The Chosen Global Livestream: Episode Eight

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oh it's bittersweet isn't it it's on one hand it's Palm Sunday this is the beginning of an amazing week and on the other hand it's Palm Sunday which means it's the end of an amazing week this week has been incredible is the only way to say it it's exceeded my expectations our team is is we can barely keep up with what has happened over the last couple days especially and you have been such a huge part of it we have broken our own records we are and here's the cool thing a lot of times when I'm giving you announcements first of all let me just stop it for a second welcome especially if you're new if this is your first night or day with us whenever you're watching welcome to the chosen I have a lot of things to tell you about a lot of insights to give you a lot of background to give after the episode ways that we're going to take this show to the world we're going to continue to make it grow so I have all of that planned in store for you tonight especially I know you're excited about hearing from Jonathan Rumi who will be coming on after episode 8 this is the season finale so if you have not seen any episodes of The Chosen until tonight you might want to actually pause catch up watch episodes 1 through 7 and then you can watch this live stream or if you just want to watch episode 8 and then work your way backwards that's fine too that's up to you I'm not I'm not I'm not gonna hate but I would encourage you to try to watch the whole season but if you are new stick with us we got a lot of really cool things to tell you about a lot of cool things to offer you but if you're a regular if you've been here all week or if you've been here a few times thank you this week has been unbelievable and I'm going to talk to just you for just a moment here the momentum we are getting is crazy and a lot of times when I'm sharing with you like we've just broken a record or we're rising in a you know in our impact it's often times just referring to ourselves meaning we're doing better this week than we did last week but now as of last night and today we are actually showing up on national or international lists for exam the app is now ranked in the top 25 entertainment apps in the world we actually got to 21 I don't know if we're there at this very moment we've been kind of going between 21 22 2023 but check out some of these apps that we are ranked with this is international we have been seeing a growth on this app in the last couple days that is unprecedented for us but think about the fact that a show about Jesus and that's all the app really is it's a show about Jesus plus some behind the scenes stuff is in the top 25 ranked apps on iTunes or on the App Store in the world and that is extraordinary and that's because you have been spreading the word and a lot of you have been trying to spread the word for a long time and maybe you've been frustrated because it hasn't been working or maybe because it's taken time for people to get used to different as we like to say and recognize that they're gonna watch a show on an app that doesn't make sense we're used to watching shows on these big streaming platforms a show that has its own app that's different that's new isaiah 43:19 behold i am doing a new thing we are doing a new thing and it takes time for people to sometimes catch up and now they are starting to catch up to the to the tune of a top 25 ranking an entertainment in the world and so your efforts are paying off it might have felt like it was moving slowly but now we're reaching that tipping point and it is coming fast and furious we are also last night's live stream is trending on YouTube I actually took a picture of it of my screen when we were at number 28 we actually went up a little bit I don't know exactly where we are right now but last night's episode episode 7 my personal favorite episode was trending on YouTube now you know I'm not I'm not an expert on YouTube but I know that that's significant and I know that when you look at that mean what that means is is that our video from last night is getting a huge not only a big audience but like a good type of audience a diverse audience they also recognize audiences from around the world and so when there are multiple different types of people multiple groups all watching the same thing even if it's not at the same time but they can tell that people are commenting people are liking people are sharing and they're coming from everywhere they're not just a specific unique group then that's when you start to trend and we are trending on YouTube that's great so if you are on YouTube with us right now like this video that you're watching click that notification bell that's under the video click the subscribe button comment all of those things make a difference they all alert YouTube that and YouTube goes whoa this video is being watched by lots of people we need to get it out to even more we want our customers to be happy clearly they're happy with this video let's get out there so what you are doing matters all those times that I'm spending on these live streams or I'm telling you little things you can be doing to help it matters and it is making a difference and when it starts to show up on these lists then people start seeing it even if they haven't heard much about it or maybe they've heard something about it but ignored it now they're seeing it on a list and they're going this is one of the top 25 apps maybe this is worth it maybe this is easy and be cut is free because all eight episodes are free because the gospel is free season one is being made available around the world and people are discovering it and they're seeing that there's no hurdles no fees no questions asked no demands just enjoy these eight episodes and if you enjoy them if you love them then of course you can pay it forward and that is the myth that is the means that we have been using to generate financing for not only this coming season but eight seasons we've said this before when you pay it forward for season two you are also paying it forward for season eight because this is the long term engine yesterday and today have been our biggest pay it forward days we've ever had and there's not it's it's it's not even close we had one day that was big a few months ago but that wasn't even just that wasn't even pay it forwards that was other things mixed in paid forwards alone have been breaking records and this movement that is being started from people who love the show and then want to share it with others it's extraordinary and so because this is our last night together for a while this is our last night in this live community after an 8 night global livestream event that you have been part of that's why I'm telling you a few of these things because this is the last time I'm going to be sharing this with you for a little while so stick with me for now we're starting the episode 8 the season finale in just a minute but afterwards I've got some marching orders for you I've got some stats for you some great news about the last two days are gonna get us closer to season two faster so I've got what else do I have for you I've got Jonathan roomie Jonna through me who plays Jesus as I mentioned I know you're excited he's coming up at the end of the episode we're gonna talk to him about this whole experience about what's coming up in future seasons about what it's been like for him especially playing this part of the greatest man who ever lived and how he feels about that whether he feels like he's even up to the task spoiler alert the answer is no but how God has been equipping us as we do this even though we don't always feel like we're up for the task so you're gonna want to hear that and I've also got a really cool video to show you that's gonna give you a glimpse of what it's going to look like when your efforts with ours when our loads and fishes come together and God chooses to feed the 5,000 with them we're gonna give you a glimpse of what that looks like and it's really gonna it's gonna be awesome and I can't wait for you to see that now one quick thing make sure that while you're watching tonight this is your last chance to do this you are doing hashtag chosen global live hashtag chosen global live while you are watching you can do that and then when you post a picture of yourself watching we just might show well actually after tonight we won't be showing it anymore but we might be because we will be having a live stream but we might be showing these on our social media so we've got some of you who've been put putting up some great pictures on your social media and putting up hashtag chosen global live when you put up Josh tag chosen global live and along with your picture then that notifies us it notifies other people of what you're doing and then we might just put those pictures up during the live streams so stay tuned for that we might be doing that after the episode as well so if you are new and if you do want to catch up on the previous episodes how do you do that you might not want to watch it on YouTube the quality on YouTube and Facebook isn't necessarily the best for watching a television show so you'll want to get the app so the app is at the Chosin dot TV slash app the one that i already told you about that's that's where you're going to get it or you can just look up the Chosin wherever you get your apps whether you got the App Store or Google Play download it to your phone it's free and easy and then here's the thing here's what makes this so unprecedented you don't have to just watch it on your phone that angel created a technology that allows you to connect directly to your streaming device Apple TV firestick chromecast Roku you can use an HDMI cord whatever it is you can connect to your TV and watch it on the big screen no subscription fees no excuse me no costs no delays anything like that so that's really a great opportunity for you to watch the show or get the DVDs if you've got a grandmother who doesn't like technology and doesn't have a smartphone and just likes old school DVDs you can get those at the chosen dad TV slash store the chosen that TV slash store and we've also got these big bulk discounts where if you buy a few that you can give away in your neighborhood you get a huge discount like because we're trying to encourage gift-giving and the final thing I'll say before I get right into the episode look what I'm wearing my comfy comfy chosen zip up look at that even the iconic 13 fish going in the opposite direction against the current we've you also got this discolor which I really love that's not the chosen merch calm 25% off the zip pups tonight that's our special for tonight trying to give you as many discounts as possible during this challenging time where I know some of you are struggling and are scared and this show over this last week has been a refuge I think for many people and an opportunity to have community when we otherwise haven't had and so I'm sad that tonight is our last night of doing that but I'm excited about the fact that we're launching you into Easter week