100 Stage *FLASH* DEATH RUN MAP! (Fortnite)

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so we've done 50 levels of death run 50 easy stages of parkour you guys ready we've also done 150 levels of death run 150 and now 100 levels of flash ROM Dean did you just strike me in my pimple with a flash lightning bolt but yeah dudes this map is insane do me a favor if you want more of these 100 level death runs hit the like button down below every like is another dead 20kv Bucks are on the line let's do this all right boys we're all ready this one's for 20,000 B books okay 3 2 1 go you know what stride and Ian you're big butts total 3 just killed being trainer so thank you very much before yeah so there's 100 levels right here you just play craters ahead of us oh no this is unacceptable level 9 boys oh I'm bout the pass Kriner I best-rated look at 10 you guys already doc here we go oh that's tough here we go hi y'all oh no oh no I did that wrong this is how we do it boys hit that flight flooding flown for and and okay okay I'm catching up the crane job oh yeah code it's blue sir guys go use exclusive code show him some love it's a litte dab map so there's 100 levels of flash only tip crouch trainer get out of here okay I'll help you dude okay you just go behind me and you won't die Wow nope I'm on Dan brother nope I'm not I'm not flashing this one I'm not flashing this one not gonna happen what does that mean oh yes we out here okay come on 41 first try and your time ah ha Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go level 15 like you're having a lot of fun Garrett oh that jump here jump here jump here oh it's slide all the way out here level 19 boys this is it stride oh it's a dropper okay don't hit those you die easy we out here a little 22 I don't Gary what level are you on both well dude you cheating okay oh I see you in hell oh no you know you smell like cheese Kurtz you know what well you know it's off but I'm Oh 24 we out here boys I'm a quarter of the way there right now boys we added that reserves a quarter of a life 13:26 oh there okay got it that's easy easy way out here 27 you're on 13 Gary you always gotta go up there is their junk jump pad down here oh it's a pin oh crap I hit my foot on the foot how did you do this is Emily and I'm stuck cuz your trashcan Oh dirty hey okay quick quick level update well levels everybody on I'm on 30:24 wordy I'm on 14 what about you stride I'm on 20 fault Gary what's going on with you and 25 do this talk about it oh um um okay what ready now okay jump jump hit that eye open oh you got to make it in a door that's impossible wait range is here no tries here they're both here yeah that's right Duke team Denmark dude team hit mark and was cheating no I was I'm gonna wait till both of you die so then I can spawn on that pad I don't want to start over I agree spawning and level before the one that I think I waited long enough so I get that spawn head yay quick - what you got to go through the door yep I told you how did you do that stride no sir I died yeah yeah how'd I made it how did you make it through the door yeah I didn't make it through the door hold on I got this right here I made it cranes oh hey stri what level you on boy I'm on 39 that's it I'm on 1437 get rid are you here yet I was Custer I dude 39 shrine I can try you oh no you didn't no you're not you're not a 42 dude already nailed it nailed it nailed it all right here we go boy this is the run right here this is easy we out here we foot here we foot here we foot here I didn't foot here Gary Oh actually went forward to level what how does that know I don't like crane I'll give you a dollar to activate that trap okay what is this yeah so a have funny and you'll laugh what are you supposed to do on this one oh my gosh the door is gonna be the death of me okay I did it but why don't you just parkour I don't get it can you I'm doing it dude okay normal parkour this is easy well level are you on SH ride I'm still on the door I can't see you're still on the door congratulations you just waste your time doing that parkour right after the speed boost you spawn protection that's what I said just want to try to tell you in but you did not listen did you wait why wait I don't get it what do I do haha Ian is confused Oh under you Oh 43 that's easy you around Devils you're gonna take some three levels 44 45 46 47 48 49 a poo poo pants goodbye in Friday poop and never $6 and Garrett how bout you get up here at shrine I'm level sync it up what a voice if you guys think I can catch right here like what well how about you catch me first I'm here brain to me I think I solved the problem I gotta hit the left side of the door oh wait what do you do here did you figure it out Gary oh I will catch tried I will catch tried it for the last thing I poo you will do it get Maury I have a master plan I'm gonna catch up to you all and win on tomb underneath yes level 54 boys that's this dumb thing in what dumb thing that slide yeah I beat it what Oh 55 how did you do such a thing 57 oh crap in my mouth I'm about to pass you and I'm gonna make you look like a foot hole please don't why not 58 oh you gotta make it through that door okay okay okay we out here who's gonna pay the winner 20kv bucks a you dude what if I win you did what do you want dude I gotta go up this way okay got it fix these really tough how did you guys do this slide thing just so mean oh this is so soft it's number 61 me out here can anybody know what they do I can anybody tell me how to do the slide please get good boy 63 right I'm coming for you boy fine tell me how to do the slide try 64 no okay I'm gonna wait and see how you invest this 100 it's got a 65 try if I catch you boy they got a why but it how many times do they have to hit that like button dude until it turns blue 53 is really tough Garrett III feel bad for you that you don't know what's coming but you know what 55 boy Akash ride what's ups ride a poo poo pants what's up boy bot you got a head I saw we beat level 65 on my recording broke okay you guys ready 3 2 1 go six seven what is this Oh on the slide oh I get it there's death zones oh that is sick 68 boys Oh what the heck oh crap try did you fall in the hole - yeah why is this so tough dude that was sick run 60 or 70 I think Gary you good is good trap Gary what number you on Gary 41 whoever is last right they have to give the winner V bucks I don't make the rules I just follow them yeah whoever is lowest level it's flues to reach out to my