Can Teen Disney Fans Guess Disney Movies Described By Kids?

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- (FBE) Welcome, Disney fans. - Oh boy. - Yay, I love Disney. - (FBE) We will be showing you some videos of kids explaining Disney movies and you have to guess what movie they are talking about. - Oh shoot. - Oh frick. - Okay. - (FBE) Whoever can guess correctly gets a point. The person with the most points at the end of the challenge wins. - Oh, okay. - This'll be exciting. - This is fun. I'm a huge Disney fan. I know you are, too. You go to Disneyland a lot. - Oh yeah. - I know that. - I'm always at Disneyland. - I think I'm gonna kick her [bleep] at this game. I think I'm gonna do pretty damn well. I've been to Disney World, Epcot, you know, the whole shebang. - I went to Disneyland, Paris. - Oh, I've been to Disneyland, Japan. - Oh wow. We're covering all the realm. - (FBE) So, the kids did have some limitations when we filmed them. They couldn't say any character names and they couldn't use any words from the movies that would give it away too much. - Okay. - (FBE) So, are you ready for the challenge? - I'm ready. This could go in any direction. - I'm so excited. I've seen you guys do these ones and I've always wanted to try one, so this is my chance right here. - Yeah, I've always-- I see the parents do it. I've always wanted to do it. Sometimes, I have no idea what they're talking about, but I feel like I'll do okay because it's Disney and Disney's fairly easy. - (Lucas) So, it's a bunch of characters and the characters have an owner. - Ah, Lucas. - (Lucas) The owner, when he was going to college, donated all the characters to a local daycare. - Oh. - What? - Yep, got it. Got it. - What? - (Lucas) Now, at this daycare, all the characters are separated. - Ah, come on now. Come on now. - (Lucas) One, there's one room which is a little kids' room, one room which is the quiet... - Oh. - What? - (Lucas) They all get separated and all the characters think this is gonna be fun and everything. - Wait, guys, I'm doubting. - (Lucas) They all break and everything, okay? - Break what? - (Lucas) Talk to the owner of the daycare. - I love the air quotes. - (Lucas) And say, "Can you move us to the nice and quiet baby room?" - This is not good. It's not gonna be good for me. - (Lucas) They get moved there. - I haven't seen this one since I was five. - (Lucas) Thing's daycare was like... - I have no idea. - You don't know? - No. - (Lucas) At the end of the movie, the owner of the thing... - The thing. - The thing. - (Lucas) He was really evil and he decided to throw one of the things into the garbage. See if you can guess the movie. - Thank you, Lucas. - That was perfect. That last part was literally all I needed. - I don't even need to hide it from you because I'm gonna get it so wrong. - I feel good. - Yeah, I feel good. - I feel real good. - (FBE) You can show me your answers in three, two, one. So yeah, Jeremiah, it was Toy Story 3. - Toy Story 3. He said the college kid gave his toys to the daycare and I was like, "Oh, okay." - Yeah. - Ah no! - It's specifically the third one. - That's what I was saying. I don't know if it was one, two, or three, 'cause I don't even think I watched the second one. - Ay. - Yay. - You got it, too? - Yeah, yeah. - Nice, nice, nice. - Yay, okay. - Hey. - I don't know. I got confused when he was like, "The thing." - I know, I was confused by the quotation marks. - I'm feeling less confident because I realized that a lot of these movies, I know the characters and everything, but they don't say the characters' names and I haven't watched these in years. - (Katrina) This male gendered thing that gets separated from his parental male gendered thing. - Separated. Aha. - (Katrina) And goes on the ocean. - Oh, come on now. - Okay. - Come on now. - (Katrina) In another place. The parental male figure tries to... - Got it in the bag. - (Katrina) Find the child male figure and... - This is actually my favorite movie of all time. - (Katrina) Because the little male figure... - What? - (Katrina) Put in-- becomes a captive somewhere in a cage. - Bro, this is me trying to explain a story. - (Katrina) In a box. - Very good vague explanation. - Yeah. - (Katrina) The male parental figure finds the child parental figure and they get somehow reunited in a way. - What? That's all we get? I just got parental figures and I was like, "Uh." - That's all you need. - I'm just gonna take a wild guess. - I was like, what movie has a dad and then a son and that's it and there's not a lot of movies like that, so it cancels out a lot of movies. - (FBE) You can show me your answers in three, two, one. So, Marlhy got it right. - What is it? - Finding Nemo. - What the heck? I put Pinocchio. I was like, okay, it figures. - The little male figure gets separated from his parental male figure, so it's Nemo getting lost from Marlin, Marvin? - Okay. - Gotcha. Parental unit thingy. - Finding Nemo. - Got it. - Yes. - Yay. Oh, you got a fish too? - That was cute. - Yeah. We're doing really good at this. - Yeah. - What if we get a perfect score? - Oh, that'd be sick. - It sounded like a tongue twister for me. She was like, "Parental figures of the male parental with a son" and I was like doing math in my head. - (Jordyn) She can't go to the ocean because... - Oh, come on now. Come on now. - (Jordyn) They think it's not safe. - Oh, okay. Already got it. - (Jordyn) 'Cause they'd been out in the ocean for so long and then ever since her dad lost his friend. - Wait. - (Jordyn) They never went out to the