Minipainting Noob VS Pro: GEAR CHALLENGE

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hi I'm Scott the miniature maniac and I've painted Miniatures for over 20 years and I'm Amber Scott the miniature maniac's wife and I've painted minis for zero minutes we're going to figure out today how important a quality set of tools really is let's go let's [Music] go what up mini family you've heard of BuzzFeed before right so you probably understand the general prise of today's video Amber's got a bunch of nice paints paint brushes wet palette a miniature holder heck even a cutting mat and the almighty Pokemon cup and I have a bunch of crappy paint that you get from your mom's basement that she's had down there for 20 years and bought for like 30 cents a bottle at Walmart I'm also rocking a hard palette and a bunch of synthetic brushes today and we're going to figure out how much of a difference it makes if you have nice quality tools when it comes to miniature painting we're painting the same model in the same amount of time and we picked out a little mushroom person because Amber likes mushroom people apparently I like mushrooms okay in the immortal words of The Most Extreme Elimination Challenge let's get it on what challenge is that is that Ry B no and you're not giving me any help no that's the whole point all right we're going to go for about an hour and a half that's the goal but if we decide that we want to go a little bit longer we will all it really matters is that we paint for the same amount of time so I can't just paint out of the pot I have to pour it on here you can do whatever you want this seems weird I ain't saying nothing should I say what I'm using yeah I'm using a contrast paint first okay so what's your what's your approach here you're going contrast paint first I'm painting the body first okay or is that a bad idea when when I originally approached you with the idea for this video and I was like how long do you paint models for you said something ridiculous like 30 minutes or something like that oh there's a specific reason why I gave Amber uh Duncan rhods paints and also GW paints they're more Satin in nature and so they're going to work better with like washes and stuff like that I didn't want to give her like matte paint cuz that that requires a little bit more of uh skills to use but then again contrast paint also takes some skills to use you can't just put it on there and uh hope for the best you're doing so much over there and I just got one color out it's almost like I know what I'm doing and you don't know what you're doing maybe maybe I've watched more videos oh my gosh dude you watching you watching squidmar no in preparation for this I should have I haven't painted with a hard palette in a hot minute and let me let me tell you I am not looking forward to it I feel like I'm being judged so hard right now even though nobody is watching but like when they're watching they're going to be like oh my God what is she doing I'm going to start with cream and brown kind of body for the mushroom here kind of like a typical mushroom and I'm doing some wet blending right now just to uh get some immediate contrast on some of these larger volumes this is a really nice big model it's got nice round volumes every every part of the mini is nice and accessible the key with the hard palette is to keep all your paint in like nice big fat puddles so that it lasts for as long as humanly possible on this piece of crap palette I don't know what I want to do we're doing some more wet blending here getting a nice blue cap on this mushroom think is nice just because you get a whole lot of paint down real quickly and it's important for me because I don't have like washes and stuff to use like normally if I'm speed painting washes are like my go-to but I don't have any to use here and so I need I need to get some shadow in here with the paints that I'm actually using and what I'm doing is putting a second coat over the first one there you go because it didn't look dark enough seems like a sound strategy so you are applying a second coat of contrast paint right now yeah no wrong answers here that's what I like to hear what was that nothing D you're shaking your head no D seems like a sound Str I also put way too much paint on the wet palette oh babe you don't need to put contrast paint and like washes on the P that's what I asked and you said I ain't saying nothing let's take a brief break in this painting challenge to thank the sponsor of this video Chimera and their new Kickstarter fresh off the paint production line is their new velvet line of Paints the these paints are an ink hybrid designed to be good at a lot of things due to their makeup they work well mixed in with normal acrylic paints as they lend added flow and a slight satin Sheen to punch up the saturation of any color you can thin these paints for use as a glaze or a wash because even in the diluted forms they're still very saturated like inks alternatively you can just paint normally with them because unlike regular inks these paints still have some opacity while still maintaining High saturation and good flow k sent me these Paints in advance of the campaign so I could test them out and I use them for glazing and I can happily report that they work really well for that furthermore they work really well for recess shading as well I tend to mix ink and acrylic paint together to get a good combo for both recess shading and Edge highlighting and these paints are basically already like that so it's more convenient for me in that regard aside from that you'll find a new set of synthetic brushes developed by Chimera as part of the campaign these will be in the new Arrow profile that you'll recognize from their previous paintbrush range of sable hair brushes additionally there are four new busts with video master classes and the busts are on the smaller side so you can finish them up more quickly lastly there are some returning Chimera products that were funded in previous campaign so check them out if you didn't get a chance to get them the first time around you can find all the stuff Linked In the description below thanks for sponsoring this episode Chimera now back to the challenge so when it comes to speed painting like in a in a time crunch I can't paint how I want to paint which is like I want to paint until something is done I need to move around the model and paint everything so that like I'm getting closer and closer to a finished result uh across the entire mini it also helps if you move around a lot because then you're not using the hair dryer a lot you're just you're like you can work on a part while another part is drying we've been married for over 10 years I've actually known Amber since first grade we've gone to the same grade school well since kindergarten