people my people who reach out to your people your people reach out to my people and we'll make maps together k KN seventy what it's food dude oh okay I think I know what I have to do here I have to jump into it yeah watch did you guys are almost at level 100 right now you guys are really out here in 72 I'm with try to prove Who fans tried if I beat you you got to pay me 75 billion dollars nope yep you it's a rule dude don't see you and me you take that back don't you his hair stood yeah not you my hairs I'll shred you push me you little tried 72 a billion [Music] I'm gonna kazoo this one oh gosh that was a very safe just do dude very sad and yes 74 it kisses oh stop it 74 74 74 60 want Oh oops a difficult 61 I don't remember that it was so long ago it was tube dude like the tubes yeah that was just so long ago I don't remember it okay you're just being a jerk hole right now oh that's tough dude okay I got to throw it farther forward I get it I get it 76 77 78 79 boys I need 21 more levels every like is another level beat oh my Craner make me stop asking for likes make me dude please I have a problem eighty coyote hired oh I hit the wall huh high 63 81 gosh I hate the tubes how did that hit me does anybody know Oh 82 oh my goodness they are so close there was a dropper gotta go here Garrett they are really beating us right now oh dude this is gonna be tough I want these 20 KB bucks yeah I thought I beat it dude I was gonna crash my undie hole that's pretty gross wait you knew guys not have undie holes no nope 64 maybe this way oh I see a hole over here get jebaited boys try to go luck with 82 boy I'm at 81 82 65 over going down now okay this is Liddy this is the Liddy 65 hmm 84 oh crap 85 I mean it's gonna be off to catch up to you guys but I believe in myself impossible I don't believe in you at all yeah I don't believe in you either I don't believe in myself either so that's my man I fell in lava before I hit the thing you with my thingy okay he had a mild stroke it's Gary and leave Gary alone he's Gary dude I'm on level 67 right now I could honestly catch up and win the whole thing if I wanted to come on I'm on 68 dyslexic what yep 68 68 dyslexic go this way okay gotta do this okay easy he's easy 69 I'm a 69 yeah you passed me dyslexic Oh 87 oh no 70 70 70 70 70 can I do this can I do this yep okay I guess this was pretty easy you know what done it before I do what would you do with VBox let us know let us know what would you say when a 388 we out here oh crap this is doors son of a foothold or liquor 89 oh it's a dropper come on fish right whatever are you on I'm on 82 oh boy we out I'm so close to you - sweats terse dude you're a sweat oh you're not what are you one crater 73 or something I don't know we have 47 minutes left to complete this mat Gary do you think it's possible for you single-level less than a minute 91 you can do it Garrett you can do it way come on boys come on boys what level are you all now Ian 91 oh gosh really mm-hmm you only need nine more levels what about you sir I I just whacked I mean I just glad I gladdened 18 yep gosh you suck dude 92 92 92 92 here we go almost there boys oh gotta make it in the hole oh crap that didn't work all right wasting time this is good yeah guys look at my new glider that I got cuz I win video games yay got mine week ago but just came on your Dingle wicker I'm just that good here think I'm standing before I came out you know what it is the reason why I'm not doing great is because I'm lagging oh yeah throw that there jump and go up here jump oh come on dude I think I figured it out dude oh my gosh we're not gonna help you dude cuz you know I'm clearly I be 93 93 is tough um wait what Wow no wonder you guys oh hey boys 94 alright huh oh you can't go in the water oh you gotta jump on the thingies oh that's doodoo and I know a thing or two about doodoo yeah you do do ya record with you every day got him Wow tried whatever you on I'm on 91 92 he's catching he's catching wait he's on 92 he's on the impulse 1 good luck with that boy yeah maybe you should stop sweating Strider no and cuz Ian's first nail bit and 95 don't alright there's 96 that's easy that's easy that's easy Weezy swimming lemon Gordo for girl what what 96 greasy girl 97 okay gotta go that way my goodness Ian is almost at level 100 boys three more levels well for counting 97 97 98 99 100 he's a former levels put missing me we go okay got it got a run on them got a run on this 98 come on I'm the best come on oh you've got to land on that what the heck is that flu sir I already told you look like a rooster I'm the best yeah you are d my round always we go home on the slide oh gosh Ian no well did you complete it him why did it just end did you complete it no he's told me you completed it I was so close to 100 how go ok I made it I made it he just gotta make this jump gotta make this job hi hope just 99 boys so we had to restart because the map broke you guys saw that ok we go 99 you're literally only missing one level 20kv bucks right here bullcrap did you do it not yet I failed give me an hour this 20kv bug thing oh you're not no not here we go oh wait I didn't die wait why didn't I die how do I get up there let me up there hey Dan yeah get out your wallet book you gotta pay me a billion dollars listen I don't have any doll hairs well you better find some boy or you're fast 93 Oh doh I'm at ninety fall right now Ian I'm right behind you no you no no you're not was it stride right behind me on the last file and now I'm no then reset its level 100 see congratulations you made it to level 100 the last level in this death run and you already know I made it difficult and I mean dot dot dot difficult right no no I'm sorry way out here boys Gigi music way out here boys we won oh gosh I was so close to you yet oh there we go boys I'm gonna have my video here I think Gary's gonna keep record if you guys have enjoyed hit the like button down below hit the subscribe button hit that little bell boys get out your wallet books you guys owe me 20,000 be books [Music]
Channel: SSundee
Views: 11,725,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fortnite, Fortnite creative, flash, fortnite superheros, Fortnite Battle Royale, Fortnite creative map, fortnite death run, kids, fortnite kids, Fortnite hard maps, fortnite avengers
Id: GxOiXzHb6VY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 9sec (1209 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2019
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