Young Girl Permanently Excluded from School | Born Naughty? E1 | Real Families

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meet the kids who won't be mostly well-behaved Ana parents who take the rap we've been slated left right and center people say that boy needs a good plan even granny thinks mom just needs to get a grip a little bit lazy well she is lazy mom and dad are desperate for a label like ADHD or autism to explain their child's behavior I think the LEAs autistic I suspect maybe ADHD if it's not autism what is it but could tough love be the solution it's just a naughty boy it can take years for parents to get a definitive answer this is what I'm up against though you know I'm just getting nowhere so family GP doctor dawn Harper and pediatrician dr. Ravi Jayram are tackling this controversy head-on fast tracking the process to see if medical help is needed he can never be fixed again or if the kids are just out of control as a pediatrician in the GP dr. Ravi and dr. dawn often meet badly behaved kids but now they must crack some real hard nuts desperate parents have asked them to investigate if their child's problems could have a medical cause we have two kids who appear to have the same problem an uncontrollable temper easily answered discipline or diagnosis to begin a snapshot of life with our first naughty nipper and six-year-old Theo spells trouble it's been said the Gulf is a good walk spoiled no don't you dare fry that name yeah and that's true if you're playing around with Theo trouble is part of the course great can't do it ma don't talk to me like that never seen a child at the way Co does I understand you're always on edge all the time you need to put your jacket on see oh yeah you can't walk off in the shop Co Co Co Co Hagar especially his rudeness and up quieter he is very rude and can be very aggressive Oh Victor that's a asked about four or five holes he starts talking and we need to go in [Music] luckily going in doesn't involve walking far because single mom Emma and Theo live on the golf course along with Emma's two brothers Nami and granddad my relation with theory is probably very similar most grandfathers I accept he's living in my house which in some ways is great in other ways it's a nightmare it can be an absolutely loving child and then he can be a little [ __ ] I wouldn't say Theo is normal I thought when he was younger normal boisterous boy but then when you start talking to the other month I realized that what he was doing was not normal Emma's are star doctors to settle a family argument is Theo a naughty boy you need reining in or does he need medical help so this is Theo is a six year old boy who lives in Surrey with his mum his grandparents his uncle and he doesn't have any brothers or sisters and there are some serious issues it seems around his sleeve right let's take a look 6:00 a.m. that's a good boy mom's in bed as always nanny gets vo ready for school okay that's it okay Johnny here and Aiden done he's worn a hearing aid for partial hearing loss since he was a toddler working once on he sits nicely and retweet money good boy I enjoy his company especially in the mornings which is mostly the time that I have of him because Emma doesn't like a nice Ernie you know and she's a little bit lazy well she is lazy when Emma get up Co goes from little angel to little devil baby don't do that place as soon as Emma comes down which is normally quite late especially on school day they oh no you have to do it unfortunately there is almighty shouting between her and Ciara I don't in every morning for he goes outfit and I'll get put around you know and I'm saying I think you know my god not yet yeah it does get me down a bit my husband actually goes out of the house and find something to do because he hates the fact that soon as she comes down there shouting arguing between each other no climatic events a lot to get the butter I do find it really hard to live in here my mum and dad being here I feel like I'm being watched at home there is something to conflict in that family happened and he's clearly getting some quite mixed marriages and they've clearly got different approaches to his behavior that's undermined mum a bit I think that will undermine mum hugely I think he's probably aware of that and knows he gets away with things yeah please man get food not battle of wills magic yeah I this is your last warning this is your last window mainly um your last warning if Emma tells him off she gives him too many chances she needs to be more firm with him yeah so is mom just a soft touch or is there more Tokyo's meltdowns can meets the eye Emma thinks so I suspect maybe ADHD just it will make a happier household for this David does get to that something's got to change is too difficult to cope with really I just need it to change mums obviously wondered about ADHD the footage we saw he's really hyper most of the time he's also quite oppositional as well attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is the most commonly diagnosed child behavioral problem but it's also one of the most controversial frequently criticized in the press it's often treated with a drug called Ritalin it's thought one