Does Moldy Bread Really Clean Your Walls?

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in today's video we're testing out a bunch of food hacks that have gone viral on Instagram to see if they really work [Applause] in case you guys didn't know this shirt is currently on sale for a limited time only if you're a fan of the channel and have been wanting to get some merch now is the time go ahead and click the link in the description and let's get this video started yeah this is lunch I was thinking avocados bacon bread and eggs actually probably has a candle ilucato toast with bacon and eggs that does sound like wrap it all up from the t-shirt you got some flowers for ambiance great I don't know about sprite as a drink to go with breakfast nope yeah what's happened is several people have sent us an Instagram video that I believe originated with blossom and has been passed around it to a bunch of other sites and Instagram accounts at this point and they're all food hacks interesting or strange things you can do with food that are not feeding them I prefer eating them but apparently there's other good things and we want to test a lot of those today here's the basic idea we've had lots of people request that we test out several of these hacks to see if they're actually viable or if they're complete nonsense I think some of them will work and some of them won't what we're gonna have to see which is which the first video that we're talking about it shows using eggshells flour water and food color and you blend it all up in a blender into sort of this paste you take that paste put it in a lip balm container and then it shows drawing on a chalk board with it as though I guess the texture seemed like it was maybe more like a pastel than than chalk because it does have liquid in it originally I'm just curious because they like piped it into the chapstick but then they like we're extruding it like it was a stick of some kind so maybe it dries or yeah curious somehow the flower and it might congeal or something like that so the next one we have two different loaves of bread here apparently you can take moldy bread and you can use it to sort of remove marks on your wall now we're pretty sure that the mold isn't necessary because they actually cut the mold off of it we think they just don't want to waste food so we will use a couple of slices of fresh bread today just to see if it works and then sorry we will be leaving some of it out over the weekend to see if the mold leanness makes any difference the next one is the idea that you can take grease from bacon and make a functional candle out of it that smell like bacon so the thought is that you put cloves and cinnamon mixed in with the bacon grease you add a candle wick and then the cloves and cinnamon just somehow get rid of the bacon smell we're gonna try it so we've got two pounds of bacon we're gonna cook all that up collect all the grease put it in this jar and we'll see we'll make that candle we'll let it cool over the weekend that'll have two purposes one the bacon grease will cool down all the way to the bacon smell will go out of the house we'll actually have like a good comparison to tell like oh are we really smelling bacon grease when we light this candle for our next one we are going to try and dye fabric with avocados now the idea here is that evoke ADO's actually contain tannins and tannins contain a red sort of pigment in fact that's a lot of the reason why a lot of wines have a red color you'll look at the tannin content of wine a lot of the time it produces sort of the dryness however it also is very very red I didn't believe this for avocado so I actually looked it up and it actually is true avocados not just the flesh itself but the pits contains a little over 13% tannin that's a lot so avocado pits not good for eating may be good for dying t-shirts I mean you could eat them but you get a really dry mouth this skin has some red tint as well so we will be putting both the skin and the pits into a jar full of water we'll be adding in our white fabric and hopefully should diet pick the last myth that we're gonna test is the idea you can use flat soda sprite specifically is used in the video to restore wilted roses these roses are not quite wilted so our plan is we're actually just going to wait until they wilt a little bit and then we're going to try pouring in the flat sprite I don't know if you guys have ever had freshly cut flowers but if they start to wilt you just add a couple tablespoons of sugar into the water and it does help them perk up so once they wilt I actually want to do a control test I want to have some that are in soda and some butter just in sugar water see the difference I like that plan all right [Music] I think that's a little bit thicker I'm still just gonna let it sit out and dry for a bit before putting in the bag and then putting in your chapstick container now our bread this bread is entirely too good we need not good bread it's not mouldy we're gonna touch all the bread expose it to germs and then we're not going to eat it afterward found them phones