BUY vs DIY - Recreating a Disturbing Hand-Shaped Pencil Holder

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It's really slimy, feel that. (Katelyn yells in disgust) (Evan laughs maniacally) Why is it wet? As makers, sometimes we see something that we wanna buy, but instead think we can make that. Sometimes the main reason we wanna make it is cause it's a good excuse to use a lot of resin. So today we are gonna make that thing that we saw. But we're also buying the thing, so that at the end of this, we can compare the two and see how we did. And I have to hand it to ourselves, we chose... a hand. (laughing) (upbeat theme music) Thank you, KiwiCo for sponsoring this video. We're making a hand, we're making a hand cup holder. And, you know, it holds pencils and everything, but honestly, guys, I really just wanted to try and mess around to this algenate. Yes, we've never made a hand mold before. Stick our hand in the gooey weird stuff. That seems fun. So the plan is to make a big old mold of her hand using this algenate and then we're gonna upgrade the cup with this golden one. Now, we bought the cup, we didn't DIY the cup. I mean, we could get a solid block of-- Of gold. Lathe it out, as one does. We also did a small scale test of this algenate and we found out that it cures really fast. If you look in here, there's a lot of bubbles. KATELYN: Which is not ideal for a resin mold. It cured too fast for the bubbles to get out. So I read the instructions, after the experiment, and it says that you can actually use cold water to slow the reaction down. That might be enough to get the bubbles out. If that doesn't work, we might need to use the vacuum chamber, which might be a little bit stressful. But this stuff, goes so fast. Yeah, so let's start with that cold water test. Oh, god. (laughs) I thought I was gonna surprise you, sorry. (laughing) You gonna stroke my face with it? It's really sticky. (screams) Okay, did you start the timer? I'm gonna go ahead and start it right now. Last time we didn't have much time at all. It really started to harden way faster than I thought, which is interesting, I mean, oh, it's-- Sorry, this is a little awkward. I don't mind. It's also interesting that with the cold water, it definitely is way more like thick and goopy. Sounds gross. (sloppy splashing) Okay, so it says about a minute of-- Oh, I'm in a minute, a minute and 20 of mixing, all right. Another weird side effect of it being cold is it definitely is thicker and more viscous. So I'm gonna try to pop a few of the bubbles just by shmacking it. Look at that one. Oh, look at that big one right there. Whoa. Just can't even imagine how many bubbles are gonna be in-- VOICEOVER: The big one. Let's not think about that yet. Depends on how much time we have. Oh, it's so cold. Oh, I stick my finger in there and it's so cold. You didn't give me a heads up, I missed the magic moment. Missed the moment of-- (laughing) Don't say it, don't say it. Not that type of channel. We're three minutes in. Oh, finger's starting to become numb. Oh, I'm sorry, oh. Yeah, for your whole hand. It's gonna be my whole hand. Maybe we shouldn't do it that cold. Should we bring up what the instructions mentioned about others things you can make molds of? Oh. There's instructions for making molds of all different body parts, including your butt. (laughing) You know, I have thought it'd be awesome to make-- Maybe it's for prosthetics, you know? Actually I would like to make stools that are molded perfectly for our butts. So, save the butt instructions. I want that. I'll save that. Thank you. (laughing) All right, it's starting to harden. By this point, you wouldn't want to be putting your finger into this. KATELYN: It's starting to grip, yeah. So, eight minutes. So we have less than eight minutes to get your hand in position. Even with the ice. Even with ice water. That's not that much time. Nope. Nope. (soft music) All right, it's fully hard. Go ahead and give it a tug off. I mean-- (laughing) No, no, no, that came out wrong. That came out wrong. The algenate is um, the algenate is ready. And to give you a sense of how sticky it is and how difficult it is gonna be for you to pull your hand out, I feel you should give a tug on this and then you can get a feeling for how hard it is to remove. Oh, dang, that's pretty tough. Okay, let's check out the bubbles. The good news is I don't see any bubbles. KATELYN: I see one bubble, that's it. The