in 20 kids may have ADHD affecting the brainwaves needed for concentration telltale signs are a short attention span hyperactivity problems with sleep and impulsive behavior what I'm interested in is why that behaviors are there and hopefully that will become more apparent at the time as we get a bit more information the team's next case is like Theo a real hothead Nonya old honey can be sweet especially with animals but honey's not always sweet no matter what honey does mom and dad get the blade we've always been told you haven't disciplined there enough and then the next time you discipline the too much it's just it's nobody else's fault but ours GP doctor dawn and pediatrician dr. Ravi have promised definitive answers to stressed parents like Emma who thinks her six year old terror Theo has ADHD no trouble is her mum thinks his rudeness and naughtiness can be stopped by better discipline if Emma tells him off she'd give him too many chances she needs to be more firm with him okay so who's right the doctors next conundrum is another child who appears to have the same problem daily meltdowns further honey she's nine years old flips of mom and dad and her three siblings in Shropshire and actually she's not currently in school who and looking at this I can see why there's some fairly impressive behavioral issues here I think need sorting is okay this is a tale of two honey there's my mom step Stella first the sweet honey my dad sixth and my sister is Kristy and she is 16 there's poppy c7 and Toby my other sister she is five there's also the honey monster a queen bee with a sting which comes out when she's asked to do something she doesn't want to do No was that yours programs that do mine stop it yeah I think it's basically like simulated this is relatively table what she's like it's been with a boss no yes yes I will and I try and laser stuff hey it is quite embarrassing when she has a meltdown because everyone stares at you can start kicking often yeah swearing and shouting by threatened to hurt people you're not attacking anyone for five years the family has endured daily rages frightened to ask honey to do most things if you ask her to get up in the morning if you ask her to wear something she doesn't want to wear and if she asked us to brush her teeth out they will be like this Wow where do you start hey okay she has these episodes of aggressive defiant behavior but she knows she's doing it yeah with three other children it's already a hectic home so it's not just things people live in here we have with various pets Jack the dog got seven ducks by checking two guinea pigs 14 rabbits I like concurs they calm me down I love animals more than people there's a lot going on in that house an awful lot I mean you just count the number of legs and I have some Carter although it seems certainly from what we've seen it when she's with the animals she seems to be as economist as well four months ago honey was permanently excluded from school honey he's liking school at the minute and she had to be polite with some people at read past life at him to tell them she had a major blowout to the hats called police and the police was concerned for everybody's safety they called the paramedic out but it wouldn't let the paramedic in the room with her because she was being so aggressive the most heartbreaking thing I think I've ever seen is honey being restrained by two police officers but that absolutely was terrible it's very difficult isn't it she's obviously being excluded from school but that in itself I think is a worry for a child like this because she's not learning interaction she's not learning to deal with other kids when things don't go her own way and every time Ben and Stella seek help they're told that on the problem we've always been told well you're not you haven't disciplined her enough and then the next time you discipline the too much and then it's she's just naughty or just it's nobody else's fault but I was what's got so now we've I believed like parenting classes and advice answer and everything they tell us today works for the other three children and and just doesn't work for honey Peggy we're stuck well and truly stuck because everything that's been suggested to us it doesn't go anywhere near doing what she needs really come EMA after five years they're clueless as to how to stop it oh and what did someone will really get hurt not just mom and dad she gets violent all those teachers people at school it's sisters it's really get that Hamlet I'd really like to get a bit more of a picture of the family dynamics I'd like to get a bigger picture of when these behaviors started you're not attacking anyone okay dr. Robbie needs to see honey and Theo in their homes to get a closer look at their naughty antics [Music] first stop the 19th hole in Surrey where mom Emma hi thanks six year old Theo has ADHD you see oh so we do it modern way give me five oh well granny thinks he needs discipline leave a DVD player alone please so you have some down please what's your main worry about what could be behind all of this ADHD okay what do you feel I don't like children being diagnosed early with I was you know because children can be when they're