with some great passion and intensity and we're gonna continue to share this show with the world this show is going to continue to be talked about and let's get that app out there so here comes episode 8 do not go away after episode 8 you're gonna hear from Jonathan roomie and I'm gonna have some really cool announcements for you and some marching orders for how we're gonna get this show to the world so please stick around but here it is the season finale of season 1 probably my second or third favorite episode of the season but there's some stuff in here that is really gonna wreck your heart but in a good way so enjoy the season finale of season 1 and I will see you very [Music] yeah this is the spot my sons Shalom my fame I don't know that way it's something my family says it's a greeting of peace you won't find much of that here I'm afraid I am Jacob a messy-ass EEP I would offer you something to drink but as you can see we have just begun work on our well you bought this land from the sons of him for only 100k sida can you believe it I believe it every time the princes of this land cheat another foreigner you cost the day you pay that 100 and what do you think would have been a fair price 0 cos theta 0 Goods do not have 12 sons to work the land and once we strike water you will never strike water yes the recent rain makes the land look lush but the underground river runs around the mountain not of it our God takes care of us this is killer the gods are not nice here we won't be here that long we are sojourners and what are you looking for a land our God promised my grandfather Abraham your grandfather you ever noticed how the gods are always promising us things but we never really see them up sometimes it takes generations suit yourself so what is this god of yours called in I else should I not many people have but I think someday they will you have no home where's your temple for this God he has no temple so where do you worship and doctors wherever we go you do not carry me there are no carved idols of him so he's invisible yes well usually there was one time he broke my hip no no no have I heard enough of all the gods you could possibly choose from you pick an invisible God whose promises take generations to come true who makes your sojourn in strange places and he broke your hip that is a strange choice immigrants we didn't choose him he chose us [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] trouble [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you know when the door opened I honestly hoped it was a thief or a murderer come to put me out of my misery sorry to disappoint you but there's something I need from you first come closer I can't see you your hair is matted in your face is red why you know why if you came back to live with me you could go to the world with the other women in the cool of the morning you're wrong about that I could go with him if I had stayed with her I mean out with it how much do you need I'm not here for money I brought a bill of divorce all you need to do is sign it only a man can divorce his wife not the other way around 14 that is why the certificate is in your name and what could on tomato divorce you I'm living with another man so what it's all you did with me do you know why I married you stability the shine would of provision for the husband to divorce his wife if she lies with another man listen to you talking about tentative how do I have to do bring him here yes I want to see the latest shade of drooling Tomcat you put your spell on Harry before he gets bored like the others well you sign it or not give it here No peace please in my property for Tina I had all bought lightly with my possessions [Laughter] Fairey stay running I thought for certain you trip and fall and I would be arrested you're lucky that probably would happen huh I thought for certain Lille was gone forever that day that's Mary now always grapes are gonna be you eat a lot thank you you know Matthew when you're not behind iron bars quite handsome may I help you we were just on a walk and we heard voices and I thought they sounded like but surely not and yet it is you would you like to come in we would never never be caught dead didn't you know what the tax collectors house not only that but we say do you know what she and he they have seemed to be having troubles finding your words man why does your master eat with tax collectors and sinners there's not the healthy who need a doctor but the sick I must say I am shocked she is from the red quarter much of what is done there cannot even be spoken by my tongue or across my lips it is so unholy the mere mention of it would defile me sounds like a personal problem what him and the others he works with they betray our people for money and they are not even sorry if you're so offended then leave let them speak and they've never offered the guild sacrifices in the temple what the priests keep records we checked them tax collectors are not welcome at the temple I would like them better if they made the proper sacrifices this is not about me this is about what cold war you're forgetting the scroll of Hosea going on what this means I desire mercy more than sacrifice they're all righteous men on the lookout for you and they are weighing every word you say is that the threat please let them know this Yusuf I have not come to call the righteous but sinners is everything under control here yes we were just going on our way Centurion that's premier order not to you he may open you all keep eating I will talk to this man guys you're making a mistake you can walk away from this I made my choice look at that room other than ROM and Jay has whom I know to be law-abiding tax collectors everyone else in there the dregs of copernicus the bottom of the barrel Germanic correct isn't that what you thought Quinto do not change yourself your people surrendered I'm surrendering to your promotion was well earned you will do well without me better even hmm how you're the one who got me promoted that is untrue do not play down you know how this all happened you could say thank you no I'm not gonna do that well you can't say it then there's something you could do to show it I'll pay you if necessary I do not want your money what is the favor you have not rehearsed your speech for me it's nothing they want to honor you for the great things you have done here give them a thrill my remarks will be extemporaneous you are one of those rare men who excels both rehearsed and unrehearsed speech and you are not guilty of bias are you those are not my words Oh Caiaphas said that about you at our last Shabbat dinner he was just flattering there is no one above the high priest both God what is he to gain from you by flattery if he has never complimented my cooking do you remember at that final dinner when le are saying to hvala she was glowing his voice the sweeter for the child in her womb brought tears to my eyes can you picture motion get in their little Chin's resting on the table when you say they're shocked ie that's the way Shabbat was meant to be family knit together around the table my mother's gilded plates your grandmother's candlesticks may she rest in peace I don't miss her that if she could see you now receiving the highest honor ever bestowed by our order she would burst with pride I remember the inscription she had over the doorway of a room at an eye Elroy the Lord the God who sees me the words of Hagar she always loved that Hagar was caught up in something complicated and fraught but not of her choice and yet God saw her and they knew that the path she was forced to take wouldn't harm him easily when we stumbled onto hard roads he finds us and comforts us or does he call us to him Persian myrrh and camphor to commemorate our last day in Capernaum [Music] Nicodemus I love our life as do take me back to it I changed my mind I I will hmm prepare my remarks I will need a moment yes Peter just a man I've been waiting to see get in here what methods are we using to quell and disperse mobs that obstruct traffic regular patrols mounted officers when necessary force not enough force and what use are mounted officers if the people have never seen anyone trampled praetor Herod's envoy was delayed and was a childhood rival you were there I asked Matthew he said show him some infrastructure plans I hope it was effective Dominus very until Silvius was delayed by a stampede on his way out I had to endure a very smug lecture don't let that happen again yes praetor I see you are alone I assume that means you've found a replacement to watch our little friend a new soldier has been trained and installed good and I am reviewing applications for a new public harness for that district what district the collection district previously assessed by Matthew why are you doing that Matthew left he quit Dominus what do you mean he quit why would you let him quit he is a contractor I I had no recourse quit to do what he is to become a student of what don't make me keep asking questions Prem is to study the Jewish God he left to follow a holy man the man from the eastern ghetto that that is all I know oh I really don't like that man but others excellent fools from our EEMA and she made more she's convinced it will start along the way with six days of working out three three we're going to run all the way to Jerusalem that don't work for Simon he's a terrible runner yeah well I have bad shins well maybe if you didn't get in fight with AVI and Joseph every easy easy boys my fighting days are over Simon you seem quiet this morning we have a long journey ahead apparently only half as long as we thought I'll explain later Simon what troubles you nothing just excited for the trip yeah you can tell me the truth you tell me don't already know it's in my head that's a conversation for another time Wow I'm the only one among us who is married so you think I should have only called single people of course not and I'm glad I didn't but Eden will be alone with her Iman I'm scared that things could get worse and you wouldn't be there see that's what I mean you already know anyway Simon everyone here knows what you're thinking most of the time it does not take God's wisdom hmm congratulations on your profound contribution rabbi we are forever in your debt president praise Adonai the ceremony was glorious teacher your acts of faithfulness and discernment have been duly recorded for all history Thank You schmear huh I'm grateful for your service as well thank you I foresee you will be an important leader in our order for many years to come maybe not just here in Capernaum rabbi perhaps I will one day teach across Judea maybe even in Jerusalem perhaps you will smear our start such a ridiculous notion is it rabbi I have studied under your venerated tutelage after all as your reputation grows so too do my own prospects I think it is perhaps bold to assume how comes our work is for God he chooses where it takes us your writers always that way but under your guidance I've found a matter of law I'm deeply passionate about one that resonates with many others even as far away as Jerusalem I'm delighted to hear