Will 2 BARN FIND Datsun's RUN & DRIVE After 30+ Years!?

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oh yes [Music] that is cool flatty the only thing that is modified is that dual exhaust ladies and gentlemen welcome to another episode of junkyardigs and welcome to an old shed in the middle of Iowa oh yeah I think we all know where this is going this is Greg Hey Kevin and Dawn yes and as you just saw Don's got a 40 Ford here but that's not what we're here for today what we're here for is buried back there in the middle so yeah Heather Ford flattened in it for years it's Chevy motor in it now yeah that is so cool I bet it would you got some old stuff in here that's a pretty similar thing that I had on the barn wall you're stuck together that is awesome there's a lot of stuff to look at but what we're here for today is this right here a Datsun 280Z 5 speed that's been sitting as you can see very very long time and right behind it a little bonus that we got for 500 bucks a Datsun what the hell is this one 200 a Datsun 200. SX I think SX I don't know a thing about these I know a little bit about those from the 260 I've got sitting in a shed somewhere oh yeah look at that oh 1779 sweet they're both completely covered in barn dust and make for some great Revival content step one get them pulled out of here well let's start with the 280 though we still got some light you can see she does have a little bit of rotten there here in the rear quarter plenty of barn dust here it'd be interesting to see what else it's concealing a little bit up here but oh my goodness look at the clock right there we go look at that 2.8 liter fuel injected inline six if we go down in here this is the important part you can see that the walls of the inner Fender here are nice and solid which means structurally at least up here as far as I'm willing to curl under this thing looks to be at least decent enough to drive around can't beat the price on it so let's go ahead and get this sucker drug out of here okay plan B come on oh [Music] let's take all the carpet with it all right we've done that before that one down wheel wow that is very seized that's going to be fun to deal with I don't think I'll be making this video this week they just fold in that rubber like a drag car crap oh oh there we go [Music] get rustier out here maybe we just put it back when he's not looking well now that that one's outside and way rustier than I had anticipated let's see how bad this one is got a cool racing stripe on it CB whip oh that tire is not holding in here a bit of damage to the rear there oh it's a 78 look at that that makes this convenient oh it's also a manual oh it's got a CV oh this is a way cooler interior electric mirrors it stinks it's got cruise control a clock look at these seats never mind the other one this might be the car to have those are some Mr Bean seats right there hello I think it'll make it all the way to tunnel this one's a lot better there it is easy fix right I knew it was going too well no let's see what happens 29 up all right do not get somebody excited right Dodger you're a pretty cool guy 57 shooting I'm glad I got to meet you today it's a 283 that's all that is awesome all right well uh the poop ones on the trailer potentially better ones right in the shed I'm gonna strap this down and head north we'll be back to the other one all right your rusty turd and come along we're going to Kevin's ramshackled Car Palace first stop bill yeah I'm thinking car wash [Music] foreign [Music] you know what it looks good on camera so that's that's really all that matters right but yeah it's it's not actually good and some of it does wipe off but the rest of it doesn't I think these cars actually shipped Rusty oh I hope I got a key oh do I have keys period for this one I do okay interior is not bad it doesn't even stink that bad but maybe that's just because I did the whole Gremlin Revival drive home this morning oh check this out we get three Missouri license plates they even match also side note what the hell does that mean you know what I should probably know better than to ask as you can see we've got some filler coming out of the trunk here this is all gone this is gone quarters are gone door's gone Fender's gone fenders gone oh boy let's get this one home deal with it another day all right it is the next next morning as you can see I've got the 200 SX all loaded up there me and the other guys are poking around the sheds they had a couple really cool cars here's a shot of that now so I pulled the motor on this Don overhauled it okay collaboration okay a little a little silhouette crave for the seal that's crazy [Music] all wood that runs really good [Music] I gotta get a shot of this roof [Music] look at that and while we were in there I found this this is a pile of old boat pro shares and in here is a brochure for 74th Century we got a couple more things to look at but then we're going to strap this down and head on home well we're all loaded up we've got the 200 SX a four cylinder 50 horse two-stroke Mercury uh outboard and a