Matthew the tax collector - the complexities of the character

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I've dealt with what it feels like to be an outcast I'm parts Patel and I play Matthew on the chosen right here that's one of my main feelings with Matthews that I just think he's really misunderstood everyone hates him he's a tax collector you know and there was a traitor but what I love about this show is that we're exploring what his inner turmoil is and why he is the way he is and what his circumstance met what the environment has turned him into and so in that I really just learn to take a step back and not judge people because I think we can all make that mistake by judging someone really quick Matthew when you're not behind iron bars quite handsome Matthew he's always just processing things he doesn't quite get it he has for me he has two emotions either extreme anger extreme sadness there's no middle ground so that's hard to keep it contained and just show and that's why you know I like to just show things through my eyes and thoughts and where you can know what he's thinking and then you know when he doesn't know how to handle the energy he's feeling with these emotions he uses his hands because what how else can you get that energy out it's mostly from just research I've done based on you know people observed who are on the spectrum and just kind of identifying just the isolation opening up that that world oh you know what it's like living with autism and on the spectrum because they're you know people think I'm scared if I just because I'm not close to like people like present strong presence kind of thing but I do feel brave like I do counter denied to once something spins in my mind about what's right and you know my job for the thing it's that's what I'm seeing yeah I've dealt with what it feels like to be an outcast or feel like an outcast or just kind of feel like you don't fit in so that's something that is painful to deal with and that's what I use to kind of connect with my character because I think many people can relate to that and going through that and it's important for me to show people that were not alone we all go through the same things because you don't know who needs to hear that or who needs to see that and just you know kind of resonate with something like that and see see how the character deals with their or how the outcome is and I want the audience to come out leaving seeing a deeper layer - Matthew do you think that thing possible things can happen and just connecting more with him because he's a human were were onions we were layers you have to peel through those layers to get to the core everything I thought they knew but if it's wrong of course you're seeing a piece of Paris in Matthew with multiple pieces one of them the fact that I'm very OCD I always have like a list of things I need to get done I always like clean areas I have to take a shower before I get in my bed nope it's a thing it can be 4 a.m. in the morning but I have to shower before I get my bed he is me this is my character this I'm so connected to him that I just think my few thoughts to get into that world of thinking I'm just so grateful and I feel like I've been gifted to get this kind of role and the magnitude that it is and the reach that it has and the potential reach and it will have [Music] I think coming into the show I didn't I was blessed to have this role but I didn't know it was more of why me kind of thing now I can confidently say that this role was meant for me and it like fit like a glove and I just want to keep doing justice to that and justice of the text writing they don't believe what I saw I do I need to know it might deceived my heart is full you have a lot on your shoulders and just to get affirmation from from supporters and investors the fans I've been reading the messages I mean seeing all the comments and it's just really touched my heart because I've worked really hard on this character and so to see that people are resonating with what's going on it it means a lot to me I couldn't ask for anything more and you know you made me feel like I'm a million feet tall [Music] hey it's Dallas and creator of the chosen and if you liked what you just saw and you want to see the episodes of the first ever multi season show about the life of Christ you can do so right now for free yes if you get the chosen app you can watch these episodes for free right now you're going to go to the chosen TV or the Apple Store or Google Play download the app and you can watch immediately episodes one through four hope you enjoy it and thanks so much
Channel: The Chosen
Views: 615,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the chosen, the chosen tv series, bingeJesus, matthew, gosepl, gospel, Bible Study, biblical, Bible, Jesus, tax collector, actor, interview, behind the scenes, bts, actorslife
Id: -veXCXOzPE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 44sec (284 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 24 2019
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