your fresh Bureau tell me what is it you've become so passionate about false prophecy when I heard the man from Nazareth tell the paralytic his sins were forgiven I thought only God can forgive sins at that very moment he turned to me and recited my thoughts as if reading them from a scroll I felt the same did he use divination I wondered but it's obvious of course I would think of his thought he called himself the son of man as if from the prophet Daniel here in the town of my order came from Nazareth not ever knew him was given Dominion and glory and a kingdom that all peoples nations and languages should serve Him be a man I don't understand it in his minion is an everlasting Dominion which shall not pass away and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed the man claimed to be God and you said nothing I will petition Jerusalem requesting permission to search the archives for all matters pertaining to such false prophecy you oppose my petition that by the question on the mind of every man who reads my account will have to be what did Nicodemus do so it's all about politics and promotion for you isn't it it's not to serve God contrary teacher it's about the law and the law is God if I'm rewarded for that it's because I learned from the very wisest [Music] I will not oppose yoga and smear on you have learnt nothing from me oh where is Simon can he build us a fire he's away no you didn't Jesus I I wasn't expecting you here people usually aren't can I get you something I want to drink I was just talking the fire sort first you know what do you mean what I see in Simon they were the first person to notice when no one else did that connects us my mother said I was drawn to his wildness and that I would regret it I wonder what she was saying now we're going into town to sell these nets we'll be right back you stay here a moment Simon I just want to leave you some extra money behind for Eden an email while I'm away put your Nets down and go sit with your mother-in-law it's alright I told Simon to make sacrifices and leave things behind in order to follow me you are one flesh with Simon it cannot make sacrifices that are not also yours you have a role to play in all of this you will know in time I can't make everything about this easier for you that wouldn't be our people's way no it has not been known will it continue to be but I see you you understand I know it is not easy to be at home when your husband is out doing all of this even when you are excited about it and proud of him so I wouldn't ask you to do this without taking care of a few things plus normal Simon is difficult enough you think I want to travel with a worried Simon no I do not [Music] if they respect her for her burns my hand to the touch where she cares about the waiters money [Music] [Music] who are you this is Jesus of Nazareth you've never met him before welcome to my son in law school thank you what am i doing 9 here you had a terrible fever none of you staring down Dasha don't no one move I'll be right back with some drinks coming [Music] [Music] cheese-like or tea yes I love goat cheese I should or cheese thank you me go hard baby and following him let him hear [Music] I'm on right Kaneesha you want some don't serve your kind here see what kind of that know what you are well lucky for you concern myself you know to stop me you'd have to look at me take down this decree and Aramaic Latin and Greek so no one complete ignorance by order of Rome and punishable by detention and imprisonment religious gatherings outside the synagogue and Hebrew school are strictly prohibited the teacher known as Jesus of Nazareth is sought for questioning [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] should be everyone everyone's here yes this is office there anyone else look at this I don't know Gold a friend of mine left that for us it's enough for two weeks of food and lodging you came so close [Music] what do you mean you need to go fur to make it to a camp in Tiberias by nightfall Simon is correct let's go [Music] they're gonna wear that on a trip these are my boobs should i brothers [Music] hello Roman what's wrong what happened what did it mean follow me that is all he said Matthew did not hesitate follow him where look I'm sure he will come to his senses his senses do you know my son do you at the moment he believes this man to be a prophet the man that healed the paralytic gets a baby's house I would be careful with that word healed we do not know what sort of trickery or illusion may have been involved Matthew has no interesting illusion nor in your God or so I thought Matthew up ended his life to be with him he's rich wife he does not make decisions likely that is true when I saw him two days ago he did not seem himself but I never would have guessed that he was preparing for this he asked me to deliver to you some of his personal effects than I in heaven the key to have luxury bought off the backs a lot of people I will not accept he suspected as much sell it give it away burn it down I do not care don't burn it down yeah there's just outside Matthew what why Matthew said thieves forced you to close your business yes and you've been taking long journeys for your business yes well I have all my opponents don't you get it the roads are dangerous your wife has left for long periods of time alone people with bad intentions hate him I how does this vote one last thing if you hear from him or receive any word of his whereabouts contact me immediately easy vaulted not officially but if Jesus of Nazareth returns to Capernaum the Peter would like to question him and would be in everyone's best interest if you contact me we understand and I just want you to well I know some people that were mildly fond of your son almost there what city is that just real the southernmost town in Galilee from Deborah vir is to the Jordan River what are you going do you need something this way friends I'm sorry but the map shows that just real is two miles southeast of here and is met by a road east of the Jordan we need to adjust our course 30 degrees we're not going to the Jordan we're going for Samaria are you telling a joke there's a place that I want to stop plus it makes our journey shorter by almost half their odds of violent attack more likely by double is that an exact figure forgive me teacher but safer to go around Samaria by way of the Jordan then at the capitalists did you join me for safety reasons but the rabbi Samaritans good observation trick James what's your point rabbi these were the people that profaned our temple with the dead bones they hated everything against us with the Seleucids in the Maccabean wars i spoken toward Samaritan and we destroyed their temple a hundred years ago and none of you here or present for any of these things listen if we're going to have a question-and-answer session every time we do something you're not used to it's going to be a very annoying time together for all of us we'll be fine and if we get attacked Simon would be happy to show us what to do absolutely right so follow me [Music] [Music] we ate the last Salome use bread last night master we need to go into town for food we can use the gold left for us at the fountain anyway there's a ton about the mile west see God you all go I went here someone should stay with you in case I'm alright meet me at that well when you come back [Music] [Music] would you give me a drink did you hear me that's bad huh what you were jus that's got a drink for me a Samaritan and a woman I'm sorry I should have said please you know it's not safe for you to be alone out here are you I haven't you come with others why so late in the day don't women come to the wells and the pool of the moor yeah none of them will be seen with me so I have to come and swim why won't they be seen with you long story I'd still like a drink of water if you can spare wheezing what a parched throats will do aren't I unclean to you won't you be defiled by this vessel maybe some of my people say that about your women but I don't yeah what do you say I say if you knew who I am they'll be asking me for a drink really and I would give you living water would accept that you have nothing to throw water with and this is a deep well besides what do you need from me if you have your own supply of living water long story but Jewish what it is better than Samaritan 1/3 that's not what I saw you were better ran than our ancestor Jacob who dug this well your Walter is better than his I know Jacob and everyone who drinks this water will thirst again but whoever drinks the water that I gave him will never be thirsty again wouldn't that be nice the water I give will become in a person a spring of water welling up to eternal life really yes really prove it first go and call your husband and then come back I will show you boss I don't have a husband you are right you've had five husbands and the man you are living with now is not your husband haha I see you're a prophet here to preach Italy usually the one good thing about coming here alone as I can escape being condemned I'm not here to condemn I've made mistakes too many but it's men like you who have made it impossible for me to do anything about it ah our ancestors worshiped on this mountain but you Jews insist Jerusalem is the only place for true worship they say that because the temple is there exactly where we're not allowed I'm here no break those barriers and the time is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the father I said where am I supposed to go when I need God I've never received anything from God but I couldn't thank him even if I did anywhere God is spirit and the time is coming and is now here that it won't matter where you worship but only that you do it in spirit and truth heart and mind that that is the kind of worshiper he's looking for it won't matter where you're from or what you've done do you believe what I'm telling you until the Messiah comes it explains everything and sort this mess out including me they don't trust in anyone you're wrong when you say that you've never received anything from God this Messiah you speak of I am he the first one was named that I mean you were a woman of purity was excited to be married but he wasn't a good man he hurt you and it made you question marriage and even the practice of your faith the second was Farzad on your wedding night his skin smelled like oranges and to this day every time you pass by the oranges in the market you feel guilty for leaving him because he was the only truly godly man you've been with but you felt unworthy why are you doing this [Music] I have not revealed myself to the public as the Messiah you are the first it would be good if you believed me he picked the wrong person I came to Samaria just to meet you do you think it's an accident that I'm I'm here in the middle of the day I am rejected by others I know but not by the Messiah [Music] and you know these things because you are the Christ [Music] I'm going to tell everyone I was counting on it spirit and through spirit and truth it won't be all about mountains or temple soon just the heart you promise I promise this