Can We Fix an ABANONDED Plow Truck Before it SNOWS??

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guess what we've been here before oh god are you ready for this mook yeah it's time yeah ladies and gentlemen welcome to another episode of junkyard digs today one i have been looking forward to way too much for no reason whatsoever for way too long the plow revival so here's the deal as you can tell it's windy as heck right now it's also warm as heck right now which if you live in iowa knows we got some snow coming it is currently tuesday friday we're supposed to get blasted with snow we've got a thousand things to do between now and friday so we basically have about four hours to get this sunfish ready to move some snow and clear our driveway yeah like move mentioned we've been here before you revived the dump truck on this property yeah which is when we found the plow truck obviously so yeah this has been sitting i think he said about five six years ago they fired it up and some guy was gonna buy it but never did so uh yeah here we are looks to be a 77 judging by the grill uh f-150 custom this truck is four-wheel drive it is rusty as hell and it does have a snow plow that does turn i didn't think it turned hell yeah coming inside we've got green on green on green a little bit of white here and there looks to be a mp205 uh transfer case giving us two high four high and four low which is great that's the one we want i just realized we don't have any keys so this is immediately problematic might be hot iron this one for now until we get the keys from the guy oh hang on we're set we got keys we got a battery we got some gas we got our old sandwich clampers we got the sandwich clampers let's see if we get the sumbitch running driving back home and uh moving some snow step one of course ooh we got no brakes we don't need those though helping us get the job done out on the site today we have next their truck box system well it's 2 000 pounds on top has smooth rolling drawers and holds everything you need to get everything done wherever you are as well as of course our tang tools portable tool kit you can check these out and let's get a battery in this thing and see if it spins oh my god i think it's 15 pounds of poop now holy crap literally let me guess this is the ground point oh yeah this was the truck that had two of everything yeah because of the plow yeah oh yeah there's two coils even and two ignition boxes you're not kidding there really was two of everything that poop is nasty poop like poop's gross but that is that is some next level literally i don't want that sure it's the poo plow that's what i'm calling it the poop wow should i just no [Laughter] oh oh man get out of here i got dang ol snow to plow you here like what lived here pooped here this long oh i thought this is where you were oh heck off hope this is charged let's check our oil real quick seems to be made of oil that's good mine was made of water so that is an upgrade you're 78 78. oh we got we got fluid in the rears so that's good maybe that's the fronts i don't remember chevy's and forwards always flip and i just get confused a lot and make funny noises i'm gonna go hit the key see if it spins a dura spark so if it's got fuel it should light dusty the happiest about it at first it spins but she's spawning i even felt the power steering for you heck dirt sparks as long as the hall effect sensor is working the coil's working and the dura spark box is working we should have spark and this should do something granted that is a lot to ask for from a dirt spark system well if it doesn't work just switch the other box oh yeah it sounds like she needs some more fuel come on yeah no maybe not i think the floor is long gone and there it goes never mind here you go do some good we got snow to move and you know it's leaking is it yeah we got a leak oh yeah that doesn't surprise me at all we just gotta pour it faster than it can leak i never said it was a good truck i just said i had a plow on the front of it kevin this is our best car it's 500 bucks oh these leaf springs are hacked are they yeah behind the wheel there's going to be i've never seen that it's the helpers too cannot say i've seen that before i mean is it even a plow truck if it's not 7 8 rusted out and three quarters broken no that's what i was saying you don't need brakes oh that's a good point the blade is your brake [Music] oh [Music] that wasn't me i and it's gone now it's okay you tried all right let's disconnect our fuel line see if we can move anything come on don't tear don't tear down tear yes that's what we want all right mook what's up let me know if anything comes out of there there's fuel did it start up right away or did it take a few seconds okay maybe we just weren't primed yet we'll hook that back up hope it doesn't leak it will and then we'll uh try again kevin spoilers geez we're actually from 20 seconds in the future yeah i live 20 seconds in the future i'm so frustrated all the time i know it's not going to work ever you're just a grumpy old man you're you are literally that movie called grumpy old men not never eat my shorts that's kevin right there wasn't that in minnesota yes excelsior no uh lava show i've laid more pipe in this style than wabasha plumbing i love that movie all right here we go come on fuel damn it if i crank and crank and crank it gets just enough fuel inside to run for a second or two what does that mean how do i fix that new pump new lines bad pickup in the tank a bunch of i do not want to deal with today maybe mooc we can do the tried and true method of uh exuberant amounts of rpm to clear everything out yeah i love that method [Music] we'll refill the bowls a few more times see if this thing moves at all or see if we got way more problems than i was anticipating see if this is even possible uh they said they had it run five years ago so i didn't think it'd be that big of a deal clearly it's a bit of a deal um but yeah let's refill the bulls see if the trans works maybe i'll dink around other stuff it'll free up the lines and move more fuel let's find out did you find buttons for the plow i did i didn't i don't know there's i think there'd be more than one switch this one just says on off what the hell does all this do sounds like it's trying to work [Music] i'm gonna guess it's out of oil i'm pretty sure it's chained up because it leaked and it would seep all the way down so chances are she's dry let's keep running this thing see if our trans works oh oh there we go it was loaded all right there's four low that should bring us out of the hole let's try that she jumped out of the hole but holy cow only on one end yup oh man what the other tire didn't move oh did it rip it oh the axles upside down at this thing it shattered the u-bolts kevin i don't know if this will drive home what do we do now mook it's gonna snow uh um is it an appropriate time to scream yet yeah i think i think so yeah let me see this look what it did to the u-bolts just gone it's almost like plow trucks were just beat the heck or something yeah i really thought that would have worked weird looks like we're going to be shoveling snow jesus let's go get the trailer take this back to the shop get some u-bolts uh fix that calamity and see if we can get this brakes working fuel pump everything we need to move some snow by friday high five we broke an axle out of a truck iowa [Music] all right that's fixed let's get this sucker back to the shop and get it ready to move some snow [Applause] alrighty it is the next day we've got the truck here at the shop uh it was a bit of a wild time unloading it i'll say that much the plow and the clearance with the trailer they don't get along well when you drive on forward regardless it is here uh nothing much has changed except for i knock the exhaust off for the forklift but you'll have them called over to o'reilly's this morning got ourselves a carb kit ordered got ourselves u-bolts got