Testing Cheap vs Expensive Concrete Vibrators (one is not meant for concrete…)

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That's the vibrator head. (laughs) We're so gonna get demonetized in this video. You put it in pulse mode? (laughs) (vibrator whirring) (Katelyn screams) It's weird! What have I done? I'm tense. I'm hot. Just touch the tip, just for a second. We can't be making these jokes. We're already on the line here. So you might be wondering why our workbench is full of vibrators. That's because we used to do a lot of concrete projects, and we wanna get back into it. But with concrete, you have the issue of bubbles. Now, we used to just slap our molds repeatedly to get the bubbles out, but- It didn't work that well. Concrete vibrators are supposed to be much better. So today, we're gonna test a few different types. Also, this video is sponsored by Squarespace, the all-in-one platform for all your website needs. We have our $348 vibrator, and it's pretty simple. (vibrator whirring) It just vibrates. There you go. We also have this professional-level concrete vibrator that is often used for large volumes of concrete. I don't even understand. Look at how big that vibrator is. That's the vibrator head. We are so gonna get demonetized in this video. You stick this into cement, (Evan imitates vibrator) and it vibrates all the air out. But those are so big and bulky and expensive. Yeah. And we do- What if you want something more personal sized? If only something like that existed. Oh yeah. We have one right here. $38. It's rechargeable via USB. It's waterproof. You can stick this in your pocket, carry it wherever you want, and I'm sure you can use this to vibrate anything, including- Like concrete. ...concrete. Exactly. (upbeat music) We're gonna start with the most expensive vibrator, and we are also gonna do a control without any vibrations. 'Cause we gotta be scientific about this. And also we have 30 minutes- Working time, yeah. ...of working time on this concrete, so by the time this says 9:38, we need to be done, like in the molds. Oh no. [Katelyn[ It's been a long time since we did concrete. I think that concrete is generally less complicated than resin. I mean, we did concrete way before we did resin. That's true. We're gonna test two different types of molds, just so we can see if there's a difference in the bubbles. This is actually a planter mold. It should, in the end, create a little planter. Yeah, planter. A pot. And then we have these interesting little bubble coaster molds. EVAN: We used to mix the concrete really watery because we couldn't vibrate it. Yeah. But this time, we're actually mixing it in the right ratio, so we're gonna need that vibration a lot more than usual, which is just gonna be interesting. This is really gonna demonstrate how powerful the vibrators are. Are you gonna laugh every time? No. (Evan laughing) I should mix mine over here. We actually need two buckets' worth: one for the vibrator, one for the control. (bucket tapping) I'm gonna use the the vibrator right now to vibrate this down and see how much I actually have. You ready? Okay, yeah. (vibrator whirring) EVAN: Manual. Full vibration. (vibrator whirring) It's not doing much. It's not doing much. (vibrator whirring) You can't go back to the slapping technique. We're evolving. That makes me nervous. Okay, I'm just gonna pour in my max allowable amount of water. I'm just gonna do that, too. No point going little by little. ♪ Mixing, yeah ♪ ♪ We're mixing, yeah ♪ Did we have the same amounts of water in our buckets? Yes. I feel like mine hasn't been that hard to mix. EVAN: What the heck? Why is yours so goopy? KATELYN: I don't know. I mean, I need to add a little bit more liquid, but. What the heck did I do wrong? I don't know, man. But I definitely think adding all the water first certainly helps. EVAN: Okay. Well, lesson learned. I'm almost there. EVAN: Okay, well, what I want to see, get this vibrating, and see what it looks like over time. (vibrator whirring) Oh yeah. Look at that. That works, too. EVAN: I'm getting some bubbles. (bucket tapping) Hee hee. I beat you. EVAN: This is just so strange, though. Look at how mine holds its shape. You see that? KATELYN: Yeah, I do. And yours. I think we need to add more to yours until it's the same. Otherwise, it's not gonna be the same test. While Katelyn does that. One thing I noticed is that when you put things on this vibrating table. (vibrator whirring) (sad music) WOMAN: Oh my god! we don't want that. I'm gonna protect the table some. There's one side. Here's another. I'm gonna scoop some resin or some... Resin. Concrete- Mm-hmm. EVAN: ...right there. It's not flowing. It's not going down the sides. (numbers