Everything Wrong With My £500 Saab

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my god man is this all the saabs because that's obviously a fire hazard it can actually be a fire hazard this car loves a fire hazard hi guys and welcome back to car throttle and more importantly welcome back to my saab 93 you might recognize this from our ultimate 500 pound daily challenge doing mad backward entries and also winning that challenge video overall we did that about two years ago and since then i've been daily in this car now the name of the game was to just drive it until it breaks but somehow it survived and it's not like i haven't been trying i'm sort of a master of neglect and it's still here but it's starting to get some issues it's starting to show its age so we thought we'd bring it to our local style specialist hackstrom saab and see what's wrong with it and as you can see i think we're in the right place ashore we're meeting today from hagstrom saab has been working on saab since he was age three and has dedicated his time to saving as many saabs as he physically can ash cheers for having us yeah anyone at all start with saying sorry for bringing you this heap from initial impressions what do you reckon well initial impression isn't easy to wash but from what i've seen so far from the outside anyway it looks looks good enough how much do you think we paid for this this was two years ago i reckon probably about 750. oh you're 250 off yeah 500 pound no i think that's a really good deal especially you know given the fact they've gone up a lot in the last two years as well so if we just have a quick walk around you can tell me what you think of it so things that i'm seeing straight away we've got the headlights failing it's just due to the age of the plastic normally they can be cleaned up but if you need to replace them they're very affordable you've also got a nice ebay special bonnet badge there they look cool for about three months but they fade afterwards okay yeah that one's looking a bit tight yeah that's a battery that needs to go really a homemade vector badge here as well is that homemade yep that's actually etched itself into the paper probably permanent by now it's like a tattoo for the cardboard a little bit of corrosion there will be a christmas adds a character to it well there's lots of character on this car you're gonna see yeah yeah we've also got the ebay special hubcaps which you can fade and peel off after about three months seeing a pattern of merge here the ebay special so the tins on this will be factory so that's factory yeah that seems quite dark for they are they are very dark the beauty of that is legal because it's done in the factory yeah nice so you haven't got to worry about that we come back here this is where you start to see more of that character some rust there lovely and some damage on the trims down the side i can see too you got a keen eye i missed all this stuff but then i i don't know why i pair it together i have to have a keen eye because we uh you know we're so picky with the subs that we sell they have to be perfect everything has to be looked at so we have to have a trained eye for them yeah i don't sell many subs well someone's got to um so yeah we've got the russ and the wheel arches common for this model but it's easily repairable we keep new panels of stock that we just weld in around it you cut the old one out while the new bit in uh job done we've got the harsh badge here that's an interesting one so herschel basically started tuning company they did a lot of the mapping and things from the factory so that i guess means you might have had it mapped ready at some point oh really possibly um but we can check that got the ebay special badge again oh yeah yeah no exhaust i do have it i've got it with me got it in the boot yeah yeah oh beautiful yeah that thing tried to stay in harlow essex did you believe it yeah it did it didn't it didn't want to come to norfolk i can't blame it that thing's seen better days yeah that has yeah oh yeah ignore the bottle of oil sort of top it up every now and then when it starts moaning at me i mean they prefer five five thirty but i guess you could use 540. i'd do oil is better than no oil oil's definitely better than their oil similar story around this side but yeah it's not as bad not as bad now um bird yep yep adds five horsepower adds two bird power another homemade vector sticker yep another homemade vector sticker i kind of like it actually i never really questioned it so i assumed it was meant to be there but now there are some was out of them and vector is a trim level yeah so vectors is like a mid-range trim level you get linear which is the most basic one uh the polvo spec one then you get vector which is the mid-range one and then you get aero which is the higher spec one sometimes you do get other models such as griffith and turbo x but you know linear vector and air with the basics okay basics okay okay fine okay so that's the outside pretty impressive i'm sure you'll agree look under the bonnet see where the magic happens are yeah okay so there we have an engine that's a good side right that's that's always good to see see the cam belt's been done here so that's not due just yet so you haven't got worried about that nice it's got that's barely on but that's okay so it's looking a bit crusty under here but that's nothing really to worry about it's always something you have to expect with a higher mileage engine it's a bit weepy around here i've noticed all this here i'd probably say that's where you've been putting all your 540 in it probably would be spilling it okay oh i see oh okay yeah looking over the engine it it looks okay i can't see any of the common issues that we see on these engines oh that's good um your breathing system's leaking a bit at the back okay that's bad what are sort of the other common issues that you see with these so the biggest issue most common issue we see with these on your inlet manifold here the uh they have these things with swell flaps and they they break and they leak boost and there's a bit of