Can Skittles Become Cotton Candy?

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in today's video we are revisiting what kinds of odd candy we can turn into cotton candy are these gonna work or are they going to end in disaster [Music] [Applause] hey everyone before we start the video I just wanted to remind you of the 25 percent off sale going on in the shop right now the build kits make great Christmas gifts so go ahead and click the link in the description to get yours now well not too long ago we had an experiment to try freeze drying a bunch of things and we got some very weird results from several types of candy and I guess it kind of makes sense that a lot of you wanted to see if those weird types of candy could be turned into a different weird type of candy cotton candy like what Callie is chowing down on right now there's going great here's the basic idea we have a few new types of candy that seem like they could work really well in our cotton candy machine but we're not sure we're going to try tapi skittles and some marshmallow fluff we're not sure if these will work but we want to find out the process of freeze drying stuff removes all the moisture and we've chosen several candies that have main ingredients of sugar and corn syrup which from our experiments seem to be what works the best other types of sweeteners don't really seem to work fructose doesn't work at all a lot of candies use dextrose is the base and that doesn't seem to work either but we have some skittles we have some Cola flavored gummy candies we've got marshmallows and marshmallow fluff and then we've got a few different flavors of saltwater taffy and all of these have sugar and corn syrup as the main ingredient we have our freeze-dried skittles and then we have some free shred skills that we've removed the shells from and so we're gonna try both the shell part and the interior part these are from sour skittles these are from dart sight skittles I think that Nate and I may be the only two human alive on this planet at this moment they can say that we have successfully skinned freeze-dried skittles or D shelves we do shell the freeze-dried skittles that's not a sentence you hear every day this is regular cotton candy it was just a pretty color but as far as the different combinations that we have here today I'm most excited about the saltwater taffy we have two different flavor combos that we kind of want to try this is our if I remember correctly this is like the huckleberry taffy or is that the purple I think purple tackleberry this is another type of berry yeah these are two of my favorite types of saltwater taffy we think they're gonna mix fantastically together and then we've got chocolate and peppermint that was because we didn't have enough of either one it's kind of similar to our berries here we hope these flavors are gonna go well together and then Nate has a pile of hair saltwater taffy he really likes that flavor so lots of fun experiments fun things that we can try works well I think what we can do is let's just take small handful of skittles here and we're just gonna blend this up into a powder hopefully that gives us some more even melt if they melt at all well okay even if cotton candy doesn't work skittle dust is a thing now we're gonna add a big ol scoop of skittle dest see what it does well we've got threads we've got some serious threads Wow we've got fluff what I don't forget it was ever made God gave yet his skills before well we have now I don't think I'm good this wasn't working really well yes amazing candies that we've tried to fluff up this much it's not nearly as good as actual cotton candy sugar that would probably be at least double this volume let's yeah but for non-official I'm just gonna keep you another scoop here this is yeah this is as good as we've ever had except for maybe lifesavers join me Cali get a piece and the same oh it's stretchy what alright it's much harder feels softer alright first ever skittles cotton candy probably it's delicious that's great it does have a graininess I don't care no not it's definitely not bad as I've done Cali breathed in her hot kitty but this to me is the weirdest it like it really stretches and slides apart you know normal cotton came just sort of tears this feels like it's doesn't want to let go and then when it is it's like maybe maybe as though it were silk instead of cotton okay you know what this is like Halloween cobwebs that you can just like you get this ball of it and then you sort of stretch to make pretty stuff holy crap I recite this is amazing now we have insides only so these are skittles we cut all the shells off so I'm gonna try just taking it inside dark-sided skittles insides only get some good fluff smells really nice hmmm all right the first one again with sour skittles this is just the interior of dark side this might be the Grail oh look hot looking at it I I think I do still see the little brains yeah got the stretchies yeah lighting texture it's good I like it I want to try regular skittles to see if fat you know we just get a good regular skittle flavor okay not odd brownish color hmm yeah I just breathed in a little bit we have to stop doing that I didn't mean to but I like the flavor of that a lot so I'm excited for this one okay colors in dressing is more of a pink yeah powder was more of a brown so that's kind of fun that it's changed a bit still has the Flex still has the weird stretchy consistency oh my gosh that tastes like a pack of Skittles oh my goodness I'm so happy skittles cotton candy exists in this world now you guys and it doesn't come off your fingers we're full-grown