Can the WORST SPELL Beat Baldur's Gate 3? | Act 1

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in this video I'm not going to take any action in combat unless my character is concentrating on the worst spell if you ask a balers gate player what the worst spell in the game is you'll get a couple of honorable mentions but the correct answer is true strike why is true strike so bad well you're using your action to give yourself a better chance to land and attack but you could literally just attack instead and then also attack next turn and you'd have the same chances of Landing a hit in both scenarios you end up rolling two d20s at least in the second scenario you might land and two hits instead of just one but here's the really painful part true strike is a concentration spell which means if you take damage before your next turn there's a chance your concentration is broken and the spell ends without providing any benefit whatsoever I like playing games in ridiculous ways so I'm going to try to beat act one and balers gate three while always concentrating on true strike the rules are extremely simple while in combat I can't do anything unless my character is concentrating on true strike I can't move I can't take actions I can't use bonus actions I can't use reactions such as opportunity attacks nothing unless I'm concentrating on true strike okay let me be real with you for a sec I didn't realize how hard this was going to be and this challenge led to way more game over screens than anything I've tried so far I decided to play as dark urge because I want the special Cape they get otherwise there are zero dark Ur spoilers in this video I picked blue dragon born and I chose Bard as my starting class because they are one of the classes that can start with true strike the game over started immediately after the pro I hit Level Two And multiclass as a tempest cleric because they can use their reaction to strike back at attackers with lightning or thunder I grabbed Shadow heart and we headed over to fight some intellect of hours easy right I made sure all my reactions are set to ask me before going off so that if I'm not concentrating on true strike I can skip them Shadow heart does not know the true strike spell so she can't do anything on her turn she's literally just a Target dummy for these intellect devourers but better her than me I actually got pretty close to beating this encounter on my first try I took down the second intellect devour but the third one hit me with its claws and that's game over so I gave it another try I got a really good Thunder Wave on the intellect of hours but they took me down again on my third try using a combination of Thunder Wave reaction attacks the sanctuary spell to avoid taking damage while I cast true strike and my dragon born lightning breath I finally cleared the fight please don't lose concentration oh thank goodness okay I can use my reaction and oh okay awesome I finally beat the first fight of the game I'm so screwed with this challenge I desperately need some party members that can cast true strike but none of the available characters know it so I need to go find Withers as soon as possible because Withers will let me respect my character builds I have three party members but they're all just going to have to stand there every fight so I use true strike and a speed potion so I can get an extra action to try and fight this single opponent and just so you know this is my third attempt because the first two tries he ran away opened the door and all of his friends came in and killed me I hit him with my lightning breath and got lucky enough to land a Critical Strike with a ranged attack he opened up the door to try and get his friends to come in but he didn't have any movement left to like run in there so as quickly as I could I clicked and turn on my party members used true strike on him with my first action and attacked with my second to kill him before the patrolling guards saw what was happening this is crazy I'm terrified of single opponents but once I have a party that can all cast true strike it'll get easier right once the guard was at the end of her patrol route I snuck up and used true strike a very powerful combat opener but it did leave my opponent surprised which gave me a chance to get some extra attacks in I'm dual wielding a torch in my offhand now so when I attack I swing twice which is really good so I can at least make the most of my turn but when my enemy ran away I wasn't concentrating on true strike so I'm not allowed to use an opportunity attack unfortunately I couldn't think of any way to use just my character to take this person out without using my last potion of speed which I didn't want to do but I managed to cast grease with gaale without getting into combat and that allowed me to drop a torch on the ground lighting the grease on fire blowing up the oil barrel and taking out this again singular enemy that is causing me so much trouble I am so close to level three but I just do not want to try to fight the four of these enemies I I don't think I could do it without explosives like at all I I have no idea how I would accomplish that without explosives so I headed off exploring looking for some experience and managed to find it bringing my party members up to level three I gave shadowart spiritual weapon so she can cast it before the fight starts and I'll have a little bit of extra help there Gail and will both can now summon familiars which will also be able to help me a little bit and this is the last fight that I need to do before I get Withers I looted all the skeletons weapons before starting the fight and the extra help from summons was enough to make this fight go smoothly so now I can use Withers to Respec characters and recruit hirelings I went ahead and recruited BR C and Kur and our first expedition is going to be doing some null hunting because I want to brew as many potions of speed as possible and for that I need hyena ears I decided to try a couple different builds for this video and one of them is circle of spores Druid but unfortunately my druid kurs doesn't learn true strike naturally and I'm going to have to wait until level four to get it so for now he's just a meat shield and I'm going to use him to lure everybody out of position so my party can take The High Ground my plan worked perfectly all of the n's charged curs giving me a chance to group up the rest of my party on the cliff side CNA is an eldrich Knight fighter so I had her cast true strike and then use action surge so she can throw our only potion of speed at the ground this lets me give the potion to multiple characters instead