we started dating in high school as Juniors 7 18y olds why is it taking so long for you to get to paint minis cuz they're too small and hard that's what she said an hour and a half seems like a lot of time yeah that's what it seems like and maybe it'll go faster with this guy because like honestly he doesn't have a whole lot going on you know but he's got like spots on his mushroom hat he's got hair he's got a belt he's got a little canteen yeah but the hair in my plan is to just use like a wash how easily is it to cover up paint very easy but it kind of depends like light going over a dark color is hard yeah the reverse of that dark going over a light color is also hard seems like this paint is pretty thick thick yeah I would say in general water you know I'm not going to say anything I did say that I don't have access to like washes and stuff but like you know if I wanted to I totally could just mix a bunch of water with um these paints and do a wash if I uh was so inclined is that how a wash is made it's more than just that it's uh some some uh medium probably some surfactant uh which is like a thing that helps it spread out to the recesses but a DIY easy one is just add water add water add a little bit of dish soap trying to thin out my paint a little bit cuz it seems way too thick yeah okay I don't know if that's bad seems like I'm looking turning it into a wash maybe that's an indicator that you added a little bit too much water no oh well now I'm just yeah sure this is one of these moments where it's like doing a competition that like I should win you're going to win well we'll see I just feel so rushed because the way you're moving you're making me feel this way how am I moving rude fast whereas I'm like doing like nothing if you guys are curious what model we're painting it's a 3D print I'll have a link to it um in the video description below I always say this about miniature painting but like there's just so much like subject matter and so you can kind of like find almost anything for anyone to enjoy and paint so if you have someone like a friend or a loved one that uh wants to get into it a great way to do it is by finding a miniature from like a a story or a world or a setting that they like a lot like mushrooms like mushrooms I didn't like mushrooms growing up mushrooms were nasty dude but now I love mushrooms do you remember what converted us good tasting mushrooms stroganov stroganov dude holy cow kind of want a gold what kind of gold do you want does this work what are you painting metallic don't worry about it the secrets oh man this paint sucks ass you know honestly I am surprised at how not bad it is what you just said it sucks this paint is legitimately from Amber's mom and it probably is 20 years old it's like from my childhood like I painted like wooden crafts with that yeah but like shockingly it's very usable I have done experiments like this in the past and like it's been so much worse than what I'm experiencing right now hard to get in the cracks that's what a wash is for not like that not okay you want to get in the cracks in a different way can can you explain to me how you're trying to get in them cracks oh no I up that's part of the process yeah but I don't know how to fix it oh okay well yeah that's a bigger problem then I'm trying to tackle like the biggest parts of the model like the the cap and the body and the the umbrella but like other parts are a little bit more inconsequential and if I don't like totally paint them super nicely it won't be like the end of the world man what's got you stressed paint Duncan if these paints don't make me the best painter what what I don't know Duncan's like a super polite British guy they get zero out of five stars I did get to do a a podcast once with Duncan and he was it was that was such a a nice experience in England no it was a remote one but we were both uh guests on an A Song of Ice and Fire podcast does he play that he does he's he's into it he's got I want to play him let's go to England he's hard to pin down okay I'll go to England last time England long as we don't have to go to uh what's the town Nottingham yeah the last time I was in England that uh wasn't a good experience so no I have a question but I guess I don't have to what's your question I'll I'll determine if if I'll answer it or not getting underneath spots that like you can't really see what do you do about that just leave it yeah I'm not going to answer that yo this dude's got mushrooms on his mushroom dude freaking mushroom boy he's a mushy little mushy what happened I'm looking at you and and then getting stuff on my mini okay consider when you're looking at me stop painting I wasn't painting I was just holding the brush how am I supposed to get this off oh yeah that's bad uh let it dry let it dry don't smear it around let it dry okay let it dry let it fully dry so you're not smearing around gold paint you don't deserve this do you have those weird glasses that John wears I do but I don't wear them because my eyes work can I try them oh yeah sure it's a tool how do I I got you you twist that thing in the back of the head whoa all right I'll TR you were concerned about looking good on camera and then you put this thing on and you are masc in that brush I gave her the brushes that I'm like actively using right now on my painting projects and I kind of low-key regret that so I am using synthetic brushes a tlon or a nylon one and the trick with those brushes is that you're going to like get a pack of them for like super cheap at like a hobby supply store and some of them are going to be trash and they're going to like Bend right away but also some of them might not be too bad and they might stay pretty sharp for like a really long time some of them you can like relegate to like base coating larger stuff but some of them can be used definitely for detail work so kind of like keep an eye out for that when you're like cracking open a fresh case of uh tack on brushes from your favorite hobby supply store are you having fun or is it just stressful I'm just worried that I'm doing such a bad job oh you don't got to worry about that you're not painting for anyone other than yourself right now I'm painting for everyone who's going to watch this yeah I guess so everyone's going to hate on me no they're not and if they do I'm going to ban them all honestly we should do this without cameras and without timers I'm having such a fun time right now yeah cuz then we could listen to Taylor Swift oh yeah okay maybe we shouldn't do this if you could give a percentage to how complete you are how complete do you think you are half halfway done okay F where are we at timer wise 48 minutes holy cow yeah well that's pretty perfect you know I got out this tlon brush just to base coat with but like I've painted the