Can You Beat Batman: Arkham Knight WITHOUT Taking Damage?

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about a month ago i made the biggest mistake of  my life claiming that insomniac were the true   kings of the superhero genre this deplorable and  downright lie that was excreted through my mouth   hole should be a federal crime spider-man ps4  is a great game [ __ ] had me rubbing my nipples   red and enjoyment but rocksteady they are the true  godfathers of the superhero genre with their sweat   blood tears and enema water they have given us an  experience that not only made us grow hair on our   chests and testicles but introduced us to whole  new levels of chattery can you beat batman arkham   knight without taking damage this challenge has  been done before channels like kami shep joker the   devil and even this chad here pro hd gaming but i  have committed the cardinal sin of lying to my fan   base and myself so it is time you all will witness  my zuko redemption arc unfold as i go through   trials and tribulations to redeem myself the  rules this run are simple if i take damage i must   restart from a recent checkpoint get some g-fuel  in your blood and veins and get ready because   there is an 80 chance that i'll 100 hate this run  let's baptize ourselves in this greasy masochism   together we start this journey off with quite a  grim intro role-playing as a gotham city police   officer it is clear that scarecrow wasn't here to  deliver v-bucks and fortnite skins instead he was   administering his high-level dosage of friendship  and happiness the officer i was playing as and   the other civilians in this room were knee-deep in  some boiling diarrhea water maybe there will be an   alternate ending where these boys weren't dead as  [ __ ] but until then they'll stay dead as gotham   was hypothetically being bent over and the crooks  of this city had both of their fists lodged deep   into its rectum with overwhelming negative reviews  now piling up on yelp this definitely is not what   god envisioned for this city the gotham police  department though they had one final card of their   sleeves a cost-efficient alternative to their  useless police force batman aka stink pudding aka   a danger to all unsuspecting life forms and their  bodies was here for gotham a loving father that   actually came back from his trip to the store once  a measly villain appears on his heartbeat sensor   the monster doesn't even think twice spreading  open and ripping those ass cheeks apart from   the scene fists first questions later and yes  the cowl stays on during sex somebody needs to   go and contact this man's parents because he  is an absolute [ __ ] mot oh damn that was uh   [ __ ] that was bad after a congregation of  escaped fugitives were silenced it was made   apparent to these forces that there were no cheeks  this man couldn't dissect for you fortunate souls   today you'll get to witness a prototype a weapon  to surpass metal gear at first i didn't think much   of the hot wheels limited edition batmobile chase  scenes but i'll do a little foreshadowing here   these parts can go [ __ ] themselves i did take a  slap to my dignity and pride but we will wear this   scar proudly as it will be our first of many using  trivial tactics taught to many of us in preschool   newfound information on the whereabouts  of scarecrow was given to me peacefully   feeling overly generous i left these men with  an ancient tribal ritual and saved poison ivy   coincidentally the entire town was here to ruin  my day but i wasn't going to allow their plans   to trap one of poison ivy's farts and bottle  it for their own consumption come to fruition   to avoid any potential batman injuries this is  where i called in my hot wheels killing machine   the rules of this run also apply to the batmobile  sections but that wasn't a problem because i was a   [ __ ] monster with this thing a god damn predator  unwillingly ivy had an uber ride back to the local   prison and with one baddie down the rest of gotham  was still to go things were running smoothly but   gotham not so much commissioner gordon informed  me that scarecrow had weaponized a gas that was   basically equivalent to mortal kombat fatality  all i gotta say is [ __ ] scarecrow me and my   homies hate scarecrow specifically for what  he did in batman arkham asylum where the devs   thought it would be funny to scare us shitless  by thinking our game disc was scratched during   his boss fight my call of duty prepubescent  ass actually thought my game was broken and   faulty which resulted in me selling it to  gamestop only to find out years later that   it was actually a gimmick in the game to scare  us so yeah me and the homies hate scarecrow   you thought what happened earlier was impressive  we'll take off your chastity belts for this next   part boys because you'll surely want to pleasure  yourselves after this before the man that has   the personality of a pencil could be confronted  your boy needed a new suit this suit of armor was   gorgeous and i didn't even have to spend v bucks  to get that bad little thing okay show's over nothing nothing although i know this fit  has you over there rubbing your genitals raw   we didn't have time for games