How Fast is 300cc in Mario Kart?

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for a lot of people including myself 200cc and mario kart 8 deluxe is already fast enough but if you're like me you gotta wonder what would 300cc feel like spoiler it's fast so with the help of my friend ro we made a 300 cc mod i took it out for a test drive in all of the new dlc tracks that just came out i started out at paris promenade with baby peach because she's like i've already had a bounce she's like the lightest character but wait for it you'll notice it you'll start to notice it's going a lot faster than normal we're playing every single dlc track and we're gonna try to win and i'm already in eighth we have hard cpus on this is a custom mod by row who made 300 cc in mario kart 8 deluxe and made the cpus more difficult we're in second i tested it out earlier and i was like you know what i got first place make it harder so we got harder cpus on clearly we're still in second though and i don't even know the lines to these tracks yet i you move faster than the red shells i'm gonna if i didn't have a star i'd be hitting myself with my own red shell oh my god oh my god we're about to run into other people i don't know where the first place oh blue show nah okay we're almost at the end oh just blew up come on you're in my sights how much how much longer is this track is that baby mario no no no no come back come back i can't i'm gonna hit the walls oh i want to win every cup i just got second but i still i there's three more in each cup that i could try to pull off watch this 300 cc shenanigans look at this what what so i have some experience i tested this out i'm clearly like not that good at it it depends on the track like that the first track was actually kind of hard this one's barely controllable at 300 at 300. i love how i get booze and stars in second because it has to do with how far away you are from first place i believe the items in this game so since we're moving so freaking fast oh bam got the shot bam let's go okay there's no way i shouldn't be able to get in first here there's no way i shouldn't be able did that make sense at a double negative where is where is the first where is first place ow ow that hurts oh there's also five laps by the way we added laps because it goes by way too fast we couldn't do it on uh on the paris on the paris one because it changes each lapper so so so we could is that it is it waluigi it's baby mario again please please no no no not the wall oh second again the mountain is the mountain it's mountain ow ow the walls man they just they just show up man what's my strategy press the b button more that's my strategy we need more b button more b buttons more cowbell and more b button wow this track is actually like really short isn't it wow they're all kind of short if you the dlc ones watch this moving and grooving here can i get a new item yes i can just ride in the walls ow get out of here peach that red shell ain't hitting me dude i'm moving too fast there's no way there's no way it's gonna hit me isn't it oh i dodged the red shell can i just get the boomerang out of here man i don't want it anymore i don't even want the boosts i don't want the boost for my thing all right we got rid of those items we're getting new ones second seems to be a common theme oh no way no way no way no way no way baby mario the final boss i just ate it so apparently the quote unquote harder cpus they're better at items i think they might move a little faster than me and they're better at items so i don't know i mean apparently i'm making it hard on myself but that's okay all right we're still in second we can do this though look at him he's eating it oh my god ow i'm eating it now red shell there's a bullet bill in third there's a blue shell though i almost just ate that green that was a sick backspam these cpus are cracked okay i don't want to use this mushroom there's a blue shell we're in first we can taste it and it tastes really good all these lines though watch out get to the fifth fifth lap i start to figure out the lines a little bit in these tracks start to figure it out never mind try to figure it out a little bit though this is actually a controllable speed that's the thing about when you get shocked you can actually kind of control yourself are we sick first place baby let's get one more first it's time to get coconut mold it's time to get coconut malt i'm going off the oh oh that was terrible i don't know why i did that okay i'm sandbagging for good items ow this one i feel like it's gonna be hard there's a lot of walls little tricks oh yeah that one's gonna hurt oh oh oh oh oh oh my god that was sick that was okay okay we're not first anymore but that's okay we're dancing to the coconut mall oh oh no not the wall dude this mode is so like zero to a hundred like you you do something sick and then you run into a wall okay we're gonna try to go under this time see if that's any faster about that banana spot i don't know that glider was kind of sick when i did the glider i mean it looked cool i don't know if it was like the fastest ever but okay let's just try to trick this somebody in a boat bill just moved like eight places up i feel like i don't even want to trick off that i don't think big mario just ate it okay i can hit a wall because i got a mushroom that's fine we're throwing flowers back stop with the bullet bills the bullet bills are so good in this oh what just happened dude i like burn out and then i like stop oh no oh no oh no okay so what's what's the situation we were up by like nine what what do i have to get what do i have to get like third oh my god oh my god okay all right relax falcon you got this buddy you got this you're you're doing okay right now there's a blue shell there's always a bullet the music is getting so fast and i'm so mini i just released the mini turbo in the air um this actually might be good star please just finish strong please finish strong falcon how's that third is that good did i win the cup 49 baby number one we did it we're off on the next cup i forget what it's called i forget what the second one's called i actually like this track a lot i think this track might cater to 300cc fairly well it seems fairly open look at that look at that lap right there i'm still in third i thought that was pretty good i like the triple nanoers around me i'm gonna keep them i'm not gonna cycle them i probably should but oh lines though lines though don't let me figure out this game mode don't let me figure it out how are we still in second i'm just gonna get better and better you gotta you gotta watch you gotta be watching out oh never mind i'm already hitting walls again we just had to