ourselves a fuel pump another thing we need to address is the fact that the pump doesn't move with the crap by which i mean at all really did some googling i think this right here is our fill port so we should be able to top him off with oil and then maybe he'll start working the outside of the pump here the body is the reservoir the center's the cylinder here's your valve body your solenoids and your motor so yeah assuming those solenoids are working i know the motor works with some oil on that thing and hopefully have a blade that moves around uh that's kind of step one before i dig much farther because if that doesn't work why am i wasting my time on this like look at this thing that's part of the brake drum looking at these u-bolts uh that's not a fresh break like it is over there those have been broken for a long time all of this is an example of what you don't really want to see in suspension like that's obscene alrighty we got some parts we got ourselves some low temp blue hydraulic fluid now it's important that this is low temp because this does not run through a accessory pump such as something in the engine bay where you can get warm eventually or have a large reservoir that can get warm it's right out here in the front of the truck freezing the tass off all day so it's important it's low temperatures as you can see it's extremely thin hydraulic fluid let's go ahead and get this thing filled up and see if it works oh kevin oh mook's here too by the way i'm in a mess we're out of paper towels oh great this is the new uh junker digs portable miniature bucket device for catching stuff that spills you can check these out at i'm kidding you can't but what you can check out at is our merch oh i'm not here is our merch which is on clearance right now right mook yeah we're getting rid of all of it yes why are we getting rid of all of it because we are outsourcing so it gets to you guys faster and more things like yeah this hat for example and hopefully the big one international shipping hopefully so yeah check it out right now everything is on clearance once the store is sold out or at a much lesser volume than it is now we will be outsourcing locally locally here still employing small jobs not some big international website and we should be getting more merch and international shipping no change oil annually i might have missed a few it might be a little past so i need to do some googling and troubleshoot i've never never owned one heck okay when we're googling has taught me that this is our b valve as it's known you have your a valve your b valve and your c valve this controls your up this one controls your left and right which is where we're stuck and the back one is your basically released solenoid to let it go back down so like i was saying here's your a here's your b and the c is this one in the back this is called an e47 pump they have an e47 an e57 and e60 and probably more i don't know inside these we have some o-rings as you can see and some crap that i'm cleaning out of the threads and some screens and i'm going to guess a valve i know a crazy thing to say right uh looks like it can potentially be disassembled yes i see there's a snap ring in here okay i'm gonna pull this all apart and then we'll come back when it's cleaned up and hopefully working mooks put a new accelerator pump on meanwhile i am dealing with these valves trying to get this one rebuilt there's supposed to be some internal piece that's moving and it ain't minor accounts of calamity later i have that center pin thing out and clean this up clean our bore up see if we can get him moving again i don't know if you guys can see there's a whole bunch of holes in there and that's what governs all the fluid based on the position this guy is within there so all right a little bit of cleaning later we've got a pin that moves freely hopefully that still seals uh we'll see tolerances are a little looser than they were originally but how are things over here okay you got a new accelerator pump going in it's in process okay i might have dropped one of these little guys in the engine bay but we're not panicking yet not a little i need the flashlight all right as you can probably not see but maybe a little inner circle inside the little circle oh heck he moves in and out with very little effort so this is repaired i can go ahead and put it back on uh this is just an example of you don't need to be some master technician to do what we do i don't know a goddamn thing about these couple proper googles and i was able to figure out what this was called what it does how it functions and how to take it apart and fix it so if you guys can use google correctly you can do everything we do here on this channel all you have to do is know what questions to ask and how to ask them which is hopefully what we teach it's kind of like college like a real college like what we went to for industrial technology at iowa state we're going to show you how to do hvac stuff and how to do industrial design and all this just a little bit so that in the future if you need to know it you know it exists so you can go google it and you know how to look it up and how to solve your own problems with that being said i'm going to go ahead and reinstall this and we'll run that pump again and see if it works this time well i didn't don't do anything now all right cleaned up that google gob of wires over there cleaned our positive a little more got a lock washer around this time so it should bite give it a go move oh keep going hang on something started glowing red right here go ahead stop what the what the hell is going on with this suddenly all right i guess i need to clean that more we got a new nut on there did some filing on all the contacts let's try it again [Music] okay uh left [Applause] okay right it did a little try up again that was that was left so as you can tell nothing's happening with the pump i took the leads off and tested them all again and i noticed the one that i cleaned is a lot louder than the other two and kind of still only wants to go in the left and right direction like i'm getting fluid pressure but it's stuck in the left and right elsewhere in the valve body so i pulled our up and down solenoid off and as you'll notice i have movement which is what i was hearing but it's not the right component it's supposed to be this inner ring again this inner uh piston rather so looks like i'm gonna have to rebuild all of these yes it's moving i've done it all right go up wow it kind of just moved the truck down it didn't really lift anything else up god damn that thing is heavy all right right left try ready again come on you son of a gun i know you want to do it down holy cow oh [Applause] right left hmm yeah we gotta deal with the right left but for the most part we're getting places this thing finally comes off the ground and has signs of life so that's good still looking for the problem but uh this is why you need to change your fluid so often on these pumps now this one's an extreme case but this seal up here doesn't seal the best and water gets on that shaft and runs into the oil as you can see this is supposed to be a blue fluid like a bright blue like you saw earlier look at all the that came out of my hand yeah not an ideal situation so i'm sure we got all this crap all over my hand gumming up all the seal they're all the check balls and whatnot so i'm going to give this a good flush and pop these two filters out try this again all right draining our fluid a little more research i noticed that both lines are like building pressure kind of the same time and i'm like god there's got to be some kind of a relief valve for when they're both running or something a little more digging sure enough there's something called the crossover relief valve which totally makes sense and it appears to totally be stuck back here so i'm gonna try to get this guy out and then get him freed up there's probably a check ball in there and