Can We Destroy It? (Game)

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- Today, we get smash-y with it. - [Stevie] Let's talk about that. (theme music) - Good mythical morning. - And please welcome WWE Superstar, six-time Women's Champion, and she and Naomi just won the WWE Women's Tag Team Championship at Wrestlemania, becoming the first Black tag team to win the title. It's the boss, Sasha Banks. - Hey! (audience applauding) - Welcome to the show. - Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. - Wow. You brought it. - I brought her. Isn't she nice? - Wow. - Oh, yeah. - Not too hard. - That thing's heavy. - It is heavy. (audience laughing) - Can I polish it for you later? - Yes, you can. I would appreciate that, yes. - Okay. - Thank you. (audience laughing) - Can I polish it for you after he's done polishing it? (Rhett laughing) - Yes, extra polish, thank you. Extra shiny, I like it nice and bright. - Okay, what is your favorite way to just smash an opponent to the mat? - Ooh. My favorite way has to be my finisher, which is the Bank Statement- - Yes. - Which I do a backstabber, and then I yank 'em back and across face, and I make 'em tap out. - Okay, can you demonstrate this on Link? - Nope. (audience laughing) - Absolutely, I can. - Nope, nope, nope. Nope, nope, nope. You know, all you gotta do is politely ask, and I'll just smash myself. - (laughs) Whoa, careful. - All right, I would like to see that signature move done to other items. - Yeah, okay. Not us though. - All right. - It's time for Smash for Cash with Sasha Banks. - Welcome back to the Smash Hole. - Now we played this game a couple of year ago with your coworker, Becky Lynch. And she won. So no pressure. - Ah, okay, okay. - We're gonna start out with 1,000 smash cash dollars to purchase some smashers. - Mm-hmm. - And the more helpful that the smasher is, the more it's gonna cost. - And of course the goal is to have the most smash cash dollars at the end. And we get those dollars by smashing the stuff that's under this. And the winner in the end gets a power pose with Sasha Banks. - Hey. - You ready to smash something? - I'm ready. - All right. - Let's get it. (upbeat music) - Okay, to figure out who gets the power of choice to pick their item under one of these sheets, we're gonna pull these dollar bills. The longer the dollar bill, the sooner you get to go. And Sasha, you're our guest. So you get to go first here. - Oh, my gosh. - Oh. - I just wanna feel around. I'm nervous. I want the longest one. - I kind of feel like you're cheating a little bit, but I'm- (Sasha screaming) - Whoa! (all laughing) - Oh, like a championship. I love it. - Wow, okay. All right. - You think you can beat me? - No, I don't. I don't think I will. - That was so wrestler of you to turn everything into a belt. - I love this. (all laughing) - All right, I'm shorter than you, so I'ma go next. Or do you wanna go next? - No, go for it, shorty. - Shkoo. (all laughing) - And shkoo. Oh, a little bit longer. - Aw. - Okay, so Sasha, you have the power of choice obviously. - Yep, that is impressive. That is a gazillion dollar bill. - Wow, I'm very impressed myself. - You choose first. - Take that, Becky. - Okay, Sasha, without touching any of these, just by looking- - Okay. - Choose which you would like to smash. - What you thinking here? - I know I'm definitely not gonna go for this bad boy. - It's large. - I think it's way too big. - [Rhett] It may be really about to fall apart though. - [Sasha] Unless it's easy. - Go for the big one, come on. Don't be afraid. - I mean, look at me. (all laughing) But... I'm kind of hoping you're gonna get this one. So I'm gonna stick to where I was standing. - [Rhett] Okay, all right. - And I'm gonna choose this one. - Well I don't get to choose. I'm stuck with whatever Rhett doesn't choose. - Exactly. - I'm going with the big daddy. - Oh, all right. - Oh, okay. All right. - Hoo, hoo, hoo. - All right, son, I'm stuck with this one. Now before we reveal what these are, we need to decide what we're gonna be smashing. We gotta make some purchases. And I get to go first. We're in reverse order. - What we're gonna be smashing with. - [Sasha] Ooh. - What we're smashing with. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What is this? - Okay. We got a big, old boot for $100. Oh, we've got the dark saber. Okay. (Rhett laughing) - Okay. - I've seen you in "The Mandalorian". - Thank you. - [Link] All right, $300 for, what is that, a big thing of chalk? - [Stevie] It's a large salami, guys. - [Rhett] A large salami. - Whoa! - Now I'm good with a sausage, and I wasn't making a joke. (all laughing) - [Rhett] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - [Sasha] I like salami. - I broke an urn with a sausage. - He did, he broke an urn with a sausage. It was pretty incredible. - $250 for a briefcase. - [Sasha] Okay. - [Link] The salami is the most expensive. - [Sasha] It's pretty expensive, yeah. - But I kind of have to choose it because that's becoming my brand now. - [Rhett] You're the salami guy. - I smash things with meat. - You're the salami guy? - Yeah. - Oh, do you? - Should I grab it, yes? - [Sasha] All right. - Oh, my gosh. - Oh. Can I feel it? (bell dinging) Oh, my. (all laughing) - That is... That's like- - Oh, that's... - Oh, and it's wet. - Yeah. - [Link] It's like 20 pounds and wet. - That salami's sweating. - [Sasha] It's too little. - All right. - [Sasha] It's a little slippery. - And now I pick next. - You get the second choice. - I had a little time to think about this. And I really think I'm gonna be able to get a lot of speed with the end of this... Oh, it's pretty light. - If he already touched it, is it his? - [Rhett] But now that I've touched it- - [Link] Yes. - Oh! - [Link] $100. - It's yours. - Now that I touched it, I thought it was gonna be a little bit heavier. But I think I can get some speed. - Sasha Banks, spend your money. - [Sasha] All right. - I mean, the dark saber would be kind of iconic. - I mean, it would be kind of... I feel like I belongs to us. - Okay, you guys just wanna go in this order? - [Link] Sure. - [Sasha] Let's do it. - Just from left to right? - Let's find out what I got to smash. - [Rhett] Oh, ooh, ooh. - [Sasha] Ooh. - It is a Lego Mandalorian helmet. - [Sasha] Wow. - [Rhett] I think a salami's gonna take care of that. - Now can I touch it? Can I feel it? - [Rhett] (laughs) Sure. Yeah, yeah, you can touch it. - [Link] You can touch that. - [Sasha] That's pretty hard. - [Link] Is it hollow? - That's pretty hard. That's pretty solid. (Link making lightsaber sounds) - Now you get 350 bucks if you bust that thing, Link. - Whoa, okay. - 350 bucks, so I only- - In how many tries? - [Link] One. - Every additional try is an additional $100 off. - This thing is still so sweaty. - It is, it's wet. - Sweaty meat. - You need your salami gloves. - You guys, it's wet. - Gotta dry it off. - Oh. - [Rhett] Oh, gosh, come on. - [Link] Oh, it's heavy. - [Rhett] And it's really gotta break, man. It just can't fall over. - It's gonna break, dude. It's gonna break. Ha! - [Sasha] Oh. (Rhett laughing) We're gonna have to... - [Sasha] Oh, you broke the salami. - We're gonna have to go to the judges on this one. - [Stevie] Chase said, "I think that's smashed." So it's smashed! (bell dinging) - It's smashed enough. But that thing is solid, isn't it? - [Sasha] Pity, pity, pity, pity. - [Rhett] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - That thing is solid. - This is not smashed, come on. (all laughing) - [Link] All right, fine, I'll just take- - This is more smashed. - [Rhett] Yeah, right. - Look at this - I'll take 25. I'll take 25 points, $25- (bell dinging) - Okay, Sasha. - [Link] 'Cause it didn't fully smash. - Let's see what you've got here. - It half smashed. - Okay. My hands smell like salami now. (all laughing) - [Rhett] Yeah. - [Link] Yes. - [Rhett] Should have never touched it. - [Sasha] Dun-da-da-da. - [Link] That is- - [Rhett] Ooh. - [Sasha] A candy apple? - [Rhett] A candy apple. This is gonna be- - [Sasha] Oh, my gosh. - Now if you smash this, you get $450. - Wow. - That's gonna be... That's a tough smash. Definitely if you split it, that's a smash. - Ooh, it's on. (Rhett laughing) - Oh, no. - Maybe I might need... - [Rhett] Oh, you got more weight on that side. - Oh, she's gonna do that. - I'm so nervous because my eyesight is not good. (all laughing) Here we go, don't miss. - [All] Oh! - [Sasha] Smash, smash, smash. Look at me. (all applauding) - Dang! - Yes! - Whoa. - Wow. - Yeah. Your eyesight's pretty dang good. (laughs) - It's gone all the way over here. - Hey, Link, that's how you smash it. - That's, yeah- - Now that is how you smash it. - That's a full smash. - [Rhett] Just so you know. Now let's see. - You just earned $250. - Let's see what I've got here. - Ooh. - Whoa. Is that like a Polly Pocket thingy? - (laughs) Oh, gosh. It's a freaking doll house. - It's so cute. - And I got a boot. - Whoa, I don't... - And I've got... I want y'all to understand, this is a light boot. - [Sasha] Can I feel it? - Feel that. That's a light boot. - Oh, no, oh, no. - [Rhett] I thought this was a big- - They lied to you! - I thought this was a big... This