and it was time  to wrap this run up ace chemicals was voted best   fear talks in producing chemical factory of 2020  and it was now time to stop the [ __ ] that were   facilitating its production some man in a heli  showed up to let me know that i left a gaping   hole where his heart once was and then i hopped  straight into the gulag to do what i do best   it's time to show you my catalog of various  fisting methods getting to the first hostage   wasn't too bad i did have to reset 14 times  here and there but that is because i decided   to make things harder by a more direct approach  fortunately for us the batmobile was going to   assist us in murdering these miserable facts  unfortunately for us i was confronted by the man   that claimed i was his bully back in elementary  school his name was arkham knight and it turns   out that he didn't know i've made a massive  breakthrough in crime fighting technology   aka he was standing within 10 feet of a [ __ ]  tank i delivered death to my opponents and it   looked every bit as glorious as it sounded there  was nothing on this island that could stop me from   flopping my bum on these poor souls faces and  flinging spicy farts right down their throats   except for the basement full of blizzard wizards  yeah that group of d-gens could go themselves 32   resets down there in the depths of that basement  and it was now time time for my first boss fight   arkham knight got his chopper gunner kill streak  but he stood no match against the batmobile all it   took was a single reset and that man was looking  for a way to unfuck himself out of this situation   what is the perfect amount of tank shots and  why the [ __ ] is it 17 this man got [ __ ]   scarecrow's position was now located and it  was time to pay him a visit breaching the   gates involved a whole lot of resets and pain my  competence was questioned but slowly and surely i   plowed my way to that to finish this once and for  all i finally had that little rat [ __ ] within my   grasp and this 80 speed run of batman was nearly  over until he hit me with that saitama serious   punch not only was he able to get away but in  a last-ditch effort that pelvic pimple and his   men kidnapped oracle aka commissioner gordon's  daughter i know there's a lot to understand from   what just happened in the current arc of the anime  but before we go back to hunting down scarecrow   it was time to do what any other batman would do  and save oracle on any one of my videos normally   before we would dive any further into this stinky  butthole we would discuss a plan for the entire   run this challenge though is straightforward  so instead i'm going to have you guys come over   and sit on my lap as i mention a little company  that just so happens to be paying for my therapy so senza tell us what's your secret you know  the being so perfect gorgeous and successful   funny you ask gray to the untrained eye many  have trouble noticing my okay yeah can you   get to the point listen i'm not trying to turn  the flaccid penises at home into semi-chubbs   so i don't feel comfortable talking about come  on you dumb idiot you vented into our hearts now   don't go breaking them all right okay as a member  of this fine society it is in my civic duty to   inform you all about the product that is often  spoken of by world leaders millionaires ancient   mandarin monks and even god himself the ridge  wallet this right here my friends meets the   criteria of fine art and beauty with its sleek  industrial light and absolutely stunning design   buying one of these wallets will help you cope  with that microphone all right you okay you can   stop now as i was saying before i was rudely  interrupted this wallet holds not only 12 cards   but also the entire script of shark tale printed  on most paper sizes seriously senza i'm going to   disgusting thick and stinky wallets should  be a felony that is why over at   diaper booty you can pick out one of the many  great options that are available to you and get 10   off your next order using discount code  diaper booty from the thirty thousand   five star reviews in the lifetime warranty you  all will be filming out of your mouths after   spending just a few minutes on their site this  revolutionary wallet is out okay that's enough   let's get them on let's get them off you really  want that old wallet in your back pocket grinding   up against your diaper i know you hate it ridge  wallets can fit into your front panel get him off   the air yeah no ray you need to shut your [ __ ]  mouth shirtless sexy ridge man sends his regards   thank you to ridge for sponsoring this video yet  again and coming back to your boy and also thank   you for allowing us to use the word diaper  booty as a discount code remember   diaper booty and use code diaper booty for 10  off let's get back to the scheduled broadcast   the next couple of minutes or so was spent  escorting gordon to oracle's last known location   upon arriving at the clock tower it seemed  as though the welcoming committee had shown   up uninvited i solved simple problems via simple  solutions their lives were turned off with my fist   and gordon told me i'm a big fat stupid dummy head  for getting his daughter kidnapped this wasn't