Can I Survive 5 Days in the Project Zomboid Battleship?

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this is your average project zomboid house but compare this to a home that is large completely made of steel full of surprises and features a beautiful ocean view meet the battleship and despite all its strengths it had one glaring weakness one entrance and one exit so picture this every single night a wave of zombies attacks growing with each consecutive night until their numbers dwarfed that of a small City how long could you really survive that's where I come in and I was accompanied by my friend fisht and fellow zomboid content creator Mr brol hey man hey guys it's the captain hello let me just get a good look at the um is there is there something wrong with my outfit oh no it's 2024 I got nothing to say Twitter is powerful Twitter is powerful now for those who haven't seen my previous video I'm embarking on a journey from being a beginner in this game to being a pro so please enjoy Subs subscribe and give me any advice you can to help me get there unlike my previous challenge we wouldn't have a long period of time to prepare this was about getting ready effectively and if it wasn't already apparent this Battleship was a maze tight and narrow passageways various random rooms and over four floors so it wasn't so much effective as it was chaotic after frantically searching through several useless rooms we came across this sealed red door and since I had spawned in with the key for the battleship we were able to pop that bad boy open and load up on the riches oo this is all we've got to work with Okay ooh there's two shotguns here oh really I'll take a shotgun any day got to watch out for that fish still guy he's gets he's got Sticky Fingers now it's important to note that while this might seem like a big hall for day one of a challenge like this The Horde that would attack us each night would grow infinitely so in only 24 hours after spawning we'd be facing a hoorde of around 100 zombies meaning all of this gear was nice to have but it wouldn't Keep Us Alive for long it' really just be a nice starting point fortunately enough the ship supplied in more ways than one we found a cafeteria with plenty of food extra guns and ammo crafting materials and even a bar which helps since brolo is a borderline alcohol now that we would K it up with all the essentials I made my first Trek to the shore on the other side were several military tents and while there wasn't anything groundbreaking I did managed to find a few pieces of gear to upgrade my outfit towards the end of day one we set up shop in the main control room of the battleship and equipped with whatever weapons we've been able to find we made our way to the bridge to defend from the first horde what the [ __ ] nice that was a successful first horde this was just a taste test because in less than 24 hours we'd be attacked by double the amount of zombies and it could very quickly get out of hand we had several needs to address to prepare ourselves for future Days inevitably ammunition would become a problem while this this amount of zombies could be taken down with mostly melee weapons eventually melee wouldn't be an option so we needed to stack as much ammunition as possible to prepare in addition we'd need a heap of metal working resources to be able to build what we need and in order to be able to get both of those things we would need a vehicle to get us around since no vehicle had spawned we'd have to explore out to the nearest source of cars fortunately as we set out for our first Adventure I was accompanied by fish door who as soon as he set foot on the road was able to pinpoint our exact location on the project zomboid map this was the benefit of surrounding myself with intelligent but slightly less handsome Partners we headed up the road to a nearby mechanic shop in the hope of acquiring a vehicle and a bit of propane to get us started while we had come across a few cars on the way over they were either stuck on the bridge without gas or they didn't have keys and this would become a recurring theme since none of us had taken the burglar trait which meant a car with keys was the only option that may sound stupid but no actually yeah it was pretty stupid but anyway fishar and I followed the road closer to West Point as we near the mechanic shop we did have to tackle a few zombies however that was short work for us and we brisly made our way into the store realistically finding what we needed in the store itself was a pretty foregone conclusion since finding specific propane tools and some gas cans was extremely common in these kinds of shops so we pushed a little further into West Point to check the outskirts of the Town ideally to find a propane tank or other useful tools like a sledgehammer all the while our fearless Captain brol was home at the battleship looting bodies sorting our gear and setting up defenses for the next night's horde fish door and I had made our way to a group of storage units outside of town but in the process he had gone through a few scuffles and was looking worth for wear and at the same time the storage units themselves were starting to get overrun with hordes moving out from the Town Center so fisht started to head back to the ship to heal up but the Luke Gremlin in me was whispering should leave now you might never come back if one of these has a big a in strong Axe and meat lots of delicious wagu steaks it's hard to find wagu steaks in this economy but I was experienced now I know when to say no to the luk gremlin so I checked out a few units and then called it quits before things got messy realistically we had to rush home since the horde was going to be arriving soon and even though we Leed it all