entirety of the model with it so far and it's uh it's fine it's not the best but it doesn't need to be the best you know you don't you need an amazing brush to paint a model with details this large and this easy to get to yeah just look at me I have the best and it's not helping I am going over the Hat again to cover up some of the uh the spots that aren't fing and I'm telling people what I'm doing oh you're giving instructions now I think the next video should just be entirely narrated by you we should just we should just get Amber's thoughts I don't know if people want to hear that oh if there's anything I've learned about YouTube it's that if you say you don't think people want to hear that out loud they will definitely prove you wrong in the comment section oh oh man something just tasted awful did you put paint in your mouth did you put the brush in your mouth yes the entire time 20-year-old paint I like how he has like belt loops attached to his like fleshy body is that supposed to mean the belt loops are made out of mushroom skin and he like runs his belt through it if so that's pretty hardcore is there a tool to sharpen my brush yeah it's called your mouth no that's secret Tech have you like glanced over at what what I got going on over here I did in the beginning and now I see it it looks so much better than mine I wasn't asking for that but uh good I know that I'm poning you now I'm going to go home and cry there's no crying in miniature painting when people lose the golden demon I hear they cry oh yeah they're so floppy I hate floppy brushes you like them hard I like them hard dude also firm has anybody else in your family ever painted minis with you oh my mom my mom she did yeah very early on in the process she actually yeah she was painting minis with me she was actually the number one reason why I like got into the not the number one reason but like she was a huge supporting role in me getting into the hobby it's got a little wine bottle on the back dude it's a boozer dude it's a potion dude it's magic growth serum oh for plants it's why it's a neon pink dude you're coming up with lore justifications for why you're painting things in certain ways I love that slash Gray it's totally purple bro do you know what a slanesh is no but holy cow big gold if you had to guess what slanesh is or what a slanesh is what would you guess it is a rock because it's because it's because it's gray you would guess it's a rock oh dry brush did not do me any favors yeah it doesn't come for free you know most things in this hobby don't come for free and that's like what obviously this video is demonstrating like everything even something as simple as a wet palette or a hair dryer has some kind of learning curve oh there it is all right cool let's swap models and then get First Impressions so you had a scheme going into this that you kind of like developed on your phone how closely do you think you stuck to that scheme not well some of the colors didn't match like the green leaf is supposed to be less green maybe more like Evergreen okay so a little bit more blue and how do you feel about how you painted this model I don't like it you don't like it I think it's really good you could throw this down on a tabletop and play some Cy fairy game with it and this would look banging yours looks way better your color scheme's way better thank you and you're just stuck to it even though like flowers could be better colors like it's it looks good right yeah so that that was a trick that I wasn't being very uh vocal about where it's like you know I'm going to pick six colors and I'm going to use those six cars all over the model and I'm going to spread them out like in a pleasing way so like even on the big umbrella he has it has little dots on it I put little blue dots on it cuz like that's part of my scheme and I want I want every element to almost share color with one another and I also love like I said earlier how you painted the bottle gold or sorry uh Pink because it's like magical serum that helps plants grow like that's exactly how you paint minis I is wonderful I think uh I think you did a great job I'm so happy that you could be part of this video with me CU this is so much fun and I would love to do it again without any cameras um what do you guys think I'm really proud of you the first time ever you painted a model and it's like skin is bad and the hat needs something but I tried to do texture it look so bad yeah where was the dry brushing I put some on the Belt oh dude you got little texture on the Belt dude yeah and that that turned out really good I tried to do some on the hat but the color was way too light and I did it way too thick so I just painted back over it it's also a big smooth thing which is like a little bit harder to do dry brushing on but the belt looks so good dude the texture obviously this video is supposed to uh detail that you don't need uh a bunch of tools to uh produce an excellent paint job if you know what you're doing but they obviously help no one's going to deny that something as basic as a wet palette really improves your game a lot provided you know how to set it up and if you don't know how check out the video link down in the description that will show you how to do that yeah let us know down below what you think of my paint job what you think of Amber's paint job and what you think uh the tools that we were using impacted how we actually approach the hobby if you guys enjoyed this video I'll have a couple more linked at the end that involve Amber in a fun way that you can check out you like the channel you want to support it there are a number of ways you can do that all things linked down in the description most notably a patreon campaign where we do fun things like we have a Discord server we have quarterly paint challenges in that Discord server you can just hang out and get feedback from myself or anyone else in there also as a patron you get access to my behind the scenes post so you can see what I'm working on in the hobby every single week uh you get videos a little bit earlier than everybody else and a couple other things check that out down below you can also pick up some merch like this cutting M that Amber got to use while she was painting these t-shirts that were wearing that you can't see that are covered up by aprons and many other things uh that'll do it for this video guys subscribe or D and most importantly don't forget to [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a
Channel: Miniac
Views: 73,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miniac, sdub, miniature, painting, miniature painting 101, miniature painting tutorials, noob vs pro, beginner vs expert, gear challenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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