an   illusion gordon really did dump me and you all  were here to see it only a master detective with   a trained eye could find the whereabouts of oracle  thankfully we have batman and with his skills   finding the hypotenuse of my fist to her captors  rectums shouldn't be a problem from here i left my   old life of being optimistic behind and embraced  something that was so damn disgusting it was   synonymous to the fact that those haven't given us  shrek 4 yet arkham knight had arrived just in time   to give me my daily dose of pain a quick bullet  to the abdomen with his freedom stick and he sent   his goons in to beat me into an elder scrolls 4  oblivion this shitty stinker of a fight left me   tender raw and inflamed my first real challenge  and they were giving me a run for my shekels i'm   not too sure if it was my hand-eye coordination  mixed with the fact that i recorded this at like   3am but this was embarrassing what made things  worse was that after surviving i really thought   i had the arkham knight right at my finger dicks  but instead he was just one of his henchmen thanks   to a completely legal torturing method i was able  to get the info i needed from these troglodytes   to keep the leads i had nice and lubricated we  needed to spice things up in our metaphorical   crime-fighting sex life and the only way to do  that was to have a little chat with the penguin   himself finding him would prove to be difficult  about as painful as passing a kidney stone the   size of a baseball but with the help of some good  old-fashioned gta vehicle trailing and a tussle   that went flawlessly because you know i'd never  lie to you guys we were in happy feets dms and   he gave me the tea no beauty guru can ever fathom  of giving i was informed that the arkham knight   and oracle were up in one of the blimps around  gotham city he also told me that the insides of   these things were layered thick and sodomy but  that's okay we'll just run by my life motto and   worry about that later pushing my way through the  blimp using methods that even inspector gadget   would have never thought of it was clear that your  boy was going to need to develop a tactic rather   than just throwing himself at these large groups  of enemies i must confess this was bad these   enemies reduced my overall quality of life but  that is okay scarecrow was finally within my gra   scarecrow was finally within my oh god damn it  not again i was ready to beat that boy [ __ ] up   and catch a charge but imaginary joker had  to play with my heart and damn did it hurt   when scarecrow's fail-safe of disposable goons  didn't turn out to be effective against my massive   batman dick energy it was finally time to end this  we were about to do the naughty and sin this sin   was going to be so damn good a mandatory poem  would have to be written afterwards except for   you know i got played like a game of connect 4  yet again scarecrow skedaddled on out of there   and to make things even better he threatened to  kill barbara basically an indirect way of telling   me to [ __ ] off it was time to go bobbing for  apples in this gangrenous [ __ ] known as gotham   we were going to have to act in collusion  with the opposing force to attempt and stop   this turbo in-cell infestation arkham knight tried  getting in my way but i'll let the results speak   for themselves finally ivy and i assisted mother  earth in achieving her erection and i did the best   i could at helping her keep that bad boy these  runs always go a little something like this step   one enter the fight step two get close to killing  the enemies that dare breathe the same air as   i step 3 get hit and lose my [ __ ] step 4  try again and then to top it all off step 5   get hit again 2 the sequel to the 2019 cult  classic get hit if dark souls has taught me   anything about life though we just gotta keep  on chugging taking these blows like a champ   and keeping that 100 emoji at full mast these  goons were having me blow through resets like   a ceiling fan which led me to delving into the art  of guerrilla warfare heating myself from 100 feet   up in the air and becoming a speeding bullet now  i'm sure worries are starting to arise on whether   or not i am abiding by batman's crime fighting  philosophy although i was in 50 pounds of armor   and hurdling at well over 180 miles per hour i  can assure you that these men were still living   in critical condition yes and no health care  thanks to gotham city becoming gotham shitty   but they'll be fine i promise you guys that it  was from there i set off for more crime fighting   crime-fighting which is included but not limited  to smoking a bunch of goons like a cigarette   making them alt-f4 from existence cleaning up  the smegma-filled streets with my hot wheels   and then teaching the arkham knight and his men  a painful lesson arkham knight's identity was   still unclear and being the massive hemorrhoid  that he was i needed to deal with him first   while discussing leads with alfred harley quinn  hijacked our conversation and informed me that she   has raided my personal joker concentration camp  which technically was good because i needed my   crime fighting fix and this was it harley's simps  were given