adults a 90% of our diet there's cotton candy and steak at this point yeah that's fine it's fine um it also occurs to me I don't think we're gonna do this because it's probably not worth the effort but you could totally separate out by a flavor so if you just wanted red skin a little orange you could just have the individual flavors of skittles cotton candy this has worked amazingly well way better than I thought it would absolutely also I love the fact that this is shapeable cotton candy this is a pile of mostly darkside some sour shells like I said we do shelled a bunch of our skittles to see if it would make a difference I'm gonna try this obviously you can still see there's some of the inner white cuz it's very hard to de-shell skittles guys fun fact let's see what happens I am concerned because the shells have sort of a / nevermind I'm not concerned about anything in life shell seem to be working great and again mostly she'll still have some of the inner but probably about half yeah not nearly as much colors that would have thought but here's my thought I don't think coz it's got I would assume a little bit less sugar maybe it doesn't burn there's one other related experiment I am just gonna put some skittles that haven't been freeze-dried in hopefully not clogging up my machine too badly well so far whole skittles unfreeze dried actually oh my goodness turn into this I would definitely not have thought that I thought that like the slight chewy texture of what's in skittles yeah would make it so it would not melt evenly that we would not get a nice yeah I mean it was a good mix there's a couple of blue ones in there and the red and something like that so like what I just didn't think was gonna work still has some flecks in it which could even be left over oh man that's good good flavors if you have a cotton candy machine at home guys what skills in it what skittles in it skills gets like an 8 out of 10 for me yeah for cotton candy and that's like 10 bean that works surprisingly well perfect so this is gummy Cola they look like little bottles before you freeze dry them I'm gonna break this in half and just try and drop one half then the other and we'll see if it melts come on oh it smells like burning gelatin already oh no yeah that's I'm just going to lightly chop up some marshmallows it's not even gonna be like a fine chop I'm not gonna put them in the blender I'm gonna cut up these two marshmallows in the sort of small pieces hmm I don't think marshmallows are gonna work if it does it's gonna take a bit and then it's going to spit out its gonna be like toasted marshmallow flavor which would be amazing if this works however right now not even with wait some fiberglass II for that coca-cola yeah like a slight yes they're not even connected it's just like one at a time are they are they good how does your hand huh it's like trying to touch a toasted marshmallow it does taste exactly like toasted marshmallow but our fluffiness is non-existent we're just getting fiberglass which might be good to just scoop up and eat that would make such a bizarre but such a cool like fancy dessert topping yeah it looks like I get cut it looks like dried sprouts or something yeah but it does have a slight burn taste what kind of like if you're Callie and you roasted a marshmallow and it got the slightly burned whole marshmallows not a great result but we do have this right here and this was just marshmallow fluff and I suspect we're gonna get pretty much the same result but we're gonna try it I'm not sure it doesn't even react the same as marshmallows in the free drive so I have a little bit of hope true marshmallows don't really expand marshmallow fluff this was like smeared out flat on the bottom of this tray actually didn't think I was gonna puff up nearly as much because he was like pushing it down with a spatula no if it doesn't start working in the first few seconds when we have it this warm I never really have a lot of faith I think it's just so area that it's not in contact with it just takes longer to heat up well we have enough hay now to try it I think yep tastes like toasted marshmallow yep next up is the saltwater taffy I don't think that's the best way to do it it's fine I guess we're gonna try like this yellow oh that work out for ya I got it did you yes did you it smells like very smells delicious but there's no stringiness it smells fantastic I'm very confused as to whatever is happening this is bizarre just yes splattering it on the sides try some purple mm-hmm not like really well but a lot better it looks like we just put solely in our cotton candy machine all right well we're not getting nice cotton candy we are getting some threads off on the sides here and they're delicious and a strange it's got I melted an entire piece of peppermint taffy in there and now everything smells like peppermint [Music] gosh that's not all we've always got more 42c put batbox up the top check in the most recent video and you'll see in the next one talk to you then
Channel: TKOR
Views: 3,796,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thekingofrandom, tkor, grant thompson, nate, calli, random happens, bottle caps, smarties, can cotton candy become, what can you make cotton candy with, pixy stix cotton candy, corn syrup, pixy stix, nerds, how to make cotton candy, weird things made out of cotton candy, cotton candy art, fairy floss, dragons breath, innovative candy, what to do with old candy, skittles, salt water taffy, laffy taffy, breath mints
Id: dD9jKTu80YY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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