young they have different sort of stages they go through yeah I think you're absolutely right and I don't like the idea of slapping a diagnosis on any child just because it suits at the same time if there is a problem then I think it needs to be identified looking back when he was younger did he ever seem to have these tensions when he was trying to communicate yeah that's always that was all about we thought it coming right here that's why he was always getting frustrated yes we know it can it's got the hair with me okay and then you had a lot of concerns about his sleep patterns as well it's hard get him to sleep who doesn't like going to season it will take me a long time then once he is asleep here probably 34 maybe 4 or 5 hours and then wake up and then it's hard to get him back safe sleep disturbance can be part of a ADHD so I think we need to look into this thank you agree as dr. Ravi leaves volcano Theo erupt it's not nice Co doesn't fancy saying goodbye are you listening to me do you think they can see behind life it's not funny it was a real Mexican standoff as to who was going to create this yeah he's clearly young quite single-minded there and he wants to have his own way what did you just say to me from the evidence so far Theo could have ADHD but to get a recognised diagnosis come on then trouble a number of experts must jointly reach a decision so Theo investigations will continue next to Shropshire to meet nine-year-old honey mum and dad have been told their parenting is to blame for her meltdowns the doctor Robbie will look for other clues to explain her bad behavior I'm interesting today in looking at honey's behavior and her tantrums and her anger to mine stopper like Co fireworks seem to flare up now I think it's best attracting lady when she's asked to do anything stop hello are you honey nice to meet you how you're doing on ceramic good today all seems quiet on the honey front so what what age was it that you began to have concerns for hundreds behavior like one and a half to really when she started mixing with the cheering name did she play with other children or did she prefer to just do her own thing well she loves to join in with us very sad she but then it would only last so long before she'd get bored and she'd want them to do what she wanted when I don't they wouldn't like to fight you know cane scratching or over the main month and since that time it has not pattern of behavior being replicated it's always the first instinct is to run so to go away from weather away you know so if you can't get away can you almost guarantee we'll progress into a full-blown anger yeah I sowed definitely okay right honey I'm going to come and have a chat to you as well is that all right yes what makes you get crossed do you no no it just happens what about if somebody wants you to do something new and you don't really want to do is does that make you worried no it makes me angry make sure angry why does it make you angry even doctor Ravi's gentle questions put honey on edge you know why else alright so if I asked you to do something you've never done before if I asked you to do something you've never done before do you think you'd get it would make you cross-eyed better not ask you them here's the series i think honey is one of the most challenging children i've come across all right then honey please very nice meeting you I thought things were mainly going to revolve around her temper tantrums and how her family dealt with them but it's clear to me that there are wider behavioral issues there in flexibility her anxiety around unfamiliar situations and her need to be in control in situation seem to point towards autistic spectrum disorder autism is a communication disorder in which people have difficulty understanding social situations but the intensity of honey's meltdowns suggests dr. Ravi an even bigger problem that needs tackling fast so he's calling in more experts to help it's nice that someone else that's actually come in there and said she needs to be looked at on the autistic spectrum instead of going down at the --have your issue or parents an issue which is what's happened previously Alex Wyse was not being blamed there's no change I want to become less angrier and you don't have a meltdown every single day because it makes me really tired and it makes me feel ill meanwhile in Sleepy sorry since dr. Robbie's visit things have been far from serene with Theo's behavior taking a dangerous turn for the worse we had a issue recently where an EO escaped I noticed serious missing so I am stuck calling his name co-ceo and then I came together and had the waters running so I went upstairs to check sleeves up there we need of these many things he sometimes put his life at risk through stupidity when I came in the bathroom I saw that it was flooded with water and I turned the no test mud on the toilet and the windows open when I realized fear was on the roof I panicked and I was really scared it climbed out the window of the top down onto the conservative Rob Bruce upward slates which were very wet and slippery got grease all over it and he finally gone to the flat bit of roof when he suddenly realized that don't do with it and