Can We Restore Lost Power To Our £500 Volvo?

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this is our 500 pound turbine brick and as you may have seen it's very slow it's very loud which is why we've decided to see if we can restore some of this car's power with a variety of cheap fixes we might even have a secret weapon to see if we can ensure that it makes the power spoiler alert is me he's going to pedal but first though we need a baseline i've got a pair of boots on this as well with the previous owner i made a bet with him i guessed one three eight he guessed one two one i won those boats i want to say it's gonna make 240. i'm optimistic we can each get a pair of boats you've not seen this have you i haven't what's his name his name is brick oh and then we have memes happening in the comments section of the video okay sorry chris a new brick i'm loving the tires as well quality different on every corner indeed they are i've noticed a couple of go faster speed holes which is definitely going to help in the in the dyno because as everyone knows a lightweight car is going to be faster and it smells very air freshenery was it a bit pongy edwin said he drove it he said it stank a piss but i didn't smell it i didn't smell it he's got a nose threat though doesn't it he's pretty good at sniffing piss with alex introduced to brick we asked charlie from sorry rolling road what he thought of our swedish tank it's uh it's got patina and uh that's about it actually and with that glowing review we fired up the dyno for bricks baseline [Music] wow right it's a bit spooky did you switch on the hoover yes okay why is it so smoking because the exhaust stops here yeah the extraction is here okay yeah normally there is a bit in the middle it's 133.1 good number i found some boats you have won some boots but i mean ultimately it's charlie's face that just says it all that is the face of a man who is so impressed he doesn't know what to say it's literally the most exciting thing i've done in 20 years of doing this wow guys i intend to spend many more years on this planet so if you want this back on my dyno you need to get that exhaust fixed please so to preserve charlie's health we went down the road to borrow our friend overseas tools and ramp to fix the blowy exhaust you're yet to drive this yeah why am i sitting so high there's no steering wheel adjustment i don't think there is you'll probably find volvo putter there's the safest place so instead of i suppose yes if you're going to have a crash you want to die quickly straight to the front i like that oh that exhaust flow is quite it's chronic i'm actually really looking forward to not have to put up with that anymore [Music] to be fair to it though is actually more pokey than i gave it credit for yeah yeah yeah i was expecting it not to be quite as strong as that there's a boost gauge with it oh i like that yeah it's cool it's very good isn't it very dangerous though because you just want to just look at the boost yeah yeah look at look at the wind there's a guy going in the car it's all right we would have been fine yeah to be fair he'd have been yes i actually forgot it was rear-wheel drive why it's so boat-like i love it are you being a sea captain today you know i like my semen before patching up brick we thought we'd see what oovis made of the car it is a bit of dog have you actually had a look under here no i've laid on the floor and looked underneath it i'm going to get a screwdriver what i'll get a screwdriver yeah and an angle grinder it's all right jake it's okay isn't it and you did it all by yourself i know it would be good this is probably the largest concern what do you mean this speed hole jack i think we just chop it off there no i know that's the way you like to do things but we've actually got a back box for this really yeah why don't we just do a back box delete i should have seen this coverage you want it to sound like a race car though it already does i wanted to be quiet there's another hole just here that one we need to plug that's that's the main culprit i'm somewhat of an expert at plugging holes as well so you are i can attest to that yes we've got some cheap fixes oh is it a coke can and some gum gum this one why do you step up from that you do that meanwhile i'll take the bat box off okay that sounds good don't go for the angle grinder oh what [Music] [Music] what are the torque settings for this a thousand oh that looks tight you need to clean up an aisle me that is ugly and horrible and cheap and nasty and i hope it works i mean it's on there this is the best work i think i've ever seen you do thank you yeah and that includes all edits that you've been involved in over five or six years you did a good job with that alex and you didn't even have to use an angle grinder thank you i was told i wasn't allowed i just thought you'd grow it as a person no definitely not [Music] oh oh that's okay start it jack come on don't be shy i don't want to blow the burger that sounds like power to me anyway should we go find out on the dyno [Music] this is so weird it's so quiet [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what we've lost four you must have recalibrated it this is now the wheels no presumably because there's more back pressure in the exhaust now because you've filled the big hole i told you we should we should we if we take the back box off how about that could you even go what did i tell you [Music] no difference no difference whatsoever no that's interesting i think you had a a big a huge exhaust blow before the cat which is where the exhaust gas was going and now it's having to go through the cat i think it's just knocked a few horsepower off but in general terms the turbo is consuming a lot of oil yes unhappy with our exhaust fix we threw a new set of ht leads on brick and took another round of predictions i think two horsepower five another minus five all right let's run it we've gained nothing at least we haven't lost anything this time yeah yeah it is again there's always time well i think we've done the like maintenance stuff and it hasn't paid off yeah so i think we need to go straight for fuel okay