Can You Beat Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel With ONLY White Guns and No Skill Points?

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There are a few things that send shivers down the butt cracks and boners of any Borderlands fan. Rule 34 of scooter, the absence of actual handsome Jack theme toilet paper and Dwarfs of all the pre-sequel the circle-jerk of hate on this game is tremendous and honestly the game really isn't all that bad so it's time to wrap up the common gear and zero skill points trilogy with the one game literally no one has ever asked for I traveled to different planets clapping all types of alien cheeks with my nerf guns but I have yet to reach the satisfaction that I longed for Borderlands the pre-sequel will without a doubt fulfil my hot gamer guy needs today we will answer a question no sane person has ever asked can you beat Borderlands the pre-sequel with only white guns and zero skill points no one has ever asked this question because god damn this game is a Sam's Club family combo pack that's just full of issues and failures and it's and honestly and it's not really that fun but as always I am here for torture and you are here for the enjoyment of that torture let's grab our icarly pear phones and discuss the rules here boys rule one as always if you know the Sens allure and the Sens of mangaverse you would know that this run absolutely nothing but common gear is allowed vehicle weapons and mounted weapons can be used though rule to noscope points are allowed this run we are going in bare-bones 2007 glory days Call of Duty style wear your social status depended solely on your kDa and how many nukes you have gone rule three sit back relax and crack open a good ol Sunny D because you guys are in for a ride of a lifetime as you watch my mental gymnastics Olympic performance in a game that is nearly irrelevant now join me as Papa Samantha fills a gap that isn't actually there and accomplishes something no one cares about this is my story when I'm not doing my day job as a customer service operator for ChatterBait you already know that my for Sona is claptrap so picking my character this run will be the easiest thing I do I picked this robotic hunk and then typed in my mother's gorgeous maiden name and now it was time to do God's work I was called to the Helio station to help against a doll attack the beginning of the run was going to be simple as I expected it to be common gear early on literally decimates everything in its path I rolled around and eventually found Jack although he was pinned down by doll soldiers I hit him with that Dan oh snap while popping a handstand and literally destroying them with my lead bullets and testosterone and you know a little bit of estrogen I'm thrown in there because I'm playing claptrap but nonetheless they died going from Borderlands 3 to the pre sequels an absolute downgrade I mean you know because what one of them's a pretty decent came and yeah the other ones the losing my privilege to grind my robotic ass cheeks on the ground was absolutely horrifying this was definitely going to be a long run I followed Jack so we can make our way off this space turd and then we were intercepted by Colonels our Colonel kernels our pit Colonels our P and then we were intercepted by Emperor Zurg from Toy Story and her weird alien thing Jack's efforts were futile just as all of my attempts to get a girlfriend and our escape ships were destroyed so a detour was imperative we did a reach-around and i brought pain to any and all foes with my common phallic projectile launcher just around the corner was my first boss fight this tussle was a piece of cake and I fancied shutting off his gameboy advance before he could reach a save point in Final Fantasy Tactics this is also when I realized that holy fucking turds on a biscuit fight for your life in the preset quele was absolutely horrendous your movement speed while down was honestly slower than the time it takes for my grandfather to get an erection but before we go on about erections in this dingleberry sandwich clapping crusade let's discuss our sponsor this video when I'm not playing trash games and doing pointless challenges I'm playing this mobile game rape shadow warfare 3 the movie sequel epic trilogy back doors the doors oh my god gets lucky on YouTube and then sells out just kidding guys so let's discuss a plan Oh thank God yeah operation staying up past bedtime aka I'm supposed to be doing the dishes right now but instead I'm editing this video is now in full effect after studying so many quickscope montages and cowboy movies all of that we need to get that the fuck out of here because it's all irrelevant now the pre-sequel is a beast of its own fortunately already completed the first step of this plan which was choosing claptrap he was beyond imperative this run because his dialogue alone will at least ameliorate the fact that I'm playing this game after reading ninjas guide to getting better at fortnight I was able to get a clairvoyance and remember that laser guns were a thing in the pre-sequel snipers are still a must