Can I paint EVERY Warhammer Fantasy Army in just 24 years? (Yes)

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I have an outrageously large collection of Warhammer fantasy Miniatures and it all dates back to when my brothers and I began collecting Warhammer together as children many childhood birthdays and Christmases went into building our armies but in the 23 years since they've grown even more but now with Rumblings the Warhammer fantasy universe is coming back with Warhammer the old world there's renewed interest in Warhammer fantasy now if you know me you know I hardly need an excuse to get involved in an outrageously large War hippo project but I figured this was the perfect time to finish off my armies So today we're going to see if we can answer the question can I paint every Warhammer fantasy Army in just 24 years in these tubs behind me is my Warhammer fantasy collection and I think the best thing that we can do to start this project is to pull out each Army one by one and see where they're at right now and of course we'll set up some cool terrain to match each Army luckily my brother Kirk is here to help first up is Orcs and goblins they weren't my first ever Warhammer models but works and goblins were my first proper Warhammer Army when my brother and I split the Warhammer fantasy 6th edition starter set which features Orcs And Empire soldiers a lot of them were painted when I was a kid some of them were retouched when I was in university and I've slowly added a bunch of things to them over the years as well I think they're my biggest army and it's full of fun little kit bashes and conversions and dumb things that I did when I was a kid and they have a really fond place in my heart look at this snotling pump wagon for example I made a banner for it when I was in sixth grade and I called it of course the shagging wagon luckily I've grown up somewhat since then I guess overall it definitely needs some touch-ups and there's a solid amount of points that look halfway decent especially if you stand 20 feet away and squint hell yeah next up Kirk's childhood Army the lizardmen from the steaming jungles of lustria the lizard men or another Army that holds a really special place in my heart so while we set up some jungle terrain let's have a quick word from today's sponsor into the am into the am makes cool elevated graphic t-shirts that you can work into your everyday wardrobe right now into the am is running a bundle deal so you can get three t-shirts for sixty dollars the shirts are super comfortable and they're handcrafted by a team of skilled Artisans they sent me some to try and I'm really impressed with the quality I can really see these becoming a part of my everyday rotation they've got tons of great designs you can see I'm wearing one Kirk's wearing one as well and uh let us know in the comments who looks better but if you say Kirk I'll delete your comment so click the link in my description and you'll get 10 off your order thanks into the am for sponsoring this video lizard men are one of those quintessential retro Warhammer armies for me as part of the starter set when we first got into Warhammer towards the end of fifth edition they represent a particular period in Warhammer where things were brighter and a bit more Fantastical our Lizardman Army needs a lot of work in places though much of it was painted by my brothers when we were quite young and it hasn't been touched up to six is nobody of all our brothers remembers consciously deciding that blue and yellow was the choice but the Army got painted blue and yellow and we've had these conversations where it's like Oh I thought you liked the blue and yellow it's like no I I never liked the blue and yellow I thought you liked the blue and yellow and somehow none of us like the blue and yellow and the whole Army got painted blue and yellow the remainder of things that I've picked up since some of which are nicely painted some of which still need to be finished or touched up and some of which aren't painted at all one of my favorite things we did for this Army that we've done on other armies since is we put the flying pterodons on Long clear plastic stands so they can soar over the jungle canopy I think that's really cool we've also built a bunch of cool Temple City terrain and jungle terrain over the years that I really enjoy overall the jungles of lustria are one of my favorite settings and the lizard men are just such a cool faction to me that'll never get old next let's take out some more trees to make something resembling the enchanted forests of athelorn because it's time to enter the realm of the wood elves what elves were the first Warhammer fantasy minis I ever saw and a box of wood elf archers were the first minis I ever bought and to this day I think the 5th edition era of wood elves are some of the most wonderful and charismatic designs The Games Workshop has ever made still reminds me all these years later of how it made me feel at the time like the classic fantasy stories and tropes that I grew up with were coming to life on the tabletop I won't go too much into this Army as I have a video that's a more in-depth dive into the wood elves and my Wood Elf Army in progress as we speak but suffice to say this Army is one of my all-time favorites it's also one of the most presentable in its current state though there is still some work to do to get it to where I want to be next up the hottie Brethren of the wood elves the High Elves of Ultron I have a much smaller High Elves Army and a much less intense connection with this Army Mahal's collection mainly consists of the elf halves of two of the Island of Blood boxes the last starter box released before Warhammer fantasy was discontinued but for the last 10 years or so I've also had custody of the high elf collection of one of my friend's brothers who painstakingly painted some of the units in the bright classic style of the 90s before boxing them up to never touch them again all those years ago now I've asked my friend if his brother's interested in selling these to me but the chances are he might want to give them to his