little Suzuki Outboard all this was 100 bucks with the magazines there so yeah it's no idea what I'm gonna do with that but we have it all right once again give it a bath [Music] all right [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] well I'd be lying if I said it was great but I would also be lying if I said it was worse than the other one unfortunately this one's worth like nothing I probably still overpaid it 500 bucks either way yeah it's Got Stripes right all right I'm gonna take this home for now and then someday in the future we'll be back to work on see you then thank you oh yes the Dotsons you can already tell I'm going to need one of these before working on these damn things eeny meeny miny moe catch a tiger okay so back to the dachshunds it is currently Wednesday afternoon due to scheduling complex Power Tour blah blah blah I need a video out by Friday so let's see if we can make this happen I think we're gonna continue with the 280 here this one has a severely stuck tire but it is fuel injected which means hopefully I order a pump from O'Reilly's crawl underneath the car change it because it's external learn that after I sold the last one without fixing it and then yeah see if it runs the 200 here I have no idea in fact I would not be surprised if that was still carbureted this was their top of the line car this was their bottom of the line car as you can see we have a 280 2.8 liter if you didn't know datsun's 242 6280 the numbers were designated off of the displacement they were 2.4 2.6 and 2.8 liter engines this one in particular is the l28 it makes 170 horse at 5600 RPMs they were pretty stout cars back in the day this is 1978. we've got 170 horse and a five speed and a beer can of a car and that made them pretty damn awesome however unfortunately in today's day and age that means they're all rusted to hell because well they're beer cans let's go ahead and drop this battery in here get it hooked up and see what comes to life I doubt a fuel pump is the answer but man that would be cool all right there we go let us go ahead and obviously you know clutch fan can't tell if this motor is even seized not let's go get to that let's get this radiator open oh put radiator cap on the list that's still held pressure even with the spring off and there's liquid in it this this thing's good to go there he is oh it looks pretty fresh all right back in you go let's hit the button see what happens doors open nice seats are really nice the interior in this car is actually you know really good shape like it doesn't even stink it just kind of smells like leather oh yeah everything happens you got a brake light that might be 31 000 I don't know some relay somewhere is pissed holy [ __ ] the master still moves the clutch is junk damn it okay they're in this video whoa was that oh goodbye goodbye forever antenna the little light doesn't oh it does work yes all right all right this car's winning me over [Music] oh yes all right time for the big one holy [ __ ] She Cranks real nice I did not hear a fuel pump but she cranks really clean [Applause] make it stop holy [ __ ] it works it's hot oh my God okay you know what the rusty Datsun winning me over the fact that it's Rusty means I don't have to care about it a lot and it might be really fun to drive wait hang on damn it throw it away change my mind [Music] all right there's something flammable put that back off see what happens oh hell yes it sounded healthy okay so I've called O'Reilly's order pump it'll be here tomorrow at 10 A.M let's switch gears and see if the 200 which is carbureted will run which we know will it's it's carbureted I mean give me 15 minutes that car will be idling one promising sign I did just see that car had no battery it was harvested this one still did in fact the battery still had the positive post on they're just taking the negative off as if they were going to let it sit for a winter it's 110 horsepower 5600 RPM 2000 cc four cylinder uh the l2ob which if I had to guess that's four of those cylinders so they just locked the front end of the block off and called her good let's get our air cleaner off here like this big light CB that works aftermarket cruise control chilling down here a clock a mystery switch electric aftermarket mirrors oh that one does oh good common theme this week see what we got in CB let's turn the anal switch off oh yeah she might need a little work especially since someone broke that switch off in 1982 oh boy I I wouldn't imagine it's been sitting since then but hard to say Ames Dotson oh this came from around here 1982 okay so this has sat for a while according to those look at you you look like a big piece of paper Bill's biorhythm what does this 1982 was built dying a bunch of letters someone let me know what the hell is that thing it's not car related I'll tell you that oh hell yes oh just realized the headliner hangs down in this one like like really bad but the Mr Bean seats look awesome let's go get a little more amperage in this thing see what it does all right I threw the booster pack on threw a little more