of just one since we all have an extra action to use we can use the first one to cast true strike and the second to actually make an attack and start dealing damage potion of speed lasts three turns and then I'll lose a full turn when it's done because my characters will be lethargic so I need to have this fight completely under control before this potion wears off I was able to summon two spider familiars with my party so between them and kurs I've definitely bought myself about three turns of attacking the spiders didn't last long but they did do their job Brena is a mix of Ranger and Rogue so she used hail of thorns to do a ton of damage to the grouped up nles CNA is throwing javelins and as an eldrich Knight thrown weapons automatically return to her hands after the attack Kur got really lucky and dodged multiple attacks which helped him hold out even longer than expected since Brena is partially a rogue she can deal sneak attack damage when she attacks with advantage or if she's attacking an enemy that's next to one of her allies and with the extra damage she was able to finish off a null which leaves just two more but my potion of speed is now wearing off so while the rest of my party were sleeping off the side effects of the speed potion Kur was getting absolutely butchered by the remaining nles they stuck around long enough to completely finish him off all the way dead on the ground but at least that bought enough time for me to start attacking again now this fight looks like it's in pretty good shape right wrong [Music] [Music] oh oh I hope this does enough damage nope I'm screwed I'm dead eventually I decided my best bet was to just jump off the cliff and hope for the best and thankfully the null went and finished off Brena before turning its attention over to me that gave me time to use true strike again so that I can you know move and and use actions I tried to hide underneath the cliff and it didn't work but I succeeded on all three concentration saving throws to keep true strike so I was able to use magic Missile to win the fight but damn this is way harder than I was expecting it to be hopefully when I reach level four that'll make a big difference that was an incredible fight opening and it just went so poorly despite that I have one more batch of nles that I need to take out but they're not as difficult as the one I just took on so hopefully it won't be too tricky I'm so screwed right now I my party members are down I just missed that shot I'm going to quick save because I haven't saved the game since the last null fight and I I don't want to have to go back I should have saved before this one but here we are oh this multi-attack is the concentration is broken I'm I'm so screwed I don't I'm so screwed right like I can use true strike and I guess off use my hand crossbow apparently anytime I try to fight NES I have to jump off a cliff if I want any chance at winning all right here he comes finish me off just go for a sneak attack and hope for the best no this is not good yeah yeah that checks out that checks out all right well we're safe scumming cuz all I have is the one quick save I haven't saved for 50 minutes and I refuse to go back we make our way over more Ching [Music] you to say that I love [Music] you oh my gosh finally I might be [ __ ] on this one I guess I guess I can say [ __ ] since I might never make the video so it doesn't matter if it gets monetized or not I'm [ __ ] okay so I'm obviously taking Tavern brawler for sin's throwing build I had Kur grab magic initiate wizard so he can cast true strike and shield Brena just picked up level two of Rogue and my character just picked up level three of cleric and I headed off to fight the pH spider matriarch I just had CNA jump past everything to get the Waypoint in the back and fast traveled the rest of my party in and we're going to try and just drop the face fider as quickly as possible I guess luckily casting true strike on it made it surprised so I was able to go for the web and knock it Throne do a bunch of damage so off to a good start my cleric now can cast spiritual weapons so that's going to give a little bit more consistent damage every turn and my druid actually gets to literally do anything now and my druid has Halo of spores which is an ability that can be cast as a reaction so after using true strike I can still attempt to deal a little bit of damage except I kind of feel like every enemy throughout the entire course of the game just saves against it and it it never did damage it definitely hit sometimes it just never felt like it did Druid might be a mistake but I'm I'm going to stick with it I'm going to stick with all of my original plans for all of Act One The Shield spell was really handy for me to help protect my fighter as well as maintain concentration on true strike by just not getting hit as much and I was able to use my breath attack as a dragon born to take out most of the little spiders that the spider matriarch summoned I did take a couple big hits during the fight but all things considered it went pretty well and I was able to take down the face spider matriarch I jumped down into the underdark and immediately headed off to save Biber bang bber bang I love the way he says Biber bang that's his name for me I went to this first because the quest reward is some gloves that increase throwing Dam damage which is going to be really great for my eldrich knight to have Gail started asking me for magic items so I decided he needs to earn it and I gave him a job I respect him as a transmutation wizard with high wisdom and high medicine proficiency what this does for me is it makes it so that every time he Brews a potion he does a medicine check and if he succeeds he Brews two potions instead so he's pretty much able to succeed all the time at it so I was able to brew 14 potions of speed instead of seven it's time for me to take down the the goblin camp and I'm starting to get more strategic with my fight openers by putting the game into turn-based mode I can have my party members all cast true strike on neutral enemies so they're ready for a strong first turn unfortunately the Goblins counterattacked my new strategy with a dialogue that wasted all of my time so K and sinna stopped concentrating but I'm getting closer to improving my openers by now most people know throwing weapons are strong as [ __ ] and it's a great reason to take The High Ground for this fight my cleric is using strength elixir to deal more damage and have a higher chance to hit with melee attacks and I actually landed some damage with Halo of spores but this is where things started to go wrong because Brena lost