thing is made out of some sort of foam. - [Sasha] This is not really a (indistinct) boot, no. - How much can you... Okay, but you can- - I can earn 600. And I get one- - [Link] You invested 100. - And $100 every time I take another swing 'cause I think... I don't know what smashing this thing's gonna involve. But I'm pretty sure that the boot may break. Heads up, guys. - I think you just need to maybe use the force. - You did something where you pointed at it. (all laughing) - I hoped- - You're like... (all laughing) I mean, it worked. Y'all see this doll house? I'm gonna smash it! This one right here. - She also said the magic words, "My eyesight's not good." - [Rhett] My eyesight's not great, yeah. (Sasha laughing) - Ah! (doll house smashing) I got some stairs. - Nope. - He got some stairs. - Nope, nope, nope, nope. - I lost some stairs. - [Link] That's like a loose piece. - [Rhett] Let me tell you right now- - [Sasha] And the porch. - This ain't going down. I can feel- - Wow. - Are you gonna spend another hundred to give it another shot? - [Sasha] I think you have to. - [Rhett] It didn't do anything. - With $900, Rhett, you're already in last place. You can spend another hundred to take another whack at that thing. - I think I'm just gonna go further and further into the hole. The only chance I have of even getting close, I think, is doing well in the next round, stopping now and doing well in the next round. - Yeah, cut your losses, my friend. - I'm just gonna take this dollhouse home for my wife. - Aw. (all laughing) - You're wife's into that, huh? - Yeah, she loves this kind of thing. (upbeat music) Okay, final round to determine the true winner. I mean, I'm the loser right now. - Yeah, choose first. - Yeah, you are. - You mind if I go first? Oh, that's pretty long! - Oh! - Pretty long, all right. - That's pretty long. - That's pretty long. I've seen longer. - I'm in second place. - Ah! - Oh, I'm not a good puller today. - Where's the rest of the money? - There's just one, you gotta- - Why'd you just leave me with the smallest one? (all laughing) It's not fair. - Yeah, I may be mistaken though. Let's just make sure... Oh, yep. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. I can see. I know I didn't say I could see, but now I can. Look, yeah, I see it. - Rhett, you choose first. - All right. (upbeat music) Okay, last time, I chose the tallest thing over there. And it did me wrong. So chances are, that can't happen twice, (laughs) right? I mean, that can't happen twice. - I will say, it looks pointy. - [Rhett] Pointy. - [Link] You like the idea of- - I like pointy. - [Link] Smashing something pointy? - Yeah. - I was definitely not gonna choose that one. - [Rhett] Okay, well I'll choose it. - So I'm glad you chose that. - I'll choose it. - All right. So my choice next, right? - [Both] Mm-hmm. - All right, so this one, they're both pretty low profile. That one, this one's wider. I don't know, you had such good luck in this spot. - I did. - I think I'm gonna slide- - Hey. Okay, okay. - Into this DM. - [Rhett] Okay. - [Sasha] Hey. - And Sasha, you are stuck with that. Now let's see the smashers, which, now, Sasha, you have the power of choice. You get to choose first. - Okay, for... Whoa, what is this black thing, first of all? - [Stevie] It's a potato. - It's a potato in a hose? - Oh, it's a potato? - [Stevie] In a hose. - I don't know if I want this potato or this... This mallet. - Yeah, an actual mallet. - I'm a little scared, if I pick it up, it's gonna be light like that boot. - [Link] Well that's a- - [Rhett] Yeah. - [Link] It's croquet. - I think it might be an official mallet. I don't know. But it looks pretty official from here. - Are you gonna lie to me? I mean, I did win the last one. I could have some money to spend. - [Link] You're ahead by $200. - I think I'll choose... It's a little light, but- - Oh. She has spent $300- (bell dinging) - But it's real wood, right? - On a croquet mallet. - I mean, I can do it. - I think... I think that's gonna do the job. - Okay. - [Rhett] It's just, is it gonna be too expensive? Link, you're up. - [Link] I mean, there's no way you can smash anything with a fly swatter. - [Rhett] But it's got something on it, makes it heavy or something. I don't know. - The tater's gonna be scary... But a lot of fun. - Hey! (Link laughing) (bell dinging) We like fun around here. - Yeah, somebody's gonna get hurt. Look at that, woo. - Whoa. - [Rhett] Okay- - Oh! (Rhett laughing) - [Sasha] Oh, my gosh. - I mean, that is a tater. - How solid is that tater? It hit you right in the chest. - That is a solid