Can You Beat Cyberpunk 2077 Without Finding Any Bugs Or Glitches?

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Cyberpunk 2077 is a pretty big game,  there’s so many people to meet,   places to visit, quests to complete,  details about the world to uncover,   it’s staggering. But just like a mansion  owned by a family of billionaire hoarders,   there’s bound to be some filth under the  beautiful surface. That, of course, brings   up an important question. Can You Beat Cyberpunk  2077 Without Encountering Any Bugs Or Glitches? No. Wanna know how I know that? Sadly, I can’t  even show you. If you’ve gone anywhere on the   internet in the last 10 days, you’ve undoubtedly  heard about how the game runs on last-gen systems.   And if you’ve seen my videos, you  may know that I play on an iMac.   I like to think CD Project Red knew a few of us  morons would try playing this on Mac, because   the problem of the game completely crashing  my computer and forcing a restart on its own,   not just crashing the game, is as alive and well  here as it is on PS4 and Xbox One. My computer   restarted itself while playing probably half a  dozen times. I almost didn’t even make this video   because I got 90 minutes in, the game restarted  my computer, and the footage was all gone. As it   turns out, that was the best thing that could’ve  happened. Seems as though Lady Luck flipped   her hair in my direction on Monday after the  traumatizing experience I had basically reverse   guillotine’ing myself with one of the 24 inch TV’s  I bought for my Wii Sports video. On Sunday night,   in a somewhat inebriated state, I tripped over  god-knows what while moving a TV and the bottom   of my neck slammed real ing hard on the top of  the TV with the full weight of my frame behind it.   It was as awful as you can imagine and my voice is  still recovering from it as you can probably tell.   However, hopped up on painkillers, I launched  Cyberpunk 2077 once more, and the real game began. But first, more importantly, the Mitten Squad  Christmas Sweater sweatshirt and Christmas Sweater   family of products are still for sale despite  the Christmas delivery window being closed.   The sweatshirt and and blanket are as beautiful  in-person as they appear online. In the interest   of helping as many people as possible find their  Christmas spirit, you can use the promo code   2077 to get 10% off any Mitten Squad Teespring  product, but that promotion ends on Christmas   Eve at 11:59PM EST, so you’ve gotta act fast. Or  you don’t, it’s your money, spend it how you want. I’ll tell you real quick that this video contains  spoilers for the entirety of Cyberpunk, so if you   don’t want it spoiled, ya best skedaddle.  After choosing Easy and a Nomad as my race,   I began making someone as true to me as I possibly  could without wanting to put time and effort into   making it actually look like me. It lacked the  balding hair-style and overly protruding eyeballs,   but I got pretty not close at all for  only 3 minutes of time. Because I had   no idea about anything in this game, I went  with what I thought was a fairly balanced,   if a little combat aggressiveness oriented, set of  attributes. I’ve had my car battery stolen enough   times to know that all you’ve gotta do to fix  Lightning McQueen is rip out some cable, turn him   on, and he’ll follow you to the ends of the Earth.  Sheriff wasn’t overly fond of my attitude or my   unwillingness to get him a Mater autograph for his  son, I left, did some Far Cry nonsense, and met up   with Jackie Wells, a man with a package the size  of a large package. He’s got the cargo, I’ve got   the wheels, he’s got the nicely shaped skull,  I knew right away that we were a dream team. Our trip the the border went rather well, aside  from me somehow ing up a U-turn worse than anyone   in history probably has. I’d hoped to just ram  through the gate because this is an open world   game with choices, but Cyberpunk is to open world  games as Meow Motors is to feline Kart racers.   Don’t ask what that means, I’m still not sure  myself. It was a good thing the border guard   had glow-sticks in his eyes, else he wouldn’t  have been able to read the sheet I gave him or   the dollar amount on the bribe I slipped his way.  The first of at least 2 double crosses occurred   here when they sent a fleet of the world’s worst  police officers to stop us. In their defense,   they were about as good with their guns as I was  with mine. What was the cargo you might be asking?   