kids one day his kids are currently toddlers so I think I'll have him for a few years yet which should give me time to replace the units that are my brother's friends and bring this Army up to the standard that it deserves as high olives really are very very cool [Music] next let's look at one of the smallest armies currently the skaven currently my built-in painted skating force is quite small consisting of a little more than a mordheim gang but I do have plans to expand it I currently have the skeeven half of the Echoes of doombox and a handful of other models still new on sprue and I plan to base them on Square bases as is just in fitting I think that would be a great project for sewing some quick Army painting techniques so look for that to be in the pipeline for a future video I really like the idea of spending just a day or two and getting it all ready to a decent tabletop standard and I'm itching to do that soon next up let's go to the Snowy Peaks of the world Edge mountains to look at one of my favorites the Dwarfs first to create an appropriately snowy setting I'm going to apply some snow flock to my existing piece of waterfall terrain we look a little tense why don't you chill out that honestly looks better than I could have ever imagined now the dwarves are not an army that I collected as a kid but one that since getting back into the hobby around 2015 have slowly accumulated with purchases of used models and the basis of this Army was the plastic dwarfs from the Battle for skull pass box but bit by bit I've added units of rare and special metal models that I can find when I get a good price I love how many unique and characterful sculpts there are in the dwarf range I really like how they look on the snowy Battlefield as well it's very satisfying to see them all laid out like this this Army and many of the others in this video have never been mustered in their current form at full strength on a nice looking table before and I have to say it's absolutely inspiring let me know down in the comments if you think dwarves should get more love on this channel next up while we're still in a snowy world let's take a look at my collection of chaos demons now these models are all on round bases and I bought them from my friend fairly recently but I think if I were to rank them up on movement trades they'd still work for Warhammer fantasy my friend Trent explained to me at a depticon this past year that this was the signature move of Thrifty kids in his hobby Circle when he was young an army of demons could be used in both Warhammer 40K and Warhammer fantasy so having them on round bases movement trays allowed you to get twice the bang for your buck and allowed you to play both systems since I of course play Warhammer 40K as well I'm gonna follow this logic and do the same thing leaving them on rounds but putting them on movement trays when I need to for some Warhammer fantasy action next up Dark Elves Dark Elves are another Army that I did not collect as a kid but have been slowly accumulating and as you can see the Army does need a lot of work I've managed to snag tons of really cool models metal chariots Marathi young and Dark Pegasus cold one Riders some antacore Hydra all of the units that caught my eye in white dwarf as a kid and I'm really glad to have them now again this could be a great candidate to show some speed painting techniques in an upcoming video I think they're one of the cooler looking armies and I'm really excited to give them some more love and bring them up to standard to use on the table next up the beastmet beastmen got a big range refresh a few years ago in the sixth edition and I was really taken in by their new aesthetic with their Savage Warriors shamans trolls and ogres it kind of felt like a more mature version of Orcs and goblins which as you know was my first Army and because there's a lot of carryover it was easy for me to start this as a second Army so you can see my Giants doing double duty in this Army as chaos Giants and my River trolls in there as chaos trolls as well what really made this into a full Army is a few years ago I was given somebody's old beastman collection which features some of the old character full fifth edition models which are really nice too a few years ago I picked up a bag of unpainted Dragon ogres for a great price so I think that'll probably be my next project for this Army when I get around to it next vampire counts those of you who watch my channel probably recall that a few months ago I did a video on my vampire cancer which I'll link here and since then I've done a few things to update it but I'll save those for another video as it stands it's probably my best looking Warhammer fantasy Army currently I can field well over 3000 points made into a fairly high standard which is more than I can say about many of these armies currently I do have something spooky and vampire counts related planned for October so make sure you're subscribed so you don't miss that next up the empire this Army was the bane of my existence as a child because it was the army that my eldest Brother played he was always more tactically focused than I was so my Orcs suffered a lot of defeats to this Force at the time I hated this Army and it's aesthetic but it's really grown on me over the years and I've become arguably more mature and more learned in history the human factions appeal to me more and more the Army itself is mostly painted quite simply my brother was not fussed with fancy highlights or shading and instead focused on applying clean and opaque colors to his army so that they'd look good on the table as game pieces I painted the emperor on the Griffin for my brother as a kid and I touched it up recently the Army has the distinction of being the first Army that was fully painted in our family and that simple paint job ethos was a big part of that sure they could be elevated with a few touch-ups or washes here and there but these bad boys are ready for the table right now and they have been for years next we cry havoc and let's slip the dogs of war first let's set up the table Kirk and I have always liked