From PEASANT to KNIGHT in Mount and Blade BANNERLORD

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this is Reynold your typical farmhand living deep within valandian lands during his 20 years on this Earth Reynold's life consisted of the average daily chores a farmer is expected to perform wake up work the Orchards pray eat and sleep a Content peaceful but monotonous life that he was growing tired of one day while attending a tournament in the city of yakulan Reynold's entire life changed he witnessed firsthand a magnificent display of chivalry when he saw a gallant Knight beating his opponents without breaking a sweat then giving them a hand to pick them up from the floor he was a Wandering landless Knight renowned for offering his sword for the week often without compensation in that moment Reynold realized it was his calling in life to become an honorable Knight wrecking the wrongs of this world and making it a safer place for the innocence of coloradia this is his story hello everyone welcome back to a brand new video and the beginning of Reynold's Journey the farmhand commoner who has always dreamed of becoming a knight this playthrough will focus on the small skill aspects of the game for the most part which I think are the most fun bits combat has been augmented to be harder that's really important since this playthrough will mainly focus on small scale battles for the most part or at least for the first part of the playthrough so here are like the self-imposed rules that we're going to be rolling with first companions only as an aspiring Knight I will not hire like a lot of soldiers and a lot of men I will only be accompanied by like-minded companions who are also aspiring to become Knights secondly no immoral choices we are a knight after all a lawful good person who is aspiring to protect the land third and this is really important we will not have access to tournaments at first until we are Clan level one but I will be participating in tournaments every time I find find them until I finish a tournament in every city we are basically going to attempt becoming a knight by becoming like a famous tournament winner in all of color radio moreover we will always help those in need every time we can so if we find a village in trouble needing something to be done we help them we find the villagers being attacked we help them as long as it's not you know deadly for me and our end goal is going to be to establish a night order I still haven't figured out how exactly we're going to do that or what the rules are for that for example getting 50 Max outsolders eventually but if you have better ideas let me know now for the mods that I'll be using Banner Kings is the main mod that this playthrough is based on that mod has a lot of features that I can't really discuss right now so check out the page for the mod it adds so much then we have RBM which makes combat harder and makes 1v1's more interesting the AI is smarter and is more deliberate with its choices and I've included the posture mechanic where uh most of your attacks and actions cause stamina are both you and your opponent can be knocked down or knocked back when stamina has depleted and perfect berries are more encouraged we also have heal on kill we basically life leech a percentage of the Damage Done on every killing blow this is to incentivize fighting and making last stands more interesting also I'm thinking about implementing a permadeath rule but I'll leave that up to you guys in the comments to figure out if you want us to implement one and if you do how we would go on about it so our journey begins with nothing but a sickle the clothes on our back a few Dinars and some of this year's Harvest some Citrus or apples or whatever you keep us sustained until you know we get more the goal for this episode is going to be together um some you know some basic equipment and hopefully find one companion at the very least there's already a quest here but I can't really help with this one because it does include revenge and killing people and I I am a knight okay I'm I am at least aspiring to become a knight I can't get involved in that I'll come back for you one summer night I'll show you all also there's piety in this we are a follower of the canticles Fate which is what vlandia basically worships it's lesser of a faith or a religion and more of like history of the world it's it's something all right and we basically believe in that and you know what that makes sense Reynold wants to become a knight so that he is part of that body of History you know we can actually serve as a guard here oh it's an eight hour shift 28 uh gold when we have nothing to do that could actually went pretty nicely let's do it again it does negatively affect our health though you see that let's venture out see what the villages need oh they want us to clear bandits in his region I think that's a bit out of our reach we're still not fully like equipped to do something like that that makes sense on why there is a lot of Bandits around here let's go to Province look how many companions are here over the brave he can tell me my story but I don't know how interesting you'll find it I was born out of wedlock father took me in no inheritance my neighbors needed to supply an armed man for the king's Levy none of them wish to go became Warrior one man was needed to stay behind and hold a Ford so that the rest could Escape so I chose to be that one as I could think of none who would Mourn Me Oh my God a virtuous Warrior five thousand uh I will grind some arena battles basically I'm gonna become a fighter until I have enough money Arena Montage coming right up that was a headshot