Can i name the flags of Asia?

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hello everybody today we are playing sporle guest the flag Asia Edition so um let's get going we're going to try to get a perfect score today and please subscribe down below if you haven't already and let's get right into it okay got Iran Afghan Afghanistan I think that's Palace Stein Georgia oh man it's a very weird color for the Israel flag then we got the most interesting flag in the world Nepal then we got La I think that's Tajikistan Pakistan katar um males or is Jack sucks at life would say Taiwan okay then we got China and then Singapore no that's wrong Singapore then we got bhan after that Myanmar Kazan and then we got Russia which apparently counts for Asia even though when we did the European one it was in the European one that's weird Russia Sri Lanka okay we've got azerbajan Bahrain Armenia um [Music] Philippines Vietnam that's wrong spelling Vietnam South Korea and that's Mongolia I think yeah o usbekistan [Music] Turkmenistan then India Taiwan Indonesia Lebanon turkey I think that's Saudi [Music] Arabia nope spelled Saudi wrong Saudi Arabia Kuwait Japan Malaysia okay hard spelling time here we go yay Bangladesh brunai Timor Le or East Timor then that's Jordan and then I think that's Syria it's not s oh Iraq Iraq and I think this is the final one and this is Syria thank you guys well we got 100% what's it like to be perfect so thank you guys for watching I won't be doing the next episode until I get 100 views which is which is going to be spoiler alert can I name the maps of well countries of South America so 100 views and then we um we'll do that video please subscribe down below if you haven't already and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Jam Society
Views: 4,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: states, USA, map, society, jamsociety, guess states, find states, jam, smart
Id: PccBFaRQ4hQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 38sec (218 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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