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now this video was never part of the plan but oh just classic someone's offered me something it seems way too cheap but i've taken it anyway and i've taken the risk as i do with all my crash damage salvage all my cars i buy it there's always a risk element involved and this one will be no different now weirdly i've just sold my volkswagen touareg the 5 liter v10 that i bought a few months ago well loads of months ago and i just lost interest in it if i'm honest and it just wasn't worth financially repairing that's probably why i lost interest so i've just sold it lost about 1400 pounds on it and 10 minutes later someone inboxes me and says i've got an audi q7 it's a 2007. it's been sat for two years it needs four thousand pounds spending on it do you want it for a grand otherwise i'm just gonna scrap it come pick it up and i'm like no i don't but yes i do i'll come and get it give you a grand and that is where she sits now i don't know anything wrong with it apart from the obvious there's an air suspension fault which when i show in a second it'll be obvious that that is a fault and that is all i know so the four thousand pound it could be parts it could be parts labor it could be labor i don't even know so we're going to find out so please welcome to the channel my new audi q7 i have no idea what is wrong with it but it only cost me [Music] [Music] so now i'm hoping that the only thing wrong with it is obviously the air suspension the fingers crossed that they it went so it went to audi this so they quoted 4 000 for the repair so i'm hoping that audi have just quoted for a new air compressor and it was like 3 000 pound or something and i'm hoping that i can also get one reconditioned for far cheaper or find a secondhand one so i'm kind of riding on hopes and dreams at the minute but let me know in the comments what do you think of my new 1000 pound audi q7 i was even thinking if it turns out to be a good car i can uh sell the pickup because this has a tow bar it's got a removable tow bar which i found in the boot so and it can tow three and a half tons so it can literally do the pickups job and i'm paying 400 pound a month for that pickup so if i can save 400 a month and yeah why not so let me know in the comments what do you think to my new audi q7 now this is going to anger a few people and well probably a lot of a lot more than a few people i'm not too happy about it but we're going to get in the workshop first of all we're not going to clean it and that is because i'm on a time limit and i want to get it in diagnose it order the part then clean it but the good news for you is it's probably going to be all in the same video whereas for me it's probably going to be over about 10 day period so [Applause] let's get her in the workshop we've got 575 mile range yes uh very bumpy oh that's awful there's a weird clunking noise at the back and i don't know what that is beautiful [Music] now i thought i'd just have a quick look under the car before we start diagnosing the air suspension fault and it's pretty much as you'd expect uh just pretty rusty and corroded for a car that's obviously sat doing nothing for a couple of years uh but also it doesn't look too bad due to the mileage so yeah it's pretty much as i expected all looks good there's no like oil leaks or anything like that nothing major uh looks like drive shaft all the boots rubber boots look to be intact still so that's good so yeah it's not too bad looks okay nothing major up there just a bit of all misting which is pretty standard on any car really uh but yeah all looks okay exhaust all looks pretty clean here prop all looks okay so we'll just bring it back down on the ground now while i'm under here i've just located the air compressor which is under the driver's side pretty much under the driver's seat underneath the car so i've just got to drop this panel down and i've just pulled enough out of the way just so i can see it and it is in there look probably best there's that whole unit in there now just trying to get a part number off it to save me trying to find out later down the line uh when it's on the floor and yeah i can't really see one so i have just cheated and i've just phoned audi to get a price on a new one and a part number so we're just going to bring the car back down on the floor and it is very expensive so yeah i've just yeah as i said phoned out he got the part number and the price now the price for just the compressor alone is just i think it was 2949 pounds just for the compressor so i'm feeling optimistic that the 4 000 quoted repair bill was probably 95 the compressor obviously i don't know how much labor it is i want to thought too much but even at two hours at audi's rates you're looking at 350 400 quid so yeah you're looking at three and a half grand to replace the compressor and they might have rounded up the repair bill from three and a half to four grand so or then just might have been a few other little bits that needed doing so you can be confident that ninety five percent of this four thousand pound uh quoted repair bill is indeed that compressor now i've obviously got the part number sock now google search the part number if there's any second hand units up or anything like that now this is where it gets a little bit weirdly interesting in a good way so i should have just brought it up on the screen on my phone and i've just googled the part number as you can see i've just put it on ebay as that's where i normally it's my go-to for parts and yeah look how cheap these are these are they're not oe but they're pattern parts but 200 quid look 200 pound for the compressor a relay and the solenoid now that's just how are audi charging over well over 10 times the amount for the same thing there's got to be something i'm missing surely but i'll put the part number in it says if you go on it look it's got the it's got the partner oe quality look it's got the part number it comes with the two year warranty so at the minute i can't really find a reason not to buy this looks exactly what i want 200 quid so i've just bought it right so just going into the air suspension system on the diagnostic machine i have quite a few codes um switch off due to excessive temperature signal wire from control sensor there's just loads of um faults now the pump has never actually worked as you saw the car was just sat on its arse which means there's no air in the system the compressor wasn't working so the first thing i'm going to do is obviously just clear these codes just because the code stored may stop the pump from working and then if we go back and then what i'm going to do now is just check for fuses and if the fuses are okay i'll try and get the pump to actuate on here uh and if it doesn't then yeah we probably need a new pump now unfortunately the user manual for the car doesn't actually give me any fuse uh locations at all so i've just had to do a quick google search and it tells me that the air suspension system has a 40 amp fuse which is located by the battery in this fuse box here which for a uk car is under the passenger seat so i've just had to remove the four bolts for the passenger seat and then just slid that back out the way and here it is here and yeah it said fuse location a which is this one here