nice foreign there's seven opponents left I've killed five people let's see if I can survive this one [Music] you and me huh I it's like that perfect berries come on yes yes first of many to come as the last one standing you of course win the top prize 250 gold between the pitch fights and the money I got from working as a guard I managed to save up 666 Dinars now how will we put this money to good use let's see investing into a horse could be a good idea and then doing some trading so let's get a Sumter horse and then we'll get some cheap attack that's already quite a chunk for more money but let's see here our speed now is five we could probably outrun most uh Bandits at this point but all of varic sand wants me to sell his goods for a good price well we just got a horse so we probably could help you with that let's talk to it my name is rain altzer you know I dealing grain yep the grain here is super cheap I'll pay you a total of 275 gold here's my offer I learned the products you sell it whatever price you like and bring me back 275 Dinars I find the right market for your grain myself needless to say by not taking any money up front I am trusting in your honesty and your ability to protect those goods ah don't worry about it I am a trustworthy Knight okay oh my God I could barely move I hope no oh yeah yeah some looters are coming these looters are about to catch me lacking man I was intending on selling this in proven by the way I was really hoping that no Bandits were going to get in my way but here we are you know what I'll fight you head on come here guys not your lucky day friend oh you can see that again you Nave I will teach you a lesson fight me if you dare I do have the horse now so hey at least I'll have that as an edge over them but you know what I'm just gonna go straight at them there you go boom one of them goes down you ate that almost the guy with no hat is almost dead all right three to go I could do this first thing I'm buying if I do survive this fight is a spear nice they're all pretty damaged right now I think oh I got him in the head only to remain I can do this only one remains oh this is doable can't risk having this horse died so I you know what let's do this the trees might help me out they might give me an edge [Music] yes I've done it we have overcome evil a victory the first of many seven minutes to kill five looters by the way you know what you guys are free that's the nightly thing to do I'm not going to make them work for me alright it's night time and let's see if that grain is going to actually that's fair let's do it fair very fair let's go to very sand and we keep our word okay eat spinach it has been but off you have no idea what I've been through here's the 275 Dinars excellent I know you were an honest Soul trust is a fine thing isn't it perhaps we can do more business in the future I hope so as well and now I have some Capital to actually start my own trading business butter you can sell in Ox hall for 54. allegedly grab a meal and we grab some butter okay uh without the mule that's 59 Dinars all right let's see if we go sell it at Oxbow foreign oh my God they were right oh my God they were right what 422 gold all right let's take like some hardwood and I'll take some honey and we go to prevent my God what this is actually dude we're actually making a profit water is super cheap let's get as much butter as possible give me some mules give me some more meals give me the butter did I just become a butter Merchant unironically all this money is that we can procure gear Companions and literacy oh my God 1200 Dinars hardwood again grab as much as possible for 288 oh my God we are making a killing now let's go get some gear boom what about some armor some Racers nice nice a sleeveless padded short coat ah all right all right I'll pay a thousand two hundred that's nothing compared to how I'll feel about starting to achieve some of my dream you know what about this Western chain mail Hood let's see it they'll eat a lot into my profits but hey whatever let's get some more butter it's still super cheap let's just load up I'm gonna go sell the butter and I'll come back for you guys I will show you here we are a thousand dinars all right let's follow them hey you get back here you brought your purse see where what you might call briggins and I'm afraid we can't let you pass without paying us a bit of coin it's your time to pay with your life hahaha [Music] first man falls your life leech basically five percent five percent of the damage that the killing blow deals thinking that it wouldn't like be overpowered I would only like heal like what two Health points for every kill let me know in the comments if you think that's too much I could set it to one percent or something like that 19 damage crushed through the posture break my God oh you [Laughter] all your friends are dead and you're gonna follow see who had the last laugh now Bandits I don't even want their stupid loot I'm a Trader now all right let's trade our way up to some companions I just got a thousand dinars worth of hardwood let's go sell it I also got two more pack murals to help me out all right here we are grabbing now let's sell that oh yeah yeah we doubled our money let's go Reynold gained the level just from Trading all right let's look at our uh hmm regret the grizzled he seems cool yours is not a face I know what is your name stranger Reynold tell me about yourself I was a soldier it was my father's profession thought it would be easy for me I was scared of death or hardship but things happen in war not the deaths the wounds screaming terrible things it's difficult to explain but say there's a man he saves