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- We're a team! - Yes, we're a team. - (laughing) To get me to victory. - I get paired up with the Disney nerds! ♪ (upbeat intro) ♪ - (FBE) All right, guys, welcome to Fine Bowl IV! - Woo! Everybody's been waiting. - I don't think anyone has ever left that comment. - (FBE) So today, we've got a challenge for you guys. - Wonderful, a green button. Meh, guess that something. - (FBE) We're gonna play you part of a song, and the first person to guess the song, title, and what movie it's from gets a point. The person with the most points at the end wins. - Oh no! - The titles are always the worst. I can get the artist, usually. - Really? I can't get any. - (FBE) And these are all Disney movie songs. - (both) Oh! - Snap! - Ohhhhhhhhh! - Benny worked at Disney for 10 years, so it's very possible he has an advantage here. - I do like Disney. I just get a little sick of Disney... (disgruntled sigh) from time to time. Yeah, I'm gonna get some hate for that. - Especially in this company. - I already expect to lose, so if I win, I'm gonna be gloating for, like, six months. - It's true. - This is gonna be quite the challenge. - Yeah, I just-- my motivation now is I really want to beat you. - Yeah. Bring it! - She takes any day and lowers it a notch. - (laughing) Yep, because I want to make him miserable. - And she succeeds. - Yes, and I will do it again right now. - Yeah, I'm not counting on my knowledge at all. I'm counting on pure being very competitive, and getting to the buzzer faster. May the best employee win. - Let's do this. (birds chirping) - ♪ Look at... ♪ (hitting bell) - "Look at Me," Frozen? (buzzer) (hitting bell) - Um, Little Mermaid, "A Whole New World"? (buzzer) AH!! - Right away, it's like ♪ Look at this stuff ♪ but it's definitely not that. - No, it's definitely not that. - I know, I'm just, you know-- - Just saying, it's not that. - It definitely isn't. I agree. - ♪ Look at... ♪ (hitting bell) - It's from Mulan. "Look at Me"? It's not "Look at Me." (buzzer) Do you know what the song and title is? (hitting bell) - Is it "Reflection" from Mulan? (ding) (gasping) Yes! - ♪ Look at... ♪ (hitting bell) - (both laughing) - Mulan, "Reflection." (ding) Yes. - ♪ Look at me ♪ - ♪ Look at... ♪ (hitting bell) - Nope. - "Reflection" in Mulan. (ding) Yay. ♪ Look at me ♪ (laughing) - That was good! - I love that song. (hitting bell) - "Reflection," Mulan. (ding) (grunting) Woo! (laughing) - ♪ Look at me ♪ - Oh, wow, yeah. (hitting bell) Okay, Mulan, "Reflection"? (ding) AH!! - Oh. - Maybe that's why that hit my mind. - "My Reflection," Mulan. (ding) - Whaaaat? Good job, Ben. - We're a team. - Yes, we're a team. - (laughing) To get me to victory. - (FBE) Here's the first second of your second song. ♪ (orchestra playing) ♪ (bell tolling) - What a bell. That was a great bell. - It sounded Disney-like. I heard a babbling brook. - ♪ Look at this stuff ♪ - "Bonjour," Beauty and the Beast. (buzzer) - I got nothing. - Mm-mm. ♪ (orchestra playing) ♪ (bell tolling) (hitting bell) - No. - Uh, is that "Colors of the Wind," Pocahontas? (buzzer) ♪ (orchestra playing) ♪ (bell tolling) (hitting bell) - Pocahontas, "Colors of the Wind"? (buzzer) - I was thinking Pocahontas, too. (hitting bell) - "Just Around the Riverbend," Pocahontas. (ding) We just played this in the office yesterday! ♪ (orchestra playing) ♪ - ♪ What I love most about... ♪ - Oh my god. (hitting bell) - Pocahontas, "Hear My Voice." (buzzer) Okay. - ♪ What I love most about... ♪ - Don't know. - No idea. - ♪ What I love most about... ♪ (hitting bell) - It's so obvious! - It's Pocahontas. "Just Around the Riverbend"? - DAMN IT! - All right! - ♪ What I love most about... ♪ - (both) Oh! - No, I don't-- (hitting bell) - "Just Around the Riverbend," Pocahontas. (ding) Yay! - Ah! (hitting bell) Uh, "Just Around the Riverbend," Pocahontas? (ding) Waaaah! - ♪ What I love most about rivers is ♪ ♪ You can't... ♪ - What I love most about what? - Um, Pocahontas, um... "Colors of the World"? (buzzer) "Colors of the Rainbow"?! (buzzer) - ♪ What I love most about rivers is ♪ - Pocahontas, "By the Riverside"? (buzzer) - Oh. (hitting bell) Pocahontas, "Just Around the Riverbend." (ding) - Ugh. - ♪ Just around the riverbend ♪ - ♪ What I love most about rivers is ♪ ♪ You can't step in the same river twice ♪ ♪ The water's always... ♪ (hitting bell) - Okay, Pocahontas, "Colors of the Wind"? (buzzer) (hitting bell) - Pocahontas, "Moon River"? (buzzer) - ♪ ...changing, always flowing ♪ ♪ But people, I guess, can't live like that ♪ ♪ We must all pay a price ♪ ♪ To be safe, we lose our chance of ever knowing ♪ (hitting bell) - Pocahontas, um, "Flowing River"? (buzzer) - I don't know. - (FBE) This was "Just Around the Riverbend" from Pocahontas. - Good Lord! - Whatever. - These are great songs. I'm kind of sad that we're getting them so early because I want to just listen to all 15 seconds of it. - ♪ I have o-- ♪ - I'm not gonna get this one. - Mm-mm. - No. - ♪ I have o-- ♪ - Nothing. - Nothing from me. - ♪ I have o-- ♪ (hitting bell) - Hercules, uh, I don't know the song. (hitting bell) - Uh, "Go the Distance," Hercules? (ding) (gasping) - Ugh, this is so frustrating. (hitting bell) - "Go the Distance," Hercules? (ding) - Whoa! - Woo! (hitting bell) - "Go the Distance" from Hercules? - Yep. - Okay, whew! - ♪ I have o-- ♪ (hitting bell) - (sighing) "Go the Distance," Hercules. I am sorry, because-- - No, no, you can shut your mouth because I don't think you're sorry. - (laughing) - ♪ I have often dreamed of a far off place ♪ (hitting bell) - Hercules, "Far Off Place." (buzzer) (hitting bell) - Hercules, "Dreaming of a Far Off Place." (buzzer) - Uh, "The Bells of Notre Dame." (buzzer) Hunchback of Notre Dame. - I don't have a guess yet. - ♪ Where a great, warm welcome will be waiting for me ♪ ♪ Where the crowds will cheer when they see my... ♪ - "When they see my..." (snorting) - (laughing) What? - When they see your what?! (hitting bell) - Hercules, "A Great Warm Welcome." (buzzer) - I have no idea! I know it's Hercules, but I have no idea. - We give up. - (FBE) So this one was "Go the Distance" from Hercules. - Okay, never would have gotten that. - I haven't seen Hercules enough. I need to go watch Hercules. It'll be the first thing I do after this-- and work, of course. - ♪ (woman humming) ♪ - Hmmm. - Nope. - Yeah. - ♪ (woman humming) ♪ - Oh, this is an oldie. - Yeah, for sure, it sounds old. - ♪ (woman humming) ♪ - Ooh. - Mmmmmm! - Old. - I know, but which old one is it? - I got "mmmm" out of it, but that doesn't help anybody. - I have an idea. - What? - Ahem, but I need more. - Seriously? - ♪ (woman humming) ♪ - Yeah, I want to take a guess. I don't know if this is right. (hitting bell) "So This is Love," Cinderella? (ding) (laughing) - Why does this keep happening? What is it about this? I get paired up with the Disney nerds! - ♪ (Cinderella humming) ♪ - Just say some words, lady! - (laughing) - Say some words! - ♪ (Cinderella humming) ♪ - Yeah, I knew that we were about to be like we're still not to that next moment. - We need the next-- we need words. - She's just humming very happily. - Yeah. - Who's happy? - Every Disney movie. (hitting bell) - Lady and the Tramp, "She's a Tramp." (buzzer) Okay. - 101 Dalmatians, uh, "Spots"? (buzzer) - I'm just gonna take a wild guess because I don't even know. Is it "Someday My Prince Will Come," Cinderella? (buzzer) No? Okay. - ♪ (Cinderella humming) ♪ ♪ So this is love ♪ (hitting bell) - Oh. Cinderella, "So This is Love." (ding) Ah, I got one! - Yay! - ♪ (Cinderella humming) ♪ ♪ So this is love ♪ (hitting bell) - "So This is Love," Sleeping Beauty. (buzzer) - Mm-mm. - Duh! Okay. (hitting bell) - "So This is Love," Cinderella. - Yes. - Really? - Yes! - Great. (hitting