surface finish is workable. So. Ice water, it is. Ice water, it is. All right, so we weren't planning to film today, but I kind of have a bad news, good news, bad news type situation. Do you wanna give some background? Yes. So sometimes behind the scenes, I do a little bit of prep work. Make sure that everything is ready to go for the main chunk of the video, while Katelyn edits. I was doing some of that for this. I was testing the ratios of water to algenate and also, we're using a new type of resin for the first time. You can pour it thicker and it takes a lot longer to set. So I was assessing those two things. Let's do the first bad news first. The mold just shrinks. This is the first one, tHis is the second one. I tried mixing less water in. While it shrinks, it adds water into the inside of the mold. And water mixing with resin, I don't think that's good. Just my intuitive sense of things. The good news, I was doubting this resin would ever cure, but it did. It cured well, it's nice and hard. It does eventually cure, it just cures a lot slower. So, I combined the two things. I took a mold of my finger and I poured the resin into it. KATELYN: How long ago was that? Was it the same amount of time as that resin? Same as this, same time. This resin and that. Now, I think that's just the water because in here. Oh, so it could be okay. That's not bad news yet. (laughing) Which means you're not to touch that water, in case it's like resiny water. EVAN: It's probably resiny water. KATELYN: All nasty looking. EVAN: It's nasty-looking. Oh! Oh. KATELYN: Looks like an ice cube. EVAN: Eww. Eww. Eww. EVAN: Only part of it is solid. KATELYN: Also, it's not clear. Other parts are sticky. Yeah and it's not clear at all. I'm beginning to doubt this algenate, like, is this even gonna work? I don't know. Cause right now, I'm not at all confident that we can make this happen. No, if the whole hand came out like that little finger nub. ("we'll be right back" music) All right, so we did some research and it turns out algenate is not the best thing to use when you're using resin afterwards. Algenate is mainly good for that, like-- The plaster stuff? Plaster stuff. So we need to go for the silicone solution. But the problem is silicone usually takes a long time to solidify and cure and we don't want resin's... and we don't want Katelyn's arm to cramp up and fall off or anything. So we're going with the fastest silicone I've ever seen, Pot life, which means its workable time is two and a half minutes and is fully cured in five minutes. It's gonna be a little stressful? This is gonna be one of the most stressful things we've done. First up, though, we wanna make sure that we can get Katelyn's arm out of the silicone, so time for some jelly. (giggles) Yeah, we're gonna put some Vaseline on it. (laughing) Feels gross. Just working in all the crevices. Fill in... everywhere (laughs). Is it too much? Maybe, we can dab it off some. Oh, I'm so greasy! A little reduction of greasiness. We wanna do this before we start pouring the silicone because of the time issues. EVAN: At least it's like fairly runny. I'm gonna go ahead and start the clock and then start pouring, you ready? And we have two and a half minutes to mix? Two and a half minutes to have everything in place. Cause you need to dip your hand out, I need to rub it. And you need to have everything in place before the two and a half minutes, otherwise we are in trouble. After that two and a half minutes mark, you can't move your hand. Here is a 3D-printed model of our gold cup that I'm gonna use to have my fingers spaced right. We've wrapped it in Tyvec tape so that the resin, when we pour that in, won't stick to it and we're just leaving it in the silicone. Yeah, okay, you ready? Yes. EVAN: Oh my gosh. I believe in you. Is that a good idea? It has to be, we have to go both at once. Cause I wanna go fast. Okay. Oh, this isn't bad. KATE: It's gonna be tough cause they're both clear. So we can't actually see when they're mixed. 