all sorts of stuff more more just delicious goo dripping out of this so i mean it's not even draining back uh i probably could use a full rebuild but you know it's supposed to snow in two days and god knows if i can't find these parts anymore are you are you eating it what you said it's delicious goo oh yeah do you wanna try some no it's been all of 24 hours it's now the next night we had a whole bunch of stuff pop up at a farm that we didn't expect at all i didn't get any of my editing done or anything today wyatt's here for the three day extravaganza we're filming this weekend which will be out at some point and i have to go step away and do everything this still needs finish because it's going to snow tomorrow so jesse's here to film wyatt knows how to use wrenches i know how to use a keyboard we're going to divide and conquer good luck so while kevin is off playing smart computer person doing the tupity tube tubes i'm going here tap in our u-bolts hopefully i can get these in without getting tetanus [Applause] there is an alignment dowel on the top of these springs or the bolt that holds the spring pack together and it needs to line up or be close to lining up with what we're doing here and i think i should be able to make this work because what that alignment dowel does is it actually controls how the axle sits underneath the vehicle if your alignment dowel is forward or aft of your alignment plate your rear axle could sit like this and you could actually run into a truck that dog walks down the road so it's important to get that lined up which i think is going to be a pain but we'll come back to that so now that jesse has used his college education and brought some light on the situation so we could all see um i was actually able to kind of tap the u-joint or not u-joint u-bolt around a little bit and was able to get it to line up fairly close to what we're gonna do and when i go to pull these tight it'll actually kind of line back up and pull it square so everything should be kosher here i'm also looking at these springs and thinking to myself how is this truck still supporting the weight of itself i have not seen springs like this ever it looks like someone drug this off the bottom of the ocean plow trucks man this is where i smack my finger and say the big words okay so this is the plate that sits on top of the axle here and holds everything into place if you would kindly note the gaping rust holes in this thing she's here for a good time not for a long time not gonna lie stepped outside and looked at the mexican restaurant off the road i was like i should stop and grab a burrito but i also know kevin's like why do i need this truck done burrito i didn't like burritos until it was like in college when you could buy them at a gas station for 89 cents throw them in a microwave and be able to survive always remember where you came from and respect that 89 cent burrito the lord knows it did not respect me wouldn't you call this mint it looks more like excrement to me because excrement is poop okay this truck is you suck what color is this would you say it's mint yeah like a mint yeah like an excrement so that works yeah also i just looked it up we got snow at 6am seriously kevin's over here telling me hey why do a fuel pump it's not even hooked up did you disconnect the fuel line from the tank yes okay you can turn it back off now yeah oh my paste that is like the stuff that i ate in elementary school when the teacher started yelling at us oh ew yep that is not good hi mom i am a professional from seven to five and i'm a hobbyist any time after that you gotta be funny paint my beard hey guys and check your dicks we fill the bowl on a carburetor and start it accelerator pumps bad this is oh no it needs breaks we're worried about the wrong hydraulics on this thing guys i fear that master cylinder has got a seized pistons i got no fluid movement this may get pushed outside and saved for a later date all right so we're back with the plow truck it's been two weeks i don't really remember where we were with this i see the master cylinders off and i know that the pump still don't work in the meantime i have cornered the market on myers e47 pumps o'reilly should be delivering a new master cylinder here in a few minutes and then we can have brakes as well hopefully probably not i'll probably have to replace everything but yeah we'll get a new master cylinder on there finally get the new fuel pump on change out this motor and see if this thing works okay so after a bunch of cuss words and parts and pieces and little bits and whatnot this one also has some seized valves and a sieve's bypass but it's all working now and the pump is good to go this is not our issue that is that damn ram has been seized this whole time so i'm gonna try to get that off take that over the bench and see what we can do that one might be on my ballpark but uh we'll find out all right so despite my best efforts with the biggest hammer that thing sees solid so that's going to the shop to get repaired i'll take that over the hydraulic shop tomorrow that is for the rest of tonight let's focus on my favorite thing in the world brakes i swear all i actually do for a living is brakes and filament we got our new master cylinder we're going to hook some lines up to this and bleed it out and we're ready to put it on the truck uh you guys have seen me do this a thousand times the best thing i can advise is to build yourself some of these it's just a clear fitting one a little bit of hose three eighths and then i can adapt it up or down whichever way i want and it's the stuff that usually comes with the master it's the kit it has looking nipples but the nipples suck lol throw those away and put these on because these will not pull air like the nipples will just stick them in here so i'll get this hooked up fill this up and get all of our bubbles out of our magic all right actually i do have another little tech tip have you ever wondered why these reservoirs are different sizes and which way to tell which ones what the large one is always the disc brake and the reason for this is disc brakes wear faster than drums so you need to replace the fluid as your calipers collapse towards each other as the patch then needs to have a larger reservoir to make sure you stay safe with the amount of fluid drum brakes last a lot longer than disc so just remember the big one is the disc be it front or rear doesn't matter big is your discs well as you can see a little time has passed i got a haircut uh it's actually been a week i don't know i've been gone for a while we just raised 24 hours of lemons with the guys from chedware this weekend had an absolute blast hanging out with them cards and cameras can't wait to do it again or build our own car i don't know we'll see where that goes more importantly though all the parts have showed up finally and we're back on the plow truck to put a whole new brake system underneath this thing so we're gonna go ahead and just get new brakes on here this is something everyone's probably done before otherwise you've definitely seen it on the channel before so let's make this happen look how damn rusty these looks are though i've oiled these already that one was the easiest yet all right we're back there is something i actually want to talk about since this is four wheel drive it's worth going over the hub assembly and showing you guys how to dismantle that on a dana 44 of this era with that being said when i usually do that i'll do one side first off camera so i make sure i got all the tools tips and tricks and i practice what i'm gonna say and then i go to the other side and show you guys with it essentially rehearsed um with that being said i need to show you what came off that spindle this side was there was literally water coming out of it when i was taking it apart like look at this spring look at inside the hub here this collar this locking collar there was water inside this freaking