Can We Escape My Boyfriend's Mad House? | Full Episode | Hotel of Mum & Dad

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nineteen-year-old Millie and 20 year old Ben from Leicester have been lovestruck for over two years but Ben wasn't an easy target and we met through a girl that I was best friends with Ben was going out with her yeah awkward but it's stealing off my best friend let's split up but we kind of stayed in contact from the minute they split up and then we met all you stole him basically that that night is no longer best night for Ben and Millie Elif everything about Ben he's really understand in and that's important for me I need someone that's gonna be understanding some quite emotional so friendly so caring I think I've never met anyone that's more caring than Miller so six months ago Millie moved in with Ben's mom Julie he's brother Matthew the rest of the family we've officially moved out but still treat the place like the home I wouldn't class it is a really big family I've only got five children eight grandchildren or is it my grandchildren how many grandchildren ever got the house is chaos to live in anybody who wants to live their lives they're included Milly who's been welcomed into the madhouse careful they're hot elephants man we do get on really really well a good mother mm-hmm steady on you haven't even moved out yeah in Leicester Ben and Millie are living in more of a crash than a hotel [Music] when mums not babysitting it's Ben and Millie's Joel which is fine by Millie who's studying child care at college [Music] I've loved working with children from a young age and always simple around them so it just comes naturally but a chaotic house is an ideal for unemployed Ben who's desperate for a job come in for a minute there's no quitting there's been quite a few times when I've sat down on the computer trying to look for a job but then the kids are all running around and it's hard to concentrate when you're trying to fill out all your best qualities and you're screaming at kids grannies running back and forward time is even more difficult me and Ben don't really get that much time to ourselves to escape the chaos of the house we can only go to Ben's bedroom but even upstairs the peace is short-lived okay the kids come on they're knocking on the door trying to pull on the door I know we're trying to get open watch it so you don't get long we can never sit down and watch your film in peace or anything is always always kids hope as an assistant grace did you by Casey Leigh yeah I'd like my own personal space just to be in our own continent just the turf [Music] in Leicester it's Ben's personality that tends to dominate the house I think we need to do scale like cattle as well I do it every morning he likes things done a certain way I can be a bit of perfectionist and sometimes it can be a little bit annoying didn't belong you know Ben's a huge perfectionist that drives me insane which means it's all too easy for Milly to take a backseat I don't really do anything in the house I can't cook save my life I don't think I've ever cooked to me or me I'll prop though so yeah a bit lazy like that Millie's had to go bad she's tired she just needs a bit better kick up the backside sometimes she probably a bit later I need a drink animart and I'm tying them up and I'm trying it on definitely driving force moves now he's the one that wants to do everything for himself wants to get a job once to run a house once to pay the bills there's quite a bit of pressure if I don't get a job within the next week then I don't know what's gonna happen to make a real go of it Ben needs to bring in the cash while Milly wants to face off it's a domestic life lights prove it I'm not as lazy as they think I am well I won't be doing everything they do think there's a lot of things that I can't do I'll prove that that's fighting talk indeed but how will the reality live up to the dream hello I can take a break you know so little Esther has been the perfectionist whose girlfriend Milly is also under pressure to show her independence let's prove it I'm not as lazy as they think I am how are they cope with life in the real world we've decided to have tonight apart we're giving both couples the funds they need to live independently for one week it is the exact amount the couple would be living on if they were doing this for real in Leicester job-hunting Ben and childcare student Milly have no current income can I write because I'm not going to I don't know anything about money so I give me something today so they're basing their budget on Ben's previous earnings how much do you wear in a week then one Janae's pound so that's got to go on everything paul kasin electric on i don't know how much that is don't just walk on be council tax if this is an early chance for Milly to show she can be a responsible reliable partner and going well are you just randomly guessing these yeah money's tight fifty quid for the week's food leaving a hundred pounds for rent think we'll be able to do it yeah in Leicester Ben and Millie are also flat hunting good size as well but this couple are so impressed with their first property I can tell by your smile how you like it that they decide to take it hope the rest of this week that's gonna be this easy in Leicester it's time to leave mums madhouse I don't think it seems real yeah until we actually get there well perfectionist Ben has he's packing perfectly organised look honey it is Milly makes this little effort as possible I just took like majority of my wardrobe scrunched it up and put it in the suitcase I think I'm just gonna leave it scrunched up bothered they're ready to start their new life but saying goodbye to mom isn't easy we'll say you wanna feel although I've had children leave home he's the last one and you know if people issue anything just give me I'll miss him and I'm I'll certainly miss Millie for the laughs baby's leaving home moving in in Leicester and Ben and Millie are both puttin in the legwork but lazybones Millie oh no this one's nice would much rather halothane mom would be making us dinner and changing