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Mountain blade bannerlord is not a particularly hard game in my opinion this is due to the fact that your character is nearly Immortal no matter how hard you get destroyed you can just rebuild and try again you mostly only die due to old age or just like in real life after you have kids [Music] but what if you had the same chances to die as any other NPC in the game this is what a neat little mod called death for all was made to accomplish it basically makes the main character's chances of death in battle the same as other troops making every fight a very risky thing to partake in so with this mod on can you beat the game with basically only one life this is what we'll hopefully answer with the Journey of today's character Demas Demas is a descendant of the last true emperor of the calradian Empire orenicus upon the emperor's death the Empire collapsed into civil war with different factions fighting for power ironicus's family slowly started getting assassinated everywhere so fearing for their lives a few Emperor loyalists forged them new identities and arranged for them to disappear into the countryside leaving his poor Farmers but waiting for their opportunity to Rise From the Ashes many years later Demus is the last surviving male member of his family and is trusted by his father to attempt to restore the empire uniting it under one Banner that of a descendant of true emperor this is his story [Music] But first you want to try one of the most fun World War II experiences out there for free then you gotta check out today's sponsoring listed enlisted is a World War II multiplayer shooter that combines a strong focus on historical authenticity as well as Dynamic and action-packed gameplay each player personally leads a squad of customizable soldiers to cover your back in battle that you can switch to at any time until your entire Squad is wiped out squads are specialized and diverse they are infantry snipers 10 Crews aircraft pilots and more equipment uniforms actions Vehicles locations and more are crafted with historical authenticity in mind offering large-scale Recreations of battles from the second world war there are hundreds of weapons and equipment to unlock as you progress in a mass an arsenal of historical weapons including rare archetypes rarely covered in games the game is incredibly fun and accessible and I've played a ton of it since it first came out and a huge perk is that it is absolutely free with no purchases necessary so you don't lose anything by trying the game out it's available on PC Xbox and PS5 as well as PS4 and Xbox One with cross-platform support So join me along with hundreds of thousands of other players in the epic battles of enlisted by clicking my link in the description people who use my link will enjoy an exclusive bonus that I'll let you discover in game I hope you guys enjoy the game and thank you enlisted for sponsoring the video hello everyone and welcome back to a brand new video and a brand new and exciting Bannon Lord series you guys have no idea how excited I've been about uh bringing you guys this series because just the idea of going from nothing into literally unifying the empires all while having one life to do it and we're also going to be attempting The Impossible and that's finishing a series you thought it was actually beating the game with one life no no it's actually that's that's Child's Play I'm talking about finishing the series but I promise if there's enough interest I will see this through until the end like I did the Daria Series so with our boy Demis I don't know the long-term plan because you guys are going to be helping me with it making decisions down in the comments but whatever we decide on whether it is dabbling into mercenary work to get closer to the Nobles or seeking an offer vassal ship to try and dismantle Empires from within what we are going to be needing is loyal men but we can't have them without coin because money talks and we are currently Mew So the plan is going to be to go around the calradia around Villages basically working and trying to look out for jobs that we can do once we lend ourselves like a big job we can then go on and hire uh boys that will help us see it through but here we are with a handle mods or brax's Legacy I think we can actually do some manual labor in villages for money that's 130 60 for eight hours of work I'll take it land owner needs manual laborers I can't if you're a prisoners yet I don't have the capital for some men to help today is not your lucky day friend normally I would fight this out to the death but it's a bit literal in the series so maybe we can work something out even if I give them a hundred Dinars they won't let me go you know what I Surrender beats dying okay I bet you no one has ever pressed the surrender button before I'm probably the first Banner Lord player just to render in a fight and that's the beauty of playing with the death for all mod because just one mistake can mean the end of this playthrough and of course if I die I'll just roll a new character with another backstory and uh with a different goal in mind but hey let's be careful because Demas is growing on me okay so many sea Raiders oh my God man and they brought me back to this hell hole again oh my God you know what maybe that's a sign let's work