hub assembly that's a bearing that is a bearing i did this fell out when i was carrying it i didn't know this was a bearing till just now this is disgusting it was no wonder i couldn't get that thing to cycle between free and lock it took me it's taken me like two hours to get this apart look at the inside of this seal and just like i've already scraped off a good amount to get to the bearing which is stuck by the way i can't get this damn thing to either turn or come out so that is the worst worst hub assembly i have ever ever seen in my life so in our last video you guys saw us change u-joints with a hammer uh that is a way to do it i've done it my whole life i've never had problems but a lot of people in the comments were like hey why don't you just use a hydraulic press we don't have one with that being said someone else saw that and said hey we make these how about you get one in your shop and here it is bendpak has sent their 20-ton hydraulic press looks beautiful sitting next to their brake lather right here we're gonna use this in combination today to save us some money on this truck because let's be honest it's not worth any money i'm gonna use this to press our studs out so we can separate our hub from our rotor and then throw this on our brake lathe so that we can clean up our disc and have a nice disc to put back on the front of this truck this is going to be so damn nice to finally own a hydraulic press [Applause] holy crap that's that easy what i've been doing this with hammers for how long and it takes like a half hour and you ruin all the studs all right finish this up separate that hub from that rotor and get this all machined up yes you can go to o'reilly's and buy this as one piece it costs 90 bucks when i can just do this for free so uh yeah we're gonna go for the free route all right a quick look at our instruction manual showed me that i needed to dig through a box pulled out a couple more accessories for this large of a rotor got everything mounted up should be good to go little adjustments and in like three minutes we're set up to turn rotors i love it this is the bendpak ranger rl8500 this is a high volume uh very big beefamatic probably if i had to guess absolute best on the market you can find brake lathe so i'm beyond honored to have this in our shop thank you bendpak very much if you guys are interested in this or lyft or a hydraulic jack air compressor anything these guys make a ton of stuff check them out let's get this sucker fired up make some scratch cuts this finished up put everything together on this side i did order new bearings because uh i imagine these are you know completely junk these are destroyed i don't think this is even spinning you can see the the marks on the tip of the bearing rollers right there and if you look at the race you can see marks where it was sitting and they they don't pitch your nail they catch your finger so i went ahead and ordered new bearings and races we'll get those pounded in clean all this out so as you've probably noticed this video is kind of out of order as far as this breaks going so far i'm dealing with the back half first since this one's so dirty and incredible riley's just dropped off new bearings and wheel seals i spent some time with the original gump my favorite and a toothbrush and gave this literally one pass and scrubbed it down to toothbrush spent like you know three minutes on it took over the sink rinsed out and that sucker's clean now what you see is casting letters the word the word bud for some reason and just some chunks of rust around there those really matter though they're not near the races they're just chilling in the center this guy's good to go our brake disc is good to go as you can see i'm going to go ahead and get the races pounded in here and then fill it with grease and wheel bearings tada rinse and repeat yeah that's what those parts are supposed to look like i do have a broken outer ring we'll see we can do about that but everything else looks good uh minus all the pitting and you know bajillion miles of plow truck stuff races are installed everything is clean everything seems to be good to go uh we're going to install this back on the truck as we grease it up in one piece at a time which will be the opposite of what we're about to do now which is disassemble the other side and i'll show you guys how to do that a little bit of a backwards video here but that's i i didn't know if the other side was going to be that dirty i'm really hoping it isn't but i just wanted to show you guys how crazy that was let's make that happen all right so i finally got the other side wrapped up on this side i'm going to go through taking the hub assembly out i'll clean it up and i'll show you how to reassemble it and show how this works this is something we've never talked about on the channel is uh locking hubs or any kind of hubs really what i won't show on this side i've already kind of showed in a non-linear fashion on the other side so all in all you've seen me pound in the bearing races and do the discs and all this stuff so taking this guy off and apart and then reassembling him is all that's left let's make that happen first things first we're going to want to get a caliper out of the way uh these 70s fords are kind of unique no one else really did this design uh you're going to need your 9 16 wrench you got a bolt right here on the back you're going to loosen this one bolt that's all it is now i should probably preface the fact that uh i'm leaving the old lines the old rubber lines on usually i change these i did order new ones they're right here if we do need to change them i'll go back in and do that but being that this is a plow truck i can guarantee it's probably on its third or fourth set of brake lines in fact i can see right there that's a nice new looking line but if you do replace your calipers and whatnot and you have issues getting stuff to bleed still and if you have a new master cylinder your shirts not the master cylinder look into these generally though you can push fluid through a rubber line when it's bad but it will not return what happens is the internal diameter swells shut and when you press your foot down you're creating hundreds of psi and it's forcing fluid open and through this tube but the pressure created by the caliper wanting to return to its natural position is only a little bit of psi if any at all usually it's just returning flow and that cannot push back so what happens is you get a caliper or the whole rear axle since there's one rubber line for both sides and the rear uh your brakes will start sticking and they'll stay on you'll pump them up and they'll stay on and then you know you wait a day and you come back and then you can move the car again if that happens to you rubber lines are your problem okay we've got that one bolt out now we grab our hammer and punch and we knock this guy out now notice how easy this slides like that's moving hang on to this because chances are and i've seen this more than once now and it happened again to me on the other side the ones you get with your new caliper are not the right size and do not fit on here and i made the mistake of still trying to hammer it on and this thing was seized solid and would have never ever moved and it took me like a half hour to get that pin back out so i put the old one back on it's good to go slides around just fine so you've got this little sliding rail deal and this springy doo dad yeah they sit just like that and then that bolt holds him in once that's done you can go ahead and fight the rust on the edge of the rotor okay that's out i have one pad that sits right here in the back we'll show you how to put it on when we get back to that but for now it's time to get this hub apart so there's two types of hubs in life a automatic hub and a manual hub this is a manual locking hub what this does is lock the axle shaft in the center to this outer housing right here which is