you could tell he got scared fried and that's when we heard him cry he was cold shivering and and he was a bit shaken up and that's when I had a letter out climb up the loader finders lift bring him down and a my age is not the best thing to be doing PA doesn't realize that he's not Superman and he can get hurt he's going to do for me gimmick this and he is going to be no really heart and self there's never been a better time to start work with a psychologist to see if Thea is ADHD next year okay difficult questions from dr. Nicki pepper what's the relationship between Theon your mum lines I really go they spent most of time together because there gets up quite early in the morn is my mum daughter up so she'll have him in the morning she always did you know you do miss it and when he comes down is actually definitely changed from you walk down stairs perhaps that make you feel I look great because sometimes it makes me show you or they sound like there's like my not being the best one recipe hey can I ask you something CEO do you think that sometimes you could be a really really good boy yeah good boy yeah you are being a very good boy now are you ever not good ever killed tiny baby yeah you do it has given me quite a good comprehensive account if there anything that you can add to it obviously in absolutely brilliant brilliant daughter she was when she was first having to quite young she started with him this is quite a handful this marble appears hard work Pannonia why why mom i watch but my play you can't cry home okay Val do you know how to make your mommy feel happy each Theo has ADHD he'll have it all the time in all situations so Emma's asked to keep a diary of his behavior to see if there's a pattern the more honest you are the better we'll have a chance of working together and being really successfully white we're going to get you back in shropshire honey showing her sweet side come on walking the dog with mom it's like for honey three outdoors she gets kicked up in the house too much because she's not cool he possessed dog in the world and I like walking it because it gives me exercise but honey that just 9 is permanently excluded from school thanks to her horrific meltdowns one minute she'll be all happy bouncy bouncy you'll turn your back for two seconds and boom something happen and shoulders explode and it be over the money Chester things and this afternoon was a real danger of one of these explosions she has an appointment with speech and language therapist Libby Hill who's been asked by dr. Rabi and dr. dawn to Assessor for autism speech and language therapists don't just deal in stuffers and stones Libby's skilled in unpicking waihona finds communication hard I'm looking at her eye contact her body language the way that she interacts with me that's the theory in practice a storm is brewing [Music] Libby's chosen a cozy village Libran for the assessment but all is not quiet in the library I didn't know and is refusing to go into the room but you know it's a strange place she doesn't know what's going to happen so where anxiety levels really high no they crapping easy people could he be the one obstacle to assessing honey's behavior these honey's behavior Pony isn't happy at an autism assessment she's flown into one of her trademark rages honey no no no Stella is left to pick up the pieces again every appointment we have the same thing that is extremely anxious beforehand you acted to do something no I was doing the nine-year-old simply refuses to take part hiding in the corner speech and language therapist living hill was going to assess on his language skills why don't you just look at me now just refusing to come kicking things and travel things it takes 45 minutes to talk her down nothing to worry about honey because I'm not going to ask you to do anything you don't want to do is the promise of bubbles that calms again she's getting relaxed now that's what we needed a [ __ ] let's go inside then we should get soaked so I never mind you know the story of the three of the peaked Libby's using picture cards to encourage honey to tell a story if honey has autism she might find this difficult honey was very relaxed when we started to do the fetal pigs story got mommy pig there that was 12 pictures that depicts the story with little pigs and astok but then I said okay you tell us a story she little pig that's when I felt a wave for fear because she obviously thought that was going to be hard I can help you so which is why I stepped in and that defuse the situation it's time to go in the dream house and let her mouth and be half of a are they all live happily never ever the speed at which honey gets worked up and then the time it takes to bring her back down again clearly exhausting and worrying for all involved but it's actually honey's anxiety when being asked to retell a story which is most telling it Olivia honey is a very very anxious little girl she was actually frightened because she didn't know what was going to happen and she obviously felt out of control of the situation after Golf Club in Surrey Theo's burning some of these endless energy I playing rough and tumble with entretalk [Music] while Emma does the homework