gather some boys and take care of some uh C Raiders around here uh three boys I'll hire him all right so who are you then they want us to take down two bands of brigands to scare them all I'll do it alright there's eight of us now let's go try and find like a group or three or three or four sea Raiders to dig down back off danger unless you want trouble I don't mind trouble man even three sea Raiders for us like total recruits and me with no weapons uh it's a bit scary let's just hide behind this hill all right boys this is our first fight let's not disappoint [Music] get em boys [Music] oh we've done it let's go let's go our first Victory although I didn't take anyone down we captured two of them all right let's get some archers from arrange the troops in the beginning won't hurt oh man they didn't drop a weapon come on armor at least what's the cheapest weapon I could get here blacksmith's Hammer really or pitchfork I'll get the Pitchfork it'll do it'll do two more recruits done we've got 10 boys with some archers I think we can actually take these six right here oh man make sure you stay there and fight we'll hide behind this wall right here and we'll get them infantry come out oh I got him let's go stop slotting my boys got him let's go see Raiders are probably the most well equipped Bandits out there thank God we got some gear oh yeah we're in business boys and we got paid 550 Dinars that's what I'm talking about alright with that money we have to go around in the you know hire some more troops oh these are some high quality ones actually level two don't mind if I do and just like that our company grows to 23 young aspiring and motivated men now we just need to find someone to give us suitable work and let's check here help with briggins Don't Mind If I Do all right it seems like uh we actually got surrounded by 16 of them let's see if we can actually get this done it's actually going to be a close voice damn it's hide over there let them come to us and we take them Horus Bandit's Advantage is that they're almost the best uh ranged units at least in the bandits uh we minimize the distance between us and Them we can definitely win right boys oh they know what we're doing they know what we're doing damn okay how many of us have shields probably like one person right one two and a three we can't make a proper Shield wall like that [Music] okay you Boys Follow Me they're not budging okay maybe while they're distracted we can go oh they they caught on they caught on I think yep here it comes let me try and tank for my boys let's go for it boys [Music] I'm trying to draw as much fire as possible to the side here if not I have Forest Bandits and my my run here oh am I the Last One Alive I think so I think they're worried about my archers so they're not breaking their formation yet [Music] that's good for me [Music] each Fork is coming in clutch what the hell okay it's just a 1v1 standard pretty standard to me [Music] [Music] oh my God what a fight what a fight am I the last one standing oh no oh no I've lost 14 of my boys well that was a pretty valuable lesson in tactics for young Demas we do have some uh Warriors that we've rescued so at least that's some compensation pretty good lose especially since uh a lot of us died got all this loot to myself now maybe a bow could serve me really well why not it could have come glad really clutch during that fight at least look at me I'm looking like a proper mercenary with just bits and pieces from every armor out there okay well we've lost a lot of good boys but I thought she's in life huh hey that actually counted because it was two parties we got him eight thousand dinars bro those Forest Bandits had some real Loot on them I mean they did have some pottery leather work some cows it's cheap they've been eating good and just like that we're up to 9 000 Dinars oh my you need help with friggins sure I'm a Man Hunter at this point six Force Bandits right there can't believe we have Cavalry this early on oh what a shot oh oh all right that's it some more Forest bandage let's get them ow how did I get hit I was blocking I think we got some real armor I'm actually being really Reckless considering that I only have one life otherwise the series is going to end thank you this sword of one shot good to know oh yeah these guys are looted up to the brim as well time to make some money and selling off all the illegally gained loot that the force Bandits have that is now magically legally uh uh available for us to sell 7551 Dinars alright that's enough money hunting for now how about a little tournament to cleanse our pallets shot kill damn I'm on the money with these man [Music] hey I just unlocked him for the guy [Applause] say eat his ass in the crowd oh first tournament down give me those van braces oh my God they're golden maybe we can invest in some actual armor now except that everything that's not too expensive is actually worse than what I have on all right maybe we're rocking with this for a while give me one of these uh shoulders things though real proper real Imperial let me recruit some more boys and we are going to train them professionally let's do it the end game here for this uh playthrough is to unify all three Empires let's go look for more work so that we can keep right raising our Renown there's also a tournament here let me try and