then in turn of course attached to the wheel as you can see if this works it does i am now locked with the axle and here i am free so good news on this one looks like i'm not going to be totally full of rust like the other side was we've got six of these guys to take out and then our actual locker cap here is going to be able to come off there's a whole bunch of brands of these like i said there's multiple types there's automatic and manual manual you have a little literally a turn piece right here in the center automatics usually are either always engaged or vacuum engaged or back in the 90s they were like you drive forward a little bit and they kind of engage themselves and disengage them you got to drive backwards those love to fail i had a ranger in high school that had those and they were junk and for whatever reason i put automatics back on i didn't know anything back then get your rubber mallet looks a lot lot better than the other side still needs cleaned up but thousand times better what fails is there's an o-ring right here and there's an o-ring right here and when those fail uh water gets in there as you saw on the other side and there are service kits for that that include this snap ring and new o-rings and whether components may fail depending on what actually you have mile marker makes a service kit for these dana 44s so all this guy is doing is when i turn this you can see he's got two ramps right there he's pushing in on these here which i'll show you later when we get a little further in there is disengaging a big cog on the back side of this gear but i just want you to visualize what's happening when i turn it to lock or unlock now so that it all kind of comes together for you guys okay so as you just saw i took a cotter ring off the axle shaft this right here which i just moved in will cause myself a pain in the ass later this right here is the axle shaft it goes through a u-joint right here and then into the pumpkin on the axle right here along the entire outside perimeter you want to find the gap there it is and be careful this one he loves to break and right now especially apparently they're very hard to get because the other side was broken when i got in there already so there we go that guy's out now there should be a spring back there that's going to push this whole assembly out as one beautiful look at that so what we have going on in there it's hard to see because of how dirty it is but you've got this guy here and this guy here see these teeth on the outside ring they match these teeth on this hub so he's going to synchro mesh into that and these teeth right here on the face match these teeth on the piece that's permanently connected to the axle so when you turn that cap you're pressing down on these two pins like i showed earlier oh balls it's really hard to see with that ring on there we go it pushes this back ring farther away from this front one which is attached to the axle and this one's attached to the hub and now that hub can spin freely it's got a big spring back here so then once you release that tension turn that that dial back and those pins move back forward everything meshes and now the axle and the hub turn together if you've done anything with these in old hubs you'll recognize this noise you know that noise when you go lock your hubs in and they don't quite smash right away they sit like this and you give it some gas and just goes and then locks in and that's pertinent more so with older hubs that are worn out that one's actually really healthy surprisingly yeah fun stuff there okay enough talking let's uh keep talking so this point we're gonna need a special tool this is a two and three-eighths four-prong uh socket nut adapter ordeal thing it 21 bucks at o'reilly's you can go get one of these it's going to sit right in there i know you guys can't see it right now especially since the sun just went behind a cloud it's going to engage in a nut here in the back specifically shaped as the opposite of the socket and we can get that guy out you're gonna want a 90 degree pick for taking these apart makes life really easy there's our first uh spindle nut now we will have a washer with a bunch of holes in it and a keyway up top this helps keep tension on the second nut behind that which is the one that holds your bearing preload and holds your wheel onto the truck essentially there we go you see all the holes on him and right there's the keyway all those holes will align with a pin on that second nut which i'll show you in a second there's our pin so once you torque this down the appropriate bearing preload you'll need to move it either direction just a little bit usually loosen so you're not exceeding your torque value and land this guy on the keyway and this pin will land in one of these holes just like so and it will not allow any of that to rotate because that keyway is on the spindle itself and that pin is in the nut at this point we're done we can go ahead and pull off our entire front disc and as you can see yeah that is pretty dirty i am going to go ahead and clean everything up one last piece uh is this guy which sits on the back of the outer bearing just like that to keep stuff from getting into him to an extent he sits right about yonder and the other one's right here facing this way okay we got everything off now to rinse and repeat for the other side i'm going to clean all this up we'll pound new races in grease everything and be back for reassembly all right we have returned i've got everything cleaned up it is looking good uh bearing on the backside all greased up good to go a new dust seal or wheel seal in there now we'll put our front side in i threw a bunch of grease in between the bearings like a few two or three huge piles with a couple fingers so now we're gonna seat that bearing oh and we're going to avoid getting stuff on the brake surface kevin good luck little buddy what that ring does is gives this spring something to sit on and now we are ready to put our nut on the one with the little metal pin is going to go first we're going to get him in there make sure he gets happily started on these threads next we want to set the torque on our nut give them a rotation or two get the bearing grease to run out of the bearings itself and you can really feel if it needs more or not it does not you should do this with a torque wrench uh mine's busy right now i'm going to take our ring fire cancellation in the spindle and then see what we need to do oh it landed perfect you want to make darn sure that that pin is in a hole because if it's not that nut will not sit flush and it will not hold that spindle nut on next up we have our second spindle nut this one just holds that that ring plate in next up comes our spring now at this point we're gonna start putting grease and everything after this guy gets in here we're gonna turn them back and forth a little bit make sure he's all the way down into his flip into his home now the reason i'm showing reassembling this is because yes it's exactly like disassembling it but everything's clean now and i can show you a lot better what's going on so this guy remember these work in union like such this is the one that slips this guy moves back and forth this one does not move he is grooved on the inside as you can see and is attached to the axle snub itself and all those little grooves around the edge of this metal barrel are going to engage with this guy like such so when these two are held apart from each other they can spin all day long but you turn these ramps once again it lets that come forward engages these teeth and then this is now mechanically connected to this and you are in four wheel drive all hubs follow that general principle of um connecting the outside barrel to the shaft uh the different brands use different materials they do it a little differently here and there just depending on the design or what axel it's on now there are such things like vacuum hubs or axles