A lizard who seemed not to pleased about missing  out on a high-five. Then there was the cutscene   that shows you getting antiquated with Night City,  dancing, armed robberies, getting settled into   a new apartment, and we get squeezed out in the  2nd trimester ready to tackle our first real job,   rescuing a client who’s been MIA for hours. As  this is still basically the tutorial section,   combat is nothing to sniff a stick at. Doing  the whole “shooting” thing with guns never gets   much more interesting than it is here, but later  on, with perks and different weapons and hacking   and , it becomes more interesting. Good ol’ Sandy  Doresett was having a wonderful time dying in the   hot tub when I showed up, stuck a Stimpak into her  chest, and delivered her into the loving arms of   the American healthcare system who would never let  someone sit and wait for 3 hours to get a CT scan   all the while they might’ve done serious damage  to their neck by hurting themselves with a TV. As we escaped, Wakako, our intermediary  for this particular mission,   politely informed Jackie and I that the city was  on lockdown, guess we know when this game is set,   don’t we viewers watching this in the  current year? Back at my apartment,   I stashed some garbage in my weapon closet, all  good Michigan apartments have a weapon closet,   I happened to keep my 5 Wii’s in mine, and I drove  Jackie and myself to Viktor Von Viktor’s house,   the finest ripperdoc on this side of whatever  street he happens to operate out of. He set   me up with some flex tape on my right hand to  hold my gun better and some new and improved   eyeballs that have a computer built right into  them. Like Google Glass except not a waste of   money. While I was getting plastic surgery to  make The Lovely Paulina even more beautiful,   Jack spoke to Dexter DeShawn, another Fixer, who’s  got lofty goals and the weight to back it up. We’re gonna steal the most valuable item from  the world’s most powerful family. But to get in   to steal it, we need an itsy-bitsy robot spider  that is more than capable of making people scream   and shout. It probably goes without saying that  I’m going to be glossing over if not completely   ignoring a -ton of stuff I did throughout this  run because I don’t want this video to be 2 hours   long. Evelyn Parker’s the gal I’m after at the  moment, and she resides herself in a bar during   the evening time. Iniside the bar, we discussed  the plan, of which she is a vital component seeing   as she knows that the biochip I’m after is tucked  away in the top floor suite of Kenpoki Plaza.   Blasting your way inside the building would be  like trying to sneeze down the Great Wall of   China. The building itself will crumble and fall  from the bulldozer that is time before we’d get   anywhere near the chip. But technology and the  power of imagination save the day once again. I’m still not 100% sure what a brain dance is.  I can only assume it’s like when I said I wanted   the ghost Margaret Thatcher to stick her tongue  in my left ear, wrap her tongue around my brain,   and come back out my right ear. The point of this  here experience is to get you accustomed to being   an editor for a YouTuber with 11,000,000  subscribers who pays you with exposure and   free merch, you learn the ins and outs of editing  within the Squidward’s Dream level of Battle for   Bikini Bottom. You can scan various items, sounds,  and heat signatures to expose details the average   viewer would miss. With the training round over,  I watched Evelyn play pop-goes-the-weasel with   Yorinobu Arasaka’s favorite sausage, saw where  he keeps his favorite toys with help from T-Bug,   explained to Evelyn that my knife isn’t big enough  to get all the way through DeShawn’s thick back,   briefly became World Famous Super  Cop slash Murderer Milton Squid,   and met with Meredith Stout, a woman whom I  tried to blackmail, for more information about   how to proceed with our grand scheme. Yeah,  she wasn’t a fan of that. She provided me   with the credit card I’d need to get the Spider  Robot from the Maelstrom Boys, I did my first   and only successful shard hack, and Jackie and I  entered the Maelstrom hideout to strike a deal. To say that this didn’t go as planned would be  the understatement of the 27th century. Royce,   their new leader, was disrespectful towards  me, which prompted a similar response from me.   As the saying goes, violence baguettes  violence, so I stuck a bullet under his tongue   and let the games begin. I won’t lie, in  this firefight through their compound,   I regretted playing on Easy. I probably could’ve  changed the difficulty, and possibly probably   should’ve, but I didn’t, I’m too stubborn for  that. I chose to exist in my own disappointment   rather than take the necessary steps to fix  something. Never did find the Slab King, though. Back at the Afterlife, the meeting ground for  all sorts of nefarious characters including   but not limited to exclusively me, Jack and I  shared a drink named after a certain special   someone named Keanu Reeves who shall remain  nameless, and we entered the Hyperbolic Time   Chamber to go over the plan with Dexter and Dee  Dee. Short version is Jack and I are posing as   international weapon dealers and lovers who are on  our honeymoon at Kenpoki Plaza. The plan is set,   the pieces of been assembled, all that’s  left to do is flip the goddamn board   and start anew. We donned our suits without a  tie, entered the hotel, and let the games begin. The first obstacle was the receptionist, social  interactions with people who might not be people   are a . If you’ve ever asked the UPS Virtual  Assistant it’s favorite color then called   it a for not answering the question, you’ll know  exactly what I mean. While Jack went to the room,   I was busy failing the challenge properly.  