get the jitters out on that first cup i feel like i'm racing well and i'm in second the harder cpus i can't handle it i guess there's a glider here there's only three laps on this track i think because it changes again i lost to splatoon dude the sploon boy oh see you later sploon boy oh never mind everybody else pass me this is what shroom ridge this one might play well no no i don't know i don't there's gonna be cars everywhere this one's gonna be slops this one's a sweater okay we got this though it's a it's kind of a beautiful i know everybody's saying that all these tracks look like crap but when you're moving so fast you kind of want it to be simple there's like a shortcut here can i hit it nope they're gonna bring me all the way back yeah i mean if you slow down the tracks look bad just don't go slow just go fast and everything everything still looks good okay red shell i'm probably gonna hit myself with it i gotta move out of the way how about that how about that right there that was what brake drifting falcon brake drifting falcon how about this no way that was sick we're fine mushroom is huge in this you can recover so easily i gotta plant with me he just went away and came back all right there's like a shortcut over there i don't have a mushroom though oh nice i got i got the whole oh geez what am i doing i definitely need a mushroom i don't think i could do that without a mushroom maybe i could if i was coming at it fast enough but i wasn't i'm just trying to get through this part okay i kind of want to hold on to this item or maybe i should hit bowser with it i just hit bowser with it that was kind of aggressive come on man please all right no what is that oh did it go for bowser because bowser was in first at the time is that what it was what even happened there and i go no i keep trying this how many times we're going to try that oh get out of here sploon boy stop it freaking rubber banding me man or oh brake drifting oh not enough brake drifting i guess apparently he's gone dude he's so gone where'd he go oh i see him just flung myself into a car i need it i need it every time every time i try i thought since i had the boost there that would help i threw i threw i threw i threw it through he's gonna 60 he's not gonna 60 me should i go for this okay i don't know if that's i don't see how that's faster actually to be honest with you oh look at these all all sick i'm gonna hit the wall here though oh break drifting look at it falcon he's learning they go across the gap here i don't think that's faster i don't know okay obviously oh my god that was a sick banana we need to go for sploon boy man he's trying to 60 me i'm not going to let it happen eat it waluigi oh the music is so good on this track boo uh don't mind if i do somebody somebody's got something good right redshell i'm still learning how to play this game like i never even really played 200 cc oh i dodged with boo i'm still learning how to play the game and i just threw myself into 300 cc like i think i oh geez i could use a mushroom here probably nice is that good bullets coming through blue shells coming through blue shells coming at me blue shells not coming at me blue shell's coming at me i wasn't i tried to give up first place here we go last lap dude we need to get the freaking paint boy i can't use mushrooms because they're gonna send me off okay now i can use him where is he dude where is he is he still in first ah go falcon did he get first again we can't let the 60 happen that's the new goal right we're not i don't think we're winning this cup i dude oh no and this is just not the track right now i i don't even know how to play this on 200 and we're gonna play that's all right we can do this we got this i have faith this is easily one of the sickest tracks if not the sickest track in the new pack there's so many different ways to go oh how did i just lose all three bananas on bowser that was crazy a lot of brake drifting a lot of brake drifting not enough brake drifting this is not enough okay so everybody else is falling off though it looks like i don't think the ai can handle it oh my god let's go up let's go up top we're going upstairs penthouse baby this seems this seems a lot tamer i feel like oh geez i didn't want to do everybody got stuck dude it's harder for the cpus too all right we're going up this is wild okay okay i don't know dude the type's kind of sick i'm gonna hit the wall aren't i i'm slowing down whatever man whatever we just gotta shake it off we got a lot of laps to go we're in first not in first anymore where's sploon boy huh where is he oh my god going up again up was nice last time okay never mind never mind not going up you see king poo everybody has to deal with the speed oh no no no no no no no no that's bad that's real bad we're gonna need like a bullet bill or something we've got plenty of time though we've got plenty of time oh my god i just lost that item that would have been huge that would have been huge okay it's all right we're in four okay three mushrooms i don't know man i can't i don't know man i need a bullet bill in the worst way those i feel like those are just so good because they take over for you i'm gonna obviously fall in here because i'm going too fast or just missed that banana that would have been terrible you got a star okay can i go up here maybe and get an item okay can go down here and get an item no apparently not what's happening okay got an item gold i need no i want a bullet pill give me a bullet bill please i'm gonna save this i'm gonna bag this so i can maybe get a bullet oh geez i'm just getting mushrooms that's all i'm getting is mushrooms that's not what we want right now i'm going low as if i had a decision in the matter where is platoon boy he needs to not be in first this is the last lap bull bill what we've been asking for the whole time i just hit him what is happening it just took me then i got second who got first where's sploon boy he got last oh my god are you serious he literally got last place oh my god he choked as hard as he possibly could
Channel: RedFalcon
Views: 386,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario kart 8 deluxe, mario kart 8 deluxe dlc, mario kart 8 deluxe booster course pass, booster, course, pass, dlc, wave 1, mario kart 8 deluxe wave 1, review, tier list, mario kart 8 deluxe track tier list, mario kart, mario kart 8, deluxe, nintendo, switch, gaming, entertainment, comedy, redfalcon, funky kong, mario kart 8 deluxe funky kong, 300cc, mario kart 300cc, mario kart dlc, mario kart 8 dlc, mario kart 8 300cc, how fast is 300cc in mario kart
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 02 2022
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