that are just on all the time and the engagement happens in the transfer case only like that jeep we did last week that has a live front axle that's on all the time so you don't get the best gas mileage because of that this this gives you a little more mileage right here there we go if you're having trouble getting your uh snap ring in like you need it looks like you need to push it in farther but you can't grab your axle shaft and pull out which is exactly what i had to do i pushed it in in the beginning if you remember i just felt went to space hold still you slippery son of a bastard all right snap rings in and because grease is cheap and parts are not we're gonna throw some more in you can never have too much now for our ring that makes the magic happen just like that pushes that back piece away from that front one and gives us the ability to lock and unlock pretty cool huh please don't break please be nice to me sweet turn this lock line up the grooves in the casting with these teeth things right here and send it home put our bolts in tighten it all down and we're done ready to go ahead and put the caliper on hammer the old slide pin back in new pads clean that up front end is ready to bleed all right i'm back it's time to show you i have found this to be a problem i'm running into more and more lately no matter where i get my parts uh my pads don't like to fit in their mounts my solutions may get a file and take the powder coating off uh the contact points and then you know grease them up and then they go right in like this would not go in at all and now and it free floats like it's supposed to so keep an eye out for that if you're putting stuff together especially with breaks and everything seems to be really hard to fit on where stuff is supposed to relieve itself from a caliper something might not be right all right we got anti-seize top and bottom for our slider points as promised here's how you install these brake systems on these ford trucks that's it that's all it is then you take this float your caliper oh wow that one went in really nice get that in there i will use the new bolt how about that tighten that down hook our line back up which is mysteriously not gravity bleeding i'm sure that won't be a problem and then the front brakes and hubs and wheel bearings are done we can finally move on to the back get all that done i'm going to do it off camera so i can get it done tonight because we are severely short on time all right our new master cylinder is in as you can see and it's time to play with a new toy i have been really looking forward to this one because this lets me do breaks at the shop by myself which has always been a problem i always have to find someone to help me bleed these this is called the fender lizard kind of an odd name for what it is but i'm sure there is a reason i just don't know it this is a tool that plugs into a 12-volt source it comes factory with a cigarette lighter and pneumatic air and what it has is this little key fob and when i press this button it actuates down when i press it again it goes back up so what it does is pumps the brakes for me while i'm still under the truck running the other hand running the wrench and bleeding everything so i can bleed my own brakes pun intended here a total breakthrough for me doing brake systems all right she's all set up the uh cigarette lighter even works let's see how she do oh my gosh look at that this is going to be so nice all right let's see if we get these bleeders opened up and bleed the front brakes all right bleeders open closed open close and by the way ladies if you're tired of your man coming in and telling you to come out and help bleed brakes you should get them one of these for a gift this is freaking awesome fender lizard go check it out online let's uh let's finish up these breaks what do you guys say good morning vietnam so it's been a low numerical value of days since we were last here gave up on getting this finished for last week's video and did an emergency three-wheeler video instead go check that one out it was pretty fun talk some good tech about three wheelers and then me and mook went and tore it up out in the woods so go check that one out uh when we last left off i had finished the brakes and for the most part they are done all the new brake drums discs hardware everything's on everything's hooked up and i've got the rears bled you'll notice i didn't say i have the front split i ran into something i have never ever seen before so if we come inside and we press our pedal it only travels about you know the typical one and a half two inches before you get uh pressure in a non-boosted scenario where the engine is not running creating vacuum in the vacuum booster and the panel feels absolutely perfect however there is no fluid whatsoever traveling to these front brakes so cannot say i've ever seen that before i got really confused while i was bleeding it while i wasn't getting anything i went and pressed the pedal that's weird pressed it hard and it went to pop and then i got like two good presses and i got bubbles to come out using our fender lizard and about three cycles into it it firmed back up again and now we're not moving fluid oh what i'm thinking has failed us is our proportioning valve which is this blurry bit in the center of the screen right here i'm gonna go in there and smack that with a hammer and see if i can get that valve to reset to the center what it does is you'll have your two fluid inputs come into the top or the the top and they will i believe flow on two halves of a centering valve in the case of normal operation that fluid will flow right past the thing everything stays centered and happy you'll get fluid to go to the front fluid go to the back this is not a divider itself it's already divided when it leaves the master as two hoses this valve is just sensing that the pressure front and rear is equal and nothing's wrong now let's say for instance your rear brake lines rust out again and you lose pressure in the rear you still have fluid flowing because there's a hole but pressure is resistance and if there's no resistance because there's no more brake line you don't have any pressure well what that proportioning valve does it senses pressure in just the front where there's resistance and no pressure in the rear and that pressure in the front drives that valve backwards and blocks off flow to the rear brakes your pedal is going to feel different it's going to travel most of the way before you have anything but you will still have some braking power in the front this is a safety feature that's really important what it will also do is when that valve travels to either extreme it will close the contacts and turn the brake light on on your dash now if you guys blow a line you've probably had your brake line come on you bleed them everything's working good and sometimes you hop in your brake line's still on hit your brakes hard a few times and it'll re-center that valve and everything will be happy okay well uh to say i would know what's happening right now it would be a lie i am more confused but a little okay with what's happening i took the line on the top of the proportioning valve um like i said fluid comes in from the master and then out to this rubber line right here not sure if you can see it which tees off to these two on either side i disconnected it at the top of the proportion valve on the outlet side and hit the brake pedal and it fought me and then moved and then moved and moved it was still a little a little sticky and didn't really want to move perfect but i'm like okay we've got a puddle of fluid on the ground let me hook this back up and see if i can bleed the brakes no actually that's pretty good i'm just not opening my bleeder far enough so yeah see that some bleeders take two turns before they let all the air out so make sure you're getting a good solid flow out of there so yeah i guess i'll believe these and then our