man solving everything I've done he must be the Christ [Music] your water you forgot your RAM nobody we got food what would you like I ought to eat that you do not know about Google true food wait a minute you told her and she get that others what food my food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work you told her who you are so does that mean it means we're going to stay here a couple of days it's been a long time of sewing but the fields are ripe for harvest and so it's time let's go [Music] Romi and like a stone in the water watch the mud rise up just me like a lamb for the slaughter for me [Music] [Music] trouble [Music] oh sorry that's me moving to the music I love that song so much and that song was actually written recorded written performed recorded and all that within just a few hours the last week when we were doing our editing we had been trying to get other songs too that would fit for that moment they kept falling through and just like the Chosin is always working out something comes in at the last minute and our co composers Dan Haseltine from Garza clay and Matt Nelson quickly wrote that song and performed it we all got together late night and just did it some of those voices are not only dance but mine and just an Overland or one of our associate producers and Matt Nelson and so anyway a great way to end the show and then the season so we are at the end of season 1 but don't go because I'm about to bring on Jonathan roomie and you're gonna want to hear from him we're going to talk about this episode and what this whole season so don't go yet and I've also got a list of marching orders for you that you are not going to want to miss because we're gonna take this show to the world and I want to tell you what our goals are and how we're going to hit them real quick speaking of achieving goals Alvin from Singapore just paid it forward 10 episodes Nancy from Nova Scotia paid it forward 30 episodes Edie from Texas 250 episodes Conrad from Washington 250 episodes Brenda from Kansas paid it forward 100 episodes Lucie from United Kingdom absolutely love it when we're getting people from around the world Lucy from 90 Kingdom paid it forward ten episodes Anthony from from the United States a thousand episodes Sam from the United States a thousand episodes Bridget from Georgia a thousand episodes that is when you do that when you are paying it forward you are allowing others to see it for free you are giving us the ability to do these live streams paying it forward is the mechanism that keeps this show going and it does two major things when you pay it forward you are not only allowing other people to see it for free because it's offsetting the streaming cost streaming cost money I didn't actually know that myself until we had faced it when we made this show available around the world but you're also financing season two and the faster we can get there the better but I will talk about that more in a few minutes right now I want to introduce you to if you haven't seen him before but if you have this is Jonathan roomy Jonathan thank you so much for your time tonight and for coming on great to have you here brother I hope man hello there he is hey Jonathan hey how you doing thanks for having me Dallas and I'm so thrilled to be here yeah you you and I have talked about this before you aren't doing this too often we don't there aren't a lot of Jonathan roomie interviews out there about the Chosin there aren't a lot of behind-the-scenes videos featuring you right off the bat you and I talked about this and I said some people when they watch this show want to kind of protect the performance of Jesus and not have kind of behind the scenes get in the way and we've had plenty of people say that they prefer that but I also just wanted it to be that when you and I talked about the experience of this show there have been so many just beautiful mysterious God related things that have happened that I feel like I want to talk about it on our terms and not necessarily be controlled by you know some other media interview and so that I appreciate you coming on and being moving away just tonight so first things first you know let's talk real quick about how this even came to be I met you I you you always remember this better than I do is it six years or five years ago years now yeah it's six years yeah so six years and it was because I was casting a short film for my church's Good Friday service it was called the two thieves and it was based on the crucifixion from the perspective of the thieves and so on the cross and so we had this idea of covering Jesus's moments from Jesus's life but from different perspectives several years ago I remember when I when I found you you auditioned for actually one of the thieves and we don't need to get into all the details of that story but can you share your perspective of when you got cast and just shooting that first short film and what we kind of discovered is we were doing it that we I think we kind of knew back then that we were onto something special yeah I think you know - briefly the histories that I read for one of the thieves and then a couple days later you called me to read for Jesus and I was all like man Jesus only has like five lines ah where's the character arc you know and then I like once we actually shot it I quickly realized I mean I knew it was gonna be something impactful but then when we actually you know got up on the cross you know at 30 degrees in Chicago and and had the this opportunity to be able to film this beautiful scene and offer it up and and then get to watch it like a couple of months later a month and a half later maybe not even that long and and see people reacting to to what you know you wrote and what we did together it it really started to dawn on me that that this was something that was beyond both of us you know and and I feel so blessed and fortunate that I was the guy that you wanted to you know have in that short film and then we did a couple more minutes later over the next two three years and then a year or two after the last one we did he said hey I'm doing a series I'd love for you to be a part of it you in I said when do we start you're like let me talk to my people I'm not sure but yes we'll do it okay so you this hasn't been a secret you and I have talked about this before on camera when you first were cast as Jesus for me six years ago you were not in the same place spiritually that you are now and I remember some of the conversations we had you were struggling at times and I remember when you showed up at our church for Good Friday and watched the short film I know that even that there were there were things happening in your heart that you were sharing with me what can you share about that just over the last five years your own spiritual journey that was I think enabled you to get to a place where you could play this part for this long I think I think having played Christ you know starting I think there was only one other project before you that that kind of began shaping my own deeper conversion and then it was really working with you and doing all those vignettes and and those experiences and and just meeting other believers and seeing how God was working in everybody's lives and and how important it was to have a you know a relatable version of Christ a relatable in the human sense you know that was something that we hadn't really seen before so to me having to immerse myself in the part really began and having gotten the opportunity to do it so often with you and the projects that you called me for it really forces me and as an actor when you're in happening a role you you try to really put yourself in that place in the mindset of the character in the heart in this case of the character and the more I played Christ the more I wanted to aspire to the traits that he espoused on in his earthly ministry and you know what governs our faith life now so it's just it's made me want to be a better version of myself right so what's interesting about what you're saying is that it leads to what I'm about to talk about which you and I have talked about before which is how fruitless it is to actually get to that place like so when you say well I want to be a better version of myself playing Christ makes me want to be more like Christ it also does something else which is it makes you realize oh wait I'll never I'll never do actually get there I'll never be worthy of playing Christ and in fact what I'm about to bring up is when we were shooting episode six the healing of the paralytic and you were going to be preaching for the first time on camera and you talked about and I think I was you know kind of rushing through it a little bit because it wasn't going to be much on camera and I wasn't taking it as seriously and you said to me I don't feel worthy of this and sure I think share briefly what what I said in response and what how both of us in that moment I think I think that moment connected you and me more than ever before and I think it also is going to impact the rest of these seasons how we approach them well your your response was none of our sorority of us and that's the truth you know that's none of us are worthy to to try to take the place of or act as if we are these these people and from me Christ so all I can do is empty myself out and and just submit and ask God to let people watching the show and or any of the projects that I do where I'm playing Christ not seen me Jonathan the actor but to see the face of Christ to hear the words of Christ to feel the heart of Christ and I think through you know the gift of the Holy Spirit he helps that with all of us in every department you know if we're offering what we're doing up for for the greater good and for for him and to allow people to be able to be changed I think I think that's when you start really seeing people responding like they have been all over the world the show so it's been it's been quite an amazing journey yeah it's been extraordinary because your experience has been mine and has been everyone else's on the shows which is we just lost your visual Jonathan they're here um so good which is that any time we start to come up with our own decisions like we've got a plan we've got a we've got an idea if it if it didn't come kind of spur the moment if it didn't seem to come from from above or from prayer it oftentimes just doesn't work and a lot of our expectations have been upended throughout this project because every time we think we've got a good plan or a good idea something comes in last minute to to change it and it's always way better than if we would have done it ourselves and that I know that was true for you even on the sometimes you would come prepared to try something and then there was a distraction or something wouldn't work and it just never it always seemed to be that when we humbled ourselves when we embraced and surrendered to the process things went better and that's been true just even this week it's been through giving the show away to even more people this week because of the virus that now the show has actually generated more viewers more