pain in the arteries all out but you're all good on that front uh also they can leak at the front here from this coolant hose they can corrode through but this one's been fitted with the upgraded one so you won't be having any waste issues there for a while someone cared not me that someone cared at one point someone cared a lot to have a hersh badge on the back of it also to give it the uh of the ebay special wanted badges yeah yeah so they care they care can you tune these engines can you get much more out of them than it's already there yeah certainly so um the stager map takes ease from 150 to about 205 bhp we can get them to about 250 but for the 250 you've got to change fuel pumps into coolers pipe work exhaust things like that but it's doable yeah no problem maybe we can discuss you know a little yeah i think we'll have an episode have a better look through it and see what we can find we won't do it right now bottle design always intrigued me that looks like that belongs under my kitchen sink right so yeah that is standard basically that's the power steering pump it does actually make sense if you think about it because underneath you've got the pump and they just sit that bottle straight on top of it so the reservoir for the power steering fluid is on top of on top of the pump i have not checked the level the power steering never uh uh no we should probably have a look at that yeah should we have a look at it because the steering is kind of funky in this car is that well like you've got nowhere all in there ah okay and um you can't put your 540 in it sorry oh you go up at 5 30 in there aren't you yeah he's learning yeah educating uh so there's no power steering fluid in there no that means it's obviously gone somewhere well maybe it's underneath somewhere and we can have a look for that i mean it's probably uh down the a11 but we'll you know we'll get up in the air and see where it leaked out when they leak out like that well there was none of the bottles plenty in the reservoir still inside which is why it's still working um but not for much longer okay so we should probably get that looked at should we um take a look inside yeah let's do it interior first impressions it's not doing bad for car with 189 on the clock first things i see straight away is this uh wrapped carbon fiber gear sticks around i didn't do that i promise yeah i'm sure i didn't do that unfortunately not i'd like to claim it it's a it's a good it's a good touch it's a good look isn't it if it was actually on the car properly we've got the usual button we're up here as well very common people are instead of pushing about with a finger they push at the fingernail which does this hands freak it here as well which is probably long dead do you know what that actually works really see i fixed it now though yeah done there we go fixed you sent me an invoice later the heat events these normally break oh there we go speaking of heaters and vents and whatnot the blower motor in this doesn't seem to work i get nothing and also when i turn the car on it automatically automatically goes to full blower and if i forget to turn it off i get this really sort of nice electrical fire sort of smell coming through lovely so when you turn the car on if the fan tries to power up fully on here that's normal that's just how the car is set up yeah but if you're getting uh electrical burning smile from it that's not good at all no um it can actually be a fire hazard occasionally we see it where all the dashboard windscreen everything is melted out so you shouldn't shouldn't use it really if you're getting that and if you do want to keep using it you've got to pull the views because uh okay that is what we call a fire hazard okay i just thought that was like a mild inconvenience what is quite impressive though is that this car has never been cleaned inside what not in the two years you've owned it well no no in two years i've been didn't know why would i do that um the seats though they um i think they've held up quite good and they're comfortable as well yeah they are brilliant seats uh see this side bolsters a bit warm so someone's uh someone's eating it someone's been nibbling someone's been nibbling but again easily easy to sort out key in the center can you explain that whatsapp did that sabo has been very safety orientated at the time a lot of accidents were involving people's knees hitting the keys sasab found if they put the key in the middle he was less likely to come into contact with you during an accident i also made a house of hot wire oh they were good weren't they sold they were good they were this good as well like these cup holders yeah the cup hole is there it's the flagship piece really that is what the 500 pound life is when we're selling them a lot of the time people don't care for the car all they want is the cup holder i could do that all day i don't think it would wear out either by far my favorite feature the night panel when you're driving at night if the dash lights are too much you push your knight panel button it turns off everything except for the speedo or the rev counter goes off too but if you flaw on it that will come back to life but it's a bit of an inside joke i think so i've had i was taking it very seriously i was going fighter jet mode like on the m25 no one sees me speed cameras i'm just like so yeah i think that's pretty much it inside should we get in the air yeah let's do it dare i say let's see what holds the weight underneath yeah it's going to be impressive [Music] should i help do you want to [Music] do you know the um retaining clips missing of your caliper on that side so there's a funny story about that so this has had brake issues and i did actually replace the front caliper calipers instead of rebuilding them i just got fresh ones and threw them on but i forgot to put the retaining clips for the pads in them but it was a really good job that i didn't me and ethan actually were driving us through some proper hardcore rain and our wipers gave up i don't want to ask no pop the body it's good you'll really like it honestly i promise