beeping) But now, look at that. It's slowly working its way down. KATELYN: It is. EVAN: Slowly. (numbers beeping) KATELYN: What? You wanna record? EVAN: Oh! Look at that! Oh, it's going now. KATELYN: Oh yeah. That's flowing. EVAN: Oh. It's flowing down the edges. KATELYN: That's flowing down the sides. That's very satisfying. EVAN: This is really thick. Look at this. Yeah, it's like- Oh yeah. KATELYN: It's like liquefying it. Jiggly ice cream sludge! Oh, I love this. KATELYN: I know. It's really satisfying. EVAN: This is so great. KATELYN: That might be enough. EVAN: We're running low on time. KATELYN: Yeah, I think let's swap this out. Let's try the coaster mold. EVAN: All right. Let's put a clump right here. Let's turn on the vibrator. (vibrating whirring) (Evan laughs) Look at it move over. I know. It's so hard for the camera to focus 'cause it's so jiggly. (vibrator whirring) (table rattling) MAN: Oh yeah. EVAN: All right. That's looking pretty good. I'm sorry that I claimed all the fun toys. You can use the next fun toy. (Katelyn screams) So far, I'm very happy with that vibrator. KATELYN: It worked pretty dang well. Deploy the flaps! Yeah, this, I'm not excited about trying to get this down into the crevices. I'm gonna try to like shove it down, which you know, it's going some. EVAN: Yeah, but how many bubbles are in there? KATELYN: I don't know. That's something to find out tomorrow when we demold. EVAN: I'm really excited about these results. (hands tapping) Hey! That's working! You know, I remember why we did it. Here. I'll slap it while you pour. (hand tapping) Oh, yes. Oh, I remember why I hated this. Yeah, it's a workout. (Evan groans) Here. I'll take over. (Evan laughs) (hands tapping) Also the wiggle technique. EVAN: Just pulling it away from the edges. That's pretty good. KATELYN: I don't know, man. I think that's about as good as that one can be, though. I need to get going on my little mold. This one, I'm not as confident in my slap technique because it's not a rigid mold, so I don't think I can slap it as hard. Here, let me get a piece of wood for you to put underneath it. Put this on on here. Like. (hands tapping) That does nothing. Ooh. A nice, nice wiggle jiggle. (Katelyn laughs) That works pretty well. It is just... It's so slippery. (Evan laughs) It's so slippery that it's just sliding- EVAN: Hey, it's working, though. I like the power stance. KATELYN: It is required. EVAN: Here. We can take our masks off now. There's no more dust in there. Oh yeah. I'm gonna see if mine need any more vibration. See these three dots right here? Mm-hmm. Are they bubbles or just lumps? (vibrating whirring) No, no. The bubble's coming, baby. Are you filming? Yeah! You see it? You see it? Come on. Pop. Bubble, pop. Yeah, yeah! Yeah. Two bubble pops. Two bubble pops. KATELYN: Oh, there it is. There it goes. There it goes. Oh, this one got a bubble pop, too. Okay. We need to leave this on here for longer. I'll just keep on doing this for a while, monitoring my boys. I should have left it on here the whole time. Oh. I asked Katelyn to Google how much you should vibrate concrete with the the concrete vibrator. Guess what it says? Five to 15 seconds. And it says if you over-vibrate it, then it could separate. Oh no. Oh no. I've been vibrating it for like five minutes. You've been vibrating it for like 20 minutes if you add it all up. Oh, no. What have I done? We'll find out tomorrow. (laughs) They're ready. Now, they're not fully cured, but they're cured enough that we can take them outta the mold. And one thing that we found found is if we let them fully cure the mold, sometimes they're harder to get out. So do you wanna start with the control? Do it. I got some lumpy bits on the bottom, but- EVAN: Yeah. I'm curious about the bubbles on the back. KATELYN: Me too. EVAN: Ooh, that's looking really cute. KATELYN: Okay. There are bubbles. It does look cool, though. We chose a cool mold. Oh. Okay. So it's not bad, but there's definitely some bubbles. EVAN: I love the mold, though. I know. I do love the mold. Feel it. Feel it. EVAN: Oh yeah. It's like smooth. It doesn't even feel like concrete. It feels like marble. That's because we have the vinyl version of concrete. (voices squeaking) KATELYN: Now, I'm a little bit more worried about this one. Yeah. EVAN: Oh yeah. KATELYN: Okay. EVAN: Oh, big bubble right there. KATELYN: Oh my gosh. Another one here. EVAN: Yeah. Maybe flip it upside down? All right. KATELYN: Oh yeah, there's some big bubbles. Hey! Success. It's a success. KATELYN: Well, it's a success in that it is a control, and it did not break coming outta the mold. But look at those bubbles. Massive bubbles on the inside here. EVAN: There's huge ones. Oh. A