bell) - Cinderella, "So This is Love"? (ding) - Are you [bleep] kidding me?! - (cackling) - Yo! - (laughing) - I can't! I cannot! (hitting bell) - "So This is Love," Cinderella? (ding) Yeah! - Oh, really? - "So This is Love." Is that the song title? - Maybe that is. (hitting bell) - Cinderella, "So This is Love"? (ding) No way! - No way! - You've got this now. - Here we go. - Ugh, I can't believe I gave it to you. - (FBE) Here we go, first second, last song. ♪ (instrumental piece) ♪ (water rushing) - Okay, I got more water. Got more trouble a-brewing. ♪ (instrumental piece) ♪ - Hmmm. - Okay. - There's water. - There's water. ♪ (instrumental piece) ♪ (water rushing) - I need more. - The first song from a Disney movie. (buzzer) - Oh my god, I know it, Derek. - Do it. - I know it. - Do it. It's impressive now at this point. (hitting bell) - "How Far I'll Go," Moana. (ding) Yes. - Cool. (hitting bell) - Moana, "How Far Will I Go"? (ding) Yes! - "Mo-wah-na." - Moana was good. - I think it's "Mo-wana." - (saying correctly) Moana! Whatever. ♪ (instrumental piece) ♪ - ♪ I... ♪ - This is from something new, isn't it? I think we need more time. - I think he needs more time. I think I need (mumbling). ♪ (instrumental piece) ♪ - ♪ I... ♪ - Is this newer? - I say yes. - Like Brave, maybe? - Brave? Whoa! - I don't know. (hitting bell) - Frozen, "Let's Build a Snowman." (buzzer) Okay. ♪ (instrumental piece) ♪ - ♪ I...♪ (hitting bell) - ARGH, we love this! Okay. - "How Far I'll Go," Moana. (ding) - Damn. - ♪ I've been star-- ♪ (hitting bell) - Moana, "Edge of the Water"? (buzzer) "Water's Edge"? (buzzer) (hitting bell) - Moana, "Staring." (buzzer) - Can we get some more? - Yeah. - Maybe we'll guess it on the lyrics. - ♪ I've been star-- ♪ - I'm gonna take a stab in the dark at the name. I think this is wrong, though. (hitting bell) "How Far I'll Go" from Moana. (ding) Oh, I did get it? Okay, cool. - ♪ I've been staring at the edge of the water ♪ ♪ Long as... ♪ (hitting bell) - Moana, "Dreaming For the Future." (buzzer) - Wow. Moana, "A New Leaf." (buzzer) (hitting bell) - What about "Edge of the Water," Moana? - (chuckling) - Oh. - I don't think we're gonna get this. - ♪ I've been staring at the edge of the water ♪ ♪ Long as I can remember ♪ ♪ Never really knowing why ♪ (winds playing) ♪ I wish... ♪ - She has a very beautiful voice. - I got it! (hitting bell) "How Far I'll Go" from Moana. (ding) (hitting bell) - Moana, "I Wish." (buzzer) (hitting bell) - Moana, "Changing World." (buzzer) What is it? - (FBE) This is "How Far I'll Go" from Moana. - Yeah. - (FBE) David, you won. - Yay. But it was a good game. - It was a good game. - I won a Disney one. It was close, as it should be, because we both are ginormous fans of Disney films. - Brava. - I feel bad for Derek a little bit. - I mean... I can't believe I'm saying this, but can I go back to work now, please? - Thanks for watching Guess That Song here on the React channel. - Don't miss out. Subscribe! - If you want to see me bomb another Guess That Song challenge, click that Like button. - Bye, guys. - Hey, guys, I'm Katie, a React channel producer. Thank you so much for watching this episode. What's your favorite Disney channel movie? Let me know in the comments. Bye, guys!
Channel: REPLAY
Views: 2,360,635
Rating: 4.9386325 out of 5
Keywords: reaction, react, reactions, reacts, Try not to laugh, laugh challenge, laughing challenge, thefinebros, fine brothers, fine brothers entertainment, FBE, GUESS THAT SONG CHALLENGE #13: Disney Edition ft. FBE STAFF, laugh or grin while watching this, try to watch this, viral, funny, comedy, react gaming, kids versus food, do they know it, staff reacts, lyric breakdown, disney songs, moana, disney music
Id: Fr2kOPGD570
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2018
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