set by psychologist dr. Nikki temper a daily diary of Theo's behavior on Saturday Theo told me that he hated me and wanted me mummy on their Sunday and we had Theo told me that he was going to kill me with a knife because he hated me and then he kicked me twice and he punched me and he was who scratched me with Theo's behaviour as bad as ever the next stage of his assessment starts children with ADHD are up to three times more likely to have erratic sleep monitoring Theo's disturbed nights might provide vital clues but Leo's not taking the presence of cameras lying down oh oh well if I came in and he notes the cameras he said he didn't like the noise the noise of Annoying hair [Music] then things take an unexpected turn we know help from granny either I'd walk out the door come back and five minutes later he was asleep I was very shocked and never had that fun dr. Abbey's our sleep expert Marianne Taylor to analyze the footage to find out why for the first time in months Theo suddenly started sleeping so we brought the cameras in and ironically what we're seeing here is that they have helped with Co sleep they provided a bit of white noise in his room which has helped him to sink into a nice deep sleep it may not sound nice to us but constant white noise can send some children like Theo to sleep Theo sleep problem appears to have been inadvertently solved but there's still the question of his rudeness and regular rages meanwhile speech and language therapist living has finally managed to assess honey for autism without raising her anxiety to breaking point oxygen how was Lily coaxed at the happy honey by taking us somewhere she feels calm the special animal therapy center Mama's lastly he saw a different little girl didn't we today cool isn't it it's not long before the other honey returns [Music] anxious stressed and confused ones favorite models she knows that today's the day apparent to be waiting for Libby we'll be reporting back to the doctors dawn and Rabi with her findings and the tensions proving too much for me Stella once again has left a hat in turn but she hopes that today she'll get definitive answers about why honey behaves like this no we've decided that she wouldn't come here today it'd be too much it'd be too much anxiety for it too much strange this because I find it odd today I need answers I need help on to how to control Penny's anxiety how to make life easier for her because she can't carry on like this much longer doctors dawn and Ravel are discussing money with libel and other experts who could unlock all sorts of help farming we're going to axschat about honey nine year old girl who I think we probably all agree is quite challenging she likes very much routines and things done just how she wants them and she doesn't like uncertainty and change and I began to think what are we dealing potentially with a child who could have some evidence of being on the autistic spectrum what did you think Nikki when you saw them on the childhood autism rating scale she scores sufficiently highly to put her in the mild to moderate category honey takes many boxes of autism she struggles to interact with the kids preferring the company of animals she's inflexible and finds new situations frightening in her play she has a lack of social imagination but there are many forms of autism and it might be that honey's is rather rare stop say we're looking at a little girl who basically is very anxious absolutely hitting out swearing shouting one minute and the next minute laughing and appearing as if nothing's happened and the smallest little things can make you anxious so I would put her as fitting the characteristics of a child with pathological demand avoidance I'm I understand with pathological demand avoidance it's what they're doing is trying to keep control basically if there's a situation that arises where they feel out of control someone asking them to do something that they don't understand why or what it is the response is to try and regain control by not doing it and that is because of these underlying autistic type trick are we other stage do you think we should invite mom in another Chad a lot a lot to feed back to month check and get her want to come through and we'll have a talk I'd have to come on and let's go but how will Stella react to hearing that her daughter is such an unusual condition I think let's just jump straight in rapid you want to talk a little bit to what we think so far absolutely now the feeling is with the assessments that we've done actually fits and ticks the boxes for mild autism with a strong elements of pathological demand avoidance okay pathological demand avoidance is a new diagnosis within the autism spectrum just like any child with autism honey struggles with social interaction but with PDA she additionally feels extreme anxiety when faced with even the smallest of demands such as her assessment to Libby in the library reason why we felt it was good to have labels because we don't want people looking at honey when she said one of her meltdowns and just thinking she's some sort of monster naughty child she were you've got an explanation as to why this isn't the end of the road obviously no