5 Hours of Relaxing Psychedelic Space Rock (I had to mute a few tracks)
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Channel: Underrated Albums
Views: 7,672,461
Rating: 4.9250464 out of 5
Keywords: Underrated Music, Underrated Albums, Music, marijuana, 420, High Music, hypnotic, Psychedelic Space Rock, 5 Hours, Relaxing, Psychedelic Rock, Space Rock, Weed, Fly High, Spaceslug, Weedpecker, Ahkmed, Farflung, Öken, The Machine, Ampacity, Frog Island, Sun Blood Stories, Quest For Fire, Truckfighters, Causa Sui, Buddha Sentenza, Arenna, Krobak, Föllakzoid, 1000mods, Colour Haze, Kyuss, Mars Red Sky, 35007, Skraeckoedlan, The Re-Stoned, compilation
Id: iuWa5wh8lG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 297min 58sec (17878 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2017
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I watch out for it, only bc I hope it comes round again 😂
So many bands I want to see but never have... Best wishes to everyone that attended.