CAN YOU MAKE THE SHOT? (Fortnite Basketball)

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so with March Madness right around the corner Biffle has done it again look at this map we have made a giant basketball arena this is all biffle's idea or playing horse in fortnight we have hit some insane shots Oh dudes do me a favor if you enjoy this idea and if you want daily videos do me a huge favor hit the subscribe button also go check out biffle's channel go subscribe to him and also tell them your foot just hit the dang subscribe button this was good are you guys ready ready sled the roads were doing two different events first event were playing horse or bush and then we're doing a 1v1 tournament football NFL March Madness stat what why are we wearing skins you know why biffle's NFL did this is March Madness NFL dude not even a Fame in the California Wildcat you know what I'm the New England Heat what all right everybody ready oh yeah we got a drop we got a trial I do the thing you do the scorecard to see who goes first and Bush okay three two one go Oh so 'quran Biffle meat and sigils whatever grains - foot five so this is for Bush if he makes this shot then we all have to make it if we don't we each get a B what are you doing great I like it what do you got coming up oh you think you think that was impressive you ever heard of the Rollie pollie doli shot I have not heard anything that you've ever said it watching watching what do you got watching no you know if nobody is in there it doesn't hit the backboard it goes through the backboard all right now it's my turn now it's my turn so I call this the Bounty's just watch just watch just watch you've gotta trust what no all three of you have to do that shot if you don't you get a B here we go you ready ready so ready oh [Music] my god doesn't have a be nice i credit on you you're a beat it all right before I begin my Bibble I'll be the ball I'll be the ball yes yeah bouncers all right I'm Jude hands off the keyboard Z hands off the keyboard [Music] okay so Biffle and Koran or both have a beat oh boy do I think I go again writers this guy after me Co I think the guys to me gonna yeah yeah I go now oh go ahead - lets go ahead on you alright gentlemen this is called the fadeaway all right watch and learn wait until the trick has been completed before you hey thanks wait is that a fear joke doing miss waiting miss we know we missed no I'm not I don't want to talk about it all right Coran stern crane what do you gotta crave you I'm gonna do the full court again all right do you you do you show you guys no I'm not no I'm not watching [Music] you know what before you go next I'm not doing it I'm not doing it I opted out in my opt-out karev biffle's after Quran so Biffle goes hey just sit still I can see this what do you do do you know what he did all right now that's my turn oh this can be easy easy easy I've been practicing my whole foot like this what does that mean okay here we go here we go here we go and I all right so I have a B you guys are foot welcome to the B slide says it was on you can cancel the game without a letter yeah because you ever went yeah so sit down can you do it servers did oh yeah of course now that's nope you're done you're done you got a B boys you gotta be [Applause] you gotta beat it yeah well I just made it crap all right so quran' gave us all a letter wait Biffle has a B you dude you're my boo all right what what do you want from it coming coming Emily Emily I'm okay get get out of the paul-jules no I want that ball ball stinks okay all right okay you're gonna slowly creep up okay pad and you're gonna go up for me don't go towards the hoop okay so just creep up okay yeah creep up and bounce off I call this blue March Madness hit the ball in the hoop for a terrible name okay going I'm pressing W now and I'm not moving my fingers okay faster right there Oh Oh so is that your shot oh yeah it's my shot now I said I was my turn I got an idea taking the ball I'm gonna I don't need anybody in the ball I don't need anybody in the ball Oh don't need anybody stay away you guys smell like foot powder okay so I'm gonna line it up right here okay okay go forward right here you guys ready for this yeah I'm ready Oh y'all ready wait no no right there oh my gosh and then it worked I've been so sad all right who's up next I'm proven once it for all get this work okay are you doing are you doing the fadeaway I'm doing a fadeaway all right I'm watching I'm watching oh okay that did not go in that did not go in keep going yeah wait for it wait for it it didn't go in not on my screen it hit the rim and bounced off no I didn't go in on my screen no not on line underneath okay who's up next is a next friend no you didn't dude it's 3p1 listen it's three you wanna hear all right Graham what do you got full court shot that I want to do simple man okay oh you're taking it back to old school huh all right it's on you you know what what beat you right because I'm P you yeah you're a B you you're a B you yep you know I'm just gonna go for an easier shot that I think is easy but it's plumbing I couldn't make it okay so I have a spell I have a special shot that I want to do save it you know do you know what you know what you know we're gonna do it your way we're gonna do this we're gonna do this ranges you look like an S okay so somebody bring a ball right in for al right in front of me ready for me yeah yeah there right there stay well don't you don't you do it are you guys ready for the shot it looks simple right it looks simple right it looks simple right yeah but we're doing this blind okay let me know if this goes in let me know if this goes in I call this the blind - fit did it go