I spent 20 days customizing my new Xbox

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i recently got myself a bluetooth speaker psych it's an xbox the only thing is i i don't understand this design i mean what if black but also we put holes on top wow you're a genius it's boring that's what i'm saying and we're gonna fix that because i like to over complicate things for aesthetics trademark here's the game plan step one make a design which i've already done because i made these three sketches and i like this one the most so that's what we're making step two we're gonna need a lot of textures now a good way to get textures is by using trash and old broken toys so the first stop is the thrift store [Music] got some stuff next up the recycling station [Music] my quest was a success i shouldn't have lifted immediate regret i think one of the best things i found was these different toy guns because they have so many great textures oh and i've also been saving a lot of these takeaway boxes because they also have some nice textures on them i mean just look at this like it looks like some cool wall or something already it seems like i eat takeaway every day but i don't i eat them with friends yeah we're going with that now what i want to do is to make a case that i can put outside the xbox basically make something that fits really snugly around it and then i can start building on top of that it's case time [Music] the base is done now finally the fun begins i'm gonna work a bit differently than what i usually do i'm gonna try to work in sections so if we look at the sketch this is the first section that i'm gonna try to build as the base for this first part i'm going to use some good old expressville [Music] oh yeah we need to make it more interesting we're going to find something that just makes the flat parts here not flat maybe the takeaway boxes let's try these corner pieces are looking kind of cool so i'm gonna try to cut out one of those and see if we can place it in somewhere that's kind of cool maybe up here you know i think i just have to try to cut these into small pieces and try to make a little puzzle and see how it turns out look how good that looks these are just takeaway boxes i'm having way too much fun cutting trash and gluing trash i actually got the idea of using these takeaway boxes from studson studios from his house moving castle build it's just an absolutely incredible build so you should definitely check out that video on his channel because he has some really awesome tips moving on this blueberry box had these little slits on the side so i ended up just taking some of these hair bands cutting them up and using them as cables and also the blue thing you see there are some plastic wall plugs for actual construction [Music] [Applause] [Music] this wheel right here kind of looks like a hand crank [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i keep using a lot of these takeaway boxes and they have such great textures i'm almost out the first side is assembled oh i still have three more sides to go and this took me like what two days i'm probably gonna spend the rest of the week just assembling trash but lucky for you guys we have this thing called a montage which is gonna start in three two one [Music] food [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] but now before we move on it's time for an ad for skillshare now if you haven't heard about them before skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of creative classes in everything from illustration and animation to film and music and freelance and business there's something for everyone what's pretty cool is when you join a class you get the opportunity to join in on discussions related to the class and also share what you've been working on while following the class with other students so you can get feedback recently i've really enjoyed the class digital brushwork techniques by marco bucci which shows you in detail how to work on and improve your brushwork in digital paintings which is something i really struggle with skillshare has classes on so many different topics which can help you on your own creative journey whether that's improving an existing skill or learning a new one so if you think this sounds interesting the first 1000 who signs up with our link or code down in the description will get a one month free trial of skillshare so you can start exploring their classes and your creativity today back to the project seven days later or eight or nine i don't know i lost count i just wanted to give a quick little rundown of some of my favorite elements before we start painting it first of all i made some of these round windows from some milk carton caps i've just put some acrylic inside it so we can turn them into actual windows by putting some leds inside and i also wanted to add a lot of pipes just running everywhere so i used a lot of these plastic straws and i also used a lot of plastic wall plugs for chimneys and i also added this little nail cap on top for a little chimney spice this one at least for the moment is one of my favorite elements on this whole thing this minnie mouse watch because it's just so freaking bright pink and outer place and full of bling but i think once it's painted it's gonna blend in pretty nicely and as you can see there's this row of rhinestones around here and basically on the whole build which is kind of bringing everything together which is another great tip from stetson by the way as well as these little hairband cables and another one of my favorite things is this a hose connector but i just put some hot glue inside it and let it kind of droop out so now this looks like some sort of gross drain these roofs right here which is made from muffin cups right now they kind of just look like picnic blankets but once they're done they will hopefully look like metal that's the beautiful disco mansion even though i kind of love this whimsical chaotic disco vibe that is going on right now it looks like what i said so i want to make it more cohesive make it into one piece and just feel like everything belongs in one unity that sounded very profound it's just paint so without further ado let's paint [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] painting is finished it looks so much better now and the satisfaction of just painting it black and finally just making everything look like metal i'm actually pretty happy with how the color scheme came out with the like blue combined with the copper and bronze feel i think i went a bit overboard with the verdigris though like i slapped it on way too much in the beginning so i just went back added some more bronze on top and i think the balance now is a lot better and also the oil washes are so nice it's messy but they just add this depth and contrast that just so good but we're not done yet because it's now time for the magic it's time for lights while i've been working on the paint job hansa has figured out a way we can to steal the power from the xbox for the lights so that way when we turn the xbox on all the lights light up at the same time i think it's gonna work fine hopefully we're gonna use three different kinds of lights the first one is some led filament then we have these ridiculously tiny leds and finally just some normal diodes they're all three volts so it should be fairly easy to wire up it's just a little boring and uh it'll take some time and that means solder time [Music] so [Music] soldering is finally done i have tested along the way just to make sure that each section actually has lights so everything should work i just haven't actually hooked it up to the xbox yet so hopefully it'll work let's just plug it in and hope for the best i can actually feel my heart racing like oh okay no let's just click okay by the way you see how nice the button here is i'm pretty happy about that okay oh before i click the lights are supposed to start once the fan of the xbox starts so it takes a couple of seconds before it turns on just to you know increase the anticipation it takes too long [Music] oh my god oh the relief look okay i mean everything is nice but just look at this masterpiece right here oh sorry i just have to come around and enjoy the little control panel light and also do you see you can actually see the light from the xbox button and one more thing i have this button back here and when i click it it rattles but also there's a fan in there that looks really cool you could probably hear it pretty loudly can't you which is why we have the buttons when is it playing you don't want to hear when you want to show it off you can just go huh look shut up let's play some games it's a little hard to move also heavier than i thought i should probably remove the cable first i didn't take this through welcome to your new home power cable and lights in through i was supposed to count down but that looks ridiculous oh time to sit back that is so dumb and so cool [Music] [Music] this was such a fun and awesome build and like it's so much nicer to have something personal standing there in front of the tv instead of just a black box i just love the idea of taking something useless or trash or something like that and turning it into something that is super cool with not that fancy tools and i just i really enjoy the process what can i say it's been one of the most fun projects to work on so far and yeah the the process has been a long one we've spent three weeks now on just this one project so i just wanted to thank our patreon so much for continuing to support us and allow us to make larger things things that take more time so hello crazy he thanks you as well because he gets streets anyway thank you so much for watching this video i hope you enjoyed it as much as i enjoyed making it and now it's time let's have a closer look at the final result so [Music] you
Channel: Nerdforge
Views: 2,631,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 16 2022
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