the way there we definitely cut it close since we barely had even minutes to prepare luckily enough big handsome brol had prepared the base for an attack with a funnel like system that would delay the zombies so that we could pick them off and with that the second nightly attack began this could be interesting they already coming in mhm it's perfect yes your defenses are actually cooking very hard right now uhoh oh boy yeah here they come stand back stand back you have grenade okay no yeah we got this we got this I'm just saying that little barricade thing yes really held them back this was another tense but overall straightforward horde but as the hordes grew larger our ammo dwindled even more ramping up the challenge with each consecutive night heading into day three we had to make some tough decisions about what to prioritize since every minute spent planning was a minute spent not doing anything we would still need a vehicle before we could make Headway on any of our other goals so even though it felt like we were running a broken record we set out on day three to once again push further into West Point and acquire a car this time fish door stayed home to loot all the zombies and heal up and I headed out with Mr brolo while there were still a fair amount of zombies brolo and I were both in pretty good shape this time around so we put a bit of hard time in and cleared out as many as we could we went a little bit further down the road than the storage units which brought us to a location with more cars to investigate and though it may shock you even with all these cars we didn't manage to find a single one with keys in it well I did but wise and perceptive Mr brol found not one but two with keys so since we were nearby a gas station and the power was still switched on we took some time to fill the cars up now with our first goal out of the way we could set our eyes on one of the primary problems that I mentioned before ammunition because we were going to bang these because we needed a bang because we needed ammo to bust because guns need ammo but when we arrived at the gun store my dumbass strolled in and Trigger the gun store alarm meaning we very quickly had a lot of company I was not super well equipped for this fight but with two experts beside me I was able to pick off zombies here and there and we successfully cleared out enough to start tackling The Gunshot problem I can't take credit for what comes next because this was a learning experience for me too but with no Sledgehammer in our possession fish door knew a pretty smart trick for breaking into this wall first we take one of the zombie corpses that we created earlier and place it next to the wall section that we wanted to get through then we'd use a mixture of gasoline and you guessed it fire to set this particular wall T of Blaze and since it was raining that fire did exactly what we needed it to it damaged the wo enough to break through and then it went out so the three of us headed into the gun store oh we got a lot we're eating good tonight oh 762 we can use that AK 308 223 bro there's a lot but we have to we have to think about getting back this is exactly what we were after but the reality was that the clock was already ticking to get home for the next tour we quickly took everything we could grab and hopped in the car to head home our defenses hadn't survived the previous night so we jammed a car in the pathway in the hopes that it would sto The Horde and I won't spoil anything but things definitely got a little heated okay all right well that car does not work where it is so prepare here hold on I had to sacrifice the car a bit but it's well survival is more important oh this about to get interesting oh he jump he just jumped [Music] on a pipe I got to go this way I'm sorry that was a little too close to my liking we had reached day four things were starting to get a little bit more dangerous when I set out to survive as long as possible I honestly thought this might be a 20-day 30 day challenge but as the hordes grew and our ammo depleted that became less and less believable at this point it would be a huge achievement if we made it past a week but in challenges like this you just take things one step at a time with ammo somewhat stocked up we move to our second primary goal defenses fish and I quickly started driving towards West Point and oh [ __ ] fish and I quickly started walking towards West Point and made our way over to the factory area and storage units we visited earlier now since we had more tools at our disposal from our looting runs the day before we were able to pop open the doors to a few buildings that we hadn't visited previously the factory gave us a small amount of resources particularly Metal Sheets bars and welding rods now this wouldn't be enough to supply a Flawless defense but it would be a start while we were in the area I decided to break into the storage units that we visited earlier to see if there was anything worth taking and while there wasn't a lot I did get my hands on this Garden Scythe which was pretty effective but most importantly made me look [ __ ] sick sick and after that quick run was done we headed home wedging a car in the pathway to defend from The Horde hoping that this time it would be a little more effective The Horde attacked but this time the car was wedged perfectly blocking the zombies from getting through it's actually slowing them down very nicely yeah we would be dead if that car wasn't there I'm not going to lie oh my God bro look at them all this setup was kind of difficult to explain because the zombies struggled to break through the car but we couldn't get tooo close close to them we were forced to needlessly waste ammo by fighting them from a distance and it was