brake clean down there even filled the bowl a little bit she just ain't loving it huh okay well at this point it's either cables or the starter it's very connection who's hot are you Jesus Christ that's hot okay I found it it's that connection on top of the solenoid he needs taken off and cleaned it burnt me well I'll tell you what I won't lose [ __ ] for continuity either if I was that Rusty let's get all this Hardware cleaned up get that post cleaned up see if that fixes it all right she's all cleaned up back together holy [ __ ] a little more fuel down in there yeah fill the bowl so the throttle blade is seized on this carb which I'm sure by now I've flooded it oh maybe I can get this choke to open I can let's see what that does oh no it worked for a split second come on damn you horn I pumped it and that's all we got fourth one come on all right it might actually be ready for a little more come on little girl [Applause] [Music] it hated something look at the not smoke but look at the rust that came out holy [ __ ] all right well that was nothing short of a nightmare but let me introduce you to the carburetor and all of its vacuum leaks that I've now exposed does the throttle move does not appear so all right I need both hands I'm gonna need a flashlight and a pliers and see if I can get him working all right I took a bit of plan [ __ ] now just get the throttle to and get to come open pretty well but you know going close is a different story yeah actually it does slowly go close on its own so I'm hoping oh oh [ __ ] we're getting there Ashley do that oh it just went and throttle works hell yes okay let's see if we can get her to light off now I hear you get a lot of brake clean in there to get that sucker freed up so I'm sure she's flooded here we go [Music] wide open cleared it out a little come on girl okay so she's out of fuel now whatever's coming up from the tank it was specifically that is probably not flammable come on girl oh come on you can do it yes [Music] I'm lying if I said it loved it but it ran I'm rushing to get something going here tonight but I'm sure tomorrow [Music] um [Applause] it ran off what I got in the bowl it's not I don't think it's pumping fuel up but it actually responded to throttle and built oil pressure that time all right let's get some fuel in this thing in the morning and try her again I bet this sucker runs unfortunately absolutely no clutch because I completely forgot Datsuns are hydraulic and that's never gonna last all right see you in the morning real quick a 60 second pause to talk about the sponsor of today's video ship station aka the best thing ever made for e-commerce Brands since the internet itself now if you guys like ourselves are someone who also ships stuff online in our case t-shirts and merch which you can find at 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not fit this car they're all in the trunk I don't know but there's our tank it looks incredible honestly all the metal on this car looks incredible it also looks to be completely empty so let's get some gas in that and see what comes out of it all righty got a couple gallons in there [Music] flush some more [ __ ] out and now with the speed of a thousand thousands I will fire this and then run around and keep it running [Applause] oh that would be the water pump oh no the water pump does not turn well I can get the big pliers and play with that but that kind of brings this one to an immediate halt also it's still not bringing any fuel up front running that long it should have fed the bowl and started running on its own but it's not since the belt only goes one way it's probably not gonna have the best chance of breaking that free I wonder if I get these in there and turn it both directions and kind of get that rust in the out of the impellers or whatever the hell it might be get it to free up work with me that snap noise was it breaking free and it's it's not free enough to spin yet but we're getting there this is working oh God that thing feels horrible but it would even cause that much binding oh I hear the rust it just broke free [Applause] okay um water pump spins away with you [Music] oh there's a lot of [ __ ] in my eyes suddenly now let's play with that a little bit see if we can rev It Up plug it it's got a nice even face here that we can plug off and see if that pulls some [ __ ] out of the jet to gets that carburetor working it did rev for a bit and then it like ran out of fuel thank you hmm also I think the water pump stopped making noise it must have chewed up it's it's little bits and pieces this has been impressive everything's been seized and everything's kind of been able to be forced back into the land of the living and the rotating yes no fuel pumpy all right let's see if we can rig something up all right been a couple minutes I've got a fuel system rigged up to the pump I took the suction side hose off the pump and heard a when I took it off so there's something clogged back there in the lines I'm not going to worry about the tank inside the Tank's probably Rusty in all reality