of footage after this  part and somehow lost it all due to a saving error   not only did this suck turbo testicles but led  to morale being considerably low on this video   i lost around 12 hours of work and with it being  already one month of not a single upload i decided   i shouldn't keep you guys waiting any longer so  fair warning the rest of this video is going to be   nothing but jump cuts and pans there won't be any  of that edgy [ __ ] all over the place editing i   normally do to satisfy my adhd and it truly hurts  editing like this but we'll do it just this time   and who knows maybe some of you will enjoy it a  bit more i hope i don't disappoint any of you guys   i appreciate all of you your patience and the fact  that you guys are here and allow me to do this and   yeah i don't know that's all i really have to  say love you enjoy the rest of the video you   little turds and have a great week and although  i'm a very busy man i happily obliged her prized   possession was stolen by a rival nomad gang could  we have just asked nicely for the vehicle probably   yes was violence needed no but in the world of  senza it most definitely was once she was reunited   with her vehicle she asked me if i would like to  join her on a new excursion a new adventure in   which i would be able to satisfy that insatiable  itch i had for absolutely demolishing ass cheeks   my mouth was salivating just at the thought  especially after all this dialogue i had been   sitting through we entered that cave and i had  never seen such a beautiful display of teamwork   i would be surprised if these men didn't release  the floodgates on their bowels once they saw us   pulling in i would too if i saw a man with a  combined 62 inches of pure arm length and a   slightly chubbed weiner knocking out my colleagues  with just a few punches i could safely speak for   all of them when i say that this experience was  far from enjoyable it was time to abduct the man   who could help me with the chip in my head getting  to him though would involve ambushing an aerial   vehicle which as you've probably guessed it would  mean i'd have to use weapons other than my fists i   really did want to believe that this game was done  forcing me to do things i didn't want to but once   pan am told me i needed to calibrate the turret it  was over no sentence has ever made me that blasted   in my entire life during these two parts i did  attempt to avoid using the turret but refusing to   do so would lead to either you dividing by zero or  infinitely driving in a circle probably the only   good thing to come out of this section of the game  was when keanu let us know that his cyber schlong   was above modest size thankfully the end of  this mission would allow me to redeem myself   after deactivating the turrets it turns out  that i was cucked the man i was looking for   had transported to another location awaiting  evac some would say that this news was ass   but not that much ass it was the dimples above  the ass cheeks besides dying five times becoming   infatuated with how terrible my shadow looked and  punching someone so hard i made an entire vehicle   disappear this part wasn't too bad everyone  who was associated in the war crimes committed   against my body were exterminated and hellman the  man i was searching for was now in my possession   after some questioning the man who looked like he  wrote reviews for every single sex doll available   on amazon told me that i was as good as flat the  inevitability of me becoming keanu was this much   closer i left takamora with hellman and then was  finally contacted on a lead for the whereabouts of   the group of net running professionals the voodoo  boys had access to a woman that could get me on   the deep net and i'm not talking 4chan i'm talking  so deep bel delphine could probably sell her   toenail clippings for 7k a pop getting on the deep  net was a massive play from there keanu silverhand   and i could talk to alt an entity that was sure to  help us in our current situation but all men only   want one thing and it's disgusting i first had  to do a job for them before they could help me   a rival gang named the animals were invading  voodoo boy turf and placid needed someone with   a certain expertise these genetic anomalies were  a true match to my strength they subsisted on a   full-fledged diet of steroids and g-fuel via iv  injection instead of trying to sway you guys with   the poor attempt at humor i'll just hit you with  the cold hard truth this was the first difficult   area of the game the turns had tabled i was now  the one getting my [ __ ] blasted with fist if   virtual senza had hypothetical parents in this  world they would be as equally disappointed as   his real-life parents 18 resets later i was able  to recover from the incessant pounding without the   aid of any medicinal cream but that was because  i was playing 5d chess i planned ahead so that i   would save