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well Angus yes I think it's time time for Harvest oh well you better grab a basket or something I got a better idea I do believe there's a machine in a shed nearby that could help us out a computer a combiner ladies and gentlemen welcome to another episode of junkyard digs I'm your host Kevin and this is my buddy Angus and today for the first time in months we have our overalls back on at least I do yeah speak for yourself yeah you wear yours for recreation as we mentioned it is finally time to take the corn out if you'll notice the sun's going down it's already a good Friday afternoon and I'm hoping to have all of this done this weekend so without further Ado let's go find ourselves a combine get that sunbitch running and get this field out remember the big kernels we grew well what do you think oh it's a 55. just a 55. this is before they could afford four numbers on every model you know I saw one of these on Marketplace and I brought it up to my dad and he was like oh those were so cute that's all you have to say about it so I don't know a dang thing about this uh this is the same place that we got the planter from this spring we had a 6600 we had our eye on just down the road but there was no head for that I would have had to go find a head and would have been like three grand you know I'm not about that this however is the combine that was used by the same guy who sold as the planter so they should be set up to work together it's got great foam in the head Great Stuff foam oh I gotta do some great stuff in the head I already see from here a rancid strap two horns that probably aren't meant to go there jigging by the wiring are really bashed up filter guard and I think he might have plugged it in oh there might be a battery charger on it yeah I see the light I'll tell you what Angus I've never even driven a combine or anything in my life I think I rode one one when I was like five or eight or both probably both still doesn't really help with my lack of experience for operating combines yeah my experience has all been hydrostatic transmission so you've got a joystick and if you want to go forward you push it forward you want to go backwards you push it backwards this one has a clutch and apparently it might need adjusted other than that that's super should be good to go this will be fun all right we're waiting for Mike still oh God uh what do you see Angus is this a gas a diesel it's like a diesel nope it's it's definitely a gas engine that's a distributor I'm looking fine distribute the heat like that this is a massive fire hazard I don't know what year this time I just see a bunch of belts that are gonna break and we're not gonna be able to get them and then I'm gonna have my cousin take the field out for us bulldozer no it is oh yeah there's a there's a motor up in there huh yeah that's where they put those it's got a spark arresting like Marine style uh alternator I see that much thank God supposedly it's only sat for like two years I feel a little better now did the tires agree with that yeah it's not really buried in at all so I'd I'd agree it's probably only been two years oh man this is a crazy Revival is it are you kidding me look at this this is insane well yes many things wow look at all that stuff oh it keeps going there's a feedback wrapped around one of the shoots it's just like all the combines that I've ever known except for smaller all right Mike is here Mike what year is this machine we're working on 1969 1969. holy cow he's hooking up the batteries right now he's gonna hop in see if this is a turnkey operation or if we're going to be doing some points or what our evening and Tails here oh the good old gas cans you got clear Angus uh looks like okay get the battery hooked up and see what this thing does it's not like six six times six is twelve or six times two is twelve six plus six is twelve what I use this on about right now is we just learned this comment has two batteries both six full so I'm glad we brought those 12 volt batteries that are doing nothing no it would have done a lot all right moment of truth oh oh foreign I feel really silly now this isn't a fight back to life like they normally are on this channel but we're out of time we've been doing car stuff for the summer and this is the last warm weekend a week before sees so we got to get this corn out yeah I don't think we're gonna need one that big we got some stuff to move but this thing kind of warmed up and take it from there thank you like a glove I don't think that's the right saying it's like a top yeah there we go it runs like a glove Moment of Truth Hydraulics are good oh holy cow look at that foreign it's not what I was gonna use so much going on right now foreign I'm glad we went this route instead of trying to get one of these going what's happening right now I'm sure that's fine that was an intense experience with nothing like shielded like they are today yeah there's there's a lot going on that's the reason why the mo guys lost their arms or fingers I could see why this is one of the last ones made really and it was the last one that the story I get is the last one that was sold out of ryerson's okay before it became Van Wall so this came from our