but got a new hose on over here let's go ahead and see what this sucker does I think it's running off its own fuel supply I think uh the windliest motor ever there's a damn throttle oh God that took forever to die yeah we're doing it sitting here running we've got 45 PSI of oil still no damn horn though headlights oh look at that the headlights the markers work gonna wreck tail lights work call it a four-cylinder camera has potentially seen better days but there it is overcame a lot of obstacles get this far but it is running for the first time shutting it off with the key still got an hour or so to the pumps here for that so let's look into bleeding this Mass oh I figured for sure the uh slave cylinder would be dry but no it's not so that's probably not going to work all right well I'm gonna do a little plan see what I can figure out here okay so a little tinkering has shown me exactly what I expected the brakes and clutch in this thing are junk does not have any fix on those what we can do is get some inflated tires on the back hopefully throw it in gear turn the key see if it's got the power and hopefully no neutral safety switch to fire up and drive around let's steal some tires off the 280 put them on here and see if we can make that happen and then go work in the 280 because the fuel pump and Jesse are finally here jug of gas battery carburetor we really didn't do anything to it does the little starter that could let's see if it can [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you over here you can really feel it's too true rally prowess hell yeah I think it's kind of fun well there you have it I suppose that is the 200SX running and driving let's take the wheels off put them back on the car they belong on get a fuel pump in that one and see if we can get two in one video what do you think cat would just walk between my legs wheelbarrow all right so it's been a couple of minutes we got lunch got some hoes and got smart we have our one gallon vinegar jug fuel tank patent pending on that guy some hose into the inline pump that O'Reilly sent us which is wildly wrong for this car but I went underneath and looked at everything anyway it all looks junk so this is gonna be the easy way to do it regardless moral of the story uh Riley sells high pressure inline fuel pumps we've got some hose hooked up to the feed side and of course the hose shoved back into the handle for the return which do note currently unhooked let's go ahead and hit this with some power and flush all the gunk out of that fuel system [Music] oh um [Laughter] every single fitting sorry get the screwdriver out just so we have a few more hoses to replace all right well let's get these all cleaned up a little bit and get some new hoses and [ __ ] on them and try it again all right there it is all new rubber it only took like an hour right about yeah let's get it reinstalled that'll take another hour I'll tell you what that's one of those tasks that looks a lot easier than it actually was there wasn't much to it I mean it was simply to replace the lines but man that sucks all right let's get the last couple connections on here look our wiring harness back up see if it holds pressure this time probably not hey the return works I don't see any leaks to you no [Music] hmm it could be that I unplugged that one wire in that random something important there's always that chance let's try the obvious answer we unplug this jumper right turn on this and we figured this was fuel pump but it's probably ECU eventually fires now go give her a crank dude it runs good for once fuel injection actually works oh I can hear the vacuum wage from here [Applause] kind of a noisy top end I can't believe that ran that good though I like the first try just started right up all it needed was a fuel pump and new rubber it makes it does make a bit of noise it's got good oil pressure just depends in the middle all right let me wire this up we're back in a bit all right well we still got her up in the air we're gonna add some fluid to the clutch Reservoir and see if we can get the bleed what's this no brake fluid in that one oh yeah sat since 93. just making your I'm gonna bring the camera over here are we wasting our time yes oh that's fine it's just clutch dust everyone knows that I hate small cars hey Jessie how are you think yeah it looks like you're having a pretty good time to me what he's actually doing is taking this bolt off the back of the pedal because we went to town and got ourselves a new clutch master and in their slave I already got the slave on besides that we threw some fluid in these I cracked these bleeders open got three good squirts out of each closed them and we have brakes as far as we can tell the pedal feels great that tire is still super stuck we got to deal with that but let's get this clutch on bled up this thing might be a running driving stopping car by the end of the night and that would be badass oh yeah more dust wow that thing oh that thing was junk insert new one very nice all right you should probably I suppose go underneath and aim