Some dip left their phone floating right   in the middle of the hallway. So now we  can properly say, with actual evidence,   that you cannot beat Cyberpunk  2077 without encountering any bugs,   though I’ve got a feeling you’ve probably  seen more than a few already. Regardless,   this isn’t the type of challenge where I restart  if I fail. What this really is is clickbait. I   thought if there was ever a game to do what  is effectively a no-challenge run challenge,   it would be this one. If you feel mislead,  I implore you to hit the dislike button. Inside the hotel, stage 1 began. I used the  power of hacking and eyesight to navigate the   bug through the various rooms to get it to the  Netagent. That’s a fancy name for the obese 45   year old man watching the cameras. While I got a  brain dance earlier, this lucky guy got a special   dance of his own. A few hours later, Bug got into  the system, and Jack and I made our next move   by taking the elevator to the penthouse to snag  the biochip. They say that the best laid plans   of mice and men often go astray, but there are no  real men in the future and mice have been extinct   ever since the Ratatouille uprising in the summer  of ’31. From within the safety of a maintenance   shaft, we watched the unthinkable unfold. Saburo  Arasaka arrived to give his son a scolding.   I’ve always thought that a swift backhand across  the face was a better disciplinary measure than   hurtful words. Then again I laughed after I got  spanked as a kid so I’m probably not the best   person to speak on such matters. Yorinobu went  and offed Daddy, told his guard to lock down the   building because he was poisoned by our enemies,  Bug went and got herself got, leaving Jack and I   to take to the skies in an escape attempt  that really was a colossal ing disaster. To secure the safety of the chip, Jack did what  he did best, stick something in a hole in his   head. Then came the escape and because this is  a video game, there are dozens of ways you can   go about getting out of the building. You can  shoot your way out or be sneaky. I love options.   I tried to sneaky path for a while but lacked the  skills, perks, and mental fortitude to do it, so I   turned to violence as the answer. What with this  being the California hub for the Arasaka family,   it’s among the most fortified buildings in the  land with enemies who don’t around. Predictably,   there was a pretty substantial bug that kept  me from progressing. An enemy I had to kill   to obtain a key fled the scene and was a solid  4.5 kilometers away. With no way to get to him,   my only option was to go several minutes  back in time and run through the entire   combat sequence as quickly as possible  to keep the little from running away. Down on the main floor, I was so incredibly  disappointed by an LMG I’d found a bit earlier.   A handful of EMP grenades did far more  damage against the sentry bot than the   bullet hose did. That’s what people who  are good at video games would refer to as   “using an enemies weakness against them”. It’s  a useful thing to do, which is why I don’t do it   very often. A Mitten Prime example of that is how  I used a silenced handgun to clear out the garage   rather than entering the car to make a speedy  getaway. My little rampage did not come without   a price, Jack got a bullet to the liver in the  process and his is not nearly as healthy as mine.   I could tell you what happened next,  but showing you would just be easier. That’s right, Jackie Boy went to be with my dead  dog in the big server in the sky and DeShawn,   not at all thrilled with the death of the  Emperor, gave me a free bullet as a parting gift,   and I awoke inside a dream of another life,  as a rockstar with a metal hand. I’ve always   wanted to be Captain Hook. After the show, the  gang and I rode the Vertibird towards Arasaka   tower to finish the fight, in the past. My  guess is that combination of the absurdly   overpowered gun and fire hand are meant to show  how good Jonny Silverhand was at what he did,   but I wasn’t that into it. I then planted a  bomb, Adam Smasher planted something in me,   and with a mushroom cloud coming over the horizon,  Subaru Arasaka ripped my soul from my body.   