shop gross I know what comes out of that shop we probably shouldn't drive this anywhere since it's the end of the day I've never driven one of these and went to drive on the highway to our place uh trial by fire is probably not the best way to learn to drive this and probably not a good choice of words honestly so Mike's gonna drive it over to our place we're gonna follow him let's do it Here Comes run it's the most intimidating machine I've ever seen it's Frank from the movie Cars but in green [Music] holy crap don't you wish you were driving that nope I would drive that thing all over I'd be such a menace a menace this is another Iowa evening foreign [Music] can figure out exactly where we live and if you ever do I ask uh please do not come to our house that is my house I don't go to your house don't come to my house and I I sound like an ass but I mean that with all respect please respect our privacy so with that being said we'll see you there what do you think moose gonna say to me bringing home this one hell yeah this one's a rental it's going home as you can tell the sun's going down so we're gonna leave this here until tomorrow morning and then start with all of our pre the Harvest maintenance and then Harvest and then post Harvest actually before we go for tonight let's take a look how is our corn from the professional corn people so the unrose got nailed by deer yeah all the way around what do you think Angus you're gonna get like 50 Bush over the Acres it's not it's not good this is probably the most cinematic shot I've ever taken by the way adults of the Corn the dolls of the car oh it's good so this so like I said it rained once this whole summer so we don't have a lot of pictures to our stock which means as soon as the wind came up the other day I mean you just you can see the horizontal line snap the whole field off but this was 10 11 foot corn in the good spots is this a good spot Yes actually up here was a little dry down this bit's supposed to be corn too down by the jump where the Grand Prix were going across uh there's like three ears of corn on every plant so maybe that'll all even out it was nice and moist down there all summer what hey morning it's harvested we're gonna start things off today by going through the combine cleaning out anything that needs cleaned since it's been sitting for a couple years greasing everything and just doing General preparations to help us we have Mike who I believe right now is hiding out of the combine I have no idea what the hell I'm doing he has a good idea what he's doing since this is his combine so let's dig in and get started on this all right where are we starting grease and oil grease and oil lots of Grease sounds about right all right now I get to play the game and find the grease cert that's a set screw those are all bolts there's one there's one right here is there I was gonna say I haven't found a single line we'll clean that one off like when I work walk over here there you go little buddy oh he was just ripping and roaring and ready to go how about back here yep there's another that's three points so far if they're a point of piece right Five Points if you find a really buried one yeah another one I'm taking points off yours so that was about bad you see that coming you bastard and I didn't say anything say a word oh on the back side yeah it's not down into the floor there you go Flyers the first official use it needs to fall down in there there we go easy peasy so on these heads apparently there's three plugs right in the center of each one I gotta take those out and I'm gonna top the oil off I think there's like an oil reservoir in this head for all this because you got these that go back and grab the stocks as well as these rollers down here which roll and cut the stocks if I'm not mistaken I don't know I'm just guessing from what I'm looking at and how I know a field looks afterwards all right there we go they got a corn head grease to put in here it's it's thick and then when it warms up it pins out so that temper temporal variant oil or Grease I made those words up does it sound fancy Center one's a thirsty little bugger [Music] I think this one might leak it took most of that bottle and still going do you need any pliers it's okay we have some of the equal size hmm yes right do some farming you got a farm [Music] we're farming farm and cheeses we're done do you need a pliers no I'm good thanks though are you sure yeah well I mean I could maybe it'll tighten this a little did someone say Flyers someday Jesse will grow a pair of Big Boy pliers I've been doing this for five minutes fifth 20 30 weeks I was here when you started foreign [Music] they've been the most useful thing I've owned since then foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] get the old stuff out and we're pretty much good to go after that yep wow look at that that will grow over there me all right this should be the last step you guys ready to take some corn out let's get this corn it's gonna rain for once we have a clear blue sky when we're doing this [Music] here to the south side uh do a test pass take three rows out and see how much kernels of corn we're spitting out the back and see if we need to make adjustments to whatever there is foreign [Music] question yeah that rope seat Better Days [Music] okay [Music] after our first couple passes we determined all of our settings were good and it was time to take the whole field out all right last time I formed my own field there's my throttle over here it's tough [Music] foreign thank you one of those weird episodes I guess this is also making the loudest video we've ever made I think it's 105 bushels that's about two acres about 50 bushels an Acres like it just feels like 190. [Music] say hi [Music] [Music] [Music] I think we made like 40 bushels an acre if I had a guess [Music] all right looks like corn looks like mine [Music] Majestic really yeah yeah all right close fields done it's a real fun to come by foreign ooh lunchtime I don't want to say it too soon and jinx ourselves but it's windy as heck out that looks like someone caught something on fire probably a combine fire in a field I'm not sure it's really windy out so I hope them but best sure as heck when you know it we stopped for lunch during which I noticed smoke coming from the neighbor's house I gave them a call and they were unaware of a fire so I hopped on the tractor and sped over there as fast as I could to help turns out someone was mowing and hit a rock or something which created a spark and got the nearby harvested Bean field on fire it was super windy that day and this could have gotten really bad fortunately due to the help from many neighbors and the local volunteer fire departments we were able to get it under control before any people or property got hurt and best of all I got a free beer for helping meanwhile the combine was finally getting into some good corn and filled up the hopper way faster in the backfield all right I'm back I am filthy now and I'm pretty sure my teeth are full of not rust dust uh looks like we got about three quarters of the field left apparently it's coming out with a lot more corn than the other field we got a second wagon it's more gas in this thing just check the oil she's all topped off let's get back to it foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] so we got a little bit left in the morning but right now our wagons are full and it's dark out so 1.58 about it I'll see you guys in the morning too they're talking corn I don't know what any of it means well just like every Farm got to start the morning off and feed the livestock whoa oh dang it get the hell out the way you're a terrible little cow thank you [Music] Lanes come on big stupids there you go ah yes well we actually do on this channel if you guys are here for the farm and stuff I hope you're enjoying it and if you are feel free to leave a like and a comment below as well as maybe subscribing to the channel beyond that if you're just here for the farm and stuff I do suggest maybe poking around at some of the other videos we have a lot of fun kind of the same flow and style and cast as these videos carry over from our car videos so check those out you might just like those as well oh actually there's a package on the step I wonder what this could be what's your guess mook ain't no ain't no I believe this right here there's a box from uh one Bush light company and the only ones to drink from the Midwest a lot of people disagree with that but that's okay we can't all be perfect check that out a commemorative Busch Light swag kit to celebrate their camo boxes that they're coming out with this fall this is so damn cool of course a huge thanks to Busch Light for sending this across to us and being big supporters of the channel go follow buschlight at Bush beer on Instagram we'll save this for tonight it's time to get out in the field all right our last step for this morning is to put another five gallons in this sucker uh alongside that we're gonna put some stable storage in the tank I'm just going to squeeze this and put the right amount in they got this nice Nifty bottle that'll keep our fuel fresh this thing for two years and keep it from corroding the tank out and coming up any of the systems up there that way when Mike goes to fires combine up next year or even two years from now it'll still have good fuel in it you guys can check these out at use the code on the screen now for 15 off site wide we mentioned this in the boat video not too many people did it but I'm telling you guys this is a only spot you can find this kind of sale on all of their products site-wide and it helps show the company that there's a lot of support for junkyard digs and who knows we might be able to work out a sponsorship someday so help the channel by helping yourself the 15 off on stable products we got about 25 gallons in there so we should go about 10 ounces let's see a little more that'll do her but I haven't changed much foreign thank you that brings back a lot of great memories from about 30 years ago that was fun congratulations that's a good crop there it is let's go uh figure out how much we got figure out what to do with it all I'm gonna clean up the combine and we're done so even though the Harvest part itself is over we are far from being done for the day we're gonna take this over and weigh it all and then we got to get an auger and everything else set up and get this in a bin the suspense is killing me 12.8 58.6 on here