12 Seconds in, 13 seconds, okay, okay, okay. I'm feeling better than I thought. (drill whirring) I think it's done. KATELYN: Oh, okay, you probably just set that. What if I spun this right now? Oh, please, god, no. Okay, I'm just gonna set this here. Pour it all in? Pour it all in. So there's apparently a technique to doing a mold of your hand. First, you dip it in all the way and then you raise it up and then you get to rub it on my arm. And then I raise it back down and that's to prevent bubbles. This isn't as much as I thought. Well. Well. It is what it is. It is what it is. It may not be as big as I thought (laughs). What if it's just like the claw? The claw, go, go, go! Oh, yeah. Okay. Is that in? I'm going in. Oh, that's barely to my wrist and I'm all the way down. I'm losing the thing! Oh, that's crazy looking! Do I rub you? Yeah, rub it in. Oh my gosh (screams). This is weird. Oh. Okay, go for it. This is it. So it's gonna be just the claw. What can I do, what can I do? There's nothing you can do. EVAN: Straighten your arm. KATELYN: Touching my knuckles, though, you can't do that. EVAN: What about this much? Maybe if I angle my hand. Oh man, the thing is slipping, I'm trying to really grip. Oh, this is going to be not what we imagined. That's as far as you can go in? KATELYN: Yeah. EVAN: No, touch the bottom, touch the bottom. Just go for it. Okay. EVAN: All right, the two and a half minute mark. KATELYN: I have to sit still for five minutes? You okay? What are you doing? No, no, don't get your mouth near that. I just wanted to take it off. Why? I'm sweaty. (laughing) We're only like two minutes away, you don't want silicone in your mouth. (laughing) I think that we meant to make a thumbnail face while you had your hand. Oh yeah, we were gonna use this for the thumbnail. I don't know what happened. I don't know what happened either. Did you look at the camera at all? Yeah. Ah, this is weird. We can make a thumbnail face now. EVAN: It is definitely solidifying. KATELYN: I can feel it, I can't really wiggle. (laughing) It's gonna be way stubbier than we thought. I know. We gotta be like beyond the wrist. Yeah, we greased my arm almost to the elbow. Okay, so we're at the five end of mark, I'm gonna relax a little bit here. Okay, that's looking pretty good. I can see your claw. Oh no! Dang it. No, it'll be great. We can get a preview of the resin while it's curing. Oh yeah, yeah, I can see your hand from this side too. We're definitely gonna lose in the cost department of this BUY vs DIY. EVAN: Oh, we are so much losing. This is gonna be the biggest loss. In the cost department. In the cost department. I won't speak to soon about other things. Ready to break the seal? Did you ever go to summer camp? I went to the really nerdy, like maker science camp, like mousetrap cars and stuff like that. I never went to summer camp. Luckily for us, our sponsor is KiwiCo, so we can bring that summer camp to our garage. I'm gonna be messing with chemical reactions in this Vortex Lab. And I will be making a spin art machine. KiwiCo has a wide variety of hands on project kits for all ages around science, technology, engineering, art and math, which are some of our favorite things. Look at this potentiometer. And they're super convenient because they include all the supplies needed for this project. Even batteries and teeny tiny mixing spoons. KATELYN: You can get a subscription or just get a single kit to test it out. EVAN: Oh no. Oh, dang. That wasn't in the instructions. Oh, it's cool though. Supporting our sponsors supports us, so if you wanna try it, go to slash Evan and Katelyn and use code Evan and Katelyn for 20% off everything on the site. Wow, that's so weird! It's clear, then it's yellow and it's black! KATELYN: That's so cool. Chemicals! Oh, that is gross. KATELYN: Does it feel solid enough? Let me just get your little second skin off of you. That's so gross. And then this way a little bit. Don't mind me. Okay. Okay, it's releasing. EVAN: Yeah, just nice and gentle. KATELYN: Don't want to damage this-- Oh, my thumbs out. The knuckle! (laughing) Is that a knuckle? That's my knuckle. Look, I'm wiggling it. (laughing) Hear that? I heard it. Okay, okay. Oh, yeah. Oh my gosh. All at once, that was so quick! There's bubbles inside the silicone, but I don't see any major surface bubbles. I think that's good. How soon can we resin? Little greasy hands are compatible with resin, right? I think so. You can do mold release with resin. It's like resistant to the grease. This is like mold release. I've already greased it. Yeah, you've already greased it. Cures in about five minutes at room temperature. I think it's done. I've been de-greased. And now we move on to the resin. Resin time. Resin time. Do do do do Resin time. We're gonna try something we've never done before and that is thick set resin that you could pour super deep. Normally when you pour