Flags Inside of Flags...

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I'm moving from Ireland to Italy soon so I made a custom flag for myself this is such a genius design I have to admit really enjoying the gradient interestingly I wasn't sure if the green actually changed but it definitely does obviously the orange though definitely changes to more of a red at the bottom this actually reminding me of a shirt that I have somewhere this makes people so mad every time I wear it a USA flag a Papal flag and two flags representing the kingdom of Jerusalem and the Eastern Roman Empire this was literally found in the wild how did you figure out where I live no but seriously I probably am going to be this guy one day do you guys realize just how many flags I own at this point my plan is to pretty much buy every single one of them I thought it was cool that the northern Cyprus and Israel flags look like variants of each other so I completed the Trinity here we have the northern Cypress flag and here we have the flag of Israel finally we have maybe a proposed flag for what the papal State I mean at this point might as well it's almost a little bit too perfect like Northern Cyprus though should change this to Green though if you go on Google Earth and go in Street View in Antarctica you will find a lot of countries flags but there is one that is blurred can anyone figure out which one this is it looks like it looks like it's just two colors right next to it we have South Africa and Belgium also the wind is forcing the flags to Look Backwards so I'm not sure it definitely looks like white and red to me what is this like Indonesia Poland can into Antarctica or wait a second maybe it's actually just a person that or Japan but no I think it's actually nobody because look there's nothing next to South Africa Belgium Japan's flag is this Shadow right here so I get a whole bunch of things going on France the UK uh the USA Australia I'm not sure what some of these are probably New Zealand Argentina oh I hear the Nations it's actually a ceremonial South Pole sort of event looks pretty wild I can't wait for them to throw like a music festival here so interesting to me how difficult it actually can be to get to the South Pole I guess the vast majority of people come from Chile or Argentina in South America but there's also a route from Cape Town South Africa and then technically you could also do it through the southern island of New Zealand as well you could also sail from Argentina using a boat but that's gonna take two days I like this flight from Chile it's just two hours you'd also take a boat from New Zealand but that's going to take 10 days and also 22 000 but that's not as expensive as it gets it can go up as high as 67 000 from Cape Town in South Africa to the South Pole I guess 90 of the people that want to go to Antarctica just take this boat in Route One the Californian flag but with the official state fossil what is the saber-toothed tiger and this looks so much more epic can we do this please I mean if whales can have a dragon on their flag we should be able to have something that actually existed sorry whales I don't mean to bully you even more I feel like this thing could definitely beat a bear in a fight although actually I don't know these Bears can get pretty huge at the same time looks like it could be almost the size of a bear it just depends on how small the bear is I'm also now just learning that most U.S states have a state fossil some states that lack an explicit State fossil have a nevertheless singled out fossil for formal designation as a state dinosaur rock gem or stone Alabama has these giant whales of course Alaska would have the woolly mammoth I love that Arizona just has Petrified Wood Colorado with the stegosaurus and Connecticut with just dinosaur tracks one seems to be a little bit cooler than the other who got the Megalodon that's what I want to know well Georgia has a shark tooth I mean that's something Kansas has two how to get two average fish from Ohio wow imagine not having a state dinosaur Minnesota Indiana Rhode Island and New Hampshire I want to see a version of this with a woolly mammoth so many of the states had a woolly mammoth a family friend gave me this chocolate from Kazakhstan I have never wanted to try chocolate from Kazakhstan more than right now this is actually extremely epic like this chocolate probably tastes so good or maybe it's not maybe it's just all about the design maybe that's why they make the design so good because the chocolate is actually pretty crappy I know this tastes like doo-doo but at least you got our flag on the wrapper anyone else agree with me that this should actually be the firefighter's flag instead of The Thin Red Line I have never seen this before in my life but if you randomly showed it to me I would assume it was coming from like Eastern Europe at a certain time period this is looking um awfully familiar there's kind of a sickle back there and a hammer this is actually one of the flags that pop up when you Google firefighter Flags I'm assuming they didn't go with this one because it looks like they're firefighters for the USSR flags of additional organizations around the world to start things off we have the African Union and the Andean Community there's the Arab League and the Caribbean Community I didn't know there was a Caribbean Community the Council of Europe which is what is that that's just the EU flag the Eurasian economic Union the East African Community as well as the Commonwealth of independent states there's the Nordic Union which is pretty epic which we all have heard of NATO at this point the LA francofoni Franco phony may they say that francophone oh phony I was gonna say it didn't sound very like nice like it was supposed to be France like dunking on Quebec fake french also the United Nations the union of South African nations the turkic council and the Pacific Community and these which aren't even named I feel like I've always really liked the African Union Flag maybe it's only a matter of time before we actually see something like this happen I think almost everyone in Continental Africa is at least a member although Molly and South Sudan here are suspended members this would be getting rid of so many flags if this actually became one country there's also this one which is an economic Union of Southeastern Asian countries that could have been something else we could have included I feel like some of these organizations need improve their flag designs this is the Central American Parliament flag and I don't really know what's going on here my daily trivia calendar says the answer is only Morocco when Vietnam also counts which country has a red flag