your life he takes a blow for you and he doesn't boast about it he doesn't tell anyone else he just grins at you because he knows you do the same for him he's your brother every man who fights with him is his brother an honorable man I can use Someone Like You 2004 boom boys our first companion our brother Kirk read the grizzled a man tormented by the horrors of War but he shall be tormented no more because he will become an honorable Knight with me welcome for cred hey he started just like me same gear and everything We're not gonna get you any gear right now actually trade some more because we do want to recruit at least like one more person or see Raiders can I get them it would make the villagers and everyone around here safer if I take out these scum it's my duty as a night fight me if you dare regret you stay behind brother I'll handle them it's kind of scary bro kind of scary hey follow me leave for for cred alone to leave per cred alone leave him out of this instead leave him alone don't look away from me don't look away from me don't look down on me regret come help me with this guy let's get him for credit for cred we'll make proven safe again we will dispatch all the scum that is inlandia we will make this a paradise for the honest hard-working man five landian peasants were free today read from terrible Fates thanks to Reynold and regret a nice little helmet actually for cred here you this as well let's go to prevent reorganize we'll sell like half the third here or at least like that much sure build the honey here should I'll sell everything leave the apples and the oranges for me and the regret 2 900. I love it now to oxel ooh first sells for more here you know what I'll sell it all and then we'll sell all the butter 5 000 Dinars beautiful we're like 8 000 now it's been a while very hard to join me brother and let's make the world a safe place yes Captain do not call me captain we're all Brothers here all right any other interesting characters uh we'll go for hulgar the shark simply because I saw him win the tournament before it was stuck there peace to you stranger though if you come any closer I may stick a knife in your belly as one cannot be too careful these days well that is correct but my name is Reynold you look like someone who's been around a bit so I probably don't have to tell you about how faithless this world of hours works sometimes it needs a man who is not afraid to get his hands dirty the Lords and the merchants they sit in their Loft Towers making a grand decision and they don't see into the back alleys to know what plots are going on they don't know where to find the debtor who won't pay his debt they don't know where to find the wagging tongues starting rumors so that's where I come in anyway that's all I'll say about my line of work unless of course you'd care to make the down payment on my services then we can talk more boys I can fix him I can fix him I can show hulgar that there is still goodness in this world join us the way I look at it we all fulfill the will of the heavens in our own way I do what I'm good at you could say perhaps that I am between jails right now 2 400. I'll pay that just to convert you the company grows boys we can't really afford any gear right now or anything let's do a few more trading runs and then we can afford some stuff one eternity later we've done two runs and we're on 5500 that'll give me at the very least some uh gear for my companions also I'm using a mod that allows me to get more companions all right we're correct what are you he's good at crossbows and one-handed all right you're good at all arms beautiful and two-handed that's nice that's cool and the shark is good at one-handed fighting and he's a rogue he's close fisted devious and cruel and the other boys are generous and honest honest and merciful and I am daring alright these boys are good this guy were were in the process of reforming him all right all right I'll get each one of them but they're really good at whole arm for a friend very bored because he can use bull arms really well you can use one-handed so you already have your weapon I'll just get them some horses right so everyone is basically you know start your gear not bad we've got them all horses we have three more companions our company of honorable well some of us at least let's get rid of that Sickle shall we Bastard Sword ah beautiful worthy of a rising Knight we've made some good progress this episode we've got some friends we've got gear and we're about to make a name for ourselves from here on out we just hunt Bandits get our name out there get Clan tier one be let into tournaments then from there the world shall know the name Reynold but that's gonna have to wait until next episode since then that's all the time we have for today please let me know in the comments if you've enjoyed if you have any other ideas for Reynold and how his story can progress and any other feedback is much appreciated and I'll see you guys in the next one much love bye
Channel: Simo
Views: 302,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bannerlord, mount and blade 2, bannerlord how to become king, bannerlord walkthrough, bannerlord soldier, bannerlord mod, bannerlord mods, bannerlord let's play, bannerlord knight, bannerlord castle siege, bannerlord exploit, bannerlord king, bannerlord siege, bannerlord vlandia, bannerlord realistic difficulty, bannerlord challenge, mount and blade 2 bannerlord mods, let's play bannerlord, mount and blade 2 bannerlord, simo bannerlord, mount and blade bannerlord
Id: bVdxkWVOD8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2023
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