in what do you mean let's go you're going to get a s dude you're about to be a bust you're as large as a bus what I'm watching this I'm watching this alright acidulous gonna be my boo oh alright Koran it's not you if you don't miss oh so sigils as my boo Quran Oh Quran gonna be my boo are you ready I think right here no oh God that was terrible no no sorry buddy like you couldn't even see the hoop Oh God all right people it's your turn are you gonna be a poor district oh if he misses this it's over for him oh no he'll be a bus okay come on hurry up [Music] biffle's a bus I don't wanna be a boy you're a boy dad okay so I went so now sizzle scissors on you you know do one of these yeah we could tell he's a swimmer that was literal you did nothing you did nothing I got nothing yeah no I'm gonna do something dinner I'm not gonna even need a backwards no backboard he's going first we know I was going for a switch on the side shop okay okay schedule hey schedules how about you sit still huh dumb buddy hit me alright Granite's on you criticize my shot or hey Koran you're that guy aren't you yeah I'm next and I'm using my special Biffle whistle trick you're probably all wondering over here in this corner oh yeah what is this ball here for yeah this has been here since the dawn of time all right okay so I want to get a little fancy you know it's for tonight you got a build sometimes you ain't good to build wall I'm just gonna go ahead and just wait you want to be wait what all right Biffle what is this what is this what do you got this is the secret shot no century of the Biffle trick shut I don't know what that means you're seeing words but I don't know okay foot I understand what irony here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go hi Oh what do you mean no I don't want to play this anymore ah no you know yelled it name it to when you when you see Oh God name of it see if you remember it's like this so I go first because I'm at Oh No yeah yeah okay okay I want somebody to get in the ball and don't move ready right there right don't move the ball call me captain ball okay what keep your hands off of the wheel my hands over my mouth Oh your bang okay okay ready okay yeah so I'm a boo hi I'm somebody's boob yeah be my boo yeah no I don't want that I don't want that all right go ahead grandma head Korea do you wanna mean all the work here what do you mean yeah Mary ball just pretty oh my granny I'll be the ball for you or Biffle do you want a people ball you ever been the ball yeah that Koran got bad news for you you're a bus I always knew you was a bus okay so Biffle just scored tell us my sure now it's my turn now it's my turn I'm going to save my good shopping last ran out if away if I if I make this ripples out but you guys aren't no wait no all of you are out if I make this shot you guys don't I win yeah I don't like this I don't like this at all I bought this shining it I call for the win hi yeah [Music] you guys gotta hit that like button for that shot you guys gotta hit that hit that black play hit the subscribe button hit the biffle's face what so if they miss this shot what do you mean the bush portion Oh citizen Oh so mad I'm so oh he's going in he's going not even now not even so quran' is next if he misses this then he's the second output on your Bush Quran put on your [Music] what you do that's what you do and you turn around right hit then you hit that right right and then you throw it up and then that's so that's not easy and on you ruined the ball that I wanted to use so now I'm gonna no pressure a little bit of pressure March Madness NFL football's on the line right here but you can still do it [Applause] [Music] and it continued so I am a boo and he is a bus all right missile it's your turn what do you got I call this the basic the basic oh yeah you push boys go sit somewhere yes good port okay I sit here we go here we go here we go got this no way no I could do that I could do that all right before it's on you it's on you going what do you got I don't like ideas but I have it Oh God oh dude he's sending it oh yeah yeah here we go oh what's up what's up Sundy what's up what's up right here behind them lines why yeah I see it go get me a ball all right here we go here we go here we go boys I'm going in don't even go in at you look at you and how so I am also a bus all right so you major so now it's my turn I says you ready stay still do not press a button okay okay we just tweet I I have got a new file because stupid games say so do not move no way [Music] [Applause] so hey Bob I got it I got this thing I gotta go do some here here at home let me give you let me give you something whenever you need it go ahead guy grab that guy go all right sizzles you're in the ball again so so nobody says that you know you know such as ways a little bit more than other people I don't know I don't know I don't know what your way I'm tweeting I don't want to lose down come on boy and we're gonna end this video here we weren't gonna do it one of you one turn over but this took forever I hope you guys have enjoyed if you did March Madness NFL hit that like button down below if this subscribe but if you're new to any of our channels check out our codes hit that little bell what else can I do check out our myspace yeah what guys next time [Music]
Channel: SSundee
Views: 8,649,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ssundee, sunde, sundee, Fortnite, Fortnite Battle Royale, Fortnite Creative, Fortnite march madness, march madness, Fortnite creative game mode, fortnite creative mini game, forrtnite mini game, mini games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2019
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