charlie where's the nearest airport we need jet fuel help yourself i don't think you have the authority to allow that should we go to a petrol station and try and find some proper cocoa yeah let's try that [Music] to test the myth that a standard car will make more power on better fuel we took the volvo for a top-up of 99 and a leisurely half hour journey to get working through the system [Music] we've just topped up with some shell v-power and we are going to prove the myth that shell v-power gets you more power right charlie no perfect and with that enthusiasm let's get the dyno going and then let's see big numbers i'm gonna go for five extra horsepower jack i'm gonna go uh exactly the same again 123. the fact that we've got shelvey power means that we should be getting more power right well the car has to be optimized to use the fuel the fuel itself won't give you any more power so if you put it in a car that was never designed to run super then the likelihood of any more power is remote okay i like this optimism let's prove him wrong yeah come on charlie come on brick come on brick so in fairness to the fuel we have made more power one but is it worth the extra cost i don't think so no probably not but we're going in the right direction now charlie we've got to do something air filter okay let's take it off let's pull the air filter off and yeah yeah shoot some lost at it this isn't even locked down oh wow oh that looks oh quite fresh no there's literally no point in changing that it's a fram though we have a man is a man better than fram or do we just say that it's brand new we don't bother and then we just go to stage two which is just run a pipe straight into the engine of course we went straight to stage two which resulted in some top-level engineering which even volvo themselves would be proud of five horsepower i'm gonna keep saying five until we get that five i'll go six then if we make more then i'm correct and you're wrong and then with charlie i think we'll probably be down another five so what are you saying 118 now no i'm gonna go up oh 56 yeah wow you've told me to be optimistic i'm being optimistic from this modification which was done in five minutes with a spanner so i just dropped some marbles down there [Applause] [Applause] so there you go we've proven now that the best modification you can do to any car is to just stick a massive pipe out of the bonnet don't bother fixing any of the issues that it has if anything we need to put that hole back into these we do imagine the power will be making if we had holding that exhaust still too much despite our tests being incredibly scientific and informative we weren't happy so i came back a few days later with our secret weapon installed i'm not having this i'm not ending this video on less power than when we started so i've fitted a manual boost controller oh dear oh dear for the car for sure i don't know if it's going to have a good time but crank it up see what it does do you like my boost gauge installation charlie well you could have taken it out of the box i know but then i might not be able to return it afterwards wow it's here for a good time not a long time a bit like the car before cranking up the controller we took another bass line to see what sort of boost brick was making let's do three turns see what that comes out at how and then go from there we're to take a bet on which piston is going to make an appearance first all at once i'm going to guess about seven psi because i think the turbo's buggered and i think that's all it's got well disappointingly it's still running yeah you so wanted to see this thing go pop didn't you i want to see some baggage well these things should be happy around 10 psi so should we crank it up see we get some more out of it absolutely i want to see some pistons please don't you're going to wheel that into existence i love pistons [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well that was only slightly more boost yeah uh we had uh about 0.55 bar but it drops off so we've actually got a little bit more torque that run uh the good news is even at that boost the fueling is is okay yeah and it is happy um but that is all the boost that turbo is going to do that's it that's it that's all is all it's got all it's got it's been holding us back this whole time probably right i think it's probably been holding you back for 20 years yeah so one thing for that though isn't there bigger turbo yeah i think so so what's interesting uh and it's not the car uh is um that we have had an increase in power obviously there's no more boost available now but the torque has gone up significantly we had a hundred and uh sort of 60 foot pounds when it came in and we're now at 200 foot pounds okay so it's a significant increase in torque which is probably going to blow something up uh but we can live in hope live in fear i think you made it no i always hope so what have we learned from this video don't fix your exhaust don't do any service items don't pay for expensive fuel and just up the boost just give it all the boost don't do that so charlie what do you think this car needs a turbo yeah preferably a really big one yeah i mean like yeah stick it out the body i mean go big or go home go big and go home i mean the main thing is the car is quite amazingly still running and there is a at least 50 chance that it's gonna get you home i like those odds so there we go started at 133 went down to 125 after fixing it and now we're at 148. so i think that's a high to end on and thank you charlie for having us from sorry rolling road always a pleasure yes if you want to subscribe to the channel you click here you'll watch more videos down here subscribe because we're going to blow this thing up probably
Channel: Car Throttle
Views: 525,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dyno, power, horsepower, hp, lost power, turbo, boost, alex kirsten, jack joy, car throttle, cars, cheap cars, £500 car, turbo brick, cleetus mcfarland, fifth gear, mechanics, car maintenance, boost controller
Id: CUhejqlAUkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 21 2022
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