Can the set of a Bible show be fun?

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she exits and then she takes it step into here looking underneath and then she wants it okay our keys okay I see yes what you doing there sounds like an icky shot Dallas is gonna hate ya we're very close to wrapping on episodes five through eight so I thought I would do kind of a look back on the last couple weeks so that you can see how we finish things up right now I'm going to take you on a walk down the stairs that I take probably 25 30 times a day [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah basically we just got to make sure that we have lockups I'm trying to walk up this hill towards Kettering pavilion in so I wonder if you just take my place on set floor make sure this basically a lock-up we're wrong for taking our sound equipment so sensitive that we got to make sure that you know everything around us within the relative you know even a good distance is a pretty sound soundproof as much as possible which can be a little bit difficult cuz everybody's got a job to do and you know so you know we try to keep respectful of a very pretty job in position at the same time we're just telling people to shut up basically as nice as possible so it's good I can't take that yeah tape take some work for shirt so yep lock it up roll down that'll see and act yeah what it is remarkable the amount of effort that goes into keeping the Sun off of the scenes who are not battling shadows and everything so we've got just this really tight little area and there is only about a swath of six inches for them to get on and off set right now and and she plays even the wife of Simon kind of a bittersweet day for you today right it is I'm so happy like you know to be here as always but sad because it is my last day I feel like I just got to Capernaum so tell us about your scene today so my team today I got to be in the winepress freshen grapes with my feet felt amazing I got a nice exfoliation on them I highly recommend everyone get a nice sized grape crusher and get in there is talking with Dallas the other night and he said you know I'm such a good director I feel like I need to handicap myself a little bit so instead of looking through two eyes he decided to cut himself down by one eye just so he's more on line with other directors well and with the rest of you that's how I kind of come down to your level just general awareness of life you know just another sign of your humility as I've said I am the most humble guy but I know right right and this helps appreciate that to make it look like I'm not just covering a you ever noticed those big sweeping camera motions where it's almost like the cameras floating in the air that's usually done by a jib or a crane and we're actually building dolly track this morning that's going to have a big gym arm on a dolly we're going to show you how that's done yeah truth stick has to be right they have to be perfectly about this yeah that's not a nice smooth track so you're not wobbling this new study off-kilter right so when you set it down on the ground um yeah bad yeah [Music] today we are planning and doing this a wonderful hopefully jib shot and that will introduce the stonemason episode six seven wins the shot we've been waiting for for a couple weeks because we get to see we got special effects visual effects that's gonna create a whole city it's all one big move he actually gets to do something today finally you're working for them another involved dialogue his kryptonite is his kryptonite his dialogue what what do you call those scenes Park and bark scenes we've had many of those this time around so it's a nice change of pace this morning he doesn't like to talk much in real life much less watch it on screen his first shot of the day is like my kids to get to him will give them energy throughout the rest of them yeah Dave 24 you finally give them a gift okay in one of our videos from episodes one through four Dallas brought up a phrase that he learned watching a director's commentary of an animated movie when the director said we sand the undersides of the drawers meaning that you're not necessarily going to see it but you know that it's going to be there and so you want to take care of it and also help the drawers slide better but those of you that have been following along with us for a while now know that we are trying we're actually raising the bar hoping for something great no good you probably want to squash me right about now or at least artichoke me one of the cool things I get to do is actually see animals that I don't normally see oh wait no you're not the animal no but here is below everybody's got a water buffalo hey as a Minnesota guy I always am interested in what it sounds like when doves cry they seriously just got quiet the moment I got over here hello not gonna lie they're just like my kids loud loud loud until I want them to say something and then they shut down Janelle and I are on the same page because I pronounce your last name happen right he said that that was okay yeah yeah well we went to a benefit for care nets is actually was April of 2018 and my husband thought oh this would be cool to be an extra on a TV set the chosen so we bid on that and we want and so we just it took us a while to get down here but we made it and we're really enjoying ourselves and has it been cool to be honest it has we've learned a lot as far as just how all this works it's a lot more than what you see on the camera so it's really fun it takes a long long time to do just a little bit exactly exactly like hurry up and wait the directors actually we're gonna go buy some oranges I'm gonna check out the watermelon three stabbington pretty anyway anytime I understand without Jenny its but there could be I'm just trying to be authentic right behind me is where the market place was in episodes 1 through 4 but you can see that they are constructing three walls around it because we're gonna reuse this space for something else we have a whole week dedicated to basically a whole episode the whole episode is wedding so there's a lot going on lots of people lots of stuff so today is kind of gearing up and then the next week's all dedicated to next week's debt they get to full wedding so next week is you know that's most are getting crazy we've got all the background everybody it's full wedding ceremony [Music] [Music] [Music] we am gay 33 hours away from rabbit we're still partying away [Applause] I get to be the DJ the DJ the most Jewish thing I've ever been to in my life from that cue and playback one two three four five [Applause] [Applause] who says Bible shows [Music] [Applause] just because Overlander keep stalking me my popularity just grow dramatically in the last few days so I had to ask you to follow me back I've been following you for six months I had no idea [Music]
Channel: The Chosen
Views: 72,793
Rating: 4.9789677 out of 5
Keywords: bible show, bible tv, bible study, the chosen, the chosen tv series, television show, bingeJesus, jesus, jesus christ, church, sunday school, period piece, behind the scenes, bts, fun with justen, puns, od yishima, jewish dance party, jib, dolly, on set, set life, actors life
Id: IbpejbRW--M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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