diagnosis is the beginning of the journey really and I know you've taken a little marketing here is there anything that you'd like to ask any of us now the main thing really is helping on either anxieties there anything we can do now to sort of ease it because I mean she's got such a safe this morning we need to do get on top of that as soon as possible really I think a decision will have to be made around what's best for honey and it may be that being in a mainstream school won't be the right thing to give it may be that going to somewhere with fewer people maybe one to one I think we can actually improve things for honey okay Kelvin is a great extent now knows that after years of uncertainty that honey has a lifelong condition when we gave honey's mother diagnosed if she punched the air with delight and I suspect that's just because for the first time someone that she agreed with what she's thought and she's not had to battle at all well just happened so sort of coming to an end then we can get off she's five years it's been really hard [Music] this is a point from which we can just move forwards this is day one of honey's diagnosis and she has an appointment with the world leaders in pathological demand of audience this is going to be huge honey I think because it's going to be the first time really which we're not being fobbed off it's all her fault honey and her family are going to learn how to keep anxiety causing demands to a minimum demands like being filmed the 20 doesn't want today they're heading to the Elizabeth nuisance Centre in Nottingham named after the psychologist who first coined the term PDA in the nineteen eighties Ruth fiddler and Pat Smith run the center and have been shown our footage of honey's behavior interesting person Bunny's family will get tips on how to see more of the happier I am hello endless of her dark side skill or no pretty one of the really crucial features of having an improved future for children like honey is that the people who support her the people who live with her the people who are trying to educate a really understand her condition Stella and Ben are being taught a non-confrontational way to parent honey where demands are kept to a minimum by using language that makes a demand into a game or blaming another Authority for making a demand honey is that a whale of a time played we've come so far in the last couple of months and we've got so much further to go but we know what we're doing now after years of dead ends u-turns and roundabouts the families finally on the right Road its decision day for Thea GP dr. dawn pediatrician dr. Ravi psychologist dr. Nikki pepper and sleep specialist Marianne Taylor will decide if his behavior is linked to ADHD by the end of this we will have something to go on that means there can have a better relationship co-ceo that's not an idea is it vo and the old school pact where discipline was done from straightaway vo I believe that she's not consistent enough with him and in the waiting room Theo's unleashed his wild song mum Emma struggled to cope with fear yeah he's prone to tantrums hoarsely it can be uncontrollable Emma thinks the six-year-old is ADHD while her mom Theo's nan CC simply lacks discipline oh no she needs to be more firm with him but to definitively diagnose ADHD doctors dawn and Ravi must be convinced these inattentive and hyperactive in all situations so Co the question is its how much do we think this is behavioural or how much is it that he just born this way I think that's a very difficult one to answer to be honest I am talking to you hard out stopping now doctor no dr. Nikki do you want to just tell us what you thought he's having a lot of behavioral issues at home mainly with mum very frequent and the reason I know this is because after the consultation I did ask her to fill out quite a detailed diary there was quite a difference in Theo's behavior with mum compared to his nanny he reacts very very differently when I put them down to sleep then when my mum put some down to sleep and I know nanny was a little bit critical perhaps of hurdle to mums hearing that perhaps her parenting isn't up to scratch that she's not doing a good enough job and so to an extent that can have quite an effect what kind of hearing I think from all of us is that there is definitely a difference in his behavior in different situations I think it's unlikely that he has ADHD possible but I think it's unlikely and I think if we can go gung-ho with a really strong sleep and behavioral program we can go with two forces at the same time that we sound a really good chance they're not going home with an ADHD diagnosis today but our mom take the news get down to get them in okay yes okay I really feel threatened what we're looking at is a mom who is at the end of her tether I see how you and whatever the problem she is in desperate need of some help are you going to don't play dumb why okay hello you've met the whole team before I know you've been concerned specifically about ADHD and we've discussed that yeah we're not in a position to say yes it's ADHD he's clearly got some behavioral characteristics that would fit with it come here don't touch me one okay what's important