income for season two than ever before so with that I want to I want to talk one of our model my final questions for you is about the last scene of episode 8 the scene with the woman at the well with Fatima who was beautifully portrayed by Vanessa to Silvio and I think that was another example of where I didn't expect it wasn't written in the script for you to be emotional as she was starting to react and when I've asked you about this before you know something just happened in that scene that kind of was again bigger and better than we than we thought or were prepared for what happened in that scene why did why did we see tears in Jesus's eyes and it portrayed in that scene and what about her performance and that's that scene kind of motivated what happened you know I think you know his act as we all do prep and then if you're really trying to work organically you leave a certain amount of the process up to chance I know Eric of are I talked about this a bit yesterday about not knowing what's going to happen and I think for me what started to dawn on me as we did the scene was the fact that really just trying to to Zone in on what Christ's heart would have been for this woman at the time and seeing this woman had an extremely clear and powerful conversion and and then a couple that with how Vanessa who plays the woman at the well what was going on within her they're just all of a sudden there was the synergy and there was this okay we're in this moment right now and I feel all this love and compassion for her and her change of heart and she's just a bully --nt as she's coming to terms with the fact that she's met the Messiah and every time she's at the scene I just that I just felt so much joy and you know it's a testament to her her work and it's a testament to the Spirit working in that scene and all I can say is that I can't take credit for it I could I'm there I'm going through the motions and then the Spirit is just taking me where it will and and I think I think I like to think that Christ would have had some kind of similar reaction to that and and to any of us whenever we you know choose him and turn to him and and and sort of leave my troubles you know to him you know take it let him take on that burden you know because he's equipped for it we're not she she broke from it's like she broke free from the pain of of her life and it was like she just couldn't contain it and every time she just sprinted off down the hill we she was by herself and the crew is just behind the camera just well I was I was laughing and crying each time as well because it was just so beautiful and that happened many times ah yeah exactly but that's happened many times in season one in scenes with you and and Nicodemus you and Thomas and episode five you and the Ethiopian woman in episode 6 tomorrow tomorrow Matthew and episodes have been just these moments where something just happens that's bigger than us and it's it's actually both humbling and encouraging at the same time so on that note even just what's been happening this week has been bigger than we expected bigger than us and I think I'd love to close with you if you could share with the viewers they're literally having the biggest attendance and viewership that we've had this whole week tonight there are people watching in every country I'm getting my drop my phone but I'm getting texts every few minutes have pay it forwards from around the world from the Philippines from Australia people are coming together this week especially in a way that we didn't expect because I know people are longing for community during a time that we've been that's been denied and I know you're someone who longs for that you're a hugger you're a as I am but you're you're someone who I know longs for that and you've been stuck and we've all just been stuck in our homes and yet through this show and in many ways through your performance that you did last year has been I think specially presented for such a time as this so if you could just share your heart with the viewers as to what that means to you what their support or just last year has meant to you I know that they've all been really eager to hear that yeah first of all I want to say happy Palm Sunday to everyone around the world celebrating with us it's it's the most solemn yet joyful week of our liturgical year as Christians though I'm gonna try to hold on to the joy as much as I can even though in a couple of days it gets pretty heavy but while there's all this heaviness around the world you know I've been I've been doing a prayer hour everyday on my Facebook page and I've been so I've been overwhelmed by all of the fans that have found it and have been tuning in to pray with me it was something that just was placed on my heart to do to kind of offer an outlet for people to be able to cope with what's going on in from and with a little bit of you know a faith-based you know coloring to it and and allow people to just really connect with God in a way that maybe they haven't in a while or desperately needed and and just to you know know that we are we have this community together and the the response especially from the chosen fans and and people that the chosen fans have brought to it and realizing what the how awesome and dedicated and beautiful and open heart and all the fans are and their love for this show it's really sustained me as well you know like I've gotten just as much out of this hour of prayer and community with the fans and to chosen and all the messages that people sent me and continue to send me like it's been it's been overwhelming and and such a grace for me and I can't thank you guys enough I love all you've got all of you guys and gals it's been you've been a real testament to the power of faith and art and truth and beauty and goodness as it is wrapped in a show such as the chosen so thank you yeah well thank you for that I love you brother very dearly and I cannot wait we can get back into this we're writing season 2 right now and I love it you're good yeah yeah well some of that's up to the fans and but ultimately you know as I think you've experienced you're bringing your lobes and fish to this project I'm bringing my lobes and fish to this project everyone who's watching right now and who's been watching over the last year has been bringing their loaves and fish to the project and we're gonna watch God feed the 5,000 together and hopefully that will continue with season two hopefully by the end of the year but I'd love to see you soon I can't wait till we can get together and hug and actually get on a set and get to work so that we can continue to care share this the stories of the gospel so thanks again for coming on tonight of course bye thank you come please can I even be yeah see you soon so if you are we're just here tonight to watch episode eight and you've you're just a fan of the show but that's all it is for you that's totally great and if you've only seen one episode and you want to and you want to sign off now that's totally fine if you want to hear about how we're going to reach the world with this show and how we are going to achieve some of our goals of that I'm about to share with you stick around but I I don't want to like if you if you just wanted to watch episode eight and get to bed that's totally fine now is a good time to sign off thank you so much for watching the show but I've got something more to share and I've got a few specific things that I want to share with you if you're really if you really want to take part in what we're gonna do here's here's our goals we believe that this show can be eight seasons we want this show to last eight seasons that's what we believe the story deserves season seven is going to be the the crucifixion season spoiler alert season eight is going to be what happens after the crucifixion and that's gonna be our series finale so eight seasons what is that going to cost well Game of Thrones was eight seasons and Game of Thrones cost paid about about a billion dollars to do eight seasons with their huge locations they were all over the world they had cast all over the world and that cost about a billion dollars we don't need near that much we believe that somewhere in the neighborhood of a hundred million dollars maybe a little bit more maybe a little bit less is what we're gonna need for these eight seasons we also want to reach over a billion people that's again using Game of Thrones and as an example these shows that reach the world end up reaching at least a billion people we believe the story of the Gospels deserves that if not more we also want to be in every country in the world in every conceivable language that we can that's that's out there those are our goals they sound a little crazy at times because we're starting from scratch last year this was all based on a short film I did on my friend's farm in Illinois and that led to a ten million dollar crowd fund an investment from 19,000 of you around the world shattering the all-time crowdfunding record and that was just based on that little short film for my church think of what's possible now that we've got season one out and now that we've got season one which is in literally every country in the world as as of now it's been translated into several languages already but with more currently available so how are we going to do that well I want you to first of all see what it's going to look like when these languages are translated so I want you to watch this video this is an example of what we're working on right now we have one of the top dubbing experts foreign language dubbing experts directors leaders in the world is now working for our distributor of it angel and he is actively right now of course during the virus actors haven't been able to come in but as soon as they are that we're gonna complete the task of translating and dubbing this show into the top ten languages in the world and that will be able to happen over the next couple months especially if you're going to continue to pay it forward so here's just a glimpse of what that's going to look like check out this brief video and then I will come back to you and tell you how we're gonna get there so what did you do I tried to walk away but you wouldn't stop pushing me so I pushed him so hard he fell down parisa mesmo que fue una de espera [ __ ] ain't even daughter says I've arrived why should I be polish do my Z se paró Zooey's vas a Mustapha no tribal now if she will a sword in there it was nice to see Bonita Doody you tell us to be gentle but rabbi Josiah said Messiah that leaders against the Romans that should I is a ruby hair kappa shakan cab or a Plymouth hepaticus Amman carry a lucky rabbi Joseph jhalak lagoon ke baare may if dr. roulette Kol uzuki replicatable muqaddas an an al maseeh hacer con pardonnez Korean of Iman cemetery Oh Cathy replicatable no contestant affirm Ohana la vida loca la mochila tiene muchos anos por delante euros no reveal a total las casas a la vez para ninos yo muchas de las cosas que Benson mr. Henty so wishing she turns over her generation to the door though Thorin me myself or the goons of time as I show