the bed Flora's I do that you need to get used to it yeah that's the spirit Millie credit where it's due Millie is at least attempting dinner pasta check you out Heston Ben has some good news tomorrow he's got a job interview at a local cinema you never saw no I might be able to get that it's important now because we ran out of money Oh stain air depends on that to make their dreams of living alone work financially Ben's interview is crucial it's quite nice actually so it's a quite a first night in for this pet - the first night moving in a one-of manner morning in Leicester and Ben and Millie wake up to something they never hear at mums silence it's great when you can open not having any kids around we didn't realise how a custom wit come to touch in that household when we come here and it's so peaceful could you imagine waking up like this at mums we never have like team better Imams normally joined by the kids yes but no son where I flatten it but for Millie something's missing it was really different waking up to complete silence I definitely miss home more than vendors and I miss that like busy environment and always having the kids around despite being homesick Millie's desperate to prove herself as a domestic goddess do you think your mom would say if she could see us clean in that their history lies for a couple of seconds as usual Ben likes things done his way that's really thin I've the tendency to take over what if she's doing I don't mean to I mean in a nice way and just think she needs out what really has annoyed me about and is that he hasn't given me much of a chance to prove myself so I think that's been a bit annoying don't push it but undeterred Millie steps it up again oh this is disgusting oh really bad I think I am more capable than he thinks I am and there it gives me credit for but has all that cleaning taken the shine off fending for them elves can't believe this is gonna be alive what do you mean this is gonna be our lives going to work when home cleaning getting up going to work coming home clean in part my that's a poor end Millie may have proved she can clean but a next challenge is financial whilst Ben's at a job interview Millie must do the weekly shop the pressures on because mums coming for dinner later oh my car goes to interview for you and you cook dinner I'm not gonna cope I'm gonna have a breakdown in the medieval supermarket I'm kind of a breakdown in there's no morning that it's stressing me out it's gonna be a big test see if we can live together because if we can't control the money then we're not gonna be able to afford the rent you're not gonna be able to afford the bills tryna I see when your back good luck I wanted this week to have been to take a back seat and me to try and prove myself but a little bit nervous that we're not gonna have enough money to cover everything to eat for the week but and have to see how far this stretches while Millie tackles domestic life Ben sprucing himself up for the interview it's crucial that I get this job so that we can keep the flat on if I don't do well at this interview I don't know what here goes wish me luck it's not just Ben who's out to impress Millie's taking on a biggest domestic challenge so far [Music] my days okay Wow I don't know what to do just just buy some food has been when you need him we're gonna have pizza garlic bread and chips or maybe I'll swap chips for wedges cuz they're a little bit nicer it's those little culinary flourishes that bring a meal to life oh no what we're gonna eat in the week haven't even been adding this up my day is oh wow if Ben could see this he would not be freaking out at all not even in the slightest hi I've been provided quite well for dinner tonight say yeah they think we've done too bad thank you in leicester buoyed by his job interview been can't wait to see what millie is bought from the show yeah there's not orange where's the rest of the food hey you forget your dusters Ben because tonight Millie has planned a frozen food feast excited to have Ben's mum and his brother Matt over for dinner I think it would be nice for it to be our turn for a change I'll be quite impressed with dinner itself so fingers crossed and it's the moment of truth because their guests have arrived can you bring your own plates and knives and forks and cut because we've not got enough and I'm certainly looking forward to whatever Millie's brought but has merely cooked it this is what we wanted to know it can't be a pot noodle because we've brought plates like at home Ben's in charge of quality control ah unhappy parent told you told you we should have took it then takes over everything that I do so I'm always stood there looking like I can't do anything because Ben's like peer out of it here let me do it I'll do it what if they don't want so you've not even asked him I have now yeah so take us through the menu Ben you keeper of free spices garlic bread in one croquette or two slice of garlic bread and two croquettes Bon Appetit then Ben gets the phone call he's been hoping for hello yay yes thank you yeah he's got the job but it's just four hours a week which means in only on about 20 quid 20 20 pounds waves it's good news but to move that for good Ben will need more work life on their own is tough a bit like dinner that's them they tried but I had to have drink juice cuz he got a bit drunk yeah the jaw muscles active that's all I could say yeah and the saliva glands were caged in Lester hello I was just wondering to keep Bernie job vacances beds after extra employment to add to the four hours work a week he was offered last night thank you been looking for a job I went to a couple of different places handed some TVs are see if I can find any more work well Ben's trying to pull in some extra cash Milly's off to spend it she's been given 50 quid as a housewarming gift I'm hoping to prove to him that I am actually responsible and they just think about myself all the time so what will Ben think of milliseconds shopping trip this week I've got some makeup and some nail varnish now come in handy at home I didn't actually just spend all the money on