for doing those sweet sweet quick scoping deeps but these laser beams were imperative for doing the they were imperative for doing laser things we will also try and see how far we can get without doing side quests because we all know doing them feels like letting out a risky fart that's so dark and malicious you have to put your hand in your underwear just to make sure you didn't shit yourself now that we are all debriefed on the plan I will go do the dishes before my mom I gotta go my girlfriend just called me Jack put me in his t-shirt cannon and he sent me down to the moon below hélio so I can continue on his crusade this was where I met sandbag Sally and was told that I needed a NOS kid if I wanted to Goomba stomp with my butt cheeks after killing a couple baddies with my dollar store plastic army guns it was time to help sandbag Sally wet her whistle and get back her digit struck the key the one good part about this game are the jump pads my happiness and enthusiasm though was instantly stripped for me when I remember that I was going to have to fight deadlift I went to years of therapy to strip this fight from my memory and now all the moments of pain and sodomy have returned this boss makes kilovolt seem like a breeze you see this game was released when Will Smith was a CEO of gearbox but that isn't a good enough of an excuse to make this boss literally harder than the orphan of costs from blood-borne after getting farts sucked out of my asshole I overcame this piece of shit and beat him doing this all with only white gear I grabbed dead tits construct key and was able to get my first vehicle unfortunately my common weapons weren't Opie anymore so now I had to take my skirmishes a lot more seriously the next task on the list was to get my booty over to the dollar store version of Sanctuary Concordia this was where we were going to find the source of the jamming signal I arrived at Concordia unfortunately got a ticket from Earl the police robot from Futurama and then made my way to try to go talk to the mayor if that didn't seem to work out so I made my way over to the bar where fortunately my chocolate hurricane Rowland was at anyway Moxie had a boring quest for me so I went around scaling a few buildings in the name of titties got a bit of Intel on the Mareth and then Concordia was put on lockdown I needed to find a way out of this bad boy fortunately I found Moxie cosplaying a scooter and then she let me out through the back door making my way to try in flats for the first time this was when I experienced my first money shot straight from the Helio Space Station all over the moon's face I couldn't be distracted though my goal here was to find this jamming signal with my airsoft weaponry and take it down in order to find out more on the signal though I needed to join the red-bellied gang for initiations they wanted me to beyblade duel a few of the rival gang members so I cheated and fisted all of their faces with my nerf gun tactical sniper rifle and made mincemeat of everyone and anything in my way due to my valiant efforts I was accepted into the gang and it was time for my third boss fight red belly I'm not gonna lie straight to your face here guys and tell you that this boss fight was hard because it truly wasn't I enjoyed getting my ass handed to me and turned into a six-piece Chicken Tandy combo meal from McDonald's I even got baited by 2k Australia and gearbox dude no way he actually has the same health I left on my pet I really don't remember this oh come on either way I just remembered the glorious quote from our 22nd president Ryan Gosling live fast eat ass and proceeded to show red and belly what me and my common gear were truly made of after taking out the trash it was time to turn off the signal jammer and oh oh wow big surprise it didn't work it was time to take out the Mareth and meet up with Jacky poo we played back or according to the claptrap police but exposing the merits bitch ass and he led us straight to the mayor's office Earl being the gentleman he was was kind enough to even open the door for us too I watched a really awkward and just honestly and credibly difficult to look at cutscene and then it was time to head off and build an AI robot army the next quest said that it was going to be hard because the level requirement was 12 and I was quite under leveled but the young and educated man named side quest because I wasn't going to do those bad boys I wrote in on my super badass motorcycle with my leather jacket I wear every day in ti-84 graphic calculator that all the girls want to touch and it was time to find tiny Tina's more annoying younger Australian Brother pickle Pete after my daily ass tenderizing session with my water guns I got to pickle Dan and then he let me in on his operation no no come on not that type of operation you eighty pickle Nathan's plan was to hop on a doll warship and locate an AI core coincidentally the bridge I needed to cross got destroyed but that's okay because there's always a back-up plan I had to get this bridge reconstructed with liquid methane I traveled to the area pickle Michael