you a motion needs are to me chamber and you know who else loves justice all right so I'm just kidding I'm continuing to get texts from from people Curt from Ohio just paid it forward a thousand episodes I know I believe I know who which Curt that is he's been so supportive from the beginning Dexter from British Columbia 30 episodes of an itch from Canada ten episodes just amazing so that's a little glimpse of what that looks like and that what what that's going to look like when we get this into every language and when this is dubbed into every language that is what's going to allow people who watch this show they're going to want to pay it forward and the show is just going to continue to spread and so I want to give you how we are going to accomplish these goals eight seasons one hundred million dollars a billion people every country in the world and every language we can conceive of how are we going to do that when we are doing this outside the system you know we don't have a big studio that's writing a big huge check which is how most projects are done we've been doing this completely outside the system how can we give these episodes away there aren't other shows that just don't require a subscription don't require a some sort of fee or anything like that this is just to show that you can download to your phone and connect it to your streaming device and it's totally free how are we able to do that well and furthermore why do you think I'm always on here and when I'm showing these episodes talking about paying it forward talking about buying the merchandise and the DVDs that's not something I really intended to do it's not like something I really wanted to do I was hoping to just write and direct episodes and that was gonna be it I don't love telling you about all the different ways you can support it it feels like I'm doing a pitch sometimes or like on the salesmen and that's not something I like to do and that's not something I even know if and that feel like I have time for because it feels like it's own full-time job but it's worth it it's worth it to do this outside the system it's worth it to be able to to not have to rely on some big studio that may not have our same interests in mind that may not have our same goals in mind you have our same interests in mind you have our goals in mind that's why it's been worth it to partner with you and for you to part with us on this and this is how we're gonna get past the system this is how we're going to be able to do this and be able to give these projects these episodes away my wife a couple years ago when my previous feature film had bombed at the box office and we were so confused and didn't know what was left and didn't know what was next and I didn't know if I was ever gonna have the future in this business and God laid this phrase on my wife's heart very powerfully and very clearly I do impossible math now we didn't know what that meant at the time we thought maybe it meant that the box office of my movie was going to magically turn around and it didn't we never fully knew exactly what that meant for a long time for at least a year until this project started and we've been seeing impossible math from day one it doesn't make sense that we shared the all-time crowdfunding record starting from scratch it doesn't make sense that every time we've given the show away it's actually generated more income for future seasons though that's impossible math that's not math that makes sense in the world that's not math that makes sense when people are analyzing how to actually make a successful show so this is impossible math and I want to tell you now I've got about eight things that I want you to think about and so if you've got a piece of paper bring out a piece of paper and a pen write some of these down so you can remember them because tonight is the last night we're gonna be together on this live stream and so it's going to be incumbent upon you to remember some of this stuff and then I'm also going to tell you a way that you can continue in this community even though we're not doing live streams but I do want you to remember this so these are the eight ways that you can support the show or keep this show going so that we can achieve these goals of reaching a billion people and number one is paying it forward now as you see I put in parentheses thank you notes and here's why when you pay it forward whether it's through the app or through the Chosin dot TV slash pay it forward again that's a forward when you do that in the app you will start seeing thank you notes because when people watch the show they're informed that this episode was provided for you by someone else by John in you know in Iowa or Earl from Canada Michael from Mississippi as I'm seeing right now who just paid it forward 250 episodes so 250 episodes are going to be viewed by someone around the world and those 250 people no Earl from Miss Mississippi allowed this to happen Massachusetts sorry I think and and then they'll give an opportunity if they want to give you a thank you note and we have seen so many beautiful thank-you notes from people all over the world whose lives have been impacted and so what's great if you if you can also take a screenshot of those and post those and encourage others to do the same we want that that's what's called a feedback loop we want that to continue you are in relationship and in community with the viewers when you pay it forward so that's why I wanted to mention those thank-you notes number two is DVDs now DVDs are essentially in many ways a dying media DVD sales have gone down massively in the industry over the last several years in fact most studios don't even rely on DVD sales for much income anymore they're always pushing people towards streaming but what we've found is we've done the show is that there are many people who are older especially who maybe don't like technology or don't have a smartphone whatever it is and they'd would rather watch it on DVD and so we've been selling DVDs over the last year and it ended up excuse me some of this impossible math ended up happening where the DVD sales started to grow significantly and so what we did is we started making it putting it at a discount and when you buy in bulk so that you would be encouraged to give those away so at the Chosin dot TV slash store a ssin point keep a DVD for yourself but this is an opportunity right now over the next couple weeks for you to hand out DVDs in your neighborhood put a little care bath care packages together I'm gonna wash your hands wipe to wipe it down leave a note but let people know we're going to share this with you we want you we know you're looking for something to do during this time so watch these DVDs and it's just an easy way to share it with people and also every time you do that that's going towards season two that's how we're going to ultimately end up financing season two number three and I promise you I'm going to get two things that don't involve any money at all very very soon but the merch so what I'm wearing right now this chosen sweatshirt with see the fish on the back and we got this other color my wife today we went to Costco and my wife was wearing a binge Jesus shirt those are also available at the at the store the chosen merch com www dot the choice and merch calm as you can see she wore a bindi Jesus shirt we were on at Costco and the guy behind the counter goes I love your shirt now that first step was engaged community second step was it's a opportunity for a conversation you get to meet someone who you know might be interested in the chosen and then we're able to share what the chosen is about we've had so many people because they wear this merchandise and it's a conversation it's a conversation starter we intentionally made merchandise shirts and and and sweatshirts and whatnot that aren't just a promotion we don't have any interest in just saying watch the chosen or you know to ask me how I can watch how you can watch the chosen we want it to be something you'll actually where we want it to be something that's going to kind of start a conversation and so even the design of the chosen is a conversation starter those thirteen fish going in the opposite direction against the current Jesus and the twelve disciples going against the current that is a statement being made and it allows you to start these conversations and spread the chosen and when you do that and you now especially during social media you take these pictures put them on your social media page and say I love this new sweatshirt whatever it is that allows people to ask questions allows people know more about it and it identifies you as a supporter of the show and that those merchandise sales again are what allow us to keep going they allow us to do these videos for you they allow us to bring our crew together and give you behind the scenes and to continue to write these scripts on all of those things are financed by merchandise again we don't have a studio we are starting from scratch with all of this so that's how we're doing that now let's say you are especially right now you don't have a job you don't have you're fearful about the future well this is your opportunity to to not pay it forward or buy DVDs or buy merch because I don't want you to do that if you're unable to but there are so many other ways that you can help and that are just as important of those initial ways number four is follow rate and review so what does this mean if you're watching on YouTube right now subscribing to the YouTube page clicking the notification bell I said that at the beginning when you do that learn to YouTube and YouTube says this is an important page this is a page that we need to get in front of more people so that's not just you know supporting us we don't really you know supporting us is nice but we want this show out to the world and so our YouTube page which has multiple videos behind the scenes videos and even after this week we occasionally do live streams I do a show I do a vlog every week or so or I'm interviewing actors from the show and we're talking behind the scenes of how this came together we have roundtable discussions that we put on there with her with our Messianic Jewish rabbi evangelical scholar and Catholic priests who all speak into their perspective on the show and it encourages dialogue and even those who disagree with other faith traditions are able to dialogue about it we've learned so much about that it's been so valuable and so that gets our channel in front of more eyeballs it works you have seen it happening even tonight those thousands of people who started joining Facebook and YouTube as the livestream was going were people who aren't subscribers they weren't getting our text they weren't getting our emails it came across their page because it was becoming Facebook and YouTube were identifying it as successful so if you're on Facebook follow our page when you are in when you go to the app for example I'm gonna do it right now you can look up the app in the App Store and you look up the chosen and then you rate it you can click on me be honest you know if