test weight so then we just take our total weight divided by 58.6 and that's our bushels [Music] all right take this up to the bin and fill it up there's a beautiful Iowa View [Applause] oh [Applause] never fails fails the rains are coming just like insulting that in that it never rained when the corn was growing but now that we like need to dry all right we're all hooked up but before we put anything in the bin we have to flush all the raccoon poop and [ __ ] out of this shaft of the auger so I got it not centered at the top right now we'll let her eat they're not bad [Applause] all right that's the last piece excuse the wind this is Iowa but the goal here the corn goes in the swing arm they'll be able to swing out under the wagons when they come forward is then fed through an auger into the her separator thing I forgot the name Greener and we'll then move up and into our auger which is fed by the tractor this is all ran by electric motor and then up and into the grain bin where it hits a broadcaster up top and is spread out equally throughout the bin in theory if everything works if not we'll do the first thing that has it for this whole denture [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] thank you foreign ly loud that's the purebred Junk Garden named corn down two to go falls out a little bit but Luke is here now it's like three more days while Mike and Mook took the last wagon away at the bin site I drove the combine home to put away in my shed it's Farm use there are no rules [Applause] all right last one if we didn't already mention what we're doing here is Mike is going to be heating his house with corn this year so instead of selling it to an elevator like 20 miles from here for six and a half dollars per bushel we're selling it to Mike for four and a half in trade for helping us out and using this combine and all his equipment so big thanks to him so yeah if you're wondering what the junkyardig corn did it heated our neighbor's house which is pretty cool [Applause] wow what's up there mook [Music] that's actually probably the spot you planted top of the second wagon drain all this stuff out into the bin and go rewear on wagons and see how much corn we grow all right move there it is that is our last set of wagons to go way empty and it's raining we did it we got the corn in the bin before it started rated let's go see how much corn we made this is another neighbor and buddy of mine around here is a corn dryer caught on fire poor guy all things considered this was a really good year I don't think we had any breakdowns we had a couple issues in the very beginning with getting clean fuel into the tractor was picking up rust but we put that standpipe in and never had another problem with the H which by the way as soon as we're done with all this I get the yarn cleaned up the H is going to be going back to where we got it because that was his dad's tractor and I'd like to give it back to him because that's who should own that tractor so all in all for 500 and a bunch of old abandoned worn out equipment this went really well I didn't know that we proved but now he definitely one of the neighbors team 120. time for some math out of the four three and a half four acres we've had for this year that we planted corn our final number was about 381 381 bushels of corn that adds up to about twenty five hundred dollars in market value we're going to be selling it for two dollars under that though to repay Mike for helping us out and loaning us a combine and so we're gonna go 380 bushels at 4.5 Seventeen hundred dollars now let's subtract our 500 equipment cost for the planter subtract our 800 for a chemical and we come to a net profit of 410 dollars that should be just enough to buy a couple cases of beer and pay Jesse for his help for the weekend and everyone in the house so heck boom bug did you see it it's gone no it's gone it went right past you okay well folks there you have it an empty corn field and our first successful year of farming here on junkyardigs where we turned a 400 profit if you guys enjoyed this make sure you subscribe to the channel check out all of our other content like I mentioned earlier we have car content that's still kind of on par with this and the fact that it's the same people and the same theme in the same comedy and energy carried throughout check out mooc's channel as well she's got a lot of crazy stuff to include a single corn kernel apparently again a big thanks to Mike Angus Ben Mook Jesse everyone who is involved with Harvest this year I hope you guys enjoyed this we'll see you next week on another episode of junkyard digs peace turn
Channel: Junkyard Digs
Views: 1,494,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, revival, first, start, first start, run, drive, and, will, it, can, we, junkyard, digs, mook, farming, corn, planting, old iron, old, iron, 20, 20+, years, equipment, can we farm, farm, sprayer, hagie, seized, motor, will it run, will it start, will it drive, part 2, pt 2, ep 5, episode 5, field, feild, beans, john, deere, combine, harvest, harvester, 55, corn special
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 59sec (2759 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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