The real me woke up in a ditch somewhere,  was saved by Takumera, Saboru’s bodyguard,   and another escape began. For a moment I thought  the mission glitched, my weapons seemed to do   practically nothing against the ninjas sent to  end us, but it’s all a part of the game, also I   forgot to mention that after Jack died I stuck the  chip inside me, sloppy seconds never hurt anyone. Both Takmura and I were gravely injured, myself  more-so than him, good ol’ Vik patched me up,   and broke the news as gently as he could:  the ghost of a bad actor is haunting my brain   and is going to kill me. That was a joke, for  the love of God don’t cancel me. He gave me the   same pills my doctor gave me after I ed up my  neck, I could either take them to prolong the   suffering like a real gamer or end it all  quickly by letting the voices take control.   Still mad after hearing someone pronounce  trilogy as “tril-a-gee”, I refused to help   anyone named John in any way whatsoever. Not  that I really had any say in the matter, though. Johnny Boy’s trapped inside my ind with me,  and we either find a way to get him out,   he takes control, or we both go to a  family dinner at the Golden Corral,   also known as death. Back in the saddle, I put on  my fedora and scouter like a good little gamer,   sold a bunch of garbage, and met  up with Takemura at a restaurant   to see what he had to say. Evelyn’s the key to  unraveling this ball of yarn according to him.   Anders Hellman’s Mayonnaise is also connected  to this somehow. While he called in some favors,   I got to work tracking down Evelyn and or Mr  Mayo. I assumed, because the game told me to   talk to her, that Judy Neutron would have  all the secrets. And the game was right,   Evelyn’s a whore working in the Cloud District,  but I imagine you don’t get there very often.   Before entering the club, I took a quick detour  to see how this game reacts to terrorist attacks,   not as well as I’d hoped. Realism comes at a  cost, it seems. I also couldn’t kill the guy who   only appears in my eyes, that’s another point for  realism. Silly me accidentally chose the man whore   to spend my time with, it’s too bad there’s no  way to reload a save to make a different choice. I played him like a fiddle, made  him regret ever coming into work,   snuck my way into the VIP room, and interrogated  Tom, one of Evelyn’s lovers for more info.   He pointed me towards Woodman who was not too  thrilled to see me kneel down to speak to him   like he was a sick child who just got diagnosed  with toddler Alzheimer's. I’m pretty sure this   was the first boss fight of the game. It  payed off, I got a pretty snazzy automatic   rifle from his body sack. Initially, my  plan for leaving was to mix things up,   try shoot my way out. Unfortunately, I had  not taken my own stupidity into account.   In the heat of battle I relied too much on the  mini-map and forgot to just take the ing elevator   to leave, then I remembered the elevator and  couldn’t leave because of the implication. Finally free, Johnny explained Soulkiller,  where he died, Mikoshi, ya know, all that stuff   I probably haven’t mentioned yet because like I  said, there’s a lot of ground to cover here. I can   only assume that Jonny’s plan was to talk to Rogue  about tracking down Hellman, I say that because I   lost more footage to another computer restarting  crash. I didn’t do things exactly the same in   the next go around but we still got where we was  going. Rogue’s price for info is 15,000 ed-boys.   Got another glitch on the way out, this game just  keeps getting better and better. Luckily for me,   stopping violence with even greater violence  rewards a hefty amount of currency from the police   and Wakako still owes me for the Biochip job.  Wasn’t as much as I’d hoped, but still put me   within striking distance of my goal. What pushed  me over the river and through the woods was   running over grandmother with Lieutenant Lawn  Mower, a tough criminal who just so happened to   cross paths with me when I tracked her down to  murder her. A couple more crime syndicates were   eradicated on my way to cash in my Chuck E Cheese  tickets for cheap body augmentations, I dumped   barrels of currency into the Rouge River to send  it to Zug Island to be burned, got information   about Hellman, and a new problem occurred. After  being ing aggravated by my computer restarting   and corrupting my recordings, I swapped over to  a capture card and a 2nd computer. What I hadn’t   even considered was Cyberpunk infecting my MacBook  with more bugs. Elgato Capture Software just froze   like snail caught committing armed robbery.  You didn’t miss much. Rogue pointed me towards   Panam who of course wouldn’t help me unless I  helped her out first, that’s how games work. Also you will probably notice dark parts  of the game being much darker than before,   nothing I can do about that really. I’m gonna try  to fix it with editing but I can’t guarantee it,   what you see is the best I could come up with.  