really deep, it smokes and sizzles and melts whatever container it's in and this is supposed to not do that. And we're also gonna go for a very simple design since we're doing it all at once. We're just gonna tint it a little bit blue and add these unicorn flakeys in there. I am so excited about that, look at that. KATELYN: It's god dang magical. EVAN: Oh yes. And then just to give it a little bit of a tint, let's start there. Oh yes. Yes. EVAN: Definitely more flakeys, for sure. KATELYN: Definitely more flakeys. EVAN: I think that looks nice. KATELYN: Yeah, okay. Let's pour it into the grossest looking mold. Oh, that's a pro stream. You're a pro streamer. I'm a pro streamer. EVAN: Another good thing about this is since it's so liquidy, I think that this will let bubbles get out a lot easier. KATE: I hope so. EVAN: Oh, look, you can see your hand. There is the knuckle. Weird. EVAN: Okay, I'm gonna rotate it. I'm not really sure what this is doing, but. KATELYN: It's supposed work out any bubbles that are trapped in a fingertip. EVAN: Work it! You know what we should do, we should get the vacuum chamber. KATELYN: Oh yeah. EVAN: That was what we were gonna do. Now, will this destroy the silicone and pop the bubbles in the silicone? Cause there's bubbles trapped in the silicone too. KATELYN: Maybe we don't vacuum chamber it. EVAN: Maybe we don't. KATELYN: I would hate to mess up the mold. EVAN: Yeah, me too. Okay, maybe we don't. And hopefully after four hours, all of the air bubbles will rise up here. Here, I can vibrate it. Yeah! Smack it. Yeah! EVAN: Man, this, this resin slaps. (laughing) I think that might be it. KATELYN: And we'll see you guys in-- [Evan Five to seven Days. Okay, bye. It has been three days. I know we said five, but we also did some test pours of resin in these little heart molds and they are now fully hard. So, are we gonna try to do this without breaking the mold first? Let's try it. You know. You might be able to do it. I'm already noticing, oh, that's weird. That's a weird texture. And then there's micro bubbles all over the place. I think so too. Or should we just cut it? (laughing) We can try to cut plastic off. Okay. I'm hearing noises. I'm holding your hand. Maybe we should just cut the container. We can get a new container. I'm down for that. (upbeat music) KATELYN: This is definitely one of those projects that we thought would be pretty easy and has proven, time and time again, to be more difficult than expected. EVAN: Oh yes. KATELYN: Release. EVAN: You can do it, big boy. KATELYN: Looks like a really weird large gross gusher. Oh, it's free. Now can we get it out? Please. Come on, come on. Oh, wait, movement. KATELYN: I heard it, I heard it. Come on, I'm not giving up on you. KATELYN: It's like all the way out, I see it. EVAN: Get out of there. Am I witnessing a birth? Pull! (laughing) Pull! KATELYN: Come on! (cheering) Ooh, that's creepy. That's creepy Oh, the claw! Oh, man, my fingernails look weird. This is just-- Oh, that's so freaky. Also, so many bubbles. Literally the whole thing is bubbles. There's no bubbles on my nails. It might be because your skin is so textured. It's kind of like, you know, the Coke and Mentos reaction. The Mentos is not a chemical reaction, it's because on the Mentos, there's a whole bunch of micro crevices and that's what allows the bubbles to form. I think that your hand-- I have so many crevices. EVAN: Has so many crevices, the bubbles adhere to it. Cause there are no bubbles on your nails. Weird. Weird. Let's see what angle the cop is gonna be at. KATELYN: You know, it might hold some pencils. It's an artistic angle. EVAN: You know, it balances out. KATELYN: It kinda balances, right? This is leaning that way. It's actually good. It's art baby, that is art. It's art. EVAN: That's art! KATELYN: Okay, so we actually realized it will hold it at a slightly better angle. We just need to secure it. EVAN: Okay, ready? KATELYN: The very elegant solution of hot glue. EVAN: Hot glue. KATELYN: That's pretty nice. That's nice. I can't believe the way it wants to fall was counteracted by the way the cup is leaning. We actually like somehow lucked out. Yeah, I didn't even think about that. That looks cool! I love the contrast between the blue and the gold. KATELYN: I know! It looks really nice. I love those colors. KATELYN: Let's add some resin pencils to it. It looks so empty. No. No. Get that guy out of there. Did they offend your aesthetic? Yeah. (laughing) That