concentration on true strike and my druid yeah they're done for two can play it that game [Music] though then then because this game is awesome I convinced some spiders to try eating goblins and they helped me clear the rest of the camp I really need to defeat the hag because this challenge is insanely hard and I need the stat boost she gives but there's no way I can fight fairly and come out on top so I'm going to create a battlefield that I can't lose on the hag is primarily a spellcaster so I headed into the underd dark and grabbed some suser blooms they prevent spell casting in a small area so I set them up to prevent casting at a choke point then I used my cat find familiar to attack an alchemist fire where the hag is standing so she won't be invisible anymore I engaged combat with my druid and honestly expected them to die getting this fight started but was pleasantly surprised when he pulled through I retreated towards my party and had them cast true strike on each other to enter the fight Halo of spores failed the classic but magic Missile took out the hag's clones and when the real hag ran into the room I attacked with everything I had while keeping her in the silence field and took her down to claim my reward I picked dexterity and gave it to Brena because she's my most consistent damage dealer I also grabbed the wand to summon zombie Connor so my spores Druid can use it okay so I'm just at the point now where I cast true strike on my own party members before starting a fight so they can get a solid first turn in and and i' like to like actually create builds that use true strike and make it shine but I don't have the character levels or items yet so the suffering portion of this challenge is still in full effect that said I did manage to have some pretty Peak balers gate combat strategy moments every once in a while and when my true strike got counter spelled I received a bleak glimpse into the misery Al face in Acts 2 and three my party reached level five just before fighting the Grim Forge guardian and my cleric took the war Caster feat so they can hold concentration on true strike better when taking damage my druid received the animate dead spell so I can start getting a zombie or skeleton helper in the fight my fighter can now attack twice per turn and my rogue received an extra bonus action they can use for hand crossbow attacks confident in all of my new builds I headed off to fight grim and I got totally butchered but it was mostly due to poor positioning I gave it another try and started Strong by dropping the hammer on him then I took out the lava methods with my Rogan fighter from above before dropping the hammer a second time on grip I finished him off with some big damage coming from my eldrich Fighter's throwing build and solid DPS from my rogue all that's left now is to conquer the gith Yankee Patrol and crash the patrol wasn't very difficult because I had high ground and used my druid as bait he's pretty durable and can use the shield spell a few times so he didn't even get down during the fight dark urge things happened and gave me the death stalker mantle which turns me invisible after getting a kill I gave it to Brena and headed towards the gith yane crash clearing the crash is essential for this challenge run because there's a bunch of loot that's going to massively increase the power my characters gain from casting true strike the first power boost requires me to succeed a bunch of difficult saving throws which is actually easy because I grabbed the Bliss spores bonus from the mikid village I have plus one from my shield and I used an elixir of heroism to get another 1 D4 I passed every roll without even using any inspiration and then promptly failed my performance check to avoid suspicion which I thought was funny so I didn't use an inspiration on it and it led to an ambush waiting for me right outside the door I moved a nautiloid tank from the room into position to explode my hackers and thought I'd drop the fire from above because i' I've seen these explode before but it didn't spread how I was expecting it to it was a huge fail I fixed my mistake with a scorching Ray and now I get to try out the reason I came here the machine my cleric used allows me to use a lith Powers as a bonus action so on any turn I cast true strike I can also then use the power concentrated blast which can only be used if my character is concentrating on a spell and it deals a guaranteed 3d6 psychic d damage so now my cleric has a way to turn bonus actions into damage and while I have all my bonuses to saving throws I passed some checks so I could read the necromancy of the book maybe that'll be important later it's time for the final battle of act one I've spent the entire act prepping for this fight and I'm ready for it my druid summoned a skeleton archer and will summon Connor just before the fight starts I threw a potion of speed at my grouped party who are already concentrating on true strike so they're ready to deal damage my rogue can dish out three attacks per turn and each one packs a punch it's [ __ ] useless my skeleton archer is a very welcome Ally to the fight and my eldrich knight can butcher most enemies in a single turn I took out all the weaker enemies before my potion of speed ran out and turned my attention towards the boss and this dude's pretty hard to hit even with Advantage my rogue with 20 dexterity only has a 75% chance to hit but that doesn't matter because my rogue got dropped and even if I help her up she won't have an action available to cast true strike so all she can do is end turn and hope she survives until next round using the advantage I have from True strike I landed a big thunderous Smite and my eldrich fighter finished the battle the whole party hit level six which gives my druid the ability to summon fungal zombies my fighter hit 20 strength and my rogue can get Sharpshooter which lowers my chance to hit but massively increases damage I also got a bunch of really really good items to enhance my builds and also gain some Synergy with true strike itself but that's it for this video let me know if you want to see me continue this into Act 2 and three I wasn't sure if this was just like too tedious of a thing or if people would enjoy the general suffering but I had fun trying to make it work so if you enjoyed watching it I would love to continue this run
Channel: Fracture
Views: 129,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3, Baldur's Gate 3 Act 1, Baldur's Gate 3 challenge run, Baldur's Gate 3 True Strike
Id: 8p2Z5RTYjsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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