With Panam’s supplies loaded into her car,   we rode to an abandoned town to lay an ambush  for the group that stole her truck. I got flung   650 feet when I tried to jump in a window, it  happened twice actually. When the clan arrived, we   lit up the town like a Christmas ham, I massacred  everyone in the finest display of firearm handling   anyone’s ever seen, we got Panam’s truck back,  and we stormed the Raffen hideout to kill them all   because that’s what good Americans do. When  you’re down and out with the bases loaded,   genocide is the answer. As I’ve said already,  there really isn’t much to talk about with combat.   It’s the kind of game that’s much more interesting  to play than it is to watch someone explain. It’s worth mentioning that in  the gunfight that broke out,   aside from realizing how true god-awful  the ground looks on the lowest settings,   I got an energy rifle that can shoot throw  walls, this carried me for a long ass time.   With Panam’s goods delivered to interested  customers, we had ourselves a celebratory drink,   she revealed herself to be an alcoholic, which  is probably why I despise her as a character.   Alcohol is for weak-minded simpletons. Ignore my  pile of bottles that are easier measured in square   feet rather than number of bottles. Now that we  had her truck back, we can get down to business.   There’s an AV, that’s short for Airborne  Vehicular, that’s gonna be passing over a   power plant and Hellman’s onboard. All  we have to do is sneak into the plant,   rig the system to detonate an EMP, and Hellman  will be ready to spread on my sandwich in no time. Of course, no plan can go off without a hitch.  The EMP mostly worked and Panam nailed it with   her flying bomb, but Mitch and Scorpion,  two of her closest Aldecaldo clan mates,   saw the bird get shot out of the sky and went  to investigate, not knowing it was armed by Kang   Tao robo-soldiers. She tried to warn them,  but, ya know, we just detonated a ing EMP.   This is why all EMP’s have a warning on them to  ask for your parents permission before detonating,   you gotta do it right or something will  go wrong. Panam pretended to be Jack as   we neared the downed AV, meaning  it was up to me to clear the area. That rifle I got charges up when looking down  the sites to deliver a powerful shot and with   the addition of a scope, it made quick work of all  foes. Scorpion was nowhere to be found, his body   was crushed under the weight of my ego, but Mitch  was alive and well despite being a hostage. The   remaining King Tao forces took Hellman to a nearby  gas station for storage. Getting in was a little   tricky, so much so that I died. Pretending to be  Rambo is not always the best course of action.   Sometimes blinding yourself with a flash-bang  is the only way to see the light and learn what   you must do. I had to knock out Hellman. He had  Hell in his name, pain was always in his future. As Takemura journeyed to the motel, Hellman and I  had a little conversation. The learned me that the   only reason I’m alive is that Johnny Silverhand,  the resident living inside the chip in my head,   saw an opportunity to do an @everyone ping inside  my head right as I died to summon everyone back to   their posts, except he invited a bot to the server  while we were away, and it’s only a matter of time   before Johnny has full-on owner privileges. In the  time it took me to have an out of body experience,   Takemura teleported 3 kilometers away despite  being in the hotel when I left. I really do   like this game, it’s easily one of my favorite  games of 2020, not that that’s very high praise   since I only played like 4 games that released  this year. My point being, I know it’s a game,   but that teleporting thing annoys me. It  would’ve been easy to add an invisibly timer   to let Takemura or whoever relocate somewhere else  even if they still just appear there later. My   other complaint is the opposite of that, driving  off-road in a ty car is ty, who’d’ve thunk it.   On the way back to Takemura, I did away with some  bikers with a few grenades. A few cops didn’t   like that, maybe I was confused and only thought  they were bikers, maybe they were kids playing on   bikes, either way, I took one of those bikes for  myself, lost the fuzz, and met Takemura’s contact;   Oda. See, Takkie wants to tell Saburo’s daughter  Hanako who really killed her brother, and Oda is   her bodyguard. He was not very convinced. He said  I’d bring death to my door, little did he know   I’m a door to door door salesman. That might’ve  sounded cooler without the extra door at the end. Takemura has yet another plan  and it’s his best one yet.   They’re throwing a parade in Hanako’s honor  and he’s gonna infiltrate her parade float.   I get the sensation he’s always wanted to be  inside a giant holographic fish in the sky,   can’t say I blame him. Wakako gave us a shard  containing the exact routes and positions the   float will take, the rest is up to us. While he  tracked down more leads, I ed some dumb whore,   crashed into a pole, and got to work taking care  of more pressing matters. Mr Hands, a fixer who   introduced himself to me over the cellular after  I left Clouds looking for Evelyn, has managed to   get me int touch with the Voodoo Boys. They run  Pacifica, one of the many regions in Night City. I was not told why meet, only meet, and so I meet.  