really good actually it's really good oh wow yeah so i took the retaining clip and i cut it in half because obviously i've got two joints that i need to secure professionally but it kept on flopping off so then i just cable tied them on i don't think that's too bad i tell you it hasn't broken again so that is a sign that it's a good fix no i mean i'm actually genuinely impressed by that it's good isn't it the best thing about that experience is in this downpour jack was having to drive home like ace ventura with his head out the side yeah i was a proper pet detective um so that's the story of that i think it's ingenious i'm glad you approve of it i'm improving a saab can you believe that that's like the ultimate level of engineering uh right should we get in the air let's do so we put on this level first so we can uh have a look around some common faults i have actually put some part one tires on this before part one tires that's generous straight away we can see we're missing the retaining clip here again but uh we know where that went we know where that went cool springs are okay uh that tyre is going to need changing fairly soon again um your brake pads look good there our discs are okay look a bit heat colored i wonder where that is it seems to be this side that the brakes have a tendency of binding i had actually taken it to a local mechanic he changed the flexi hose on the front that hasn't solved it solved it a little bit if i do a long trip yeah they get pretty toasty yeah is that like down to the man if you're driving or because it's that i just i what i like to do is just accelerate that and break at the same time okay yeah and that's really clear they get real hot then yeah they do yeah i'm glowing they don't perform as well when they're liquid oh that's not so good so this is another fault we see quite a lot of these we call them banana arms as an upper suspension arm basically they fail and then it causes the wheel to move like this that doesn't look good no it sounds really not very good most obviously it causes an even tire where's the inside of the tire away also if you know your cornering quickly the back of the car will sway like this as you're driving as the car moves yeah i'm mostly like sideways sending it when i'm cornering this so yeah i've seen some of your handbrake yeah um handbrake turned okay yeah this this looks a bit tired that probably won't change it fairly soon the whole surface of the pad isn't in contact with the whole disc um your paint come off the wheel solid solid yeah more like that's more like it that's good isn't it the rear shockers of the mountain to the top here are a common fault for this model too they corrode and split but we're all good there's more what's coming through there it's no surprise it's a car throttle car it's got to have some rust good good front tires getting a bit low again especially on the inside edge smaller burnouts when i got part ones i did only do the rears you know i wasn't right okay got you i didn't love it that much the air conditioning radiator looks a bit uh corroded is the aircon work in it i wouldn't know the blower motor was gone i think it did work i have a memory of being cold in this car but the blowing might stop working so i can't remember there we go i guess we better get up and see what we're underneath [Music] so looking under here straight away i can see we've got an engine oil leak which this is probably from the breather system i pointed to that we're looking at from the top oh from the steering where it's gone so this is all soaked up here this is basically i mean just doing racks leaking not the easiest job to do on one of these but it's uh no biggie you've got oil on the exhaust here that's that's not so good because that's obviously a fire hazard this car loves a fire hazard clips coming out here oh we can solve that um so we just we just clipped that back on again yeah i mean easy very nice and simple makes a change sweet there we go easy fix you see the fuel tanks had a bit of bashing on something that's just a protective shield we've got the fuel filters all cable tied together that's nice so the fuel filters knees basically when you're changing them if you ever tighten them they will leak so you have to get the perfect balance it's a saab it's solid has to be perfect yeah the rubber shield around the fuel tank straps expanded to the diesel which it doesn't directly cause an issue for it it just doesn't look particularly pretty i've got no exhaust box we see this a lot obviously where they break off if it breaks further back on down here when the car tries to regenerate its dpf obviously it runs the engine hot it will then melt the rear bumper on the back like yeah so that's not so good is that another fire hazard springs aren't snapped which again is sometimes a common feature for these especially with how i gather you guys drive it i'm not too bad of this i was a it was a cruiser there's a casual cruise on this car everything seems okay under here the only pressing things that i have seen is the the exhaust pack box and the steering oil leak those two should be dealt with pretty quickly the um the rest too bad sweet that's good not too bad at all that's good news i was expecting a lot worse yeah i was expecting it to be a much worse condition actually you know when we first spoke about doing this i thought oh that's going to be a mess could you do us a cost for getting it on the road safely so it's not going to burst into flames or anything like that and then our cost for getting it mint yeah we can do both yeah i think mint might be uh quite quite a big bid on this one but um we can see what we can do sweetie weilash got to work totally enough what it would cost to fix our 93. edward and i walked through the endless rows of sarbs to see what we could find my god man is this all the sarbs look there's more in that corner there's an extra corner we're blocked in by saab there's like root through this hole here on the bbs no we should nick those look at this guy it's being reclaimed we don't actually need a door but it's good to know isn't