me I brought you something Oh like it oh come in handy around the house how much did you spend did you not think of getting some it alright for the house varied or anything no I brought something for you and something for me is that not okay like I don't get it I tried she's pretty nice but he still wants me spend it on food but whatever I think I just spent the fifty pounds more practically and probably bought something that we could have used instead of worn but that's Miller just hope you don't run out code I can't ever do right if we're doing wrong Millie's efforts have failed to impress Ben yet again and this couple seemed to be drifting further apart in Leicester things have taken a dramatic turn after a huge argument about their future Millie's left the flat to go and stay with her mom I know by the way he's spoken to me that he thinks this is it now we left home and it's final for him and it's not as final for me so we've decided to have tonight apart with Millie gone Ben's taken refuge with his mates down the pub I didn't expect her to go home because there's just two of us everything's concentrated onto just two of us instead of everybody we can't take frustrations out on and you anyone else living alone for the first time has affected them both in ways they didn't expect it's gone from like a hectic family life to just as to more of a family person so it's a bit of a shock to me to not have anybody round but then to talk to we didn't even think it put any added pressure on to a relationship but it did it went so much the bills of budgeting are anything else it was more a test for our relationship maybe deep down he does appreciate but he doesn't show that very well and it takes a huge argument and a lot of upset for Ben to at least tell me how he feels about me I don't think that could be quite disheartened it with their relationship at breaking point the argument has made them both think about their future I think we're both just feeling the stress a little bit of it coming to an end and making the final decision Oh in leicester ben's arranged to meet merely after their night apart thank you I spent the last one budget a surprise for you okay I just want it tonight how much I appreciate ya I love you it's been good it has been nice the flowers the Ben thinks they're a little bit of waste of money but he knows that like them say even though we did spend the last bit of the budget on it and he could have spent it on something else no jaqen that was really nice gesture we gave them yeah yeah I think I've been forgiven I think I think the flowers worked it's the day before decision day I'm still holding out hope that we can work it out and keep the flat on there's just a lot more pressure now but has been done enough to convince million that they're ready to go it alone its decision day for Ben and Milly they've put their argument behind them but what have they decided about the future I think this week has tested a relationship hugely having a house with no kids was strange really strange I think I missed it a little bit I think it was more of a test for Milly than it was for me but I think she proved herself I've learned that probably I shouldn't be as pusher I shouldn't try and take over things because I know it annoys them to me I have proved myself I've made myself feel a bit more confident about taking responsibility it's been a really positive weight for me I don't know if Milly I'd say the same but I think she'd be happy enough to to move out before they reveal their decision truly gets a look at how they've coped without at least they appreciate me doing the shopping now I think what's he not phone I need to show what give her a hawk so will they fly the nest or flee back so how do we Feynman already met yeah it has to add a little cry you hey you don't watch yeah what upset him any like that what we're done David may enough about it now but it wasn't funny at the time you know what Ben's like I kiss my yeah what did it seemed a bit strange though bit quiet yeah linger for Ben enjoyed the quiet more than I did and it's gone from like hectic home to is to and there's nobody else to even have a conversation with so the final decision what is it what do you think I really don't want to come back home I really do when I come back then I'm not ready to move out yeah and not at all like I'm just not ready to leave home yet so does this mean you're coming back and eat but you're not no oh yeah I really don't like my own but we've got a we can't we can't afford it I need I need to get my job started fast and then I'll say well then try again I am really glad that you're coming home I really am what you cooking for me when we get back I'm devastated about moving back in and I think that independence was just what I wanted and I wanted it so long so yeah not pleased but will be okay for me it's not the right time yet it has been a really really good experience I wouldn't change it for the world it's been really good I think it has made us stronger and when we do it for real we'll kind of know what to expect in how to make it work better next time around I'm pleased at the coming home to get the soaps or to get things sorted out and do it do it properly and the know that I'll help them all I can this week's give me a lot of motivation to go up and move out and find an actual job that I'm going to enjoy that I can use to move out you
Channel: Origin
Views: 77,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mindfulness, nct, mums meet up, kensington mums, raising a child, snowplow parenting, inuit parenting, respectful parenting, Moving out, apartment, how to move out, moving vlog, moving out of parents house, house, how to move out of your parents house, growing up, drama, television series, full episodes, leaving home, leaving, leaving the nest, she’s leaving home, lazy, couple, origin story, big family, huge family, reddit stories, budget, budget with me
Id: rzNo68KmdFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 41sec (1601 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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