His name is Placide, like phlacid only I imagine   he’s not with that knife in his hand. Together  Placide and I went on the longest power-walk of   all time, to his desk which is weirdly right here  and not at all what I was expecting. He give me a   job, there’s a van in a mall and he wants it. My  job is to get in there and make it happen. Inside,   I went for the stealth option because I dealt with  a few goons outside and they were no pushover,   and because I couldn’t think of any good to  way sneak through with how many people there   were. So I blew my cover and holy ing hitchhiking  jesus what a mistake that was. People everywhere,   dozens of them, all tough as , but none tougher  than Mr himself Paulie “Matilda K Rose the   Sasquatch” Lombardi. The big idiot pinned  me against a wall and beat me with a hammer,   it’s like pre-school all over again. Damn  you Tyler and your piece of toy hammer.   After the Squatch died, I had to contend with the  leftovers, the scraps, statistically speaking the   majority of what remained. That energy rifle  really tenderized my macon inside the mall.   One to two shots was all it took to kill most  people. They fell one by one, but one remained,   the agent hidden in the cinema playing unconscious  dental patient simulator. Actually he wasn’t   unconscious. I wrote that as I was running to  the room but I like it so I’m leaving it in. The Network Agent let me in on the game, me. I’m  being played by the Voodoo Boys. They injected   me with a virus while I was plugged into their  system and used me as a catalyst to off every   agent in their system. It was a good plan, except  they didn’t count on me being the protagonist of   this story. Placide was none informed of the plan  I laid that involving me surviving and returning.   Brigitte the Digit arrived just as Placide was  leaving because he knew choosy moms choose Jiff,   but he’s more of a gif guy (that was the  greatest thing I’ve ever written). She   offered to buy it for money and stuff but  didn’t understand how Johnny and I are two   pickled sausages in a corn stalk. She can  help me, with what I’m not sure, let’s just   say the Paul writing is having a difficulty  understanding big concepts at the moment. There’s a Blackwall set up by Netwatch around  the entire cyberspace. I got it now. Alt   Cunningham went beyond the wall at the end of the  series, Johnny needs her, forgot to mention that,   and the Bridigite can get me inside the cyber.  One second I’m chilling in an ice bath like I did   after soccer matches in high school. I didn’t  play soccer though, next second you’re in the   universe where everything that exists is the sick  child of a drunken -fest between a pin screen and   a Light Bright. Bridgitte was about tel tell me  that it should only take a moment to find the   alt-clone when bedtime came but I still had my  cool lava lamp plugged in. Then another dream,   because it’s time to sleep, Alt Cunningham’s a  woman, gotta be honest I thought it was a middle   aged man. She got mugged by the Arasaka’s, Johnny  rounded up the usual suspects. We’ve got Rogue,   Tank Dempsey, Squidward, and Macho  Man Randy Savage himself, Santiago. Then a combat sequence which is as bland as the  first one and driving combat with this pistol   is as uninteresting as everything I tried to  come up for this joke. We laid a plan to storm   Arasaka Tower to rescue Richie Cunningham. Big  ass concert followed by a terrorist attack. As   my children’s children used to say in the  future, the music of the 2050’s is satanic,   it’s gonna cause trouble. More combat,  who gives a , Yoshi got hit head cut off,   and Cyberpunk subverted our expectations by not  having her come back to life after having her   soul leaved on 4chan. It’s amazing to have a  twist right after subverting our expectations,   dangerous too, could lead to pulling a muscle  in your make believe moral high ground. Next stage in video game is traveling  to the Blackwall. But I must go alone,   for I alone am stuck in a ty Windows  XP screensaver. Alt’s here, ban her,   jk don’t she’s my cousin. Johnny’s here too, we  had ourselves a little chat about digit style   and how to get Johnny out of me. I think, this  is another of those big brain concepts. We get   her to Mikoshi and she makes an engram out of me,  rips out Johnny, stuffs my Johnny in his place,   and I live happily ever after. TL:DR Bridget lied  to me, so she and her entire family had to die.   