ton. So yeah, obviously with no vibration, with just the slapping technique, there's some big bubbles. (hands slapping) All righty. Okay. I'm so curious to see if this makes a difference. EVAN: I feel like it is going to. KATELYN: I think so, too. But also, did I vibrate it too much? You know? Still some bubbles. It doesn't look that different from mine. I would've thought there would be less. Me, too. Hmm. Let's see how this one did. Okay. Whoop. KATELYN: I see big bubbles! EVAN: Oh no! KATELYN: Really big ones. What the heck? This is like an almost $400 tool. And that's like the same amount of bubbles as me. EVAN: I love how outraged Katelyn is. I'm outraged! We did the thing! Now, I still think significant reduction in bubbles. Depends on what view you're looking at. Look at that view. EVAN: I still think it made a difference. KATELYN: I think it made... I think there's like 20 to 30% less bubbles in this. EVAN: I think there's 50% less bubbles. Regardless... There's bubbles. There's bubbles. Now- So- Will these other tools do better? These cheaper tools. That's what I'm curious about. (upbeat music) I think this one's gonna be messy. It's so... It's so long. KATELYN: I know. Now, normally, this is meant to reach like deep inside of like concrete forms and stuff like that. KATELYN: Like if you're doing a driveway or something? Yeah, yeah. You just kind of let it hang down. "Tap the tip of the vibrator on the ground a few times." (vibrator tapping) (vibrator whirring) Oh. I heard the sound change. Oh, it's going. (vibrator whirring) Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. You don't do it in here. I wanna see what it does in a thick... That's the thickest the concrete's gonna be. I wanna see what it does. How does it feel in your hand? It feels horrible. It feels horrible. Gives me a headache. Wait. Can I try? Are you sure you can handle it? I just wanna feel the vibration. (Vibrator whirring) (Katelyn shouts) (Katelyn laughs) Oh! Feels like I'm being shocked. This is horrible to use. (vibrating whirring) Whoa! The table doesn't compare. That took no time at all. KATELYN: Yeah. And it instantly turned it into soup. Holy moley. I mean, we can show it again if you want. Yeah, yeah. Screw that. You get it messed up? Yeah, yeah. EVAN: Mess it up, baby. (vibrating whirring) Yeah. That's wild! (vibrating whirring) Oh my gosh! I wonder if this one has any warnings about overmixing. No! Oh, wow! Okay, so we know in a thick pot of concrete- This is what you use. It vibrates it. Okay. Let's try doing this in the mold. EVAN: Yeah, but the stuff that's in there is packed in now, right? It's very dense and packed. This is... Okay. It's very tiring. (vibrating whirring) Whoa! It's like melting it. It looks like it's melting it. But it's still the same consistency. That's amazing. Pull it out. It's still holding a peak like it's solid. How about I try it? I wanna try it. I'm gonna take my earring off, too. (Evan laughs) The most ridiculously overpowered vibrator in the world. That thing is insane. I'm just trying to figure out how I'm gonna hold this. I'm gonna start scooping for you. (upbeat music) I wanna make sure this is stable. Oh yeah, yeah. I think that'll be good. (vibrating whirring) Sorry. EVAN: Here. Let me do it, baby. It's hard to do it one handed. Yeah. Yeah. (vibrating whirring) Put it on the table to activate the vibrator. (vibrating whirring) (Katelyn screams) Oh no! (vibrating whirring) Ah! Turn it off! (upbeat music) It's so jarring. Oh, I got sweaty. It's so jarring. EVAN: I know, right? It makes you sweat. It gives you a little bit of a headache. It's weird. It's like vibrating your whole body because I'm tense. I'm hot. Oh boy! But it looks great. It looks like soft serve. But it's not. This is hard. Thick. Yeah. (Evan laughs) This is one of the stranger things we've done. (vibrating whirring) KATELYN: Yeah! I really am concerned about how it's gonna do in the small one. Oh. Oh. (Evan grunts) Oh! Jesus! Oh yeah. Okay. Look at that. Professional-grade surface finish. I'm curious to see... Oh, at some point we knocked it off. Yeah. I'm curious to see how this is gonna work in the tiny mold. Poorly. Maybe not. I don't know! EVAN: All right. (dramatic music) There you go, baby. I just need to... (upbeat music) God. (Evan laughs) (Katelyn laughs) Okay. That's a little bit better. I haven't even started. It's such a workout. I have to like- Wield it. ...wrangle and wield it. EVAN: Yeah. (vibrating whirring) Oh my god. It's bad. Oh, it's bad. It's bad. It's bad. (Evan laughs) It's bad. I think we just call this a complete fail. I think... I think we just let that cure. I mean, that's what happened. That's what... That's your best attempt. I mean, do