looks nice, but we still haven't checked out the competition. We have not. I don't even know how big it is. What if it's like ultra tiny next to ours? Not even a real hand? EVAN: Whose hand is this? Well, I can tell you the cup is pretty tiny. It's for like four pencils. Oh, the hand is decent. Still a tiny hand. So that is a very upright hand. See they didn't even add any panazz. They didn't even add any danger. Yeah, any danger, there's no danger to this cup holder. There's no risk of it falling over. (gasps) What? It's squishy. Oh that's like cheap plastic, that's not even ceramic. EVAN: Look at the cut edge too, look at that. This looks like-- KATELYN: This is gonna be points off. The hands move. Everything moves, is everything plastic? None of this is ceramic, it's all plastic. They really made this look ceramic. (laughing) All right, well, should we do our official buy versus DIY comparison? Let's do the official buy versus DIY comparison. Thought we don't shake hands till the end? You shook my hand, don't look offended. You did this. So we're gonna be judging these on a few criteria. Aesthetics, quality, function, time, price and an audience vote via our Patreon and YouTube member supporters. KATELYN: So, aesthetics. EVAN: It's a tough thing to make a judgment on. They're very different. The "buy" is very minimalistic. Ours is a little loud and we're biased because we chose a bright gold cup and teal colors. I prefer the aesthetics of ours. EVAN: I prefer this. But I could see how this would fit in more people's homes. But also, on the aesthetics, if you're going with the DIY, you should hopefully win with the aesthetics cause you're choosing the cup and the colors of the hand. So I think we can say that this wins in aesthetics. Yes, it's subjective, but we like it more. Yes. On the quality, I think that I can make some judgements here. Resin, I know it was very durable. KATELYN: This is not porcelain, it is very bendy. There is a distinct seam from a cut line at the top of the cup. I think in terms of quality, I'm gonna give it to us. I'm really trying not to be biased here, but resin, this is going to last a long time. This is unknown. Even right now, it just is cheap. Okay, function. Will this tip? EVAN: Look at that. So with this one, I feel like-- There, that's exactly what I was gonna demonstrate. This bought one has a very wide base compared to the top. Our top is wider than our base. I'll still say, somehow we got lucky. This is fully functional. Because this has a very heavy base and it just happens to luckily be balanced the right way, it doesn't feel like it's gonna tip, but this one does feel a little sturdier. Like, you can knock it. All right, in terms of function-- In terms of function, the "buy". Bigger cup, you can fit more pencils. True, but then is it more likely to topple? EVAN: Okay, okay. What's next, time? Ooh. This is always like-- We wonder if we should even include this. We're just including this for informational purposes. It's hard to say. No, I'm pretty sure this one won. I mean, we ordered this and we got it in two days. Over here, 50 minutes of active time and over five days of waiting, in terms of the shipping of materials and in terms of the resin curing. We're just gonna say that this wins cause no matter how you cut it, you're gonna get this faster, even if you start making this right away. So clear winner in terms of time. In terms of price. (giggling) This might be one of the worst ratios we've had yet. Now we're not gonna count the $35 we wasted in algenate. KATE: We didn't end up using it. Silicone was costly. $106 in silicone. About $25 worth of resin. The gold cup, $14. The glitter and ink. Minute amount. Pennies, very little. So in total, about $145. How much was the bought one? $19. (laughing) (groaning) That's kind of painful. You know, people think that DIYs are cheaper. That is often not the case. You can get seven of these for less than this. Would you want seven of these? Maybe. (laughing) Okay, so last is what I'm most excited to share. And that is the Patreon vote. What do you think our patrons thought of these? And the way we set it up is they don't know which is the BUY and which is the DIY. They know which one. They might not know! This has resin. They might not know that that's resin. I would guess that over 95% of people knew that this was ours. Well, I told people that they don't need to guess, they just need to tell us