Some of them are so eager for it that they  welcome it. Placid’s body finally went limp   when I robbed him of his life, I took a tumble  for the 2nd time this week, had the game ruin what   should’ve been an emotional moment where Johnny  2x4 and I talked about what it’s like to die. After all that pussy crybaby ,  Takemura called me told me to meet,   he’s got the bug and he’s not even wearing a  mask. To make sure the bug worked, I performed   a small test which consisted of pressing x,  pressing a, pressing x a gain, and climbing   a ladder. We tried to grab a snack too but he  wasn’t interested in eating his croquet balls.   Here’s the plan, I’m pretty sure I explained it  to you earlier when I didn’t mean to because at   that point in the story you don’t know that  yet, what is happening to my mind. Anyway,   Cyberpunk and whatnot. The parade. He’s  handling getting on and I’m taking out 3   snipers who’ll watching from the rooftops  waiting to put a bullet in my doorbell. While he reconnoiters the area, I had time  to kill. Literally. This is that time thing   I mentioned earlier. To pass the time, I thought  suicide would be a fun thing to try. The best   suicides are the ones you don’t see coming, like  an accident involving tripping on nothing and   falling neck first onto a TV or opening fire on  a restaurant full of high level movers. Even with   my fancy wall penetrating without protection  electronic energy projection weapon, I never   succeeded. I spent longer than you’d think on that  too, tried a couple different tactics, running in   hands first with a shotgun, throwing grenades  inside the building and having half of them   get stuck on the doorframe. I tried everything I  could think of and nothing worked. Outraged at my   own failure and inability to kill a simple mobster  like a man, I went to the police. Not to ask for   help, to kill them. Got a job from some rando who  spent his life savings to watch someone get hit   and died on the scene when they opened fire back  at us. The life of a Discord mod is never easy. Still needing something to due, I thought  to do a right and proper side quest,   believe it or not I did do quite a few of them in  this playthrough. Haven’t met Elizabeth Peralez   yet, wonder what her story is. Made a boo-boo with  my bike and that was the end of that idea. The   next side mission I actually did was all story, no  action, no real reason to spoil it. Then again if   you’re this far into the video you probably don’t  care about spoilers. Well I do, so moving onto the   bull . This stage of this quest, like possibly all  the other quests in this game I imagine, can be   bugged. In my 90 playthrough that’s lost to time  I couldn’t pick up a dead body in the tutorial,   had to restart the game. After, like, so long, my  friend finally called me, it was so good to hear   his voice telling me about all the silly things  yesterday like [5 second censor] with the [more]. Now it’s go time, my job is to infiltrate the  Arasaka Industrial Park and hack the system. First   half, you know, a few parts took some real effort  to get passed, the big ware house was probably the   hardest stealth section in the game so far, but  even then it’s nothing above average. It’s one   of not many I experienced where I couldn’t just  blindly bumble around and not get caught. Then,   guess what, Bull 2: Return of the Nightmare  on 21 Street. This time, for real, for the   third first time ever, I did a side mission  because it was moderate difficulty and far away.   Saul, the leader of the Almond Boys, was  abducted, possibly against his will. As usual,   it falls on me to get inside and get Saul out.  I’m not 100% sure if stealth was required, Pam   made a fuss when I got detected so I’d assume not,  but this was slightly behind the last one. No real   reason to say much about it, only so many ways I  can say I strangled someone to death. Saul and I   escaped, ran into the loving arms of a deadly  sandstorm, were rescued by the van, we caught   refuge in an abandoned building, Panam refused my  advances, she’ll regret that one day, trust me. For saving her dear leader, she gifted me her  rifle, I think I used it once, maybe. Takemura   was set, I attempted suicide twice only to realize  that telling him not to jump is a thing you can   do, he gave me a shard containing the locations  of the snipers, the parade began, and I got to   work performing three assassinations on three  unlucky individuals who’re just doing their jobs.   Being in my way is enough to deserve a death  sentence in my book. Let this serve as a warning   to everyone. I want Kirby Air Ride 2, and I’m  gonna get it one way or another. Sniper One was   as hard to look at as he was easy to kill, I made  sure to drop his body down to the streets below to   dispose of it discretely, people don’t spawn down  there it’s safe, had a bit of parkouring to do on   my way to the 2nd sniper, part of me is surprised  there weren’t more of these sections in the game,   I’m not sure why I expected a lot of rooftop  running in this game. With Bravo 2 down,   only Bravo 3 remained. The B stands for Bad Guy  and Bravo. A watchman on the stairs kept detecting   me before I could digitally gouge his eyes out,  took several attempts to take care of him it did. Sniper the 3rd planted 3  mines behind him for safety,   they saved him once, I interrupted  the Netrunner’s gaming time,   and Sandy Ouya emerged with his lightsabers to  end me. It went about as well for him as trying   to beat Super Monkey Ball 2 without collecting  any bananas went for me, it was an unrivaled   tragedy. Then Takemura went and ed everything  up by shooting Hanako where her heart should be.   