that cream for a later venture because  i knew i was going to have to deal with sasquatch   surprisingly i thought she would get the best  of me especially since she was healing back   all of the damage i dealt to her but thanks to a  terrible design flaw in her gerber life alert pack   i was able to destroy it in a single punch they  should probably fix that by the way thus stopping   the stimpak juice from entering her bloodstream  and allowing me to carry on god's work before i   could let placeed know that he was soon to be  walking around with a new [ __ ] the woman i   had been looking for interrupted our playground  showdown she offered to get me onto the dark web   as long as she could also have a word with alt  for my first time on the net i would have gone   with the state-of-the-art rgb water cooled  system by corsair but the voodoo turds and   their dollar store cooling system will do for  now i closed my eyes and passed into the void   immediately thrown into a flashback of keanu's  past to life specifically the time where a fan   craved keanu's embrace so much they were willing  to take a hot load of his lead all over their face   to add to this exciting moment not even  10 minutes later we find out that alt   was actually a person and keanu completed his laid  any percent speed run with his dick hard but ego   flaccid alt tore keanu a new one and stormed off  only to be kidnapped by arasaka goons the rest of   this flashback involved us putting together  the avengers to try and save alts from her   captors i did once again fail the challenge during  a mandatory blockbusteresque shootout scene but   after the restraints were lifted i had no problem  pounding away to my heart's content there was so   much fisting going on that this part of the video  actually had to be censored to protect the public   johnny finally got to alt but she was gone to work  as a net running slave for the arasaka corporation   her physical body is still here but her  consciousness elsewhere this flashback was   a big development to the story as it allowed us to  pinpoint her even deeper within the net i had my   swim trunks on and was ready to take a dive into  the horrors that was the dark web truthfully i   was a little underwhelmed i was expecting like i  don't know a few leaked celebrity nudes maybe even   one of those spooky videos where a person puts a  bottle in their rectum but instead we just got a   hologram a vault and a visual representation of  what happened to our xbox 360s hardware when it   suffered a stroke as alt and johnny spoke in  binary arithmetic they put together a plan to   try and save me from the impending keanu takeover  we were going to break into the arasaka hq for the   fourth time because you know the security is  understaffed and underpaid and get to mikoshi   where the kyanu chip was created from there  alt could assist in separating us conjoined   balls of testosterone and end this once and for  all when i returned to the real world brigitte's   usefulness had come to an abrupt end and the  rest of her men followed suit my actions did   suffer a few consequences but hey it was worth it  because i got to see that smug placeed go flaccid okay that was a little too much that was bad  takamura insisted on the possibility of another   outcome with his professor xavier turbo jimmy  neutron intelligence we put together a plan   we were to sabotage a parade and kidnap hanako  the daughter of the man that was murdered at the   beginning of the game and the sister of the man  who murdered him i didn't even question his plan   authority or the potential danger to the  surrounding populace once he told me that   i a sensei in the craft of clapping ass was going  to be needed to make this all work i was in i was   one last job away from proving my worthiness to  senpai takamura he gave me that powerpoint rundown   and tasked me with taking out the snipers that  were to be defending the parade it was going to   take everything i learned from this run and my  liberal arts degree to make this go as smoothly   as possible with the parade now starting there  was no time to sit around admiring the floats   by the grace of god i was going to make sure  things went flawlessly and didn't mess up at all   ever like i did things perfectly and nothing  went wrong the first sniper i stumbled across   just so happened to lose the heartbeat lottery  and there was no way the rest of arasaka's men   could survive the wreckage that was their skulls  being punched in final sniper man was far more   advanced than i was but the land mines and  defense bots couldn't stop the inevitable   i could have spared his life yes but i'm already  morally bankrupt so one more fisting to add to the   books wouldn't hurt takamora hit up my dms with  info that an arasaka netrunner had taken over   the network and if she wasn't stopped this whole  operation would be a failure i threw my ass into   fourth gear and sped over