which they like better and share their thoughts on it. My guess is this isn't everyone's aesthetic. Honestly, they're kind of weird. My guess is that most people didn't really like them. I like them. Well, you're correct. Most people didn't like either. (laughing) People were weirded out by the uncanny valley of this not-quite human shaped hand with the flared wrist and the oddly long fingers that are holding a cup in a way that-- EVAN: You don't hold cups. And people thought that my hand looked like a terrifying ghost hand that was going to come after them in the night. (laughing) The realism of the shape of my hand freaks people out and the not-quite realism of this hand freaked people out. So it's kind of hard to win people over with hands. This is a ghost hand. It is a ghost hand. This is a watery ghost hand. You know in that deep blue ocean movie where the hand reached out and got people? It was a thing. And now for a selected reading of Patreon comments. The black and white one looks like a pencil holder. Meh, 5/10. The blue one looks like a space god tipping a gold goblet of enemy tears to sip on. Yas, 12/10. (laughing) The blue gold looks like it's trying to squeeze the blood out of a freshly caught squirrel. Not gonna lie, both of them freak me out. They're both caressing those cups, but with very different energies. But the vote was very close. So in total we had 170 comments. A lot of them didn't vote for either cause they didn't really like either one, but we had 49 votes for the white hand, the buy and 55 votes for the blue hand, the DIY. (cheering) So we won! But barely. So I think overall, tallying things up, we have tied (laughs). Now we did lose very badly on the price and kind of on the time. But in the end, you know, you have a limited amount of space in your house and you should save it for what you really like, in terms of aesthetics. Yeah. But is that the most important thing? And is this the best aesthetic? Well, you know, since it is a tie, I think we need a tie breaker. And I have the perfect person in mind. So which one wins, the first one she approaches or the one that she spends more time around? KATE: The one she spends more time around. EVAN: No, Joobie. Oh yes, oh yes, isn't that one great? KATELYN: What do you think, baby? She went in this direction. That means her vote is for this one. Yay, I feel so accomplished. (laughing) Well, I hope you guys liked this video, we had fun. How can we declare this the winner? We didn't really get a definitive vote from the Supurrvisor. Oh, I think I hear her over there. Was that? Waiting for a treat. KATELYN: Oh you like ours best? EVAN: Oh, yay! So generous VOICEOVER: Where is treat? Well, hope you guys liked this video. If you wanna see more BUY vs DIY (laughs). We have a playlist, it'll be around up here and down in the description. And if you want more Evan and Katelyn content in general, we have a gaming channel, we live stream on Twitch, we have a podcast and we have a secondary channel. A seconDARY channel (laughs). See you next time, bye. Should we do that outro again? You know it was okay. (beep) You got some silicone boogers in your hair. (beep) It's like, it's really moist. It's really moist. Hey, look over here. What's this? Why, it's, of course. Your one stop shop for all your Evan and Katelyn needs. We've got shirts, hoodies, phone cases, notebooks and more. Would you like to remind someone that they have fuzzy paws and love the taste of tuna in the morning? Look at all the colors. Perhaps you'd like to make it clear that you just woke up from a 12 hour nap? And make sure you keep an eye out for my personal favorite, WASD. All this and more at DISTORTED VOICE: Evan and Katelyn's not liable for any impulse purchases of DIY and or cat themed merchandise that may occur as a result of visiting their website.
Channel: Evan and Katelyn
Views: 1,781,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: resin art, art resin, DIY resin, resin mold, resin, epoxy art, epoxy, epoxy resin art, epoxy resin, resin tutorial, resin for beginners, easy resin crafts, diy pencil holder, hand mold, hand cast, resin hand, Buy vs diy, buy or diy, DIY challenge, evanandkatelyn, Evan and Katelyn, how to, DIY, husband and wife, husband wife, E&K, evan katelyn
Id: lzEbseUjqf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 5sec (1745 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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