Thankfully he only knocked her out and changed  her clothes while she was unconscious, he’s a real   gentleman. The game restarted my computer again  right before speaking to her. Like going home to   play tech support for my family, the fun truly  never ends no matter how badly I wish it would. The next time the game held it together,  she was unwilling to listen to reason,   refused to believe her brother who was labeled a  “smug cock” by his coworkers and even made one of   them cry by telling them “try not to this order  up if you can manage that” would kill someone   for power. Police raided the place, Takemura had  one of the most pathetic off-screen deaths ever,   the floor collapsed which I felt was  too convenient even for a video game,   I made my escape, Johnny and the voice  inside my head sought refuge in a hotel,   Hanako suddenly had a change of heart and  sent a robot to deliver a message for her. Did   another oopsie with the mind melting just before  blacking out and waking up in yet another hotel,   Johnny promised to go to the Recycling Bin just as  Old Yeller did if we got to Mikoshi, and he had a   plan of his own. Adam Smasher needs to go, but  we’ll need Rogue to make it happen, and she’ll   only listen to Johnny. I’ve been waiting for this  for a long time, my task is to take drugs and OD. Surprisingly only those who haven’t been paying  attention, Johnny lied. There was heavy drinking,   letting someone use his skin as a coloring book,  drugs, violence, what looked like they could’ve   been socks with sandals, a car crash, it was a  wild time. At some point in the madness I met   with Rogue, convinced her of my plan, had to wait  for Rogue to call, so I headed back out to the   Arid Badlands because the Firestone Bounty  Board has a new job for me. Panam wants to   steal an armored military panzer tank, because of  course she does. Only 6 of us were in on the plan,   there was room for no more at the picnic table,  we rode to the interception point, and began to   lay our trap. First we broke into the control  tower, then we restored power to the , watched   the big-ass train move, she some some that  I reflected like a ing emotionless mirror,   and we headed back outside to get ready for the  ambush. I jumped over her head as a shortcut,   managed to die by falling like 3 feet, last save  was back outside when we first arrived at the   station, and that was the end of that. I returned  to the city to meet with Hanako at Embers. This is the end of the line. Once this quest  begins, there is no going back. Hanako said   that pretty much everyone in the upper echelon  on her family tree knew about her brother’s plot   to take over the the entire farm but lacked the  spine to do anything about it. But I’m living   breathing proof of his betrayal. All I have to do  is testify and she’ll take me to a Mikoshi access   point in Mr House’s Bunker below Arasaka Tower to  get the chip safely removed. Unsure of what to do,   side with the or not, I took the elevator  because I needed some air. Makes sense. I   needed air so I wen to the most confined space  in this entire building. One more blackout later,   I was back in Viks’s shop and if you thought he  was pessimistic the last time I got dragged here,   you ain’t seen nothing yet. It’s pretty much  over for me. I said my last goodbye, he gave   me a gun and some pills, and Misty led me up to  the rooftop she’d taken Jackie to before he died. John and I had a chat, there was only one path  forward. Only one more move left to make. No   pills, no blaze of glory, just a bang that  echoes through the city for a brief moment,   then nothing…. Remember when I said  Panam would regret refusing my advances?   She’s mad at my suicide because she cared.  She’s sad. Her heart’s broken. I win. If you enjoyed the video…
Channel: Mitten Squad
Views: 1,170,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Can You Beat Cyberpunk 2077 Without Finding Any Bugs or Glitches, can you, can you beat, can you beat cyber, can you beat cyberpunk, can you beat cyberpunk 2077, can you beat cyberpunk 2077 with, can you beat cyberpunk 2077 without, can you beat cyberpunk with, cyberpunk bugs, cyberpunk 2077 bugs, cyberpunk glitches, cyberpunk 2077 glitches, mittensquad, mitten squad, cyberpunk, 2077, cyberpunk 2077
Id: fBNOW8-1suw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 46sec (2146 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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