a nice serving size of hawaiian punch   with that dealt with i pushed my way inside and  inside was where our superhero wet dreams will   come to fruition i could play as both batman and  robin any sentient being would be bricked up in   nearly an instant under these circumstances and  that is just simple math baby for those out of   the loop in the previous game joker had managed to  send his very own blood to hospitals around gotham   city before he died anyone that was given this  blood would slowly lose their minds and turn into   the joker although a cure was found five remaining  citizens still had it and they were all being held   prisoner here under my supervision batman being  one of those five harley quinn was here to take   them out of encampment and save her precious joker  but we were in fact not vibing and that walking   garbage can wasn't going to get away with this  apprehending the other jokers was actually quite   a breeze and only came at the cost of completing  this area at a glacial pace a bit of men in black   neuralization with my fists and flirting with  another joker's extremist beliefs robin showed   us that he had been practicing a secret naruto  ninjutsu and then immediately after the physical   reincarnation of shaquille o'neal cosplaying as  the joker fell victim to our fist harley quinn   had her own gravitational pull and our fists were  naturally attracted to such with her silence we   could finally wrap this up and get the hell out  of here robin tried convincing me that i was too   dangerous to the villain populace and their anuses  i like it catchy but i told that fat stinky dog   [ __ ] diaper to [ __ ] off and locked him inside  of a cell just like a loving parent that leaves   their child in a hot car i feel as though tapping  into my inner parental duty was a success but he   would understand in due time being the euphoric  and enlightened gamer that i was i did what any   man of a supreme intellect would do and used  my military-grade civilian vehicle to hinder   the insufferable [ __ ] and his forces things were  going great until scarecrow had enough and decided   that he would let loose his bowels the final time  pants around ankles and spread like an eagle this   was it the final nail in the coffin not even ivy  and her plants could stop the literal [ __ ] storm   that was coming up until this point you have  all only seen me flaccid but it was time to   get serious our first step was to head back to  the blimp and question a man on how to stop this   madness i must contractually tell you guys that  this went wrong terribly wrong but hey all that   mattered was that my enemies got their nice warm  pot of claparoni and cheese and i got the info   that i needed before we could stop this noxious  fart cloud the batmobile had to be saved barely   making it i was able to power the pain train and  my fists now had a one-way ticket to pound town   destination the arkham knight and his cloud burst  except silly me forgot that we couldn't get to   the action just yet reset after reset i watched  the fun machine break right in front of me 68   resets later i was left with soggy trousers from  all the piss and [ __ ] i excreted when arkham   knight and his bots finished passing me around  for sport i came face to face with the cloud burst   and man was i in for a treat the device causing  everyone pain was destroyed in a single try   with cloud burst down i went to check on our  favorite little photosynthetic thought poison ivy   we were able to fix the leaking septic tank that  has threatened this city but something was wrong   due to her attempting to super suck the farts  out of gotham poison ivy gave her last breath   just to see it through she died for the cause and  i will be sure to not let her death be in vain   info on gordon has surfaced at the gcpd and  trust me both the arkham knight and scarecrow   will receive their extra large deep dish of [ __ ]  behind enemy lines i did my best to scale a [ __ ]   building with the batmobile and figured out that  this destiny 2 arc weapon could actually perform   horrible horrible things to the mouth breathers  that were infested in these caves there was no   time to charge our ego batteries though because  that's just not what happens on this show i walked   into this breeding ground parades not expecting a  thing and oh man was this genuinely painful to get   through 47 resets down i was starting to pledge  my allegiance to these men there is a reason an   innovative man like me is called the leonardo da  vinci of the video game world simply telling a few   of these buffoons it was nap time and then using  my grappling hook to avoid any incoming damage was   the play you guys should consider yourselves lucky  after watching this even having remote knowledge   of this information makes you more valuable  than any world leader even deeper into this   dog's rectum arkham knight made it obvious that  he wanted to catch a feel of my buns and he was   going to use any weapon possible to make this  happen my grandmother who calls my playstation   a damn nintendo and knows not a single thing about  video games could beat the joe boss without taking   damage so i'm not even going to cover this fight  even for