win that off camera real quick because that is renowned that we can't miss out on oof oh my God oh oh he's Unstoppable Army of poachers Mission all right we are being fitted against Bandits a lot not that I mind I don't mind okay so you worked with Hunters that was a mistake now they've bended together as a gang and are trying to muscle me out of the leather business okay rush them a boy runs out of the village and asks you to talk to the leader of the poachers the villagers want to avoid a fight outside their homes are you working for that Merchant in the town so it's all fine when the rich folk Trading Post spins but if we do it armed men come to hunt us down listen here boy the law is the law you're not bad people you can easily play your trade somewhere else the more safe you talk about or folk but you think the people here are like their Village turned into a nest of all laws okay the most got that diplomacy is going on made your point and just like that maybe we should have followed them for the Renown but hey I have no enemies I've noticed the Haida over here I think it's the sea Raiders hideout maybe we can get a job to uh get rid of it Caravan Ambush Merchant ask you to follow fake Caravan that was sent out as a trap to destroy a particularly large and dangerous group of Bandits yes siren Caravans as you may know I lose a future bandits from time to time but generally my Caravans are sufficiently well guarded to scare off the small gangs and move quickly enough to outrun the big ones problem is that there's a new Bandit Chief out there who knows his business who has outfitted his men with horses and uses proper Cavalry tactics I've lost three Caravans in a row and I can't afford to keep this up for long my Caravan Master will pay you 1300 when the fight is over let's do it 31 sea Raiders with oh my God they're all Cavalry and horse archers God this is going to be dicey then the terrain is not in their favor at all oh [Applause] as many as you can give me a horse help here okay cavalry on the mountain archers go I'll join my own Cavalry here you almost shot me come here got him ah got him [Music] get his ass boys that was a mistake getting caught on that tree what a stab are they running away I don't get it I'm back here ah he ran we got him that's how we got him well we only lost one person that's it no my my boys didn't lose anyone it was the air of animal big Caravan well sorry for their loss thank you sir just there is the silversmith had informed me that help would be on the way we needed it I think those were a pretty tough law they sure were we are almost there we need one Renown one Renown how about we take down that Hideout you see meant our names as a Helper and protector of the people let's do it all right I'm I'm really hurt here and uh chances are I'm going to fall down but God damn it if I don't show my men I back down here now don't show my men a strong leader how can I ever dream of unifying the empire very well you brilliant got yourself a fight take that demos emerges Victorious this is the moment the demons became Eisenberg okay Jokes Aside this is a really defining moment for Demas for the good of the Empire and for the safety of his future people he took out this Hideout personally risking his life on a one-on-one with a briggan to show his pride as an imperial let's go Demus oh my God and the insane oh that is an insane helmet we'll keep that instead my goodness man for the sake of game balance I'm not going to sell that really expensive one I'll just throw it away but oh my God and we've teared up you clamped you too we are now eligible to being a mercenary also we can lead about 56 people now very nice I intend to go and gather a really Elite Force between episodes but yeah what do you guys think this is where you guys can interact with the series what route should we go should we go the route of a mercenary in just a mass victories while we're weakening all three of the empires at the same time or should we work towards becoming a vassal and sort of being like a double agent pretending to be working with one of the empires while also destabilizing it from the inside to prepare for our eventual takeover or should we just go completely independent roam around kill radio looking for adventure until we are strong enough to come and just claim our Throne like that you guys let me know down in the comments section let me know if you have any other ideas to spice up this playthrough and yeah if you're enjoying it so far leave a like help support the series to make it reach more people also don't forget to check out our generous sponsor enlisted and I'll see you guys in the next one much love bye-bye
Channel: Simo
Views: 128,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: can you beat with guns, can you beat mount and blade with guns, perfectly balanced game with no exploits, bannerlord game of thrones mod, can you beat bannerlord as a pacifist, bannerlord game of thrones, can you beat, bannerlord assassination, bannerlord online, mount and blade 2 bannerlord, bannerlord pacifist run, true pacifist walkthrough, bannerlord, mount and blade, medieval, strategy game, bannerlord mods, Can I SURVIVE HARDCORE BANNERLORD with only 1 LIFE?
Id: r0NZSNF32Jc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2023
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