is what you do about the behavior that he's got and we're going to actually organize for Nikki to undertake a behavioral program with youth and we may well see that by getting those things sorted out as behavior improves going to use some really clear guidelines that sort of step by step this is what you do this is what you don't do and you do it the same every single time the one thing that almost all parents say to me as I've tried everything and that's part of the problems you've tried everything I know that you mentioned feeling not particularly confident about your abilities to parent if you take a message away with you certainly for me it would be you know there is something that you can do there is hope to be had and it's not because you're not a good parent you can do it Emma you can so I guess what we're saying is let's put all this in place and see what we can do in terms of serious behavior thing new you new tune yeah yeah thank you take you back to him thank you very much there's not enough evidence to diagnose Theo with ADHD and the team would like help Emma with her approach to parenting first that was really good we've got a lot of information and you know can't wait to get the plasma place and hopefully we'll stockings on my hand I'll be great dr. Taber strict new regime involves putting Theo in time act when he's naughty so that he gets no attention at all for bad behavior the timeout is and six and a half minutes in a room where I close door and meet Liotta so you get no attention from anybody for that whole six and a half minutes so he understands the boundaries that are between me and and it's behavior so there's certain times where here get a straight timeout and there's certain times where he'd get a warning before you get to it went out [Music] two weeks and several time acting Theo is made his mark and these feelings know when we're in timeout and Co got very upset and quite aggressive so we started throwing toys and hitting the door with anything to find when ta was in another timeout he started shaking the window and I'm caused a crack in the window not being a great start in structure I thought lo incest or eternity lives looking rosier for honey she's now having regular play therapy sessions with an autism specialist it's so good to be listened to finally and at last there's news on a school front we've had some brilliant next week they failed placement for honey and she will be starting in the next two months at school it's basically four classrooms in the middle of a huge 38 is more Holdings where she gets to play with ponies and guinea pigs under an chief as part of her school day thank you is that me don't look similar things are definitely looking up for honey now because people are actually beginning to recognize that this is not our fault this is not her fault it's just going to be much much easier for when she's a specialist school that can cope with it and nice to help her with our anxiety a hundred miles away on the Surrey Golf Course after a bumpy start Emma's firm but fair regime is starting to pay off [Music] it's 7:00 p.m. Theo's bedtime and sleepless nights are being tackled with a new scheme to get him asleep on time the precise regime is backed up with stickers and reward chart what kind of listen would you like okay okay and remembering how wealthy us left when our CCTV cameras were whirring Emma's downloaded a white noise app to soothe him to sleep he's asleep is 7 o'clock and his fastest but it ain't really yeah that's fantastic as well as sleeping better at night Theo is behaving better during the day yeah coz Samantha was a high buy well good boy he knows now that I'm in charge he's not in charge and I will rule the roost hey Nick good boy last time and I think he's starting to realize that he is the child and I'm the mother emma has implemented all the advice to the letter your boy is gray and CEO appears to have got the message good boy can't falter it's nice to be in the house all together now yeah it definitely hasn't lost anything as a change but he's learning you can only go so far my walk it's if you're going to go over that pound Oh keep going there push the boundaries out even if sportsmanship sim proved you're way better than me to assess me still got some spirit way to have a few a few little blips that I'm whistle worked on it and I mean it's much better than a husband and I'm really really happy with the way it's all turned out blows well done yeah okay thanks you
Channel: Real Families
Views: 4,689,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Boy Suffers From Major Anger Tantrums, born naughty, born naughty full episodes, born naughty documentary, Does This Boy Have A Serious Food Phobia Or Fussy Eater?, fussy eater boy, do i have a food phobia, am i a fussy eater, fussy eater or food phobia, parenting advice, boy kicks his mum, autism awareness, autistic spectrum disorder, signs of being autistic, signs of being autistic in toddlers, real families, Child psychology and pedagogy
Id: k3MUF9Wtj_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 9sec (2769 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2017
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