I just heard the move get a tax back garden hose it's pretty difficult uh you should probably guide this into position so it doesn't wind up somewhere crazy okay you okay over there okay it sounds like you got attacked by a garden hose she definitely got attacked by Darkness get in there yeah do you need me to push come on yeah give me some privacy all right where's the pit uit there's literally no space in here ah you'll be fine how's your second time putting that bin in now it's great so we put that in had it fully installed didn't realize that the rod the rod that the O'Reilly's part came with was a half inch too short so we had to take it all the way back out and switch the older rod in so they looked like they were similar sitting next to each other but if you took the actual clip off of right here and took it down to this point and then compared the rods one was way longer so do that before you put it in if you're ever working on one of these so you don't have to be adjusting to it twice which is really my mistake but his problem you know I lost the washer looking good Jesse gonna be no time at all before we bleed everything press the pedal and realize the friction plate is well to do the flywheel and if it's not we're gonna burn out the clutch trying to undo that stock tire probably oh I forgot about that God dang it down holy [ __ ] it works oh it feels like a clock up nice dude we done did it all right one last thing that damn will ladies and gentlemen yeah I'm not asking anymore 300. can't be tight if it's a powder all right Mr drum break you just hurt my brother's toe and he ripped his toenail off so now he's off dying somewhere so you and I are gonna have a little talk okay well thank you for cooperating quickly two more Taps we just heck you anyway get this thing out more often it's not perfectly free but yeah good enough all right that's the Moment of Truth we have a clutch we have baby brakes do you think the clutch has froze to the flywheel probably do you think I need to break loose maybe pull this if I'm engulfed in flames good cameraman foreign [Applause] [Applause] oh thank God because you're pointing to right at me what's worse there's a tire there wait oh my God you're gonna break lights [Applause] check that out would you like a ride sir it actually like legit runs drives clutch everything no power steering but I don't I don't think they had it I think they're a manual let's see if we can grab second right okay I see the appeal I see the appeal that's pretty fun all right let's see what you got you ready for this [Music] it was faster going downhill some of the brakes are all over you gotta drive it took your toe it did take my toe some might argue it's because of my shoes I would say that I'm wrong here's your new daily the same color color [Applause] well [ __ ] what do you think of that that's kind of a nice car well you want it no [ __ ] yeah okay great well no it's probably more solid than my current car I have no idea what to do with this honestly someone wants it shoot me an email junkyardigs1 gmail.com Jesse doesn't want it which is a shame that'd be kind of funny to watch him try to drive that thing around wait we never checked if it'll do a burnout all right I think that's a little brake line what happened I stood on the brakes to see if I do a legit burnout and it was a pop and the brake light came on and the car came well now I have all four [Applause] [Applause] that is fun well ladies and gentlemen thank you very much for joining us on this adventure where we pulled two old 1978 dachshunds out of a shed but they've been left for this one since 93 and the 210 since 84. not to anyone surprise the carbureted car came to life and drove around the yard but surprisingly and thanks to my brother's help thank you Jesse we were able to get this 280Z running driving stopping once again this thing's pretty fun I did enjoy driving it if anything it's inspired me to get my good one the 260 that's been sitting for a long time out of the shed and running once again that manual would fit in it pretty well just saying oh you'd have to do that I'm not doing that clutch again I'm supposed to say that I hope you guys enjoyed this episode if you did make sure you subscribe leave a comment below check out our merch on junkyardigs.com it looks best when it's dirty so with that being said we'll see you right here next week for another episode stay greasy foreign
Channel: Junkyard Digs
Views: 497,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, revival, first, start, first start, run, drive, and, will, it, can, we, junkyard, digs, mook, cold, classic, car, cars, trucks, truck, jyd, junk, yard, diggs, datsun, nissan, 280, 240, 260, 300, 280z, 240z, 300zx, 280zx, 260z, fairlady, barn find, datsuns, RUN AND DRIVE, run and drive, run & drive, 30+ years, 20+ years, 20, 30, years, barn, find, will it start, will it run
Id: F2_AsxXhvJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 15sec (3015 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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