to that little [ __ ]  stain to secure this w as i began the process of   removing this netrunner's power cable a cog was  thrown into my gear the most anime super villain   villain to have ever villained came to contest all  that i've done as most of the fights in this game   this man was an absolute pushover i delivered my  full concentrated meat straight to this thing on   a platter and showed him what it truly meant to  be a man takamora hit hanako with one of those   state-of-the-art nyquil projectiles and he told me  to meet with them at a rendezvous spot to further   discuss the plan while making my way there i was  face flapped by takamora's codename kids next   door secret password and then explained to hanako  what truly happened to her father unfortunately it   took her far too long to remove her reluctance  tampon yorinobu knew of our location and called   in the amazon prime hit squad to silence us for  good conveniently i was in a position that would   allow me to survive but my senpai takamura not  so much from the beginning of this run i had   already decided on the keanu ending so there  was no way anyone could sway me otherwise in   order to unlock johnny's ending we had to do a few  side quests they went somewhere along the lines   of this kyanu took my body on a testosterone test  drive rogue and i slapped up a couple of fools to   find the location of adam smasher and then keanu  did his best to smash her but it failed so big f   in chat for my boy johnny silverhand's penis damn  this boy's dick this was it the final mission the   plan was to let keanu take over from here and  wrap this baby up johnny and rogue were going   to fight their way through arasaka corporation sky  dildo and meet with alt and mikoshi rogue got the   team ready i reminded all that daddy was coming  home and we set off in the chopper ready to drop   tilted towers inside was quite the doozy because  without any sort of weaponry having to run up to   my enemies and fist them guaranteed my health bar  would get karate [ __ ] in half every single time   these beings were powerful but they were also  unbelievably stupid so i like to think that i   was doing the world a favor deleting their brain  system 32 folder they blasted and i punched our   way through to security and then made it to the  final room where i failed to smash adam succeeded   next time we leave the smashing to the expert that  expert being adam smasher okay listen please don't   click off the video we're almost done all right by  this point i somehow ran out of healing so i had   to rely on a perk that gave you health regen after  every heavy punch these last few punches felt   amazing the sound of fists meeting skin or i guess  in adam's case metal was glorious a song that   could bring all gods and important people together  a song that held healing powers so potent it could   be administered in hospitals around the world  you cannot beat cyberpunk with only your fist   but if you decide to overlook parts where you are  forced to use other means then you may disagree in   mikoshi most of you would think that i chose the  only right option and gave my body to kianu so he   could have full reign but [ __ ] you imma hit you  with that plot twist i let v have his body back   sending johnny into the void with alt never get  too comfortable here on the senza youtube channel   you'll never know what happens next if you enjoyed  the video go ahead and hit that like button   if you enjoy the crusades we carry out on this  channel then maybe even hit that sub button and   notification bell thank you to the diaper booty  chairman for funding this video and if you made   it to the end be sure to comment keanu reeves as  waifu of the year so i can heart your comment for   those curious where my doom eternal power glove  video is well here is an update my glove needed to   be sent in for fixing sometime between last month  and now the wiring inside the actual receivers   have seemed to be having trouble connecting to  the sensor bar this wouldn't be a problem if   doom eternal didn't have all of those platforming  sections so please be patient and i will deliver   when i can see you all on the next video and  happy holidays you turbo chads thanks for watching you
Channel: Senza
Views: 1,047,779
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Keywords: Senza, Can You Beat Cyberpunk 2077 Without Guns?, Can You Beat Cyberpunk 2077 With only your fists?, can you beat, can you beat cyberpunk, can you beat cyberpunk 2077, cyberpunk 2077, cyberpunk, 2077, Cyberpunk without guns, cyberpunk mods, cyberpunk with only fists, cyberpunk hidden features, cyberpunk best build, cyberpunk 2077 pc, cyberpunk 2077 melee build, cyberpunk new updates, cyberpunk bug, cyberpunk console, cyberpunk news, cyberpunk gameplay, cyberpunk melee, can, you
Id: QBmphHINvbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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