brakes will finally be done and we can get our new plow cylinder that i picked up this weekend on and finally get this green rusty piece of trash out of the way so we can work on other stuff in the shop let's make it happen okay so we've got fluid flowing to this side everything's happy however i have none going to the other side i loosen our fittings right there at the tee and i've got fluid flowing just fine out of that center hose and this hose which means this long bastard on the other side needs replaced actually real quick here's a really simple sign of a healthy hose if you open your hoses up and they gravity bleed like that and drain under the force of gravity the inside's good to go neither of these did that so they're getting replaced but that center one as you can see it's still just fine all right our new lines are on i'm going to assume you can't see it but that hole in the side of that is completely plugged so despite that line looking like i said really rather new it's junk the trick i could say i confidently learned on this truck is that if you open up a rubber line and it does not gravity bleed it needs replaced that's your surefire way of knowing right away before you even try to throw fluid down it that it's going to be replaced let's open this up here button i got good bubbles there's fluid hell yes this truck finally has brakes man it's been a lot of work to get this one together it's usually not this bad i don't think it was solely the proportioning valve because i never did take it off and replace it i just hit it a little bit try to free it up got that rod to move a little but mostly bled right above it what i think was happening since these were completely plugged was that proportioning valve wasn't sensing uh pressure in the right area for the front so weird things were happening inside it just wasn't happy with life so new lines as you can see we are 100 done with this brake system let's get some wheels on this thing get the fuel system working and then uh get a new cylinder on and move some snow all righty our fuel pump is off uh the fuel coming out of it was kind of sticky and i've been on that road before bronco so i've gone ahead and hooked up an electric field pump we're gonna drain everything in the tank and as you can see it's nice and yellow and it's just about that color yellow that likes to stick valves so we're gonna get that tank emptied and keep flushing new gas through until that's coming up clear and then we'll go ahead and put our new pump on and put a filter in line before it all right you can't see it at all and it was a huge pain in the ass but our new fuel pump is in which means it is time for our last step on this thing besides putting tires on and figuring out that it doesn't run or something um the guy i bought this pump from had these cylinders for me uh he forgot to set him out that day that i picked the pump up and i went yeah i should need those turns out as you remember i need those so i finally had a chance this weekend to run up there and grab them basically inside this housing there's this giant rod this is the old one and it has a v-packing seal back here and that seal is what makes obviously the seal and drives your piston in and out and this had deteriorated and rolled in on itself and got jammed up out of its groove or something to where it had seized the shaft itself well i'm not anticipating these to really hold fluid they probably both leak like hell it's a miracle that one even moves if you remember this pump had stuck valves just like the old pump they've been sitting for a while so it's quite the gamble but i'm gonna hook this up and hope that that thing moves let's find out okay here we go yes finally i think i have a better line i can put on that one so then i'll have new lines and this thing could just be done it's not gonna explode i can carry on let's wrap this up okay so after literally like a month of having this and working on it we finally have a fuel pump in it i got a fuel filter as you can see right there in line nice easy access for if slash when it plugs up uh but yeah for the first time since we've owned this for like a month and i've been working on it it's time to hop in and turn the key and see if we really do have a good motor uh we've ran it for a little spurts and it seemed fine but we still don't know if that carbs literally any good for like filling itself up so here we go [Music] um this freaking truck all right battery charger's on let's try it again fill the bowls and see if it catches and holds itself i guess it was like right there just a little more amperage there's a good amount of valve noise under this valve cover but i i just don't care enough it's a plow truck it runs as long as it goes forward and somewhat backwards we're going to call it good just did a fluids check everything looks good got our air cleaner back on let's see if this thing will move i need to move it back to get it untangled from the hoist now the battery won't connect [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right well the transmission works uh the plow works the engine works the brakes are still um very soft i am truthfully running out of ideas one thing i did never check if you put a new master especially if you put a new booster on these and your brakes seem to be functioning fine but they're soft even on their boost they don't really feel like they're fully boosted there's an adjustable rod on the back side of the master between the pedal and the actual plunger in the master sometimes you can lengthen that guy to eat up any slop and life is a bit better i'll play with it a little more but at this point once i get that sorted out i think we're ready to go for the drive all right i made an adjustment to that brake rod i had mentioned let's see if that does any good another issue i might be having is the brakes just straight up aren't broken in at all that you have to do an embedment procedure for disc brakes and it's usually on the box especially if you buy my favorite brand power stops which i did not because this truck wasn't worth the extra 12 for power stops [Music] [Applause] it's to the point now that i feel safe to drive home i'll put it at that and hopefully over the course of me embedding these front brakes they actually begin to stick because right now they're just sliding is all they're doing until they get enough heat and material transfer between the two surfaces the disc and the pad then your brakes actually start working all right we got air and all the tires we got gas in the tank everything is good to go the last step here is to clean out the interior a little bit so it's bearable to drive down the road in and cut off this seat cover see what we're really dealing with underneath it's not really doing us any good and it's covering that beautiful seat look at that thing that is in great shape at least on this side a little bit of a tear there but never hurt anybody right yeah okay the passenger side's not bad that looks a lot better in here already let me get the shop back and finish this up and we'll come back for a tour all right a little time has passed and here we have the inside of the truck i don't know how we're gonna be able to see it but our seat cleaned up beautifully our dash looks pretty darn good this color's kind of growing on me i found five quarts of oil gonna throw that all behind the seat which is a great feature on these fords you got plenty of room for oil back here i took a whole bunch of out the back of the truck uh threw some tires on the intake home as well as all the buckets of gas we've accumulated over the last month or two so essentially we now have a lime green ied we're gonna take this down to the car wash and uh run her through and get her cleaned up all right take this sucker over the car wash not bad for a pile of crap not half bad i have successfully driven like three blocks and i've had to put the plow back up twice hey speedometer