ocean again. - Wait. The ending part caught me off guard about the dad losing the friend. - Do you know it? - I'm chilling, yeah. - Oh God. Doesn't go to-- what, what, what? Oh, oh. - It's about to be all tied up, baby. - Oh crap. Ocean, not safe ocean. Ah, okay. There we go. - No! - (FBE) Okay, you guys can show me your whiteboards in three, two, one. - Little Mermaid 2? - (FBE) Yeah, Jayka got it. - I got it. - Moana. - Moana is one of my favorite modern movies. It is such a good film. - Oh, thank God. - Look at that. - (both) Moana. - Hey. - Yeah, okay. - What gave it to me was that she couldn't go in the ocean because they though it was unsafe. - Ha ha, dangerous ocean. I was confused, 'cause I didn't remember. Dangerous ocean. - I can figure out old classics and those immediately, but a lot of... - The newer Disney movies. - Yeah, those are getting me. - I'm still feeling confident. I feel like we're on the same level in the head. I'm tapping into my inner kid and understanding exactly what they're saying. - (Max) This kid loves a girl. - Oh, that's every Disney movie. - (Max) An important person. - Oh wow. - (Max) It is an important person that he doesn't know about. - Oh, come on now. - (Max) He gets sent to a jail where an old guy, AKA the evil guy. - I think I know. - (Max) "Hey, let's go to a place where there's a lot of treasure." - Oh, come on now. - I don't know if I know this. - Are you serious? - Yeah. - You don't know this? - (Max) You can only touch one thing. - Oh. - (Max) All the other stuff is bad, so you should only touch that one thing. All the other stuff is bad, so you should only touch that one thing. - What? - Oh. - (Max) His pet. - I feel like I know what it is. - That's the part I was waiting for, right there. I got it. - (Max) The whole place started to collapse, but the pet snuck the thing that they-- the one thing that they could touch and then when they rubbed it, a thing came out. - Oh. - Oh, that was obvious. Why did he say that last part? - Oh my God, this one's tripping me out. Pet, though, that's the biggest clue. - Aw, come on. I got that the first few seconds. - Okay, okay. - (FBE) In three, two, one. - Don't know if I spelled it correctly, but... - (FBE) So Jaxon got it. It's Aladdin. - What is it? - It's Aladdin. - Aladdin. - He went to jail. - I don't know the plot of Aladdin. - Aladdin? - It's Aladdin, right? - (FBE) Yes. - Okay. - We did good. - Okay, okay. - Yay, I'm so happy about this. - Easy. - Yeah. - We're good at this. - We're good at this. This is definitely a competition. - We speak a child language. - We're not that far. - We're not that old yet. Yeah, so we can relate to them. - (Sydney) It's about how there's a war going on and so her dad has to go away, but the thing is, her dad is really old. - Okay. - Oh. - (Sydney) And so... - Oh, I'm ready. - Oh, okay. - (Sydney) And so she doesn't want him getting hurt. - Got it, got it. - (Sydney) She doesn't want him getting hurt. - I got it. - (Sydney) His place to go fight in the war, but the thing is, women aren't really supposed to go fight in the war. - Oh yeah, okay. We got this. - This one's pretty obvious. - Yeah. - (Sydney) Her pretending to be the guy and then also trying to help fight the war and in the end, she fights off the main bad guy and they all win at the end. - That's right, she does. That was a good description. - That one was good. - It was really good. When she talked about how the war, the moment she brought in that key word, it was very easy to remember. - (FBE) Three, two, one. Yeah, you both got it. This is Mulan. - Yeah. What did I say? I know my Disney movies. Disney movies are pretty iconic. - He does know Disney very well. - (both) Yay. - Wow. - We did good. - Okay. - There's a sequel, right? She has a two? - I don't think I've seen the second one. - That's why I put a question mark. I wasn't sure. - Oh my God. - Oh, perfect score. Let's go! - Yes! - I was thinking it was Brave at first, but yeah, when she talked about the dad. They're really good at explaining things, though. - Yeah, that was nice. Good detail. - Good job. - Gotta give it to the kids on this one. I can't give myself the credit. They did a great job explaining it. - Aw, that's sweet. - So, good for them. - This was so fun. - This was a lot of fun. - They're so cute. - Almost every kid in this, at the end they always said that one last thing at the end where it was like, "I know what you're talking about. Yeah, I know what that is now." - I'm ready to do Nickelodeon next and then Cartoon Network. I'm ready. - Thanks for watching us guess Disney movies on the React Channel. - You've got a friend in me if you subscribe. - Bye. - Hey guys, I'm Katie, a React Channel producer. Thank you so much for watching this episode. We are in the comments replying to you guys for the first 30 minutes of every upload, so be sure to subscribe and hit the bell and check mark so you know when we're there. Bye.
Channel: People Vs Food
Views: 2,597,566
Rating: 4.9415898 out of 5
Keywords: disney movies, aladdin, toy story, react, reaction, fbe, fine bros, Can Teen Disney Fans Guess Disney Movies Described By Kids?, fine brothers, watch, review, for the first time, kids react, teens react, adults react, elders react, parents react, disney, toy story 3, finding nemo, fine brothers entertainment, guess that, moana, college kids react, youtubers react, CPG1901, do they know it, walt disney, disney princess
Id: QdAoq9OnP_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2019
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