crazy to think that we might be better off letting them through but after spending hours and hours picking them off from the safety of the pier our ammo stocks were dangerously low that left us with one option and it was an area I was pretty familiar with from my last adventure the military checkpoint this was the closest source for a lot of ammo based on where we were in the map so the three of us headed over as soon as we had geared up for the trip on a journey of this size we'd have to be incredibly efficient with time since we only had a certain amount of hours in the day before we'd have to be home and unlike last time when I was stuck at this barricade with diamond kid my new teammates knew that picking this barricade up was as simple as well picking it up well you can just pick that up what so we headed into the military checkpoint and straight to the most valuable tent there picking up a heap of guns and ammunition that should Supply us for at least the night and since we had a few hours left in the day by the time we had cleared the checkpoint I used my prior knowledge to suggest that we head to the nearby Warehouse which I knew was stuck to the brim with tools and metal working supplies for the first time in my project ZB boy journey I felt like the guy with all the information in the world and that was pretty satisfying but compared to fish door and Mr brol I still had a lot to learn after looting the warehouse for an exceptional amount of materials we were running very close on time so we decided to pack up the car and start heading home unfortunately we didn't have enough time for fish door to use the metal working resources we had acquired since we'd left it so late to return home but at the very least we had enough ammo to clear out the huge amount of zombies attacking was the cars there there's like nothing we can really do if we get into it to try and move it it's not going to go anywh honestly this was the first project zomboid run I'd played where I wasn't God awful at shooting a gun and being able to line up the heads and pop them gave me a little bit of a rush I was a killing machine sitting on my cozy wooden Pier wiping them like no tomorrow I was a modern day Terminator nothing could stop me this would have felt cooler if we hadn't managed to pretty much stem the entire horde from boarding the battleship and as we cleared out the last two zombies I was hit with a sinking feeling the best way I could describe that feeling was shame because I shouldn't be taking advantage of beefy metal cars to protect myself I should be taking the fight to the horde so in the morning I proposed a new plan once we' looted the bodies fish door would set up the metal defenses and we would remove the car and take the ho out head on this was a group decision but it was the right one and we wanted to Feel the Rush of a challenge with ammo stocks running low while the boys cleaned up the house cided the ammo and set set up defenses I did a quick run to town to see if there was anywhere I could pick up more ammo after checking the gun shop which was now empty and making my way to the police station which was far too populated for one man I had to cut my losses so I headed home ammo was a real problem but unfortunately we had pretty much exhausted all our options there would be nowhere Within Reach that we could travel to and get back in time for The Horde so I had to suck it up and equip a pistol for this attack it was a little emasculating but I took one for the team fish built his entire character build around metal working so he had been building the whole morning and had set up a huge number of metal fences to stall The Horde while we picked them up and brol had come up with the idea to set up two campfires on the pier to set the hord to light which well let's just say it gave me a little bit of PTSD now I'm not really sure why but these two plans would have pretty much the strangest combination effect that I've ever seen in project zomboid but that was something we wouldn't find out until the hoorde arrived oh they appear yeah oh okay um why have an M9 1011 yeah they are on fire huh why are the why are the things expanding in some blur wall what's going on with the walls now I don't know about you but we had no clue why when these metal fences set on fire they somehow turned into walls our head cannons said that this was a chemical reaction caused by the masses of bodies below the fences themselves but honestly this didn't seem like it was supposed to happen and after brol got bored of sitting back unable to do it anything he rushed out to take on the hoorde head on which was all fun in games until he made a minor misstep that would become a major mistake I'm on fire I'm on fire no no BR no what do I do guys back I can't get to the water until I kill the zombie oh no no no no no no r he was a good fighter he just wanted to have a good time he just loved to party mourning the loss of our fallen brother fish door and I looked into each other's eyes and maybe it was unfounded but with a thousand plus zombies killed between us we felt that we had accomplished what we set out to do without wanting to go without our handsome stallion Mr brol we walked into the sunset godam it I can't even kill myself brother I'm coming I'm coming brother I'm coming brother [Music]
Channel: Kezza
Views: 620,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 300 days project zomboid, Project Zomboid, apocalypse, battleship, challenge, horde, kezco, kezza, project zomboid awesome, project zomboid game, project zomboid tips, survival, why project zomboid is so awesome, zombies, zomboid gameplay
Id: uixfZCaUnxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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