you wanna try? Here. Yeah, I'll try it. I have some weird ideas. (upbeat music) Okay. Can you get the thick HDPE sheet? KATELYN: Uh... (screen beeps) EVAN: Just cleaning this up. KATELYN: Oh yeah. Much cleaner now. (vibrating whirring) (Katelyn laughs) I have a new idea. (vibrator whirring) Nope. No. No. Okay. This is a very powerful tool with a very specific use, and a small mold like we usually make, that ain't it. No, that ain't it. Well, I'm curious to see if there's lots of bubbles in this. Let's see how this cures. Mm-hmm. Okay, so here's everything you need to know. These are the jocks, these are the nerds, and these are the website designers. (upbeat music) EVAN: Wow. How are they so cool? Because they build websites using today's sponsor, Squarespace. EVAN: Squarespace is your one-stop website platform to help you succeed online. KATELYN: Whether you wanna sell a product, offer a service, or just be really, really cool, Squarespace is the platform for you. EVAN: They offer flexible website templates for every use case, and they can be customized and updated however you want. KATELYN: And they even have a bunch of extensions you can add for even more functionality. Next, you're gonna tell me they have their own library. Well, they do have an asset library where you can store all your files and content in one place. EVAN: So go to squarespace.com for a free trial, and when you're ready to pull the trigger, go to squarespace.com/evanandkatelyn for 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. KATELYN: That's squarespace.com/evanandkatelyn for 10% off. I think we can already consider this a fail. I do wanna see, did it remove the bubbles from the underside? Yeah. We did not fill the mold correctly. But are there bubbles? Oh, that's a lot. EVAN: That's weird. They're so dark. Are they bubbles? Are those bubbles, or are they spots? These aren't... They aren't bubbles. They're not bubbles. They're dark spots. What? They're dark spots, but there are no bubbles. Whoa! So really great at getting bubbles out. KATELYN: Well, I mean, that's good, but the dark spots, it's such a weird mystery. It's such a weird mystery. Maybe it's just drawing differently. Those are like pockets of water or something. Maybe it's separated in a weird way because there's so much agitation. Maybe. Now, this kind of gets me excited for this. I wonder if this will have the same effect or if it works better because this was a larger volume of concrete. Maybe whatever weirdness happened. And that one didn't happen here. EVAN: Yeah. There's only one way to find out. Well, I'm starting to see some voids and bubbles. This is full of bubbles. Not dark spots, though. That's weird. EVAN: I think just as bubbly. KATELYN: Maybe, is it more bubbly than the control? This surface certainly is. Look at this section. Oh yeah. This is bad. It's really bad! (Evan laughs) Oh my gosh. And it's not just that side. There's a hole. EVAN: There's a hole all the way through? KATELYN: I just saw light coming in. Do you see my glove? Oh! That's crazy! I mean, it has an aesthetic look to it. That's not the point. The point is there's a bubble so big that it's a hole. Yeah, look at that. Okay. So... This is definitely more bubbly than the control, like significantly. It is the worst so far. All right, so using an oversized concrete vibrator that's meant for industrial applications applied to small molds... You know, it was fun. Fun? Ish. It was exciting. It was exciting. Yeah, yeah. (upbeat music) (hand tapping) The moment we've all been waiting for, our $38 concrete vibrator. KATELYN: Mm-hmm. EVAN: Look at this. You press it and hold to turn it on, and it vibrates. And a nice low vibration at first. Oh, look at that, though. KATELYN: Is it- EVAN: Look at that. It's like melting it. Oh, it's doing the thing. It's doing the thing. It's melting it. It certainly looks like it's easier to wield. It's definitely more wieldy. Now, I don't know how like deep the vibrations will go. It'll be an interesting test to do it on this one, where the mold is deeper than the concrete vibrator. EVAN: Well, I'm just gonna shove it all the way in there. (Evan laughs) Yes! It's doing it! You know, it's slower, but it's going. I can feel it vibrating on my elbow, so it is transferring. Look at that. All right. You should try something. Yeah! Sorry. I put it into- You put into pulse mode. (laughs) Hold it. (laughs) KATELYN: There we go. Oh yeah. It's flowing quite easily. Look at that. Yeah. KATELYN: And it's not me pushing it. It's just me going to the right spot, and then it flows own the sides. Yeah. So this might be like the max size of a mold that this vibrator can handle. Even though it's certainly more chill and controlled, and