tater. - That is a solid tater. - Okay, so my choices are fly swatter that has something on it- - [Link] Thumb tacks! - Thumbs tacks, which again, it might be that there is something poppable underneath that, and that's why they have this. - [Sasha] Do you think so? - I don't know. I didn't have a lot of luck with the $100 item last time. So I'm gonna go with the $250 laptop. - [Link] Ooh. - That's a new one. - (claps) Rhett has chosen the laptop. - And I'll just take this snazzy thing- (bell dinging) - Home if I don't bust anything with it. - All right, hoo, let's reveal. - [Sasha] Okay. - Okay. I'm losing by so much. Probably don't have a chance of winning. So I'll go first. - [Link] What you got? - [Sasha] Oh, my god. - What is that, a fax machine? - That is so sad, I'm so sorry. - I only deal in the best technology. - I feel like, for it to be defined as a smash, something... Something in here has to have visible signs of breakage. Do you agree with that? - Yeah. - You don't have to. That's what we decided. - I mean, I feel like I gotta get... Yeah, heads up, guys. - [Link] Yeah, let's- - Heads up. That's a fax machine right there, y'all. - [Sasha] Yep, old school. - This is a laptop. - I'm gonna stay behind you. - There's a chance that it will just fly out. So anybody right there- - You know what? My career's almost over. You've got a lot of career ahead of you. - I'm gonna hit this thing first and see what happens. So here we go, here we go. - Oh, he's getting- - It's so hard to get. - He's thinking multiple hits. - This is kind of like a first... It's like... Here we go. (electronics smashing) - Oh! - Oh, my goodness! - Whoa! - You all right? - I'm okay. - You all right? - Visible damage. Visible damage. But that's not smash, who are we kidding? Watch out. - Yeah, that's not- - Whoa! - You're not going yet, are you? - [Sasha] He's going in again! - I'm still here. - Okay. - So you're spending another hundred dollars? - Yeah. - [Sasha] You have to. - I'm not bleeding yet. - [Sasha] Are you okay? - Yeah- - [Sasha] Okay. - Not bleeding yet. - Oh! (Rhett laughing) That thing bounced back at you. - Oh, man, it cracked. - That's not smashed. - It probably still works. Let's see. (fax machine beeping) - Oh, you hear that? Fax machine noises. Not added in post. It still works. - Okay, well- - you're out of this, man. - It's only $100- - [Link] Oh. - For another swing. - After that, you're going again? (bell dinging over and over) - [Sasha] Smash, smash, smash. Smash, smash, smash. - [Rhett] They don't make fax machines- - Oh, almost! - Hit it again! - Get it! - You almost got it. - [Sasha] You have no more money though. - Yes, yes, yes! (electronics smashing) Rotate it. - You're poor. - There you go. - You're poor. No! - Yeah! Oh, look what you can get on the inside of a fax machine! Whoa! - Oh! - Look. - You thought your dog was- - It's another belt! - Yes! You're a champion. - I think that stuff's highly toxic. - All right, so you... You're out of this, man. You spent all your money, but you got some glory. - And I have a fax machine and a laptop- - [Sasha] And the laptop is pretty good. - To take home to my wife to put in her doll house. (all laughing) - [Sasha] There's like no damage. - All right, it's down to us, Sasha. - Okay. - Let's see what I've got to smash. - [Sasha] Oh, Mr. Piggy. - Look at that. This thing is just begging to be smashed by a tater. - [Rhett] Dang, with a potato? - [Sasha] With a Mr. Potato? - [Rhett] Hey, this man smashed- - [Sasha] Awesome. - [Rhett] He smashed an urn with a salami. - Watch your eyes- - [Sasha] Oh, my gosh. - And any other... - Yeah, everybody kind of get back here. - This is gonna be... - You can see everybody's going... (all laughing) Invest in some goggles, guys. - [Link] So the thing is- - [Sasha] I hope there's money in there. - It stretches. - Yeah, you gotta get the... You might wanna, yeah, get it... You gotta create the radius, and then let the radius go to work. - I'm creating the radius. (Rhett laughing) (Link grunting) - [Sasha] Anticipation! (all laughing) Oh! - [Rhett] Yeah, well okay. - [Link] It hit way over there. - Okay, so you need to be a little bit more in... You know what? You didn't point at it. - You didn't point at it. - Oh, yeah. - Now that's $100 off Link. - Get that piggy. - [Link] Oh! (all laughing) - [Sasha] Oh, my god. - [Link] That was closer. - [Rhett] Okay, yeah, yeah. - You know what the problem is? (bell dinging) - Yeah, yeah, that's right. Yeah, right, exactly. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're smart. - You gotta move the pig, you gotta move the pig. - There you go. - There's juice coming out of it. - Potato juice. (Link grunting) (all laughing) - Okay, maybe aim... (bell dinging)` Act like the pig... You know what, here. - That's what I'm doing. - Act like... Act like this is the pig. Aim for the phone. (Link grunting) - [Sasha] Oh! (Rhett laughing) (bell dinging) - [Rhett] You knocked him over. - [Sasha] This pig doesn't wanna go. - I've already taken four swings. - Four swings, you're down 400. - So I could still earn $100. There's no way I can win. I betcha Sasha will end up doing the same thing until she breaks it. - I'm ready. I'm just waiting for my turn. (Rhett laughing) (bell dinging) - Hey, if you- - Dang it! - If you actually hit it, it's gonna break. - I'm embarrassing myself in front of Sasha Banks. (all laughing) - The potato is coming out of that sock! - Whoa, whoa. - [Sasha] Ah! - Whoa, whoa! - Ah! (all laughing) (bell dinging) - Okay- - Ah! - Hey! (bell dinging) We've got mashed taters. - [Link] What happened to my tater? - [Rhett] We've got mashed taters. - Oh, boy. - You wanna break it with the phone from the fax machine? - [Link] This is so... (phone banging) - That was a little embarrassing, my friend. - It's impenetrable. (all laughing) - It's unbreakable. All right, see what you got there, man. I hate you. - All right. Last by not least. What? - [Rhett] Oh, you have... That's a whole bag of- - [Sasha] What is that? - [Rhett] What do you call those? - Orbeez. - Orbeez! - [Sasha] What are Orbeez? - Hey, you do not wanna get that in your ear. (all laughing) - [Sasha] Oh, they're liquid-y, they're gooey. - [Link] You never played with Orbeez? - No. Does anybody have a cape? - It is gonna smush everywhere. - Watch. - Ah, yes. - I know I'm going to win. Look at this cute outfit. - [Link] You wanna be draped in a- - [Rhett] You gotta think about everything. (all laughing) Do you need somebody to- - That's gonna impede... Do you want us to hold it like- - Here, what if on each side like this? Here. (all laughing) - Yeah. - Yeah. This is it. Yeah, your outfit's gonna be great. Your outfit's gonna be totally fine. - You ready for this? (mallet banging) (all yelling) - Okay, wasn't too bad. Wasn't too bad. - You know what? Hit it again for good measure. (bell dinging) You got it. - Yeah, you've already busted it, but... Oh, oh, oh, oh! - Yes, yes, yes! - Oh, how many points was that? - We've got Orbeez all over the place. - All right, you've definitely won. - [Rhett] Okay, but there was a bust all the way through on the very beginning one. Okay, let's... - It's kind of like- - The crew loves that. - Yeah. - That was a little chaotic, but I think we can safely say that the winner of the edition of whatever we call this... Smash and Grab? What do we call it? (bell dinging) The winner is Sasha Banks! - Yay! (all cheering) Thank you. - So you won an epic pose with yourself. - Yeah. - That's- - So... (chime sounding) - Did you hear my hip crack? There we go. (all laughing) That's (indistinct). - Are we not even in it? - Yeah, we're just- - No, you need to get out. This is my pose. - We're back here. - And then are you gonna make little other Sashas next to me? - (laughs) Yeah, replace us with more Sashas please. All right, thank you, Sasha. (audience clapping) And check out Sasha in action on WWE Smackdown on Fox live every Friday. And don't miss her at WWE's premium live event, Wrestlemania Backlash, over on Peacock on May 8th. And of course in "The Mandalorian" on Disney+. - That was fun. Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - Now you say, "You know what time it is." - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Chris Sugar from Maryland. And I just woke up from a crazy dream that me, Rhett, and Link were all smashing up all my Legos in my bedroom. And now it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - (chuckles) We- - It wasn't a dream. It wasn't a dream. - We need more of those. - If you wake up from a dream about us, please make a wheel video. Okay, click the top link to watch us talk about your crushing heartbreak stories in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. To get the Rhett & Link Sing Brooks & Dunn vinyl, join Third Degree Monthly by April 30th or Third Degree Quarterly or Annual by June 30th. for details.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 949,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: lYQYxV2Lbfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 58sec (1258 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 26 2022
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