it's one-star you can just do one once to her if you don't like it but you know if you do like it five stars and writing a review those things make a difference that's what causes the app to link to rise up the rankings and it causes people who hear about the shows and they go to the app and they see that it's got a 4.9 and that it's ranked in the top 25 apps and it's got all these great reviews about how the app works well and how it connects to your computer or I mean I'm sorry connects to your TV and all that that makes a difference it really does and that causes other people to see this who might not otherwise have seen it I am DB dot-com write this down I am the letter M not the word when you go to or you go to rotten tomatoes and you give it a ranking you can that that also gets us higher on the lists and right now we are at a little over 2500 ratings on IMDB we get to 5000 ratings on IMDB will show up on the list of the top rated shows of all time right now we're at nine point nine but they're not showing up on the list we're not ranked as you know even though we're one of the highest ranked rated shows ever we've only got twenty five hundred ratings if we can get to five thousand it will show up on the IMDB list and what does that do people's log in IMDB to watch other movies to watch other to rate other movies when they see that the chosen is up there they're gonna want to watch it they're gonna want to find out more what is this show that is getting so well reviewed and so we're highly rated so make sure when you do that you're also rating other shows and also rating other movies because otherwise IMDB will know oh gosh they're just coming here for the chosen good I want you to do that we want you to rate other movies and other other shows as well so I'm just getting text sorry from all these people who are paying it forward so also on Amazon so right now the chosen devotional book the chosen is called the chosen forty days with Jesus the chosen forty days with Jesus I'm going to move it over here the chosen forty days with Jesus is on Amazon we sold out on the app we've ordered a bunch more they're coming soon but on Amazon when you go and buy the chosen forty days of Jesus that makes another great gift it's great thing it's a devotional book that takes you even deeper into the stories deeper into the people of the Gospels even more than the show does and it's been people have been telling us every day how blessed they are by this devotional book I was blessed by it when my wife and a writing partner Kristen were giving me the devotionals and I was you know making my final adjustments before we went to print oh my goodness I was crying myself and so it's so Samuel from California just paid it forward 250 episodes um so when when you go to Amazon and you buy it also make sure you rate it and review it and that's gonna get it in front of more people's eyeballs right now we are the number one highest best-selling TV drama books I mean there's books on like television shows and this was listed as the number one television show book on Amazon I was wristed is one of the top 25 devotionals and so that makes a big difference when you do that it truly does make a difference and it gets it in front of more eyeballs so that makes us so please consider doing those kinds of things liking rating reviewing it all matters number five is community so we've had community over these last eight days and it's been beautiful and it's been life-giving and people need it now more than ever if you want that to continue you can go to the chosen fan club so that's on our Facebook page so when you look up the chosen on Facebook you'll find our main page and then within that you will see the chosen fan club and you click on that that you we ask you to answer a couple questions just so we know you're not a robot and then the fan club is this amazing opportunity right now there's over 30,000 people in there they not only are there to talk about the chosen not only there to geek out about some of their favorite scenes and moments from the chosen but there's also been prayer requests there's been encouragement and stuff and so we try to keep this on topic as possible but some for some people this has been a great community to learn more about Jesus to dig more into the Gospels and to learn about other faith traditions that's what we that's a beautiful thing we've seen about this is that we've seen people from all different faith traditions normally our arguments and not even wanting to talk to each other but in the chosen fanclub they're unified by the stories of the Gospels and yes there are of course some arguments and there are some people who are there to just bring up why their faith tradition is better than everyone else's and then everyone argues about it but you can just ignore those if you want if you want to learn more about the Jewishness of Jesus by the way which is something that we cover in this show there's people there who ask question answer questions about that carlo from the philippines just paid it forward ten episodes thank you Carlo I love the Philippines the Philippines has been so supportive of this show from day one I can't wait to get out to the Philippines I'm gonna get out there sometime we're gonna do a screening of the chosen and I'm gonna meet all of you crazy loving adoring fans of Jesus out in the Philippines it's been great so there's also within the chosen fan club a global army where we've got a group where we just give away instructions on how you can help support the show even more and how you can be part of this exclusive group that is equipped with exclusive things and little videos that we give you that you can start sharing that you can't get anywhere else and that's the same thing with the soundtrack that brings me to number six there is a chosen soundtrack and the chosen soundtrack if you love the music like I do the chosen soundtrack has some of the songs like the opening credits song the closing song and listen when you're buying a soundtrack or getting it for free the money is not a huge deal we're not the money is not gonna money's not to be made much in the soundtrack so it's great if you support the soundtrack it's great if you buy it it does go towards season two for sure but the primary the thing about the soundtrack is is that when you're listening to it you can share that you know there's other things on social media you know Dallas is listening to this song right now and when you spread the word about the soundtrack and when you spread the word about all those great songs and people can some people love music in it when they love the songs that are played or the the score from the show that's so life-giving they're like what is this from where can I see more of this so that's why I also said share they're sharing the soundtrack from wherever you listen to music just like you do normally when you're listening to a song and you talk about it do that with the soundtrack speaking of sharing that wings me too the big thing number seven how exactly do you share I put that in all caps because there's multiple places there's all multiple ways to share so right now I'm gonna go I'm gonna bring up the app okay so I've just opened my app that'll be centered here and I click on share okay so I clicked on the share button which is both at the top and the bottom but listen look at here so right here it says share the app so that's an opportunity for you to just text someone the link so that they can download the app but but if you go down there's something really cool we've got the scene of Jesus healing the leper and we've got the trailer okay now when you click download to your photos so I can do it right now so I'm going to click download and so it literally just saved that scene to my device so now when I share that scene to Facebook or to Instagram it's gonna actually get more reach than if I just shared one of the chosen posts so we want you to do that too we want you on Facebook to share our posts we want you to like and comment on our posts I want you to do that on YouTube all that makes a difference and it helps but when you take that and you share it organically so like just like you share any other photo from your phone and you share that to your Facebook page and you write something specific about what this scene means to you and then you point people you say ask me more about this episode or ask me more about this scene when you do that that is actually more impactful than if you're just sharing someone else's post so go to the app you on the share button we give you those and detailed instructions also on how to do it and what do we also include in that the hashtags so these are the two hashtags that I want you to remember and that I want you to use in your social media posts when you are sharing on Facebook YouTube Instagram all of that is hashtag binge Jesus capital B capital J hashtag binge Jesus we'd love to get that trending especially during this time when there's so many people binge watching shows they might as well be binging something that's a life-giving and then hashtag get used to different G et u.s. IDI t o different get used to different we have a t-shirt that says that but that's been one of our cool hashtags and people of love because especially during this time when we're all stuck in our homes we have to get used to different that is a line from episode 7 from Jesus to Simon it represents that line get used to different not only represents what Jesus's ministry was about it represents what this show is about how it's been distributed how it's been financed the content itself all of that is different so let's get that out there hashtag binge Jesus and hashtag get used to different use that when you share these videos from the app or when you share anything from our social media pages it's all going to continue and eventually those hashtags can start to trend and then finally this might be just the most important one of all of them and that's pray not all of you are social media savvy not all of you listen to music digitally not all of you want to be on groups on Facebook not all of you want to get the app not all of you want to go buy merchandise or even have the ability to do all this but some of you are prayer warriors and we need that desperately the reason I put at number eight is not because it's an order of importance it's because it's the last thing that I wanted to share about all of these because prayer is the thing that all of us can do whether we're doing any number of the one through sevens so make sure that you understand that that this is not an order of importance this is just an order of how I wanted to share it with you and organize it because number eight is the most important that's prayer that's how this show has been built the show is bigger than we are it's bigger than I am it's better than I am I'm not this good when I watch this show myself I feel like I'm getting caught up in it I'm reacting emotionally to it and then I'm watching it and I'm like goodness I'm almost outside of it it's like I remember what happened when we were filming