told me to head to and didn't have fun like at all of course after playing a good ol nice friendly game of common gun twister with a few dull soldiers I dumped the methane into the lava to form a makeshift bridge totally fought a badass car GaN to assert my Chad leanness and it was time to make my way to the old dull warship I pounded my way through with my sniper and Jacobs shotgun and we were actually putting in work for once something was going well for me after a lot of dying and slowly taking out my enemies it was time for the next boss fight fortunately this dull sniper I had was able to put in some work but I had to be careful with bozon one second of his rockets touching my vascular robot arms equaled in sadef and in my books that is complete but shit so the tactic was to play ring around the Rosie slowly popping him whenever I had an opening the death counter on this boss wasn't too bad and eventually he was dead I got the AI waifu for jack and it was time to build our massive robot army our next plan of action was to hit up the Titan robot production plan on the way there I got a new Jacobs pistol and honestly this run was feeling really great literally I had absolutely no complaints I was role playing as my favorite anime character claptrap no side quests had been completed thus far and honestly even though I had to deal with a couple of annoying boss fights my death so far were actually pretty goddamn low from one of these videos I saved some men named add stone from a group of knotty scabs and it turns out that this was a man that created digits trucks and it was time to make our own my shield being equivalent to that of a paper mache mask was getting torn through my ass was basically up on a platter and the enemies were having an all-you-can-eat buffet I finished completing the prototype and now it was time to install felicity into the digit struct doing so though was a bad idea because Jack's hot anime wife who betrayed us and of course I was the one that had to deal with it this fight consisted of me destroying the fuck out of my space bar and clenching my ass tighter than the corset of my uncle's wife at an all-you-can-eat hotdog dinner fortunately I had a common corrosive gun for this fight and that thing put in some hella work jack sweet Queen unfortunately met death and we had a robot army I returned to moxie and regrouped with the homies the jamming signal was now down and it was time to assault Helios and stop Emperor Zurg even chocolate hurricane was coming along on Helios I couldn't get into Jack's office so I found my twin and he did it for me my robotic brother worked on getting me inside as I endured the pain and torture of a bunch of omegle all crying laughing emoji funny XD rawr jokes in order to push on and get to Zerg the Helios defense systems needed to be hacked and the only way to do that was to save my boys from R&D my common gear and I set off on yet another adventure one that would be told of in the history books for decades to come one of those weapons that I talked about in the mission debriefing was now in my grasp this gun emitted a steady and constant beam of testosterone and pain it was absolutely beautiful I saved the first scientists and since I'm a really cool guy I saved the others - I got the cloaking device for Jack and now it was time to finish the assault and I watched Jack go a little postal for a quick second chapter 9 was here and my arsenal was feeling pretty sick on mode only two more chapters to go and then I was in the clear in order to reach the eye of Helios I needed to make my way through a partially constructed area this was when the difficulty started to actually hit me but there was no way I was going back to do any side quests and at this point the only course of action was to tread lightly and slowly pick off my enemies one by one Emperor Zurg blew up the bridge and I went around taking out the regulator's so Captain Jack could blow a hole and I could enter his hole me and my beam gun literally tore through any enemies in my path this shit was a reenactment of that one time I killed everyone in GTA 4 when my mom wasn't looking I 3d printed Jack into the eye of Helios and it was time to shut down Emperor zergs death ray I was now five levels under the level requirement but trust me I was not going back to do side quests I was able to shut down Zergs laser after a Cool Ranch Doritos family sized a bag of deaths and now it was time for Zerg to join the rest of her soldiers in the underworld and I'm not talking about that underworld though I'm talking the underworld in the Super Nintendo game terranigma bitch Jack was here to assist me in taking her out with him being present in the fight Dirk should focus most of her firepower on Jack as I dish out okay that's weird oh okay okay that okay this isn't why isn't okay alright you could stop killing me now so the plan wasn't working and Jack was as useless as a blow-up sex doll I bought on Amazon that doesn't hold any air but after a bit of dying okay I'm not gonna lie to you guys after a lot of dying and waiting 30 goddamn seconds after