with a star in the middle oh yeah you should have made it a little bit more specific I actually think the Vietnamese flag is way more obvious here there's no way I would have picked the Moroccan flag maybe if you said there's a pentagram in the middle maybe you ever made this calendar is like very strong advocates for South Vietnam they just like refuse to acknowledge the north found this beautiful flag design while searching to Wellington New Zealand the place that uses this flag is called Wellington Kansas this literally looks like a proposed flag for New Zealand almost one of those like proposed flags that actually looks way better than the current one I mean I feel like almost anything could beat this one I'm sorry well especially laser kiwi like how Wellington Kansas is like smack dab almost in the middle of the state just like right South near Oklahoma population of only 7 000 but their priorities are definitely straight I gotta make sure that flag be looking really epic this is the flag of Hilter lower Saxony and you heard that right I said Hilter and no I'm not mispronouncing it like I mispronounced a certain man with a skinny mustache filter is a municipality in lower Saxony of Germany filter here is located in Germany that's an interesting sentence seems a little bit uh odd you know filter is well known for mining Hilter gold interesting I thought the Swiss keeps a hold of that did they name this place after the Monty Python sketch or what exactly is going on also I'm very glad this flag isn't just like a red background with a white circle and a certain uh Hindu icon in the middle here we go here's something I needed in my life the complete Naval flags of lion locked countries because you need a naval flag if you're a landlocked country now believe it or not most landlocked countries just don't have a naval flag I mean I feel like I would if I was the owner of Chad might as well make a naval flag too I actually remember that Bolivia has a pretty epic Naval flag here I mean honestly you might as well you gotta spend that Naval budget money somewhere because it's certainly not going into building boats there's the landlocked country of Switzerland they just use their regular land flag there's Uzbekistan which I mean I gotta be honest Uzbekistan this this looks really hideous there is Serbia which isn't bad I don't know why they gave it this White Strip over here there is the nation of Hungary which maybe they're just hoping that the austro-hungarian Empire comes back and then they get to use this again because they technically are using it they just don't get to fly it on a ship the Azerbaijan flag and finally Kazakhstan now to be fair some of these places might have access to like I don't know a lake so maybe these flags are kind of flown over water just not like Open Seas oh that is actually the case for Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan they're specifically operating in the Caspian Sea oh but unfortunately it seems like we forgot the Navy of Paraguay they also have to have a flag which they also have about 5500 Personnel gotta make sure they don't lose 70 of their male population again gotta have an intimidating Naval flag did you know the flag of Greenland is actually a simplified map of Greenland the flag creators stated that the white top represents since the ice sheets the bottom red represents the ocean at Sunset and the white and red semi-circles represent an iceberg and a forged respectively I would have never guessed this otherwise although this does kind of explain why it's the only like Nordic area that doesn't use this Nordic format even if Denmark technically controls Greenland still convinced they gotta change the flag of Greenland to Green though PSA this is not the flag of the Byzantine Empire wait this is not the flag of the Byzantine Empire as my whole life been alive correct it was the flag symbol of a dynasty but it's like the closest True Roman flag so I guess it just kind of took over oh yeah there's also this which I've seen a couple times too Wikipedia has this monstrosity for the Byzantine Empire as of 1350. what did Eastern Rome randomly form a union with England or something and is this green line supposed to represent whales I don't know I'm just not a fan yeah what about the purple usually Byzantine is represented by purple I guess there's just like a bunch of different depictions but nothing super official I had no idea it's kind of depressing you think I haven't bought a Byzantine flag yet we all know of flags that contain other flags but what about Flags containing themselves elves there is technically eight world flags that contain themself inside of themself it's like flag Inception so obviously something as simple as Poland contains a separate smaller Poland within their flag the checkia one is pretty cool though because it's not something that you would probably Notice off the top of your head same goes for the nation of Seychelles we also have a rare African Cameo from Benin also Madagascar I'm now just noticing the similarities between Benin and Madagascar and what's most interesting is these countries aren't even close to each other and the Finish is off we have Ukraine Indonesia and of course Monaco I feel like you would think there would be more included on the list with all the tri-colors there are in the world but remember you can't just zoom in to a tri-color and still have an equally proportional flag inside it'd be like a large middle strip and then a very tiny bottom and top I think the ultimate flag within a flag that was left off though is the tiny Caribbean nation of Haiti within the Haitian flag there are several smaller Haitian Flags obviously this is not exactly what we were doing before but still flag within a flag there's actually a few more countries that can technically say the same thing Ecuador also comes to mind and then the actual neighbor to Haiti the Dominican Republic right here so there's actually a lot of flag Inception going on I don't think the world is aware of this oh and we can't forget this one the old Libyan flag there's definitely an old Libyan flag and an even older Libyan flag in there and big thanks to my patrons Drew I forgot to kidnap you next date is March 19th 2020. [Music]
Channel: Drew Durnil
Views: 873,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Flags, Flag, world flags, flags of the world, flag, world flag, meme, memes, world, history, poland, czechia, benin, madagascar, ukraine, tricolor, colors, nations, nation, country, country flags, country flag, nation flag, national flag, drew durnil, review
Id: iktNAnYeuWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2023
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