notoriously unclean [Music] it's been yes a long time not a weekend weekend and things have progressed some more than others our roses have begun to wilt nicely the necks are all bent over so I think those are perfect for testing if our sprite will revive them and you wanted to test a side by side of sprite versus the sugar water see if there's a difference I'm gonna go ahead and say the next one you're know what has happened here so the the top of this which just like has come completely separated this is like hardened and then the inside I'm just giving a terrible smell that's liquid no mush just dude or a stick or goop in a container oh look at that look at how well that doesn't work okay so I'm not gonna say that it's impossible 100% to make some sort of chalk with this stuff some sort of colored pastel but whatever they gave was certainly not enough instruction because this has turned into like a semi coagulated flower grow sness like that has no chocolate making chalk as a kid it was super easy you would take I don't know if you guys remember pushed pots like the the frozen push pops like ice cream pops and you would you'd push out the ice cream you would eat it and then you would have that little roll or the little piece of cardboard and it was a cornstarch mix and you could make homemade chalk is really cool this this seems way too complicated very low-key house dude that's great perfect done hey guys remember how we said that tannins will die things of pink color guess what again not enough instructions Nate what went wrong here so I've done some research you can dye cloth using avocado pits megan's I did say that I do because of the tennis however is this a crucial step you need heat and even in the original video if you look carefully you can see there pot is sitting on a stove it doesn't boil but it you don't ever see any evidence of the stove being turned or steam or bubbles or anything like that I think we are going to try the correct method to see how well it works and how it's not the same color seeing that other video but we're gonna try it we're just going to boil some pits and skins for like 45 minutes see how much color we can get out and we'll see what it looks like pit shirts exactly bacon grease candle kind of smells like bacon grease mix of cinnamon and cloves huh no I got was bacon and I stuffed my nose like right on that that was hittin hints of the other things but the question is what it's like when it's burning so I say when you did let's trim that we found it which is obviously what was gonna happen but hopefully there's enough mixing let's trim the wick let's light the candle and see what it smells like I just think that you know cuz with a candle if you leave it burning for a while like it melts the top layer and stuff that happens with this our wick might just fall right over cuz bacon grease clearly does not solidify as much as candles do in just room temperature let's see what beautiful smelling game mmm nothing very light baking grease let's just give it a while to get going and see if anything comes out of it how's our bread okay guys this is the Markab we unmold be looking so we're just gonna give this a few more days to really get moldy before we do our test cuz we really want to try and make it as much like the video as possible would you like ah no goodness no there may not be visible mold but that doesn't mean nothing's going wrong with it our flat soda already has just the sugar at the corn syrup dissolved into it I'm gonna warm up the water dissolve the sugar itself and then asking cold water room-temperature water is what you want your flowers in cold is you know good - but it doesn't work quite as well that should be just fine alright so the size of the glass container isn't gonna matter so the smaller one is our sugar water this is going to be sprite mixed with water alright in the video that's probably at least as much as they showed right there so see if these roses come magically back to life it does smell like a candle like you can definitely smell the baking grease but it just sort of smells like generic table I don't know not a good cinnamon smell not a good close smell another strong baby smell obviously it all just sort of soaked to the bottom it is good to know that the bacon smell isn't overwhelming this is really kind of a credibly diem Nate how many weeks has have been a long time so I got this bread because I have had times in the past where it went moldy before it's expiration date so we thought oh this will be great it'll go moldy quick especially because we're gonna like touch it and rub it on stuff the expiration date on this bread was June 4th the day that we're filming this it is currently July 3rd now this bread this is the one that we touched a lot finally it did eventually get moldy in some spots all right well that piece is entirely made of mold too moldy so we want a piece with some mold on it and then to get rid of that so we are going to try cutting off the moldy part with a circle Cup because we're gonna take some of our good bread too is the control test and see if a piece of