it i think this is the right place for saving your car if they can't do it then we are out our luck i think this is rare this is an x93x is that an old one [Music] so ash you've had a minute to add up the expenses what are the figures like they're good yeah they're not as bad as you'd expect actually so i've made a basic list of of all the bits some of these are new some of them are second hand wherever we can get a new i've got on here so you get those used parts from the cars that you can't save but all these cars out here in the yard they're for you to save right yeah so basically most the cars outside the door they're either customers cars or the ones that we're selling we save pretty much every saab that we get in we hate taking them apart but sometimes you know it's not economical and even sometimes when it is uneconomical we fix it anyway someone's got repaired and we're the only one out here doing it most of the other side dealers make a business out of taking them apart that's not what we're here for starting with the fuel tank strap we've got those for 37 pounds we've got using a replacement secondhand fuel tank for 75 pounds two new front tires sort of good branded ones that we always use at 150 placing the steering rack approximate costs on that 250. heat shields are loose to breathe the oil leak et cetera that's more of a labour job so that's included further down replacing the exhaust back box is 130 pounds the new bearings for the two top mounts including the top mount itself at 89 pounds the wiping mechanism is 50 pounds but we can leave that because it's a pretty good fix yeah brake caliper clips uh about 90 pence each so no biggie there refurbishing the driver's seat so that's taking the seat out putting new leather in it repairing it properly 350 pounds replacement steering wheel second hand would be 30 pounds one that's not been in uh that seems pretty good yeah so a lot of the bits are actually a lot more affordable than you think for these cars the under tray underneath the engine uh we're looking at a new one for 75 pounds there rear wheel arch liner and we stock them new for 40 pounds freshly refurbished in the other wheels we do for 300 pounds then we got the full service uh that's 220 pounds and that would include repairing the fuel filter and as part of the service we scan them with the sub tech 2 diagnostics which is the side equipment for them just to pick up any electrical fault codes if they're stored anywhere okay there's going to be some in there yeah there'll probably be a couple in there you're replacing the headlights with good used ones 50 pounds each so 100 and so for that we've got the brace from the heater fan at 60 pounds and that includes the speed controller for it as well the climbing control box where the buttons were scratched off 75 pounds for good use one of those proper bonnet badges and the boot badges they are 43 pounds for new proper sidewalls we can just go on ebay and get another set of these right for a lot of fighters maybe but they'll look like that in a few weeks time a brand new hubcaps at 20 pounds the heater event you know the middle one that's broken at 41 pounds and then the labor charge up for various things on there is about 150. the big one a really big one so the bodywork including replacing the you know the lower section of the back wings comes in at 1 700. but that's including going right around the car so all the damage you've got sort of on the front bumper the wings down there on the sides the back bumper basically that includes going around the whole thing that would be doing all the bodywork and uh looking like a new car after that a fresh car so the total for you know everything we've just spoke about there four thousand and twenty-five pounds plus the vat brings it to four thousand eight hundred and thirty that's to make it look perfect and if we were just to get it you know on the roads it was healthy we'd be looking at 1024 plus of that which is 1228. okay not too bad so considering that we bought it for 500 pound and that cost included it's about 1750 for a car that i've driven for two years and then potentially after that would go for a lot longer right one of our currency cars that we give people was done 290 000 miles and it's still going strong people comment actually how much of a good car is and it doesn't look like it's on the mileage it doesn't drive like it but you know it's been looked after in the past and we look after it now uh so that will last forever as far as we're concerned i think it deserves to live on i think it deserves to have the work done and then after that maybe we should take it on a little trip maybe take it home maybe go see some northern lights maybe do more skids find a nice lake yeah one nice lake so maybe let us know in the comments down below if you want to see that maybe some recommendations of where we should go of it what we should do with it and also if you are a fellow man of intellect and culture and you have a saab and you want it repaired and fixed or even if you want to buy a saab come and visit hagstrom saab pay these guys a visit i'm sure they'll put you right so ash any final comments on the car before we wrap up impressive right you like it it's good yeah i say it's it is doing a lot better than i thought it was and it's good to see saab getting uh you know shout out on social media they don't really get enough attention i think people are starting to realize how how much car you get for the money thanks for watching the video hope you've enjoyed it hopefully we've swung some people around to saab if you want to subscribe to the channel you can click here if you want to watch more videos click down here cheers for having us ash liverpool with all last one pleasure
Channel: Car Throttle
Views: 587,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Car Throttle, CarThrottle, Jack Joy, Saab, Saab 9-3, Project Car, Rusty Car, Car fire, Saab 900, Cheap Car, Cheap Daily, Car Repair
Id: tLq0VVjoyIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 12 2022
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