so there's a 40 amp fuse here and that does indeed look blown let me just remove it let's see if i can remove it easily there we go um is it blown it looks certainly blown yeah that's blown yeah now the fuse is blown obviously because we saw the fault codes there uh the pump has overheated probably drawn too much current and then blown the fuse so um there's one of two things there's either an internal fault with the pump or it's seized or there's a leak somewhere in the system and the pump's just been working its arts off trying to build up pressure when it can't because obviously there's a leak and therefore it's just got too hot overheated and blown the fuse now i've as i just said i've already ordered that pump because 200 pound it was kind of a no-brainer um because the chances are it probably is going to be the pump it's a bit of a common problem now i've just had a look and actually halfords have a couple of 40 amp maxi fuses in stock i need to go there anyway to get a few bits so i'm gonna head there now get two or three fuses come back and then we'll test the system so there we go i just got back popped to help us bought two 40 amp fuses um so let's now just fit that and we'll see what happens whether the pump works and we've just got a big air leak or the pumps burn out because it was working so hard let's see what happens let's turn the ignition on suspension would work just by opening the door oh i heard a noise there we go it's doing something you're working well the pump's definitely working can hear it [Applause] it's coming up which is weird okay is that comfort height still looks a bit low to me however the pump is working is it a set height is the front it's just yeah it's all raised um and the light has gone on the dashlet it's got the green light it's now not felt so don't tell me it was just a fuse oh no i'm not going to get too excited however it's just set um genuine head scratch moment well that pump sounded fine it's just pumped the suspension up i can't hear any leaks i tell you what my battery's about to go flat on the camera i'm going to stick on charge i'm going to turn the ignition off i'm going to leave it for sort of 20 minutes half an hour and i'm going to see if any air leaks i can hear any air leaks or the suspension drops in that half an hour and if not we'll have a play around with the system read some faults do some maybe basic settings and then you know don't know right so i've left it for about half an hour and the car hasn't leaked anything it's still sitting okay so let's just do a little bit more testing i'm just going to turn the ignition let's just jump in [Applause] let's just turn the ignition on pay attention to that so let's just mess around with this and see if i can get it to change so if we go can i just get it to raise i don't know if i can um ah to be fair it does say unavailable there you go so now it's setting it and you can see on the dash here i can hear the pump going i can feel it going up let's just jump out [Music] it's definitely i mean it's definitely gone up it's quite high so the pump just knocked off it's at the correct height so that's working fine it says just go back down let's just put an automatic oh it says automatic unavoidable now that's unavailable as well interesting so there is a problem well i feel a bit silly there so yeah i couldn't work out why it wasn't going down because i can get it to go down on vadcom i can get it to go down independently on every corner absolutely fine it will raise absolutely fine the sensors all worked um the only thing it wasn't working is the car itself wouldn't put it down and i was like i just couldn't work it out um and in the end i feel a bit stupid it's because i had the door open which now looking back makes sense uh it won't want it doesn't want to lower the car just in case you've got your door open and it lowers it down onto something and it bends the door makes complete sense uh so i shut the door and yeah it worked absolutely fine so at least it works um now the car seems to be completely fault free so don't get me wrong it obviously overheated for a reason but that could just be one of those things i mean fuses do go sometimes for no reason um it could have been when it was freezing cold in the winter and the pump was frozen it could have been anything like that so obviously i'll keep an eye on it it seems to be working fine at the moment so that's the only thing i can do just keep an eye on it but it is now time to get outside and yeah proper clean this off and see what we need to do damage-wise maybe the wheels and other bits and obviously it's gonna need an mot as well so we need to look into that but first let's get it cleaned [Music] now that was probably one of the most satisfying cleans of a car i've ever done purely because it was so so dirty and grimy but it came off really easily so i've spent like 45 minutes jet wash bucket and sponge and it looks a hundred times better than before don't get me wrong it there is some damage on it which we're going to go over in a second but just look how much better this q7 looks [Music] do [Music] now it's actually been a few weeks since i cleaned the seven and that clip you just saw and that is because i wanted to leave the q7 sat to see if it lost air over time because obviously it shouldn't shouldn't have any leaks it should sit at a constant height so i set it to its highest point and i've just left it for a few weeks and uh yeah we've got problems i gotta be careful because i've got my new truck here look which i haven't revealed yet um but yeah as you can see look it's pretty much sunk definitely on the rear uh and mostly on this side but not as much and again the same on the right hand side front it actually it's taken two weeks to get to this point the rears pretty much went flat over about two days the fronts have taken a lot longer maybe over a week so yeah we've definitely got air leaks in the system uh we just need to find out where so yeah haven't quite fixed it but and in those two weeks i've actually had the and as i was saying in those two weeks i've had the interior completely professionally validated and it actually looks really really clean there was no damage really on the inside anyway it was just a bit dirty but yeah like those floor mats could do replacing but it's a really clean car really nice so like the golf r32 video i was trying to do this like all in one but again that hasn't happened there is a fault with the suspension that we need to look further into so there will be a part two to the q7 um we've obviously got very small leaks so could be looking at four new airbags um or there's the block um where the air pump is i can't remember what it's called now but it could be leaking from there so yeah there will be a part two to this q7 video and we will have to find very very minuscule air leaks so as always guys thank you very much for watching i hope you did enjoy the q7 video um and let me know what you think to it and it's thousand pound is that is that looking cheap at the minute or is that starting to look mediocre value [Music]
Channel: Saving Salvage
Views: 539,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HW9uoYdtSBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 02 2022
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