regular good bread it's gonna work apparently the gluten absorbs disgust ha your feeble non moldy bread does nothing actually it did it made a big mess on the floor all right I don't say your moldy I've got some pretty authentic looking scuffs down here I've got a little bit there couple here here previously moldy bread come on gluten do you think curse you gluten this is fun moldy bread try the one that I kicked the wall earlier absorb the gluten oh this up here yeah that was my kick that actually took a little bit of it off hey good so if it's a rubber shoe scuffs maybe it does a little bit darn you Nike for being too good Nike that'll be twelve thousand dollars well I'm gonna go ahead and say guys don't do this I think if it's the right kind of stuff if it's a rubber shoe yet like a black rubber suit did take off the one little scuff from my shoes what I had to really kick the walls make that happen maybe just don't kick your walls for shoe scuffs on the wall bread technically it kind of works a little bit mold does not seem to make any difference positive or negative you make a mess with a lot of bread that we now have to vacuum up out of our carpet and now our entire studio smells like moldy bread now in the original video as we saw it dyed it like a neon highlighter pink it was so bright and this is their as what we get we boiled this for our this was a white shirt so we did get a dye however this is like the least consistent dye ever this shirt looks horrible like we've got dark red spots maroon spots yeah that just looks like I rolled in a pile of rust or something there's some avocado like bits still stuck to this and we don't know how well this would hold the dye if we washed it but I'm gonna try just rinsing a corner in this this is yeah this is not the neon pink that was shown in the video like that was clearly faked you can get a sort of pink somewhat orange color from avocado and it could actually be a really cool color just not an eland pink plus you know pasta is really cheap pretty easy to use we let our flowers sit in our sugar and spray water for eight hours and we got time lapses to see what they did so this is how they started fairly wilted looking roses let's see what happens to see a little bit of movement on this flower here they do pick back up a little bit but it's very minor yeah a little bit of movement in the leaves a fair bit of movement in the petals but in terms of lifting like straightening back up honestly I suspect that the original video they just let flowers and built and then reversed it because it's gonna look pretty much the same on a time-lapse I don't really think that the sprite did more than the sugar it looks about the same to me they're at slightly different angles so you can't see exactly the change but I think that the sugar works just as well as the sprite to get our roses properly like limp dead looking we actually let them sit out of water for a while so I'm not going to say that this conclusively proves that sprite isn't effectual but I think it's decent evidence for the idea that sprite is not like some magic flower restorer it's gonna work about as well as just adding a teaspoon of sugar into the water for the flowers and either way by the time that your flowers have started wilting you know these are cut flowers they're not gonna live forever anyway so will sprite help bringing flowers back maybe a little bit but if they've wilted when already sitting in water I don't think there's much you can do for them at that point so guys I would call that pretty well debunked the moldy bread definitely bunked guys people keep making videos where they show these implausible or impossible things we're very happy to test them out keep sending them to us Instagram is a great way to send them you can comment or you can send a direct message to the king of random account we'll also talk to you on their discord I play a lot of video games I am attached to discord 24/7 guys there is a TKR discord we will attach the link in the description below you can send us videos you'll see the discord stuff I'll see stuff on the king of random subreddit reject like that discord go find us and then you can also use Instagram good stuff let us know what else you want to see debunked guys it's not all we've always got more for you see click the box up the top to watch our most recent video and we'll see you in the next one talk to you then [Music]
Channel: The King of Random
Views: 1,253,983
Rating: 4.8457785 out of 5
Keywords: blossom, diy, life hacks, 5 minute crafts, hacks, so yummy, blusher, diy clothes, hair hacks, blossom clothes hacks, diy hacks, blossom diy, clothes hacks, life hacks for girls, diy videos, how to hacks, room decor, arts and crafts, hacks for girls, life hacks for home, craft videos, craft, relatable, skits, food hacks, recycling, how to reuse, food scrap, food scrap hacks, fruit cutting, fruit hacks, how to cut fruit, diy fruit snacks, eggs, avocado, cooking hacks, cooking
Id: 9SH0k8D-Erw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 25 2019
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