it I remember that God has been bigger than this show from day one and God has been doing things that have surprised us from the beginning and I haven't had any explanation for it and that's because of prayer but I also can't pray alone my prayer is enough my prayers alone might get me through the day and might get my family and I through the weeks that have been so challenging as we've been doing this show my wife and kids struggling because I've been away so often and the fact that I'm essentially doing full two you know two full-time jobs right now trying to get this show going while also writing and directing at the same time so I can pray myself but I need you and the cast and crew needs you and the people who are watching this show needs you the people who are going to be receiving these streams that we are paying forward need their hearts prepared and no great work of God has ever taken place when it wasn't preceded by two things one a crisis and two prayer because crisis is what usually Fosters prayer it Foster's desperation whether it was the Israelites who were wandering and longing for rescue or whether us right now during this time longing for rescue or whether you were realizing in your own life that you needed something or someone bigger than you were to rescue you and rescue your heart that's that's what we call a crisis and that crisis always precedes a movement of God and so when that especially is paired with prayer that's the only way it turns from a crisis to a victory so the crisis forces you to pray especially when it's personal but then there's these movements like the chosen is doing right now where the show is getting out to more and more people around the world in multiple languages in every country the message of the gospel the message of on an authentic Jesus that has been breaking down cultural barriers been breaking down even religious barriers it's been breaking down age barriers children are watching this show like never before I've never seen I didn't expect it I didn't anticipate it I thought there was no way kids would like it five-year-old six-year-olds ten-year-old cynical teenagers are watching the show and having their lives changed that's not me and honestly that's not even you that's God listening to the prayers of his people taking the loaves and fishes that we are providing and we're made with those loaves and fishes as small as they may be are as good but that there is good and healthy if they can be and so that when God does feed the 5,000 we know who to give credit to Mike from Virginia just paid it forward 250 episodes so I just wanted to share those 8 things with you because that is how this show is going to reach the world that is how the show is going to continue to break records humana from Peru 10 episodes just paid it forward see that's what see what's happening see what's happening even as we speak right now how people are are spreading this show around the world and people who are getting it paid forward for are now paying it forward to other people that is a movement that's bigger than we are and you're a part of it you're making it happen so I hope evident from unknown just paid it forward a thousand episodes thank you so much Evan that means a lot so just hearing these has just been like even everyone that comes in matters everyone every paid for word that comes in means one more person is is immediately gonna start watching these streams but in this case from Evan it's going to be a thousand a thousand people are going to be able to watch the show for free because of Evan just now paying it forward so whether you can just do ten pay it forwards over there you can do a thousand it doesn't matter at all adds up it all contributes so I just wanted to leave that with you before we break for this week you have been so gracious so patient and it's been humbling it's been humbling to watch and I don't know how we're doing when it comes to financing episode 2 as I mentioned last night Jeffrey Harmon who's the CEO of that angel who's normally the most optimistic person he's the one who saw how this project was going to go from the very beginning a lot of this stuff was his idea even the Payette forward concept was his idea the app being able to be it wasn't his idea but it was like his his team with the engineers executing this on this ability to be able to get this show into your TVs without any subscription fees or anything all of these things Jeffrey has been so forward-thinking on and he didn't necessarily believe that we could finance episode 2 of season 2 by tonight he may end up turning out to be right it so we had a long ways to go but I was hoping in some ways that we could prove Jeffrey wrong in fact I even saw a couple people hash tagging hash tag proved jeffrey wrong and who knows maybe by tomorrow we will be able to do that but at least by Easter so if by Easter we can prove Jeffrey wrong and get episode 2 completely financed we will be well on our way sort towards season 2 because we can actually start the pre-production process we're already writing we can actually start getting things together even before the entire season is financed so in fact I wanted to just make sure you knew that that that that if we can get to that goal if we can at least get a fifth of the way through season 2 by Easter that's gonna be a big big boost but I'd love to get there even before I'd love to get there even by tomorrow the last few days have shattered the records for pay it forwards because you have been so generous so thank you for that and so with that I just want to say again god bless you I I love you because you have been so so much a part of this from day one literally from day one you know we we didn't when I went into this I didn't know what the future held put my notes away I didn't know I didn't this was just me just kind of making things up as I go along right now because I feel compelled to share with you just might where my heart is for this project I was coming off of the career failure I didn't know what the future held I didn't know if I was ever going to make another movie again the resurrection of Gavin stone which is a movie I'm very proud of a movie that many people loved but it didn't work at the box office and not enough people saw it and I was home alone with my wife crying and confused and God started the path of putting it on our hearts something might be coming down the road and we had no idea what it was we didn't really care exactly what it was we just wanted to be doing what God wanted all I knew that I was responsible for was the loaves and fish and it was God's job to feed the 5,000 and it's that one I poured myself into the short film about the birth of Christ from the perspective of the shepherds because I really didn't have anything else I just poured myself into that I knew that that was something a story that I wanted to tell and that became something bigger and that was just intended for our church but then it went viral on social media and slowly but surely God started breaking me down even more and making me realize that I wasn't in control of this and I had to rely on other people whether it was my partners and some of their ideas and some of their vision that I didn't have and here's what was so interesting about it I didn't have necessarily the vision for what this show was gonna be and my partners had a vision and some of it was wrong and they would be the first to tell you that that some of the predictions made were wrong some of the plans made were wrong in fact many of the things we tried didn't work it became very clear especially when I was in Israel in 2018 that God pressed very strongly on my heart that this show could be the thing that actually is what allows people to see some of the followers of Christ in a way that they haven't seen before and he said I don't want you I'm not gonna let you screw this up no I don't know of course for a fact if that's a promise or just an encouragement because I'm sure I'm capable of screwing up but with your prayers and with this continued humility that I'm seeking every day I promise you that I'm seeking humility every day that perhaps God will continue to let these loaves & Fishes feed the 5,000 but at every turn I've been surprised I don't have a vision for this project outside of what I just shared with you I want to see it go 8 seasons I want to see it reach over a billion people I believe that that's what's necessary to get the show to the world is somewhere around a hundred million dollars but I don't know that could change at any moment God could choose at any moment to cut this off this show is not promised to last for eight seasons I'm not promised to last for eight years but this show is not promised nothing is promised to us I do can I stand here before you today and say God is telling me God has anointed me I have a vision God has given me a prophesy none of that I don't have it I don't want it I want to just be reaching my hands out every day for daily manna my wife calls it the manna program every day I want my hands outstretched I want to be desperate for God I don't want to ever get ahead of them because God told the Israelites if you store up the manna that I'm going to give you each day I'm gonna make it rock I don't want you to plan ahead for your for your provision I want you to be desperate for me every day now I don't know what that means during this time of the virus of course we're supposed to be prepared and of course we're supposed to you know the food that we get we're supposed to you know be prepared for a rainy day as they say but when it comes to this show all I'm doing is getting up every morning and figuring out how I can make sure there's the loaves and fish that I provide are the best and healthiest they can be and that's what I want for you I don't want you to think I'm going to do this for the show and that's how I'm gonna find my value and if I don't do this then maybe I'm not contributing I want you to just listen to the Lord I want you to just seek understanding in your own lives this show is not the beginning in the end God can do mighty things through the world without this show he's already done them and he's gonna continue to do them he doesn't need me he doesn't need this show but for whatever reason it sure seems like he has chosen this show no pun intended to do something because we're hearing everyday from lives that are changed from every age every culture every gym you know all every every personality type every religious tradition people are saying I'm closer to my Bible and I'm closer to Jesus and I've ever been and for that I can only say thank you remember it's not your job to feed the 5,000 it's only provides those loaves and fish remember that God bless you I love you and I will see you soon [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] No [Music]
Channel: The Chosen
Views: 1,448,023
Rating: 4.9678159 out of 5
Id: 8lk4yq1f6DY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 126min 12sec (7572 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 05 2020
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