every death for the goddamn path to clear I finally finished off her first face and this was when I remembered she had a second one with my common gear holy goddamn shit I would rather go play raid shadow warfare 3 the movie sequel epic trilogy backdoor sluts League of Legends because this shit literally felt impossible I had to deal with it though because there was no way in hell that I was going back to do fucking side quest hey what's up boys hell yeah welcome to the best family on YouTube today we are continuing on our let's play a Borderlands the pre-sequel and guess what we're doing side quests baby yes baby side quest baby whoa baby yeah it felt bad to actually go and do side quest for once I thought that I could fully get away with it this run but I guess it wasn't possible after about an hour and a half of side quest I came back at a higher level pounded in Emperor's ergs ugly alien face I found out that the cause of the laser was actually due to the Eye of Sauron we disabled that bad boy returned to Jack's office and found out that my chocolate hurricane and his friends actually bamboozled Jack and I they played us like an Atari back in 1977 at the game stop midnight release fortunately this was the final chapter in the game the run was almost done and it was nearly all over I want to tell you guys now before getting into the final segment of this video that skipping sidequest was my biggest fuck-up this run and in the sense of lore and manga verse let this video be the official documentation of the fact that I take back everything I said about side quests I made my way to Virago solitude and this shit wasn't fun met the Guardians for the first time and actually enjoyed getting fucked by a different type of enemy I made it to rf5 unfortunately this was the only good part about the end of the game I just had to choose him a bit as I sat in an elevator shaft and shot him from a distance and this boss took me around a good 20 minutes but eventually I fucking did it I made it to the yridian structure and oh won't you look at that getting fucked is on the menu at this restaurant too so I pushed forward dying probably on average every three minutes and tried taking out as many as I could with my Jakob sniper slowly but surely I was able to make it to the vault gate here is when I decided to save quit farm which fortunately was a great idea because I was braced by God's asshole and the presence of this Polaris beam which actually was in doodoo shit compared to my other weapons getting through this area gave me a bit of thyroid cancer but when I got to office superior oh dear Lord this shit was horrible I'll say now that this mob enemy was harder than the final boss at this point all hope in sanity of mine was gone I literally spent my time mindlessly farming the ads she spawned for one hour straight just to hit level 25 even after doing so I still got my fucking booty blasted I did a couple more vendor farms and yet again I was still getting blasted but as we all know I am the Leonardo da Vinci of video games with the prowess of a tiger and the stamina of an African elephant I overcame with my laser beam rifle finally killing otha it was time for the final boss I will tell you now that this boss was a breeze literally this common beam rifle did all the damn work of course ass clenching ensued but it was easier than I thought it would be with my common gear and zero skill points looking head ass I finally did it that hole that I felt at the beginning of this run was finally filled the trilogy was complete I beat Borderlands the pre-sequel with only white gear and zero skill points I went through all of this trouble so you little cuties didn't have to after twenty-one hours our boners can finally be laid to rest it was over boys I did this because I only felt as though it was necessary to finally make a conclusion to the many series that blew up my channel Q&A video will be up by the end of the month I could promise you that but until then if you like this video I want you to ti-84 graphing calculator the coordinates of that like button and press it and if you like what I do here maybe even slip on a cute little leather jacket or something and press that sub button thank you guys so much for watching follow my socials if you haven't already and stay tuned for next week's video where we have the entire discord server in one voice chat screaming the Jake and Josh theme song you
Channel: Senza
Views: 734,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Senza, Borderlands, Borderlands the pre sequel, borderlands the presequel, can you beat, can you beat borderlands the pre sequel, can you beat borderlands, can you beat borderlands 3, can you beat borderlands the pre sequel with only white guns and no skill points?, borderlands clap trap, borderlands 3, new borderlands, the pre sequel, border lands, the pre sequel story, borderlands presequel, borderlands pre sequel clap trap, borderlands no skill points, presequel, border lands 3
Id: 3-xX2pRWRuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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