being the captain of the autism club i   got out alive and that was a win we take those  to the [ __ ] bank baby commissioner gordon was   located but he couldn't be saved until his white  knights were dealt with victory was sure to come   but not before getting dick slapped in the face  with the top 10 anime plot twists of all time the   arkham knight was jason todd the second ever robin  to be kidnapped by joker and he was brainwashed   into thinking that i was the bad guy by bill b  isla okay though cut that out this discovery led   to a glorified boss fight i hopped into this [ __  ] just swinging my meat around for a miracle and   oh baby i got it failure was in fact an option for  these boys not the ideal scenario for these poor   fools seeing as i'm sure they had loving families  and led great lives but that is also something   that senza would have said if he actually gave a [  __ ] chest cavities were caved in jason and i made   out and then i rescued the man i shared a cosmic  bond with on the rooftop of the compound we found   scarecrow and took in a good amount of eye bleach  oracle was alive for a moment i could see it jello   shots and hand jobs all around for the boys the  case was over we could put our feet up and call   it a damn day except everything that led up until  this point was merely just the pre-game lobby   and you will all soon find out why i didn't  know what tortured truly meant until now and   scarecrow threatened me with the worst pile of  a bad time i have yet to witness in a fat minute   as a man of exquisite tastes and masochism the  chief called and that man said this ain't it   defending oracle and i felt nearly impossible i  was getting spit roasted slammed from each side   and absolutely toasted you see you can do this and  be contemptuous with losing for about two hours or   you can just delete your ps4 and never have to  deal with such horrors again finally completing   this and taking that 94 resets to the face was big  actually no it was absolutely massive that dirty   little scarecrow should be pissing and [ __ ] in  his panties now because this run was nearly done   and that meant that i was going to doom slayer rip  open his ass cheeks making him regret ever living   oracle was saved and it was now time for her and  i to team up once again oracle and i delivered a   whole ass barrel of concentrated pain upon these  [ __ ] and their tonka tanks what we were doing to   these fools was absolutely disgusting but what can  i say after all this time in the run i have become   a seasoned and well-trained warrior it was bound  to happen some more booty blasting that should   honestly be outlawed on the roof of the gcpd and  it was finally time a spectacle that would be   talked about in history books for years to come  the utility belt was off and dick was in hand i   made my move and now it was time for scarecrow  to play his of course he went with the typical   villain flavor i have your friends and family  so turn yourself in and frankly i didn't give   a [ __ ] because he was going to get it the rest  of this run is pretty much uneventful my man bat   turd took some hella lsd imaginary joker and i had  a tussle and me being the washed up fool that i am   actually had to reset more times than i'd like to  admit during the alleyway fight scarecrow forced   me into a long overdue face reveal that i promised  that 200k subs i gave in overcame the inner joker   that has been haunting me and my boners the  entire run and the homie todd howard aka the   arkham knight redeemed himself by saving me that  was it boys you can beat lego batman the movie   without taking damage this was a long and tedious  run even this script was i mean let me look here   6572 words this boy is thick it took me around  36 hours and 893 resets but i finally did it it   was nice diving into this series once again and  if this is something you guys want to see more   of then leave a like if you made it to the end of  the video comment uh stinky diaper man and i will   heart your comment if you enjoyed what you saw  take that subscribe and bell notification button   on a date if not do it anyway thank you to ridge  and the diaper booty chairman for funding this   video and stay tuned for next year's video where  we will finally finish the power glove trilogy   and i could make a box dvd limited edition  set for that bad boy love you guys thank you   so much for 400k subscribers and make sure you  guys wear your seatbelts peace love and boners you
Channel: Senza
Views: 1,630,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Senza, batman arkham knight, batman, can you beat batman, can you beat batman arkham knight without taking damage?, can you beat, THE BATMAN, batman trailer, can you beat batman arkham knight, batman arkham knight gameplay, batman arkham knight game, new batman game, batman game, batman gameplay, arkham knight game, batman ps5, arkham knight batman, arkham knight, arkham, best batman game, new batman gameplay, batman ps4 gameplay, batman gotham knight, batman game teaser
Id: XGzQ-6BM3Y4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 10sec (1450 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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