works hell yeah i think we're in at least second as well suddenly everything's looking up for us well to say there was no calamity would be a lie this thing's making more and more ticking noises but i'm sure those are fine a good bath will definitely help let's get her cleaned up another crap down there trapping the grill a bunch of on the hood i'm just taking the raggedy old dollars oh come on there's nothing wrong with this perfectly fine five dollar bill eight minutes we just enough we need to get the machine wet and then we'll accept any more money start over let's do it all right you hunk of junk let's see what you really look like thank you all right i'm running out of time on the timer let's finish this up we'll check it out at the end well our interior's soaking wet and i'm freezing cold but what do you expect hey that ain't bad i've cleaned up nice got some great patina our grill came out amazing like that is a beautiful grill not a scratch in it not bad looking at all for a plow truck let's get this sunbitch home really hope the heat works get our fresh case of busch light nice clean truck see if it starts [Music] oh you big beautiful bastard do your dash lights work probably not what about wipers oh hell yeah not that they do the slightest bit of help that's actually way worse look at plow up it's already seeping down all right let's get the hell out of here let's see how many uh mouse nests we get here we got the frost i'm gonna guess that's not really hooked up to anything brake test there we go we're doing 30. oh actually those are really good she's fixed hell yes that last little rod adjustment and setting the pads a little bit as we're driving around has really helped we've got good strong brakes we've also got a good strong uh temp gauge there i'm sure that giant cloud is doing this thing no favors you know what i think this is the first stock 4x4 f-100 i've driven the only other ones have been lifted this thing bright's really good especially for being just beat the piss its whole life to where it's still junk even though i split weeks of work into it but here we are we're doing 45 down the road just fine the steering is loose to say the least the plow keeps falling on the ground there's no seal left in the window the heat's stuck in the frost with the temp gauge oil it's actively dying stay alive you son of a please stay alive especially don't die right here this would be really inconvenient four more miles come on you can do this i believe in you please do this oh come on come on stay with me stay with me no no we're losing fuel come on you big piece of you can do it okay just make it to danny's road that's all i ask it's still somehow barely running come on come on oh it's done it's off no go you big beautiful bastard i just need a few hundred more feet come on i have no tools with me at all okay we're on a side road and it's still running somehow let's go see what's up still running huh interesting here we push on i don't know get about five miles and we've got a lot of hills she's running okay as long as i don't ask for much i literally never thought to check the alternator so i've got all accessories turned off let's try this again well it's told me this was already a mistake oh it died god damn it oh there's the plow okay let's see if i can get it back to that road this truck really has been an adventure of firsts for example right now is the first time we've ever been broke down on the side of the road on the channel and it turns out it's not a battery issue because i can crank it all day long so it must be fuel great come on you son of a come on we can do it i just need three more feet and i'm off the highway yes all right a bit more that'll do huh okay the stressful shit's over and i just gotta wait for the trailer okay well i fired it up because i was getting cold and now it runs great nothing makes any sense let's try to take the back road home come on you big funky piece of well i made it eight feet i hate this truck all right well i have no idea what i did i literally took the fuel line off went that's stupid and put it back on and we're driving down the road so i'm not going to question it i'm just going to keep going the direction i need to i did smack the carburetor a few times i took the air cleaner off but again none of this should have done anything oh there went a bunch of them no no no it's back it's dying again all right i'll see you at the next breakdown point lifting right along moving slow singing now we've made it one mile and we've got like six to go so oh not in the intersection you big pile of hunkas come on you can do it little buddy come on come on around the corner there you go if i hold my foot in just the right spot it'll kind of run once in a while now it doesn't seem to be once of those wilds though at least the uh one of the lights on the gears oh it died sad now yep not dealing with this tonight okay let's flat toe this piece of home well sure enough fire it up see if i'd have heat and power steering and brakes runs great now i don't care i'm not gonna try it we're just gonna tow this damn thing home shove it in a snowbank or a scrap pile or both why not both all right we've driven a couple miles this thing's been running perfect for like five minutes so i've unhooked it we're gonna see if the problem is uh repeatable or if it's fixed because i need to know a few more things of what it's doing to think about this better driving stronger than ever what the hell the magic number is a mile i'm losing here big lean backfire i saw a fireball so it's definitely a lean issue we'll hook up and finish the rest of this drive and pick up the camera tomorrow and all the bullshit's over so [Music] oh [Music] so [Applause] there i made it so clearly this thing has some severe fuel supply issue that i think is a blockage in the lines the tank pickups bad something usually cars sit for a while bad gas and they'll develop a tar in the bottom of the tank and you can drive for a while but once that tar gets picked up and accumulates in the lines you lose your ability to pick up fuel saw this really bad in the gold olsen build we gave my dad kind of the same scenario but we went 250 miles before it happened not six so i don't really want to go through the work of dropping the tank on this thing i might just find some kind of a fuel cell and soft line it in and call it good i still intend to use this as a plow truck if i can get that fixed but for all intents and purposes of this video it's become a failure for multiple reasons obviously reason one the truck is a big pile of and it hates me hates me reason two iowa is having the weirdest winter i can remember to date a month ago we pulled this thing from its grave with the intentions to plow that snowstorm which because of the truck being what it is we cannot get it done in time we're like no problem we'll get the next one it's never snowed again it's 40 degrees out right now and it's supposed to be mid 50s this weekend and it's still the middle of february this is supposed to be winter so with that being said there's no snow i can push the best i can do is drop the blade and kind of slide backwards i guess i hope you guys enjoyed this video i'm sorry our original intent was a failure but we talked a lot of tech went over some stuff we have not gone over before and learned some things and i hope that you guys were able to learn some things as well so that being said we'll see you right here next week for another episode of junkyard digs peace
Channel: Junkyard Digs
Views: 1,361,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, revival, first, start, first start, run, drive, and, will, it, can, we, junkyard, digs, mook, plow, truck, snow, storm, ford, f100, f150, 4x4, before, snows, revive, can we
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 48sec (4968 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 18 2022
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