the idea of a conquering force of mercenaries coming to lustria to attempt to loot the wealth of the temple cities so I made a cheeky little water feature by adding some gloss Mod Podge to a piece of blue bristol board and adding it to the corner of the table then pouring down some sand to make a beach the sand added I put this Cog ship from zatarities in then set up the dog's War like they're landing on the beach some of these guys are obviously in need of some restoration work and you may notice the wood elf Lord doing double duty in this Army as a mercenary Dragon which is pretty cool also if you look closely over here on the right flank you might notice the smallest Army on this list which I didn't give its own section so if you're hoping to leave a mean comment saying that I don't actually have every Warhammer fantasy Army then I guess this is your opportunity to do that because those eight ogres are currently the closest thing that I have to an over kingdoms Army but you know what ogre kingdoms was a fairly late newcomer to Warhammer fantasy so I'm not too fussed about that foreign Force damn it's so sick I love Warhammer fantasy so much guys [Music] next up chaos Warriors of chaos were basically the big hot thing when I was young in sixth edition they gave the whole chaos range a glow up and the new models for chaos warriors were really strong in the game and they were great designs in hindsight they probably then understood the need for a space marine-like faction of elite troops that you can paint whatever color you like and I think the chaos Warriors are a great fit for that in this Army is a converted Dragon made from the old egram Von Horsemen model that I made in first year university I had an old copy of the dragon from some friends caked in old red paint and I used hand sanitizer from a dispenser on the wall and a Shaker of salt from the cafeteria to strip off that old paint and I painted it in my dorm room I've got fond memories of this guy and this Army I'd love to add a few models of this Army from the modern slaves of Darkness range because generally they've kept the same aesthetic over the years since the 6th edition glow up just classic Warhammer fantasy Vibes that are awesome next britonia I've made several videos about mybertonian collection over the past few years and in the background I've slowly made some progress and additions but I'm not going to show them here suffice to say my britonian Army is one of my favorites I have a lot of cool plans for them with the release of Warhammer the old world as it currently stands I probably have about 2 000 playable points of brittonians painted up nicely and a bunch that's in progress but you'll see soon next up without a doubt the rarest Army on the list chaos Awards now I've been slowly accumulating chaos dwarves for a little while now but as I mentioned they are vanishingly rare and extremely expensive when you find them chaos dwarves never received their own Army's book or any mainstream releases since I've been into Warhammer they were big in the 90s and then basically just disappeared One released in the form of the hell Canon at the end of the storm of chaos campaign 6th edition and then some forged World releases later but never with the same retro red big hat aesthetic that I really like and despite their Rarity I have the start of a force coming together and this is another Army that I'm really excited to do in its own video don't forget to let me know in the comments which armies you guys are most excited to see in their own dedicated video because it might help me decide which ones to prioritize last but not least we have the tomb Kings of Camry his tomb kings are an army that I cobbled together in about 2017 when I just got back into the Hobby and found a great deal on some used out of print models see that most of them still have the chestnut ink heavy paint job of the previous owner I also made some improvised proxies for some of the units like these Scarab swaps for example they're made from beads chromic vultures and some Scorpions from Reaper but they look decent this Army is halfway between being presentable and ready for the tabletop and needing a bit of work you can see I still have two shabdi to paint there in the back I wanted the screaming skull catapults is actually an old orc Rock lobber that's just kind of standing in I have a huge interest in ancient Egypt though and overall this is one of the armies I'm most excited about working on as Warhammer the old world comes out so there it is every Warhammer fantasy Army in its current state as you can see this is a huge project and just to be clear this project is mostly going to be focused on in the evenings when I'm hanging out with my wife at the kitchen table just painting a mini here and there before bed I know as viewers some of you often express your frustration that I'm not more focused on one project and completing it at a time but honestly guys this is my process this is how I keep everything fresh and how I keep my interest at Peak levels to bring out as much cool content to you guys as I can I'm not someone who abandons my projects but it does take me a little while to get them done sometimes and I appreciate all of you and for your patience and support especially my patreon patrons if you want to support the channel I'll put a link to my patreon page down below if you support me on there you gain access to a Discord server where we talk about work in progress projects and all sorts of other things and it's a really huge help to the channel thanks for tuning in guys we'll see you next time on Eric's hobby Workshop
Channel: Eric's Hobby Workshop
Views: 184,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: age of sigmar, miniature painting, warhammer fantasy, games workshop, painting warhammer, painting challenge, mini painting, warhammer painting, warhammer army, army painting, warhammer the old world, bretonnia, orcs and goblins, chaos dwarves, tomb kings, vampire counts, wood elves
Id: Lv9ubvQYhr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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