my arm doesn't feel like it's gonna fall off- Yeah. ...which is, that's nice. It's like it's rotating around it. EVAN: Whoa! Isn't that weird? Isn't that weird? Looks like it's spinning. EVAN: It is spinning. KATELYN: It is? EVAN: Yeah. Oh. Yeah. Well, no wonder. (Evan laughs) (vibrator whirring) The sounds. I wonder if this one's gonna be our best one yet. I don't know. I don't know. I mean, that'd be great. It's certainly the cheapest. It's cheap. Easy to store. Easy to store. You can put it in your purse, take it anywhere you want. You can put it in your pocket. It's very calm. It's very zen, especially by comparison. Maybe you should try the pulse feature. I wonder if that would have a good effect. (vibrator whirring) What if that's more agitating to the bubbles? (Evan laughs) I don't know. We gotta experiment. But you know, I'm feeling pretty good about it. Yeah, I might vibrate it just a tiny bit more from the outside. Wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world? (vibrator squeaking) What a lovely soundtrack we have to this video, just the harmonic notes. They really take me to a peaceful place where I feel at one with nature. I feel like I can really look into my soul. What do you find in your soul? Static distortion? I think this might be on the large side, but this might be perfect. Yeah. Go for it. KATELYN: I'm just gonna try going this at first. Okay. Yeah. Works better if I go like from the edges. It's certainly liquefying it, you know? And making it flow. See how it just looks like it turns to liquid as soon as it touches it? (upbeat music) Yeah. This is honestly so zen. EVAN: Man, it's actually working for these small molds. KATELYN: Yeah, it is. Actually, let's just do this. I mean this is pretty intense, especially at the tip. Just touch the tip, just for a second. We can't be making those jokes. We are already on the line here. This is a very labor-intensive method compared to the others. I'd say it's less labor intensive than the second one. It's slower. Oh, true. That's true. But I'm not sweating. You know, if we had like five of these and we strapped them to the bottom- Oh, like a strap-on to the bottom. Come on. I'm sorry. I apologize for my wife. She's so crude. I think that's enough vibration. KATELYN: Yeah. I think we did pretty good. EVAN: That's good enough. I'm very curious to see how these turn out tomorrow. (upbeat music) I'm kind of hopeful. I'm hopeful. I really hope that this does well. KATELYN: Yeah. Best of all worlds. I don't know. Come on. Come on. It's also discolored. Maybe it's because we used the mold twice. Look at the mold that we just demolded. You see how there's lots of like residue? Oh. You're right. Well, one thing I can say, I don't think there are many bubbles. There's the minute, minute one there. EVAN: Wow. KATELYN: Right? Yeah. And for a mold this size, the little vibrator was the right option. KATELYN: Certainly better than the control. Certainly better than the control. (upbeat music) (Evan gasps) Wow! Wow! KATELYN: Oh my gosh. Okay. A few. A few. So it looks like we- And that makes sense. EVAN: We did a really good job here. 'cause like the vibrator reached to about right there. Yeah. There might be a depth limit to this one. (Evan laughs) Or maybe you just have to do it in phases. EVAN: Yeah. (laughs) That's so funny. There's a clear divider. So- It's pretty good. I mean, it's certainly better than the control. I think overall, it improved it, but maybe not the best for big molds. So let's talk about all of our options. We have the control. We have the vibrating table. We have the big vibrator. We have the personal-sized vibrator. What are your thoughts? Overall, I liked using the vibrating table the most, 'cause it was really easy and it did pretty good. It did pretty good. I would say, if you're on a budget or space constraints, do the little vibrating table or just slap the crap out of it because that's not bad. And you know what I wouldn't recommend? (vibrator whirring) You okay?
Channel: Evan and Katelyn
Views: 1,435,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: evanandkatelyn, Evan and Katelyn, evan and katelin, even and katelin, even and katelyn, evan and caitlin, how to, DIY, husband and wife, husband wife, E&K, evan katelyn, couple, concrete vibrator, vibrating table, concrete tips, concrete project, concrete project ideas, concrete, cement, concrete bubbles, vibrator table, cheap vs expensive, testing, reviewing, test, review, products, vibrator, crafting, diy projects, diy ideas, diy crafts, crafts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 49sec (1609 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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